Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.naic.edu/general/PDF/RI/John_Noto.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon May 14 16:19:24 2012
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Wed Feb 6 09:33:46 2013

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: south pole
Optics at a Radio Observatory? What!
John Noto, R.B. Kerr, M.A. Migliozzi, J. Riccobono Scientific Solutions Inc. Pedrina, Terra,S. Gonzalez, Craig Tepley, R. Garcia, E. Robles, J. Friedman NAIC

Scientific Solutions
· Formed in 1995 by observational space, atmospheric, and planetary physicists, SSI specializes in the fabrication of both classic Air-Gap Fabry-PÈrot Interferometers and next-generation Liquid Crystal Fabry-PÈrot (LCFP) tunable optical filters.

·Our mission is to integrate innovative electro-optic technology into novel imaging, and communications systems - and to provide new frequency agile solutions for spectroscopy.

We Sort Light

Re-Inventing Arecibo 2012 2

Some Recent Solutions ·Air gap Fabry-Perot Interferomters (Observatory Class) several installed around the world ·Arecibo, Millstone Hill, Cerro Tololo ·LCFP solid state, rapid tuning award winning ·Photonics circle of excellence ·R&D 100 ·SHS multiplex spectrometer optically contacted glass monolith, very rugged ideal for smaller spacecraft payloads

·Tiny UV Photometer developed for a "cubesat " monitors the ionosphere from space
·Optical diagnostic sensor commercial gas sensing product w/ Woods End Inc.

Re-Inventing Arecibo 2012 3

Fabry-Perot interferometer
·Observe dynamics of mesosphere and thermosphere over mesoscale distances (100-800 km) by measurements of Dopper shifts of spectral emissions (O1S, OH, O+,O1D) ·observe neutral dynamical effects of ion-neutral coupling ·Point measurements, line of sight

·Common volume required to get all three components of wind vector.
·Broad coverage desirable for studies of thermospheric dynamics
Re-Inventing Arecibo 2012 4

Facility Instruments
·Upgraded Interferometers at two national observatories:
·Arecibo, where it is used to measure temperature, density and light atom escaping population ·Millstone Hill, where it is used to monitor the thermospheric environment (~200-400Km)

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Line profiles measure energetic populations

The top panel is a Fabry-Perot scan in the early morning twilight (0443 A.S.T., earth UV shadow height near 500 km). The bottom panel is a similar scan taken near local midnight, when the earth UV shadow height is near 20,000 km. Each scan shown here required 4.5 minutes to acquire using a photomultiplier tube for the Fabry-Perot detector. The Fabry-Perot field of view on the sky is 0o.42.

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Flat fielddark subtract remove hot pixels remove stars annular sum analyze

·10 minute exposure ·three orders

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Scatterplots of effective neutral exospheric temperature derived from the 6563å emission line width in 2007 and 2008 with the upgraded V-FPI at Arecibo. The general decrease of H temperature with altitude (gravitational cooling) is evident.

Re-Inventing Arecibo 2012 9

Something New!

OCTOBER 30, 2009 50 IMAGES
80 60



0 0 100 200 Bins 300 400

·732nm O+ emission ·Twilight only ·Observed with radar and FPI ·First non-radar ion temperatures at AO
Temperature (K)





0 240 280 320 Bins 360 400

2000 1600 1200 800 400 0
5 5.2 5.4

2000 1600

Temperature (K)

1200 800 400 0

ISR FPI_Fringe 1 5.6 5.8 6

ISR FPI_Fr 0 100 200 300

Local Time

Shadow Height (Km)




Temperature (K)


Temperature (K)




ISR FPI_Fringe 2



5 5.2 5.4

0 Local Time
5.6 5.8 6 0 100

Shadow Height (Km)






Temperature (K)


Temperature (K)




ISR FPI_Fringe 3



5 5.2 5.4

0 Local Time
5.6 5.8 6 0 100

Shadow Height (Km)




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January metastable helium data fit for temperature, intensity and center wavelength.

Formation of metastable helium layer

Temperature and dynamics at the exobase and above.

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Neutral winds have significant effect upon Fregion density

·The electron density at a given altitude may vary an order of magnitude depending upon the direction and speed of the wind. ·hmax heights may vary by 100 km depending on direction of meridional component
Re-Inventing Arecibo 2012 12

Millstone Hill Doppler Imager

Re-Inventing Arecibo 2012 13

"Big Deal, Craig Tepley & Dwight Sipler were measuring airglow when you where in kindergarten....." Highly automated & internet aware:
Smart parts Starts automatically Calibrates itself (flat field and spectrally) Takes data Sends data to SSI for analysis

SSI's "airglow server ":
Fits data Checks data quality (automatically tabulated 3 levels of data quality) Calculates geophysical parameters Sends data to Madrigal & website (www.neutralwinds.com) ftp's data to anybody who wants it.

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Millstone Summary

100mm clear aperture Errors +/-: 1-2 m/s & 10

Wind vectors every 4 minutes Temperatures Gradients Nightly system drift operates 21-26 days per month

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Future Directions
Millstone Tighter integration with radar Real-time sky quality via LWIR photometry Vertical winds? Arecibo Duplicate everything done at Millstone! Burnside 9-position observations Divergence & Curl of wind field Global Coverage Is there a need? O&M requirements lifetime

Re-Inventing Arecibo 2012 16

· · · · · ·

6300å winds & tempertures 150mm (6") diameter etalon Multiple orders 1m/s or less errors 2-3 minutes time resolution Intensity calibrated · · · · · · · Carbon fiber construction Sealed tube Plastic optics Inexpensive camera Robotic alt-az mount All weather? Clamshell housing?

Re-Inventing Arecibo 2012 17

Next Generation: Synchronized imaging on multiple systems
Using a single pointing head and two optical filters, simultaneously acquire images at different wavelengths. Synchronized acquisition realized through interprocess communication between multiple instances of ImageTool on the network.

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A Virtual Space Weather observatory, which can be controlled by a TCP-client over a network, using Client -Server Architecture Now possible to remotely control multiple systems to acquire data simultaneously.
Remote Client


Re-Inventing Arecibo 2012 19

Vision and Challenges
Extend the Virtual Instruments to a Virtual Observatory of 50100 instruments-FPI's, imagers, spectrographs Software challenges:
­ To develop a intelligent, location-aware, client-server system that uses minimal human intervention. ­ Automatic data acquisition on all systems, GPS synchronized. ­ Automatic evaluation of image quality ­ Image database management

Re-Inventing Arecibo 2012 20

Arecibo Summary
So Far: Array detection

Robotic operation (4 years of data)
Higher sensitivity and adaptability The Future: Arecibo can help develop.... Distributed instrumentation

Virtual facilities
Distance learning?????

The First Step
Culebra Island
Darker skies & Drier climate Can be automated from the ground up common volume observations w/ Arecibo

Opportunity to upgrade:
Photometers CCD detection no-tilting Spectrograph CCD detection

Re-Inventing Arecibo 2012 22

Distance Learning
Seacoast science center-NH seacoast Upgraded 2005 Gregg learning center (Senator Judd Gregg) Skype, Internet 2, PolyCom video conferencing Interactive desks (25) Site-Site or Multipoint

Full production studio

170 distance learning providers Green screen Programs vetted by Center for Interactive learning Collaboration (CILC) $150 for a live webinar ~60 minutes

Re-Inventing Arecibo 2012 23

Thank You!

Re-Inventing Arecibo 2012 24

Re-Inventing Arecibo 2012 25

Data Filtering and Quality Assessment
Data points are rejected if any of the following conditions exist: - the spectral profile width is 20% larger or 20% smaller than the median width - the spectral profile line center parameter in arbitrary bin units is either 20% larger or smaller than the median line center - the constant term of the spectral background is 10 times larger than the median - The residuals are more than three times the median - The spectral amplitude is less than 20% of the spectral background -Data quality code of "2" ("be dubious") if any of these conditions are met: ·The total residuals (data values minus Gaussian fit values) exceed 75 ADU/pixel ·The constant background term is larger than 200 ADU/pixel · The spectral amplitude parameter is less than half of the constant background Gaussian fit parameter. ·The moon is more than 90% illuminated Data ·The ·The · The ·The quality 1 if any of these conditions are met: total residuals (data values minus Gaussian fit values) exceed 5 ADU/pixel constant background term is larger than 50 ADU/pixel spectral amplitude parameter is less than 75% of the constant background moon is more than 75% illuminated

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