Cummings diesel generators
Monitoring the generators.
The generators can be queried using the modbus protocol.
The program that does this:
- Runs on galfas2. This as a connection to the generator
- source: svn/aosoft/src/Cummings/cgenlog.c .. see also cgen.c,
Test/readMultiReg.c for debugging
01dec13: Generator startup with site as
The power failed on Sunday 01dec13 at 17:39:20.
The site was the generator load.
The plots show the generators
for the first 10 minutes after startup (.ps) (.pdf):
- Top: generator state vs minutes fro startup.
- Each color is a different generator
- the y axis is the generator status (with labels on the
- All 4 generators start together, and then generators 4,3,
and then 2 are idled.
- 2nd: generator output power
- each generator is plotted separately
- The light blue line is the sum of the 4 generators.
- The site was running at 300 KW prior to the power outage
(from the site power monitoring)
- It took about 4 minutes for the generator output to reach
300 KW
- The actual outage occurred at 17:39:20.
- The telescope motion was stopped from 17:39:20 to
17:41:20.. so there is only 1 minute with no telescope
- I wonder if the air conditioners take a few minutes to get
up to full load?
- 3rd: fuel usage by generator
- the is gallons/hour Usage plotted every minute.
- bottom: Efficiency: (Kilo watt hours output) per (gallon/hour
- On automatic startup (with site as load) all 4 generators
start, and then get shed 1 at a time
- The shedding process takes 9 minutes
- The generator output took 4 minutes to return to the output
prior to the outage.
- The telescope was only stopped for 1 minute
- It make take the air conditioners 4 minutes to come up to
full output.
19Nov13: first look at data while sband
transmitter is on.
Data was taken on 19Nov13 while the sband
transmitter was in operation. They sband was transmitting
around 850 KWatts.
- Generators 2,3,4 were in use.
- Data was sampled every 10 seconds.
- Data in stored in binary
The plots show the
generator performance for 3 hours (.ps) (.pdf)
- Page 1: Power, power factor
- top: power vs time. The power is by generator. Each color is
a different generator.
- middle: Power factor vs Power(by generator).
- I computed the power factor as KW/KVA.
- The generators don't compute the power factor until the
power exceeds about 40KW.
- bottom: power factor (by generator) vs power
- the power factor is above .9 above 200Kw/generator.
- Page 2: Voltage (Phase to ground)
vs time
- Each frame is a separate phase (a,b,c)
- I'm not sure it the voltage spikes are real.
- Page 3: Current vs time
- Page 4: Pressures, temperatures.
- Top: pressure vs time for each generator
- Middle: Oil temperature vs time.
- You can see the pressure decrease as the oil temperature
- Bottom: Coolant temperature vs time
- Page 5: fuel consumption and
efficiency (by generator)
- Top: fuel consumption (Gallons/Hour) vs time by
- The fuel used is recorded with .01 gallon resolution. The
lower rates are pushing this resolution:
- 10gallon/hour = .028 gallons/10 seconds. So we saw maybe 3
counts change/ 10 sec sample.
- Middle: Fuel consumption vs output power (by generator)
- Bottom: Efficiency vs power (by generator).
- The vertical scale is : KiloWatts generated by 1
gallon/hour fuel consumption
- It looks pretty level down to about 200 KW/generator (then
we run out of data).
- Page 6:Cumulative
Power,consumption, efficiency (combining all 3 generators).
- Top: power vs time.
- Middle: fuel rate (gallons/hour) vs output power.
- bottom: efficiency (KW for 1 gallon/minute) vs output power.
- Page 7: Power, consumption
blowup at startup and full power (sum all generators)
- Top: power at startup
- red line is cooling pumps off, green is cooling pumps on.
- 2nd: fuel rate at startup
- cooling off: 26 gallons/hour,
- This looks like the no load fuel rate needed.
- cooling on, 31 gallons/hour
- 3rd: power at full power
- bottom: fuel rate at full power:
Performance for the 3 generators
Full power
11 KW
startup (cooling off)
80 KW
startup (cooling on)
Pumps use 70 KW
above 750 KW
fuel consumption
above 700 KW
startup cooling off. Fuel
rate for no load.
startup cooling on
full power
KW for 1 Gal/Hour
1 Gallon of diesel = 40.7
11.8 KW
Full Power
pumps on, no HV xmter
.7 KW
pumps off, no load.
Usage (top)
Hour used and fuel consumed .. by generator
and totals.
Documentation: (top)
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