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User's Manual

Model 211
Temperature Monitor
Serial Numbers 21A0000 and Subsequent

Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc.
575 McCorkle Boulevard Westerville, Ohio 43082-8888 USA E-Mail Addresses: sales@lakeshore.com service@lakeshore.com Visit Our Website: www.lakeshore.com Fax: (614) 891-1392 Telephone: (614) 891-2243
Methods and apparatus disclosed and described herein have been developed so lely on co mpany funds of Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. No government or other contractual suppo rt or relat ionship whatsoever has existed which in any way affects or mit igates proprietary rights of Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. in these developments. Methods and apparatus disclo sed herein may be subject to U.S. Patents exist ing or applied for. Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. reserves the right to add, improve, modify, or withdraw functions, design modificat ions, or products at any t ime wit hout notice. Lake Shore shall not be liable for error s contained herein or for incidental or consequent ial damages in connect ion wit h furnishing, performance, or use of this material.

Rev. 1.6

P/N 119-043

02 March 2011

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

LIMITED WARRANTY STATEMENT ­ WARRANTY PERIOD: ONE (1) YEAR 1. Lake Shore warrants that this Lake Shore product (the Product) will be free from defects in materials and work manship for the Warranty Period specified above (the Warranty Period). If Lake Shore receives notice of any such defects during the Warranty Period and the Product is shipped freight prepaid, Lake Shore will, at its option, either repair or replace the Product if it is so defective without charge to the owner for parts, service labor or associated customary return shipping cost. Any such replacement for the Product ma y be either new or equivalent in performance to new. Replacement or repaired parts will be warranted for only the unexpired portion of the original warranty or 90 days (whichever is greater). 2. Lake Shore warrants the Product only if it has been sold by an authorized Lake Shore employee, sales representative, dealer or original equip ment manufacturer (OEM). 3. The Product may contain remanufactured parts equivalent to new in performance or may have been subject to incidental use. 4. The Warranty Period begins on the date of delivery of the Product or later on the date of installation of the Product if the Product is installed by Lake Shore, provided that if you schedule or delay the Lake Shore installation for more than 30 days after delivery the Warranty Period begins on the 31st day after delivery. 5. This limited warranty does not apply to defects maintenance, repair or calibration, (b) fuses, s interfacing, parts or other supplies not furnished by operation outside of the published specifications or in the P roduct resulting from (a) improper oftware and non -rechargeable batteries, Lake Shore, (d) unauthorized modification (f) improper site preparation or maintenanc or inadequate (c) software, or misuse , (e) e.

6. To the extent allowed by applicable law, the above warranties are exclusive and no other warranty or condition, whether written or oral, is expresse d or implied. Lake shore specifically disclaims any implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, satisfactory quality and/or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the product. So me countries, states or provinces do not allow limitations on an implied warranty, so the above limitation or exclusion might not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you might also have other rights that vary from country to country, state to state or province to province. 7. To the extent allowed by applicable law, the remedies in this warranty state ment are your sole and exclusive re medies. 8. Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, in no event will lake shore or any of its subsidiaries, affiliates or suppliers be liable for direct, special, incidental, consequential or other damages (including lost profit, lost data or downtime costs) arising out of the use, inability to use or result of use of the product, whether based in warranty, contract, tort or other legal theory, and whether or not lake shore has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Your use of the Product is entirely at your own risk. So me countries, states and provinces do not allow the exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. 9. Except to the extent allowed by applicable law, the terms of this limited warranty state ment do not exclude, restrict or modify, and are in addition to, the mandatory statutory rights applicable to the sale of t he product to you. CERTIFICATION Lake Shore certifies that this product has been ins specifications and that this product met its published and calibration of this product at the time of shipment Standards and Technology (NIST); formerly known recognized natural standard. pected and tested in accordance with its published specifications at the time of ship ment. The accuracy are traceable to the United States National Institute o f as the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), or to a

TRADEMARK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Manufacturers and sellers claim many designations as trademarks to distinguish their products. Where those designations appear in this manual and Lake Shore was aware of a trademark claim, the designations appear in initial capital letters with a TM or ® symbol. CalCurveTM, CernoxTM, Duo-TwistTM, Quad-LeadTM, Quad-TwistTM, RoxTM, and SoftCalTM are trademarks of Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. Copyright © 2002, 2005-2011 by Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission o f Lake Shore.


Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) of electronic equipment is a growing concern worldwide. Emissions of and immunity to electromagnetic interference is now part of most electronics design and manufacture. To qualify for the CE mark, the Model 211 meets the generic requirements of the European EMC Directive 89/336/EEC as a Class B product. The instrument was tested under normal operating conditions with sensor and interface cables attached. If the installation and operating instructions in the User's Manual are followed there should be no degradation in EMC performance. Pay special attention to instrument cabling. Improperly installed cabling may defeat even the best EMC protection. For the best performance from any precision instrument, follow the grounding and shielding instructions in the User's Manual. In addition, the installer of the Model 211 should consider the following: · Leave no unused or unterminated cables attached to the instrument. · Make cable runs as short and direct as possible. · Do not tightly bundle cables that carry different types of signals.

Lake Shore has worked to ensure that the Model 211 firmware is as free of errors as possible, and that the results you obtain from the instrument are accurate and reliable. However, as with any computer-based software, the possibility of errors exists. In any important research, as when using any laboratory equipment, results should be carefully examined and rechecked before final conclusions are drawn. Neither Lake Shore nor anyone else involved in the creation or production of this firmware can pay for loss of time, inconvenience, loss of use of the product, or property damage caused by this product or its failure to work, or any other incidental or consequential damages. Use of our product implie s that you understand the Lake Shore license agreement and statement of limited warranty.

The firmware in this instrument is treaty provisions. To maintain the modified. Any changes made to responsibility for damage or errors protected by United States copyright law and warranty, the code contained in the firmware the code is at the user's risk. Lake Shore incurred as result of any changes made to the fi international must not be assumes no rmware.

Under the terms of this agreement you may only use the Model 211 firmware as physically installed in the instrument. Archival copies are strictly forbidden. You may not decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the firmware. If you suspect there are problems with the firmware, return the instrument to Lake Shore for repair under the terms of the Limited Warranty specified above. Any unauthorized duplication or use of the Model 211 firmware in whole or in part, in print, or in any other storage and retrieval system is forbidden.


Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

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Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Chapter/Paragraph Title Page

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. . . . . . . .

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

.1 .2 .1 .2 .3

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... GENERAL .................................................................................. DESCRIPTION ........................................................................... SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................... SAFETY SUMMARY ................................................................ SAFETY SYMBOLS .................................................................. INSTALLATION ...................................................................... GENERAL .................................................................................. INSPECTION AND UNPACKING ............................................ REAR PANEL DEFINITION ..................................................... POWER INPUT CONNECTOR ................................................. EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY ................................................. CABLE CLAMP ......................................................................... SENSOR INPUT ......................................................................... Input/Output Connector ............................................................ Sensor Lead Cable .................................................................... Shielding Sensor Leads ............................................................ Instrument Grounding ............................................................... Sensor Polarity.......................................................................... 4-Lead Sensor Measurement .................................................... 2-Lead Sensor Measurement .................................................... Lowering Measurement Noise .................................................. ANALOG OUTPUT ................................................................... RELAYS ..................................................................................... PANEL MOUNTING ................................................................. OPERATION ............................................................................. GENERAL .................................................................................. INSTRUMENT POWER ............................................................ DISPLAY DEFINITION............................................................. LED ANNUNCIATORS and DISPLAY MESSAGES ............... KEYPAD DEFINITION ............................................................. Key Descriptions ...................................................................... General Keypad Operation ....................................................... INPUT SETUP ............................................................................ Input Type ................................................................................ Curve Selection ........................................................................ Display Units Selection ............................................................ ALARM SETUP and OPERATION ........................................... RELAY SETUP ..........................................................................

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

-1 -1 -1 -3 -8 -9 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -3 -4 -4 -5 -5 -6 -6 -7 -7 -8 -8 -9 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -3 -3 -3 -4 -4 -5 -6 -6 -7

Table of Contents


Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

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8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 6

ANALOG OUTPUT SETUP ...................................................... ANALOG OUTPUT TO TEMPERATURE CONVERSION ..... 0 LOCKING AND UNLOCKING THE KEYPAD ..................... 3 1 RESETTING THE MODEL 211 TO DEFAULT VALUES ..... 3 2 CHECKING CODE DATE REVISION .................................... 3 3 CURVE ENTRY AND STORAGE .......................................... 3 3.1 Curve Header Parameters ....................................................... 3 3.2 Curve Breakpoints .................................................................. 3 REMOTE OPERATION .......................................................... GENERAL .................................................................................. SERIAL INTERFACE OVERVIEW .......................................... .1 Physical Connection ................................................................. .2 Hardware Support ..................................................................... .3 Character Format ...................................................................... .4 Message Strings ........................................................................ .5 Message Flow Control .............................................................. .6 Serial Interface Basic Program ................................................. .6.1 Visual Basic Serial Interface Program Setup ......................... .6.2 Program Operation ............................................................... 4 .7 Trouble Shooting .................................................................... 4 SERIAL INTERFACE COMMAND SUMMARY ................... 4 .1 Interface Commands (In Alphabetical Order) ........................ 4 SERVICE ................................................................................... GENERAL .................................................................................. CONTACTING LAKE SHORE .................................................. RETURNING PRODUCTS TO LAKE SHORE ........................ ERROR MESSAGES .................................................................. .1 Instrument Hardware Errors ..................................................... .2 Limit Errors .............................................................................. OPENING THE ENCLOSURE .................................................. CONNECTOR DEFINITIONS ................................................... .1 Serial Interface Cable Wiring ................................................... CALIBRATION PROCEDURE ................................................. .1 Equipment Required for Calibration ......................................... .2 Diode/Resistor Sensor Input Calibration .................................. .2.1 Sensor Input Calibration Setup and Serial Communication Verification ............................................................................

3-8 3-9 -10 -10 -10 -11 -11 -12 4 -1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-5 -10 -10 -11 -14 5 -1 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-2 5-2 5-3 5-3 5-4 5-6 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7


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Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Chapter/Paragraph Title Page

10 µA Current Source Calibration and 1 mA Current Source Verification ............................................................................ 5-8 Input Gain Calibration ........................................................... 5-8 5.6.3 Analog Output Calibration and Verification........................... 5-10 Analog Output Voltage Mode Calibration ........................... 5-10 Analog Output Current Mode Calibration ........................... 5-11 5.6.4 Calibration Specific Interface Commands .............................. 5-13 6 OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES ............................................ 6-1 6.0 GENERAL .................................................................................. 6-1 6.1 MODELS .................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 ACCESSORIES .......................................................................... 6-1 6.3 WIRES ........................................................................................ 6-2 6.4 SENSORS ................................................................................... 6-2 Appendix A CURVE TABLES ....................................................... A-1 A1.0 GENERAL ................................................................................. A-1 Appendix B REGULATORY DECLARATIONS ........................ A-5 B1.0 General ....................................................................................... A-5 B1.1 Model 211 CE Declaration of Conformity ................................. A-6 B1.2 Model 211 RoHS Declaration of Conformity............................. A-7 B1.3 Power Supply CE Declaration, P/N 109 -132 ............................. A-8 B1.4 Power Supply RoHS Declaration, P/N 109 -132 ......................... A-9 B1.5 CE Declarations for Discontinued Power Supplies .................. A-10 B1.6 RoHS Declarations for Discontinued Power Supplies ............. A-12 Appendix C MENU STRUCTURE .............................................. A-13

Table of Contents


Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Figure No. Title Page

Fig Fig Fig Fig Fig Fig Fig Fig Fig Fig

ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur

e e e e e e e e e e

1 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 5 5

-1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -1 -1 -2 -3

. . . . . . . . . .

Model 211 Front Panel ............................................................ Model 211 Rear Panel ............................................................. Power Connector ..................................................................... Input/Output Connector ........................................................... Panel Mounting Details ........................................................... 2111 and 2112 Panel Mount Adapters .................................. 2 Model 211 Display .................................................................. Power Connector ..................................................................... Input/Output Connector ........................................................... RS-232 (DTE) Connector ........................................................

1-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-9 -10 3-2 5-4 5-4 5-5

Table No. Title Page

Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab

le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le

1-1. 1-2. 3-1. 3-2. 3-3. 3-4. 3-5. 3-6. 3-7. 4-1. 4-2. 4-3. 4-4. 5-1. A-1. A-2. A-3. A-4.

Temperature Range of Typical Lake Shore Sensors ................ 1-2 Sensor Input Performance Chart ............................................... 1-6 Sensor Input Types ................................................................... 3-4 Standard Curves ........................................................................ 3-5 Analog Output Range Scales .................................................... 3-9 Analog Output Scales in Sensor Units ...................................... 3-9 Conversion Parameters for Temperature in K .......................... 3-9 Model 211 Default Values ...................................................... 3-10 Recommended Curve Parameters ........................................... 3-12 Serial Interface Specifications .................................................. 4-3 Serial Interface Program Control Properties ............................. 4-6 Visual Basic Serial Interface Program ...................................... 4-8 Interface Commands (Alphabetical Listing) ........................... 4-13 Calibration Table for Resistive Ranges .................................... 5-9 Lake Shore DT-470 Silicon Diode (Curve 10) ....................... A-1 Lake Shore DT-670 Silicon Diode ......................................... A-2 CTI Curve C Silicon Diode .................................................... A-3 Lake Shore PT-100/-1000 Platinum RTD Curves .................. A-4


Table of Contents

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


This chapter provides an introduction to the Model 211 Temperature Monitor. The Model 211 was designed and manufactured in the United States of America by Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. A general description is provided in Paragraph 1.1, specifications in Paragraph 1.2, safety summary in Paragraph 1.3, and safety symbols in Paragraph 1.4.

The Lake Shore single-channel Model 211 Temperature Monitor provides the accuracy, resolution, and interface features of a benchtop temperature monitor in an easy to use, easily integrated, compact instrument. With appropriate sensors, the Model 211 measures temperature from 1.4 to 800 K and in difficult sensing conditions, including high vacuum and magnetic fields. Alarms, relays, user-configurable analog voltage or current output, and a serial interface are standard features on the Model 211. Backed by the Lake Shore tradition of excellence in cryogenic and preci sion temperature measurement for science and industry, the Model 211 is a good choice for liquefied gas storage/monitoring, cryopump control, cryo -cooler, and materials science applications, and for applications that require greater accuracy than thermocouples allow.


Figure 1-1. Model 211 Front Panel



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Description (Continued)

The Model 211 Temperature Monitor supports diode temperature sensors and resistance temperature detectors (RTDs). The Model 211 can be configured for the type of sensor in use from the instrument front panel. Four-lead differential measurement and 24-bit analog-to-digital conversion ensure high accuracy and 5-digit measurement resolution. Temperature data can be read up to seven times per second over computer inter face; the display is updated twice each second. The Model 211 converts voltage or resistance to temperature units based on temperature response curve data for the sensor in use. Standard temperature response curves for silicon diodes and platinum RTDs are included in instrument firmware. The Model 211 also provides non-volatile memory for one 200-point temperature response curve, which can be entered via the serial interface. Measurements are available in temperature units K, °C, °F, or sensor units V or . With an RS-232C serial interface and other interface features, the Model 211 is valuable as a stand-alone monitor and is easily integrated into other systems. Setup and every instrument function can be performed via serial interface or the front panel o f the Model 211. High and low alarms can be used in latching mode for error limit detection and in non -latching mode in conjunction with relays to perform simple on -off control functions. The analog output can be configured for either 0 to 10 V or 4 to 20 mA output.
Table 1-1. Temperature Range of Typical Lake Shore Sensors *
Diodes Model Silicon Diodes DT-670 GaAlAs Diode TG-120 Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) RTDs 100 Platinum RTD PT-100, 250 full scale 100 Platinum RTD PT-100, 500 full scale Rhodium-Iron RTD RF-800-4 Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) RTDs Germanium RTD GR-200A-1000 Germanium RTD GR-200A-250 Carbon-Glass RTD CGR-1-500 CernoxTM RTD CX-1050 AA or SD CernoxTM RTD CX-1030 AA or SD High-Temperature CernoxTM RTD CX-1030-SD-HT RoxTM Ruthenium Oxide RTD RX-102A RoxTM Ruthenium Oxide RTD RX-202A * Sensors sold separately. Single excitation current may limit the low temperature range of Useful Range 1.4 ­ 500 K 1.4 ­ 475 K 30 ­ 675 K 30 ­ 800 K 1.4 ­ 400 K 2 1 3 3 2 2 2 3 ­ .2 ­ .5 ­ ­ ­ ­ 100 K ­ 40 K 325 K ­ 325 K 325 K 420 K 40 K 40 K

NTC resistors.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

1.2 SPECIFICATIONS Thermometry Number of Inputs: 1 Measurement Type: 4-lead differential Excitation: Constant current, 10 µA or 1 mA Isolation: Measurement is not isolated from chassis ground A/D Resolution: 24-bit Input Accuracy: Sensor dependent; refer to Table 1 -2 Measurement Resolution: Sensor dependent; refer to Table 1 -2 Maximum Update Rate: 7 rdg/s Supported Sensors: Diodes: Silicon, GaAlAs; RTDs: 100 Platinum, 1000 Platinum, CernoxTM, Carbon-Glass, RoxTM Standard Curves: DT-470, DT-670, CTI Curve C, PT-100, PT-1000 User Curve: One 200-point CalCurveTM or user curve in non-volatile memory Settings: Sensor Type, Sensor Curve Input Connector: DB-25 Front Panel Display Type: 5-digit LED Display Units: K, °C, °F, V, Display Update Rate: 2 rdg/s Temperature Display Resolution: 0.001° between 0 ­ 99.999°, 0.01° between 100 ­ 999.99°, 0.1° above 1000° Sensor Units Display Resolution: Sensor dependent to 5 digits Display Annunciators: K, °C, °F, V/ Keys: Select, Enter, s (Up Arrow), t (Down Arrow) Front Panel Features: Display Units, Display Brightness, Keypad Lockout, Instrument Reset Interface Serial Interface: Format: RS-232C Baud Rate: 9600 baud Reading Rate: To 7 rdg/s Special Features: User Curve Entry, LabViewTM Driver Connector: DE-9 Alarms: Number: 2, High and Low Settings: High Setpoint, Low Setpoint, Dead band, Latching or Non-Latching, Alarm On/Off Actuators: Display message, relays



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Interface (Continued)

Relays: Number: 2 Contacts: Normally Open (NO), Normally Closed (NC), and Common (C) Contact Rating: 30 VDC at 1 A Settings: manually off, manually on, follows alarms Connector: DB-25 (shares input connector) Analog Output: Isolation: Output is not isolated from chassis ground Update Rate: 7 rdg/s Range: Resolution: Accuracy: Minimum Load Resistance: Compliance Voltage: Load Regulation Scales: Temperature 0 ­ 20 K 0 ­ 100 K 0 ­ 200 K 0 ­ 325 K 0 ­ 475 K 0 ­ 1000 K Sensor Units (Fixed by type) Diodes: 1 V = 1V 100 Platinum: 1 V = 100 1000 Platinum: 1 V = 1000 NTC Resistor: 1 V = 1000 Voltage 0 ­ 10 V 0.15 mV ±1.25 mV 500 (shortcircuit protected) NA NA Current 4 ­ 20 mA 0.3 µA ±5.0 µA NA 10 V ±0.02% rdg 0 to 500

Settings: Voltage or current, scale Connector: DB-25 (shares input connector) General Ambient Temperature Range: 15 ­ 35 °C (59 ­ 95 °F) at rated accuracy, 10 ­ 40 °C (50 ­ 104 °F) at reduced accuracy Power Requirement: Regulated +5 VDC at 400 mA, Barrel Plug 5.5mm OD x 2.1mm ID x 9.9mm L Size: 96 mm W â 48 mm H â 166 mm D (3.8 â 1.9 â 6.5 in) Mounting: Panel mount into 91 mm W â 44 mm H (3.6 â 1.7 in) cutout Weight: 0.45 kg (1 lb) Approval: CE mark, RoHS compliant



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Power Supply (109-132)
Power requirements: 100-240 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz, 0.3 A max Output: +5 V at 1.2 A Size: 40.5 mm W â 30.0 mm H â 64 mm D (1.6 in â 1.2 in â 2.5 in) Weight: 0.15 kg (0.33 lb) Ordering Information

Part Number
211S 211N

Model 211 temperature monitor, single channel Model 211 with no power supply

Accessories included with the Model 211 Temperature Monitor
109-132 G-106-253 G-106-264 G-110-110 0-204 -- MAN-211 100-240 V, 6 W power supply (universal input, interchangeable input plugs) Sensor input mating connector (DB-25) Shell for sensor input mating connector Rubber feet Cable clamp Calibration certificate User's manual

Options and Accessories
2111 2112 8000 8001-211 CAL-211-CERT CAL-211 DATA Single ¼-DIN panel mount adapter (see Figure 2-5) Dual ¼-DIN panel mount adapter (see Figure 2-5) CalCurveTM , CD-ROM (included with calibrated sensor) CalCurveTM, factory installed Instrument recalibration with certificate Instrument recalibration with certificate and data



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual
Table 1-2. Sensor Input Performance Chart
Sensor Type Temperature Coefficient Sensor Units Input Range
Sensor Excitation
(Constant Current) (Sensor Units)

Silicon Diode Negative volts (V) 0 ­ 2.5 V 10 µA ±0.01% 100 µV DT-670-SD with 1.4H calibration 1.4 ­ 475 K DT-670 ­ ­ ­ ­ 31.6 mV/K 1.73 mV/K 2.3 mV/K a 2.12 mV/K a a t a t4 t7 30 t5 .2 K 7K 0K 00 K

GaAlAs Diode Negative volts (V) 0 ­ 7.5 V 10 µA ±0.01% 100 µV TG-120SD with 1.4H calibration 1.4 ­ 475 K Requires calibration ­ ­ ­ ­ 180 1.25 2.75 2.75 mV/K at 10 K mV/K at 77 K mV/K at 300 K mV/K at 475 K

Display Resolution

Example Lake Shore Sensor Temperature Range Standard Sensor Curve Typical Sensor Sensitivity

Measurement Resolution: Sensor Units Temperature Equivalence

2 0 1 8 9

0 µV .6 mK a 1.6 mK .7 mK a .4 mK a

t a t t

4 t 3 5

.2 77 00 00


2 1 1 1 1

0 µV mK a 6 mK 0 mK 0 mK

t a a a

1 t t t

0K 77 K 300 K 475 K

Electronic Accuracy: Sensor Units Temperature Equivalence

±1 ±1 ±1 ±9 ±8 ±1 of ±3 ±2 ±1 ±1

60 µV ±0.01% rdg 0 mK at 4.2 K 52 mK at 77 K 4 mK at 300 K 0 mK at 500 K 0 µV ±5 PPM reading per °C 1 mK at 4.2 K 67 mK at 77 K 54 mK at 300 K 40 mK at 500 K

±1 ±6 ±3 ±1 ±1 ±2 of ±2 ±3 ±1 ±2

60 µV mK at 00 mK 50 mK 10 mK

±0.02% rdg 10 K at 77 K at 300 K at 475 K

Temperature Coefficient Temperature Accuracy including electronic accuracy, CalCurveTM and calibrated sensor Magnetic Field Use

0 µV ±5 PPM reading per °C 1 mK at 10 K 90 mK at 77 K 40 mK at 300 K 10 mK at 475 K

Recommended for T > 60 K & B < 3 T

Recommended for T > 4.2 K & B < 5 T



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual
Table 1-2. Sensor Input Performance Chart (Continued)
100 Platinum RTD 500 Full Scale Positive ohms () 0 ­ 500 1 mA ±0.3% 10 m PT-103 with 14J calibration 30 ­ DIN 0.19 0.42 0.39 0.35 0.33 2 1 1 1 1 1 800 K 43760 /K a t /K a t /K a t /K a t /K a t 1000 Platinum RTD Positive ohms () 0 ­ 5000 1 mA ±0.3% 100 m PT-1001* with 1.4J calibration 30 ­ 800 K Scaled from DIN 43670 1 .9 /K a t 3 0 K 4 .2 /K a t 7 7 K 3.9 /K at 300 K 3.3 /K at 800 K CernoxTM RTD Negative ohms () 0 ­ 7500 10 µA ±0.01% 100 m CX-1050-SD with 4L calibration 3.5 ­ 400 K Requires calibration ­770 /K at 4.2 K ­1.5 /K at 77 K ­0.1 /K at 300 K

30 77 30 67 80

K K 0K 5K 0K

m 0.6 mK 0 mK at 0 mK at 0 mK at 0 mK at

at 30 K 77 K 300 K 675 K 800 K

2 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0

m .6 mK mK at mK at mK at

at 30 K 77 K 300 K 800 K

5 1 3 5

0 m mK at 4.2 K 3.3 mK at 77 K 00 mK at 300 K

±0.004 ±0.02% rdg ±25 mK at 30 K ±18 mK at 77 K ±70 mK at 300 K ±162 mK at 675 K ±187 mK at 800 K ±0.2 m ±5 PPM of reading per °C ±45 mK at 30 K ±38 mK at 77 K ±105 mK at 300 K ±262 mK at 675 K ±287 mK at 800 K Recommended for T > 40 K & B < 2.5 T

±0 ±4 ±3 ±1 ±3 ±2 of ±6 ±5 ±1 ±4

.06 ±0.04% rdg 0 mK at 30 K 3 mK at 77 K 35 mK at 300 K 70 mK at 800 K .0 m ±5 PPM reading per °C 0 mK at 30 K 3 mK at 77 K 70 mK at 300 K 70 mK at 800 K

±0 ±1 ±8 ±1

.1 ±0.04% rdg mK at 4.2 K 8 mK at 77 K .144 K at 300 K

±2 of ±9 ±1 ±1

0 m ±15 PPM reading per °C mK at 4.2 K 38 mK at 77 K .284 K at 300 K

Recommended for T > 40 K & B < 2.5 T

Recommended for T > 2 K & B < 19 T

* No longer available from Lake Shore. Specified accuracy includes no effects of therma l EMF voltages. An error of 3 m results fro m each 1 µV of thermal EMF voltage. In well-designed systems, thermal EMF voltage should be <10 µV.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual



Observe these general safety precautions during all phases of instrument operation, service, and repair. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended instrument use. Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. assumes no liability for Customer failure to comply with these requirements. The Model 211 protects the operator and surrounding area from electric shock or burn, mechanical hazards, excessive temperature, and spread of fire from the instrument. The Model 211 is designed for indoor use only. I mproper use of the instrument may pose a hazard to the operator and surrounding area. The power supply included with the Model 211 meets or exceeds the European Union Standard, EN-60950. Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard. Keep Away from Live Circuits Operating personnel must not remove instrument covers. Refer component replacement and internal adjustments to qualified maintenance personnel. Do not replace components with power cable connected. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power and discharge circuits before touching them. Do Not Substitute Parts or Modify Instrument Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the instrument. Return the instrument to an authorized Lake Shore Cryotronics representative for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained. Cleaning Do not submerge instrument. Clean only with a damp cloth and mild detergent -- exterior only.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual





Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

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Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


This chapter provides general installation instructions for the Model 211 Temperature Monitor. To ensure the best possible performance and to maintain operator safety, please read the entire chapter before installing and operating the instrument. Refer to Chapter 3 for operating instructions. Refer to Chapter 4 for computer interface installation and operation.

Inspect shipping containers for external damage before opening. Photograph any container that has significant damage before opening it. If there is visible damage to the contents of the container, contact the shipping company and Lake Shore immediately, preferably within 5 days of receipt of goods. Keep all damaged shipping materials and contents until instructed to either return or discard them. Open the shipping container and keep the container and shipping materials until all contents have been accounted for. Check off each item on the packing list as it is unpacked. Instruments may be shipped as several parts. The items included with the Model 211 are listed as follows. Items Include d with Model 211 Temperature Monitor: Model 211 Instrument Model 211 User's Manual Input/Output Mating Connector and Shell Panel Mount Hardware Installed at Factory Universal Input Power Supply (interchangeable plug style) Cable Clamp Rubber Feet

Contact Lake Shore immediately if there is a shortage of parts or accessories. Lake Shore is not responsible for any missing items if not notified within 60 days of shipment. Inspect all items for both visible and hidden damage that occurred during shipment. If damage is found, contact Lake Shore immediately for instructions on how to file a proper insurance claim. Lake Shore products are insured against damage during shipment but a timely claim must be filed before Lake Shore will take further action. Procedures vary slightly with shipping companies. Keep all shipping materials and damaged contents until instructed to either return or discard them. Installation 2-1

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Inspection and Unpacking (Continued)

If the instrument must be returned for recalibration, replacement or repair, a returned goods authorization (RGA) number must be obtained from a factory representative before it is returned. The Lake Shore RGA procedure is given in Paragraph 5.2.

This paragraph describes the connectors on the rear panel of the Model 211. See Figure 2-1. Readers are referred to paragraphs that contain installation instructions and connector pin-outs for each feature. A summary of connector pin-outs is provided in Paragraph 5.5. CAUTION: Only make rear panel connections with power supply disconnected.





Paragraph 2.3 Paragraph 4.1.1 Paragraph 2.6.1

Figure 5-1 Figure 5-3 Figure 5-2

Figure 2-1. Model 211 Rear Panel 2.3 POWER INPUT CONNECTOR

Power is supplied to the Model 211 through a coaxial connector located on the rear panel of the instrument. There is no power switch on the instrument, so it is off when not plugged in, or on when plugged in. Make sensor connections before applying power to the instrument.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Power Input Connector (Continued)

The instrument requires +5 VDC at 400 mA. The coaxial connector accepts a barrel plug 5.5mm OD x 2.1mm ID x 9.9mm L. Refer to Figure 2 -2 for polarity. WARNING: To prevent electrical fire or shock hazards, do not expose this instrument, or its power supply, to rain or excess moisture.



Figure 2-2. Power Connector 2.4 EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY

The Model 211 comes with the universal input power supply, Lake Shore P/N 109-132. It can accept input voltages from 100 to 240 VAC (±10%), 50 to 60 Hz. For input power, it has interchangeable plugs to accommodate power receptacles in different countries. It has a barrel plug for the output. It can output +5 V at 0 to 1.2 A. The power supply is CE certified and meets or exceeds the following safety standards: UL 60950-1 and EN 60950. To change plugs, press the pad on the side of the plug, pull off the old plug and snap in the new plug.

To avoid inadvertent disconnection from the power supply, Lake Shore supplies a cable clamp that the user may attach to the cord and the instrument chassis. It is a part of the accessories kit supplied with the unit. To install the clamp, remove the screw at the top left rear of the unit, position the cord and clamp as shown in the photo and reinstall the screw.

This paragraph details how to connect diode and resistor sensors to the Model 211 input. Refer to Paragraph 3.5 to configure the input. Sensor installation instructions are provided in the Lake Shore Temperature Measurement and Control Catalog.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


Input/Output Connector

Sensors are connected to the Model 211 through the Input/Output connector on the rear panel of the instrument. The Input/Output connector is also used for the analog output and relay connections. Refer to Figure 2 -3 for pin descriptions.






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

No Connection Shield I+ V+ Shield Analog Output Signal No Connection Low Alarm COM Low Alarm NC No Connection High Alarm COM High Alarm NC No Connection

-- 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

-- Shield I­ V­ Shield Analog Output Ground No Connection Low Alarm NO No Connection No Connection High Alarm NO No Connection No Connection

Figure 2-3. Input/Output Connector 2.6.2 Sensor Lead Cable

The sensor lead cable used outside the cooling system can be much different from what is used inside. Between the instrument and vacuum shroud, heat leak is not a problem, but errors from noise pick up need to be minimized. Larger conductor, 22 to 28 AWG stranded copper wire is recommended because it has low resistance yet remains flexible when several wires are bundled in a cable. 2-4 Installation

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Sensor Lead Cable (Continued)

The arrangement of wires in a cable is also important. For best results, twist voltage leads, V+ and V­ together and twist current leads I+ and I­ together. Cover the twisted pairs of voltage and current leads with a braided or foil shield connected to the shield pin of the instrument. This type of cable is available through local electronics suppliers. Instrument specifications are given assuming 10 feet of sensor cable. Longer cables, 100 feet or more, can be used but environmental conditions may degrade accuracy and noise specifications.
2.6.3 Shielding Sensor Leads

Shielding the sensor lead cable is important to keep external noise from entering the measurement. The sensor lead cable should be shielded whenever possible. In many systems, it is impractical to shiel d the sensor leads inside the cryostat. In theses cases, the cable shield should still be used on the room temperature sensor leads up to the cryostat. A shield is most effective when it is near the measurement potential, so the Model 211 offers a shield pin on the Input/Output Connector that stays close to the measurement. The shield pin is tied to chassis ground and should be used as the connection point for the sensor cable shield. Depending on how the instrument is grounded, the shield may or may not need to be terminated at the opposite end. See Paragraph 2.6.4 below on instrument grounding.
2.6.4 Instrument Grounding

The Model 211 does not provide isolation between measurement circuits and chassis ground. The measurement leads have a finite impedance to chassis ground and should not be tied to ground outside the instrument or an error in reading may result. The Model 211 has the best noise performance when the chassis is tied to earth ground. This connection should be made at only one point so as to avoid ground loops. If the sensor leads are shielded, the cable shield should be tied to the shield pins on the Input/Output connector but should not be terminated at the other end. The standard power supply (109-132) does not connect the common pins to earth ground. The connection should be made externally. If the sensor leads are shielded, one end of the cable shield can be tied to the cryostat ground while the other end is tied to the shield pins on the Input/Output connector. If the sensor leads are not shielded, the instrument chassis should be strapped to earth ground. Installation 2-5

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


Sensor Polarity

Lake Shore sensors ship with instructions that indicate which sensor leads are which. It is important to follow these instructions for plus and minus leads (polarity) as well as voltage and current when applicable. Diode sensors do not operate in the wrong polarity. They look like an open circuit to the instrument. 2-lead resistors can operate with any lead arrangement and the sensor instructions may not specify po larity. 4-lead resistors may depend more on lead arrangement. Follow any specified lead assignment for four lead resistors. Mixing leads could give a reading that appears correct, but is not the most accurate.


4-Lead Sensor Measurement

All sensors, including both 2-lead and 4-lead can be measured with a 4-lead technique. 4-lead measurement eliminates the effect of lead resistance on the measurement. If it is not taken out, lead resistance is a direct error when measuring a sensor.

In a 4-lead measurement, current leads and voltage leads run separately to the sensor. With separate leads, there is little current in the voltage leads so their resistance does not enter into the measurement. Resistance in the current leads will not change the current as long as the voltage compliance of the current source is not reached. When 2 -lead sensors are used in 4 -lead measurements, the short leads on the sensor have an insignificant resistance.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


2-Lead Sensor Measurement

Sometimes a crowded cryogenic system forces users to read sensors in a 2-lead configuration because there are not enough feedthroughs or room for lead wires. If this is the case, plus voltage to plus current and minus voltage to minus current leads are attached at the back of the instrument or at the vacuum feedthrough.

The error in a resistive measurement is the resistance of the lead wire run with current and voltage together. If the leads contribute 2 or 3 to a 5 k reading, the error can probably be tolerated. When measuring vol tage for diode sensors the error in voltage can be calculated as the lead resistance times the current, typically 10 µA. For example: a 10 lead resistance times 10 µA results in a 0.1 mV error in voltage. Given the sensitivity of a silicon diode at 4.2 K the error in temperature would be only 3 mK. At 77 K the sensitivity of a silicon diode is lower so the error would be close to 50 mK. Again, this may not be a problem for every user.
2.6.8 Lowering Measurement Noise

Good instrument hardware setup technique is one of the least expensive ways to reduce measurement noise. The suggestions fall into two categories: (1) Do not let noise from the outside enter into the measurement, and (2) Let the instrument hardware features work to their best advantage. · · · · · · · · Use 4-lead measurement whenever possible. Do not connect sensor leads to chassis or earth ground. Use twisted shielded cable outside the cooling system. Attach the shield pin on the sensor connector to the cable shield. Do not attach the cable shield at the other end of the cable, not even to ground without taking precautions to prevent ground loops. Run different inputs and outputs in their own shielded cable. Use twisted wire inside the cooling system. Consider ground strapping the instrument c hassis to other instruments or computers.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual



The Analog Output available on the rear panel of the Model 211 can be configured as either a voltage or current output that can be used for monitor and control applications. Its most basic function is a temperature monitor where it puts out a voltage or current that is proportional to temperature. Refer to Paragraph 3.8 to configure the analog output. In voltage mode the analog output can vary from 0 ­ 10 V with a resolution of 0.15 mV or 0.0015% of full scale. The output can drive a resistive load of no less than 500 . The output is short-circuit protected so the instrument is not harmed if the load resistance is too small. However, this practice is not recommended as the additional load on the instrument power supply causes noise on internal circuits. In current mode, the analog output can vary from 4 to 20 mA with a resolution of 0.3 µA or 0.0015% of full scale. The output is limited by a 10 V compliance voltage so the largest resistive load that the output can drive in current mode is 500 . The output for the analog output is available from Pins 6 and 18 of the Input/Output connector. See Figure 2-3. The terminal marked analog output signal is the output voltage terminal; the terminal marked analog output ground is the ground and is attached to chassis ground inside the instrument. It is not recommended to attach the analog output ground to a ground outside the instrument. The output should be read by an instrument with an isolated or differential input wherever possible. Connecting to an external ground can cause noise in the analog output voltage or the sensor input measurement. If this cannot be avoided, try to keep the chassis of the two instruments at the same potential with a ground strap.

The Model 211 has two relays, labeled high and low. The relays are most commonly associated with the alarm feature. The relays can also be placed in manual mode and controlled directly by the user from the front panel or over the computer interface. Refer to Paragraph 3.7 and the RELAY command in Chapter 4. Normally Open (NO), Normally Closed (NC), and Common (COM) contacts are available for each relay. All contacts (including common) are isolated from the measurement and chassis grounds of the instrument. If a relay is inactive (Off), it will be in its normal state of open or closed. When the relay is active (On), it will be in the opposite state. Relay connections are available on the Input/Output connector. See Figure 2 -3. 2-8 Installation

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual



The Model 211 can be easily panel mounted using the panel mount brackets included. The Model 211 fits in a 91 â 44 mm (3.6 â 1.7 in) cutout. To panel-mount the instrument, unplug the unit and use a 1/16 -inch hex wrench to remove the two set screws holding the brackets in place. Remove the two panel mount brackets by sliding them towards the rear of the unit. Place the unit into the panel cutout. Slide the two panel mount brackets back into the case of the instrument. Reinstall the two set screws and tighten them until the instrument is secure. The Model 211 can also be purchased with either of two panel mount adapters. The Model 2111 or 2112 will mount one or two temperature monitors in a ¼-DIN cutout measuring 105 mm wide â 132 mm high (4.1 â 5.2 in). See Figure 2-5.


Figure 2-4. Panel Mounting Details



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Figure 2-5. 2111 and 2112 Panel Mount Adapters



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


This chapter provides operating instructions for most features of the Model 211 Temperature Monitor. Corresponding computer interface instructions for these features are provided in Chapter 4.

The Model 211 is powered on by plugging in the power supply. There is no power switch on the instrument. When the Model 211 is powered on, every segment on the display will illuminate for a few seconds to indicate instrument initialization. Most of the instrument setup parameter values are retained when powered off with one exception. The latching alarm will reset itself on power-up. When the instrument is powered on for the first time, parameter values are set to their defaults, listed in Table 3 -6. When initialization is complete, the instrument will begin its normal reading cycle and temperature or sensor units readings should appear on the display. Messages will appear in the reading location on the display if the measurement input has not been fully configured. Messages listed in Paragraph 5.3.1, Instrument Hardware Errors, are related to t he instrument hardware, and may require help from Lake Shore service. The messages listed in Paragraph 5.3.2, Limit Errors, do not indicate a problem with the instrument, and will disappear when input setup is complete. The Model 211 should be allowed to warm up for a minimum of 30 minutes to achieve rated accuracy.

The Model 211 has a 6-digit LED display capable of showing both numeric and character data. In normal operation, the display shows the current sensor reading in sensor units or temperature units. The four annunciators below the right hand side of the display indicate what units the display is reading. Other display configurations appear during parameter setting and data entry operations. These displays are illustrated in t heir individual operation paragraphs.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


Figure 3-1. Model 211 Display



The display units are indicated using LED annunciators below the right side of the main display. LED Annunciators °C The display K The display °F The display V/ The display depending o units units units units n inp ar ar ar ar ut e in degrees Celsius. e in kelvin. e in degrees Fahrenheit. e in sensor units, either volts or ohms, type.

Alarm messages are displayed alternately with the reading when an alarm condition exists. If both a high and low alarm condition exists (can only happen when latching alarms are active), then the display will alternate between the current reading and the alarm high and alarm low messages. Other display messages are described throughout this chapter. Alarm Messages ALA K ALA L Indicates that the high alarm is active. Indicates that the low alarm is active.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual



The Model 211 has four keys on the front panel to setup instrument functions. A list of front panel setup operations is shown in the Model 211 Menu Structure located on the inside back cover of this manual.
3.4.1 Key Descriptions





The up arrow serves two functions: to choose between parameters during setting operations and to increment numerical data. Holding the button in while setting numerical data increases setting speed. The down arrow serves two functions: to choose between parameters during setting operations and to decrement numerical data. Holding the button in while setting numerical data increases setting speed. Places the instrument into settings mode where all instrument parameters can be setup. When pressed while in the settings mode, it terminates the settings mode without changing the existing parameter value. Press and hold to display code revision date. Completes setting function storing any changes to the parameter value. Press and hold to lock or unlock the keypad.
General Keypad Operation

The Model 211 has two keypad operations: setting selection and data entry. Setting Selection: Allows the user to select from a finite list of parameter values. During setting selection, the s and t keys are used to select a parameter value. Enter is used to accept the change and advance to the next parameter. Select will cancel the change to that parameter and return to the normal display. Data Entry: Allows the user to enter numeric parameter values using the s and t keys. Press the s key to increase the value of the setting, or press the t key to decrease its value. Holding either key down for a few seconds will cause the number to change at a faster rate. Once the correct parameter value is entered, press Enter to accept the change and advance to next parameter. Pressing Select will cancel the change to that parameter and return to the normal display. Related setting selection and data entry sequences are often chained together under a single setting sequence. To skip over a parameter without changing its value press Enter before pressing an arrow key. To return to the normal display in the middle of a setting sequence press Select before pressing an arrow key. Changes entered before Select is pressed are kept. Operation 3-3

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

3.5 3.5.1


The Model 211 supports a variety of temperature sensors sold by Lake Shore and other manufactures. An appropriate sensor type must be selected for the input. Refer to Table 3-1 for a list of common sensor types. If a particular sensor is not listed in the Input Type selection, look at Table 3 -1 to find a sensor with similar range and excitation. For additional details on sensors, refer to the Lake Shore Temperature Measurement and Control Catalog or visit our website at www.lakeshore.com. To select sensor type, press the Select key, use the s or t keys to select InPUt, then press the Enter key. Use the s or t keys to cycle through the sensor types shown in Table 3-1. When the desired type appears, press the Enter key. Proceed to Paragraph 3.5.2 to select a temperature curve or press the Select key to return to the normal display.
Table 3-1. Sensor Input Types
Display Message Input Type Excitation Sensor Type Curve Form at Coefficient Lake Shore Sensors*

Si GAALA S 250 P t 500 P t 1000Pt

2.5 V 7.5 V

10 µA 10 µA

Silicon Diode GalliumAluminumArsenide Diode 100 Platinum RTD <675 K; Rhodium-Iron RTD 100 Platinum RTD >675 K 1000 Platinum RTD Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) RTD


Neg. Neg.

DT-470, DT-670 TG-120 Series


1 mA



500 5000

1 mA 1 mA

PT-100 Series Platinum, RF-800 Rhodium-Iron -- CernoxTM, HighTemp CernoxTM, Carbon-Glass, Germanium, RoxTM, and ThermoxTM





10 µA

log /K


* Refer to the Lake Shore Temperature Measurement and Control Catalog
for complete details on all Lake Shore Temperature Sensors.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


Curve Selection

The Model 211 supports a variety of temperature sensors sold by Lake Shore and other manufacturers. After the appropriate sensor type is selected for the input (Paragraph 3.5.1), an appropriate temperature response curve may be selected. The Model 211 can use curves from several sources. Standard curves are included with every instrument and numbered 1 through 7. A single user curve can be loaded via the serial interface when a sensor does not match a standard curve. CalCurve option can be stored as the user curve at the factory or by the customer. The complete list of standard curves built in to the Model 211 is provided in Table 3 -2. Curve tables are listed in Appendix A of this manual. During normal operation, only the curves related to the input type selected are displayed. If the curve you wish to select does not appear in the selection sequence make sure the curve format matches the recommended format for the input type selected. Refer to Table 3 -1. NOTE: The sensor reading can always be displayed in sensor units. If a temperature response curve is selected for an input, its readings may also be displayed in temperature. To select a curve, continue from the input type selection (Paragraph 3.5.1) or press the Select key, use the s or t key to select "InPUt", then press the Enter key twice. The display will show the curve currently assigned to the input. If no curve is attached nonE will be displayed. Use the s or t keys to cycle through the temperature response curves. When the desired type appears, press the Enter key. Proceed to Paragraph 3.5.3 to select the display units or press the Select key to return to the normal display.
Table 3-2. Standard Curves
Curve No. Display Name Sensor Type Lake Shore Sensor Curve Name Temperature Range

0 1 2 3 6 7 21

nonE dt470 dt670 [ti Pt 100 PT1000 USEr

None Silicon Diode Silicon Diode Silicon Diode 100 Platinum RTD 1000 Platinum RTD User defined

None DT-470 DT-670 N/A PT-100 N/A --

None Curve 10 DT-670 CTI Curve C DIN 43760 DIN 43760 User defined

None 1.4 ­ 475 K 1.4 ­ 500 K 10 ­ 320 K 30 ­ 800 K 30 ­ 800 K User defined



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


Display Units Selection

The Model 211 has a 6-character LED display. During normal operation it can display the senor reading in temperature (kelvin, Celsius, or Fahrenheit) or sensor units (V or ). The LEDs to the right of the keys indicate what units are being displayed. To select display units, continue from input curve selection (Paragraph 3.5.2) or press the Select key, use the s or t key to select InPUt, then press the Enter key three times. The display shows UnitS and a LED shows the selected display units. Use the s or t key to cycle through the display units. When the desired unit is highli ghted, press the Enter key.

The input of the Model 211 has high and low alarm capability. Temperature reading data in kelvin can be compared to the alarm setpoint values. A reading higher than the high setpoint or off the high end of the temperature curve triggers the high alarm and a reading lower than the low alarm setpoint or off the low end of the temperature curve triggers the low alarm. NOTE: Alarm setpoints are always set in K, but the alarm feature will still operate if the instrument displays °C or °F. If no temperature response curve is chosen, the alarm function will not operate. Refer to Paragraph 3.5.2 for curve selection. If an alarm activates for the input, the display flashes between the current reading and ALA K or ALA L for high and low alarms respectively. The two relays can also be tied to alarm functions (refer to Paragraph 3.7). Latching Alarms. Often used to detect faults in a system or experiment that require operator intervention. The alarm state r emains visible to the operator for diagnostics even if the alarm condition is removed. Relays often signal remote monitors or for added safety take critical equipment off line. Pressing the Select key clears latched alarms. Non-Latching Alarms. Often tied to relay operation to control part of a system or experiment. The dead band parameter can prevent relays from turning on and off repeatedly when the sensor input reading is near an alarm setpoint. Example: If the high alarm setpoint = 100 K and the dead b and = 1 K, the high alarm triggers when sensor input temperature increases to 100 K, and it will not deactivate until temperature drops to 99 K. To begin alarm setup press the Select key and use the s or t key to select ALA and press the Enter key. Use the s or t key to turn the alarm function on or off. If the alarm function is powered on, the alarm will continue with alarm setup otherwise no other settings need to be made and the display will return to normal operation. 3-6 Operation

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Alarm Setup and Operation (Continued)

The next setting is the high alarm point indicated by a K on the left of the display. The high alarm setpoint is always set in units of kelvin. Use the s or t key to set the high alarm setpoint. Holding the button in will increase the rate of change. The minimum value is 0 K and the highest is 999.9 K. Press the Enter key to store the high alarm setpoint. The next setting is the low alarm setpoint indicated by a L on the left of the display. Its setting is similar to the high alarm setpoint list ed above. Press the Enter key to store the low alarm setpoint. The next setting is the alarm deadband indicated by a d on the left of the display. Its setting is similar to the high and low alarm point settings except that the maximum value that can be set is 99.9 K. Press the Enter key to store the alarm deadband. The final setting is alarm latching. The display will show LtCH along with the setting, 0 indicating that the latch function is turned off and a 1 indicating that it is turned on. Use the s or t key to set the alarm latching status. Press the Enter key to store the alarm latching status. The display will return to normal operation.

There are two relays on the Model 211 nu commonly thought of as alarm relays, but The relays are rated for 30 VDC and 1 A. Input/Output connector on the Model 211

mbered 1 and 2. They are most they may be manually controlled. The terminals are in the rear panel. See Figure 2 -3.

When using relays with alarm operation, set up the alarms first (Paragra ph 3.6). Relay 1 is tied to the low alarm operation and relay 2 is tied to the high alarm operation. To begin relay setup press the Select key and use the s or t key to select rELAy and press the Enter key. Relay 1 will be setup first indicated by the r1 on the left of the display. Use the s or t key to select the function of relay 1 from manually off ( r1 0FF), manually on (r1 0n), or following the low alarm (r1 ALA). If the relay is set to follow the alarm, it will turn on when the temperature drops below the low alarm setpoint. Press the Enter key to store the relay setting. The next setting is the relay 2 setup indicated by the r2 on the left of the display. Use the s or t key to select the function of relay 2 from manually off (r2 0FF), manually on (r2 0n), or following the high alarm (r2 ALA). If the relay is set to follow the alarm, it will turn on when the temperature goes above the high alarm setpoint. Press the Enter key to store the relay setting. The display will return to normal operation. Operation 3-7

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual



The Model 211 has a single analog output. It is normally configured to provide an analog signal proportional to temperature to a strip chart recorder or separate data acquisition system. Pins 6 and 18 on the DB -25 Input/Output connector are used for the analog output. See Figure 2 -3. The analog output is front panel configurable to be either a variable DC voltage or current source. In voltage mode, the analog output can vary from 0 to 10 V with a resolution of 0.15 mV or 0.0015% of full scale. The output can drive a resistive load of no less than 500 . The output is short-circuit protected so the instrument is not harmed if the load resistance is too small. However, this practice is not recommended as the additional load on instrument power supplies causes noise on internal circuits. In current mode the analog output can vary from 4 to 20 mA with a resolution of 0.2 µA or 0.0015% of full scale. The output is limited by a 10 V compliance voltage so the largest resistive load that the output can drive in current mode is 500 . The analog output has two modes, voltage and current, and six ranges. The ranges are listed in Table 3-3. The low output is the temperature that produces zero output (0 V or 4 mA) and the high output is the temperature that produces full output (10 V or 20 mA). If no curve is selected for the input, the analog output range is fixed to output a signal proportional to sensor units. Refer to Table 3 -4. NOTE: When a curve is selected for the input, the analog output always works in kelvin no matter what units are displayed. To begin analog output setup to select 0UtPUt and press up first. Use the s or t key mode. Press the Enter key to press the Select key and use the s or t key the Enter key. Analog output mode will be set to choose between voltage mode or current store the analog output mode.

The next setting is analog output range. Refer to Table 3 -3 and use the s or t key to select a range for the analog output. Press the Enter key to store the analog output range. The display will return to normal operation.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Analog Output Setup (Continued)

Table 3-3. Analog Output Range Scales Range Number Low Output High Output

Table 3-4. Analog Output Scales In Sensor Units Input Type Low Output High Output

0 1 2 3 4 5

0 0 0 0 0 0


20 K 100 K 200 K 325 K 475 K 1000 K

Silicon Diode GaAlAs Diode PT-100, 250 PT-100, 500 PT-1000 NTC RTD

0 0 0 0 0 0


10 V 10 V 1 k 1 k 10 k 10 k



The output current or voltage is directly proportional to the temperature reading. For the 4 ­ 20 mA output, the following formula converts output current to temperature: T=A+BâI

where T = temperature in kelvin, I are constants from Table 3-5.

= output current in mA, and A and B

For the 0 ­ 10 V output, the following formula converts output voltage to temperature: T = C â VOUT where T = temperature in kelvin, V from Table 3-5.

= output voltage, and C is a constant

Table 3-5. Conversion Parameters for Temperature in K RANGE TEMP. (K) 4 ­ 20 mA A (K) B (K/mA) 0 ­ 10 V C (K/V)

0 1 2 3 4 5

0 0 0 0 0 0

­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­

20 100 200 325 475 1000

­ ­ ­ ­1 ­2

­ 2 5 8 1 5

5 5 0 1 8 0

.0 0 .00 .00 .25 .75 .00

1 2 2 6

1 6 2 0 9 2

. . . . . .

2 2 5 3 6 5

500 500 000 125 875 000

2 .0 1 0 .0 2 0 .0 3 2 .5 4 7 .5 1 0 0 .0



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual



The keypad lock feature prevents accidental changes to parameter values. When the keypad is locked, only the alarm reset function of the Select key still functions. All other key functions are ignored. To lock the keypad, press and hold the Enter key for 10 seconds. The display will show L0[ indicating the keypad is now locked. Release the Enter key and the display will return to normal operation. To unlock the keypad, press and hold the Enter key for 10 seconds. The display will show UnL0[ indicating the keypad is now unlocked. Release the Enter key and the display will return to normal operation.

It is sometimes necessary to reset instrument parameters that are stored in nonvolatile memory called EEPROM. The default values of t he Model 211 are shown below in Table 3-6. Resetting to default values does not affect the user curve or the calibration data. To reset the Model 211 to default values, press and hold both the s or t keys for 10 seconds. All of the LED digits will illuminate when the memory has been reset. Release the buttons and the display will return to normal operation.
Table 3-6. Model 211 Default Values
Parameter Default Parameter Default

Input Type Input Curve Display Units Alarm Function Alarm High Alarm Low Alarm Deadband 3.12

Silicon Diode DT-470 K Off 0K 0K 0K

Alarm Latch Analog Mode Analog Range Relay 1 Mode Relay 2 Mode Keypad Lock Display Brightness

Off Voltage 5 Off Off Unlocked 8


To check revision date of the firmware code, press and hold the Select key until the display shows the code date. It is in the format of MMDDYY, where MM is the month, DD is the day, and YY is the year of the code. Release the key and the display returns to normal operation.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual



The Model 211 has standard curve locations numbered 1 through 20. At present, not all locations are occupied by curves; the others are reserved for future updates. Standard curves cannot be changed by the user, and reserved locations are not available for user curves. The Model 211 has one user curve location. The user curve can only be entered using the serial interface. Refer to Paragraph 4.2 for the serial interface curve commands. The user curve location can hold from 2 to 200 data pairs (breakpoints) including a value in sensor units and a corresponding value in kelvin.
3.13.1 Curve Header Parameters

Each curve has a set of parameters that are used for identification and to allow the instrument to use the curve effectively. The par ameters must be set correctly before a curve can be used for temperature conversion. Curve Number: 1 ­ 21. Location 21 is for the user curve. Name: Up to a 15-character name can be entered. Serial Number: Up to a 10-character sensor serial number consisting of both numbers and letters. Format: The format parameter tells the instrument what breakpoint data format to expect. Different sensor types require different formats. Formats for Lake Shore sensors are: V/K: Volts vs. kelvin for diode sensors. /K: Resistance vs. kelvin for platinum RTD sensors. Log /K: Log resistance vs. kelvin for NTC resistive sensors. Limit: Temperature limit in kelvin for the curve. Default is 375 K. This limit is not used in this instrument but is left in to be compatible with Lake Shore temperature controllers. Temperature Coefficient: The unit derives the temperature coefficient from the first two breakpoints. The coefficient sent by the user is ignored. If it is not correct when the curve header is queried, check for proper entry of those points. A positive coefficient (P) indicates that the sensor signal increases with increasing temperature. A negative coefficient ( N) indicates that the sensor signal decreases with increasing temperature. The power must be cycled or the *RST command issued for the instrument to calculate the temperature coefficient after curve points have been entered.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


Curve Breakpoints

Temperature response data of a calibrated sensor must be reduced to a table of breakpoints before entering it into the instrument. Each breakpoint consists of one value in sensor units and one temperature value in kelvin. Linear interpolation is used by the instrument to calculate temperature between breakpoints. From 2 to 200 breakpoints can be entered as a curve. The instrument will show an error message on the display if the sensor input is outside the range of the breakpoints. No special endpoints are required. Sensor units are defined by the format setting in Table 3 -7. Breakpoint setting resolution is six digits in temperature. Most temperature values are entered with 0.001 resolution. Temperature values of 1000 K and greater can be entered to 0.01 resolution. Temperature values below 10 K can be entered with 0.0001 resolution. Temperature range for curve entry is 1500 K. Setting resolution is also 6 digits in sensor units. The curve format parameter defines the range and resolution in sensor units as shown in Table 3-7. The sensor type determines the practical setting resolution. Table 3-7 lists recommended sensor units resolutions. For most sensors, additional resolution is ignored. The breakpoints should be entered with the sensor units value increasing as point number increases. There should not be any breakpoint locations left blank in the middle of a curve. The search routine in the Model 211 interprets a blank breakpoint as the end of the curve.
Table 3-7. Recommended Curve Parameters
Type Typical Lake Shore Model Unit Format Limit (K) Coefficient Recommended Sensor Resolution

Silicon Diode GaAlAs Diode Platinum 100 Platinum 1000 Rhodium-Iron Carbon-Glass CernoxTM Germanium RoxTM

DT-470 TG-120 PT-100 PT-100 RF-100 CGR-1-1000 CX-1030 GR-200A-100 RX-102A


l l l l

V/K V/K /K /K /K og/K og/K og/K og/K

475 325 800 800 325 325 325 325 40

Negative Negative Positive Positive Positive Negative Negative Negative Negative

0.00001 (V) 0.00001 (V) 0.001 () 0.01 () 0.001 () 0.00001 (log 0.00001 (log 0.00001 (log 0.00001 (log

) ) ) )



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


The Model 211 is equipped with an RS-232C serial computer interface. The interface allows computer automation of instrument setup and temperature measurement data collection. Nearly every feature of the instrument can be accessed through the computer interface. Interface capabilities including setup information and example programs are provided in Paragraph 4.1. Interface commands including a command summary are described in Paragraph 4.2.

The serial interface used in the Model 211 is commonly referred to as an RS-232C interface. RS-232C is a standard of the Electronics Industries Association (EIA) that describes one of the most common interfaces between computers and electronic equipment. The RS -232C standard is quite flexible and allows many different configurations. However, any two devices claiming RS-232C compatibility cannot necessarily be plugged together without interface setup. The remainder of this paragraph briefly describes the key features of a serial interface that are supported by the instrument. A customer supplied computer with similarly configured interface port is required to enable communication.
4.1.1 Physical Connection

The Model 211 has a 9-pin D-Subminiature plug on the rear panel for serial communication. The original RS-232C standard specifies 25 pins but both 9- and 25-pin connectors are commonly used in the computer industry. Many third party cables exist for connecting the instrument to computers with either 9- or 25-pin connectors. Section 5.3 gives the most common pin assignments for 9- and 25-pin connectors. Please note that not all pins or functions are supported by the Model 211. The instrument serial connector is the plug half of a mating pair and must be matched with a socket on the cable. If a cable has the correct wiring configuration but also has a plug end, a gender changer can be used to mate two plug ends together.

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Physical Connection (Continued)

The letters DTE near the interface connector stand for Data Terminal Equipment and indicate the pin connection of the directional pins such as transmit data (TD) and receive data (RD). Equipment with Data Communications Equipment (DCE) wiring can be connected to the instrument with a straight through cable. As an example, pin 3 of the DTE connector holds the transmit line and pin 3 of the DCE connector holds the receive line so the functions complement. It is likely both pieces of equipment are wired in the DTE configuration. In this case, pin 3 on one DTE connector (used for transmit) must be wired to pin 2 on the other (used for receive). Cables that swap the complementing lines are called null modem cables and must be used between two DTE wired devices. Null modem adapters are also available for use with straight through cables. Paragraph 5.5.1 illustrates suggested cables that can be used between the instrument and common computers. The instrument uses drivers to generate the transmission voltage levels required by the RS-232C standard. These voltages are considered safe under normal operating conditions because of their relatively low voltage and current limits. The drivers are designed to work with cab les up to 50 feet in length.
4.1.2 Hardware Support

The Model 211 interface hardware supports the following features. Asynchronous timing is used for the individual bit data within a character. This timing requires start and stop bits as part of each chara cter so the transmitter and receiver can resynchronize between each character. Half duplex transmission allows the instrument to be either a transmitter or a receiver of data but not at the same time. The serial output supports a communication speed of 9600 baud. Hardware handshaking is not supported by the instrument. Handshaking is often used to guarantee that data message strings do not collide and that no data is transmitted before the receiver is ready. In this instrument appropriate software timing substitutes for hardware handshaking. User programs must take full responsibility for flow control and timing as described in Paragraph 4.1.5.


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Character Format

A character is the smallest piece of information that can be transmitted by the interface. Each character is 10 bits long and contains data bits, bits for character timing and an error detection bit. The instrument uses 7 bits for data in the ASCII format. One start bit and one stop bit are necessary to synchronize consecutive characters. Parity is a method of error detection. One parity bit configured for odd parity is included in each character. ASCII letter and number characters are used most often as character data. Punctuation characters are used as delimiters to separate different commands or pieces of data. Two special ASCII characters, carriage return (CR 0DH) and line feed (LF 0AH), are used to indicate the end of a message string.
Table 4-1. Serial Interface Specifications

Connector Type: 9-pin D-style plug Connector Wiring: DTE Voltage Levels: EIA RS-232C specified Transmission Distance: 50 feet maximum Timing Format: Asynchronous Transmission Mode: Half duplex Baud Rate: 9600 Handshake: Software timing Character Bits: 1 start, 7 data, 1 parity, 1 stop Parity: Odd Terminators: CR(0DH) LF(0AH) Command Rate: 20 commands per second maximum
4.1.4 Message Strings

A message string is a group of characters assembled to perform an interface function. There are three types of message strings commands, queries and responses. The computer issues command and query strings through user programs, the instrument issues responses. Two or more command or query strings can be chained together in one communication but they must be separated by a semi-colon (;). The total communication string must not exceed 64 characters in length.

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Message Strings (Continued)

A command string is issued by the computer and instructs the instrument to perform a function or change a parameter setting. The format is . Command mnemonics are listed in Paragraph 4.2. Parameters necessary for each one are described in Paragraph 4.2.1. Terminators must be sent with every message string. A query string is issued by the computer and instructs the instrument to send a response. The query format is . Query mnemonics are often the same as commands with the addition of a question mark. Parameter data is often unnecessary when sending queries. Query mnemonics are listed in Paragraph 4.2. Parameter data if necessary is described in Paragraph 4.2.1. Terminators must be sent with every message string. The computer should expect a response very soon after a query is sent. A response string is the instruments response or answer to a query string. The response can be a reading value, status report or the present value of a parameter. Response data formats are listed along with the associated queries in Paragraph 4.2.1. The response is sent as soon as possible after the instrument receives the query. Typically it takes 10 ms for the instrument to begin the response. Some responses take longer.
4.1.5 Message Flow Control

It is important to remember that the user program is in charge of the serial communication at all times. The instrument cannot initiate communication, determine which device should be transmitting at a given time, or guarantee timing between messages. This is the responsibility of the user program. When issuing commands only the user program should:
· Properly format and transmit the command including terminators as one string. · Guarantee that no other communication is started for 50 ms after the last character is transmitted. · Not initiate communication more than 20 times per second.

When issuing queries or queries and commands together the user program should:
· · · · Properly format and transmit the query including terminators as one string. Prepare to receive a response immediately. Receive the entire response from the instrument including the terminators. Guarantee that no other communication is started during the response or for 50 ms after it completes. · Not initiate communication more than 20 times per second.


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Message Flow Control (Continued)

NOTE: The serial interface will not function during front panel set up operations. Do not use the front panel during serial communications. Failure to follow these rules may result in inability to establish communication with the instrument or intermittent failures in communication.
4.1.6 Serial Interface Basic Program

A Visual BASIC program is included to illustrate the serial communication functions of the instrument. Refer to Paragraph for instructions on how to set up the program. The Visual Basic code is provided in Table 4 -3. While the hardware and software required to produce and implement this program is not included with the instrument, the concepts illustrated apply to almost any application where these tools are available. Visual Basic Serial Interface Program Setup

The serial interface program (Table 4-3) works with Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6) on an IBM PC (or compatible) with a Pentium-class processor. A Pentium 90 or higher is recommended, running Windows 95 or better, with a serial interface. It uses the COM1 communications port at 9600 Baud. Use the following to develop the Serial Interface Program in Visual Basic. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Start VB6. Choose Standard EXE and select Open. Resize form window to desired size. On the Project Menu, click Components to bring up a list of additional controls available in VB6. Scroll through the controls and select Microsoft Comm Control 6.0. Select OK. In the toolbar at the left of the screen, the Comm Control will have appeared as a telephone icon. Select the Comm control and add it to the form. Add controls to form: a. Add three Label controls to the form. b. Add two TextBox controls to the form. c. Add one CommandButton control to the form. d. Add one Timer control to the form. On the View Menu, select Properties Window.

6. 7.


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Visual Basic Serial Interface Program Setup (Continued)


In the Properties window, use the dropdown list to select between the different controls of the current project. 10. Set the properties of the controls as defined in Table 4 -2. 11. Save the program.
Table 4-2. Serial Interface Program Control Properties
Current Name Property New Value

Label1 Label2 Label3 Text1 Text2 Command1 Form1 Timer1

Name Caption Name Caption Name Caption Name Text Name Text Name Caption Default Name Caption Enabled Interval

lblExitProgram Type exit to end program. lblCommand Command lblResponse Response txtCommand txtResponse cmdSend Send True frmSerial Serial Interface Program False 10


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Visual Basic Serial Interface Program Setup (Continued)

12. Add code (provided in Table 4-3). a. In the Code Editor window, under the Object dropdown list, select (General). Add the statement: Public gSend as Boolean b. Double Click on cmdSend. Add code segment under Private Sub cmdSend_Click( ) as shown in Table 4-3. c. In the Code Editor windo w, under the Object dropdown list, select Form. Make sure the Procedure dropdown list is set at Load. The Code window should have written the segment of code: Private Sub Form_Load( ). Add the code to this subroutine as shown in Table 4-3. d. Double Click on the Timer control. Add code segment under Private Sub Timer1_Timer() as shown in Table 4-3. e. Make adjustments to code if different Com port settings are being used. 13. Save the program. 14. Run the program. The program should resemble the following.

15. Type in a command or query in the Command box as described in Paragraph 16. Press Enter or select the Send button with the mouse to send command. 17. Type Exit and press Enter to quit.

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Table 4-3. Visual Basic Serial Interface Program Public gSend As Boolean Private Sub cmdSend_Click() gSend = True End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim strReturn As String Dim strHold As String Dim Term As String Dim ZeroCount As Integer Dim strCommand As String 'Global used for Send button state 'Routine to handle Send button press 'Set Flag to True 'Main code section 'Used to return response 'Temporary character space 'Terminators 'Counter used for Timing out 'Data string sent to instrument 'Show main window 'Terminators are 'Initialize counter 'Clear return string 'Clear holding string 'Close serial port to change settings

frmSerial.Show Term = Chr(13) & Chr(10) ZeroCount = 0 strReturn = "" strHold = "" If frmSerial.MSComm1.PortOpen = True Then frmSerial.MSComm1.PortOpen = False End If frmSerial.MSComm1.CommPort = 1 frmSerial.MSComm1.Settings = "9600,o,7,1" frmSerial.MSComm1.InputLen = 1 frmSerial.MSComm1.PortOpen = True Do Do DoEvents Loop Until gSend = True gSend = False strCommand = frmSerial.txtCommand.Text strReturn = "" strCommand = UCase(strCommand) If strCommand = "EXIT" Then End End If
Program continues on the next page...

'Example of Comm 1 'Baud,Parity,Data,Stop 'Read one character at a time 'Open port

'Wait loop 'Give up processor to other events 'Loop until Send button pressed 'Set Flag as false 'Get Command 'Clear response display 'Set all characters to upper case 'Get out on EXIT


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Table 4-3. Visual Basic Serial Interface Program (Continued) frmSerial.MSComm1.Output = strCommand & Term 'Send command to instrument If InStr(strCommand, "?") <> 0 Then 'Check to see if query While (ZeroCount < 20) And (strHold <> Chr$(10)) 'Wait for response If frmSerial.MSComm1.InBufferCount = 0 Then 'Add 1 to timeout if no character frmSerial.Timer1.Enabled = True Do DoEvents 'Wait for 10 millisecond timer Loop Until frmSerial.Timer1.Enabled = False ZeroCount = ZeroCount + 1 'Timeout at 2 seconds Else ZeroCount = 0 'Reset timeout for each character strHold = frmSerial.MSComm1.Input 'Read in one character strReturn = strReturn + strHold 'Add next character to string End If Wend 'Get characters until terminators If strReturn <> "" Then 'Check if string empty strReturn = Mid(strReturn, 1, InStr(strReturn, Term) - 1) 'Strip terminators Else strReturn = "No Response" 'Send No Response End If frmSerial.txtResponse.Text = strReturn 'Put response in textbox on main form strHold = "" ZeroCount = 0 End If Loop End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() frmSerial.Timer1.Enabled = False End Sub 'Reset holding string 'Reset timeout counter

'Routine to handle Timer interrupt 'Turn off timer

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Program Operation

Once the program is running, try the following commands and obs erve the response of the instrument. Input from the user is shown in bold and terminators are added by the program. The word [term] indicates the required terminators included with the response.
Identification query. Instrument will r eturn a string identifying itself. RESPONSE: LSCI,MODEL211,21A0000,022607[term] ENTER COMMAND? *IDN? ENTER COMMAND? KRDG? RESPONSE: +12.345[term] ENTER COMMAND? INTYPE 0 Input type command. Instrument will change the input type to silicon diode. No response will be sent. Input type query. Instrument will return a string with the present input type setting. Input type command followed by input type query. Instrument will change the input type to silicon diode then return a string with the present input type setting. Kelvin reading query. Instrument will return a string with the present kelvin reading.


RESPONSE: 0[term]

The following are additional notes on using the Serial Interface program. · If you enter a correctly spelled query without a ?, nothing will be returned. Incorrectly spelled commands and queries are ignored. Commands and queries and should have a space separating the command and associated parameters. Leading zeros and zeros following a decimal point are not needed in a command string, but they will be sent in response to a query. A leading + is not required but a leading ­ is required.
Trouble Shooting



New Installation 1. Make sure transmit (TD) signal line from the instrume nt is routed to receive (RD) on the computer and vice versa. (Use a null modem adapter if not). 2. Always send terminators 3. Send entire message string at one time including terminators. (Many terminal emulation programs do not.) 4-10 Remote Operation

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Trouble Shooting (Continued)

4. 5.

Send only one simple command at a time until communication is established. Be sure to spell commands correctly and use proper syntax.

Old Installation No Longer Working 1. Power instrument off then on again to see if it is a soft failure. 2. Power computer off then on again to see if communication port is locked up. 3. Check all cable connections. Intermittent Lockups 1. Check cable connections and length. 2. Increase delay between all commands to 100 ms to make sure instrument is not being overloaded. 3. Do not use the front panel keys during serial communication.

This paragraph provides a summary of the Serial Interface Commands. The Interface Commands are detailed in Paragraph 4.2.1. A list of all commands is provided in Table 4-4.


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Serial Interface Command Summary (Continued)


Key: Q ? aa... nn... [term] <...>

Begins common interface command. Required to identify queries. String of alphanumeric characters. String of number characters that may include a decimal point. Terminator characters. Indicated a parameter field, many are command specific. Parameter field with only On/Off or Enable/Disable states. Floating point values can have a varying resolution depending on the type of command or query issued.


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Table 4-4. Interface Commands (Alphabetical Listing) Command



Identification Query ..................................................................... 14 Reset Instrument Command......................................................... 14 Input Alarm Parameter Command ............................................... 14 Input Alarm Parameter Query...................................................... 15 Alarm Reset Status Command ..................................................... 15 Analog Output Parameter Command ........................................... 15 Analog Output Parameter Query ................................................. 15 Analog Output Data Query .......................................................... 15 Display Brightness Command ..................................................... 16 Display Brightness Query ............................................................ 16 Celsius Reading Query ................................................................ 16 Curve Delete Command .............................................................. 16 Curve Header Command ............................................................. 16 Curve Header Query .................................................................... 17 Curve Data Point Command ........................................................ 17 Curve Data Point Query............................................................... 17 Factory Defaults Command ......................................................... 18 Displayed Field Command .......................................................... 18 Displayed Field Query ................................................................. 18 Display ON/OFF Command ....................................................... 18 Display ON/OFF Query .............................................................. 18 Fahrenheit Reading Query ........................................................... 18 Input Curve Number Command................................................... 19 Input Curve Number Query ......................................................... 19 Input Type Parameter Command ................................................. 19 Input Type Parameter Query........................................................ 19 Keypad Status Query ................................................................... 19 Kelvin Reading Query ................................................................. 20 Front Panel Keypad Lock Command ........................................... 20 Front Panel Keypad Lock Query ................................................. 20 Input Reading Status Query ......................................................... 20 Relay Control Parameter Command ............................................ 21 Relay Control Parameter Query ................................................... 21 Sensor Units Input Reading Query .............................................. 21

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Interface Commands (In Alphabetical Order)

Input: Returned: Format:


Identification Query *IDN?[term] ,,,[term] aaaa,aaaaaaaa,aaaaaaa,mmddyy Manufacturer ID Instrument model number Serial number Instrument firmware revision date LSCI,MODEL211,21A0000,022607 Reset Instrument Command *RST[term] Sets instrument parameters to power-up settings. Input Alarm Parameter Command ALARM , , , ,[term] n, +nnn.n, +nnn.n, +nn.n,n Determines whether the instrument checks the alarm for input where 0 = off and 1 = on. Sets the value the temperature is checked against to activate the high alarm. Sets the value the temperature is checked against to activate low alarm. Sets the value that the temperature must change outside of an alarm condition to deactivate an unlatched alarm. Specifies a latched alarm (remains active after alarm condition correction) where 0 = off (no latch) and 1 = on. Configures the alarm parameters for the input. ALARM 1,270.0,0,0,1[term] ­ Turns on alarm checking for the input, activates high alarm if kelvin reading is over 270, and latches the alarm when kelvin reading falls below 270.

Input: Remarks:

Input: Format:

Remarks: Example:


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ALARM? Input Alarm Parameter Query
Input: Returned: Format: ALARM?[term] , , , , [term] n,+nnn.n,+nnn.n,+nn.n,n (Refer to command for description)

ALMRST Reset Alarm Status Command
Input: Remarks: ALMRST[term] Clears both the high and low status of the alarm, including latching alarm.

ANALOG Analog Output Parameter Command
Input: Format: ANALOG , [term] n,n Specifies mode in which analog output operates where 0 = voltage mode and 1 = current mode. Sets temperature range that analog output uses as full scale. 0 = 0 ­ 20 K 3 = 0 ­ 325 K 1 = 0 ­ 100 K 4 = 0 ­ 475 K 2 = 0 ­ 200 K 5 = 0 ­ 1000 K ANALOG 0,1[term] ­ Sets analog output to voltage mode (0 ­ 10V) 100.0 K at +100% output (+10.0 V) and 0.0 K at 0% output (0.0 V).


ANALOG? Analog Output Parameter Query
Input: Returned: Format: ANALOG?[term] , [term] n,n (Refer to command for definition) Analog Output Data Query AOUT?[term] [term] +nnn.nn Returns the percentage of output of the analog output.

Input: Returned: Format: Remarks:

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Input: Format:

Display Brightness Command BRIGT [term] nn Sets display brightness. Valid entries: 0 ­ 15, 0 = least bright, 15 = most bright. Default = 8.


Display Brightness Query Input: BRIGT?[term] Returned: [term] Format: nn (Refer to command for description) Celsius Reading Query CRDG?[term] [term] ±nnnnnn Also see the RDGST? command. Curve Delete Command CRVDEL [term] nn Specifies user curve to delete. Only valid entry is 21. (Curve number is used to retain compatibility with
existing instrument line. Curve number 21 must be sent with the command or else the command will be ignored.)

Input: Returned: Format: Remarks:

Input: Format:

CRVHDR Curve Header Command
Input: Format: CRVHDR , , , , , [term] nn,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,aaaaaaaaaa,n,+nnn.nnn,n Specifies user curve. Valid entry: 21. Curve name. Limited to 15 characters. Curve serial number. Limited to 10 characters. Curve data format. Valid entries: 2 = V/K, 3 = /K, 4 = log /K. Curve temperature limit in kelvin (Unused). Curves temperature coefficient. Valid entries: 1 = negative, 2 = positive. Configures the user curve header.



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Curve Header Command (Continued)


CRVHDR 21,DT-470,00011134,2,325.0,1[term] ­ Configures User Curve 21 with a name of DT -470, serial number of 00011134, data format of volts versus kelvin, upper temperature limit of 325 K, and negative coefficient.

CRVHDR? Curve Header Query
Input: CRVHDR? [term] Format: nn Valid entries: 1 ­ 21. Returned: ,,,,[term] Format: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,aaaaaaaaaa,n,+nnn.nnn,n (Refer to command for description) Remarks: Returns a standard or user curve header.

Input: Format:

Remarks: Example:

Curve Data Point Command CRVPT , , , [term] nn,nnn,±nnnnnnn,+nnnnnnn Specifies which curve to configure. Valid entry: 21. Specifies curve points index. Valid entries: 1 ­ 200. Specifies sensor units for point to 6 digits. Specifies the corresponding temperature in kelvin for this point to 6 digits. Configures a user curve data point. To finalize curve entry, send the *RST command or cycle the instrume nt power after all the curve points have been entered. CRVPT 21,2,0.10191,470.000[term] ­ Sets User Curve 21 second data point to 0.10191 sensor units and 470.000 K.


Curve Data Point Query Input: CRVPT? , [term] Format: nn,nnn Specifies which curve to query: 1 ­ 21. Specifies the points index in the curve: 1 ­ 200. Returned: , [term] Format: ±nnnnnnn,+nnnnnnn (Refer to command for description) Remarks: Returns a standard or user curve data point.

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Input: Remarks:

Factory Defaults Command DFLT 99[term] Sets all configuration values to factory defaults and resets the instrument. The "99" is included to prevent accidentally setting the unit to defaults.

DISPFLD Displayed Field Command
Input: Format: DISPFLD [term] n Specifies input data to display. Valid entries: 0 = kelvin, 1 = Celsius, 2 = sensor units, 3 = Fahrenheit. DISPFLD 1[term] ­ Displays kelvin reading for the input.


DISPFLD? Displayed Field Query
Input: Returned: Format: DISPFLD?[term] [term] n (Refer to command for description) Display On/Off Command DISPON [term] n 0 = Off, 1 = On Turns display On or Off. Display will default to On at power up or if any key is pressed (even if the keypad is locked). Display On/Off Query DISPON? [term] [term] n (Refer to command for description)

Input: Format: Remarks:

Input: Returned: Format:


Fahrenheit Reading Query Input: FRDG?[term] Returned: [term] Format: ±nnnnnn Remarks: Also see the RDGST? command.


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Input: Format:

Remarks: Example:

Input Curve Number Command INCRV [term] nn Specifies which curve the input uses. If specified curve parameters do not match the input, the curve number defaults to 0. Valid entries: 0 = none, 1 ­ 20 = standard curves, 21 = user curve. Specifies curve the input uses for temperature conversion. INCRV 21[term] ­ The input User Curve 21 for temperature conversion. Input Curve Number Query INCRV?[term] [term] nn (Refer to command for description) Input Type Parameter Command INTYPE [term] n Specifies input sensor type. Valid entries: 0 = Silicon Diode 3 = 100 Platinum/500 1 = GaAlAs Diode 4 = 1000 Platinum 2 = 100 Platinum/250 5 = NTC RTD INTYPE 0[term] ­ Sets input sensor type to silicon diode.

Input: Returned: Format:

Input: Format:


INTYPE? Input Type Parameter Query
Input: Returned: Format: INTYPE?[term] [term] n (Refer to command for description) Keypad Status Query KEYST?[term] [term] n 1 = key pressed, 0 = no key pressed. Returns keypad status since the last KEYST?. KEYST? returns 1 after initial power -up.

Input: Returned: Format: Remarks:

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Input: Returned: Format: Remarks:

kelvin Reading Query KRDG?[term] [term] +nnnnnn Also see the RDGST? command. Front Panel Keypad Lock Command LOCK [term] n 0 = Unlocked, 1 = Locked Locks out all front panel entries. Refer to Paragraph 3.10. LOCK 1[term] ­ Enables keypad lock. Front Panel Keypad Lock Query LOCK?[term] [term] n (Refer to command for description) Input Reading Status Query RDGST?[term] [term] nnn Integer returned represents sum of bit weighting of the input status flag bits. 000 indicates a valid reading is present.
Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bit Weighting 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 Status Indicator A/D not responding Alarm low Alarm high Temperature under range Temperature over range Sensor units zero Sensor units over range

Input: Format: Remarks: Example:

Input: Returned: Format:

Input: Returned: Format: Remarks:


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Input: Format:


Relay Control Parameter Command RELAY , [term] n,n Specifies which relay to configure: 1 = low alarm relay, 2 = high alarm relay. Specifies relay mode. 0 = Off, 1 = On, 2 = Alarms. RELAY 1,2[term] ­ Low alarm relay activates when low alarm activates.

Input: Format:

Relay Control Parameter Query RELAY? [term] n Specifies which relay to query: 1 = low alarm relay, 2 = high alarm relay. Returned: n (Refer to command for description) Sensor Units Input Reading Query Input: SRDG?[term] Returned: [term] Format: ±nnnnnn Remarks: Also see the RDGST? command.


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This chapter provides Temperature Monitor. information presented should be consulted if

basic service information for the Model 211 Customer service of the product is limited to the in this chapter. Factory trained service personnel the instrument requires repair.


If a Lake Shore product was purchased through a dealer or representative, please use that resource for prompt sales or service information. When contacting Lake Shore directly, please specify the name of a department if you do not know the name of an individual. Questions regarding product applications, price, availability and shipments should be directed to sales. Questions regarding instrument calibration or repair should be directed to instrument service. Do not return a product to Lake Shore without a Return Goods Authorization (RGA) number. Refer to Paragraph 5.2. Contact information may change periodically but current contact information can always be found on the Lake Shore web site: www.lakeshore.com. When contacting Lake Shore please provide your name and complete contact information including e-mail address if possible. It is often helpful to include the instrument model number and serial number (located on the rear panel of the instrument) as well as the firmware revision information as described in Paragraph 3.12. Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Telephone: Fax: Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. Instrument Service Department 575 McCorkle Blvd. Westerville, OH USA 43082-8888 sales@lakeshore.com service@lakeshore.com 614-891-2244 614-891-2243 ext. 131 614-818-1600 614-818-1609 Sales Instrument Service Sales Instrument Service Sales Instrument Service



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual



If it is necessary to return the Model 211 or accessories for recalibration, repair or replacement, an RGA number must be obtained from a factory representative or from the Lake Shore web site. Do not return a product to Lake Shore without an RGA number. The following information must be provided to Lake Shore in order to obtain an RGA number. 1. 2. 3. 4. Instrument model and serial number. User name, company, address, phone number, and e-mail address. Malfunction symptoms. Description of the system in which the product is used.

If possible, the original packing material should be retained for reshipment. If not available, a minimum of three inches of shock adsorbent pa cking material should be placed snugly on all sides of the instrument in a sturdy corrugated cardboard box. Include the RGA number on the mailing label or written prominently on the outside of the box. Include a copy of the customer contact information and RGA number inside the box. Consult Lake Shore with questions regarding shipping and packing instructions.

The following messages appear on the instrument display when it identifies a problem during operation. The messages are divided into two groups. Instrument hardware messages are related to the instruments internal circuits or non-volatile memory. If one of these messages persists after power is cycled the instrument requires repair or recalibration. Limit messages are most often associated with over voltage conditions caused by an improperly selected range or excessive noise on the measurement leads. If these messages persist after the input or output is configured properly, the instrument may require repair.
5.3.1 Instrument Hardware Errors

Err 01 Err 02

Indicates that there is a hardware problem in the instrument memory. This error is not correctable by the user and the factory should be consulted. Indicates there is a soft error in the instrument memory. This error can be corrected reinitializing memory. Reinitializing memory sets the instrument to defaults and erases the user curve. To reinitialize the memory after an Error 02, press both the s and t keys simultaneously. The display will blank for about 5 seconds while the memory is initialized.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Instrument Hardware Errors (Continued)

Err 03

Indicates the instrument has lost its calibration. To continue using the instrument in an uncalibrated state, press the Enter key after the Error 03 message appears. The Error 03 message is not cleared and will be displayed again on power up until the unit is calibrated. Indicates that the A/D converter is not communicating with the microprocessor. This error is not correctable by the user. Please contact the factory for instrument return i nformation.
Limit Errors

Err 04


Err Err Err Err Err

05 06 07 08 09

Input is at or under zero output. Input is at or over full scale. Temperature conversion is off the low end of the curve Temperature conversion is off the high end of the curve No curve is selected for the input.


WARNING: To avoid potentially lethal shocks, disconnect the power cord from the instrument before performing this procedure. Only qualified personnel should perform this procedure. REMOVAL 1. Disconnect the power cord from rear of unit. 2. If attached, remove from panel mount. 3. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the four flat -head screws from the corners of the rear panel. 4. Slide out the PC board assembly. The rear panel is attached to the PC board. INSTALLATION 1. Slide the PC board assembly in from the sure the keypad aligns with the holes in t 2. Use a Phillips screwdriver to install four of the rear panel. 3 If required, replace the instrument in the 4. Connect power cord to rear of the unit. rear of the chassis making he front panel. flat -head screws in the corners panel mount opening.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual



The POWER, INPUT/OUTPUT, and RS-232 (DTE) connectors are defined in Figures 5-1 through 5-3.



Connector Accepts a Barrel Plug 5.5mm OD x 2.1mm ID x 9.9 mm L. Figure 5-1. Power Connector






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

No Connection Shield I+ V+ Shield Analog Output Signal No Connection Low Alarm COM Low Alarm NC No Connection High Alarm COM High Alarm NC No Connection

-- 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

-- Shield I­ V­ Shield Analog Output Ground No Connection Low Alarm NO No Connection No Connection High Alarm NO No Connection No Connection

Figure 5-2. Input/Output Connector



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Connector Definitions (Continued)

Serial Connector.bmp

Model 211 Temperature Monitor DE-9P (DTE) Pin Description

Typical Computers DB-25P (DTE) DE-9P (DTE) Pin Description Pin Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

No Connection Receive Data (RD in) Transmit Data (TD out) Data Terminal Ready (DTR out) Ground (GND) No Connection Data Terminal Ready (DTR out) (tied to 4) No Connection No Connection

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20 22

TD (out) RD (in) RTS (out) CTS (in) DSR (in) GND DCD (in) DTR (out) Ring in (in)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

DCD (in) RD (in) TD (out) DTR (out) GND DSR (in) RTS (out) CTS (in) Ring in (in)

Figure 5-3. RS-232 (DTE) Connector



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


Serial Interface Cable Wiring

The following are suggested cable wiring diagrams for connecting the Model 211 serial interface to various customer personal computers (PCs).

NOTE: Same as null modem cable design except PC CTS is provided from the Model 211 on DTR.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual



The Model 211 requires calibration of both the sensor input and analog output to operate within the specification published in Paragraph 1.2 of this manual. None of the other circuits require calibration. Refer to Paragraph 5.6.4 for details on calibration specific interface commands. WARNING: Only qualified personnel should perform this procedure.
5.6.1 Equipment Required for Calibration

PC and Interface · PC with software loaded providing serial command line communication; example program in Paragraph 4.1.6 is ideal for this purpose · Serial interface cable Test and Measurement Equipment · Digital Multimeter (DMM) with minimum of 6 digits resolution; DMM DC voltage and 4-lead resistance specifications to be equivalent to or better than Agilent 34401 specifications · Cable to attach resistor standards to input Resistor Standards · Resistor standards with the following nominal values (if standards are not available, 0.25 W, 25 ppm/°C metal film resistors can be used); resistors should have connectors for 4-lead measurement · 0 (short), 100 , 250 , 500 , 2.5 k, 5 k, 7.5 k, 100 k, 250 k
Diode/Resistor Sensor Input Calibration 5.6.2

The sensor input contains a current source that can supply 10 µA or 1 mA of current, but only the 10 µA current source is adjusted during cal ibration. It is calibrated by adjusting the pot on the Model 211 main board. The sensor input contains multiple gain stages to accommodate the various sensors the Model 211 supports. The input gain and 1 mA circuitry are not adjusted during calibration. Instead, calibrated resistors are attached to the input and mathematical calibration constants are calculated and programmed into the 211 to compensate for input offset and gain errors. Sensor Input Calibration Setup and Serial Communication Verification

1. 2. 3.

Allow the 211 to warm up for at least 1 hour with the input configured for Silicon diode and a 250 k resistor standard attached to the input. Connect the 211 to the PC via the serial port. Verify operation of serial communication by sending the *IDN? command and receiving the proper response from the 211. 5-7


Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

10 µA Current Source Calibration and 1 mA Current Source Verification

Purpose To calibrate the 10 µA current source to be within the specified tolerance and verify operation of the 1 mA current source. Process 1. Configure the input for the silicon diode input type. 2. Accurately determine the value of the 250 k resistor using the DMM. Determine the calibration value by multiplying the actual resistance of the 250 k resistor by 10 â 10­6. Attach the 250 k resistor to the 211 input using proper 4 -lead connection techniques, configure the DMM to read VDC and attach across the voltage terminals of the resistor. Remove the four screws on the rear panel of the instrument. Slide the PC board assembly out enough to expose R9. Adjust the current source calibration pot, R9, on the 211 main board until the DMM reads the value calculated in Step 2 to ±0.0002 VDC. Slide the PC board back into the enclosure and replace the four screws on the rear panel. Configure the input for the 1 k platinum input type. Accurately determine the value of the 1 k resistor using the DMM. Determine the verification value by multiplying the actual resistance of the 1 k â 10­3.


4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Attach the 1 k resistor to the 211 input using proper 4-lead connection techniques, configure the DMM to read VDC and attach to the resistor. 10. Measure voltage across resistor and verify it is within ±0.3% of the value calculated in Step 8. 9. Input Gain Calibration

Purpose To determine the input offset and gain errors when the input is configured for each of the input types and provide offset and gain calibration constants back to the 211. Refer to CALZ and CALG commands in Paragraph 5.6.4. Process 1. Configure the input for the type to be calibrated.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Input Gain Calibration (Continued)


3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.

Reset the calibration constants to their default values using the CALZ and CALG commands. Example: Input Type: GaAlAs Diode Zero Offset Reset Command: CALZ 1,1,0 Gain Reset Command: CALG 1,1,1 Attach the 0 (short) resistor standard to the input. Via the interface obtain the input reading using the CALREAD? command and record this number. Program the offset calibration by providing the inverse of the value read in the previous step using the CALZ command. Example: Input Type: GaAlAs Diode CALREAD? Reading: 0.00005 Calibration Command: CALZ 1,1,-0.00005 Select resistor standard for the range being calibrated from Table 5 -1 and accurately determine value of the resistor to the tolerance shown. Attach the resistor standard to the 211 sensor input. Be sure to connect the resistor using proper 4-lead connection techniques. Via the interface obtain the input reading using the CALREAD? command and record this number. Program the gain calibration by dividing the actual resistance of the calibration resistor by the value read in the previous step and provide the result using the CALG command. Note that the gain calibration constant will always be within 5% of 1.00000.

Table 5-1. Calibration Table for Resistive Ranges Input Type Calibration Resistor Nominal Value 250 k 250 k 250 500 5 k 7.5 k Resistor Value Tolerance ±20.5 ±20.5 ±0.027 ±0.052 ±1.03 ±1.55 Calibration Command Type Number 0 1 2 3 4 5

Silicon Diode GaAlAs Diode Platinum 250 Platinum 500 Platinum 1000 NTC RTD



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Input Gain Calibration (Continued))

Example: Input Type: 100 platinum/250 Measured Value of Calibration Resistor: 250.025 CALREAD? Reading: 250.145 Constant Calculation: 250.025 / 250.145 = 0.99952 Calibration Command: CALG 1,2,0.99952 10. Repeat for all input ranges. 11. Send the CALSAVE command to finalize the calibration.
5.6.3 Analog Output Calibration and Verification

The 211 has one analog output which requires calibration. Both the voltage and current modes of the output need to be calibrated separately. Zero offset and gain errors are calibrated out by programming offset and gain constants to the instrument. Reference the CALZ and CALG commands and the extended version of the ANALOG command in Paragraph 5.6.4. Analog Output Voltage Mode Calibration

Purpose To determine the analog output voltage mode offset and gain errors and provide offset and gain calibration constants back to the 211. Process 1. Reset the calibration constants to their default values using the CALZ and CALG commands. Example: Zero Offset Reset Command: CALZ 2,0,0 Gain Reset Command: CALG 2,0,1 2. Connect the 100 k resistor standard to the analog output using only the two voltage leads. Connect the positive lead of the DMM to the analog output positive terminal, the negative lead is connected to the analog output negative terminal. 3. Set the analog output to manual mode, manual output of 0%. Example: Manual Zero Voltage Command: ANALOG 4,0 4. Read the output voltage with the DMM and record this zero output (ZERO) value. 5. Set the analog output to +100%. Example: Manual + FS Voltage Command: ANALOG 4,2 6. Read the output voltage with the DMM and record this positive full scale (+FS) value. 5-10 Service

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Analog Output Voltage Mode Calibration (Continued)


Determine the offset calibration constant by dividing the ZERO value by the difference of the +FS value and the ZERO value a nd then inverting the result. Offset constant = ­[ZERO / (+FS ­ ZERO)]. 8. Use the CALZ command to send the offset calibration constant. Example: ZERO DMM Reading: ­0.05632 +FS DMM Reading: 10.0135 Offset Constant Calculation: ­(­0.05632 / (10.0135 ­(­0.05632))) = 0.00559 Calibration Command: CALZ 2,0,0.00559 9. Determine the gain calibration constant by adding the +FS reading to the inverse of the ZERO reading obtained in step 3 and dividing that number into 10. Gain constant = 10 / (+FS ­ ZERO). 10. Use the CALG command to send the gain calibration constant. Example: ZERO DMM Reading: ­0.05632 +FS DMM Reading: 10.0135 Gain Constant Calculation: 10 / (10.0135 ­ (­0.05632)) = 0.99307 Calibration Command: CALG 2,0,0.99307 Analog Output Current Mode Calibration

Purpose To determine the analog output current mode offset and gain errors and provide offset and gain calibration constants back to the 211. Process 1. Reset the calibration constants to their default values using the CALZ and CALG commands. Example: Zero Offset Reset Command: CALZ 2,1,0 Gain Reset Command: CALG 2,1,1 2. 3. resistor using the DMM. resistor standard to the analog output with the two current leads. Connect the DMM to the two voltage leads of the resistor standard. Set the analog output to manual mode, manual output of 0% (4 mA). Example: Manual Zero Current Command: ANALOG 3,0




Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Analog Output Current Mode Calibration (Continued)


Read the output voltage with the DMM. Divide this number by the measured resistor value and record this zero output (ZERO) value. 6. Set the analog output to +100% (20 mA). Example: Manual +FS Current Command: ANALOG 3,2 7. Read the output voltage with the DMM. Divide this number by the measured resistor value and record this positive full scale (+FS) value. 8. Determine the offset calibration constant by subtracting the ZERO value from the zero current point of 4 mA and divide that by the difference of the +FS value and the ZERO value. Offset constant = (4E-3 ­ ZERO) / (+FS ­ ZERO). 9. Use the CALZ command to send the offset calibration constant. Example: ZERO DMM Reading: 4.03974E-3 +FS DMM Reading: 20.0674E-3 Offset Constant Calculation: (4E-3 ­ 4.03974E-3) / (20.0674E-3 ­ 4.03974E-3) = ­0.00248 Calibration Command: CALZ 2,1,­0.00248 10. Determine the gain calibration constant by adding the +FS reading to the inverse of the ZERO reading obtained in step 5 and dividing that number into 16 mA. Gain constant = 16E-3 / (+FS ­ ZERO). 11. Use the CALG command to send the gain calibration constant. Example: ZERO DMM Reading: 4.03974E-3 +FS DMM Reading: 20.0674E-3 Gain Constant Calculation: 16E-3 / (20.0674E-3 ­ 4.03974E-3) = 0.99827 Calibration Command: CALG 2,1,0.99827 12. Send the CALSAVE command to finalize the calibration.



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


Calibration Specific Interface Commands


Analog Output Parameter Command Input: ANALOG , [term] Format: n,n Specifies analog output voltage mode, current mode, voltage calibration mode, or current calibration mode. 0 = Voltage mode 1 = Current mode 3 = Current calibration mode 4 = Voltage calibration mode Specifies analog output range. Valid entries are: 0 = 0 ­ 20 K or 0% output calibration mode 1 = 0 ­ 100 K or 50% output calibration mode 2 = 0 ­ 200 K or 100% output calibration mode 3 = 0 ­ 325 K 4 = 0 ­ 475 K 5 = 0 ­ 1000 K Remarks: Allows manual setting of analog output values for calibration purposes.

ANALOG? Analog Output Parameter Query
Input: Returned: Format: ANALOG?[term] , [term] n,n (Refer to command for description)



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Input: Format:


Gain Calibration Constant Command CALG , , [term] n,n,+n.nnnnn Specifies input or analog output the gain calibration constant will be provided to. Valid entries are 1 for input and 2 for the analog output. Specifies the input sensor type. Valid entries are: 0 = Silicon Diode or Analog Output Voltage Mode 1 = GaAlAs Diode or Analog Output Current Mode 2 = 100 Plat/250 3 = 100 Plat/500 4 = 1000 Plat 5 = NTC RTD Gain calibration constant value. Provides the gain calibration constant for the selected input or analog output.


Gain Calibration Constant Query Input: CALG? , [term] Returned: , [term] Format: n,n 1, or 2 0­5 Returned: [term] Format: +n.nnnnn (Refer to command for description.) Input: Returned: Format: Remarks: CALREAD? [term] [term] ±nnnnnnn Returns 6-digit value of selected input reading. Used for CALZ and CALG functions.

CALREAD? 6-Digit Input Reading Query



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

CALSAVE Calibration Save Command
Input: Remarks: CALSAVE[term] Finalizes the calibration procedure. This command calculates and stores a checksum of the calibration memory. This checksum is used on power up to determine if the instrument is calibrated properly. If this command is not sent after a calibration, the instrument will display an "Err 03" on power up. Refer to Paragraph 5.3.1. Zero Offset Calibration Constant Command CALZ , , [term] n,n,±nnnnnnn Specifies the input or analog output the zero offset calibration constant will be provided to. Valid entries are 1 for input and 2 for the analog output. Specifies the input sensor type. Valid entries are: 0 = Silicon Diode or Analog Out Voltage Mode 1 = GaAlAs Diode or Analog Out Current Mode 2 = 100 Plat/250 3 = 100 Plat/500 4 = 1000 Plat 5 = NTC RTD Zero offset calibration constant value. Provides the zero offset calibration constant for the input or analog output. Zero Offset Calibration Constant Query CALZ? , [term] n,n 1, or 2 0­5 [term] ±nnnnnnn (Refer to command for description)

Input: Format:


Input: Format: Returned: Format:



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

This Page Intentionally Left Blank



Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


This chapter provides lists of models, options, accessories, sensors, wires, and special equipment available for the Model 211.
Part # 211S 211N Description Model 211 temperature monitor, single channel Model 211S with no power supply


Part # 109-132* G-106-253* G-106-264* 0-204* G-110-110* 2111 2112 8000 8001-211 -- Description 100-240 V, 6 W power supply (universal input, changeable input plugs) Sensor input mating connector (DB-25) Shell for sensor input mating connector Cable clamp Rubber feet Panel mount adapter for one Model 211 into 105 mm wide â 132 mm high (4.1 â 5.2 in) mounting plate. See Fig. 2-5. Panel mount adapter for two Model 211s into 105 mm wide â 132 mm high (4.1 â 5.2 in) mounting plate. See Fig. 2-5. CalCurveTM, floppy disk. Consists of a calibrated sensor breakpoint table on a floppy disk in ASCII format for customer download CalCurveTM, factory installed. Consists of a calibrated sensor breakpoint table factory-installed into nonvolatile memory Calibration certificate* Instrument recalibration with certificate Instrument recalibration with certificate and data User's manual

CAL-211-CERT CAL-211-DATA MAN-211*

* Included with Model 211S.

Options & Accessories


Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual



Common cryogenic wire available from Lake Shore. Other wire and installation accessories are also available.
P/N Cable Description

9001-005 Quad-TwistTM Cryogenic Wire. Two twisted pairs, phosphor-bronze wire, 36 AWG, 0.127 mm (0.005 in) diameter. 9001-006 Duo-TwistTM Cryogenic Wire. Single twisted pair, phosphor-bronze wire, 36 AWG, 0.127 mm (0.005 in) diameter. 9001-007 Quad-LeadTM Cryogenic Wire. Phosphor-bronze wire, flat, 32 AWG, 0.203 mm (0.008 in) diameter. 9001-008 Quad-LeadTM Cryogenic Wire. Phosphor-bronze wire, flat, 36 AWG, 0.127 mm (0.005 in) diameter.

Silicon diode sensors available from Lake Shore. Other sensors are also available.
Sensor No. Sensor Description

The smallest silicon diode Temperature Sensor available. For

Series DT-420 installation on flat surfaces. Sensor incorporates the same type
of silicon chip used in the Series DT-470 and DT-471. Silicon Diode Miniature Temperature Sensor. Same silicon

Series DT-450 chip used in the DT-470 configured for installation in recesses
as small as 1.6 mm diameter by 3.2 mm deep.

Series DT-470 repeatable, accurate, wide range customized for cryogenics. Series DT-471 temperature measurements below 10 K are not required.
An economical version of the DT-470 for applications where Lake Shore DT-670 diode temperature sensors offer the best accuracy across the widest useful temperature range ­ 1.4 to 500 K ­ of any silicon diode sensor in the industry. Sensors within the DT-670 series are interchangeable to the Curve DT-670.

Silicon Diode Temperature Sensor. Interchangeable,

Series DT-670


Options & Accessories

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

A1.0 GENERAL The following curve tables are applicable to the Model 211 temperature monitor. Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu rve rve rve rve rve 1 2 3 6 7 DT-470 Silicon Diode .................................................. DT-670 Silicon Diode .................................................. CTI Curve C Silicon Diode .......................................... PT-100 Platinum RTD ................................................ PT-1000 Platinum RTD ............................................... Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab le le le le le AAAAA1 2 3 4 4

Table A-1. Lake Shore DT-470 Silicon Diode (Curve 10)
Breakpoint Temp. (K) Volts Breakpoint Temp. (K) Volts Breakpoint Temp. (K) Volts

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1

75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 20 10 00 95 80 65 45 30 25 05 00 85 65 50 35 20 05 90 80

.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0

0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8

906 019 135 254 375 498 622 746 871 996 246 496 745 870 241 611 100 464 586 069 189 549 027 384 738 090 440 785 013

2 1 6 7 9 5 1 4 0 1 3 4 6 1 7 1 5 7 0 1 2 4 5 2 9 9 0 7 9

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

70 60 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 05 00 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 58 52 46 40 39 36 34 33 32

.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

.8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .1

2405 4651 6874 7976 9072 0161 1243 2317 3383 4440 5487 6524 7550 8564 9565 0552 1525 2482 3425 4353 5630 6702 7750 8781 8953 9489 9864 0060 0263

59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

031 030 029 028 027 026 025 024 023 022 021 019 017 015 013 012 011 010 009 008 007 005 004 003 002 002 001 001

.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .5 .0 .0 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .2 .2 .4 .6 .1 .7 .4

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

.1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .3 .3 .3 .3 .4 .4 .4 .5 .5 .6 .6 .6 .6 .6 .6

047 070 094 121 151 189 246 359 555 770 964 232 668 040 343 564 801 060 347 668 025 907 262 515 739 858 936 981

6 2 5 2 7 6 3 8 8 5 5 1 5 4 8 2 2 5 4 4 8 5 2 6 8 5 7 8

Curve Tables


Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Table A-2. Lake Shore DT-670 Silicon Diode
Breakpoint Temp. (K) Volts Breakpoint Temp. (K) Volts Breakpoint Temp. (K) Volts

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

500.0 491.0 479.5 461.5 425.5 390.0 346.0 320.0 298.5 279.0 261.0 244.0 228.0 213.0 198.5 184.5 171.5 159.5 148.0 137.5 127.5 118.0 109.0 100.5 93.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

09 11 13 17 26 34 45 51 56 60 64 68 72 75 78 81 84 86 89 91 93 95 97 98 99

05 02 65 91 53 95 27 33 31 78 87 69 25 54 69 70 45 95 32 44 43 29 01 60 89

70 39 55 81 93 22 97 93 28 45 23 36 11 87 92 25 38 83 30 69 56 03 34 73 25

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

8 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

7 1 5 9 3 6 9 8 5 3 1 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1

.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .4 .0 .7 .7 .3 .2 .6 .3 .3 .5 .8 .2 .7 .3 .0 .7 .3 .8 .0 .3

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 09 09 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 14 16 17

06 12 16 18 19 27 47 11 60 01 39 70 97 20 41 62 85 09 34 58 91 49 49 29 65

4 5 7 9 2 7 2 0 2 4 3 2 4 4 4 8 3 0 0 9 3 4 5 7 1

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

20.2 17.10 15.90 14.90 14.00 13.15 12.35 11.55 10.75 10.00 9.25 8.50 7.75 6.80 5.46 4.56 4.04 3.58 3.18 2.62 2.26 1.98 1.74 1.53 1.40

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

19 24 26 27 29 31 32 34 36 38 40 42 45 48 53 56 58 59 60 62 62 63 63 64 64

475 208 122 811 430 070 727 506 423 361 454 732 206 578 523 684 358 690 756 125 945 516 943 261 430


Curve Tables

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Table A-3. CTI Curve C Silicon Diode
Breakpoint Temp. (K) Volts

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

320 305 295 285 280 270 250 195 165 140 130 125 115 110 100 95. 90. 85. 77. 65. 60. 36. 20. 19. 18. 14. 12. 11. 10.

.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 1 1 1 3 3 3 4

9 3 6 9 0 3 8 4 2 9 2 3 6 7 0 1 3 4 6 9 1 7 1 2 5 1 6 8 0

68 82 40 11 50 41 96 08 55 71 45 76 25 69 49 84 14 40 26 58 00 47 62 90 00 61 56 50 00

Curve Tables


Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Table A-4. Lake Shore PT-100/-1000 Platinum RTD Curves Breakpoint PT-100 Temp. (K) Ohms ( PT-1000 Temp. (K) Ohms (

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

0 3 0 .0 0 3 2 .0 0 3 6 .0 0 3 8 .0 0 4 0 .0 0 4 2 .0 0 4 6 .0 0 5 2 .0 0 5 8 .0 0 6 5 .0 0 7 5 .0 0 8 5 .0 1 0 5 .0 1 4 0 .0 1 8 0 .0 2 1 0 .0 2 7 0 .0 3 1 5 .0 3 5 5 .0 4 0 0 .0 4 4 5 .0 4 9 0 .0 5 3 5 .0 5 8 5 .0 6 3 0 .0 675.0 7 1 5 .0 7 6 0 .0 8 0 0 .0

3 .8 2 0 4 .2 3 5 5 .1 4 6 5 .6 5 0 6 .1 7 0 6 .7 2 6 7 .9 0 9 9 .9 2 4 12.180 15.015 19.223 23.525 32.081 46.648 62.980 75.044 98.784 116.270 131.616 148.652 165.466 182.035 198.386 216.256 232.106 247.712 261.391 276.566 289.830

030 032 036 038 040 042 046 052 058 065 075 085 105 140 180 210 270 315 355 400 445 490 535 585 630 675 715 760 800

.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0

3 8 .2 0 4 2 .3 5 5 1 .4 6 5 6 .5 0 6 1 .7 0 6 7 .2 6 7 9 .0 9 9 9 .2 4 121.80 150.15 192.23 235.25 320.81 466.48 629.80 750.44 987.84 1162.70 1316.16 1486.52 1654.66 1820.35 1983.86 2162.56 2321.06 2477.12 2613.91 2765.66 2898.30


Curve Tables

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


Declarations in this appendix apply to the Lake Shore Cryotronics Model 211 Temperature Controller beginning with serial number 21A0000 and subsequent as well as its power supply. Paragraphs B1.1 and B1.2 refer to the CE and RoHS declarations respectively for the Model 211 alone. Paragraphs B1.3 and B1.6 refer to the CE and RoHS declarations respectively for the unit's power supply. The declarations included are as follows: CE declaration for the Model 211 RoHS declaration for the Model 211 CE declaration for the power supply, P/N 109 -132 RoHS declaration for the power supply, P/N 109 -132 CE and RoHS declarations for discontinued power supplies

Regulatory Declarations


Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual



Regulatory Declarations

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


Note: The Model 211 is considered Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Category 9 equipment, therefore falling outside the current scope of the RoHS directive. However, in recognition that RoHS compliance is in the best interest of our customers, employees and the environment, Lake Shore has redesigned the Model 211 to eliminate the hazardous substances covered in the RoHS directive.

Regulatory Declarations


Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual



Regulatory Declarations

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


Regulatory Declarations


Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual



Regulatory Declarations

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Regulatory Declarations


Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual



Regulatory Declarations

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

Regulatory Declarations


Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual

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Regulatory Declarations

Lake Shore Model 211 User's Manual


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Lake Shore
is a technology leader in the development of cryogenic temperature sensors, precision low temperature measurement and control instrumentation, and magnetic measurement and test systems. Since 1968, Lake Shore physicists, material scientists, and engineers have dedicated themselves to the development of tomorrow's technology today. Lake Shore serves a worldwide network of Customers including university and national laboratories, aerospace and other industries, as well as many of the premier companies around the world.