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Arecibo Observatory Publications


July 1, 2001 -June 30, 2002

This list, not necessarily complete, contains all those publications known to us reporting on results of work using Arecibo instrumentation. Reprint requests should be addressed directly to the authors.

Please inform the librarian, Carmen Segarra (csegarra@naic.edu) of any omissions.


Araya, E., Hofner, P. Churchwell, E., and Kurtz, S., Arecibo Observations of Formaldehyde and Radio Recombination Lines Toward Ultracompact HII Regions, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., 138, 63, 2002.

Araya, E., Hofner, P. Churchwell, E., and Kurtz, S., Arecibo Observations of Formaldehyde and Radio Recombination Lines Toward Ultracompact HIII Regions, American Astron. Soc. Meeting 199, #124.02, 2001.

Benner, L.A.M., Ostro, S.J., Nolan, M.C., Margot, J-L., Giorgini, J.D., Hudson, R.S., Jurgens, R.F., Slade, M.A., Howell, E.S., Campbell, D.B., Yeomans, D.K., Radar Observations of Asteroid 1999 JM8, Meteoritics & Planet. Sci., 37, 779, June 2002.

Bhat, N.D.R., Gupta, Y. and Rao, A.P., Pulsar Observations and Structure of the Local ISM, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 276, 227, 2001.

Bhat, N.D.R. and Gupta, Y., Pulsar Scintillation in the Local ISM: Loop I and Beyond, Astrophys. J., 567, 342, 2002.

Bhat, N.D.R., Gupta, Y., Rao, A.P. and Preethi, P.B., Interstellar Scintillation Studies of Pulsars and Distribution of Scattering Plasma in the Local Interstellar Medium, Astrophys. And Space Sci. 278, 171, 2001.

Bhat, N.D.R., Karastergiou, A., Gupta, Y., Kramer, M., and Lyne, A.G., Simultaneous Multi-Frequency Pulsar Observations: Investigation of the Radio Emission Mechanism, Bull. American Astron. Soc., Proc. Of the AAS 199 Meeting, 2002.

Black, G., Campbell, D., Ostro, S., Saturn VIII (Iapetus), IAU Circ., 7794, 2 (2002). Edited by Green, D.W.E.

Branchini, E., Freudling, W., Da Costa, L. N., Frenk, C.S., Giovanelli, R., Haynes, M.P., Salzer, J.J., Wegner, G., and Zehavi, I., Comparing the SFI Peculiar Velocities with the PSCz Gravity field: a VELMOD Analysis, Month. Not.Roy. Astron. Soc., 326, 1191, 2001.

Burkholder, V., Impey, C, and Sprayberry, D., LSB Galaxies in the local Universe. V., Astron. J., 122, 2318, 2001.

Campbell, D.B., Black, G.J., Carter, L.M., Hine, A.A., Margot, J.L., Nolan, M.C. and Ostro,, S.J., The Surface of Titan: Arecibo Radar Observations, in 33rd Annual Lunar and Planet. Sci. Conf., March 11-15, 2002, Houston, Texas, abstract no. 1941.

Chung, A., van Gorkom, J.H., O'Neil, K. and Bothun, G.D., Low Surface Brightness Galaxies and the Tully-Fisher Relation, Astron. J., 123, 2387, May 2002.

Darling, J., and Giovanelli, R., The Discovery of Time Variability in OH Megamasers, Astrophys. J.Lett., 569, L87, 2002.

Darling, J., and Giovanelli, R., The OH Megamaser Luminosity Function, Astrophys. J., 572, 810, 2002.

Darling, J. and Giovanelli, R., Observing OH Megamasers with the Upgraded Arecibo Telescope, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc., 198, 8903, 2001.

Darling, J. and Giovanelli, R., A Search for OH Megamasers at Z>0.1. II. Further Results, Astron. J., 121, 1278, 2001.

Darling, J. and Giovanelli, R., OH Megamasers: Luminous Radio Beacons of Merging Galaxies, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc., 198, 3405, 2001.

Jiménez-Esteban, F., Engels, D. and García-Lario, P., Near IR Observations of the Arecibo Sample of OH/IR Stars, Proc. Of the Torun Workshop held July 5-7, 2000. Edited by R. Szczerba and S.K. Górny. AASL, Vol. 265, (Kluwer) 2001.

*Freire, P., Camilo, F., Lorimer, D. R., Lyne, A. G., Manchester, R. N., D'Amico, N., Timing the millisecond pulsars in 47 Tucanae, Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 326, 901, Sept. 2001.

*Giovanelli, R., Spiral Galaxies and the Peculiar Velocity Field, to appear in Proceedings of the XIV IAP Coll. "Wide Field Surveys in Cosmology", eds., S. Colombi and Y. Mellier (NAIC # 409), 2001.

*Giovanelli, R. and Haynes, M.P., The Inner Scale Length of Spiral Galaxy Rotation Curves, Astrophys. J.Lett., 571, L107, Jun. 2002.

Gupta, Y, Gothoskar, P. and Bhat, N.D.R., First Results from Simultaneous Dual Frequency Observations of Pulsars, ASP Conf. Ser., Proc. of IAU Symp. 199, "The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies", 2001.

Harmon, J.K. and Campbell, D.B., Mercury Radar Imaging at Arecibo in 2001, in 33rd Annual Lunar and Planet. Sci. Conf., March 11-15, 2002, Houston, Texas, abstract no. 1858.

*Heiles, C., Cross-Correlation Spectropolarimetry in Single-Dish Radio Astronomy, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific,113, 1243, Oct. 2001.

*Heiles, C., Perillat, P., Nolan, M., Lorimer, D., M, Bhat, R., Ghosh, T., Howell, E., Lewis, M, O'Neil, K., Salter, C., and Stainimirovic, S., All-Stokes Parameterization of the Main Beam and First Sidelobe for the Arecibo Radio Telescope, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific, 113, 1247, Oct. 2001.

*Heiles, C., Perillat, P., Lorimer, D., Nolan, M, Bhat, R., Ghosh, T., Lewis, M, O'Neil, K., Salter, C., and Stainimirovic, S., The Mueller Matrix Parameters for Arecibo's Receiver Systems, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific, 113, 1274, Oct. 2001.

Helmboldt, J.F., Walterbos, R.A.M., Bothun, G.D., de Blok, W.J.G. and O'Neil, K., Star Formation Properties of HIPASS Galaxies I: Sample Characteristics, Published: Bul. Amer. Astron. Soc., 198, 7903, 2001.

Hoffman, G.L., Salpeter, E.E. and Carle, N.J., The Fine Structure and Outskirts of DDO 154, Astron. J, 122, 2428, Nov., 2001.

Impey, C., Burkholder, V. and Sprayberry, D., LSB Galaxies in the Local Universe. IV., Astron. J., 122, 2341, 2001.

*Jenet, F.A., Anderson, S.B. and Prince, T.A., The First Detection of Coherent Emission from Radio Pulsars, Astrophys. J., 558, 302, Sep. 2001.

Jurgens, R.F., Margot, J.-L., Simons, M., Pritchard, M.E., Slade, M.A., Geological Interpretations of the Topography of Selected Regions of Venus from Arecibo to Goldstone Radar Interferometry, in 33rd Annual Lunar and Planet. Sci. Conf., March 11-15, 2002, Houston, Texas, abstract no. 1430.

*Kanekar, N., Ghosh, T., and Chengalur, J.N., Detection of a Multi-phase ISM at {vec Z=} 0.2212, Astron. and Astrophys., 373, 394, July 2001.

Ksco, M., Stanimirovic, S., Dickey, J., Magellanic Stream Probes Density of the Galactic Halo, American Astron, Soc. Meeting 199, #91.07, 2001.

*Lewis, B.M., Changes in the OH Emission of the Hypergiant Star IRAS 19566+3423, In Eta Carinae and other Mysterious Stars: the hidden opportunities of emission-line spectroscopy, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 242, p.259, Ed. T. Gull, S. Johansson & K. Davidson, 2001.

Lewis, B.M.., Birth and Death of OH/IR Stars, Bull.American Astron. Soc., 33, 1177, 2001.

Lewis, B.M.., IRAS 18455+0448: Birth and Death of OH/IR Stars, in Post-AGB Objects as a Phase of Stellar Evolution, ASSL, Vol. 265, p. 423, ed. R. Szczerba & S.K. Gorny (Kluwer Dodrecht), 2001.

*Lewis, B.M., IRAS 18455+0448: The Birth & Death of OH/IR Stars , in Post-AGB Objects as a Phase of Stellar Evolution, ASSL vol. 265, p.423, ed. R. Szczerba &S.K. Gorny (Kluwer Dordrecht), 2001.

Lewis, B.M., On Death Statistics of OH/IR Stars, American Astron.Soc. Meeting 199, #137.02, 2001.

*Lewis, B. M., On the Transience of High-Latitude OH/IR Stars: II. Thermal Pulse Link, Astrophys.J., 560, 400, 2001.

Lommen, A.N. and Backer, D.C., Using Pulsars to Detect Massive Black Hole Binaries Via Gravitational Radiation: Sagittarius A* and Nearby Galaxies, Astrophys.J., 562, 297, Nov. 2001.

Lorimer, D. R., Statistics of Compact Objects and Coalescence Rates, In proceedings of the meeting: Gravitational Waves - A Challenge to Theoretical Astrophysics. Trieste, Italy, June 2001.

*Lorimer, D.R., Neutron Star Birth Rates, "The Neutron Star - Black Hole Connection", Proceedings of the NATO ASI, in Crete, Editors: Kouveliotou, C., Ventura, J. and van den Heuvel, E., (Kluwer), Vol. 567, p. 21-40, 2001

*Lorimer, D.R., Radio Pulsars - an Observer's Perspective, "The Neutron Star - Black Hole Connection", Proceedings of the NATO ASI Held in Crete, Editors: Kouveliotou, C., Ventura, J. and van den Heuvel, E., (Kluwer), Vol. 567,3-19, 2001

Lorimer, D.R., Camilo, F., Xilouris, K.M., Arecibo Timing Observations of 17 Pulsars along the Galactic Plane, Astron. J., 123, 1750, March 2002.

Mahapatra, P.R., Benner, L.A.M., Ostro, S.J., Jurgens, R.F., Giorgini, J.D., Yeomans, D.K., Chandler, J.F., and Shapiro, I.I., Radar Observations of Asteroid 7335 (1989JA), Planet. Spa. Sci., 50, 257, March 2002.

Margot. J.-L., Nolan, M.C., Benner, L.A.M., Ostro, S.J., Jurgens, R.F., Giorgini, J.D., Slade, M.A., and Campbell, D.B., Binary Asteroids in the Near-Earth Object Population, Science, 296, 1445, May 24, 2002.

*Margot, J.-L., Nolan, M.C., Ostro, S.J., Benner, L.A.M., Giorgini, J.D., Chandler, J.F. and Campbell, D.B., Recent Observations of Near-Earth Objects with the Arecibo Planetary Radar, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 2001.

McLaughlin, M.A., Arzoumanian, Z., Cordes, J.M., Backer, D.C., Lommen, A.N., Lorimer, D.R. and Zepka, A.F., PSR J1740+1000: A Young Pulsar Well Out of the Galatic Plane, Astrophys. J., 564, 333, 2002.

Meisel, D.D., Janches, D. and Mathews, J.D., Extrasolar Micrometeors Radiating from the Vacinity of the Local Interstellar Bubble, Astrophys. Journal, 567, 323, 2002.

Monnier-Ragaigne, D., van Driel, W, Balkowski, C., Schneider, S., Jarett, T.H. and O'Neil, K., A Study of 2Mass Low Surface Brightness Galaxies, Published: "The Evolution of Galaxies II - Basic Building Blocks" (Netherlands: Khaver Academic Publishers), 2002.

Moriondo, G., Giovanelli, R., and Haynes, M. P., Near Infrared Observations of galaxies in Pisces-Perseus. II. Extinction Effects and Disk Opacity, Astron. and Astrophys., in press, 1999. (NAIC#406) µ(0) = 25.0 Magnitudes per Inverse Arcsecond Squared

*Nolan, M.C., Asphaug, E., Greenberg, R. and Melosh, J., Impacts on Asteroids: Fragmentation, Regolith Transport, and Disruption, 153, 1, Sep. 2001.

Nolan, M.C., Howell, E.S., Magri, C., Beeney, B., Campbell, D.B., Benner, L.A.M., Ostro, S.J., Giogini, J.D., and Margot, J.-L., 2002 BM_26, IAU Circ., 7824, 1 (2002) Edited by Green, D.W.E.

*Nolan, M.C., Howell, E.S., Margot, J.-L., Ostro, S.J., Benner, L.A.M., Giogini, J.D., and Campbell, D.B., Arecibo Radar Observations of Near-Earth Asteroids: A Study in Heterogeneity, in 33rd Annual Lunar and Planet. Sci. Conf., March 11-15, 2002, Houston, Texas, abstract no. 2025.

Nolan, M.C., Howell, E.S., Ostro, S.J., Benner, L.A.M., Giorgini, J.D., Margot, J.-L. And Campbell, D.B., 2002 KK_ 8, IAUC.7921....3N, 2002.

O'Neil, K., Calibration Techniques at Radio Wavelengths, Published: "The NAIC.NRAO School on Single Dish Radio Astronomy", Salter, et al. Eds. (San Francisco : ASP) 2001.

O'Neil, K., Doubling the Number of Massive LSB Galaxies, Published: "Seeing Through the Dust - The Detection of HI and the Exploration of the ISM in Galaxies", eds. Taylor, Landecker, and Willis. (San Francisco : ASP), 2002.

O'Neil, K., Exploring the Sensitivity Limit : 21-cm Observations of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies with the Arecibo Telescope, Published: "The NAIC.NRAO School on Single Dish Radio Astronomy", Salter, et al. Eds. (San Francisco : ASP) 2001.

O'Neil, K., Gas, Stars and Baryons in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies, in "Stars, Gas, & Dust in Galaxies: Exploring the Links", eds. D. Alloin, G. Galaz, K. Olsen (San Francisco: ASP), 2001. (NAIC #447)

O'Neil, K., The Gas Content and Stellar Population of Red Low Surface Brightness Galaxies, in "Gas & Galaxy Evolution", eds. L.E. Hibbard, M.P. Rupen, & J.H. van Gorkom, (San Francisco : ASP), 2001, pg 340.

O'Neil, K., The HI Content and Extent of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies - Could LSB Galaxies be Responsible for Damped LY-alpha Absorption?, Published: "Extragalactic Gas at Low Redshift", Mulchahy, et al., eds., (San Francisco : ASP) 2001.

O'Neil, K., Observing with the Upgraded Arecibo Telescope: An Introduction, Published: Bul. Amer. Astron. Soc., 198, 8901, 2001.

O'Neil, K., Optical Spectroscopy of Red LSB Galaxies, Published: Bul. Amer. Astron. Soc., 198, 8103, 2001

O'Neil, K., Eder, J., Bothun, G. and Schombert, J., Exploring the sensitivity Limit : 21-cm Observations of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies, Published: Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc., 198, 7508, 2001.

O'Neil, H., Hofner, P., and Schinnerer, E., CO in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies, American Astron. Soc. Meeting 199, #72.05, 2001.

*Ostro, S.J., Hudson, R. S., Benner, L.A.M., Nolan, M.C., Giogini, J.D.,. Scheeres, D.J., Jurgens, R.F. and Rose, R., Radar Observations of Asteroid 1998 ML14, Meteoritics & Planet. Sci., vol. 36, no.9, pp. 1225-1236, 2001.

*Ostro, S.J., Nolan, M.C., Margot, J.-L., Magri, C., Harris, A.W. and Giorgini, J.D., Radar Observations of Asteroid 288- Glauke, Icarus, 152, 201, July 2001.

Ostro, S.J., Rosema, K.D., Campbell, D.B., and Shapiro, I.I., NOTE: Radar Observations of Asteroid 1862 Apollo, Icarus, 156, 580, April 2002.

*Pisano, D.J., Kobulnicky, H.A., Guzmán, R., Gallego, J. and Bershady, M.A., The Gas Content and Kinematics of Nearby Blue Compact Galaxies: Implications for Studies at Intermediate and High Redshift, Astron. J., 122, 1194, Sep. 2001.

Rosenberg, J.L., and Schneider, S.E., The Arecibo Dual-Beam Survey: The HI Mass Function of Galaxies, Astrophys. J., 567, 247, 2002.

Solanes, J.M., Manrique, A., García-Gómez, C., González-Casado, G., Giovanelli, R., and Haynes, M.P., The HI Content of Spirals. II. Gas Deficiency in Cluster Galaxies, Astrophys. J., 548, 97, 2001.

Velusamy, T., Langer, W.D., and Goldsmith, P.F., Tracing the Infall and the Accretion Shock in the Protostellar Disk: L 1157, Astrophys. J. Lett., 565, L43-L46, Jan. 2002.

Zwaan, M. A., A Targeted Survey for HI Clouds in Galaxy Groups, Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 325, 1142, Aug. 2001.


Aponte, N., Sulzer, M..P. and González, S.A. Correction of the Jicamarca Electron-ion Temperature Ratio Problem: Verifying the Effect of Electron Coulomb Collisions on the Incoherent Scatter Spectrum, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 24,785, Nov. 2001.

Bishop, E.L., Evolution and Dynamics of Ionospheric Intermediate Layers Above Arecibo Observatory, Thesis (PhD. The University of Texas at Dallas, Nov. 2001.

Boyer, E., Petitdidier, M., Corneil, W., Adnet, C. and Larzabal, P., Application of Model-Based Spectral Analysis to Wind-Profiler Radar Observations, Annales Geophys., 19, 815, Aug. 2001.

Collins, S.C., Plane, J.M.C., Kelley, M.C., Wright, T.G., Soldán, P., Kane, T.J., Gerrard, A.J., Grime, B.W., Rollason, R.J., Friedman, J.S., González, S.A., Zhou, Q., Sulzer, M.P., and Tepley, C.A., A Study of the Role of Ion-Molecule Chemistry in the Formation of Sporadic Sodium Layers, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 64, 845-860, May 2002.

Friedman, J.S., Collins, S.C., and Castleberg, P.A., Mesospheric Potassium Layer over the Arecibo Observatory, 18.3 N, 66.75 W, Geophys. Res. Letters, 29, 15-1 - 15-4, March 2002.

Friedman, J.S., Tepley, C.A., Zhou, Q., and Delgado, R., Thermal Structure of the Mesopause at 18/degN, American Geophys. Union, Fall Meeting 2001, abstract #SA52A-09.

Gelinas, L.J., Kelley, M.C. and Larsen, M.F., Auroral Emission Generated by a Trimethyl Aluminum Release, J. Geophys. Res,, 106, 21,495, Oct. 2001.

González, S.A., Innovative Instruments in Service of Aeronomy: Radars and the CEDAR Program, American Geophys. Union, Fall Meeting 2001, abstract #SA11A-02.

Hickey, M.P., Reflection of a Long-period Gravity Wave Observed in the Nightglow Over Arecibo on May 8-9, 1989?, J. Geophys. Res. 28199-28208, Nov. 27, 2001.

Kelley, M.C. and Makela, J.J., Resolution of the Discrepancy Between Experiment and Theory of the Midlatitude F-region Structures, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 2589, July 2001.

Kerr, R.B., Garcia, R., He, X., Noto, J., Lancaster, R.S., Tepley, C.A., González, S.A., Friedman, J., Lappen, M. and McCormack, B., Periodic Variations of Geocoronal Balmer-alpha Brightness due to Solar-driven Exospheric Abundance Variations, J.Geophys.Res., 106, 28,797, Dec. 2001..

Kerr, R.B., Garcia, R., He, X., Noto, J., Lancaster, R.S., Tepley, C.A., González, S.A., Friedman, J., Doe, R.A., Lappen, M. and McCormack, B., Secular Variability of the Geocoronal Balmer-alpha Brightness: Magnetic Activity and Possible Human Influences, J.Geophys.Res., 106, 28,819, Dec. 2001.

Machuga, D.W. and Mathews, J.D., Numerical Simulations of Three-dimensional E-Region Ion Trajectories in Realistic tidal Wind and E-Field Structures: Layer Formation and Transport, J. Atmos.Solar-Terr.Phys., 63, 1519, Sep. 2001.

Makela, J.J., Kelley, M.C., González, S.A., Aponte, N., and McCoy, R.P., Ionospheric Topography Maps Using Multiple Wavelength All-sky Images, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 29,161, Dec. 2001.

*Makela, J.J., Kelley, M.C., Sojka, J.J., Pi, X., and Mannucci, A.J., GPS Normalization and Preliminary Modeling Results of Total Electron content During a Mid-Latitude space Weather Event, Radio Sci, 36 (2), 351-361, 2001.

Mathews, J.D., González, S., Sulzer, M.P., Zhou, Q.-H., Urbina, J., Kudeki, E. and Franke, S., Kilometer-Scale Layered Structures Inside Spread-F, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 4167, Nov. 2001.

*Mathews, J.D., Machuga, D.W. and Zhou, Q.H., Evidence for Electrodynamic Linkages Between Spread-F, Ion Rain, the Intermediate layer and Sporadic E: Results from Recent Observations and Simulations, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 63, 1529, Sep. 2001.

Pasko, V.P., Stanley, M.A., Mathews, J.D., Inan, U.S., and Wood, T.G., Electrical Discharge from a Thundercloud Top to the Lower Ionosphere, Nature, 416, Issue 6877, pages 152-154, March 14, 2002.

Peria, W,J, and Kelley, M.C., Convection Electric Field Observations Near the Arecibo HF Heater Beam, J.Geohys. Res., 106, 18,517, Sep. 2001.

Zhou, Q.H., Incoherent Scatter Spectral Bandwith and its Applications, Radio Science, 37, 19-1, May-June 2002.

*Arecibo Data

Last updated by Carmen G. Segarra September 7, 2002.