cb az swings, 5ghz rfi 13jan16
last updated 15jan16
Azimuth swings were done with the cband receiver on 13jan16.
The setup was:
- az 270-630 and back at +/- .35deg/sec
- clear weather, data taken in the afternoon
- dome at za=18deg
- mock spectrometer with 7 boxes covered 4200 to 5200 mhz, 150
Mhz spacing
- 172MHz bw, 8192 channels per box
- 1 sec sampling
The data processing for each board
- input the data averaging to 1 second
- average pola and b.
- interpolate az positions to center of data records.
- For dynamic spectra
- compute median band pass, divide this into all spectra
- find rfi free section of band, compute median value
for each spectra and then divide each spectra by these values
- For rfi bands:
- looking at the dynamic spectra:
- find the center and bandwidth of each rfi band
- also find the non-overlapping portion of the rfi band
(many rfi bands were overlapping).
- compute the total power in each rfi band using the
non-overlapping portion of the rfi band.
- plot this total power vs az for the CW and CCW az swings.
Dynamic spectra:
The images show the dynamic spectra for the Clockwise (CW) az
swings for the 4950 and 5100 Mhz mock bands.
- 4950 Mhz band azswing (.gif)
- the 20 Mhz bands at 4930 and 4950 have been reported by
chris salter.
- these look like u-nni band transmissions.. which would make
them illegal
- 5100 Mhz band azswing (.gif)
- the u-nni band starts at 5150 Mhz. everything below that is
- You can see that lots of the 20 Mhz rfi's overlap each other
in frequency.
Birdie power vs azimuth.
I also plotted the rfi power vs az
position for the non-overlapping portion of each rfi (.ps) (.pdf)
- Each rfi was plotted in a different color with an offset for
display purposes
- For each rfi, the CW and CCW az spins were overplotted
- The CW and CCW swings were spaced by at least 20 minutes...
- most of the rfi bands show a repeatable azimuth dependence.
- This means that the rfi is coming from a stationary
azimuth direction
- (not necessarily the azimuth of the peak since the
scattering into the dome can be complex).
- Some of the rfi's look to have similar azimuth peaks.. that
means they are probably coming from the same tower
- many of the rfi's have unique azimuth peaks.
- I wonder if some of these are coming from people's houses..
which would be spread in azimuth.
The table shows the rfi bands that were found:
Frequencies with common colors, have similar azimuth
intermod |
4930 |
20 |
verified |
20 |
verified |
verified |
20 |
verified |
20 |
verified |
20 |
20 |
verified |
20 |
verified |
20 |
verified |
20 |
Are we seeing intermods in our receiver?
Is it possible that some of the separate rfi's
we see are being created as intermods in our receiver.
To test this, i took 300 seconds of data (15jan16) with the
frequencies shifted..
If these are intermods, then the frequency location of the rfi's
will shift as the lo's are shifted:
The setups were:
- data taken 13jan16:
- rf cfr of band: 4650
- individual band centers: 4950, 5100
- az swings 270 to 630 ,za=18deg
- data taken 15jan16
- rf cfr of band: 4630 (shifted down by 20 Mhz)
- individual band centers: 4940, 5090 (shifted down by 10 mhz)
- telescope sitting az=200, za=18 degrees, 300 1 second
the dynamic spectra show the results
After changing the lo's all of the visible rfi's showed up at the
same frequency
- The 15jan16 data was at a fixed azimuth, so not all rfi's
peaked up...
- The rfi's that were seen at the same frequency are labeled
verified in the not intermod column of the table.
- The 5 ghz rfi's are not intermods in the system
- The rfi's repeat in azimuth (spaced by over 20 minutes).
So they are coming from a fixed azimuth location (they are not
just time variable.
- a number of the rfi's have similar rfi dependence.. these are
probably coming from the same towers.
- others have unique azimuth dependence. I wonder if they are
coming from internet emanating from peoples houses (the uplink
to the tower).
x101/160113/azswing_cbinp.pro, azswing_cbplot.pro, and
similar routines in 160115.
rfi measurements