In this section we describe some useful routines for quick-look
on-line analysis of your data. For a complete description of the
routines, and for a description
of analyzing HI spectra, look at the Spectral Line Appendices.
If you want to delve into the mysteries of Analyz, you can obtain
a copy of the Analyz manual either through your Friend at the Telescope,
or through an anonymous ftp on (cd pub/Analyz/Analyzguide).
Real Time Data Display:
You can now use IDL to display your data as it comes from the telescope.
This is done via the following commands (note that IDL is not case-sensitive):
% gousr
% cd a9999 [or whatever your project number is
% idl
IDL> @corinit
IDL> openr,lun,'/share/olcor/corfile',/get_lun
IDL> cormon,lun
To stop the online display, just hit control-C in the IDL window.
If you wish to change the horizontal or vertical axis, just
type ver,low,high or hor,low,high . Other IDL commands
can be found online at
Setting Up Analyz:
corinfo = List the current set-up parameters. Assuming you're using the
new correlator libraries, typing corinfo will cause the following defaults to appear:
disp = 1.000 (0-no,1-vs frq,2-vel) f:fcidisp
offset = 0.2000 (offset for disp=1) f:fcioff
print = 1.000 (!=0-->print hdrinfo) f:fciprint
cals: 1.0000 1.0000
set default values via func: corinfodef
You can change any of there values by typing the associated variable (on the far right)
followed by the value you wish to set it to. Thus if you want your data to be plotted
against velocity by default, type ``fcidisp 2".
corinfodef = set default values for corinfo. This command is useful when
you just want to get back to the default corinfo values.
setxterm = Set terminal to an xterm. This is pretty self-explanatory.
scratch = Allocate memory for algebraic expressions. This is a necessary
command to type, although if you have added an ``autoexecute" function to your libraries
through using one of the staff-made sets of functions, it should be typed automatically.
(You will know immediately if it isn't as you will get an error from Analyz telling you
to type``scratch".)
Attaching Data:
(NOTE: Only one data file can be attached at a time. If you wish to compare two data sets,
save the results you wish to compare into a register(s) and then attach the new data file.
atoldata = attach the online datafile
attach <file> data = attach arbitrary data file (<file>)
Looking at Data:
corget <> = Displays the requested data dump, or the next dump if no argument
is given. That is, if you want to look at the second data dump of scan number 57401, you
`just' type ``corget 57401.00002". If you then want to look at the next (third) data dump,
you just have to type ``corget"
correw = ``Rewinds'' data to beginning of the data file. This is necessary if you want to
use corget to look at a scan taken earlier than the one you are currently
viewing. If you get an error telling you that a scan number you are sure you've typed correctly
does not exist, most likely this is because you first need to type ``correw". The more advanced
Analyz routines do this for you automatically.
corpl (corpla, corplb) = plots the most recent A & B (or only A or B) data dumps
using whatever setting you've
given fcidisp. So if you have fcidisp set to 1 (just type ``corinfo" to find out the current setting),
and you just ran ``corget 57401.00002", typing corpla will plot just the polarization A parts
of scan 57401, data dump number 2, against frequency.
pairpl <sbc> (pairpla, pairplb) = plots the most recent (ON - OFF)/OFF spectrum against frequency (where the
data set was obtained using a dosrc, doit, domany, or median routine). If a
sub-correlator number is given (1-4), only that
sub-correlator is plotted. If pairpla or pairplb is chosen, only that polarization is plotted.
That is, typing ``pairpla 2" will plot the A polarization data from correlator board 2. ``pairpl"
will plot both the polarizations from all the boards.
doit <scan> <rec> = Calculate a single ON/OFF - 1 pair, as defined by the scan number
and total number of records, and then plot the results. This routine first averages the individual
ON and OFF records, and then calculates (ON/OFF - 1).
Data is left in the following registers:
1 - polarization A, all sub-correlators, no smoothing
2 - polarization B, all sub-correlators, no smoothing
20 - addition of all A polarization data, ON source
21 - addition of all B polarization data, ON source
22 - addition of all A polarization data, OFF source
23 - addition of all B polarization data, OFF source
24 - (ON-OFF)/off for polarization A
25 - (ON-OFF)/off for polarization B
domany <regSrc> <regCal> <scan> <numsets> <recsSrcon> =
Processes <numsets> number of ON/OFF pairs, starting at scan number
<scan>. This routine assumes a CAL pair is taken after each ON/OFF pair.
The resultant (ON/OFF - 1) spectra are stored starting in register <regSrc> for the
data pairs and starting in register <regCal> for the calibrator pairs. Additionally,
the information in the last data set is left in the same registers (1 - 25) as
with the ``doit" command.
medfonoff <regStore> <scan> <numrecs> =
Median filter by channel the scan pair <scan> and <scan>+1, and then
computes the ON/OFF - 1 spectrum. The data is left in the same registers as for the doit
command, with the difference that it is the median of all relevant sub-scan records,
not added values that are
placed in registers 20 - 23.
medfonoff2 <regStore> <scan> <numrecs> =
Compute individual ON/OFF - 1 by records (for <numrecs> number of
records), and then median filter the results. Uses register number
<regStore> through <regStore>+2*<numrecs>+1 registers as scratch. (So be sure you have that
many registers allocated!) The results are stored in the same manner as the medfonoff
ver <low> <high> = Set Low and high values for vertical display (No argument lets Analyz choose
the values
hor <low> <high> = Set Low and high values for horizontal display (No argument lets Analyz
choose the values
note <line no> <pos> ``<note>" = Places a note at the specified line. If no line number is given,
Analyz simply increments the line number. (<line no>=0 is the top of the page.) The
position, if given, is either 'L, 'C, or 'R, for left, center, or right justified. If
the position is not given, Analyz uses the last-used position. Finally, the
note can be any set of characters or numbers, and used the pgplot notation scheme.
xcaption ``<caption>" = Places a caption along the x-axis (again using the pgplot notation scheme).
ycaption ``<caption>" = Places a caption along the y-axis (again using the pgplot notation scheme).
copy = Sends a hardcopy of the current display to the defined printer. (On the Arecibo data taking computer
this is the printer in the control room.)
copy ps2disk = Creates a postscript copy of the current display, placing it in the current
Analyz directory.