Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.naic.edu/vscience/schedule/2015Spring/ArayatagA2933.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Sep 9 17:24:41 2014
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Apr 11 16:09:40 2016

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: planetary nebula
Proposal Identification No.:

A2933 Arecibo Observatory

Date Received: 2014-Sep-01 13:13:09 William E. Gordon Telescope Observing Time Request COVER SHEET

Section I - General Information
Submitted for Sep 1 2014. This proposal has not been submitted before. Proposal Type: General Category: Sub-Category: Observation Category: Time Requested this semester: Hours already used for this pro ject: Additional Hours required to complete pro ject: Minimum Useful Time: Expected Data Storage: Prop osal Title: ABSTRACT: Regular Astronomy Spectroscopy Stellar astrophysics: pre-PNe 4.5 0 NA 1h less than 100 GB

Hydroxyl Masers in the Prototypical Pre-Planetary Nebula CRL 618

Using the Arecibo Telescope, we detected 4765MHz excited OH emission (most likely a maser) toward the prototypical pre-Planetary Nebula (PPN) CRL618. This is the first detection of the 4765MHz OH transition in a late type stellar ob ject, and only one of a few excited OH transitions detected in Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) to Planetary Nebula ob jects. This detection is particularly interesting because CRL618 is a carbon-rich PPN where oxygen-based species are not expected, and the putative maser is highly blueshifted with respect to systemic velocity, which suggests that the emission is associated with the powerful molecular jets/outflows in the region. We propose to confirm this detection, and to observe all other OH transitions accessible with Arecibo to model the 4765MHz OH maser. Arecibo observations are needed because the lines will likely be weak and variable. Outreach Abstract: En las fases finales de la vida de estrellas similares a nuestro Sol, las estrellas se expanden y se convierten en nebulosas planetarias. Usando el Telescopio de Arecibo, nosotros detectamos un tipo de radiaci´ a on una frecuencia espec´ ifica de la mol´ ula de hidr´ do en una estrella que est´ en proceso de convertirse en ec oxi a una nebulosa planetaria. En este proyecto, vamos a confirmar la detecci´ , y vamos a intentar detectar on hidr´ ido a otras frecuencias para investigar las condiciones f´ icas que generan la radiaci´ observada. ox is on

Name Esteban D. Araya Zachary J. Abbott

Institution Western Illinois University Western Illinois University

E-mail ed-araya@wiu.edu zj-abbott@wiu.edu

Phone 309 318 9134; 309 298 1359 309 298 1596

Student no U


Additional Authors
Ylva Pihlstrom ylva@unm.edu Department of Physics and Astronomy University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131 Luca Olmi olmi.luca@gmail.com UPR, Puerto Rico and INAF-OAA, Italy Stan Kurtz s.kurtz@astrosmo.unam.mx Centro de Radioastronomia y Astrofisica, UNAM, Apdo. Postal 3-72, 58089, Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico. Peter Hofner phofner@nrao.edu New Mexico Tech and NRAO Socorro, NM 87801

This work is not part of a thesis.

Remote Observing Request

Observer will travel to AO X Remote Observing In Absentia (instructions to operator)

Section I I - Time Request
The following times are in LST. For these observations night-time is required.

Begin ­ End Interval­Interval 03:50 ­ 05:20 ­ ­ ­

Days Needed at This Interval 3

Time Constraints (Must Be Justified in the Prop osal Text) Three consecutive runs. Please schedule during night time due to RFI concerns at L band, and pointing concerns at X-band. CRL 618 will be observable at night early January, however, coordination with IRIDIUM may require scheduling in December or to wait until the second semester of 2015. To facilitate planning for student involvement, we request the Arecibo Observatory to consider scheduling this pro ject outside the 2015 January - June term if IRIDIUM coordination cannot be achieved early January.


Section I I I - Instruments Needed
L-wide C X-band C-high

Atmospheric Observation Instruments:

Sp ecial Equipment or setup:


Section IV - RFI Considerations Frequency Ranges Planned
NOTE: coordination with Punta Salinas and GPS L3 is desirable, but not critical for the scientific goals of the proposal.

OH transitions: ----------­ 1611 - 1613 1664 - 1666 1666 - 1668 1719 - 1721 4658 - 4662 4748 - 4752 4763 - 4767 6013 - 6019 6027 - 6033 6032 - 6038 6046 - 6052 7746 - 7752 7758 - 7764 7817 - 7823 7828 - 7834 8115 - 8121 8132 - 8138 8186 - 8192 8204 - 8211 8500 - 8506 8531 - 8537 8577 - 8583 8608 - 8614 Not critical for science goals: --------1266 - 1268 1293 - 1295 1419 - 1421 1627 - 1629 4495 - 4499 4616 - 4620 3

4742 4827 4872 5624 5777 6275 6665 7322 7340 7345 7984


4746 4831 4876 5630 5783 6281 6671 7328 7346 7351 7990

This proposal requires Iridium RFI protection at 1612 MHz between 10pm and 6am EST. This proposal requires coordination with Punta Salinas radar within the band 1222-1381 MHz.. This proposal requires coordination with GPS L3 at 1381 MHz.

Section V - Observing List Target List
Source RA(J2000) Dec (J2000) LST Rise LST Set =================================================== CRL618 04:42:53.6 36:06:54.0 04:05:34 05:22:11