A video camera used for
filming was tested on 31jul14.
31jul14 video camera in screen room
Luis measured the emissions of the video camera
on 31jul14 in the screen room..
The setup was:
- Agilent E4445A spectrum analyzer:
- average 20 sweeps
- 8192 points/spectra
- 6db attenuation , preamp on
- 100 MHz span, 12.5 Khz/rbw. covering 0 to 3000 MHz in 30
- 904 Efield probe with a 15 foot coax cable.
- activity
- data was taken with power supply and camera off
- data was taken with the probe next to the camera screen,
recording. the power supply was about 4 feet away
- data was taken with the probe next to the power supply.
the camera was on and recording about 4 feet from the
The plots:
The plots show the emissions from the
- The first page shows plots of 0-1000 MHz, 1000-2000MHz and
- The 2nd page shows some blowups around some of our
receiver bands:
- 300-500 MHz (327,430)
- 1350-1550 MHz (lbw)
- 2000-3000 MHz (lbw)
- Emissions with the camera
and power supply off. (.ps) (.pdf)
- This shows the noise in the room with the camera and
power supply off.
- The rfi comes from: ethernet switch, spectrum analyzer
- Emissions with camera and
power supply on (.ps) (.pdf)
- this has the camera on and recording. the power supply
is also on
- the probe is between camera screen and body. The power
supply is about 4 feet from the probe.
- Emissions from the power
supply (.ps) (.pdf)
- the probe is next to the power supply. The camera is
about 4 feet from the probe, on and recording.