Archiving spectral line data at AO
Data organization: Records,Scans,Files,Directories,
Archive Tables.
The raw data is stored on disc ( 290 gigabytes of spectra
jan2001->mar2003 ).
RECORDS contain a header followed by data.
Typically one second records are written to disc.
Records are grouped into SCANS.
A scan can be an: on Position, off Position, strip
of a map, etc..
A FILE contains the scans written at one session
on the telescope.
The file naming convention contains the date and the
project ID
Files are stored in disc directories by project name.
There are two types of ARCHIVE TABLES.
File Table: filename,
location, size, ptrs into scan table.
Scan Table: Scan information. One
entry per scan
Each table is stored by month as IDL save files.