Data Reduction
IDL is the recommended data-reduction package for Arecibo spectral-line data.
Data Formats
The different back-ends produce different data format. Information on the header information can be found in the following places:
- Mock spectrometer standard FITS format headers
- Mock spectrometer PSRFITS format headers
- WAPP CIMAFITS format headers
- Interim Correlator IDL headers
Where's My Data?
Note that these directories contain a very large number of files, you are strongly recommended to use ‘ls *〈projid〉*’ to find your files.
- Mock spectrometer data should be in /share/pdataN/pdev/ (where N = 1 - 14)
- WAPP spectral line data should be in /share/wappdata/
- Interim Correlator data should be in /share/olcor/ or /proj/〈projid〉
Data Search
Get list of scheduled AO projects
Search observing schedules by project ID or author
Search observing schedules by project ID, date, or time (AST or LST)
Search observing schedules by project ID and date range
Search previous spectral line observations
Converting Interim Correlator Data
To SDFITS or CLASS data formats
Legacy Data Reduction Packages
These packages are not actively supported and may no longer work.