Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://www.naic.edu/~tghosh/software/baserem.pro
Дата изменения: Fri Jan 24 19:22:20 2003
Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 05:09:01 2016

Поисковые слова: п п п п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п п р п п р п п р п п р п п р п п р п п р п п р п п р п п р п п р п п р п п р п п р п п р п п р п п р п
;Viewing contents of file
; To fit a polynomial of order NDEG to a user-specified
; spectral region for removing a baseline from a spectral feature.
; X (REQ) (I) (1) (I L F D)
; Array of independent variables.
; Y (REQ) (I) (1) (I L F D)
; Array of dependent variables.
; NDEG (REQ) (I) (1) (I)
; Degree of polynomial used to approximate baseline.
; XL,XR (REQ) (I/O) (0) (I L F D)
; Scalar values which if non-zero are used as the left & right
; coordinates of the excluded region. If zero, the user is
; prompted for these values via terminal cursor positions.
; The values are returned as the array indicies of the
; baseline points just outside the excluded region.
; A (REQ) (I/O) (1) (F)
; Floating point array with at least NDEG+1 elements .
; (polynomial coefficients are written into the last NDEG+1
; elements).
; Input vector A with added coefficients as described above
; (output).
; YBF (REQ) (O) (1) (I L F D)
; Values of Y produced by polynomial.
; CHIS (REQ) (O) (0) (I L F D)
; Variance of the fit (as calculated by WPOLYFIT without
; weighting).
; User is prompted for cursor positions of spectral feature region not
; to be included in baseline calculation (if XL & XR are initially
; zero).
; !d.name
; !d.x_ch_size
; !d.y_ch_size
; !d.y_size
; - BASEREM will prompt user for cursor positions until the number of points
; between the limits is greater than the number of elements in vector A
; plus NDEG-2.
; - BASEREM is used by GAUSSFIT for removing a baseline of a Gaussian
; feature. In GAUSSFIT, the vector A has NDEG + 1 + 3*NCOMP elements
; where NCOMP is the number of Gaussian components in the input array.
; - The points selected by the user to designate the edges of the feature
; can be specified in any order. These points are INCLUDED in the baseline
; fit.
; - When BASEREM is used to fit the background of a region in which several
; Gaussians are to be fit, the user still specifies one set of endpoints.
; The endpoints should represent the leftmost and rightmost sides of the
; features.
; - BASEREM use to be restricted to fits of less than 3rd order when
; used on the PDP computer. Higher fits are now possible but depending on
; the magnitude of the input X and Y arrays, problems may occur.
; Scaling the input Y array will have no effect as BASEREM now
; does this before calling WPOLYFIT.
; tested with IDL Version 2.1.2 (sunos sparc) 08 Aug 91
; tested with IDL Version 2.1.2 (vms vax) 08 Aug 91
; tested with IDL Version 2.1.2 (ultrix mispel) 08 Aug 91
; BASEREM extracts the region excluding that described by the cursor
; positions (or XL and RL), and uses WPOLYFIT to calculate a polynomial
; fit, the YBF values, and the reduced chi square.If NDEG = 0, BASERERM
; returns 1 element in the vector A simply representing the average value
; of the baseline region. Since the weighting vector passed to WPOLYFIT
; is set to ones, the CHIS parameter is simply the variance of the fit.
; To fit a baseline with a 5th order polynomial:
; A = FLTARR(9) ; 6 for baseline, 3 for a possible Gaussian feature
; PDP VERSION: I. DEAN AHMAD (modified VAX version: R. Thompson)
; 7-16-84 RWT updated documentation & made user interaction optional
; 8-8-84 RWT defined FXL & FXR for non-interactive mode
; 11-8-85 RWT RETALL used for 1st RETURN & NELEMENTS & # added for DIDL
; 4-13-87 RWT VAX mods: add PARCHECK, replace TEKDATA with CURSOR,
; replace TKPLOT & XYOUT with PLOTS, XYOUTS, & SCTODC, use
; assignment statements.
; 10-28-87 RWT remove restriction of NDEG being <3, allow sides of
; feature to be specified in any order, add procedure call
; listing, add PLOT,Y, add endpoints to baseline array, remove
; FXR, FXL, YL & YR calculations, and remove oplot and listing
; of CHIS.
; 8-22-89 RWT Unix mods: remove SCTODC & HARDCOPY, store coords.
; in arrays, add get_kbrd
; 3-04-91 PJL corrected upper limit test for XC
; 6-19-91 PJL cleaned up; tested on SUN and VAX; updated prolog
; 8-07-91 GRA added /down keyword to cursor calls
; 8-08-91 GRA added section to identify region containing the
; feature and reduce the x axis range to 40 angstroms
; if the input array spans more than 40 angstroms;
; included the x vector in calls to plot, and used
; tabinv to return x array indicies; added else
; clause so baserem can be called with xl and xr
; (wavelength values) defined; scaled the y vector
; before calling WPOLYFIT; marked cursor selected
; points with an 'x'; tested on SUN, DEC, VAX;
; updated prolog.
; 10-10-91 LLT removed 40A limit to allow CRSCOR to work, features
; \PJL separated by more than 40A to be examined. and other
; units to be used
pro baserem,x,y,ndeg,xl,xr,a,ybf,chis
npar = n_params()
if npar eq 0 then begin
endif ; npar
xll = float(xl)
xrr = float(xr)
npts = n_elements(x)
sa = n_elements(a)
nterms = sa - ndeg - 1 ; # of terms for gaussians
if ((xll+xrr) eq 0.0) then begin ; prompt user for coordinates
xc = fltarr(2)
if (strlowcase(!d.name) eq 'tek') then $
st = 'Place cursor at sides of feature; press any key ' else $
st = 'Place cursor at sides of feature; press mouse button '
repeat begin
flush = get_kbrd(0)
flush = get_kbrd(0)
xc = fix([xl,xr] + 0.5)
xc = xc(sort(xc))
xc = xc > 1 < (npts-2)
if (xc(1) - xc(0)) le 3 then print, $
'ERROR in GAUSSFIT: Set endpoints further apart'
end until (xc(1)-xc(0))+1 gt nterms ; end repeat
xl = xc(0)
xr = xc(1)
endif else begin
xl = fix(xl + 0.5)
xr = fix(xr + 0.5)
endelse ; (xl+xr)
newn = npts-xr+xl
if (newn lt ndeg) then begin
print,'Not enough baseline points specified for desired fit'
endif ; newn
; extract baseline segments from outside feature region
ybase = fltarr(newn+1)
xbase = ybase
ybase(0) = y(0:xl)
ybase(xl+1) = y(xr:*)
xbase(0) = x(0:xl)
xbase(xl+1) = x(xr:*)
; unless ndeg is negative, determine baseline
if ndeg ge 0 then begin
; scale y parameters to avoid floating overflow in wpolyfit
yav = total(ybase)/(newn - 1)
ysclbase = ybase/yav
; fit polynomial
; unscale y parameters for output and store baseline params in a
ybf = ysclbf*yav
chis = chiscl*(yav^2)
a(nterms) = yav*(abscl(0:ndeg))
endif else chis = total(ybase*ybase)/(newn-1)
print,' '
end ; baserem