Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://www.naic.edu/vscience/schedule/2014Spring/PragertagP2864.pdf
Дата изменения: Fri Sep 6 19:44:30 2013
Дата индексирования: Sat Mar 1 01:02:17 2014

Поисковые слова: carl sagan
Proposal Identification No.:

P2864 Arecibo Observatory

Date Received: 2013-Sep-03 16:15:21 William E. Gordon Telescope Observing Time Request COVER SHEET

Section I - General Information
Submitted for Sep 1 2013. This proposal has not been submitted before. Proposal Type: General Category: Observation Category: Time Requested this semester: Hours Next Semester: Hours already used for this pro ject: Additional Hours required to complete pro ject: Minimum Useful Time: Expected Data Storage: Prop osal Title: ABSTRACT: Regular Pulsars Galactic 49.5 20.5 0 3 2h45m 100-500 GB

Timing the binary millisecond pulsars in M5 and M13.

Past observations with the Wideband Arecibo Pulsar Processor (WAPP) of globular clusters M5 and M13 have detected a number of rapidly spinning faint pulsars. Many of these pulsars are in binary systems, and provide important insight into the fundamental physics of neutron stars. Using the newly installed Puertorican Ultimate Pulsar Processing Instrument (PUPPI), we will create phase connected ephemerides for exotic and faint pulsar systems. The increased bandwidth of PUPPI as compared to WAPP will allow us to discover pulsars 2 times fainter than previously possible. Analysis of the data will take place on a 96-node Beowulf cluster located at the NRAO headquarters in Charlottesville, VA for quick analysis. We are requesting a total of 70 hours of observations at L-band over the course of one year, with an observation per day for the first ten days, then additional observations taken approximately once every other week there after. Outreach Abstract: Studies of pulsars allow us to understand the most extreme forms of matter in the Universe. Dense clusters of stars, called globular clusters, can house many types of these exotic stars. This pro ject with the Arecibo observatory is designed to study a particular type of pulsar that orbits around another star. This is typically very difficult, but if you can properly observe them, you can start to understand general relativity and neutron star interiors. We also expect to find new pulsars using the incredibly sensitive equipment available at Arecibo so we can understand these stars more fully.

Name Brian J Prager Scott M Ransom

Institution University of Virginia National Radio Astronomy Observatory

E-mail b jp5wt@virginia.edu sransom@nrao.edu

Phone 4349240686 434-296-0320

Student G no


Additional Authors
Paulo Freire, pfreire@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de, Not a student Ingrid Stairs, stairs@astro.ubc.ca, Not a student

This work is not part of a thesis.

Remote Observing Request

Observer will travel to AO X Remote Observing In Absentia (instructions to operator)

Section I I - Time Request
The following times are in LST. For these observations night-time is not needed.

Begin ­ End Interval­Interval 14:35 ­ 17:18 ­ ­ ­

Days Needed at This Interval 24

Time Constraints (Must Be Justified in the Prop osal Text) We request that the first ten observations be taken on consecutive days in order to uniquely solve for PSR B1639+36E and its as yet unknown orbital parameters, as well as to establish phase connection for any newly discovered pulsars. We then request one observation a week later, followed by bi-weekly observations for the first two months. From this point on, we only need to observe once month as we should be able to solve for the orbit from the first two months of data.

Next Semester Time Request


Begin ­ End Interval­Interval 14:35 ­ 17:18 ­ ­ ­

Days Needed at This Interval 6

Time Constraints (Must Be Justified in the Prop osal Text) We will only need to observe once a month throughout the second semester.

Section I I I - Instruments Needed
L-wide Atmospheric Observation Instruments:

Sp ecial Equipment or setup:


Section IV - RFI Considerations Frequency Ranges Planned

Section V - Observing List Target List
Target RA DEC RiseLST SetLST M5 15:18:33.2 2:04:51.7 14:50:44 15:47:47 M13 16:41:41.2 36:27:35.5 16:06:51 17:17:31