Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://www.naic.edu/vscience/schedule/2014Spring/KoopmanntagA2853.pdf
Дата изменения: Fri Sep 6 19:44:19 2013
Дата индексирования: Sat Mar 1 02:06:37 2014

Поисковые слова: cygnus
Proposal Identification No.:

A2853 Arecibo Observatory

Date Received: 2013-Sep-02 13:26:35 William E. Gordon Telescope Observing Time Request COVER SHEET

Section I - General Information
Submitted for Sep 1 2013. This proposal has not been submitted before. Proposal Type: General Category: Sub-Category: Observation Category: Time Requested this semester: Hours Next Semester: Hours already used for this pro ject: Additional Hours required to complete pro ject: Minimum Useful Time: Expected Data Storage: Prop osal Title: ABSTRACT: We propose targeted L-band wide observations to measure HI gas content of group galaxies known to be star forming from optical data but which were not detected by the ALFALFA survey. This work is part of a detailed multiwavelength study of a set of nearby groups within 120 Mpc spanning a range of X-ray luminosity, velocity dispersion, and richness. We aim to measure the gas fraction and star formation efficiency of all star forming group members to determine the threshold of gas depletion, star formation quenching, and morphological transformation within intermediate density environments. The proposed LBW observations will provide the critically important gas fractions of star-forming low mass and environmentally gas-depleted group galaxies whose HI fluxes fall below ALFALFA's sensitivity. The observations will be conducted by members of the Undergraduate ALFALFA Team mostly onsite. Outreach Abstract: Galaxies come in an astounding variety of shapes and sizes, and they change their appearance over time as their hydrogen gas reservoirs are gradually converted to stars via star formation. Astronomers know that galaxies in the crowded, "urban" environment of a cluster are redder and have less gas than their isolated "country" cousins, but they don't know why. Is the gas prematurely stripped from galaxies by environmental influences like galaxy collisions, or are galaxies in clusters simply born with less gas?This proposal will address these questions by exploring the less studied "suburban" environments of galaxy groups. Interactions in these regions may accelerate the loss of gas and quenching of star formation as a galaxy falls into a cluster. The sensitive Arecibo telescope will measure the amount of gas in galaxies that have ongoing star formation, to determine when and where galaxies start losing gas and prematurely halt star formation. Regular Astronomy Spectroscopy 122 0 0 0 2 less than 100 GB

L-Band Wide Observations of Star-Forming Galaxies in X-ray Selected Groups: The Quenching of Star Formation in the Group Environment


Name Rebecca A Koopmann Gregory Hallenbeck

Institution Union College Cornell University

E-mail koopmanr@union.edu ghallenbeck@astro.cornell.edu

Phone 518-388-6786 607-255-6472

Student no G

Additional Authors
* Michael Jones (Cornell PhD student) jonesmg@astro.cornell.edu (grad. student) * Lukas Leisman (Cornell PhD student) leisman@astro.cornell.edu (grad student) Martha Haynes (Cornell University) haynes@astro.cornell.edu Riccardo Giovanelli (Cornell University) riccardo@astro.cornell.edu Thomas Balonek (Colgate U.) tbalonek@mail.colgate.edu John Cannon (Macalester Coll.) jcannon@macalester.edu Kim Coble (Chicago State U.) kcoble@csu.edu Mary Crone Odekon (Skidmore) mcrone@skidmore.edu David Craig (West Texas A and M U) dcraig@mail.wtamu.edu Adriana Durbala (U. Wisconsin-Stevens Point) Adriana.Durbala@uwsp.edu Rose Finn (Siena Coll.) rfinn@siena.edu James Higdon (Georgia Southern U.) jhigdon@georgiasouthern.edu Sarah Higdon (Georgia Southern U.) shigdon@georgiasouthern.edu +12 additional authors: due to the character limit on the on-line coversheet form, find the complete list at http://egg.astro.cornell.edu/alfalfa/docs/ prop.sep13.authorlist.html

This work is not part of a thesis.

Remote Observing Request


Observer will travel to AO Remote Observing In Absentia (instructions to operator)

Section I I - Time Request
The following times are in LST. For these observations night-time is required.

Begin ­ End Interval­Interval 08:00 ­ 14:00 08:30 ­ 16:30 10:30 ­ 16:30 ­

Days Needed at This Interval 3 4 12


Time Constraints (Must Be Justified in the Prop osal Text) Considering the sky distribution of the target fields and in order to allow UAT faculty and students to participate in on-site observing, our request of 122 hours is distributed as follows: 3 sessions 08h00m
Section I I I - Instruments Needed
L-wide Atmospheric Observation Instruments:

Sp ecial Equipment or setup:


Section IV - RFI Considerations Frequency Ranges Planned

This proposal requires coordination with Punta Salinas radar within the band 1222-1381 MHz.. This proposal requires coordination with GPS L3 at 1381 MHz.

Section V - Observing List Target List
235 galaxy targets selected to be star-forming via H imaging and from the NASA-Sloan Atlas and not detected by the ALFALFA survey. LST Visibility: 08h00