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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed Nov 2 11:53:59 2011
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 03:30:49 2012

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: star trail
chnical Repor t, August 1998


Technical Report

Onyx2 Reality, Onyx2 InfiniteReality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Silicon Graphics, Inc.

A description of the functionality and operation of the Onyx2 Reality, Onyx2 InfiniteReality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 visualization systems.

August 1998

© 1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc. Printed in the United States of America. 2011 N. Shoreline Boulevard, Mountain View, California 94043 All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means-- graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or storage in an information retrieval system--without prior written permission of the copyright owner. Specifications subject to change without notice. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 (October 1988) and FAR 52.227-19 (June 1987). The product described in this manual may be protected by one or more U.S. patents, foreign patents, and/or pending applications. All other products or services mentioned in this document are identified by the trademarks as designated by the companies that market those products or services. Inquiries concerning such trademarks should be made directly to those companies.

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

1.0 Introduction ........................................... ... ... . ... ... ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 2 5 6 6 6 7 9 9 9 10 11 13 13 14 14 14 16 17 18 18 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 27

1.1 Onyx2 InfiniteReality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 System Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Onyx2 with Reality Graphics Deskside System 1.2.2 Onyx2 with InfiniteReality2 Graphics . . . . . . 1.2.3 Onyx2 and Multi-Pipe Rendering Mode . . . . 1.2.4 Onyx2 in Multi-Seat Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.5 Onyx2 in Multi-Display Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 About This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Overview 3.0 Graphics APIs 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4


......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .

OpenGL® . . . . . . . . . . . IRIS Performer ..... OpenGL Optimizer . . "Fahrenheit" . . . . . . . .

4.0 Geometry Subsystem 4.1 Geometr y Engine 5.0 Raster Subsystem

................................... ...................................


5.1 Texture Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Pixel Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.0 Display Subsystem 6.1 ACCESS.bus ..................................... ....................................... ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7.0 Graphics Features and Capabilities

7.1 Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Graphics Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Immediate Mode and Display List Mode . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.1 Rendering Performance and Ver tex Arrays . 7.3.2 Display List Storage Cache and Host Memor y 7.3.3 Primitive Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.4 Sprites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.1 Shading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.2 Color Blending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.3 Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.4 Advanced Lighting Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.5 Surface Proper ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.6 Infinite Light Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.7 Local Light Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Transparency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 Hidden Surface Removal ..................... 7.7 Coplanar Geometr y Prioritization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.8 Anti-Aliasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.8.1 Sample Memor y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


7.8.2 Onyx2 Reality Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9 Texture/Image Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.1 Texture Download . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.2 Texture Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.3 Texture Filtering ............................. 7.9.4 Global Texturing a.k.a. CLIP mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.5 Add, Replace, Blend, Decal, and Modulation . . . . . . . 7.9.6 Texture/Image Memor y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.7 Texture Memor y Packing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.8 Texture Transparency and Contouring . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.9 Perspective Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.10 Detail Texture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.11 Shar p Texture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.12 Projective Texture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.13 Shadow Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.14 Billboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.15 Detail Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.16 Video to Texture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.17 3D Textures and Volume Rendering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.18 Texture Color Lookup Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.10 Imaging Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.10.1 Convolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.10.2 Histogram and Minmax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.10.3 Color Matrix and Linear Color Space Conversion . . . . 7.10.4 Window/Level Suppor t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.10.5 Lookup Tables (LUTs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.11 Atmospheric Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.12 Offscreen Rendering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.13 Multi-Channel Display Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.13.1 Standard Formats and Format Combinations . . . . . . . 7.13.2 2-Channel and 8-Channel Configurations ......... 7.13.3 Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Multi-Channel Features: Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swap Rates Must Be Equal . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frame Buffer to Video Display Subsystem Transmission Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAC Output Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frame Buffer Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frame Buffer Read/Write Bandwidth . . . . . . 7.13.4 Video Format Combiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.13.5 Examples of Video Format Combinations . . . . . . . . . . 7.13.6 Video Format Compiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.13.7 Dynamic Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.13.8 Stereoscopic Video Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.13.9 Direct Suppor t of Color Field Sequential Video . . . . . 7.13.10 Luminance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.13.11 Programmable Video Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.14 Genlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.14.1 Swap Synchronization ........................ 7.15 Digital Video Multiplexer - DPLEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

27 28 28 29 30 31 34 34 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 40 42 42 45 45 45 47 47 48 48 48 50 51 51 52 52 52 52 53 53 54


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

7.15.1 Breakthrough Scalability for Visualization 7.15.2 Distor tion Correction .............. 7.15.3 Large Model Interactivity . . . . . . . . . . . 7.15.4 Application and OS Suppor t . . . . . . . . . 7.15.5 DPLEX and MonsterMode Rendering . 7.16 Digital Video Option (DIVO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.17 Graphics-to-Video Option (GVO) ........... 7.18 Integration with X Window System . . . . . . . . . . 8.0 Onyx2 Hardware Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 61 62 64 64 64 65 65 66 66 67 68 69 69 71 72 73 73 74 74 74 74 75 75 76 76 76 76 77 78 79 79 79

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............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8.1 Architecture Over view . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Node Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.1 Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.2 Memor y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.3 Hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.4 Global Real-Time Clock . . . 8.3 I/O Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.1 XIO Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.2 XBOW ................ 8.3.3 XIO Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.4 Media Input/Output (MIO) . . 8.3.5 PCI-64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4 Interconnect Subsystem . . . . . . . . . 8.4.1 Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4.2 Routers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5 Distributed Shared Address Space . 8.6 Onyx2 Memor y Hierarchy . . . . . . . . 8.7 Cache Coherency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.8 System Latencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.9 System Bandwidths . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.10 R10000 Processor Architecture . . . 8.10.1 R10000 Product Over view . 8.10.2 Primar y Data Cache . . . . . . 8.10.3 Secondar y Data Cache . . . 8.10.4 Instruction Cache . . . . . . . . 8.10.5 Branch Prediction . . . . . . . . 8.10.6 Queueing Structures ..... 8.10.7 Register Renaming . . . . . . . 8.10.8 Execution Units ......... 8.10.9 Load/Store Units and the TLB 9.0 IRIX

.................................................. ... . ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

9.1 Introducing IRIX for Onyx2 . 9.1.1 IRIX Means Scalability 9.1.2 IRIX 6.5 for Onyx2 . 9.2 Memor y Management . . . . . 9.3 Scheduling ............. 9.3.1 Gang Scheduling . . 9.3.2 Processor Affinity . . 9.3.3 Frame Scheduling .

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


9.3.4 Deadline Scheduling: Not Suppor ted . . . . . . . . . . 9.3.5 Processor Sets: Not Suppor ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4 Symmetric Multiprocessing and Multitasking . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4.1 Sprocs and Sproc Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4.2 POSIX Threads and Synchronization Primitives . . 9.4.3 Interrupt Threads and Synchronization Primitives 9.5 Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5.1 COFF Obsoleted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5.2 Binar y Compatibility between IRIX 5.3/IRIX 6.2/IRIX andIRIX6.5forOnyx2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6.4 ...

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80 80 80 80 81 81 82 82 82


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Onyx2 Reality System .................................. 2 ................... 3 ................. 4 .................. 5

Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Deskside System Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Single-Rack System Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Multi-Rack System Onyx2 Visualization Pipeline

............................. 8 . . . . . . . . . . 18 . . . . . . 19

Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Display Resolution Examples

Choices of Allocation of 256 Bits of Frame Buffer Memor y Onyx2 Reality Display Resolution Examples Meshed Polygon Strips

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Figure 10. Infinite and Local Light Sources Figure 11. MIPmapping Figure 12. CLIP Mapping Figure 13. CLIP Mapping

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 . . . . . . . 41

Figure 14. Frame Buffer Pixel Memor y

Figure 15. Frame Buffer Pixel Memor y Including Offscreen Buffers Figure 16. Disjoint Buffers and PBuffers Figure 17. 2- and 8-Channel Options

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Figure 18. Equal and Unequal Swap Rates Figure 19. Dynamic Resolution

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 . 50

Figure 20. Using the Video Format Combiner to Place Six Video Channels Figure 21. Example of 3-Pipe DPLEX Time Compositing Figure 22. Onyx2 Scalability

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Figure 23. Node Board Block Diagram

Figure 24. Block Diagram of a Hub ASIC

Figure 25. Functional Location of XBOW ASIC

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Figure 26. Datapaths in an Interconnection Fabric

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Figure 27. Location of a Router Board in an Onyx2 System

Figure 28. Memor y Hierarchy, Based on Relative Latencies and Data Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Figure 29. R10000 Processor Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Lighting Model Components ............................. . 23 27 28

Anti-Aliasing Sample Memor y Options for Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Anti-Aliasing Sample Memor y Options for Onyx2 Reality Texture Rate for 1024x1024 Texture (RGB10 visual for framebuffer read) Largest Available16-Bit Texture Maps


....................... ...................... ...................

29 35 35 36

Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8.

2D Texture Memor y Sizes and Quantities 3D Texture Sizes for 16-Bit Texture


Standard Formats Shipped with all Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard Format Combinations Shipped with All Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... ............ .........


Table 9.

44 51 70 70 71

Table 10. Examples of Video Format Combinations

Table 11. Bandwidths on Processor, Memor y, and I/O Paths

Table 12. Bisection Bandwidths of Various Onyx2 Configurations Table 13. Maximum Simultaneous System Bandwidth


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report



1.0 Introduction
Silicon Graphics, the recognized leader in developing sophisticated visual computing systems, is dedicated to advancing computer visualization technology now and in the future. After more than a decade, hardware and software solutions from Silicon Graphics continue to define the state of the art in visual computing for creative professionals, scientists, and engineers. Onyx2 RealityTM and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2TM are the latest offerings in the most advanced line of binary-compatible visualization systems available. These systems establish a new high-water mark for their ability to process 2D, 3D and video data in real time, making them true visualization pipelines rather than simply graphics sub-systems.

1.1 Onyx2 InfiniteReality
For the sake of simplicity, this document refers only to Onyx2 InfiniteReality2, not Onyx2 InfiniteReality®, except that the InfiniteReality Geometry Engine board is the GE14 while the InfiniteReality2 Geometry Engine board is the GE16, and the InfiniteReality Raster Manager board is the RM7 while the InfiniteReality2 Raster Manager board is the RM9. However, everything contained herein also applies to InfiniteReality. InfiniteReality2 represents a performance enhancement over InfiniteReality, providing improved geometry, image processing and anti-aliased pixel fill performance. InfiniteReality2 is not a new architecture.

1.2 System Configurations
Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 systems are packaged in both compact deskside units for optimal price/performance, and larger rack units for maximum performance and expandability. All Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 systems take full advantage of the unrivaled I/O bandwidth afforded by the Onyx2TM host platform. Onyx2 provides a scalable system architecture, with each increment of processing power adding up to 4GB additional memory, 650MB/second of memory bandwidth, 711MB/second of interprocessor communications bandwidth, and 711MB/second of I/O bandwidth. Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 systems are available in the configurations highlighted below. Terms such as XBOW, XIO, XTOWN, and KTOWN are explained in Section 8.0, Onyx2 Hardware Architecture. 1.2.1 Onyx2 with Reality Graphics Deskside System The Onyx2 Reality Deskside system includes two or four 4MB cache MIPS® R10000® processors, 128MB to 8GB of memory, and a single graphics pipeline with one or two Raster Managers providing up to 64MB of texture memory and 80MB of frame buffer capacity (Figure 1).

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report



Router Board Node Boards XBOW 4MB Cache Midplane XIO Slots KTOWN GE14 RM8s DG5

Graphics Display (VIO5H)

Figure 1.

Onyx2 Reality System

Onyx2 Reality is the most affordable visual supercomputer available in the marketplace. It is expandable to 4 processors and 8GB of main memory and includes a graphics subsystem with many of the same performance characteristics and features as InfiniteReality2, all at a power desktop price point. Onyx2 Reality is ideal for individual power users who require greater levels of performance and/or realism than desktop systems can provide. 1.2.2 Onyx2 with InfiniteReality2 Graphics Onyx2 with InfiniteReality2 Graphics Deskside System The Onyx2 deskside system includes two or four 4MB cache MIPS R10000 processors, 128MB to 8GB of memory, a single graphics pipeline with one or two Raster Managers providing 64MB of texture memory and up to 160MB of frame buffer capacity, and a super-wide, ultra-high-resolution 1920x1200 monitor (Figure 2).


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Router Board Node Boards XBOW 4MB Cache Midplane XIO Slots KTOWN GE16 RM9s DG5

Graphics Display (VIO5H)

Figure 2.

Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Deskside System

Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Deskside systems deliver all the power of the InfiniteReality2 visualization pipeline in a compact deskside enclosure. Deployed as a workgroup resource, Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Deskside doubles as a visualization platform and high performance compute system. Onyx2 with InfiniteReality2 Graphics Single-Rack System The Onyx2 single-rack system includes two to eight 4MB cache MIPS R10000 processors, 128MB to 16GB of memory, one graphics pipeline with one, two, or 80MB Raster Managers providing 64MB of texture memory and up to 320MB of buffer capacity, one graphics pipeline with one or two Raster Managers providing of texture memory and up to 160MB of frame buffer capacity, and a super-wide, high-resolution 1920x1200 monitor (Figure 3).

four frame 64MB ultra-

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report



Node Boards


Router Board 4MB Cache Midplane

Router Board


XIO Slots

4MB Cache

XIO Slots


RM9s DG5 Graphics Display (VIO5H) Graphics Display (VIO5H)


GE16 RM9s DG5

Figure 3.

Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Single-Rack System

Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Rack systems are typically deployed as departmental resources to serve a wide range of visual and numeric computing needs. Because of their modular, highly scalable architecture, Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Rack systems can grow to meet an organization's diverse and ever-expanding needs. Onyx2 with InfiniteReality2 Graphics Multi-Rack System The Onyx2 Multi-Rack system may be expanded to include up to 128 MIPS R10000 processors, 16 InfiniteReality2 visualization pipelines, and 256GB of main memory, all seamlessly interconnected to form a single machine image. (Figure 4). The first rack in the system contains a processor module (two to eight processors) in the bottom section and a graphics module (one 4RM pipe and one 2RM pipe) in the top section. The second rack may contain either two processor modules (two to 16 CPUs), two graphics modules (up to two 4RM pipes and up to two 2RM pipes), or one processor module (two to eight CPUs) and one graphics module (one 4RM pipe and one 2RM pipe).


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Router Board Node Boards 4MB Cache Midplane Router Boards

4MB CrayLink Cache

XIO Slots

Node Boards




RM9s DG5

Router Board 4MB Cache Midplane XIO Slots GE16 RM9s

XIO Slots GE16 GE16 RM9s DG5 Graphics Display (VIO5H) Graphics Display (VIO5H) RM9s DG5


Graphics Display (VIO5H) Graphics Display (VIO5H)


Figure 4.

Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Multi-Rack System

Onyx2 was designed specifically to deliver flexibility and extensibility, so a single Onyx2 multi-pipe system may be deployed in different operating "modes" to solve different problems. As described below, these modes include supercomputer, multi-seat, multidisplay, and multi-pipe rendering. In most cases, switching from one mode to another is accomplished exclusively in software; no hardware reconfiguration is required. With their native flexibility, Onyx2 multi-pipe systems are typically deployed as enterprisewide interactive visualization and compute seats, multimedia presentation resources, or platforms for tackling an organization's Grand Challenge computing problems. 1.2.3 Onyx2 and Multi-Pipe Rendering Mode Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 systems can be tasked to focus all pipelines on a single rendering window, resulting in near-to-perfect linear scalability of visualization performance (where visualization performance includes geometry rate, pixel fill rate, texture capacity and/or texture paging bandwidth). This application of multiprocessing principles to visualization can be accomplished on Onyx2 in two ways: with the DPLEX (Digital Multiplexing) hardware option or with MonsterMode software. DPLEX is an optional daughtercard for Onyx2 systems that enables digital multiplexing of two or more IR pipelines. One DPLEX option is required for each pipeline in the system. The concept is simple: multiple pipelines operate simultaneously on successive frames of an application which are then digitally multiplexed together before being converted to analog video. Key applications for DPLEX include distortion correction (required for dome simulators) and interactive

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report



large model visualization. For suitable applications, an n-pipe system equipped with DPLEX can support n-times the frame rate of a single-pipe system running the same application. DPLEX is scheduled to ship in late 1998 and will require IRIX 6.5.2 or later. MonsterMode is the collective name of several software-based methods for distributing a data set over multiple pipelines. Each uses Onyx2's high-bandwidth memory subsystem rather than special hardware (DPLEX) for the inter-pipeline transfers required to partition the data and compose the final image. MonsterMode rendering methods include 2D-composition for handling polygonal models and 3D-composition for handling volumetric models. 3D-composition provides the further benefit of additive texturemapping resources: an n-pipe system using MonsterMode 3D-composition software has n-times the effective texture memory and texture download bandwidth of a single-pipe system (up to 1GB and 5GB/sec, respectively, for a 16-pipe configuration). Applications will require modification to support DPLEX or MonsterMode operation. Full-screen applications written to IRIS PerformerTM or OpenGL OptimizerTM 1.1 will require the least work. For details, please consult your Silicon Graphics representative. 1.2.4 Onyx2 in Multi-Seat Mode With the addition of extra monitors, keyboards and mice (and Base Graphics I/O cards if required), multipipe Onyx2 systems can be deployed in multi-seat mode. In this mode, multiple simultaneous users each have exclusive control over an InfiniteReality2 graphics pipeline as well as shared access to all other system resources, including memory, disk, and compute. Multi-seat mode provides a solution for users who require more memory capacity, disk storage, graphics performance, or processing capabilities than are afforded by desktop workstations. Aside from the need for additional monitors and keyboards, multi-seat mode requires no additional hardware reconfiguration. 1.2.5 Onyx2 in Multi-Display Mode Each InfiniteReality2 or Reality pipeline ships standard with a 2-channel display generator and may be ordered with an optional 8-channel display generator, so every Onyx2 configuration is capable of driving multiple displays. Additionally, a suite of tools permits users to choose from a wide range of video formats and format combinations to suit any application or display technology. Onyx2 is therefore ideal for driving Virtual Reality devices such as RealityCenterTM facilities, CAVEs, visual simulators, Power Walls, head-mounted displays, and other advanced interfaces, in both monoscopic and stereoscopic formats.

1.3 About This Document
This document serves as a detailed report on Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 subsystems. Onyx2 implements the Cache Coherent Non Uniform Memory Access (ccNUMA) architecture, as do the Origin2000TM servers. Some sections of the Origin2000 Technical Report have been included for user convenience. For in-depth technical information on the CPU, memory, and I/O subsystems of the Onyx2 family, see the Origin2000 Technical Report. For more information about Onyx2 multipipe rendering, see the DPLEX data sheet, available through local Silicon Graphics sales offices worldwide, or the Advanced Graphics Marketing website. For more information on Virtual Reality and RealityCenters, see the Silicon Graphics® worldwide website (www.sgi.com).
6 Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Overview

2.0 Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Overview
Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 are designed to concurrently process 3D geometry, imagery, and video data at real-time rates, making them true visualization pipelines. The architectures underlying Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 combine raw processing power, an advanced feature set, and record-setting throughput for unrivaled visualization performance. Differentiated capabilities include:
1. Hardware accelerated image processing 2. High multisample, full-scene anti-aliased pixel fill capacity 3. Hardware tuning for complex geometry 4. Realtime texture paging from main memory or disk 5. Scalable visualization capabilities using multipipe rendering methods for higher

geometry rate, pixel fill rate, texture capacity, and texture paging bandwidth 6. Flexible display sub-system 7. Tightly-coupled host-integrated computer image generator (HI-CIG) architecture The Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 visualization subsystem comprises three unique boards: Geometry Engine®, the Raster Manager (RM), and the Display Generator (DG). Geometry Engine provides the interface to the compute subsystem and is responsible for the preliminary geometric transformations (translation, rotation, scale) and lighting calculations for three-dimensional data. It also performs image processing functions (convolution, histogram equalization, orthorectification, and more) on twodimensional images. The Raster Manager takes the results from Geometry Engine and scan-converts the data into a digital image. The RM board performs various pixel operations, including Z-buffer testing, stencil testing, color and transparency blending, texture mapping, and multisample anti-aliasing. The RM has both texture memory for storing textures (images) and frame buffer memory for performing and storing pixel operations. Finally, the DG board takes the output from the RM board and converts the digital data into an analog signal for driving a display. A DG can be programmed to display different portions of the RM frame buffer to its two display channels. One of these display channels can be converted into a composite video mode and connected directly to a video tape recorder. Optional configurations of the DG board support:
1. Up to eight analog output display channels (DG5-8), 2. Graphics to CCIR601 Serial Digital Video out (GVO), or 3. Low Voltage Differential Signal (LVDS) digital video out (DPLEX).

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Overview

XTALK Geometry Engine Raster Manager(s) Display Generator

Video Output

Figure 5.

Onyx2 Visualization Pipeline


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics APIs

3.0 Graphics APIs

3.1 OpenGL


The native graphics programming interface for Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 is OpenGL. OpenGL is the premier environment for developing high-performance 2D and 3D graphics, imaging, and video applications. The OpenGL application programming interface (API) is a vendor-neutral, multiplatform industry standard that provides access to a rich set of graphics capabilities, including transformations, lighting, atmospheric effects, texturing, anti-aliasing, hidden surface removal, blending, and pixel processing, among many others. OpenGL is designed to be independent of operating systems and window systems, and is supported on virtually all workstations and personal computers available in the industry today. Among OpenGL's many desirable characteristics is its extensibility: On Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2, OpenGL capabilities have been extended to include dozens of special functions for applications in visual simulation, imaging, volume rendering, advanced industrial design, film and video effects, and animation. In addition, OpenGL provides the foundation for Silicon Graphics' higher level programming layers. IRIS Performer, OpenGL Optimizer, and the upcoming Fahrenheit Scene Graph, for example, are all supported by OpenGL.

3.2 IRIS Performer
IRIS Performer is a high-performance, portable 3D rendering toolkit for developers of real-time, multiprocessed, interactive graphics applications for the Silicon Graphics range of graphics systems. IRIS Performer simplifies development of complex applications such as visual simulation, simulation-based design, virtual reality, interactive entertainment, broadcast video, CAD and architectural walkthrough. IRIS Performer guarantees the highest performance and automatic, optimal use of available components and features of all Silicon Graphics machines. This includes the use of multiple CPUs, multiple graphics pipelines, filesystem and disk access, and realtime scheduling.

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Graphics APIs

Key Features Include:

· Real-time fixed frame rate operation for truly immersive simulations · Automatic scene and load management features; view frustum culling, Level-ofDetail (LOD) evaluation and Dynamic Video Resolution (DVR)

· Run-time and real-time profiling for use in debugging, tuning, and load management · Asynchronous paging of database geometry and imagery, including fast loading formats · Database interoperability with runtime linking with database loaders for loading
data files of any or multiple file format(s)

· Automatic paging and management of huge textures, up to 8Mx8M texels in a single
texture (Cliptexturing)

· Active Surface Definition (ASD) for automatic paging and evaluation of terrain with
continuous Level-of-Detail (LOD) evaluation

· Asynchronous database intersection and user database processing · Lightpoints and calligraphic points for visual simulation · Atmospheric effects for visual simulation, including fog, haze, and support for
implementing range/angle correct layered fog

· Support for special effects for realistic and dynamic environments · Video textures
To help developers get the most out of IRIS Performer, sample applications and viewers are included with source code, and more than a Gigabyte of utility libraries, file loaders, examples and data, much contributed by third-party suppliers, are included with IRIS Performer.

3.3 OpenGL Optimizer
OpenGL Optimizer is a programmer's toolkit that provides the key enabling software technologies required for creating and interacting with extremely large and complex 3D datasets. This toolkit includes an Application Programming Interface (API) that offers access to a rich library of advanced graphics algorithms and a suite of tools that make it easier for application developers create CAD/CAM, Digital Content Creation and Digital Prototype applications. Additionally, OpenGL Optimizer provides high-performance rendering and interaction with large models while maintaining the high model fidelity demanded by CAD and other engineering, scientific and technical applications. Providing attention to detail while maintaining high performance in a cross-platform environment is OpenGL Optimizer's primary strength. OpenGL Optimizer is a comprehensive and profoundly innovative API for large model visualization and interaction that sets new standards for computer aided design.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics APIs

Features include:

· Scene Graph Culling: Object removal technologies such as view frustum, occlusion
and back patch culling.

· Higher Order Representations: Coons patches, Hermite cubic spline patches,
NURBS patches, spheres, tori, and many others.

· Topology Representation: topological relationships between surface patches, such as
shared edges and junctions (used to provide crack-free tessellation at shared boundaries of surface).

· Integrated Multiprocessing: High performance rendering harnessing multiple CPUs. · Integration with Scene Graph API: OpenGL Optimizer is built on the industry
standard OpenGL API and a scene graph layer API. It is designed to allow the programmer to use both concurrently.

· High Quality Rendering: Unique advanced shading and reflection mapping capabilities. · Polygonal Simplification: New advanced simplification technology known as the
Successive Relaxation Algorithm allows developers control over high quality polygon mesh reduction and simplification.

· Surface Tessellation: Fast and accurate crack-free tessellation delivers both low
polygon counts and high quality. OpenGL Optimizer serves as a foundation to the forth coming "Fahrenheit Large Model API"

3.4 "Fahrenheit"
Silicon Graphics and Microsoft have formed a strategic alliance to define the future of 3D graphics. The two companies are currently collaborating on a Graphics API development project code-named "Fahrenheit" to provide a common set of low-level and high-level graphics APIs for UNIX® and Windows®. The result will be an increase in the capabilities of visualization applications for a wide variety of consumer, business and professional customers. Two key APIs defined by the Fahrenheit initiative are the Fahrenheit Scene Graph API and the Fahrenheit Large Model API. The Fahrenheit Scene Graph API will provide a higher level of programming abstraction for developers creating consumer and professional applications on both Silicon Graphics IRIX® and Microsoft® Windows operating systems. Derived from Silicon Graphics' current scene graph technology, the Fahrenheit Scene Graph API provides high-level data structures, algorithms and resource management that increase overall graphics performance and assist the development of sophisticated graphics-rich applications. In addition to the performance benefit from using the Fahrenheit Scene Graph, there is an important benefit in the level of extensibility that the Fahrenheit Scene Graph allows. Software developers can build on the framework provided by Fahrenheit Scene Graph and extend its functionality to their needs. Similarly, hardware developers can extend or modify the Fahrenheit Scene Graph to allow applications to take maximum advantage of the current and future hardware capabilities.

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Graphics APIs

The Fahrenheit Large Model Visualization API is an extension to the Fahrenheit Scene Graph. This extension adds functionality such as multiresolution simplification, advanced culling and the ability to deal with curved surfaces. Using this extension developers can quickly and easily write CAD/CAM, Digital Content Creation and Digital Protoype applications that allows customers to create and interact with extremely complex 3-D databases. The Fahrenheit Scene Graph and Large Model APIs are expected to be released mid-1999.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Geometry Subsystem

4.0 Geometry Subsystem
The first stage in the Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 visualization system is the geometry subsystem. It resides on the Geometry Engine board. The primary functions of the geometry subsystem are handling data transfer to and from the host, performing OpenGL command parsing, and executing geometry and pixel processing commands. The geometry subsystem provides dedicated hardware acceleration for display list processing. The Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 I/O rate to and from the host is two to three times faster than Onyx2 InfiniteReality. The geometry subsystem of Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 was designed to support the OpenGL API. Large FIFO buffers are provided to ensure that the geometry subsystem can continue executing without stalling, regardless of the state of other stages within the pipeline.

4.1 Geometry Engine
Geometry Engine processors are custom-designed by Silicon Graphics. Two of four Geometry Engine processors are employed in multiple instruction, multiple data (MIMD) fashion within the geometry subsystem depending on the graphics option chosen. Each Geometry Engine processor contains three separate floating-point cores that execute in single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) fashion. Geometry Engine processors do both geometry (per vertex) and pixel processing. Geometry processing includes vertex transformations, lighting, clipping, and projection to screen space. Pixel processing includes many common image processing operators, such as convolution, histograms, scale and bias, and lookup tables. Pixel operations can be applied to standard pixels, textures, or video.

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Raster Subsystem

5.0 Raster Subsystem
The raster subsystem, residing on the Raster Manager boards, has most of the graphics system's custom VLSI processors and memory. Triangle, point, and line data received by the Raster Manager from the geometry subsystem must be scan-converted into pixel data, then processed into the frame buffer before a finished rendering is handed to the display subsystem for generation of displayable video signals. By using extensive parallelism in most stages, the raster subsystem performs anti-aliasing, texture mapping, and image processing functions without encountering bottlenecks. Besides basic anti-aliasing for graphics primitives, the graphics system also supports full-screen anti-aliasing with a method called multisampling. With multisampling, images are rendered into a frame buffer with a higher effective resolution than that of the displayable frame buffer; the number of subsamples computed for each pixel determines how much higher. For example, if each pixel has eight subsamples, positioned at eight of the 64 possible subpixel locations, then the effective resolution is eight times the displayable resolution. When the image has been rendered into these subsamples, all samples that belong to each pixel are blended together to determine pixel colors. Image memory is interleaved among parallel processors so that adjacent pixels are always handled by different processors. Thus, each polygon can have multiple processors operating on it in parallel.

5.1 Texture Processing
For each pixel, scan conversion produces texture coordinate data (S, T, R, W) which are sent to a dedicated texture processing unit. This hardware performs perspective correction on texture coordinates, and determines the detail level for MIPmapping, producing addresses for the relevant area of texture memory. Texture data (texels) are stored in one of several formats, depending on the number and precision of color and transparency components desired. Texels in the area covered by a pixel are read and used in one of several user-definable texture filtering calculations. The resulting color value is sent to pixel processors along with the pre-texture color and depth values produced by the main scan converter. Texture color lookup tables are also supported, enabling hardware support for applications involving dynamic transfer functions such as sensor simulation.

5.2 Pixel Processing
At the next stage of rendering, texture color is used to modify the pre-texture color according to a texture environment equation. Here is where texture can decal, modulate, or blend with the underlying primitive color. The amount of current pixel is calculated from the depth value, and this fog color is blended textured color to produce the final color and transparency. primitive be used to fog at the with the


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Raster Subsystem

Pixel processors support 10-bit RGB and 12-bit RGBA components for pixels, providing a selection of more than 68 billion colors for any given object or vertex. 16-bit luminance-alpha or color index formats are also supported. This accurate color information is critical for image processing applications and is supported through Silicon Graphics ImageVision Library®, as well as OpenGL. The raster subsystem supports one to four Raster Manager boards, except Onyx2 Reality, which supports up to two Raster Managers. More boards increase the scale of both pixel fill performance and frame buffer resolution. With one RM board installed, Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 systems (not including Onyx2 Reality) support the new ultrahigh-resolution standard of 1920 x1200 pixels noninterlaced and the full specification for HDTV. The ultra-high-resolution 1920 x1200 monitor is included on Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 systems. Onyx2 Reality systems include a 1280 x1024 monitor.

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Display Subsystem

6.0 Display Subsystem

The Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 video display subsystem takes rendered images from the raster subsystem digital frame buffer and processes pixels through digital-to-analog converters (DACs) to generate an analog pixel stream suitable for display on a high-resolution RGB video monitor. The display subsystem supports programmable pixel timings to allow the system to drive displays with a wide variety of resolutions, refresh rates, and interlace/noninterlace characteristics. The standard configuration of Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 provides two independent video channels. Eight independent video channels are available as an option. These additional video channels can serve as standard RGB video channels. Channel number one can also serve as the composite or S-Video encoder. Flexible builtin scan conversion allows the video encoder to process any rectangular area of any video channel, up to and including the full screen. Convenient letterboxing lets the composite encoder work undistorted on video formats with aspect ratios other than the 3:4 aspect ratio of NTSC or PAL. Advanced hardware in the video display subsystem performs real-time video resampling, giving you powerful new methods of guaranteeing scene update-rates and using frame buffer memory efficiently, as well as allowing full-screen recording to standard VCRs. Compatibility with a wide variety of video equipment such as projectors and recorders is provided by composite sync-on-green and separate horizontal and vertical sync signals. Composite and S-Video encoder outputs are for industrial or monitoring purposes only, and are not intended for broadcast television use. For broadcast-quality composite video, a video channel may be configured as RS-170 or Euro 625 resolution and sent through an external, broadcast-quality encoder. When CCIR601 or broadcast-quality component video is desired, the Digital Video Option (DIVO, described in Section 7.16) may be used. The Graphics-to-Video Option (GVO, described in Section 7.17) card, a daughtercard that attaches to the Display Generator, also supports CCIR601. The display system provides video support for the Japanese HDTV standard (1920x1080 pixels), both interlaced and noninterlaced, at 60Hz. HDTV trilevel sync is provided for easy recording of HDTV signals without external signal conditioning equipment. Additionally, a special 72Hz noninterlaced version of this format is provided for flicker-free viewing in ambient office lighting environments. The 1920x1080 pixel format is supported on the entry-level, 1-RM configuration of Onyx2 InfiniteReality2. This video flexibility is supported by the standard system monitor, which is a high-resolution multisync display capable of displaying any video signal from VGA (640x480) up to the 1920x1200 format. Video features of Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 are easy to configure, using the Video Format Compiler and Video Format Combiner. See Section 7.13.4 Video Format Combiner and Section 7.13.11 Programmable Video Timing for more information.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Display Subsystem

6.1 ACCESS.bus
Typically, monitors have knobs that are used to adjust brightness, contrast, picture size, position, and color balance. Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 now use ACCESS.bus to provide this functionality via a program on the CPU or in an X Window interface. ACCESS.bus can also be used to read operational attributes from the monitor.

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Graphics Features and Capabilities

7.0 Graphics Features and Capabilities
7.1 Resolution
Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 supports a wide range of display resolutions. The base system includes one Raster Manager board and provides 2.62 million pixels. 2-RM and 4-RM systems offer 5.24 million and 10.48 million pixels, respectively. For example, a 1-RM system can drive a 1920 x1200 display or two 1280 x1024 displays. Alternately, a 2-RM system can drive six 960 x720 displays or one 1280 x1024 and six 800 x600 displays.

1 Raster Manager 2.62 Million Pixels

1920 x 1200


1280 x 1024

1280 x 1024

960 x 720 2 Raster Managers 5.24 Million Pixels 960 x 720 960 x 720

960 x 720 960 x 720 960 x 720 OR 800 x 600 800 x 600

1280 x 1024 800 x 600 800 x 600 800 x 600 800 x 600

Figure 6.

Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Display Resolution Examples

The minimum amount of frame buffer memory you can allocate per pixel is 256 bits (128 bits on Onyx2 Reality), which supports quad-buffered stereo with up to 12-bit RGBA and a 23-bit depth buffer, or 4-sample antialiasing at 10-bit RGB with a 23-bit precision depth buffer. Per-pixel memory can be doubled or quadrupled, with a corresponding reduction to one-half or one-quarter of available pixels.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities

Quad-buffered stereo, 12-bit RGBA, 23-bit length 23 48 48 48 48 bits Left Left front 16 24 bits 16 bits 16 bits 16 bits bits 32 32 bits Back buffer Depth bits back 24 bits 24 bits front Right bits back Right bits

41 bits



bits Overlays, mode






Overlays, tag



Front buffer

4-sample anti-aliasing, 10-bit RGB

Figure 7.

Choices of Allocation of 256 Bits of Frame Buffer Memory

Each Onyx2 Reality raster manager holds half the frame buffer memory as the Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 raster manager. However, the Onyx2 Reality RM can configure pixel sizes as small as 128 bits per pixel, which allows for double-buffered RGB10 plus 32-bit depth. Therefore, a maximum of 2.62 million pixels per raster manager can still be resolved. This number is reduced to half (1.31 million pixels) for 256-bit per pixel configurations, or reduced to one-quarter (640 thousand pixels) for 512-bit per pixel configurations.

Extra-Small Pixels (128 bits)

1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 OR

640 x480 640 x480 640 x480 640 x480

640 x480 640 x480 640 x480 640 x480

2 x RGB10 + Z23 1 x LA16 + LA32 Accumulation Buffer

Small Pixels (256 bits)

1280 x 1024


640 640 x480 x480 640 640 x480 x480

2 x RGB10 + 4 samples + Z15 + S1 4 RGBA12 + Z23 (quad-buf'd stereo)

Medium Pixels (512 bits)

800 x 640

2 x RGB10 + 4 samples + Z15 + PBuf + AccBuf

Figure 8.

Onyx2 Reality Display Resolution Examples 19

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities

7.2 Graphics Primitives
The general-purpose Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 graphics pipeline supports a wide range of graphics primitives for constructing and rendering real-time 3D objects. The basic primitives are polygons, vectors, points, and parametric polynomial surfaces (such as NURBS and Bezier patches). These primitives may be rendered with color, transparency, lighting, texture, and various surface properties. Complex, contiguous surfaces such as terrain, triangles, or quadrilaterals may be combined into meshed polygon strips with common vertices. This reduces system transformation demands and efficiently uses the inherent parallelism in the Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 pipelines.

v4 v3 v1 v5 v2 v0 v6







v6 v0 v2 v4


Figure 9.

Meshed Polygon Strips

7.3 Immediate Mode and Display List Mode
OpenGL supports two mechanisms for delivering data to the rendering pipeline: immediate mode and display list mode. In immediate mode, transformations, geometry, and other data are delivered to the rendering pipeline directly from the application by calling a series of OpenGL routines. For example: glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); glVertex3fv(vertex) ... glEnd() Immediate mode has maximum flexibility because the application can recompute data when sending it to the rendering pipeline.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities

Additionally, the application can compile immediate mode commands into display lists, stored as part of the OpenGL rendering state. The application can execute display lists wherever it normally uses immediate mode commands. Rendering data is stored in an efficient representation and can be issued to the rendering pipeline with maximum performance. However, extra storage is required for the rendering data; and some small amount of overhead is incurred in executing the list, so lists are not suitable for small amounts of data (a single triangle, for example). Finally, display lists are usually inappropriate for dynamic data because they need to be recompiled whenever data changes. While the basic character of display modes and immediate modes are the same across the Silicon Graphics product line, some features and characteristics specific to Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 are worth noting. Besides those features listed below, Onyx2 immediate mode performance has doubled relative to the Onyx architecture due to the increased bandwidth to each graphics pipe. 7.3.1 Rendering Performance and Vertex Arrays Rendering on Silicon Graphics platforms is typically split into a three-stage pipeline:

· Data delivery: host to rendering pipeline · Geometric processing · Rasterization
Performance bottlenecks can occur in any of the three stages. Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 have enhanced performance by providing two to three times the host bandwidth of Onyx InfiniteReality. Additionally, performance may be improved by tuning the algorithms through which the application traverses its data and by using suitable OpenGL commands for delivering data to the pipeline. For example, rather than using floating-point data types for colors, normals, and texture coordinates, it may be more efficient to use short or byte integer data types, reducing the bandwidth requirement to the host memory subsystem and to the rendering pipeline. Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 also support vertex arrays, which allow the application to issue primitive data to the Geometry Engine processors in larger transfers and with lower overhead compared to the standard "fine-grain" OpenGL interface. Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 extends the original OpenGL vertex array extension with support for packed vertex arrays, helping vertex arrays to be dispatched more efficiently while permitting tight packing of vertex coordinates and associated attributes. 7.3.2 Display List Storage Cache and Host Memory Display lists are an excellent way of ensuring that data is being efficiently delivered to a rendering pipeline. Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 supports two new features for substantially improved display list performance over immediate mode performance. The first feature is a large display list storage cache built into the rendering pipeline. This cache is approximately 14MB and can deliver data to the geometry subsystem at more than 300MB/second with very low latency. The cache is automatically managed by a combination of PerformerTM and the OpenGL library. Display lists are selected for

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Graphics Features and Capabilities

placement in the cache based on their size and their content. For example, very short lists will not be put in the cache since the overhead for executing them would outweigh the benefit of placing them in the cache. Lists containing a complex hierarchy will be excluded from the cache as the hierarchy traversal is too complex to deal with directly in the graphics pipeline. The second display list feature allows display lists to be stored in host memory, but accessed directly by the graphics pipeline. As display lists are compiled they are stored in host memory in a representation suitable for direct interpretation by the Geometry Engine processor. When display lists are executed, the data does not need to be processed by the host CPU nor does it pass through any of the host CPU system caches. On Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 systems the bandwidth for these direct access display lists is approximately 320MB/second. 7.3.3 Primitive Processing Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 have features for helping applications make better use of the Geometry Engine processors. One feature is the ability to perform pervertex processing, such as viewing and lighting computations, on multiple primitives in one group. When primitives such as triangle strips are issued by the application, the vertices are accumulated and processed in batches. Geometry Engine processors and associated firmware are optimized for a particular batch length, usually around six to 12 vertices. In previous architectures, there could be only one primitive in a batch and a single primitive could span multiple batches. This meant that there was an optimal primitive size, with some performance degradation occurring for primitives of shorter or longer lengths. Now, Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 can process multiple primitives within the same batch, so it does not incur those performance degradations. 7.3.4 Sprites Visual simulation applications frequently need to perform computationally intense viewing transformations for drawing sprite objects, such as trees, in which the object rotates as the view changes. Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 provide a sprite OpenGL extension for performing these complex calculations in the Geometry Engine processors, thus freeing up the host processor for other computations.

7.4 Color
All OpenGL color and lighting models are supported within the Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 architecture. Lighting operations are performed in floating point in the Geometry Engine processors. Color rasterization operations are performed by the raster subsystem with 48 bits (12 bits each for R, G, B, and A). Color index operations are supported at up to 12 bits per index. Colors may be stored in the frame buffer memory in visuals with as few as 16 bits or as many as 48 bits per color. More bits per color results in greater color fidelity and dynamic range. Special luminance formats allow the display and processing of monochrome images and textures with 16-bit components.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities

7.4.1 Shading There is no penalty for smooth shading on objects rendered with Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2. The Gouraud shading algorithm shades the surface of each polygon smoothly, using the current lighting model. This gives you clean, nonfaceted rendering of complex objects in real time and may be combined with transparency and texture for even more advanced rendering effects. 7.4.2 Color Blending When multiple occluding surfaces have partial transparency, the raster subsystem can also perform color blending between each set of surfaces, depending upon the alpha values associated with each pixel. These alpha values commonly represent a degree of translucency from zero to one and enable simulation of windows, cockpit canopies, smoke, clouds, and other effects. To allow a wider choice of blending equations, a number of OpenGL blending extensions are supported. 7.4.3 Lighting Hardware lighting capabilities enable the generation of more realistic-looking scenes. Lighting, which is computed per vertex, works with other rendering capabilities, including texture mapping, transparency, and Gouraud shading. All OpenGL lighting features and operations are supported. 7.4.4 Advanced Lighting Model For creating realistic lighting scenarios, lighting effects must have many different components. Lights may be colored to allow for effects such as time-of-day lighting, where the color of the light as well as the intensity changes over time. Objects being lit may be affected both directly and indirectly by light sources. The OpenGL lighting model on Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 provides for these characteristics in such a way that objects being lit are affected by a combination of the components shown in Table 1.

Lighting Model Component Specular Diffuse Ambient Emissive

Use For highlights and simulating shiny surfaces For broader, directional effects and simulating rough surfaces For environmental, nondirectional effects For self-luminous surfaces, vectors, or points

Table 1. Lighting Model Components

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Graphics Features and Capabilities

The programmer uses OpenGL commands for setting up the current lighting model, affecting all subsequent surfaces sent down the pipeline until the model is changed. Effects of the components are combined to modify the color of each vertex sent to the graphics pipeline. Lights change the surface color based upon the four components of the current lighting model, the color of the light, and the set surface properties. 7.4.5 Surface Properties In addition to the four lighting model components, a shininess component may be set for the current lighting model to handle different surface properties. This component may be changed from object to object to allow for a variety of different surface types in the environment. This property, in addition to light characteristics and surface color, may be combined with texture mapping and transparency to give you the maximum flexibility in defining surface reflectance characteristics. 7.4.6 Infinite Light Sources Infinite light sources are assumed to be infinitely far from the surface they are illuminating; thus, light "rays" from these sources are assumed to arrive in parallel at all the surfaces affected. 7.4.7 Local Light Sources Local light sources may exist close to the surfaces they are illuminating; thus, the angle between the light source and the normals of the affected surfaces can change dramatically from one surface to the next. Properties such as cutoff angle and attenuation may be specified for each light. Since angles from surface normals to the light source must be computed every frame for each surface, local lights are far more computationally expensive than infinite lights and should be used judiciously in real-time applications.

Infinite light source

Local light source

Figure 10.

Infinite and Local Light Sources


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities

7.5 Transparency
Each vertex to be rendered may have a transparency component, alpha, along with the standard color components red, green, and blue. When alpha is used to control the pixel color, objects of varying transparency or translucency may be included in a rendered scene. To ensure that transparency is computed correctly and predictably, it is best to sort transparent objects from front to back with respect to the eyepoint, then draw these objects after all the nontransparent objects have been rendered.

7.6 Hidden Surface Removal
Current Silicon Graphics machines use a Z-buffering technique to remove hidden surfaces. The Z (depth) buffer gives high-quality hidden surface removal during rendering without sorting the polygons. This process can thus be performed with few or no programming considerations in the software that traverses and renders the database. Silicon Graphics floating-point Z-buffer technique for Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 is advancing the state of the art by offering more uniform resolution across the Z dimension. Unlike traditional floating point, which would concentrate resolution closer to the eyepoint, Onyx2 systems distribute useful resolution throughout the viewing volume. Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 offer three options for Z-buffer precision: 23-bit (not available on Onyx2 Reality when anti-aliasing [i.e. multisampling] is enabled), 16-bit compressed, and 15-bit compressed. The Z-buffer exists as dedicated memory in the frame buffer associated with each pixel. The first time a pixel is drawn, its Z-buffer value is set to the Z of the primitive being drawn. Each time a subsequent attempt is made to set the color of that pixel because a new polygon is covering it, the system checks to see if that pixel's Z-buffer value is further or closer than the Z value of the pixel being drawn. If the new pixel is closer, its color value replaces the previous value in the color buffer, and the Z-buffer is set to the new depth.

7.7 Coplanar Geometry Prioritization
There are several methods which may be used to support the rendering of multiple geometric layers of polygons which are coplanar. This situation arises when additional detail such as text or decals or other markings need to be added to a base polygon. Using a conventional Z-buffering scheme coplanar surfaces might `Z-fight' because the hardware cannot decide which face has visual priority, for example in the case of runway markings the hardware cannot decide whether the markings are on top of the runway or vice versa. Onyx2 Reality and InfiniteReality2 supports three methods of quickly assigning visible priority in these situations. Firstly with a combination of depth buffer offsets and depth buffer writemasking a subface depth may be offset after projection without other visible effects and therefore assume visibility priority, this offset increases with the slope of the polygon to match and correct the characteristics of the depth buffer Z-fighting.

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Graphics Features and Capabilities

Secondly, fast stencil operations in conjunction with framebuffer stencil bits allow base polygons to be marked in the framebuffer stencil planes where visible. Subsequent rendering of subfaces tests for the base polygon stencil value instead of the Z-buffer value, this allows perfect subface rendering without any undesirable artifacts. The final method of setting visible priority supported on Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 allows subfaces to be rendered with Z-buffer information generated from the plane equation of the base polygon. The decal pixel fragments therefore exactly match the base polygon depth values and therefore avoids any zbuffer conflicts giving the subfaces visible priority over the base polygon.

7.8 Anti-Aliasing
The high-performance anti-aliasing hardware of Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 continues the trend started with the RealityEngine2TM graphics architecture. For the highest-available image quality, memory and processors are put in the Raster Manager subsystem to give you multisampled anti-aliasing without the usual performance penalties. This anti-aliasing technique needs no data sorting and works with the Z-buffer for superior hidden surface removal. The Onyx2 Reality system provides limited multisample anti-aliasing as described in Section 7.8.2. Subpixel information is retained for all vertices in the pipeline as they are transformed and converted to raster primitives. Each primitive is computed with 8x8 subpixel accuracy. Thus, there are 64 possible subpixel locations within each pixel rendered. When deciding how to color a pixel, the raster system samples each primitive at one, four, or eight of the subpixel locations in each pixel it touches. It then calculates color and depth information for the subpixels covered. This information is sent to the frame buffer where Z-buffering is performed on each subpixel, and a final color for each pixel is formed from the accumulated data from the set of subpixels within it. In multisample anti-aliasing mode, Z information is kept for every subsample, giving hidden-surface accuracy down to the subpixel level. When transparency is used, the alpha value is used to determine how much to blend the color of the closer pixel with the color of the farther pixel at that same location in the subpixel grid.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities

7.8.1 Sample Memory The number of anti-aliasing samples available depends upon the total amount of frame buffer memory, the screen resolution, and the number of bits per image component desired. Table 2 shows some of the possible memory configurations for Onyx2 InfiniteReality2.
One RM provides sufficient memory for: Medium pixels, 512 bits/pixel Medium pixels, 512 bits/pixel Small pixels, 256 bits/pixel Small pixels, 256 bits/pixel One 960x680 display One 1280x1024 display Two 1280x1024 displays One 1920x1080 display 8 samples 8 samples 4 samples 4 samples 10 bits/component for RGB 10 bits/component for RGB 16-bit Z-buffer, 8-bit stencil 23-bit Z-buffer*, 1-bit stencil

10 bits/component for RGBA 15-bit Z-buffer*, 1-bit stencil 10 bits/component for RGB 15-bit Z-buffer*, 1-bit stencil

Two RMs provide sufficient memory for: Medium pixels, 512 bits/pixel Medium pixels, 512 bits/pixel One 1280x1024 display 8 samples 10 bits/component for RGB 10 bits/component for RGB 16-bit Z-buffer, 8-bit stencil 23-bit Z-buffer*, 1-bit stencil

One 1600x1200 display or 8 samples one 1920x1080 display 4 samples Two 1920x1080 displays 4 samples

12 bits/component for RGBA 23-bit Z-buffer*, 8-bit stencil 10 bits/component for RGB 15-bit Z-buffer*, 1-bit stencil

Small pixels, 256 bits/pixel

Four RMs provide sufficient memory for: Medium pixels, 512 bits/pixel Medium pixels, 512 bits/pixel Medium pixels, 512 bits/pixel Medium pixels, 512 bits/pixel Eight 800x600 displays 8 samples 10 bits/component for RGB 10 bits/component for RGB 10 bits/component for RGB 10 bits/component for RGB 23-bit Z-buffer*, 1-bit stencil 23-bit Z-buffer*, 1-bit stencil 23-bit Z-buffer*, 1-bit stencil 16-bit Z-buffer 8-bit stencil

Three 1280x1024 displays 8 samples Two 1920x1080 displays One 1920x1200 display 8 samples 8 samples

* A 23-bit or 15-bit Silicon Graphics Z-buffer implementation is roughly equivalent to a classic 32-bit or 24-bit Z-buffer, respectively.

Table 2. Anti-Aliasing Sample Memory Options for Onyx2 InfiniteReality2

7.8.2 Onyx2 Reality Restrictions The Onyx2 Reality system provides limited multisampling capacity which when enabled will reduce pixel fill performance by a factor of 1/2 or 2/3. This contrasts with the high performance anti-aliasing of Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 graphics. The only color format supported is RGB10 (no destination alpha planes), and 16-bit compressed depth (or 15-bit with one-bit stencil). Furthermore, only four samples are maintained in the frame buffer. This configuration requires 256 bits per pixel, and on a 1RM system will support up to a 1280 x1024 monitor. To support monitors larger than 1.25 million pixels, two RMs are required. There is no option for 8-sample anti-aliasing on Onyx2 Reality. Table 3 shows some of the possible memory configurations for Onyx2 Reality.

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Graphics Features and Capabilities

One RM provides sufficient memory for: Medium pixels, 512 bits/pixel One 960x680 display 4 samples 10 bits/component for RGB, quad-buffered, accumulation buffer 4 samples 10 bits/component for RGB 10 bits/component for RGB, double buffered 15-bit Z-buffer*, double buffered, 1-bit stencil 15-bit Z-buffer*, single buffered, 1-bit stencil 23-bit Z-buffer*, 1-bit stencil

Small pixels, 256 bits/pixel

One 1280x1024 display

Extra-small pixels, 128 bits/pixel Two 1280x1024 displays 1 sample Small pixels, 256 bits/pixel One 1280x1024 display 1 sample

12 bits/component for RGBA, 23-bit Z-buffer*, 8-bit stencil double buffered, or quadbuffered RGB10

Two RMs provide sufficient memory for: Small pixels, 256 bits/pixel Small pixels, 256 bits/pixel Two 1280x1024 displays 4 samples 10 bits/component for RGB One 1600x1200 display 4 samples 10 bits/component for RGB 15-bit Z-buffer*, 1-bit stencil 15-bit Z-buffer*, 1-bit stencil

* A 23-bit or 15-bit Silicon Graphics Z-buffer implementation is roughly equivalent to a classic 32-bit or 24-bit Z-buffer, respectively.

Table 3. Anti-Aliasing Sample Memory Options for Onyx2 Reality

7.9 Texture/Image Mapping
Designed to display complex, texture-mapped scenes at real-time frame rates (60Hz), Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 remain compatible with earlier RealityEngine2 and POWERVisionTM systems, while dramatically improving performance and texture capacity and adding new features and functionality to texture mapping. 7.9.1 Texture Download Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 download and draw textures simultaneously, allowing textures to be updated on-the-fly. Synchronization, built into the hardware and software, prevents textures from being replaced until the system finishes with them and prevents a texture being drawn until it is completely loaded. The maximum texture download rate is 330MB/second from host memory or 240MB/second from frame buffer. Unlike host download operations the bottleneck for the texture readback from the framebuffer is the pixel path from the Raster Manager boards to the Geometry Engine board and is influenced by the type of visual used. See Table 4.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities

Source Host Memory Frame Buffer Memory

16 bit 144 M texels/second 85 M texels/second

32 bit 80 M texels/second 85 M texels/second

48 bit 42M texels/second 47 M texels/second

Table 4. Texture Rate for 1024x1024 Texture (RGB10 visual for framebuffer read)

7.9.2 Texture Formats Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 support three basic texture element (texel) sizes: 16-bit, 32-bit, and 48-bit, including 16-bit monochrome. Each size can represent several formats: 16-bit textures

· · · · · · · · ·

Dual 4-bit Luminance with 4-bit alpha Quad 4-bit Luminance, Intensity, or alpha Dual 8-bit Luminance, Intensity, or alpha 8-bit Luminance with 8-bit alpha 12-bit Luminance, Intensity, or alpha 12-bit Luminance with 4-bit alpha 5-bit (each) RGB with 1-bit alpha 4-bit (each) RGBA 16-bit Luminance, Intensity, or alpha

32-bit textures

· · · ·

16-bit Luminance with 16-bit alpha 12-bit Luminance with 12-bit alpha 8-bit (each) RGBA 10-bit (each) RGB with 2-bit alpha

48-bit textures

· 12-bit (each) RGB · 12-bit (each) RGBA
The variety of formats allows you to trade off image quality against storage size and rendering speed; 32-bit textures require twice the storage of 16-bit textures, while 48-bit textures require four-times the storage of 16-bit textures. Generally, 16-bit textures render faster than 32-bit textures, and 32-bit textures render faster than 48-bit textures for a given filtering mode.

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Graphics Features and Capabilities

The Texture Select feature is useful when vast amounts of low-resolution texture are required. With Texture Select, four 4-bit textures or two 8-bit textures are packed into one 16-bit texture. The user may select which of the four (or two) textures are used at any given time. 7.9.3 Texture Filtering One of the most powerful features of the Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 architecture is found in the variety of advanced two-dimensional and three-dimensional texture filtering techniques that are supported. This variety allows you to choose the most appropriate filtering technique for your application. The filtering techniques comprise two different classes: MIPmapped and nonMIPmapped. The term MIPmapping is derived from the Latin phrase, multum in parvo, which means "many things in a small space." The MIPmapping process takes a texture (image) to be used in a scene and generates a series of prefiltered, lower-resolution versions of that texture. The appropriate level of the MIPmapped texture is then applied to a polygon as required by the scene. This allows the texture to be minified without aliasing artifacts. Different MIPmapped filtering techniques are then available to calculate the transitions between different MIPmap levels and between different texels (texture elements) within a level. These filtering techniques include:

· · · · ·

Point sampled Linear interpolated Bilinear interpolated Trilinear interpolated Quadlinear interpolated (for 3D textures)

Non-MIPmapped textures require filtering only among the different texels within the texture map. These filtering techniques include:

· · · ·

Point sampled (for 2D or 3D textures) Bilinear interpolated (for 2D textures) Trilinear interpolated (for 3D textures) Bicubic interpolated (for 2D textures)


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities



Drawn triangle

Figure 11.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 are designed to provide all of the filtering techniques listed above at full texture processing performance levels, except for quadlinear interpolated MIPmapping and bicubic interpolated filtering, which operate at half the rate of the others. It is important to recognize that trilinear interpolated nonMIPmapped 3D texture filtering is available at full texture processing performance levels. This represents a significant performance improvement compared to RealityEngine2, which processed this filtering technique at one-half the peak performance level of other RealityEngine2 texture filters. 7.9.4 Global Texturing a.k.a. CLIP mapping Global texturing is an important and innovative feature of Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2. Global texturing accelerates processing of terrain data mapped with satellite and aerial photographs. In RealityEngine2, traditional MIPmapping techniques were used to apply aerial photographs to terrain meshes. Large geographic areas were covered by tiling a number of smaller MIPmaps together across the terrain area. This technique, though powerful, required a large number of textures and a significant amount of texture memory. Unused texture tiles were stored in main memory and downloaded into the RealityEngine2 texture buffer when required. In this case, textures were either stored in system memory or texture memory, but they could not be split between the two.

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Graphics Features and Capabilities

In Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2, global texturing allows you to define single MIPmap images which are much larger than that which can be stored in texture memory. Only the parts of the MIPmap that are actually used in rendering an image are stored in texture memory; the rest is stored in main memory or on disk. As the point of view moves, the portion of the MIPmap that is stored in memory is updated to reflect the new point of view. The implementation is effective for real-time simulation because the paging of texture is performed in anticipation of the requirements of the visual scene. These requirements are directed by the eye position before the texture is required. This avoids the problems of paging on demand which would stall the graphics system waiting for essential texture information from system memory or disk. At the same time the terrain is easily modeled with just a single texture image used to represent the entire database without tiling The paging is performed in real-time for each level of MIP in the image pyramid which is deemed too large to fit in texture memory. So one can imagine a requisite subset of each image in the MIP map pyramid cached in texture memory, lets say we store a 1024x1024 image for each MIP texture image. If our base image held 1 meter resolution data then the texture hardware holds 1 square kilometer of information at highest resolution. When CLIP mapping the next level of MIP would also hold a 1024x1024 resolution image cache but because this MIP level is lower resolution that same amount of data covers a 2km by 2km database area with 2m texel data. This continues for each successive level of MIP until the entire texture image is held in texture memory at some ground resolution, this would be where a 1024x1024 image held the whole geographic database. Each 1024x1024 image held in memory covers a concentric region of interest around some important point in the database, normally this point is the center of the area the graphics system is currently rendering at highest detail for this frame. As the eye moves over the database the trailing border of each image cache is replaced by the information required by the leading edge, and the texture addressing is torroidally displaced to account for the newly downloaded image data.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities

8k texels @ 4m/texel Level 2 4m data 1024 = 16km2 1024 8k texels MIP Pyramid Level 1 2m data


1024 1024 16k texels

= 4km


16k texels @ 2m/texel

Level 0 1m data 1024 1024 = 1km

32k texels @1m/texel

32k texels

Geographic Plan


4km 2km 1km

Level 2 4m data

Level 1 2m data

Level 0 1m data

Figure 12.

CLIP Mapping

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Graphics Features and Capabilities

Image Data in Texture Memory "CLIP Region"

New center displacement Image Data Not in Texture Memory Old center

New data required to replace old data Old data being replaced

Figure 13.

CLIP Mapping

7.9.5 Add, Replace, Blend, Decal, and Modulation Each texture can be treated in several ways when applied to a polygon. When operating with an add texture environment the texture color is added to the result of the lighting calculation or polygon color with an additional color multiplier thrown in for added flexibility. With a replace or decal environment the color of the texture replaces inherent color to the polygon, alpha treatment varies between these two modes and mix either replaces the polygon alpha or is used as a blender for the degree to which the rgb replaces the polygon color. The blend uses the texture color as a blending value for the mixing of the polygon color and any specified blend color so you can use a texture image as a matte between the polygon color or lighting result and any other color. During modulation, the texture color is multiplied by the lighting result or color of the polygon which gives the classic textured lit appearance seen in most graphics images. 7.9.6 Texture/Image Memory Each RM can have either 16MB or 64MB of texture memory. For non-MIPmapped textures this means that the texture memory can hold 8 million or 32 million 16-bit texels respectively. MIPmapped textures require extra storage for the prefiltered lower levels of detail, amounting to one-third the size of the finest level of detail for 2D and oneseventh the size of the finest level of detail for 3D.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities

Texture memory is divided into two banks for performance reasons. Because of this, the maximum size texture does not always fill up texture memory. With the exception of bicubic, an image, a level of a MIPmap, or slices of a volume cannot cross a texture memory bank. The largest 16-bit texture maps that fit into Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 texture memory are shown in Table 5 Other aspect ratios with the same number of pixels will also fit.
Texture Memory 16MB 64MB 2D NonMIPmap 2048x2048 4096x4096 2D MIPmap 2048x1024 4096x2048 2D Bicubic 4096x2048 8192x4096 3D NonMIPmap 256x256x128 512x256x256

3D MIPmap 256x128x128 256x256x128

Table 5. Largest Available16-Bit Texture Maps

Table 6 shows the number of 16-bit textures that can be stored in 16MB of texture memory. To convert to the number of 32-bit or 48-bit textures, divide the numbers in the last two columns by 2 or 4, respectively. Table 7 lists the same information for several 3D textures.
Number of 16-Bit MIPmapped Textures in 16MB of Texture Memory 0 4 22 94 382 1,522 5,948 21,732 Number of 16-Bit NonMIPmapped Textures in 16MB of Texture Memory 2 8 32 128 512 2048 8192 32,784

Texture Size 2048x2048 1024x1024 512x512 256x256 128x128 64x64 32x32 16x16

Table 6. 2D Texture Memory Sizes and Quantities

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Graphics Features and Capabilities

Texture Memory 16MB 16MB 16MB 16MB 64MB 64MB 64MB 64MB

Resolution 128x128x128 128x128x128 256x256x128 256x128x128 256x256x256 256x128x128 256x256x512 256x256x256

Number of 16-Bit Textures 4 (non-MIPmapped) 2 (MIPmapped) 1 (non-MIPmapped) 1 (MIPmapped) 2 (non-MIPmapped) 7 (MIPmapped) 1 (non-MIPmapped) 1 (MIPmapped)

Table 7. 3D Texture Sizes for 16-Bit Texture

7.9.7 Texture Memory Packing Although supported texel sizes pad to 16 bit sizes, the Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 and Onyx2 Reality graphics systems support the packing of multiple smaller format images into the same memory space so for example an image with 16 bit texels can pack two 8 bit images into a single 16 bit per texel image. This feature allows the efficient use of texture memory for small format images, particularly single component images. 7.9.8 Texture Transparency and Contouring Textures may have full or partial transparency set at any texel location. If the entire outer edge of the uniquely shaped texture, such as a tree, is set to transparent, the texture may be placed upon a rectangular polygon and still appear to have the outline of a tree. 7.9.9 Perspective Correction The raster subsystem performs per-pixel computations to correct textures and fog for perspective distortions to ensure that no artifacts are introduced to the rendering process. These computations do not affect system performance. 7.9.10 Detail Texture Detail Texture increases the effectiveness of motion and position cues by providing additional detail on top of the existing texture as the textured surface draws nearer to the eyepoint. Detail Texture allows high-resolution textures to be represented with a small high-frequency characteristic texture and a lower resolution-base texture. The highfrequency detail is smoothly combined with the base texture to give much of the visual qualities of the original texture, while using a fraction of the texture memory.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities

7.9.11 Sharp Texture Textures enable creation of highly realistic scenes, largely due to the ability to import photographic images, which can be applied to geometry. The resolution of these images is finite, however. When they are enlarged to the point where the textured polygon is larger than the original texture resolution, magnification tends to blur the original image. The solution is the patented Sharp InfiniteReality2 subsystem, which fication. For example, this enables sign textures would continue to be 7.9.12 Projective Texture With Projective Texture, textures can be projected into a scene, bending over every surface. This allows for sophisticated per pixel spotlighting effects, such as landing lights, and projection of camera data onto synthetic terrain. 7.9.13 Shadow Maps Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 provide hardware support for shadowing. Applying shadows is a two-step process: the scene of interest is first rendered from the light source point of view; the depth information from the scene is then copied into texture memory. The result is a shadow map. The scene is then rendered from the eyepoint. Hardware determines which parts of the scene are in shadow and which are not, based on the shadow map, and lights them accordingly. The approach can be extended to multiple light sources by rendering in multiple passes. 7.9.14 Billboards Billboards are textured faces that automatically track the eyepoint so that they are always facing the viewer. The billboard feature is commonly used for trees, and other complex but approximately symmetric objects. 7.9.15 Detail Management You can restrict which MIPmap levels of detail are used. This allows use of a partially loaded MIPmap. If a MIPmap is loaded starting at the coarsest level, the texture can be used before its finest levels of detail have been loaded. 7.9.16 Video to Texture Using the Digital Video Option, broadcast-quality live video may be brought into host memory in real time with very low latency and in formats compatible with OpenGL. This image data stream may then be sent to texture or raster memory for processing by the graphics pipeline. This provides the capability to perform true three-dimensional (3D) texture mapping with a live video source. In addition, image processing or other manipulations may be performed on the video data for image analysis or video effects. Texture feature in the Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 lets you specify that edges remain sharp during magnithe development of a simulation whose photo-derived readable as they get close to the viewer's eyepoint.

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Graphics Features and Capabilities

7.9.17 3D Textures and Volume Rendering Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 include the advanced 3D Texture feature, which enables real-time 3D volume rendering. For example, 3D Texture could be used to view a series of two-dimensional medical scans of a patient's head. Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 have the power to reconstruct the series of two-dimensional scans into a three-dimensional volume. The volume can be manipulated (rotated, translated, filtered, and more) in real time by continuously resampling (interpolating) the data in 3D. Volume rendering can be enhanced by using the following features:

· Slicing planes · Perspective projection · Embedded surfaces
For more information, see Fraser, Robert, "Interactive Volume Rendering Using Advanced Graphics Architectures," Silicon Graphics Computer Systems. 7.9.18 Texture Color Lookup Tables Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 support texture color lookup tables without any performance penalty. This table can change in real time to achieve selection in volume rendering or transfer functions for sensor simulation. The hardware support is for both monochrome and color functions and has 12-bit precision.

7.10 Imaging Operations
The Geometry Engine processors of Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 provide hardware accelerated imaging operations, including convolution, minmax, histogram, color matrix, and lookup tables. Because all pixel processing paths, including drawing, copying, and reading of pixels, texels, and video data, flow through the Geometry Engine processors, these image operators can be applied between any source and destination. For example, an application may copy pixels from a video source to texture memory and perform color space conversion using the color matrix in one pixel transfer operation. 7.10.1 Convolution The convolution operator filters linear images in real time. The user-definable filter performs operations such as sharpening and blurring. Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 support separable and general convolution filters of size 3x3, 5x5 and 7x7. Separable filters are much faster than general filters. Likewise, smaller filters are faster than larger filters. Applications can trade off quality and throughput by choosing an appropriate filter size and type.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities

7.10.2 Histogram and Minmax Histograms and minmax provide statistics on color component values within an image. A histogram counts occurrences of specific color component values and reports them in user-defined bins with up to 4,096 bins per component. Minmax tracks minimum and maximum color component values. These statistics can be analyzed to create a more balanced, better-quality image. 7.10.3 Color Matrix and Linear Color Space Conversion The color matrix operation transforms the colors of each pixel by a user-defined 4x4 matrix. In addition to performing linear color space conversion, the color matrix can also be used to perform color component swapping and component replication. 7.10.4 Window/Level Support Remote sensing, medical imaging, and film editing applications can process data with a greater dynamic range than a video monitor can display. The window/level operation allows a subset of the data's full dynamic range to be selected (windowed) and its contrast and brightness adjusted (leveled) so that important image features will be seen on a monitor. The frame buffer and imaging data path of Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 support display and texturing using 16-bit luminance data, which is appropriate for demanding, high-precision imaging applications. The 32K-entry color lookup table on the Display Generator board enables real-time window/level operations on multiple windows over 12-bit subranges without requiring images to be redrawn. 7.10.5 Lookup Tables (LUTs) Color tables can be inserted in various stages of the pixel path to adjust image contrast and brightness after an image operation. Each color table can have up to 4,096 entries per color component and can be loaded directly from host or frame buffer memory.

7.11 Atmospheric Effects
A programmable fog/haze function in Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 allows setting an arbitrary fog color that can be blended with the color of any element to be rendered. The fog may be changed for all or part of the scene on a per-channel or per-object basis. The amount of fog or haze color used depends on the depth value of each pixel of each selected object. The user can specify the falloff function and the density of the fog. Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 also allow specifying a fog function using sample points.

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Graphics Features and Capabilities

Compared to RealityEngine2, the precision and the smoothness of fog/haze appearance in Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 is greatly improved. Based on the viewing projection, depth range, and the fog function itself, the system automatically optimizes generation of per-pixel fog values. Each generated fog value has 12-bits of precision per color component.

7.12 Offscreen Rendering
Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 systems have abundant frame buffer memory--80MB on each InfiniteReality2 Raster Manager board and 40MB on each Onyx2 Reality Raster Manager board--used to store pixels for very-high-resolution displays, or for multiple video output channels. It also may be used to store pixels for offscreen rendering. A frame buffer pixel contains from 256 to 1,024 bits (128 to 512 bits for Onyx2 Reality), depending upon the system's Raster Manager board quantity and video output channel characteristics. Some bits are dedicated to front and back color buffers (when applications use double buffering), the depth (Z) buffer, and other buffers supported by OpenGL (see Figure 14).

Window Buffers space Available Depth Color Overlays Pixel

Figure 14.

Frame Buffer Pixel Memory

Remaining memory is available for other uses. Applications may invoke the SGIX_fbconfig OpenGL extension to choose a frame buffer configuration for unassigned memory (see Figure 15).


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities

Offscreen Buffers

Window Buffers Depth Color Depth Color Overlays Pixel

Figure 15.

Frame Buffer Pixel Memory Including Offscreen Buffers

After selecting a frame buffer configuration, applications may invoke the SGIX_PBuffer OpenGL extension to create an offscreen rendering area called a PBuffer (Pixel Buffer). PBuffers occupy part of the frame buffer not otherwise occupied by ordinary windows (see Figure 16).

Frame Buffer



Figure 16.

Disjoint Buffers and PBuffers

PBuffers are much like windows; OpenGL applications may render into PBuffers just as they render into windows. However, PBuffers never obscure color buffers of windows and are never displayed on any video output channel.

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Graphics Features and Capabilities

PBuffers may serve as a cache for frequently accessed images, improving performance dramatically by removing the need to transfer pixels from host memory to the graphics pipeline. They may be used for storing results of special-purpose renderings that are not intended for display, such as shadow maps. PBuffers are also convenient repositories for the intermediate results of multipass rendering algorithms, which produce effects such as reflections, Phong shading, and bump mapping. Finally, PBuffers permit Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 to accelerate background batch processing of longrunning imaging operations without disabling interactive use of the main display.

7.13 Multi-Channel Display Generator
The Display Generator takes digital, ordered pixel output from the frame buffer and lets you specify from two to eight separate rectangular areas to be sent from the rectangular frame buffer area managed by the x-server to independent component RGB video outputs. Each video channel may have its own video timing (subject to constraints detailed in Section 7.13.3), increasing flexibility over previous products. 7.13.1 Standard Formats and Format Combinations To provide as much built-in flexibility as possible, Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 systems are delivered with a broad range of software-selectable video formats and format combinations, from NTSC to 1920 x1080 progressive-scan HDTV. Table 8 and Table 9 show Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 formats shipped standard with the system.
Video Format 640x480 120Hz stereo 640x480 180Hz field sequential 640x480 60Hz 646x486 30Hz interlaced 646x486 30Hz interlaced 768x576 25Hz interlaced 768x576 25Hz interlaced 800x600 60Hz 960x620 60Hz 960x680 60Hz 1024x768 120Hz stereo 1024x768 60Hz 1024x768 96Hz stereo Video Format File 640x480_120s.vfo 640x480_180q.vfo 640x480_60.vfo 646x486_30if.vfo 646x486_30i.vfo 768x576_25i.vfo 768x576_25if.vfo 800x600_60.vfo 960x620_60.vfo 960x680_60.vfo 1024x768_120s.vfo 1024x768_60.vfo 1024x768_96s.vfo Color field sequential 180Hz format VGA Frame locking format NTSC PAL Frame locking format SVGA Notes

Continued on page 43


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Continued from page 42
Video Format 1080x809 30Hz interlaced 1120x840 96Hz stereo 1200x900 72Hz 1280x1024 114Hz stereo 1280x1024 120Hz stereo 1280x1024 25Hz PAL 1280x1024 25Hz PAL 1280x1024 30Hz NTSC 1280x1024 50Hz 1280x1024 60Hz 1280x1024 72Hz 1280x959 30Hz interlaced 1500x1200 60Hz 1600x1200 60Hz 1760x1100 60Hz 1920x1035 30Hz interlaced 1920x1080 72Hz 1920x1200 66Hz CCIR601_525 CCIR601_625 Video Format File 1080x809_30i.vfo 1120x840_96s.vfo 1200x900_72.vfo 1280x1024_114s.vfo 1280x1024_120s.vfo 1280x1024_25r2.vfo 1280x1024_25r3.vfo 1280x1024_30r2.vfo 1280x1024_50.vfo 1280x1024_60.vfo 1280x1024_72.vfo 1280x959_30i.vfo 1500x1200_60.vfo 1600x1200_60.vfo 1760x1100_60.vfo 1920x1035_30i.vfo 1920x1080_72.vfo 1920x1200_66.vfo CCIR601_525.vfo CCIR601_625.vfo Japan HDTV US HDTV New ultra-high-resolution Extra-high-resolution High-resolution Ultra-high-resolution stereo Special format Special format Special format High-resolution 4:3 format Notes RS343-A "875-line" format

Table 8. Standard Formats Shipped with all Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Systems

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Graphics Features and Capabilities

Standard Combinations 1 1280x1024 60Hz 1 1280x1024 72Hz 1 960x680 60Hz 1 1024x768 60Hz 1 1200x900 72Hz 1 1600x1200 60Hz 1 1920x1035 30Hz interlaced 1 1920x1080 72Hz 1 1920x1200 66Hz 1 1280x1024 60Hz and 1 NTSC 1 1280x1024 72Hz and 1 1920x1080 72Hz 1 1280x1024 60Hz and 4 640x480 60Hz 1 1280x907 60Hz and 5 640x453 60Hz 2 1280x1024 60Hz 2 1280x1024 72Hz 3 1024x768 60Hz and 1 1280x959 30Hz interlaced 3 1280x1024 60Hz 1 640x480 120Hz stereo 7 800x600 60Hz and 1 NTSC 8 640x480 60Hz 8 800x600 60Hz

Combiner File 1280x1024_60.cmb 1280x1024_72.cmb 960x680_60.cmb 1024x768_60.cmb 1200x900_72.cmb 1600x1200_60.cmb 1920x1035_30i.cmb 1920x1080_72.cmb 1920x1200_66.cmb 1280x1024 + NTSC_60.cmb

1280x1024 + 1920x1080_72.cmb

1280x1024 + 4@640x480_60.cmb

1280x907 + 5@640x453_60.cmb

2@1280x1024_60.cmb 2@1280x1024_72.cmb 3@1024x768_60 + 1280x959_30i.cmb

3@1280x1024_60.cmb 640x480_120s.cmb 7@800x600_60 + NTSC.cmb

8@640x480_60.cmb 8@800x600_60.cmb

Table 9. Standard Format Combinations Shipped with All Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Systems


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities

7.13.2 2-Channel and 8-Channel Configurations Both versions of the Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 video display subsystem are multi-channel capable. The standard version has two independent video channels for driving two separate RGB displays or virtual reality (VR) stereoscopic displays, or for a single RGB video channel and an independent video encoder. The high-performance version provides eight independent channels, each with its own 12-bit gamma table. On either version, channel 1 can be a normal RGB channel or the video encoder channel. Because multi-channel capability is included in the standard system, users do not need to sacrifice a slot in the backplane to get this feature, even if the system is configured for eight outputs. Use of the Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 multi-channel feature does not disturb or disable operation of the "main" video output channels. All additional channels are as easy to program as the main channel; the same video format compiler works for all channels, including the CCIR601 Serial Digital Video Channel enabled by the Graphics to Video Out option (GVO).


DG5-2 GV0

Hi-res Hi-res RGB RGB at 220mHz or composite DG5-8 video encoder Hi-res Hi-res RGB RGB at 220mHz or composite Hi-res RGB at 170mHz video encoder

Hi-res DI 601 Hi-res video RGB RGB at 220mHz output or composite video encoder

Figure 17.

2- and 8-Channel Options

7.13.3 Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Multi-Channel Features: Considerations Several system resources must be considered in multi-channel applications: frame buffer memory, frame buffer read/write bandwidth, DAC bandwidth, and frame bufferto-video subsystem transmission bandwidth. Swap Rates Must Be Equal

Video formats that run together in a video combination must provide time for "housekeeping" operations such as updating cursor position and glyph, setting parameters for dynamic pixel resampling, and more. This may be done at field boundaries, frame

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Graphics Features and Capabilities

boundaries, or in certain cases, across multiple frames. This interval is defined by the "maximum swap rate." This rate must be the same for all video formats running together, so that the Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 video display subsystem can simultaneously perform these housekeeping services for all running video formats. For example, a legal combination of formats would be the following:

· · · ·

30Hz interlaced NTSC (swap rate is the 60Hz field rate for this format) 60Hz non-interlaced 1280 x1024 120Hz stereo (swap rate is the 60Hz frame rate) 180Hz color field sequential (again, the swap rate is the 60Hz frame rate)

Examples of illegal combinations would be NTSC (60Hz swap rate) and PAL (50Hz swap rate), or 60Hz and 72Hz versions of 1280 x1024. In these cases, the swap rates are not the same. "Equal" is a relative term. For example, NTSC, which really runs at 59.94Hz field rates, is close enough to be run with 60Hz 1280 x1024. In general, if the swap rates are close enough to allow the video formats to be reliably synchronized to one another, they are considered "equal." This tolerance is usually less than 0.2 percent.

Unequal Swap Rates 60Hz


"Equal" Swap Rates 60Hz



Figure 18.

Equal and Unequal Swap Rates


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities Frame Buffer to Video Display Subsystem Transmission Bandwidth

Digital video data is sent serially from the Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 frame buffer to the video subsystem. Each video channel uses a portion of the system's aggregate video transmission bandwidth. The required bandwidth per channel depends on the resolution of the video output format running on that channel and on the type of video it receives from the frame buffer. The requirements of all video channels must be less than the aggregate video bandwidth of the system. Depending on the number and precision of color components requested from the frame buffer by each video channel, the available video transmission bandwidth ranges from approximately 290M pixels/second (for 10-bit RGB or 12-bit color field-sequential video) to 210M pixels/second (for 10-bit RGBA or 12-bit RGB video). The digital data stream from the frame buffer to a particular video channel must be of a single type and precision, for example, 10-bit RGB. However, different video channels (and associated digital video streams from the frame buffer) may be mixed: one channel may request 10-bit RGB, while another channel may request 12-bit RGB, and yet another channel may request 10-bit RGBA. Depending on the mix of currently running video formats, the total required video transmission bandwidth will fall between approximately 210M and 290M pixels/second. Distinguishing the transmission format for video from the depth of pixels in the frame buffer is important. Pixel depth (small, medium, large, extra-large) must be uniform across the entire managed area of the frame buffer. On Onyx2 Reality, valid pixel depths are extra small (128 bits per pixel), small (256 bits per pixel), and medium (512 bits per pixel). As stated above, the format of the colors transmitted as video from a frame buffer to the video display subsystem may vary on a per-channel basis to conserve aggregate video transmission bandwidth. Frame buffer memory stores non-video information about each pixel (such as multisample and Z information); the color fields are a subset of the frame buffer pixel storage. Distinguishing between frame buffer representation of pixels and the format chosen for video transmission to the video display subsystem is important if you want to understand and optimize the performance of both the frame buffer memory and video display subsystem. The total frame buffer to video subsystem bandwidth is independent of the number of Raster Manager boards in the system. DAC Output Bandwidth

When configuring a video format combination, you must decide which format to assign to which video channel. The first two video channels have DACs with a 220M pixel/ second bandwidth limit. The remaining six channels have DACs with a 190M pixel/ second bandwidth limit. Because each channel can do dynamic resolution (see Section 7.13.7), actual video resolution as output by the DAC (and seen by the display monitor

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Graphics Features and Capabilities

connected to the channel) may be higher than the resolution of the rectangular region of the frame buffer assigned to that channel. The highest-bandwidth video formats of a video format combination should always be assigned to channels 0 and 1.

Monitor Frame Buffer

640x512 1280x1024

Figure 19.

Dynamic Resolution Frame Buffer Memory

Another requirement for video format combinations is that they must all be able to tile rectangular subregions of a rectangular frame buffer. Depending upon the depth of pixels selected and the number of Raster Manager boards installed, some combinations of formats may require more than one Raster Manager board. When selecting frame buffer pixel depth you must consider the quality of multisampling, the precision of the Z-buffer and RGB colors stored in the frame buffer, and total system fill rate capability. Adding RM boards does not increase total frame buffer to video subsystem bandwidth, but it increases the total drawing fill rate available, and amortizes the video refresh overhead over more RM boards, leaving more fill capacity available for drawing. Frame Buffer Read/Write Bandwidth

A final consideration for video format combinations is the overhead video channels presents to the frame buffer. The greater the number video channels, the more the pixel fill rate of the system is reduced. nation of formats may fit into a 1-RM or 2-RM configuration, but it reduce the fill rate. 7.13.4 Video Format Combiner

that refreshing and resolution of A particular combimay unacceptably

To make the necessary trade-offs between these requirements, the system includes the Video Format Combiner software tool. This tool has a command-line interface and a graphical user interface (GUI). Using the GUI form, it is easy to see which regions of the frame buffer are mapped to which channels. Pixel bandwidth and fill rate overhead due to video are dynamically displayed. When system limits are exceeded, the tools attempt to provide hints about what remedial action to take.


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Graphics Features and Capabilities

If system resources of a target hardware configuration are sufficient enough to support a group of video formats, the combiner tool creates a combination file with filename references to the video formats and information about configuring the video hardware to run that channel combination. Only video format combinations "approved" by the video format combiner are allowed to be loaded into the video subsystem (even if only a single channel is enabled). This is done with the video format combiner itself or with the familiar setmon program. In addition, there is a programming interface provided by an X-WindowsTM server extension, XSGIvc, for application developers who want to integrate video control into their applications. Figure 20 shows an example of using the video format combiner tool interactively to place six video channels on a 1-RM Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 system in a managed area of 1920 x 1360 pixels. Small (256-bit) pixels are used. Channel 0 is a 1280 x1024 video format mapped to a 1280 x907 region of the frame buffer using static resizing. Channels 1 through 4 are in a 640 x480 video format. Using static resizing, each is mapped to a 640 x453 region of the frame buffer. The Digital Video Option (DIVO) and the graphicsto-video option (GVO) are discussed in Section 7.16 and Section 7.17, respectively. This example illustrates the use of video resizing to efficiently use the frame buffer. If static resizing were not used, only four 640x480 channels would fit in addition to the 1280x1024 channel. Note indicators at the bottom of the screen that show this video format combination is using 58.90 percent of the available pixel transmission bandwidth, and that the fill capability of this combination is reduced by 18.45 percent. For comparison, a single 1280x1024 screen would reduce the fill rate of a 1-RM system by about 10 percent. In other words, when running this combination, 81.55 percent (100 percent minus 18.45 percent) of the fill rate is available for drawing into the frame buffer.

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Graphics Features and Capabilities

Error: 58.90% Bandwidth Used Reduced Fill Download combination Edit globals... 18.45%

Figure 20.

Using the Video Format Combiner to Place Six Video Channels

7.13.5 Examples of Video Format Combinations As an example, a 1-RM system supports two 1280x1024, 60Hz noninterlaced channels using small (256-bit) pixels. Adding another RM board allows the use of two of these channels with medium (512-bit) pixels, or three channels using small pixels. A 2-RM configuration supports eight channels at 800x600 pixels at 60Hz. The video combiner tool allows these kinds of "what if" scenarios to be explored, enabling users to easily configure the Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 graphics systems for their particular applications. Table 10 shows several example configurations. Many others are possible.


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Video Format Combinations 2 @ 1280x1024, 60Hz 3 @ 1280x1024, 72Hz

Notes Uses all memory on 1-RM (small frame buffer pixels) Uses nearly the entire available pixel bandwidth; requires 2-RMs for sufficient memory (small pixels) Uses all channels; needs 2-RMs for sufficient memory (small pixels) Uses all channels; Channel 1 is used by Composite Video Encoder when enabled Not all formats need the same resolution; field rates of all video formats must match; requires 2-RMs for sufficient memory (small pixels) 1920x1080 channel must be assigned to high-speed DAC (channel 0 or channel 1); requires 2-RMs for sufficient memory (small pixels)

8 @ 800x600, 60Hz

7 @ 800x600, 60Hz + NTSC Encoder 3 @ 1024x768, 60Hz + RS343-A 1260x945, 30Hz interlaced 1 @ 1920x1080 + 1 @ 1280x1024 both at 72Hz

Table 10. Examples of Video Format Combinations

7.13.6 Video Format Compiler A video format is the set of electrical and timing characteristics that drive a monitor (or any video output device). In the context of this report, a video format usually refers to the video format source language you use to describe the video format itself. The video format compiler takes the video format source language file and produces a video format object file. You can use the video format object file to load video generation hardware (some hardware architectures require an intermediate step that combines multiple video format object files). 7.13.7 Dynamic Resolution Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 incorporate on-the-fly video resampling on all video channels. This feature is known as dynamic resolution, which works on all video formats with pixel rates of 120MHz or less. This restriction eliminates only the highest-resolution formats.

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Graphics Features and Capabilities

This feature provides several benefits:

· Dynamic resolution, available through IRIS Performer as well as OpenGL, provides
a powerful new method of guaranteeing scene update rates. Dynamic resolution works in addition to geometric level-of-detail methods.

· The video encoder channel can now encompass an entire video channel, allowing
whole-screen recording without an external scan-converter. For video formats with pixel clock rates above 120MHz, the encoder works in "pass-through" mode similar to RealityEngine2, allowing recording of a pannable NTSC or PAL-sized region of the display.

· Dynamic resolution of a frame buffer region allows a smaller frame buffer region to
be "zoomed" or enlarged to fit the video format resolution of the video channel assigned to that frame buffer region. This aids efficient use of frame buffer memory without requiring nonstandard video formats. 7.13.8 Stereoscopic Video Output Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 continue the RealityEngine2 style of support for stereoscopic viewing in a window. Individual windows may be run in stereoscopic viewing mode, displaying a separate left-eye view and right-eye view at the appropriate frame rate. All other windows and pop-ups appear normal. 7.13.9 Direct Support of Color Field Sequential Video Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 provide direct, efficient support of timemultiplexed, sequential color field video, commonly known as color field-sequential video. Cursors and color index pop-up regions appear in their true colors, making it easy to integrate applications using color field-sequential video with the X-Windows environment. 7.13.10 Luminance Luminance (monochrome rendering) is supported by the video display subsystem. Applications may select luminance to be displayed as color mapped pseudo-color or as static-gray X-visual. Ultra-high color resolution (16 bits) is supported for rendering operations such as texture (but not lighting) using luminance. 7.13.11 Programmable Video Timing The advanced circuitry of Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 generates a programmable pixel clock to enable the broadest range of applications, from video production to visual simulation. The clock controls the rate at which the frame buffer is scanned out to a video signal. The standard system supports 1920 x1200 pixels at 66Hz noninterlaced. Some applications need different video timing, such as military displays requiring the RS-343 standard, or stereoscopy for molecular modeling, which requires 120Hz video field rate to output a left-eye view and a right-eye view at 60Hz each. Onyx2 Reality and


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Graphics Features and Capabilities

Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 programmable video timing supports these and other video formats. By introducing the Video Format Compiler, Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 put video format programming capability in your hands. Video formats produced by the Video Format Compiler must be put into a video format combination using the Video Format Combiner tool (Section 7.13.4) to validate that they will operate correctly on the Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 video display subsystem hardware. In the case of a single format, the word "combination" is a misnomer; the key concept is that all video formats, whether running alone or in combination with other video formats, must be validated by the video combiner to ensure that the video format is compatible with the display hardware.

7.14 Genlock
To ensure that Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 graphics subsystems video output is synchronized with other video sources or pipelines, the system includes a standard external genlock capability. Genlock assures that multiple video sources all start scanning out their frames at the same time for frame-synchronized multi-channel output. Video channels in video subsystems of Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 are automatically frame-synchronized, whether or not they are of the same resolution, and regardless of whether the external genlock feature is enabled. External genlock capability lets the master video format (the format running on the lowest-numbered video channel) genlock to an external video source. Unlike previous systems, the external video source only needs the same vertical sync rate as the master format; it does not need the identical format running on the master channel. This provides maximum flexibility in synchronizing to multiple Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 graphics pipelines or to video equipment of other vendors. There are two methods of frame synchronization: genlock and frame-reset. The highest-quality method of frame synchronization is genlock. It is used when two video formats are the same resolution and frame rate. The internal circuitry can make adjustments every horizontal period to ensure that the system is locked. In the frame-reset method, the system merely issues a reset signal to the timing circuitry of the system to be synchronized. This method may allow frames to be "dropped" occasionally. Genlock guarantees that frames will not be dropped or missed. The video combiner tool will select the best-quality frame synchronizing method, based on the video formats in the combination file, and the video format selected for external genlocking. 7.14.1 Swap Synchronization Swap buffer timing can be synchronized between any number of Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 systems by means of external cabling to the swap_ready connector. The systems should be genlocked together when using swap synchronization.

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Graphics Features and Capabilities

7.15 Digital Video Multiplexer - DPLEX
7.15.1 Breakthrough Scalability for Visualization The Digital Video Multiplexer Option (DPLEX) takes visualization scalability to a new level. DPLEX permits multiple InfiniteReality or InfiniteReality2 pipelines in an Onyx2 system to work simultaneously on a single suitable visual application. Moreover, DPLEX provides this capability in hardware, resulting in perfect (100 percent) scaling of both geometry rate and fill rate on some applications. An n-pipe system equipped with DPLEX may support up to n-times the frame rate of a single-pipe system running the same application, or n-times the scene complexity for a given frame rate, provided the rest of the system and application scale. DPLEX is an optional daughtercard for Onyx2 systems that enables digital multiplexing of two or more pipelines. One DPLEX option is required for each pipeline in the system. The concept is simple: multiple pipelines operate simultaneously on successive frames of an application, which are then digitally multiplexed together before being converted to analog video. Any user seeking greater rendering speed may benefit from this technology. Key applications include distortion correction (required for dome simulators) and interactive large model visualization (required in many manufacturing settings, research institutions, etc.). In addition to its multiplexing capabilities, DPLEX also provides high-resolution Low Voltage Differential Signal (LVDS) digital video output to drive next- generation digital displays, hardware-in-the-loop devices, and other custom peripherals. 7.15.2 Distortion Correction With Onyx2, distortion correction is achieved using an approach in which a flat image is rendered to the frame buffer, copied back into texture memory, and then projected on a grid of polygons that represents an inverse mapping of the required distortion. A single InfiniteReality2 or InfiniteReality pipeline is capable of rendering 1280x1024 distortion-corrected imagery at 30Hz. With DPLEX, two such pipes can be multiplexed together to deliver a 60Hz update rate. And since the distortion correction occurs in the IG rather than in the projection system, the Onyx2 system-based solution can support dynamic distortion correction, in which the relative location of the projector or the shape of the screen changes over time. 7.15.3 Large Model Interactivity DPLEX may allow an application to achieve higher performance levels. This can be very useful in digital prototyping, where large models are required to maintain visual fidelity. With DPLEX, even the largest, most complex visualizations become manageable because performance can be scaled to meet virtually any challenge.


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Graphics Features and Capabilities

7.15.4 Application and OS Support Full-screen applications written to IRIS Performer or OpenGL Optimizer 1.1 are most easily adaptable to DPLEX operation. Other OpenGL applications will require additional modification to enable multipipe support in general and DPLEX support in particular. Not all applications can be made to work with DPLEX. DPLEX requires IRIX 6.5.2 or later. 7.15.5 DPLEX and MonsterMode Rendering Underlying DPLEX is a data partitioning scheme known as time-composition: multiple pipelines operate simultaneously on different time-slices of a data set to generate successive frames, which are then composited together by the DPLEX network to form a continuous video stream. Because the composition takes place in dedicated hardware, DPLEX is said to perform hardware-based time-composition. Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 also supports several software-based methods for distributing a data set over multiple pipelines. These methods are collectively known as MonsterMode rendering. Each uses the Onyx2 high-bandwidth memory subsystem rather than special hardware (DPLEX) for the interpipeline transfers required to partition the data and compose the final image. MonsterMode rendering methods include 2D composition for handling polygonal models and 3D composition for handling volumetric models. The latter provides the further benefit of additive texture capacity: an n-pipe system using MonsterMode 3D-composition software has n-times the effective texture memory of a single-pipe system (up to 1GB for a 16-pipe configuration). The choice of which method to use, DPLEX or MonsterMode, will depend on the nature of the application. Volume visualization should benefit more from MonsterMode, whereas polygonal data may favor DPLEX, MonsterMode, or a combination of the two. Please consult your Silicon Graphics representative for more information.

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Graphics Features and Capabilities

Vertical Lines Denote Video Retrace 16:67ms Time PIPE 1 GFX Position & Start Frame 1 Position & Start Frame 4 Position & Start Frame 7

Render Frame 1

Render Frame 4

Render Frame 7

Video Stream from PIPE 1 PIPE 2 GFX Position & Start Frame 2

Frame 1

Frame 1 Position & Start Frame 5

Frame 1

Frame 4

Frame 4 Position & Start Frame 8

Frame 4

Frame 7

Render Frame 2

Render Frame 5

Render Frame 8

Video Stream from PIPE 2 PIPE 3 GFX Position & Start Frame 3

Frame 2

Frame 2 Position & Start Frame 6

Frame 2

Frame 5

Frame 5 Position & Start Frame 9

Frame 5

Render Frame 3

Render Frame 6

Video Stream from PIPE 3

Frame 3

Frame 3

Frame 3

Frame 6

Frame 6

DPLEX Combined Video Stream

Frame 1

Frame 2

Frame 3

Frame 4

Frame 5

Frame 6

Frame 7

Figure 21.

Example of 3-Pipe DPLEX Time Compositing

7.16 Digital Video Option (DIVO)
The Digital Video Option (DIVO) board is a half-size XIO board that is capable of streaming lossless noncompressed real-time video and audio data to and from system memory. Each DIVO board includes two fully independent channels, one for input and one for output. DIVO supports noncompressed serial digital video formats ranging from single-link 4:2:2 8-bit to dual-link 4:4:4:4 10-bit, specifically SMPTE 259M (10-bit 4:2:2 Component Digital only), SMPTE 272M (video with embedded audio), and SDDI. DIVO also supports Rice encode/decode of these noncompressed formats, providing lossless reduction of approximately 2:1, reducing disk storage and network bandwidth requirements. DIVO supports up to 16 channels of embedded audio on both input and output.

7.17 Graphics-to-Video Option (GVO)
The Graphics-to-Video Option (GVO) is a daughtercard that connects directly to the Onyx2 Reality or Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 graphics pipeline and allows the user to output CCIR 601 serial digital video from the graphics frame buffer. GVO by itself is perfect


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Graphics Features and Capabilities

for output of graphics to digital video in real time. GVO and DIVO together are ideal for virtual sets where video is input to graphics and output in real time, and for content creation applications for simultaneous content input and output. When the Graphics-to-Video Option card is installed on a Display Generator with two channels, both channels remain available. When the Graphics-to-Video Option card is installed on a Display Generator with eight channels, three channels remain available.

7.18 Integration with X Window System
Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 graphics are integrated with the X Window System, giving multiple, independent graphics displays from a single frame buffer. The X11 standard is fully supported and native OpenGL is integrated without degradation of graphics pipeline performance when drawing into windows (versus a dedicated full screen). Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 also unite a number of unique capabilities with respect to X Window System support. Up to 16 windows can have their own 12-bit color lookup tables (LUTs) to provide a stable, independent data space that does not require reloading with each current window switch.

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

8.0 Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

8.1 Architecture Overview
Onyx2 is a scalable system. Onyx2 is also a modular system because it can be increased by adding standard nodes to the interconnection fabric. This modular architecture gives the system a few important characteristics. When purchasing an entry-level system, customers need not pay for complete expandability. Rather, they pay for infrastructure to expand the system as they grow the system. Also, the system is inherently reliable, as the hardware in one module can survive failures in other modules.

32 Processor System

64 Processor System








128 Processor System R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R





R R R R Meta Router




Interconnection fabric: multidimensional. Many connections can be made at a time. R=Router Black squares = Node with one or two CPUs

Figure 22.

Onyx2 Scalability


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

8.2 Node Card
The node card (deskside or rack) is the basic building block of the Onyx2 systems. The node card contains two R10000 processors, a second level cache, main memory, directory memory for cache coherence, an ASIC called the hub for interconnection, an I/O interface, and an interface to the interconnect fabric. For a block diagram of the node card see Figure 23


Secondary cache 1-4MB

Secondary cache 1-4MB


800MB/sec peak 800MB/sec peak

BX ASIC Main memor y 800MB/sec peak

Address/control Directory data Directory address/control Hub ASIC

Director y memor y


800MB/sec peak

800MB/sec peak

800MB/sec peak


Figure 23.

Node Board Block Diagram

8.2.1 Processor Each deskside Onyx2 node board (also referred to in this text as a "node") is capable of supporting two R10000 processors. In a deskside or rackmounted configuration, each processor is mounted on an HIMM (horizontal in-line memory module) together with its primary cache, and either 1 or 4MB or secondary cache.

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Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

8.2.2 Memory Onyx2 systems use distributed shared-memory (DSM). With DSM, main memory is partitioned among processors but accessible to and shared by all of the processors. Onyx2 divides main memory into two classes: near and remote. Memory on the same node as the processor is labelled near, with all other memory in the system labelled remote. To a processor, main memory appears as a single addressable space containing many blocks, or 4KB pages. Each node is allotted a static portion of the physical address space -- which means there is a gap if a node is not present. The gap is not visible to user processes since they use virtual addresses. 8.2.3 Hub The node board has a hub ASIC, which connects the processors, main memory and its associated directory memory, the system interconnection fabric, through a dedicated router port, and the I/O subsystem. The hub is a four-port crossbar switch, with four bidirectional ports, each running at 800MB/second (peak bandwidth) each way, fullduplex, for a total bandwidth of 1.6GB/second at each port (processor, memory, system, I/O). It is responsible for connecting all four interfaces of the node together:

· · · ·

processor memory XIO CrayLinkTM interconnection fabric through a router board

These four interfaces are interconnected by an internal crossbar, as shown in Figure 24. The interfaces on the hub communicate by sending messages through the crossbar. The hub controls intranode communications between the node's subsystems, and also controls internode communications with other hub ASICs in other nodes. The hub converts internal messages, using a request/reply format, to and from the external message format used by the XIO or CrayLink port. All internal messages are initiated by processors and I/O devices.


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Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

Processor Interface

Output FIFO

Input FIFO Output FIFO I/O Interface Input FIFO Asynch Interface Output FIFO

Figure 24.

As shown in Figure 24, each hub interface has two first-in/first-out (FIFO) buffers: one for incoming messages and one for outgoing messages. The FIFOs provide buffering between the hub chip and the devices to which it connects. When empty, the FIFOs provide bypassing for lower latency. 8.2.4 Global Real-Time Clock One hub can be designated a clock "master," sending a global clock out through the interconnect fabric to the rest of the hubs, which then slave off this clock. A BNC connector on the edge of the node board can feed an external 1MHz TTL real-time clock to the system if greater accuracy is needed.

8.3 I/O Subsystem
8.3.1 XIO Protocol Onyx2 systems use an advanced input-output (I/O) subsystem, consisting of a number of high-speed XIO links. XIO supports a wide range of Silicon Graphics and third-party I/O devices.

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Memory/Directory Interface

Input FIFO

Output FIFO Input FIFO

Asynch/Synch Interface

Interconnection Fabric

Block Diagram of a Hub ASIC


Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

XIO is distributed, with an I/O port on each node board. As with Onyx2 distributed memory, each I/O port is accessible by every CPU. I/O is controlled either through the single-port XIO-protocol link on the node board, or through an intelligent crossbar interconnect on the XBOW ASIC. 8.3.2 XBOW The XBOW ASIC has a dynamic crossbar switch which expands the dual-host XIO port to eight 16-bit ports. Six ports are used for I/O and two connect to node boards. Each I/O port can run in either 8- or 16-bit mode, with rate-matching buffers to decouple 16bit to 8-bit ports. At least one and a maximum of two XBOW ports must connect to a host. The electrical interface for XIO is the same as that used by CrayLink. A number of interface ASICs are available to link the XBOW ports to PCI, VME, SCSI, Ethernet, ATM, Fibre Channel, and other I/O devices. The interface ASICs include the IOC3, LINC, and Bridge ASICs. The XBOW ASIC uses the XIO protocol at all of its ports. There are two XBOW ASICs on each deskside midplane. On the Onyx2 deskside graphics system, a single XBOW ASIC is provided. The electrical interface for XIO is the same as that used by CrayLink. A functional view of a XBOW ASIC, with dual hosts and six half-size XIO boards, is shown in Figure 25. (CrayLink cabling is not shown in this illustration.)


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

Por tion of Midplane
CPU CrayLink Por t

To Router

Router Slot

MEM DIR Node Board 0 HS XIO Slot HS XIO Slot

HS XIO Slot XBOW CPU CrayLink Por t HS XIO Slot


To Router


MEM DIR Node Board 1

Por tion of Midplane

Figure 25.

Functional Location of XBOW ASIC

In this dual-host configuration, the six remaining XIO ports are statically partitioned between the two node boards; if one of the host nodes is inoperable, the second host node can be programmed to take control of all the XIO ports. Note that the node boards connect to ports 1 and 3 of the XBOW, and the remaining six ports connect to the XIO widgets. The XBOW ASIC contains a crossbar switch that dynamically connects individual ports to particular I/O devices (host, graphics board, serial I/O). The XBOW decodes fields in XIO messages to determine control and destination information.

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Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

8.3.3 XIO Devices The form-factor for XIO boards may vary. Typically a device is a single board, either half-size (10-inch x 6.5-inch x 1-inch) or full-size (10-inch x 13-inch x 1-inch); however it is possible for a device to include a daughterboard. One specific case of XIO devices are the graphics pipelines (Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2). Onyx2 desksides use the XIO protocol, while Onyx2 racks use the Crosstown protocol. XIO can also run outside an enclosure, using the Crosstown protocol, which is described in the Scalable Shared-memory Multiprocessing Server Technical Report. On all systems a basic IO device is included for the standard support for two UltraSCSI buses (40Mb/second each), serial ports, and fast Ethernet (100Base-T, 100Mbit/ seconds). On all graphics systems an MIO audio serial option is also included in the standard configuration. The MIO device is optional in nongraphics configurations. 8.3.4 Media Input/Output (MIO) Standard with all graphics configurations, the Media Input/Output (MIO) device includes analog audio (stereo in/out lines), professional digital audio (AES/EBU in/out and ADAT 8+8 channel optical in/out), loop through video blackburst sync input, system-wide UST in even the largest system configurations, two serial ports RS-232 and RS-422 (up to 115200 baud), two sets of keyboard/mouse ports, and one parallel port. 8.3.5 PCI-64 Onyx2 also supports PCI-64 boards. In the deskside and rack systems, PCI is supported through an optional PCI expansion board. PCI support is optionally PCI expansion box. This requires access to a wide deskside or rack module. card slots. added to the deskside and rack systems using an internal box plugs into one of the XIO slots in the module. This box XIO slot. Only a single PCI expansion box is supported per Each PCI expansion box provides three 64-bit PCI full size


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

8.4 Interconnect Subsystem
8.4.1 Topology Onyx2 nodes are connected by an interconnection fabric. The interconnection fabric is a set of switches, called routers, that are linked by cables in various configurations, or topologies. The interconnection fabric differs from a standard bus in the following important ways:

· The interconnection fabric is a mesh of multiple point-to-point links connected by
the routing switches. These links and switches allow multiple transactions to occur simultaneously.

· The links permit extremely fast switching. Each bidirectional link sustains as much
bandwidth as the entire bus in a CHALLENGE® class system.

· The interconnection fabric does not require arbitration nor is it as limited by contention, while a bus must be contested through arbitration.

· More routers and links are added as nodes are added, increasing the interconnection
fabric's bandwidth. A shared bus has a fixed bandwidth that is not scalable.

· The topology of the CrayLink is such that the bisection bandwidth grows linearly
with the number of nodes in the system. The interconnection fabric provides a minimum of two separate paths to every pair of Onyx2 nodes. This redundancy allows the system to bypass failing routers or broken fabric links. Each fabric link is additionally protected by a CRC code and a link-level protocol, which retry any corrupted transmissions and provide fault tolerance for transient errors. Figure 26 illustrates an 8-node hypercube with its multiple datapaths. Simultaneously, R1 can communicate with R0, R2 to R3, R4 to R6, and R5 to R7, all without having to interface with any other node.

R4 R0 R6 R2 R2 R0

R4 R0 R6 R2



R5 R1 R7 R3 R3 R1

R5 R1 R7 R3



Figure 26.

Datapaths in an Interconnection Fabric

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Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

8.4.2 Routers Router boards physically link the hub ASIC on the node board to CrayLink. CrayLink provides a high-bandwidth, low-latency connection between all the node boards. Central on a router board is the router ASIC, which implements a full six-way nonblocking crossbar switch.

Node board Proc 0 Cache Hub ASIC




Proc 1


Router Memory & Directory
Interconnection fabr



Figure 27.

Location of a Router Board in an Onyx2 System

The router crossbar allows all six of the router ports to operate simultaneously at fullduplex; each port consists of two unidirectional data paths. The router board also includes a set of protocols, which provides a reliable exchange of data even in the face of transient errors on links, manages flow-control, and prioritizes data so that older data is given precedence over newer data.

8.5 Distributed Shared Address Space
Onyx2 memory is located in a single shared address space. Memory within this space is distributed among all the processors, and is accessible over the interconnection fabric. This differs from a Challenge-class system, in which memory is centrally located on and only accessible over a single shared bus. By distributing memory of Onyx2 among processors memory latency is reduced: accessing memory near to a processor takes less time than accessing remote memory. Although physically distributed, main memory is available to all processors. I/O devices are also distributed within a shared address space; every I/O device is universally accessible throughout the system.


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Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

8.6 Onyx2 Memory Hierarchy
Onyx2 memory is organized into the following hierarchy: At the top, and closest to the processor making the memory request, are the processor registers. Because they are physically on the chip they have the lowest latency--that is, they have the fastest access times. In Figure 28, these are on the processor labelled P0. The next level of memory hierarchy is labelled cache. In Figure 28., these are the primary and secondary caches located on P0. Aside from the registers, caches have the lowest latency in Onyx2, since they are also on the R10000 chip (primary cache) or tightly coupled to its processor on a daughterboard (secondary cache). The next level of memory hierarchy is called local memory. This is the memory and the directory on the same node as the processor. In Figure 28, local memory is the block of main memory on Node 0. The next level of memory hierarchy consists of the remote caches that may be holding copies of a given memory block. If the requesting processor is writing, these copies must be invalidated. If the processor is reading, this level exists if another processor has the most up-to-date copy of the requested location. In Figure 28, remote cache is represented by the blocks labelled "cache" on Nodes 1 and 2. Caches are used to reduce the amount of time it takes to access memory--also known as a memory's latency--by moving faster memory physically close to, or even onto, the processor. This faster memory is generally some version of static RAM, or SRAM. The DSM structure of Onyx2 also creates the notion of local memory. This memory is close to the processor and has reduced latency compared to bus-based systems, where all memory must be accessed through a shared bus.

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Onyx2 Hardware Architecture


P0 (processor making the memory request) registers

P0 primary cache P1

Node 0


secondary cache

Shor ter access times (lower latencies)

Increasing data capacity

P0 main memory Local memor y

Node 0 Directory


Node 0 Remote caches Pi Cache

Node 1 P i+1 Cache

Node 2 P i+2 Cache

Figure 28.

Memory Hierarchy, Based on Relative Latencies and Data Capacities

While data only exists in either local or remote memory, copies of the data can exist in various processor caches. Keeping these copies consistent is the responsibility of the logic of the various hubs. This logic is collectively referred to as a cache-coherence protocol, described in Section 8.7.

8.7 Cache Coherency
Simply put, coherence is the ability to keep data consistent throughout a system. Data coherence in a uniprocessor system is usually managed directly by the processor, so no separate coherence protocol is needed.


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Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

A multiprocessor configuration is different. In a system such as Onyx2, data can be copied and shared among all the processors and their caches. Moving data into a cache reduces memory latency, but it can also complicate coherence because the cached copy may become inconsistent with the same data stored elsewhere. A cache coherence protocol is designed to keep data consistent and disperse the most-recent version of data to wherever it is being used. Onyx2 uses a directory-based coherence protocol, described further in the S2MP Server Technical Report.

8.8 System Latencies
Memory latency is the amount of time it takes a system to complete a read or write to memory. It is quoted using two metrics: access time and cycle time.

· Access time is the time between the issuance of a data request and the time when the
data is returned.

· Cycle time is the time between repeated requests.
Memory latency is reduced by:

· The inherent spatial and temporal locality in caches · Distributing memory, and moving some of it close to each processor · Page migration, in which frequently accessed data is moved from remote memory to
local memory

· The integrated node design and CrayLink topology, which reduces the number of
chip crossbars and the contention to reach remote memory

8.9 System Bandwidths
Three types of bandwidth are cited in this manual:

· Peak bandwidth, which is a theoretical number derived by multiplying the clock rate
at the interface by the data width of the interface.

· Sustained bandwidth, which is derived by subtracting the packet header and any
other immediate overhead from the peak bandwidth. This best-case figure, sometimes called Peak Payload bandwidth, does not take into account contention and other variable effects.

· Bisection bandwidth, which is derived by dividing the interconnection fabric in half,
and measuring the data rate across this divide. This figure is useful for measuring data rates when the data is not optimally placed. A comparison between peak and sustained data bandwidths at the XIO and interconnection fabric interfaces of the hub is given in Table 11. System bisection bandwidth is given in Table 12.

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

Interface at Hub Processor Memory Interconnection Fabric XIO

Half/Full Duplex Unidirectional Unidirectional Full duplex Half duplex 8-bit full duplex 8-bit half duplex 16-bit full duplex 16-bit half duplex

Peak Bandwidth per Second 800MB 800MB 1.6GB 800MB 800MB 400MB 1.6GB 800MB

Sustained Bandwidth per Second

Maximum Simultaneous System Bandwidth per Second 800MB

1.28GB 711MB 640MB 355MB 1.28GB 711MB


Maximum Bandwidth per Hub (2 CPUs)


Table 11. Bandwidths on Processor, Memory, and I/O Paths

System Size (Number of CPUs) 8 16 32 64 128

Bisection Bandwidth (without Xpress Links) 1.6GB/second 3.2GB/second 6.4GB/second 12.8GB/second 25.6GB/second

Bisection Bandwidth (with Xpress Links) 3.2GB/second (star router) 6.4GB/second 9.6GB/second n/a n/a

Table 12. Bisection Bandwidths of Various Onyx2 Configurations

The total system bandwidth is shown in Table 13. This is the bandwidth while all CPUs are reading local memory and all routers are reading and writing across the XBOWs at the same time.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

System Size (Number of CPUs) 8 16 32 64 128

Maximum Simultaneous System Bandwidth 9.6GB/second 19.2GB/second 38.4GB/second 76.8GB/second 153.6GB/second

Table 13. Maximum Simultaneous System Bandwidth

8.10 R10000 Processor Architecture
The R10000 microprocessor from MIPS Technologies is a four-way superscalar architecture that fetches and decodes four instructions per cycle. Each decoded instruction is appended to one of three instruction queues, and each queue can perform dynamic scheduling of instructions. The queues determine the execution order based on the availability of the required execution units. Instructions are initially fetched and decoded in order, but can be executed and completed out of order, allowing the processor to have up to 32 instructions in various stages of execution. The impressive integer and floatingpoint performance of R10000 make it ideal for applications such as scientific computing, engineering workstations, 3D graphics workstations, database servers, and multiuser systems. The high throughput is achieved through the use of wide, dedicated data paths and large on-and-off chip caches. The R10000 microprocessor implements the MIPS IV instruction set architecture. MIPS IV is a superset of the MIPS III instruction set architecture and is backward compatible. The R10000 microprocessor delivers peak performance of 800 MIPS (400 MFLOPS) with a peak data transfer rate of 3.2GB per second to secondary cache. The R10000 microprocessor is available in a 599 CLGA package and is fabricated using a CMOS sub-.35-micron silicon technology. Key features of the R10000 include:

· ANDES Advanced Superscalar Architecture
­ Supports four instructions per cycle ­ Two integer and two floating-point execute instructions plus one load/store per cycle

· High-Performance Design
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 3.3 volt technology Out-of-order instruction execution 128-bit dedicated secondary cache data bus On-chip integer, FP, and address queues Five separate execution units MIPS IV instruction set architecture

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Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

· High Integration Chip-Set
­ 32KB two-way set associative, two-way interleaved data cache with LRU replacement algorithm ­ 32KB two-way set associative instruction cache ­ 64 entry translation look-aside buffer ­ Dedicated second level cache support

· Second Level Cache Support
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Dedicated 128-bit data bus Generation of all necessary SSRAM signals 3.2GB/second peak data transfer rate Programmable clock rate to SSRAM ANSI/IEEE Standard 754­1985 for binary floating-point arithmetic MIPS III instruction set compatible Conforms to MESI cache consistency protocol IEEE Standard 1149.1/D6 boundary scan architecture

· Compatibility with Industry Standards

· Avalanche Bus System Interface
­ Direct connect to SSRAM ­ Split transaction support ­ Programmable interface 8.10.1 R10000 Product Overview The R10000 microprocessor implements many techniques to address common computing challenges. This section discusses some of these features, such as caches, branch prediction, queueing structures, register renaming, execution units, and load/store units. We begin with a block diagram of the R10000 microprocessor.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report

Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

Rest of World

R10000 External Agent or Cluster Controller

Up to four R10000 microprocessors may be directly connected

Secondary Cache

System Bus: 64-bit data, 8-bit check, 12-bit command

System Interf ace 128-bit refill Instruction Cache 32KB two-way Set Associative 16-word blocks Unaligned access Addr Four 32-bit instr. fetch

Secondary Cache Ctlr 128-bit refill or writeback Data Cache 32KB two-way Set Associative 2 Banks 8-word blocks Addr 64-bit load or store Switch

19+way Tag 26+7 Data 128+9

SC Address

Secondary Cache (512KB to 16MB) Synchronous Static RAM TLB (4MB cache requires ten 256KBx18-bit RAM chips)

Branch Unit

Address Queue 64 Integer Registers Instruction Decode Register Mapping

Adr. Calc. ALU 1 ALU 2

Integer Queue


64 Flt. Pt. Registers

Flt. Pt. Queue

Adder Multiplier

Figure 29.

R10000 Processor Block Diagram

8.10.2 Primary Data Cache The 32KB primary data cache of the R10000 microprocessor is arranged as two identical 16KB banks. The cache is two-way interleaved. Each of the two banks is two-way set associative. Cache line size is 32 bytes. The data cache is virtually indexed and physically tagged. The virtual indexing allows the cache to be indexed in the same clock in which the virtual address is generated. However, the cache is physically tagged in order to maintain coherency with the secondary cache. 8.10.3 Secondary Data Cache The secondary cache interface of the R10000 microprocessor provides a 128-bit data bus. All of the standard Synchronous Static RAM interface signals are generated by the processor. No external interface circuitry is required. The minimum cache size is 512KB. Maximum cache size is 16MB. Secondary cache line size is programmable at either 64 bytes or 128 bytes.

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Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

8.10.4 Instruction Cache The instruction decoded before each instruction The instruction cache is 32KB and is two-way set associative. Instructions are partially being placed in the instruction cache. Four extra bits are appended to to identify the execution unit to which the instruction will be dispatched. cache line size is 64 bytes.

8.10.5 Branch Prediction The branch unit of the R10000 microprocessor can decode and execute one branch instruction per cycle. Since each branch is followed by a delay slot, a maximum of two branch instructions can be fetched simultaneously, but only the earlier one will be decoded in a given cycle. A branch bit is appended to each instruction during instruction decode. These bits are used to locate branch instructions in the instruction fetch pipeline. The path a branch will take is predicted using a branch history RAM. This two-bit RAM keeps track of how often each particular branch was taken in the past. The two-bit code is updated whenever a final branch decision is made. Any instruction fetched after a branch instruction is speculative; it is not known at the time these instructions are fetched whether or not they will be completed. The R10000 microprocessor allows up to four outstanding branch predictions that can be resolved in any order. Special on-chip branch stack circuitry contains an entry for each branch instruction being speculatively executed. Each entry contains the information needed to restore the processor's state if the speculative branch is predicted incorrectly. The branch stack allows the processor to restore the pipeline quickly and efficiently when a branch misprediction occurs. 8.10.6 Queueing Structures The R10000 microprocessor contains three instruction queues. These queues dynamically issue instructions to the various execution units. Each queue uses instruction tags to track instructions in each execution pipeline stage. Each queue performs dynamic scheduling and can determine when the operands that each instruction needs are available. In addition, the queues determine the execution order based on the availability of the corresponding execution units. When the resources become available, the queue releases the instruction to the appropriate execution unit. 8.10.7 Register Renaming Dependencies between instructions can degrade the overall performance of the processor. Register renaming is a technique used to determine these dependencies between instructions and provide for precise exception handling. When a register is renamed the logical registers which are referenced in an instruction are mapped to physical registers


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Onyx2 Hardware Architecture

using a mapping table. A logical register is mapped to a new physical register whenever it is the destination of an instruction. Hence when an instruction puts a new value in a logical register, that logical register is renamed to use the new physical register. However, the previous value remains in the old physical register. Saving the old register value allows for precise exception handling. While each instruction is renamed, its logical register numbers are compared to determine the dependencies between the four instructions being decoded during the same cycle. 8.10.8 Execution Units The R10000 microprocessor contains six execution units that operate independently of one another. There are two integer arithmetic logic units (ALU), two primary floatingpoint units, and two secondary floating-point units, which handle long-latency instructions such as divide and square root. 8.10.9 Load/Store Units and the TLB Load/Store units consist of the address queue, address calculation unit, translation lookaside buffer (TLB), address stack, store buffer, and primary data cache. Load/Store units perform load, store, prefetch, and cache instructions. All load or store instructions begin with a three-cycle sequence that issues the instruction, calculates its virtual address, and translates the virtual address to the physical address. The address is translated only once during the operation. The data cache is accessed and the required data transfer is completed, provided there was a primary data cache hit. If there is a cache miss, or if the necessary shared register ports are busy, the data cache and data cache tag access must be repeated after the data is obtained from either the secondary cache or main memory. The TLB contains 64 entries and translates virtual addresses to physical addresses. The virtual address can originate from either the address calculation unit or the program counter (PC).

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report



9.0 IRIX

9.1 Introducing IRIX for Onyx2
Since the advent of the microprocessor, computer system users and designers have dreamed about being able to configure large powerful systems by connecting many smaller, less powerful systems together. Ideally, a modular system would be immensely scalable and resilient, yet have the manageability, efficiency, and throughput associated with mainframes and supercomputers. Many vendors have tried to deliver on this vision, but the systems that emerged have behaved as anything but a single system whose resources work together. With the first shipments of Onyx2 hardware and IRIX 6.4 for Onyx2, Silicon Graphics began to deliver the dream. IRIX 6.4 for Onyx2 was the initial release of an operating system with major scalability, performance, throughput, and availability enhancements to the industry's richest UNIX operating environment. IRIX 6.4 for Onyx2 also delivered the first products of a united Cray Research and Silicon Graphics: industry-leading supercomputing/datacenter software functionality on scalable cost-effective and highperformance Silicon Graphics hardware. 9.1.1 IRIX Means Scalability IRIX for Onyx2 is the distributed software architecture for scalability and availability from Silicon Graphics. Silicon Graphics has been a leader in scalable UNIX from the day the company shipped its first symmetric multiprocessing systems in 1988, demonstrating continuing leadership with exceptional (NFSv2) LADDIS, TPC-C, and HIPPI throughput results on 64-bit CHALLENGE and POWER CHALLENGETM servers running IRIX 5.3, 6.1, and 6.2. IRIX for Onyx2 supports modular, pay-as-you-go "computing by the yard," providing availability and throughput on small, one-to-four processor systems and scalability, performance, resilience, and throughput on large systems with tens or hundreds of processors and up to tens of gigabytes of memory. IRIX for Onyx2 takes traditional symmetric multiprocessing systems to the next level of scalability, and marks a new era in computing: modular, scalable systems that behave like a highly resilient mainframe or supercomputer because the operating system is both distributed and unified. 9.1.2 IRIX 6.5 for Onyx2 IRIX 6.5 for Onyx2 fully delivers on the promises of the software architecture. IRIX 6.5 for Onyx2 is scalable: it is expandable immediately from one to 128 processors. IRIX 6.5 for Onyx2 is compatible: it builds on the features, functions, and interfaces of 64-bit IRIX 6.2. IRIX 6.5 for Onyx2 provides high-performance through innovative dynamic, explicit, and implicit data placement functionality. IRIX 6.5 for Onyx2 provides high throughput via an advanced scheduler that ensures fairness for interactive users and via supercomputing software from Silicon Graphics and Cray Research.


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


IRIX 6.5 builds on the exceptional heritage of IRIX. IRIX 6.5 for Onyx2 builds on one of the industry's first fully functional 64-bit UNIX implementations, provides exceptional real-time capabilities, presents virtually unmatched NFSv2 and NFSv3 network performance and data capacities, and offers an exceptional suite of supercomputing software. Building on earlier IRIX releases, IRIX 6.5 for Onyx2 is a leader in open systems with X/Open XPG4 Base 95 Profile Branding and broad POSIX standards compliance. Government and other security-conscious customers can take advantage of standard C2 or optional B1 security, or get a level of security in-between with the Silicon Graphics Commercial Security Pack (which adds kerberos, ACLs, and extended capabilities to C2 security without requiring a full upgrade to a B1 release). IRIX 6.5 for Onyx2 is supported on all current Silicon Graphics systems including Onyx2, Origin200TM, Origin2000, OctaneTM, O2 TM and earlier systems such as Onyx®, CHALLENGE, Indigo2 TM, and Indy®.

9.2 Memory Management
Memory management in IRIX for Onyx2 is a sophisticated demand paging virtual memory system designed to meet the challenges of the broadest possible spectrum of applications and the broadest range of machines from uniprocessor desktop graphics systems to the largest multiprocessor supercomputers. The IRIX VM system has been extensively tuned and optimized to provide the functionality and performance required to support everything from the world's busiest Web servers to real-time graphics to desktop applications to video-on-demand systems to the largest database servers to the most demanding supercomputing applications. The IRIX VM system is the result of 10 years of evolution and technology investment by Silicon Graphics to produce a memory management system that has the internal infrastructure and the external interfaces required to meet the demands of evolving multiprocessor computer systems and leading-edge applications. The IRIX VM system has been designed to scale to very large physical memories, very large address spaces, very large number of processors, and very large number of processes, without sacrificing performance in small desktop systems. The release of IRIX on Onyx2 marks the third full generation of industry-leading MP hardware supported by the IRIX VM system, starting with the release of the original POWER SeriesTM MP systems in 1988. The IRIX for Onyx2 VM system has the following features:

· Full support for the SVR4 API, including memory mapped files and devices (mmap)
and per page protection attributes (mprotect)

· Full support for the SVR4 MIPS ABI · 64-bit user virtual addresses, allowing individual processes with address spaces
spanning terabytes

· Dynamic loading of libraries. At run-time, a process can dynamically bind and
unbind libraries using DSOs (Dynamic Shared Objects)

· Efficient process creation (fork) by using lazy replication of data pages (copy-onwrite)

Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report



· Efficient support for parallel programming by sharing address space between multiple processes or threads

· Multiple swap devices, including swapping to regular files in local or remote
(NFSTM) filesystems. Swap devices and swap files can be dynamically added and removed without interrupting system operation or rebooting

· Multiple page sizes within a single process address space. On machines with TLB
support for multiple page sizes (R4000® and R10000), the VM system allows a program to request specific ranges of its address space to be represented using pages that are multiples of the base page size of the system. This allows programs with large data sets and poor spatial reference locality to minimize address translation (TLB) overhead

· Topologically aware memory placement, including both user APIs and automatic
tools to allow programs to be mapped onto Onyx2 hardware as efficiently as possible

· Automatic replication of shared text pages on Onyx2 · Automatic migration of shared data pages on Onyx2. Migration of pages can also be
performed explicitly under user program control

9.3 Scheduling
An IRIX process is an executable instance of a program. The context of the process when it is running includes the process virtual address space, process attributes (working directory, signal handling status, process, user, and group ID numbers), and the contents of machine registers. To support the sizable number of processes typically running on a Silicon Graphics workstation or server, IRIX provides a time-sharing priority band with a processscheduling algorithm that assures an equitable division of processor time among all processes. This time-sharing algorithm is nonpreemptive, that is, the running process cannot be preempted by another process (but can be preempted by the kernel). In normal operation, the kernel pauses briefly every few milliseconds to make scheduling decisions for the processors under its control. Processes are each given a guaranteed time slice, a period when each is allowed to execute without being preempted. Often, a process yields to another process "voluntarily," by making a system call (such as an I/O request) that causes it to sleep, in which case another process is selected to run. If not, at the end of a time slice, the kernel will choose which process to run next based on process priority: if two runnable processes have the same priority, the kernel runs them in turn. There are three major types of jobs that can run on IRIX for Onyx2: time-sharing/interactive, real-time, and background (batch). Priorities in IRIX for Onyx2 range from 0 (low) to 255 (high): real-time processes can be assigned a priority anywhere in the entire range, background processes (with priority 0) run when free cycles are available, while time-sharing processes can have priorities anywhere in the range from 0 to 40. The kernel chooses which interactive/time-sharing process to run based on the currency-


Onyx2 Reality and Onyx2 InfiniteReality2 Technical Report


based scheduling mechanism--the chosen process then runs on the processor with a non-degrading default priority of 20 until it sleeps on a system call or reaches the end of its time slice. Scheduling features in IRIX for Onyx2 include:

· Gang scheduling · Affinity scheduling · Frame scheduling
Beginning with IRIX 6.4 for Onyx2, deadline scheduling and processor sets are no longer supported. 9.3.1 Gang Scheduling The user can schedule related processes or threads to run as a group. Threads that communicate with each other using locks or semaphores can be scheduled to start in parallel. IRIX then attempts to schedule the related treads concurrently, provided the parent process has earned enough CPUs. Gang scheduling helps ensure that a thread holding a lock is scheduled in the same time interval as another thread that is waiting on the lock, to avoid having the second thread spin while the first thread is not running. 9.3.2 Processor Affinity As a process executes on a processor, it causes more and more of its data and instruction text to be loaded into processor cache and contiguous main memory. This creates an "affinity" between the running process and that CPU: no other process can use that CPU as effectively, and the process cannot execute as fast on any other CPU. The scheduler on a multiprocessor based on IRIX automatically notes the CPU on which a process last ran, and attempts to run a process on that same CPU, based on a calculation that some of the process data remains in cache and possibly local memory on that CPU. 9.3.3 Frame Scheduling Real-time applications by their nature require a precise rate of forward progress, hence real-time users need complete control over a fixed set of system resources. The REACTTM/Pro Frame Scheduler is a process execution manager that completely takes over scheduling and dispatching processes on one or more CPUs. The Frame scheduler makes it easier to organize a real-time program as a set of independent processes, cooperating to ensure that activities happen on time, as scheduled in a predefined sequence for data sampling, visual simulation, and related applications.

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9.3.4 Deadline Scheduling: Not Supported Deadline scheduling was a feature in earlier versions of IRIX, which allowed the realtime user to "guarantee" a certain proportion of processing time to a process in successive time intervals, without being able to "guarantee" where in each time interval the cycles would be available. Deadline scheduling has been superseded by frame scheduling; consequently support for deadline scheduling has been deleted since IRIX 6.4 and subsequent IRIX releases for Onyx2. 9.3.5 Processor Sets: Not Supported Processor sets were a feature in earlier versions of IRIX, which allowed the system administrator to reserve sets of processors to run specific tasks, in effect partitioning the system into groups of CPUs that could run batch, real time, and time-sharing jobs separately. IRIX for Onyx2 distributes scheduling and provides much finer-grained control over process priorities, making processor sets obsolete.

9.4 Symmetric Multiprocessing and Multitasking
IRIX 6.5 for Onyx2 supports up to 128 MIPS RISC processors, with the option of support for even larger numbers should such configurations become available. Multiprocessor versions of IRIX have been available since 1988. Since that time, access to kernel resources has become more and more optimized. Thousands of locks ensure that access to individual data structures is synchronized rather than allowing access to entire subsystems. This reduces the likelihood that any given processor must wait for another processor to release a locked resource. As a result, IRIX offers exceptional scalability and performance as processors are added. In addition to a re-entrant multiprocessing kernel, IRIX provides interrupt thread support and two types of user threads, with the appropriate synchronization mechanisms in each environment. User threads allow developers to create high-performance applications for single-job throughput across multiple CPUs and more modular and efficient applications on uniprocessors. Interrupt threads allow device driver writers and realtime developers to develop higher performance code more easily. 9.4.1 Sprocs and Sproc Synchronization Sproc() is a system call that permits a developer to create an additional user process that shares the virtual address space (and potentially other attributes) of the parent process. The parent and child both have their own program counter, register contents, and stack pointer, but all the text and data in the shared address space is visible to both processes. There are three basic synchronization mechanisms to serialize access to shared data using sprocs: semaphores, locks, and barriers. Sprocs() have long provided the basic mechanism upon which many parallel programs have been built on Silicon Graphics platforms. Beginning with IRIX 6.4 for Onyx2, POSIX threads become the preferred threading mechanism for new applications.


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9.4.2 POSIX Threads and Synchronization Primitives A POSIX (1003.1c-1995) thread is an industry-standard lightweight user execution entity that can share text and data with other threads within a user process context. POSIX threads are lightweight (in general and compared to sprocs, not much more than a program counter, stack, and register contents), enabling quick context switches and low-cost thread creation/destruction. POSIX threads provide a mechanism for developers to enable and exploit parallelism in programs that run on a variety of vendor-compliant multiprocessing platforms. POSIX threads are also useful across the vendor spectrum of uniprocessors for managing asynchronous behavior or structuring applications composed of many logically distinct paths (e.g. simulations, windowing systems). There are three basic mechanisms to serialize access to shared data using POSIX threads:

· Mutexes · Condition variables · Semaphores (as per POSIX 1003.1b)
POSIX threads are available on Silicon Graphics systems running IRIX 6.2 or subsequent releases. POSIX threads do not replace sprocs, both threading models are supported (though not in the same application) to ensure compatibility with the full range of new and existing applications. 9.4.3 Interrupt Threads and Synchronization Primitives Traditional IRIX (prior to 6.2) allowed multiple traditional heavyweight processes to run within the kernel, where critical regions were protected with mutexes and spinlocks. Since the kernel did not support lightweight threads independent of a user process, device driver writers and real-time programmers worked around the absence of interrupt threads with device interrupt routines. Programming these workarounds was difficult; the driver code that emerged was complex and inefficient. Interrupt threads provide a lightweight kernel execution entity that shares common text and data space with other threads independent of a user process context. Interrupt threads are easy to create and destroy, are schedulable, and use common, familiar kernel synchronization primitives: Non-sleeping locks

· Spinlocks
Sleep-wakeup locks

· Mutexes · Semaphores · Multi-reader locks

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Interrupt threads offer new capabilities for device driver writers and real-time programmers:

· Device driver code is simpler (common primitives) and more efficient (sleepwakeup locks).

· Driver performance is better (low cost thread create and destroy) · Real-time performance is more predictable because of better preemption 9.5 Compatibility
Every effort has been made to maintain or expand compatibility among IRIX versions. 9.5.1 COFF Obsoleted IRIX 5 and IRIX 6 binaries are produced using the SRV4 Executable and Linking Format (ELF), which replaces the ECOFF object format in IRIX 4 and enables Dynamic Shared Objects. Development and execution of COFF (IRIX 4 and earlier) binaries is not supported on IRIX 6.5 for Onyx2, and has not been supported since IRIX 6.2. A utility to find and identify COFF-dependent binaries is provided with the release and installed on the system. It may be executed before IRIX 6.5 for Onyx2 is installed. 9.5.2 Binary Compatibility between IRIX 5.3/IRIX 6.2/IRIX 6.4 and IRIX 6.5 for Onyx2 Nearly all binaries built on IRIX 5 or IRIX 6 can be run under IRIX 6.5 for Onyx2. It may be necessary to recode or recompile to take advantage of IRIX 6 enhancements. There may be rare cases--such as applications that examine internal operating system data structures--in which application code must be recompiled.


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Symbols "housekeeping" operations 45 "pass-through" mode 52 Numerics 10-bit RGB 15 12-bit RGBA 15 16 bit textures 29 32 bit textures 29 48 bit textures 29 A Alpha values 23 Ambient 23 anti-aliasing 26 Atmospheric Effects 39 B batch processing 42 Billboards 37 blending equations 23 broadcast-quality composite video 16 C CCIR601 16 Channel Configurations 45 color blending 23 color component swapping 39 Color index operations 22 color matrix 39 color matrix operation 39 Color rasterization operations 22 color space conversion 38 component replication 39 composite sync-on-green 16 convolution filters 38 convolution operator 38 D DAC Output Bandwidth 47 DACs 16 decal 34 depth (Z) buffer 40 Detail Management Levels 37 Detail Texture 36 DG4 board 39 Diffuse 23 Disjoint Buffers and pbuffers 41 display list storage cache 21 Display lists 21 display lists 21 dynamic data 21 Dynamic resampling 52 E Emission 23 Euro 625 resolution 16 F floating point data types 21 fog 14

fog color 14 fog/haze function 39 framebuffer 39 Framebuffer Memory 29, 48 framebuffer memory 40 Framebuffer Read/Write Bandwidth 48 framebuffer-to-video-subsystem bandwidth 47 frame-synchronized multichannel output 53 G genlock 53 geometric processing 21 Geometry Engine (GE) board 13 Geometry Engine (GE) processors 13 Geometry processing 13 geometry subsystem 13 graphics pipeline 20 graphics primitives 20 H Hardware lighting 23 hidden surface removal 25 Histograms 39 Host Memory 29 I illegal combinations 46 ImageVision Library® (IL) application 15 imaging datapath 39 Imaging Operations 38 InfiniteReality Video Format Compiler 53 IRIS PerformerTM software 52 L legal combination of formats 46 letterboxing 16 linear color space conversion 39 Local light sources 24 Look up Tables 39 Luminance 52 LUTs 39 M magnification 37 master video format 53 MIMD 13 minimum memory per pixel 18 minmax 39 modulation 34 monochrome renderin 52 Multi-Channel Display Generator 42 multipass rendering algorithms 42 multiple primitives 22 multisample anti-aliasing mode 26 multisampled anti-aliasing 26

N NTSC 16 O occulting offscreen OpenGL OpenGL surfaces 23 rendering 40 color and lighting models 22 routines 20

P packed vertex arrays 21 PAL 16 PBuffer (Pixel Buffer) 41 Performance bottlenecks 21 Perspective Correction 36 Pixel depth 47 Pixel processing support 13 primitive data 21 Programmable Video Timing 52 projection 37 R raster primitives 26 raster subsystem 14 rasterization 21 rectangular frame-buffer 48 Rendering 21 rendering pipeline 21 resolutions 18 RS-170 16 RS-343 standard 52 S Sample Memory 27 Scan conversion 14 SGIX_pbuffer OpenGL extension 41 shadow map 37 shadowing 37 sharp texture feature 37 shininess 24 SIMD 13 Specular 23 spot-lighting effects 37 stereoscopic viewing 52 stereoscopy 52 surface types 24 S-video encoder outputs 16 Swap Rates 45 Synchronization 28 T texels 14 texture coordinate data 14 texture element (texel) sizes 29 texture environment equation 14 texture memory 34 texture processing unit 14 Texture Transparency and Contouring 36 tile 48 time-of-day lighting 23 transformations 20

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transparency 25 transparency/translucency 25 tuning algorithms 21 U Ultra-high color resolutio 52 US HDTV standard 16 V VCRs 16 vertex arrays 21 vertical sync rate 53 video display subsystem 16 video encoder channel 52 Video Format Combinations 50, 51 video formats 42 video refresh 48 video resizing 49 video source 53 video timing 42 VLSI processors 14 W window/level operation 39 X X11 standard 57 X-Windows 49 Z Z-buffer value 25 Z-buffering technique 25


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