the pnt (pointing) command
130705 ephemeris
The pnt command
The pnt command has been added to the aotcl
interpreter in vxWorks (used for online datataking).
Other documentation:
- within the online tcl interpreter pnt ? will return a help
message showing the command and its options (pnt
- online or offline helpdt pntcb will show a short explanation
of using the pnt command (helpdt pntcb)
05jul13: Ephemeris tracking
Create ephemeris file
Load ephemeris file with pnt ephm ld
Track the ephemeris file
Ephemeris tracking was added to the pnt
command on 05jul13. It allows you to use the pnt tr command
to track an ephemeris. This adds the capability of offsets and
rates relative to an ephemeris position.
The new command includes loading an ephemeris file and
then tracking using this file.
This can be used for:
- radar tracking of objects (although they may want to continue
with how they currently track objects)
- tracking objects such as the moon, satellites, or
planets for calibration purposes.
How it works:
- The user specifies an ephemeris file using some pnt commands
(see below).
- The user then starts the ephemeris tracking by issuing
the pnt track command:
- pnt tr 1 2 -c{E,R,T} see below for def of
- Note that 1 2 are placeholders that must be entered, but are
then ignored (these are normally the ra,dec requested).
- The coordinate options are J2000 (rcv) or current ra,dec
(receive or transmit ephemeris).
- The pnt program will then:
- Each second is will linear interpolate to the position
for that second using the two ephemeris entries that
bracket the current time.
Steps to using an ephemeris file for tracking:
- Create an
ephemeris file:
- This can be a standard radar ephemeris
- it contains the standard date, time , receive and transmit
info from the ao radar ephemerides.
- The
script will down load an ephemeris from jpl horizons.
- The routine will then convert from
horizon's to ao ephemeris format.
- This ao short format contains: date time ra dec and
optional values
- Normally this script is used for non radar work. By
default it downloads a receive ephemeris.
- Notes on ephemeris files:
- lines that start with # are comments
- If multiple blocks are contained in the file then they
must be separated by at least 1 comment line
- Within a given block the spacing between entries must be
- When loading an ephemeris file, a maximum of 720
entries can be loaeded.
- You must place the ao ephemeris file in a location that
datataking can access (see below)
- -->Warning<--
- The script by default requests Apparent
- This means you need to use -cR for the pointing
- To use J2000 -cE coordinates you need
- -q 1,4,20 ..(the 1 gives J2000).
- then you use -cE
- If you used -cE with -q 2 with -cE coord system ,you
will apply the precession, nutation, aberation correction
twice.. as of 2016 that's about 12amin..
- Tell the
pointing program to load the ephemeris
- The following pnt command will load an ephemeris:
- pnt ephm ld type filename
{yymmdd secMid}
- type- type of
ephemeris file
- 1 - standard ao radar ephemeris
- 2 - Short ao ephemeris format (output from eg:
- 2013-07-05 12:38:00 045108.82 +200140.4
81.7981 65.0676
- Where az,el are default optional values
- When loading, the receive ephem info is copied into
the transmit ephem array.
- filename -
filename for ephemeris file
- If no directory is included then it will search in
- If a directory is supplied then it must be
accessible from vxWorks (the users project directory:
/share/obs4/usr/projId is ok)
- {yymmdd secMid}
optional AST time in ephemeris to start loading.
- If not supplied then the routine will use the
current time
- Notes
- if the time is after the end of a block, and a
following block exists, it will start on the following
- Tell the
pointing program to track the loaded ephemeris file.
- You must first load an ephemeris
- the pnt tr command typically has a set of positions followed
by optional offsets and rates. eg:
- pnt tr 192313.1 153131 -cJ -o 0 -.1 -cS -r 0.
.01 -cs
- -c defines the coordinate system
- -o starts the offset field
- -r starts the rate field
- Ephemeris tracking has added 3 new coordinate systems:
- -cE J2000
ephemeris tracking. This tracks the receive ephemeris
- -cR current
ra,dec . this tracks the receive ra, dec.
- -cT
current ra,dec. This tracks the transmit ra,dec
- Notes:
- When -cE is
used then the ephemeris file must have had j2000
- When -cT or -cR is used then the
ephemeris file must have had current (of date) ra,dec.
- Track the ephemeris:
- pnt tr 1 2 -cR
- Note that the first two args 1,2 are required, but they
are ignored
- pnt tr 1 2 -cT -o 0. -.1 -Cs
- track Tx ephemeris with -.1 great circle offset in za
- pnt tr 1 2 -cE -o 0 -.1 -cs -r 0 .01 -cs
- track J2000 ephemeris with -.1 offset in za and .01 rate
in za.
- Examples:
- Load1998QE2 ephemeris from standard directory, and
then start tracking the tranmist location:
- pnt ephm ld 1 1998QE2.s26
- pnt tr 1 2 -cT
- Notes: this starts loading from the current
- Create moon ephemeris for 05jul113, load, and track
- Offline:
- -start 2013 130705 0000 -end 130705
2359 301 moon.hor
- Note uses UTC date,times
- < moon.hor >
- chmod a+r moon.hor .. make
sure datataking can read it.
- mv /share/obs4/usr/x101/
- Online when moon is rising
- pnt ephm ld 2 /share/obs4/usr/x101//
- pnt tr 1 2 -cR .. track the moon
- File
- is currently being debugged.
- /share/megs/phil/x101/ephm/
- is currently being debugged
- /share/megs/phil/x101/ephm/