new sbn receiver and horns nov12
06dec12: compare calibration runs oldsbn, new sbn
(before focus change), new sbn after focus change
23nov12: compare calibration runs of old,new
receiver (out of focus)
14nov12: tsys contributions of new receiver
A new sbn receiver was installed in the dome
on 28oct12. It has:
- A new dewar.
- A new horn
- The horn illumination was changed.the
illumination of the tertiary was increased. This should
increase the gain (and maybe tsys a little)
- The sbtx horn was also replaced.
- the tertiary illumination was increased to give a slightly
better gain (tsys isn't important for the xmit horn).
- On 26nov12 the new sbn receiver was moved in the z direction
by 1.2 inches to move it into focus.
14nov12: rcvr Tsys contributions:
The old sbn receiver had:
- lna with 40db gain
- postamp1 chassis with circulator, filter,3db pad, 30db amp.
At installation the new sbn receiver had:
- lna with 30db
- postamp1 chassis with circulator, filter,3db pad, 30db amp
- postamp2 chassis with 36 db gain.
The 2nd postamp chassis gain was too much for the system. We changed
the configuration to be:
- lna with 30db
- postamp1 chassis with circulator, filter,3db pad, 30db amp
- 10db pad
- postamp2 chassis with 36 db gain.
- 15db (polA) 20db (polB) pads
The Tsys contributions were computed for
the new configuration of the sbnReciever
- There are two runs:
- first with the current configuration (14nov12)
- 2nd add a 14db amp and 3db pad before the filter
- The final Tsys is off since the sky and lna temps may be
- Current config (14nov12) largest Tsys contributions are:
- .2K from filter
- .65 K from 3db pad
- Tsys: 15.4
- Final gain going to iflo cabinet: +64db
- Config with 14db amp:
- 14db amp gets rid of the above tsys contributions
- Tsys 14.4
- The 14db amp improves
Tsys by about 1K
- Final gain
- with 2nd postamp:
- removing 2nd postamp
and 10 and 15 db pads: 64.5db
- This is the same
gain as the current (14nov12) setup. It will probably be
"better" because the extra 11 db gain (14-3) is before the
filter. This should put the sky 10db higher above the
noise floor without saturating the downstream components
(since the filter limits it to 120 MHz). The if/lo may
want a few more db gain to be happy.
x101/sbn/newrcvnov12/ (sysTemp.c under
23nov12:Compare old/new rcvr (out of focus)
Calibration runs:
Calibration runs done during oct12 with the
old sbn rcvr are compared to calibration runs done with the new
receiver (on 23nov12). The new receiver was 1.2 inches out of
focus during these runs.
There were 2 common sources:
- B0518+165 (3C138). A standard calibrator with about 9%
polarized power (linear).
- B0758+143 (3C190)
Each set of StokesI plots contains:
- Page 1: gain,Tsys,SEFD, beam width
- These use stokes I (which is the sum of polA + polB).
- Page 2: coma, 1st side lobe height, main beam efficiency, main
beam + 1st side lobe efficiency.
- Page3: Pointing error. za,az error vs za, then za,az
error vs az (in arcsecond).
- StokesI:Old receiver performance
(oct12 all sources) (.ps) (.pdf)
- StokesI:New receiver performance
(23nov12 all sources) (.ps) (.pdf)
- gain,sefd
- Looks like the flux for B1040+123 is too high by about
- Pointing:
- there is a 7Asec offset in za and az.
- StokesI:Old, new receiver with
common sources over plotted (.ps) (.pdf)
- The new receiver source names end in _New (black,green). The
old Receiver source names end in _Old (red,blue)
- Gain.
- The gain drops from za=10 down to za=2.
- This is probably because the elevation rails are shimmed
- The gain for the new receiver drops a little faster than
the old receiver.
- This may be because the receiver is out of focus be
about 1 inch in the Z direction.
- Tsys:dropped from 25,5 to 23K.
- Since this measures stokes I, it includes polA and polB.
- the old receiver had TsysA=24, tsysB=30K.
- the new receiver has TsysA,B both equal to about 23K
- so the stokes I improvement is mainly from polB.
- old: : 2.7 Jy
- new: 2.3 Jy
- This is probably from the polB improvement.
- Beam Width
- Old: 124 asecs
- new: 122 Asecs
- PolA,B separate: old,
new receiver performance (.ps) (.pdf)
- The gain,Tsys, and SEFD were computed separately for polA
and polB (I+Q)*.5, (I-Q)*.5
- Page 1:
- Frame1,2: Gain polA, polB
- Fame 2,4: Tsys polA,polB
- Page 2: sefd polA,polB
The table below holds the values for polA and
polB measured at za=10deg. If the two sources differed by a lot,
then the values for 3C138 were used.
Beam width
PolA |
PolB |
PolA |
PolB |
- Moving the receiver into focus in the Z direction (focus) will
improve the gain at low za .. since the elevation rails are low
at low za.
06dec12: compare calibration runs with new
rcvr in focus.
the new receiver was installed on 28oct12.
Calibration runs were done on 23nov12 with the receiver about 1.2
inches out of focus. On 26nov12 the receiver was moved in the z
direction to bring it into focus. The following sets of calibration
runs were compared:
- oct12: with the old receiver (set _1)
- 23nov12: new receiver out of focus in z (set _2)
- 06dec12: new receiver in focus (set_3)
Plotting the calibration results from each run separately
The plots below show the calibration results from each
data set.
- Each set has 3 pages of plots:
- page1: gain, Tsys, sefd, beamwidth
- page2: coma, 1st sidelobe, eta , eta + 1st sidelobe
- page3: pointing errors.
Over plotting the 3 sets of calibration data:
The results from the 3
calibration runs are over plotted.(.ps) (.pdf):
- Page 1: gain,Tsys,sefd, average beam width for all sources.
- Black _01 is the old
- Red
_02 is the new receiver out of focus
- Green
_03 is the new receiver in focus.
- B1040+123 was excluded because it looks like it's flux
incorrect at 2380 Mhz.
- Tsys for the new receiver is about 3K lower. This is mainly
from polB temp getting better,.
- Page2: Use B0518+165 (3C138) to compare the 3 datasets.
- B0518+165 was included in all 3 datasets.
- The values from the 2nd and 3rd datasets were
interpolated (in azimuth) to the positions of data set 1.
- This was to remove and difference because the samples may
have been taken at different az,za's.
- Top: Gain:
- The new receiver gain (in focus) is about 10K/Jy for za's
out to 15deg.
- Averaging over all data, the in focus gain is about 8%
better than the new receiver out of focus.
- For za's <15 degrees the increase was > 10%.
- The large improvement is because the receiver is too low
at low za (from the shimming).
- Middle/bottom: pointing error for B0518+165 for the 3
datasets (vs za).
- The az and za error has shifted down by about 10asecs
- The rise,set az error difference decreased when the
receiver was moved into focus.
- Page 3: over plot the pointing error for the new receiver out
and in focus.
- Using all the new receiver data the pointing offsets are:
- az -10.3 asecs
- za: -8.83 asecs
- We probably need to take some more sbn data (in focus)
before correcting for these offsets.
- moving the receiver into focus improved the gain by 8% over
the entire za range.
- For za's < za=15 the gain improved by > 10%.