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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Sep 26 01:26:59 2014
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 00:47:58 2016

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: ngc 281
Arecibo Observatory Bibliography
Total number of publications is 544 (102 radar) Total citations is (at least) 17150 (2205 radar) Avg. citations is (at least) 31.53 (21.62 radar) Median citations is (at least) 16 (13 radar)
Year Publications Citations Average Citations Median Citations

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

11 16 23 33 31 33 33 38 42 36 38 29 47 38 33 33 30

764 1005 809 1299 1099 1319 1097 1734 1673 1111 1010 929 1269 794 491 655 92

69.45 62.81 35.17 39.36 35.45 39.97 33.24 45.63 39.83 30.86 26.58 32.03 27.00 20.89 14.88 19.85 3.07

30 22 31 29 27 20 25 24 28 25 20 17 11 12 10 4 2


Total Average Median Publications Citations Citations Citations

327 MHz 430 MHz (unspecified) 430 MHz Line Feed 430 MHz Gregorian 800 MHz L-band (unspecified) L-band Narrow L-band Wide ALFA S-band Low S-band Narrow S-band High C-band C-band High X-band 430 MHz Transmitter S-band Transmitter

46 29 37 14 1 84 39 161 86 12 95 6 50 11 20 14 90

979 1430 1332 423 7 3962 1266 5863 2377 388 2919 187 1253 242 562 195 2041

21.28 49.31 36.00 30.21 7.00 47.17 32.46 36.42 27.64 32.33 30.73 31.17 25.06 22.00 28.10 13.93 22.68

13 34 20 25 7 27 32 20 12 17 14 18 14 9 28 13 13

Journal Publications Astronomy & Astrophysics 37 Astronomical Journal 58 Astrophysical Journal 245 MNRAS 72 Science 16 Nature 5 Icarus 55 Meteoritics & Planetary Science 5 Planetary & Space Science 3 Journal of Geophysical Research 14 Geophysical Research Letters 2 Other Journals 32

Arecibo Observatory Bibliography
Receiver Co des 327 = 327 MHz 430TX = 430 MHz Transmitter 430 = 430 MHz (unspecified) 430L = 430 MHz Line Feed 430G = 430 MHz Gregorian 800 = 800 MHz LB = L-band (unspecified) LBN = L-band Narrow LBW = L-band Wide ALFA = ALFA SBL = S-band Low/Wide SBTX = S-band Transmitter SBN = S-band Narrow (radar) SBH = S-band High CB = C-band CBH = C-band High XB = X-band High Click on the author to see full bibliography. Click on the paper title to view the ADS page for the publication. Citation counts are lifted from ADS, which does not guarantee the counts to be accurate!

Radio Astronomy 1998
Boisse et al. (1998) - A HST Spectroscopic Study of QSOs with Intermediate Redshift Damped Ly Systems - LB - has 170 citations. Dale et al. (1998) - Seeking the Local Convergence Depth. II - Tully-Fisher Observations of the Clusters A114, A119, A194, A2295, A2457, A2806, A3193, A3381, and A3744 - LB - has 30 citations. Goodman et al. (1998) - Coherence in Dense Cores. II. The Transition to Coherence - LBW - has 220 citations. Maia et al. (1998) - Study of a Slice at +9 deg to +15 deg of Declination. I - The Neutral Hydrogen Content of Galaxies in Loose Groups - LB - has 5 citations. Nordgren et al. (1998) - Very Wide Galaxy Pairs of the Northern and Southern Sky - LB has 12 citations.

O'Dea et al. (1998) - An Arecibo Search for Broad 21 Centimeter Lines of Atomic Hydrogen in Clusters of Galaxies - LB - has 17 citations. Smith et al. (1998) - The Starburst-AGN Connection. II. The Nature of Luminous Infrared Galaxies as Revealed by VLBI, VLA, Infrared, and Optical Observations - LBW - has 105 citations. Spitzak and Schneider (1998) - A Deep Survey of H I Selected Galaxies: The Sample and the Data - LB - has 47 citations. Stairs et al. (1998) - Measurement of Relativistic Orbital Decay in the PSR B1534+12 Binary System - 430L, LB - has 124 citations. Suleymanova et al. (1998) - Individual and Integrated Pulse Properties of PSR B0943+10 Involved in the Mode-Changing Phenomenon - 430L - has 21 citations.

Barnes et al. (1999) - Imaging H I in the Lensing Galaxy 2237+0305 - LB - has 8 citations. Burderi et al. (1999) - An Upper Limit on the Power-Law Index of the Radio Spectrum of Geminga - 327, 430L, LB - has 9 citations. Cabanela and Dickey (1999) - Determination of Galaxy Spin Vectors in the Pisces-Perseus Supercluster with the Arecibo Telescope - LBN - has 14 citations. Deshpande and Rankin (1999) - Pulsar Magnetospheric Emission Mapping: Images and Implications of Polar Cap Weather - 430L - has 125 citations. Haynes et al. (1999) - The I-Band Tully-Fisher Relation for SC Galaxies: 21 Centimeter H I Line Data - LB - has 106 citations. Kim et al. (1999) - Infrared Excess and Molecular Gas in the Galactic Worm GW 46.4+5.5 - LB - has 3 citations. Kramer et al. (1999) - Profile Instabilities of the Millisecond Pulsar PSR J1022+1001 - 430L - has 37 citations. Lee et al. (1999) - Infrared Excess and Molecular Gas in Galactic Supershells - LB - has 3 citations. Nice (1999) - Radio Pulses along the Galactic Plane - 430L - has 20 citations. Salgado et al. (1999) - 14-Year Program Monitoring the Flux Densities of 33 Radio Sources at Low Frequencies - 327, 430L - has 10 citations. Thorsett and Chakrabarty (1999) - Neutron Star Mass Measurements. I. Radio Pulsars LB, SBN - has 507 citations. Weisberg et al. (1999) - Arecibo 1418 MHz Polarimetry of 98 Pulsars: Full Stokes Profiles and Morphological Classifications - LB - has 39 citations.


Crutcher and Troland (2000) - OH Zeeman Measurement of the Magnetic Field in the L1544 Core - LBW - has 62 citations. Darling and Giovanelli (2000) - A Search for OH Megamasers at z > 0.1. I. Preliminary Results - LBW - has 33 citations. Eder and Schombert (2000) - Gas-Rich Dwarfs from the PSS-II. III. H I Profiles and Dynamical Masses - LB - has 19 citations. Frey et al. (2000) - Dual-Frequency VSOP Observations of AO 0235+164 - LBW, SBN, CB - has 23 citations. Hirabayashi et al. (2000) - The VSOP 5 GHz AGN Survey I. Compilation and Observations - CB - has 61 citations. Jarrett et al. (2000) - 2MASS Extended Sources in the Zone of Avoidance - LB - has 64 citations. Kim and Koo (2000) - An Infrared and Radio Study of the Galactic Worm GW 46.4+5.5 LB - has 9 citations. Kinkhabwala and Thorsett (2000) - Multifrequency Observations of Giant Radio Pulses from the Millisecond Pulsar B1937+21 - 430, LB, SBN - has 60 citations. Lane et al. (2000) - Detection of Warm and Cold Phases of the Neutral ISM in a Damped Ly Absorber - LBW - has 48 citations. Lewis (2000) - On the Transience of Circumstellar Shells about |b| >10 OH/IR Stars. I. Basic Statistics - LBW - has 15 citations. Lommen et al. (2000) - New Pulsars from an Arecibo Drift Scan Search - 430L, LB - has 41 citations. Lorimer and Xilouris (2000) - PSR J1907+0918: A Young Radio Pulsar Near SGR 1900+14 and G42.8+0.6 - 430L, LBN, SBN, CB - has 31 citations. Nicastro et al. (2000) - Radio Observations of the 33.8 ms X-Ray Pulsar SAX J0635+0533 - 430 - has 2 citations. O'Neil et al. (2000) - Red, Gas-Rich Low Surface Brightness Galaxies and Enigmatic Deviations from the Tully-Fisher Relation - LBN, LBW - has 54 citations. O'Neil et al. (2000) - Star Formation and Tidal Encounters with the Low Surface Brightness Galaxy UGC 12695 and Companions - LBN - has 7 citations. Palen and Fix (2000) - Models of OH Maser Variations in U Herculis - LBW - has 16 citations. Rosenberg and Schneider (2000) - The Arecibo Dual-Beam Survey: Arecibo and VLA Observations - LB - has 61 citations. Stairs et al. (2000) - A Baseband Recorder for Radio Pulsar Observations - 430L - has 31 citations. Wolszczan et al. (2000) - Timing Observations of Four Millisecond Pulsars with the Arecibo and Effelsberg Radio Telescopes - 430L, LB - has 40 citations.

Wolszczan et al. (2000) - A 25.3 Day Periodicity in the Timing of the Pulsar PSR B1257+12: A Planet or a Heliospheric Propagation Effect? - 430L, 430, LB - has 16 citations.

Burton et al. (2001) - Arecibo Iimaging of Compact High-Velocity Clouds - LBN - has 29 citations. Chatterjee et al. (2001) - Parallax and Kinematics of PSR B0919+06 from VLBA Astrometry and Interstellar Scintillometry - 430 - has 33 citations. Camilo et al. (2001) - Discovery of Five Binary Radio Pulsars - LB - has 49 citations. Darling and Giovanelli (2001) - A Search for OH Megamasers at z > 0.1. II. Further Results - LBW - has 35 citations. Deshpande and Rankin (2001) - The Topology and Polarization of Sub-Beams Associated with the `Drifting' Sub-Pulse Emission of Pulsar B0943+10 - I. Analysis of Arecibo 430- and 111-MHz Observations - 430L - has 103 citations. Heiles (2001) - New Temperatures of Diffuse Interstellar Gas: Thermally Unstable Gas - LB - has 73 citations. Heiles et al. (2001) - All-Stokes Parameterization of the Main Beam and First Sidelobe for the Arecibo Radio Telescope - 430G, LBW - has 28 citations. Heiles et al. (2001) - Mueller Matrix Parameters for Radio Telescopes and Their Observational Determination - LBN, LBW - has 29 citations. Hoffman et al. (2001) - The Fine Structure and Outskirts of DDO 154 - LBN - has 9 citations. Impey et al. (2001) - High and Low Surface Brightness Galaxies in the Local Universe. IV. Optical and 21 Centimeter Spectroscopy - LBN - has 29 citations. Jenet et al. (2001a) - Single-Pulse Characteristics of the Millisecond Radio Pulsar PSR B1937+21 at 430 MHz - 430L - has 19 citations. Jenet et al. (2001b) - The First Detection of Coherent Emission from Radio Pulsars - 430L - has 14 citations. Kanekar et al. (2001) - Detection of a Multi-Phase ISM at z = 0.2212 - LBW - has 16 citations. Lewis et al. (2001) - The Approaching Death of the OH/IR star IRAS 18455+0448 - LBW - has 13 citations. Lewis (2001) - On the Transience of High-Latitude OH/IR Stars. II. Thermal Pulse Link LBW - has 11 citations. Lommen and Backer (2001) - Using Pulsars to Detect Massive Black Hole Binaries via Gravitational Radiation: Sagittarius A* and Nearby Galaxies - LB, SBN - has 57 citations. McLaughlin et al. (2001) - Upper Limits on Periodic, Pulsed Radio Emission from the X-Ray Point Source in Cassiopeia A - 327, LB - has 21 citations.

Nice et al. (2001) - On the Mass and Inclination of the PSR J2019+2425 Binary System 430L, 430G - has 29 citations. Pisano et al. (2001) - The Gas Content and Kinematics of Nearby Blue Compact Galaxies: Implications for Studies at Intermediate and High Redshift - LBN, LBW - has 38 citations. Rose et al. (2001) - Starbursts Versus Truncated Star Formation in Nearby Clusters of Galaxies - LBN - has 35 citations. Simon et al. (2001) - The Structure of Four Molecular Cloud Complexes in the BU-FCRAO Milky Way Galactic Ring Survey - LB - has 135 citations. Smoker et al. (2001) - H I and Optical Spectroscopy towards the M15 Intermediate-Velocity Cloud - LBN - has 5 citations. Solanes et al. (2001) - The H I Content of Spirals. II. Gas Deficiency in Cluster Galaxies LB - has 183 citations. Stinebring et al. (2001) - Faint Scattering Around Pulsars: Probing the Interstellar Medium on Solar System Size Scales - 430 - has 50 citations. Takahashi et al. (2001) - Pulsed X-Ray Emission from the Fastest Millisecond Pulsar: PSR B1937+21 with ASCA - 430 - has 26 citations. van Driel et al. (2001) - H I line Observations of Luminous Infrared Galaxy Mergers - LBN - has 7 citations. Walker et al. (2001) - The Structure and Motions of the 3C 120 Radio Jet on Scales of 0.6-300 Parsecs - LBW, CB - has 44 citations. Zwaan (2001) - A Targeted Survey for H I Clouds in Galaxy Groups - LBN - has 56 citations.

Araya et al. (2002) - Arecibo Observations of Formaldehyde and Radio Recombination Lines toward Ultracompact H II Regions - CB - has 73 citations. Bhat et al. (2002) - Arecibo Observations of Parkes Multibeam Pulsars - 430, LB, SBN - has 2 citations. Bogdanov et al. (2002) - Interstellar Scintillation Velocities of the Relativistic Binary PSR B1534+12 and Three Other Millisecond Pulsars - 430L, 430 - has 16 citations. Cabanela and Dickey (2002) - Galaxies on the Blue Edge - LBN - has 3 citations. Camilo et al. (2002) - Discovery of a 136 Millisecond Radio and X-Ray Pulsar in Supernova Remnant G54.1+0.3 - LBW - has 48 citations. Chung et al. (2002) - Low Surface Brightness Galaxies and the Tully-Fisher Relation - LB has 17 citations. Darling and Giovanelli (2002a) - A Search for OH Megamasers at z > 0.1. III. The Complete Survey - LBW - has 65 citations.

Darling and Giovanelli (2002b) - The Discovery of Time Variability in OH Megamasers LBN, LBW - has 11 citations. Hoffman et al. (2002) - High-Velocity Cloud Edges and Mini-High-Velocity Clouds - LBN has 4 citations. Lee et al. (2002) - H I Properties of Low-Luminosity Star-forming Galaxies in the KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey - LBN, LBW - has 30 citations. Lewis (2002) - On Dead OH/IR Stars - LBW - has 13 citations. Lorimer et al. (2002) - Arecibo Timing Observations of 17 Pulsars along the Galactic Plane - LBW - has 11 citations. McLaughlin et al. (2002) - PSR J1740+1000: A Young Pulsar Well Out of the Galactic Plane - 430L, LB - has 17 citations. Mitra and Rankin (2002) - Toward an Empirical Theory of Pulsar Emission. VII. On the Spectral Behavior of Conal Beam Radii and Emission Heights - 430L, LB, SBN, CB - has 58 citations. Morris et al. (2002) - The Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey - II. Discovery and Timing of 120 Pulsars - LB - has 108 citations. Neufeld et al. (2002) - Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite and Arecibo Observations of H2 O and OH in a Diffuse Cloud along the Line of Sight to W51 - LBW - has 30 citations. Ramachandran et al. (2002) - Pulsar "Drifting"-Subpulse Polarization: No Evidence for Systematic Polarization-Angle Rotations - 430L - has 18 citations. Roberts et al. (2002) - PSR J2021+3651: A Young Radio Pulsar Coincident with an Unidentified EGRET -Ray Source - LB - has 51 citations. Robishaw et al. (2002) - H I Imaging of LGS 3 and an Apparently Interacting High-Velocity Cloud - LBN - has 13 citations. Salzer et al. (2002) - An H I Survey of Actively Star-forming Dwarf Galaxies - LB - has 27 citations. Solanes et al. (2002) - The Three-dimensional Structure of the Virgo Cluster Region from Tully-Fisher and H I Data - LB - has 63 citations. Splaver et al. (2002) - Probing the Masses of the PSR J0621+1002 Binary System Through Relativistic Apsidal Motion - 430, LB - has 34 citations. Stairs et al. (2002) - Studies of the Relativistic Binary Pulsar PSR B1534+12. I. Timing Analysis - 430L, 430, LB - has 114 citations. Stanimirovi´ et al. (2002) - The Small-Scale Structure of the Magellanic Stream - LBN - has c 37 citations. Weisberg and Taylor (2002) - General Relativistic Geodetic Spin Precession in Binary Pulsar B1913+16: Mapping the Emission Beam in Two Dimensions - LB - has 75 citations.

Araya et al. (2003) - A C-Band Spectral Scan of IRC +10 216 - CB - has 4 citations. Bartel and Bietenholz (2003) - SN 1979C VLBI: 22 Years of Almost Free Expansion - LBW - has 26 citations. Bhat et al. (2003) - A CLEAN-based Method for Deconvolving Interstellar Pulse Broadening from Radio Pulses - LBW - has 17 citations. Conselice et al. (2003) - Galaxy Populations and Evolution in Clusters. IV. Deep H I Observations of Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster - LBN - has 60 citations. Cordes and McLaughlin (2003) - Searches for Fast Radio Transients - 430, SBL - has 85 citations. Darling et al. (2003) - A Search for 6.7 GHz Methanol Masers in OH Megamaser Galaxies at 0.11 < z < 0.27 - CB - has 11 citations. Ellingson and Hampson (2003) - Mitigation of Radar Interference in L-Band Radio Astronomy - LBW - has 12 citations. Ford et al. (2003) - Detection of OH toward the Extreme Carbon Star IRC +10216 - LBW - has 20 citations. Hankins et al. (2003) - Nanosecond Radio Bursts from Strong Plasma Turbulence in the Crab Pulsar - CB, XB - has 151 citations. Heiles and Troland (2003b) - The Millennium Arecibo 21 Centimeter Absorption-Line Survey. I. Techniques and Gaussian Fits - LB - has 59 citations. Heiles and Troland (2003a) - The Millennium Arecibo 21 Centimeter Absorption-Line Survey. II. Properties of the Warm and Cold Neutral Media - LB - has 253 citations. Hill et al. (2003) - Pulsar Scintillation Arcs. I. Frequency Dependence - 430G, LBW, SBL has 20 citations. Hoffman et al. (2003) - Neutral Hydrogen Mapping of Virgo Cluster Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies - LBN - has 11 citations. Iglesias-P´ aramo et al. (2003) - A Study of H I-selected Galaxies in the Hercules Cluster - LB - has 14 citations. Jenet and Gil (2003) - Using the Intensity Modulation Index to Test Pulsar Radio Emission Models - LBW - has 9 citations. Konacki and Wolszczan (2003) - Masses and Orbital Inclinations of Planets in the PSR B1257+12 System - 430L, 430, LB - has 70 citations. Konacki et al. (2003) - Geodetic Precession and Timing of the Relativistic Binary Pulsars PSR B1534+12 and PSR B1913+16 - 430L, 430, LB - has 20 citations. Li and Goldsmith (2003) - H I Narrow Self-Absorption in Dark Clouds - LBW - has 56 citations. McLaughlin and Cordes (2003) - Searches for Giant Pulses from Extragalactic Pulsars - 430

- has 52 citations. Momjian et al. (2003) - Sensitive VLBI Continuum and H I Absorption Observations of NGC 7674: First Scientific Observations with the Combined Array VLBA, VLA, and Arecibo LBW - has 15 citations. Monnier Ragaigne et al. (2003) - A Search for Low Surface Brightness Galaxies in the NearInfrared. II. Arecibo H I Line Observations - LBN - has 10 citations. Navarro et al. (2003) - The Arecibo 430 MHz Intermediate Galactic Latitude Survey: Discovery of Nine Radio Pulsars - 327, 430L, LBN - has 10 citations. Rankin and Ramachandran (2003) - Toward an Empirical Theory of Pulsar Emission. VIII. Subbeam Circulation and the Polarization-Modal Structure of Conal Beams - 430L, LB has 37 citations. Shore et al. (2003) - Mechanisms for the Origin of Turbulence in Non-Star-forming Clouds: The Translucent Cloud MBM 40 - LBN - has 9 citations. Stanimirovi´ et al. (2003) - Detection of OH Absorption against PSR B1849+00 - LBW c has 13 citations. Stanimirovi´ et al. (2003) - Does Tiny-Scale Atomic Structure Exist in the Interstellar c Medium? - LB - has 26 citations. van Driel et al. (2003) - Non-Confirmation of Reported H I Clouds without Optical Counterparts in the Hercules cluster - LBN - has 4 citations. Watson et al. (2003) - Resolution of Distance Ambiguities of Inner Galaxy Massive Star Formation Regions. I. - CB - has 63 citations.

Araya et al. (2004) - Studies of Extragalactic Formaldehyde and Radio Recombination Lines - LBW, CB - has 17 citations. Araya et al. (2004) - A Search for H2 CO 6 Centimeter Emission toward Young Massive Stellar Ob jects - CB - has 15 citations. Bhat et al. (2004) - Multifrequency Observations of Radio Pulse Broadening and Constraints on Interstellar Electron Density Microstructure - 430, LBW, SBN - has 101 citations. Champion et al. (2004) - PSR J1829+2456: A Relativistic Binary Pulsar - 430G - has 56 citations. Cordes et al. (2004) - The Brightest Pulses in the Universe: Multifrequency Observations of the Crab Pulsar's Giant Pulses - 430G, LBW, SBL, SBH, CB, XB - has 70 citations. Davies et al. (2004) - A Multibeam H I Survey of the Virgo Cluster - Two Isolated H I Clouds? - LBN - has 59 citations. Heiles and Troland (2004) - The Millennium Arecibo 21 Centimeter Absorption-Line Survey. III. Techniques for Spectral Polarization and Results for Stokes V - LB - has 31 citations.

Hessels et al. (2004) - Observations of PSR J2021+3651 and its X-Ray Pulsar Wind Nebula G75.2+0.1 - LBW - has 41 citations. Hobbs et al. (2004) - The Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey - IV. Discovery of 180 Pulsars and Parameters for 281 Previously Known Pulsars - LBN - has 99 citations. Hoffman et al. (2004) - Mini High-Velocity Clouds - LB - has 8 citations. Jenet and Gil (2004) - The Intrinsic Intensity Modulation of PSR B1937+21 at 1410 MHz LBW - has 10 citations. Kalenskii et al. (2004) - A 4-6 GHz Spectral Scan and 8-10 GHz Observations of the Dark Cloud TMC-1 - CB, XB - has 10 citations. Lewandowski et al. (2004) - Arecibo Timing and Single-Pulse Observations of Eighteen Pulsars - 430, LB - has 37 citations. Lorimer et al. (2004) - PSR J0609+2130: A Disrupted Binary Pulsar? - 327, 430G - has 21 citations. McLaughlin and Rankin (2004) - `Notches' in the Average Profiles of Bright Pulsars - 430, LBW - has 6 citations. O'Neil (2004) - New Reference Galaxy Standards for H I Emission Observations - LBN - has 8 citations. O'Neil et al. (2004) - A New H I Catalog of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies out to z = 0.1. Tripling the Number of Massive LSB Galaxies Known - LBN, LBW - has 25 citations. Plume et al. (2004) - Water Absorption from Line-of-Sight Clouds toward W49A - LBW has 38 citations. Ramachandran et al. (2004) - Effect of Quasi-Orthogonal Emission Modes on the Rotation Measures of Pulsars - 430L - has 18 citations. Roberts et al. (2004) - A Search for Low Surface Brightness Dwarf Galaxies in Different Environments - LBN, LBW - has 21 citations. Roberts et al. (2004) - PSR J2021+3651: A New -Ray Pulsar Candidate - LB - has 0 citations. Scott et al. (2004) - The VSOP 5 GHz Active Galactic Nucleus Survey. III. Imaging Results for the First 102 Sources - CB - has 35 citations. Stairs et al. (2004) - Measurement of Gravitational Spin-Orbit Coupling in a Binary-Pulsar System - 430 - has 68 citations. Stanimirovi´ et al. (2004) - PSR B1849+00 Probes the Tiny-Scale Molecular Gas? - LBW c has 1 citations. Stanimirovi´ et al. (2004) - The Tiny-Scale Atomic Structure: Gas Cloudlets or Scintillation c Phenomenon? - LBW - has 3 citations. Taylor et al. (2004) - The Angular Size and Proper Motion of the Afterglow of GRB 030329 - CB, XB - has 87 citations.

Vogt et al. (2004) - M/L, H Rotation Curves, and H I Measurements for 329 Nearby Cluster and Field Spirals. I. Data - LB - has 36 citations. Weisberg et al. (2004) - Arecibo 430 MHz Pulsar Polarimetry: Faraday Rotation Measures and Morphological Classifications - 430L - has 58 citations. Young et al. (2004) - Probing Pre-Protostellar Cores with Formaldehyde - CB - has 53 citations.

Bhat et al. (2005) - Radio Frequency Interference Identification and Mitigation Using Simultaneous Dual-Station Observations - LBW - has 4 citations. Bietenholz and Bartel (2005) - An Upper Limit on the Expansion Velocity of Gamma-Ray Burst Candidate SN 2001em - XB - has 13 citations. Champion et al. (2005) - Arecibo Timing and Single-Pulse Observations of 17 Pulsars - 327, 430G - has 30 citations. Champion et al. (2005) - A Survey for Pulsars in EGRET Error Boxes - 327 - has 11 citations. Deshpande (2005) - Correlations of Spectral Intensity Fluctuations: Application to Radio Frequency Interference Mitigation - LB - has 1 citations. Freire et al. (2005) - The Millisecond Pulsars in NGC 6760 - LBW - has 17 citations. Gavazzi et al. (2005) - Completing H I Observations of Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster - LBW - has 52 citations. Giovanelli et al. (2005) - The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey. I. Science Goals, Survey Design, and Strategy - ALFA - has 259 citations. Giovanelli et al. (2005) - The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey. II. Results of Precursor Observations - ALFA, LBW - has 57 citations. Goldsmith and Li (2005) - H I Narrow Self-Absorption in Dark Clouds: Correlations with Molecular Gas and Implications for Cloud Evolution and Star Formation - LBW - has 60 citations. Hill et al. (2005) - Deflection of Pulsar Signal Reveals Compact Structures in the Galaxy 327 - has 35 citations. Keeney et al. (2005) - Absorption-Line Study of Halo Gas in NGC 3067 toward the Background Quasar 3C 232 - LBW - has 19 citations. L¨ ohmer et al. (2005) - Shapiro Delay in the PSR J1640+2224 Binary System - 430, LBW has 16 citations. Lorimer et al. (2005) - Discovery of 10 Pulsars in an Arecibo Drift-Scan Survey - 430L, LB - has 12 citations. Meech et al. (2005) - Deep Impact: Observations from a Worldwide Earth-Based Campaign - ALFA, LBW - has 130 citations.

Minchin et al. (2005) - A Dark Hydrogen Cloud in the Virgo Cluster - LB - has 70 citations. Nice et al. (2005) - A 2.1 Msolar Pulsar Measured by Relativistic Orbital Decay - 430, LBW - has 216 citations. Paragi et al. (2005) - e-VLBI observations of SN2001em - an off-axis GRB candidate - LBW - has 11 citations. Pihlstr¨ et al. (2005) - High-Resolution Imaging of the OH Megamaser Emission in IRAS om 12032+1707 and IRAS 14070+0525 - LBW - has 14 citations. Pisano et al. (2005) - H I Observations of SA 68-6597: The Faintest Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy - LBW - has 3 citations. Redman et al. (2005) - Pulsar PSR B2303+30: A Single System of Drifting Subpulses, Moding and Nulling - 327, 430L, LB - has 17 citations. Roshi et al. (2005) - An 8.5 GHz Arecibo Survey of Carbon Recombination Lines toward Ultracompact H II Regions: Physical Properties of Dense Molecular Material - XB - has 15 citations. Roueff et al. (2005) - Interstellar Deuterated Ammonia: from NH3 to ND3 - LBW - has 61 citations. Sabatini et al. (2005) - The Dwarf Low Surface Brightness Galaxy Population of the Virgo Cluster - II. Colours and H I Line Observations - LBN - has 28 citations. Splaver et al. (2005) - Masses, Parallax, and Relativistic Timing of the PSR J1713+0747 Binary System - LB, SBN - has 78 citations. Springob et al. (2005) - Morphology, Environment, and the H I Mass Function - LBN - has 44 citations. Springob et al. (2005) - A Digital Archive of H I 21 Centimeter Line Spectra of Optically Targeted Galaxies - LBN - has 164 citations. Srostlik and Rankin (2005) - Core and Conal Component Analysis of Pulsar B1237+25 - 327 - has 21 citations. Stanimirovi´ and Heiles (2005) - The Thinnest Cold H I Clouds in the Diffuse Interstellar c Medium? - LB - has 34 citations. Stairs et al. (2005) - Discovery of Three Wide-Orbit Binary Pulsars: Implications for Binary Evolution and Equivalence Principles - LBW - has 33 citations. Taylor et al. (2005) - Late-Time Observations of the Afterglow and Environment of GRB 030329 - LBW, XB - has 37 citations. Walker and Stinebring (2005) - Electric Field Representation of Pulsar Intensity Spectra 327 - has 9 citations.

Araya et al. (2006) - Arecibo Observations of Formaldehyde in L1551 - CB - has 6 citations.

Auld et al. (2006) - The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey: Precursor Observations of the NGC 628 Group - ALFA - has 34 citations. Buyle et al. (2006) - The H I Content of E+A Galaxies - LBW - has 20 citations. Cordes et al. (2006) - Arecibo Pulsar Survey Using ALFA. I. Survey Strategy and First Discoveries - ALFA - has 86 citations. Cordes et al. (2006) - Theory of Parabolic Arcs in Interstellar Scintillation Spectra - 327, 430, LBW - has 36 citations. Cortese et al. (2006) - Witnessing Galaxy Preprocessing in the Local Universe: The Case of a Star-Bursting Group Falling into Abell 1367 - LBW - has 68 citations. Frey et al. (2006) - VSOP Monitoring of the Compact BL Lac Ob ject AO 0235+164 - LBW, CB - has 5 citations. Gavazzi et al. (2006) - H I Observations of Galaxies. II. The Coma Supercluster - LBW has 25 citations. Geha et al. (2006) - The Baryon Content of Extremely Low Mass Dwarf Galaxies - LBW has 128 citations. Gupta et al. (2006) - Probing Radio Source Environments via H I and OH Absorption LBW - has 54 citations. Hemberger and Stinebring (2006) - Scintillation and Pulsar Timing: Low-level Timing Noise from the Kolmogorov Halo - LB - has 0 citations. Jacoby et al. (2006) - Measurement of Orbital Decay in the Double Neutron Star Binary PSR B2127+11C - 430L - has 43 citations. Koo et al. (2006) - A "Missing" Supernova Remnant Revealed by the 21 cm Line of Atomic Hydrogen - LBW - has 14 citations. Kramer et al. (2006) - A Periodically Active Pulsar Giving Insight into Magnetospheric Physics - 430, LB - has 165 citations. Lommen et al. (2006) - The Parallax and Proper Motion of PSR J0030+0451 - 430, LB has 28 citations. Lonsdale et al. (2006) - VLBI Images of 49 Radio Supernovae in Arp 220 - LBW - has 74 citations. Lorimer et al. (2006) - The Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey - VI. Discovery and Timing of 142 Pulsars and a Galactic Population Analysis - LBN, LBW - has 171 citations. Lorimer et al. (2006) - Arecibo Pulsar Survey Using ALFA. II. The Young, Highly Relativistic Binary Pulsar J1906+0746 - 430, ALFA, LBW, SBH, CBH - has 70 citations. Osten and Bastian (2006) - Wide-Band Spectroscopy of Two Radio Bursts on AD Leonis LBW - has 16 citations. Putman et al. (2006) - The Relationship Between Baryons and Dark Matter in Extended Galaxy Halos - LB - has 5 citations.

Putney and Stinebring (2006) - Multiple Scintillation Arcs in Six Pulsars - LB - has 0 citations. Ramachandran et al. (2006) - Interstellar Plasma Weather Effects in Long-Term Multifrequency Timing of Pulsar B1937+21 - LB, SBL - has 17 citations. Rankin et al. (2006) - Bistable Profile Illumination in Pulsars B0919+06 and B1859+07 327, LB - has 4 citations. Rankin and Suleymanova (2006) - The Topology and Polarisation of Subbeams Associated with the "Drifting" Subpulse Emission of Pulsar B0943+10. IV. Q-to-B-mode Recovery Dynamics - 327 - has 16 citations. Sage and Welch (2006) - The Cool ISM in S0 Galaxies. II. A Survey of Atomic Gas - LBN, LBW - has 38 citations. Savolainen et al. (2006) - An Extremely Curved Relativistic Jet in PKS 2136+141 - CB has 12 citations. Stanimirovi´ et al. (2006) - First Results from the Arecibo Galactic H I Survey: The c Disk/Halo Interface Region in the Outer Galaxy - ALFA - has 51 citations. Stinebring (2006) - Scintillation Arcs: Probing Turbulence and Structure in the ISM - LB has 0 citations. van Leeuwen et al. (2006) - Arecibo and the ALFA Pulsar Survey - ALFA - has 0 citations. van Loon et al. (2006) - Stellar Mass Loss and the Intracluster Medium in Galactic Globular Clusters: A Deep Radio Survey for H I and OH - LBW - has 32 citations. Weltevrede et al. (2006) - Is Pulsar B0656+14 a Very Nearby Rotating Radio Transient? 327 - has 62 citations. Weltevrede et al. (2006) - The Bright Spiky Emission of Pulsar B0656+14 - 327, LBW - has 29 citations.

Bania et al. (2007) - The Milky Way 3-Helium Abundance - XB - has 8 citations. Bietenholz and Bartel (2007) - SN 2001em: No Jet-driven Gamma-Ray Burst Event - XB has 12 citations. di Serego Alighieri et al. (2007) - The H I Content of Early-Type Galaxies from the ALFALFA Survey. I. Catalogued H I Sources in the Virgo cluster - ALFA - has 46 citations. Dyks et al. (2007) - A Model for Double Notches and Bifurcated Components in Radio Profiles of Pulsars and Magnetars. Evidence for the Parallel Acceleration Maser in Pulsar Magnetosphere - 327, LBW - has 11 citations. Forbrich et al. (2007) - Searching for Coronal Radio Emission from Protostars using VeryLong-Baseline Interferometry - XB - has 7 citations. Giovanelli et al. (2007) - The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey. III. H I Source Catalog of the Northern Virgo Cluster Region - ALFA - has 114 citations.

Hankins and Eilek (2007) - Radio Emission Signatures in the Crab Pulsar - CBH, XB - has 58 citations. Haynes et al. (2007) - NGC 4254: An Act of Harassment Uncovered by the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey - ALFA, LBW - has 60 citations. Herfindal and Rankin (2007) - Periodic Nulls in the Pulsar B1133+16 - 327 - has 30 citations. Hessels et al. (2007) - A 1.4 GHz Arecibo Survey for Pulsars in Globular Clusters - LBW has 47 citations. Howell et al. (2007) - Radio OH Observations of 9P/Tempel 1 Before and After Deep Impact - ALFA, LBW - has 4 citations. Kent et al. (2007) - Optically Unseen H I Detections toward the Virgo Cluster Detected in the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey - ALFA, LBW - has 29 citations. Kronberg et al. (2007) - Discovery of New Faint Radio Emission on 8 to 3' Scales in the Coma Field, and Some Galactic and Extragalactic Implications - 430G - has 32 citations. Levy et al. (2007) - The Effect of Cluster Environment on Galaxy Evolution in the Pegasus I Cluster - LBN, LBW - has 22 citations. Liu et al. (2007) - G515, Revisited. I. Stellar Populations and Evidence of Nuclear Activity in A Luminous "E+A" Galaxy - LBN - has 12 citations. Lorimer et al. (2007) - PSR J1453+1902 and the Radio Luminosities of Solitary versus Binary Millisecond Pulsars - 430G - has 9 citations. Pandian et al. (2007) - The Arecibo Methanol Maser Galactic Plane Survey. I. Data - CBH - has 50 citations. Parra et al. (2007) - The Radio Spectra of the Compact Sources in Arp 220: A Mixed Population of Supernovae and Supernova Remnants - CB - has 68 citations. Peek et al. (2007) - Reconstructing Deconstruction: High-Velocity Cloud Distance through Disruption Morphology - ALFA - has 42 citations. Pihlstr¨ et al. (2007) - Stirring the Embers: High-Sensitivity VLBI Observations of GRB om 030329 - CB - has 25 citations. Rankin (2007) - Further Evidence for Alignment of the Rotation and Velocity Vectors in Pulsars - LBW - has 25 citations. Rankin and Wright (2007) - Interaction between Nulls and Emission in the Pulsar B0834+06 - 327 - has 12 citations. Ulvestad et al. (2007) - A VLBI Search for Radio Supernovae in Wolf-Rayet Galaxies - CB - has 9 citations. Zhang et al. (2007) - A Search for the Third Lensed Image in JVAS B1030+074 - LBW has 6 citations.


Ba jkova and Pushkarev (2008) - Structure of the Radio Source 3C 120 at 8.4 GHz from VLBA+ Observations in 2002 - XB - has 1 citations. Bartel and Bietenholz (2008) - Shell Revealed in SN 1979C - CB - has 12 citations. Catinella et al. (2008) - A Pilot Survey of H I in Field Galaxies at Redshift z 0.2 - LBW - has 38 citations. Champion et al. (2008) - An Eccentric Binary Millisecond Pulsar in the Galactic Plane ALFA, SBL - has 96 citations. Cortese et al. (2008) - The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey - II. A H I View of the Abell Cluster 1367 and its Outskirts - ALFA, LBW - has 27 citations. Crutcher and Troland (2008) - Testing Faraday Rotation Estimates of Magnetic Field Strengths toward Dark Clouds - LBW - has 4 citations. Dedes et al. (2008) - An Enigmatic H I Cloud - ALFA - has 2 citations. Dodson et al. (2008) - The VSOP 5 GHz Active Galactic Nucleus Survey. V. Imaging Results for the Remaining 140 Sources - CB - has 18 citations. Freire et al. (2008) - A Massive Neutron Star in the Globular Cluster M5 - 430L, LBW - has 74 citations. Gavazzi et al. (2008) - H I content and Other Structural Properties of Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster from the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey - ALFA - has 33 citations. Goldsmith et al. (2008) - A Search for 6.7 GHz Methanol Masers in M33 - CBH - has 8 citations. Grossi et al. (2008) - H I Clouds in the Proximity of M 33 - ALFA - has 26 citations. Hemberger and Stinebring (2008) - Time Variability of Interstellar Scattering and Improvements to Pulsar Timing - LBW - has 17 citations. Hessels et al. (2008) - PSR J1856+0245: Arecibo Discovery of a Young, Energetic Pulsar Coincident with the TeV -Ray Source HESS J1857+026 - ALFA, LBW - has 21 citations. Ho et al. (2008b) - A New H I Survey of Active Galaxies - LBW - has 15 citations. Ho et al. (2008a) - Properties of Active Galaxies Deduced from H I Observations - LBW has 29 citations. Kanekar (2008) - Do the Fundamental Constants Change with Time? - LBW - has 15 citations. Kent et al. (2008) - The Arecibo Legacy Fast Alfa Survey. VI. Second H I Source Catalog of the Virgo Cluster Region - ALFA - has 48 citations. Koopmann et al. (2008) - A 500 kpc H I Extension of the Virgo Pair NGC 4532/DDO 137 Detected by the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (ALFALFA) Survey - ALFA - has 21 citations. Lee et al. (2008) - A 21 cm Spectral and Continuum Study of IC 443 Using the Very Large Array and the Arecibo Telescope - LB - has 28 citations.

Osten and Bastian (2008) - Ultrahigh Time Resolution Observations of Radio Bursts on AD Leonis - LBW - has 16 citations. Pandian et al. (2008) - Detection of 6.7 GHz Methanol Absorption towards Hot Corinos CBH - has 9 citations. Rankin and Wright (2008) - The `Periodic Nulls' of Radio Pulsar J1819+1305 - 327, LBW - has 16 citations. Robishaw et al. (2008) - Extragalactic Zeeman Detections in OH Megamasers - LBW - has 46 citations. Saintonge et al. (2008) - The Arecibo Legacy Fast Alfa Survey. V. The H I Source Catalog of the Anti-Virgo Region at = +27 - ALFA - has 38 citations. Salter et al. (2008) - The Arecibo ARP 220 Spectral Census. I. Discovery of the Pre-Biotic Molecule Methanimine and New Cm-Wavelength Transitions of Other Molecules - LBW, SBH, CB, CBH, XB - has 24 citations. Stanimirovi´ et al. (2008) - The Many Streams of the Magellanic Stream - ALFA - has 40 c citations. Troland and Crutcher (2008) - Magnetic Fields in Dark Cloud Cores: Arecibo OH Zeeman Observations - LBW - has 103 citations. Weisberg et al. (2008) - Arecibo H I Absorption Measurements of Pulsars and the Electron Density at Intermediate Longitudes in the First Galactic Quadrant - LB - has 17 citations.

Abdo et al. (2009) - Pulsed Gamma-Rays from PSR J2021+3651 with the Fermi Large Area Telescope - LBW - has 34 citations. Archibald et al. (2009) - A Radio Pulsar/X-ray Binary Link - LBW - has 131 citations. Bennert et al. (2009) - A Search for H2 O Megamasers in High-z Type-2 Active Galactic Nuclei - XB - has 12 citations. Cherinka et al. (2009) - H I Observations of the Ca II Absorbing Galaxies Mrk 1456 and SDSS J211701.26-002633.7 - LBW - has 2 citations. Courtois et al. (2009) - The Extragalactic Distance Database: All Digital H I Profile Catalog - LBN, LBW - has 27 citations. Deneva et al. (2009) - Arecibo Pulsar Survey Using ALFA: Probing Radio Pulsar Intermittency And Transients - 327, ALFA, LBW - has 63 citations. Grcevich and Putman (2009) - H I in Local Group Dwarf Galaxies and Stripping by the Galactic Halo - ALFA - has 140 citations. Heitsch and Putman (2009) - The Fate of High-Velocity Clouds: Warm or Cold Cosmic Rain? - ALFA - has 69 citations. Herfindal and Rankin (2009) - Deep Analyses of Nulling in Arecibo Pulsars Reveal Further Periodic Behaviour - 327 - has 17 citations.

Irwin et al. (2009) - CDM Satellites and H I Companions­the Arecibo ALFA Survey of NGC 2903 - ALFA - has 15 citations. Kniazev et al. (2009) - The Faint Outer Regions of the Pegasus Dwarf Irregular Galaxy: A Much Larger and Undisturbed Galaxy - ALFA - has 10 citations. Krzeszowski et al. (2009) - On the Aberration-Retardation Effects in Pulsars - 430, LBW, SBL, SBH, CB - has 12 citations. Marcaide et al. (2009) - 1.6 GHz VLBI Observations of SN 1979C: Almost-Free Expansion - LBW - has 7 citations. Martin et al. (2009) - The Arecibo Legacy Fast Alfa Survey. VIII. H I Source Catalog of the Anti-Virgo Region at = +25 - ALFA - has 12 citations. McLaughlin et al. (2009) - Timing Observations of Rotating Radio Transients - 327 - has 30 citations. More et al. (2009) - The Role of Luminous Substructure in the Gravitational Lens System MG 2016+112 - CB - has 33 citations. Peek et al. (2009) - Low-Velocity Halo Clouds - ALFA - has 19 citations. Putman et al. (2009) - The Disruption and Fueling of M33 - ALFA - has 44 citations. Redman and Rankin (2009) - On the Randomness of Pulsar Nulls - 327 - has 11 citations. Schinzel et al. (2009) - SN 2001em: Not So Fast - XB - has 12 citations. Stierwalt et al. (2009) - The Arecibo Legacy Fast Alfa Survey. IX. The Leo Region H I Catalog, Group Membership, and the H I Mass Function for the Leo I Group - ALFA, LBW - has 25 citations. Tully et al. (2009) - The Extragalactic Distance Database - LB - has 138 citations. van Driel et al. (2009) - H I Line Observations of 2MASS Galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance - LBN - has 3 citations. van Loon et al. (2009) - A Peculiar H I Cloud near the Distant Globular Cluster Pal4 - ALFA - has 13 citations. Wagg and Momjian (2009) - Constraints on the Presence of Water Megamaser Emission in z 2.5 Ultraluminous Infrared Starburst Galaxies - CBH - has 2 citations.

Abdo et al. (2010) - PSR J1907+0602: A Radio-Faint Gamma-Ray Pulsar Powering a Bright TeV Pulsar Wind Nebula - LBW - has 44 citations. Abdo et al. (2010) - The First Fermi Large Area Telescope Catalog of Gamma-ray Pulsars - LBW - has 360 citations. Antonova et al. (2010) - Multi-Frequency Long-Term Monitoring of the Ultracool Dwarf TVLM 513-46546 - CB - has 1 citations.

Araya et al. (2010) - Quasi-Periodic Formaldehyde Maser Flares in the Massive Protostellar Ob ject IRAS 18566+0408 - CB, CBH - has 15 citations. Archibald et al. (2010) - X-ray Variability and Evidence for Pulsations from the Unique Radio Pulsar/X-ray Binary Transition Ob ject FIRST J102347.6+003841 - LBW - has 39 citations. Backus et al. (2010) - Dynamic Emission Properties of Pulsars B0943+10 and B1822-09 - I. Comparison, and the Discovery of a `Q'-Mode Precursor - 327, 430L - has 11 citations. Begum et al. (2010) - Compact H I Clouds from the GALFA-HI Survey - ALFA - has 13 citations. Begum et al. (2010) - The Thermally Unstable Warm Neutral Medium: Key for Modeling the Interstellar Medium - LB - has 12 citations. Brisken et al. (2010) - 100 µas Resolution VLBI Imaging of Anisotropic Interstellar Scattering toward Pulsar B0834+06 - 327 - has 26 citations. Catinella et al. (2010) - The GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey - I. Gas Fraction Scaling Relations of Massive Galaxies and First Data Release - LBW - has 122 citations. Champion et al. (2010) - Measuring the Mass of Solar System Planets Using Pulsar Timing - LBW - has 33 citations. Chastain et al. (2010) - High-Resolution CH Observations of Two Translucent Molecular Clouds - SBH - has 6 citations. Chepurnov et al. (2010) - Velocity Spectrum for H I at High Latitudes - ALFA - has 36 citations. Crossley et al. (2010) - Short-lived Radio Bursts from the Crab Pulsar - SBH, CB - has 5 citations. Fernandez et al. (2010) - A Radio Spectral Line Study of the 2 Jy IRAS-NVSS Sample. I LBW - has 4 citations. Force and Rankin (2010) - Subpulse Modulation, Moding and Nulling of the Five-Component Pulsar B1737+13 - 327, LBW - has 1 citations. Frey et al. (2010) - The Radio-Loud Active Nucleus in the "Dark Lens" Galaxy J1218+2953 - LBW - has 0 citations. Giovanelli et al. (2010) - Are Newly Discovered H I High-Velocity Clouds Minihalos in the Local Group? - ALFA - has 25 citations. Hankins and Rankin (2010) - Arecibo Multi-Frequency Time-Aligned Pulsar Average-Profile and Polarization Database - 430L, LB, SBN, CB - has 12 citations. Henning et al. (2010) - The Arecibo L-band Feed Array Zone of Avoidance Survey. I. Precursor Observations Through the Inner and Outer Galaxy - ALFA - has 8 citations. Jenet et al. (2010) - Apparent Faster-Than-Light Pulse Propagation in Interstellar Space: A New Probe of the Interstellar Medium - LBW - has 0 citations.

Kanekar et al. (2010) - Probing Fundamental Constant Evolution with Redshifted ConjugateSatellite OH Lines - LBW - has 24 citations. Kent (2010) - Clouds toward the Virgo Cluster Periphery: Gas-Rich Optically Inert Galaxies - ALFA, LBW - has 5 citations. Kloumann and Rankin (2010) - On the Long and Short Nulls, Modes and Interpulse Emission of Radio Pulsar B1944+17 - 327, LBW - has 9 citations. Knispel et al. (2010) - Pulsar Discovery by Global Volunteer Computing - ALFA, SBL - has 17 citations. Koo et al. (2010) - H I Zeeman Experiments of Shocked Atomic Gas in Two Supernova Remnants Interacting with Molecular Clouds - LBW - has 6 citations. Migliari et al. (2010) - The Complete Spectrum of the Neutron Star X-ray Binary 4U 0614+091 - CB - has 37 citations. Minchin et al. (2010) - The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey. III. Observations toward the Galaxy Pair NGC 7332/7339 and the Isolated Galaxy NGC 1156 - ALFA, LBW - has 9 citations. Nidever et al. (2010) - The 200 Long Magellanic Stream System - ALFA - has 43 citations. Parra et al. (2010) - COLA. III. Radio Detection of Active Galactic Nucleus in Compact Moderate Luminosity Infrared Galaxies - CB - has 14 citations. Salter et al. (2010) - The Discovery of Host Galaxy H I Absorption in CTA 21 - 800 - has 7 citations. Saz Parkinson et al. (2010) - Eight -Ray Pulsars Discovered in Blind Frequency Searches of Fermi LAT Data - 327, LBW - has 86 citations. Siemion et al. (2010) - New SETI Sky Surveys for Radio Pulses - ALFA - has 11 citations. Stanimirovi´ et al. (2010) - Arecibo Multi-Epoch H I Absorption Measurements Against c Pulsars: Tiny-Scale Atomic Structure - LB - has 6 citations. Weisberg et al. (2010) - Timing Measurements of the Relativistic Binary Pulsar PSR B1913+16 - LB - has 92 citations. Weisberg et al. (2010) - A Search for Neutron Star Precession and Interstellar Magnetic Field Variations Via Multiepoch Pulsar Polarimetry - LB - has 4 citations. Zeiger and Darling (2010) - Formaldehyde Anti-Inversion at z = 0.68 in the Gravitational Lens B0218 + 357 - SBL - has 9 citations.

Batejat et al. (2011) - Resolution of the Compact Radio Continuum Sources in Arp220 - XB - has 15 citations. Bhat et al. (2011) - An Arecibo Search for Pulsars and Transient Sources in M33 - ALFA has 4 citations.

Brosch et al. (2011) - Galaxies with Wide H I Profiles - ALFA - has 1 citations. Carswell et al. (2011) - A Cold Component and the Complex Velocity Structure of DLA1331 + 170 - LB - has 10 citations. Castangia et al. (2011) - Water Vapour at High Redshift: Arecibo Monitoring of the Megamaser in MG J0414+0534 - CB, CBH - has 4 citations. Chapman et al. (2011) - The Magnetic Field in Taurus Probed by Infrared Polarization - LB - has 31 citations. Darling et al. (2011) - The ALFALFA H I Absorption Pilot Survey: A Wide-Area Blind Damped Ly System Survey of the Local Universe - ALFA - has 5 citations. Davies et al. (2011) - The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey - IV. The NGC 7448 Region and the H I Mass Function - ALFA - has 5 citations. Demorest (2011) - Cyclic Spectral Analysis of Radio Pulsars - 430 - has 16 citations. Espada et al. (2011) - The AMIGA Sample of Isolated Galaxies. VIII. The Rate of Asymmetric H I Profiles in Spiral Galaxies - LB - has 12 citations. Fabello et al. (2011) - ALFALFA H I Data Stacking - I. Does the Bulge Quench Ongoing Star Formation in Early-Type Galaxies? - ALFA - has 32 citations. Fabello et al. (2011) - Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA H I Data Stacking - II. H I Content of the Host Galaxies of Active Galactic Nuclei - ALFA - has 12 citations. Freire et al. (2011) - On the Nature and Evolution of the Unique Binary Pulsar J1903+0327 - LBW - has 73 citations. Freudling et al. (2011) - Deep 21 cm H I Observations at z 0.1: The Precursor to the Arecibo Ultra Deep Survey - ALFA - has 9 citations. Ginsburg et al. (2011) - Galactic H2 CO Densitometry. I. Pilot Survey of Ultracompact H II Regions and Methodology - CB - has 9 citations. Gonzalez et al. (2011) - High-Precision Timing of Five Millisecond Pulsars: Space Velocities, Binary Evolution, and Equivalence Principles - LBW, SBL - has 17 citations. Gwinn et al. (2011) - Effects of Intermittent Emission: Noise Inventory for the Scintillating Pulsar B0834+06 - 327 - has 6 citations. Haynes et al. (2011) - The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: The .40 H I Source Catalog, Its Characteristics and Their Impact on the Derivation of the H I Mass Function - ALFA has 97 citations. Hsu et al. (2011) - Physical Properties of Complex C Halo Clouds - ALFA - has 9 citations. Knispel et al. (2011) - Arecibo PALFA Survey and Einstein@Home: Binary Pulsar Discovery by Volunteer Computing - ALFA, SBL - has 16 citations. McIntyre et al. (2011) - Discovery and Follow-Up of a Nearby Galaxy from the Arecibo Zone of Avoidance Survey - ALFA, LBW - has 3 citations. Mitra and Rankin (2011) - Toward an Empirical Theory of Pulsar Emission. IX. On the

Peculiar Properties and Geometric Regularity of Lyne and Manchester's "PArtial Cone" Pulsars - 327, LBW - has 13 citations. Nakashima et al. (2011) - Maser Properties of the Enigmatic IRAS Source 19312+1950 LBW - has 6 citations. Peek et al. (2011) - The GALFA-HI Survey: Data Release 1 - ALFA - has 37 citations. Peek et al. (2011) - The Local Leo Cold Cloud and New Limits on a Local Hot Bubble ALFA - has 19 citations. Ray et al. (2011) - Precise -Ray Timing and Radio Observations of 17 Fermi -Ray Pulsars - 327, 430, ALFA, LBW - has 72 citations. Saintonge et al. (2011) - COLD GASS, an IRAM legacy survey of molecular gas in massive galaxies - I. Relations between H2 , H I, stellar content and structural properties - LBW has 103 citations. van der Horst et al. (2011) - Detailed Radio View on Two Stellar Explosions and Their Host Galaxy: XRF 080109/SN 2008D and SN 2007uy in NGC 2770 - CB - has 10 citations. Willett et al. (2011) - Mid-infrared Properties of OH Megamaser Host Galaxies. II. Analysis and Modeling of the Maser Environment - LBW - has 8 citations.

Abramowski et al. (2012) - The 2010 Very High Energy -Ray Flare and 10 Years of MultiWavelength Observations of M 87 - CB - has 49 citations. Al-Marzouk et al. (2012) - Discovery of 6.035 GHz Hydroxyl Maser Flares in IRAS 18566+0408 - CBH - has 1 citations. Bania et al. (2012) - The Arecibo H II Region Discovery Survey - XB - has 8 citations. Batejat et al. (2012) - Rapid variability of the compact radio sources in Arp220. Evidence for a population of microblazars? - CB - has 4 citations. Bontempi et al. (2012) - Physical Properties of the Nuclear Region in Seyfert Galaxies Derived from Observations with the European VLBI Network - LBW, CB - has 6 citations. Catinella et al. (2012) - The GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey - IV. Baryonic Mass-Velocity-Size Relations of Massive Galaxies - LBW - has 12 citations. Catinella et al. (2012) - The GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey. VI. Second Data Release and Updated Gas Fraction Scaling Relations - LBW - has 20 citations. Crawford et al. (2012) - Four Highly Dispersed Millisecond Pulsars Discovered in the Arecibo PALFA Galactic Plane Survey - ALFA, LBW - has 8 citations. Deller et al. (2012) - A Parallax Distance and Mass Estimate for the Transitional Millisecond Pulsar System J1023+0038 - LB - has 21 citations. Deneva et al. (2012) - Two Millisecond Pulsars Discovered by the PALFA Survey and a Shapiro Delay Measurement - ALFA, LBW - has 7 citations.

Fabello et al. (2012) - ALFALFA H I data stacking - III. Comparison of environmental trends in H I gas mass fraction and specific star formation rate - ALFA - has 5 citations. Freire et al. (2012) - The Relativistic Pulsar-White Dwarf Binary PSR J1738+0333 - II. The Most Stringent Test of Scalar-Tensor Gravity - LBW - has 75 citations. Giroletti et al. (2012) - The Kinematic of HST-1 in the Jet of M 87 - CB - has 13 citations. Guillemot et al. (2012) - Discovery of the Millisecond Pulsar PSR J2043+1711 in a Fermi Source with the Nan¸ y Radio Telescope - 327, LBW - has 24 citations. ca Hallenbeck et al. (2012) - Gas-Bearing Early-Type Dwarf Galaxies in Virgo: Evidence for Recent Accretion - ALFA, LBW - has 11 citations. Kang et al. (2012) - An Old Supernova Remnant within an H II Complex at 173 : FVW 172.8+1.5 - ALFA - has 2 citations. Kirsten and Vlemmings (2012) - No Evidence for a Central IMBH in M 15 - LBW - has 10 citations. Lee-Waddell et al. (2012) - Pre-existing dwarfs, tidal knots and a tidal dwarf galaxy: an unbiased H I study of the gas-rich interacting galaxy group NGC 3166/9 - ALFA - has 4 citations. Lorimer et al. (2012) - Radio and X-Ray Observations of the Intermittent Pulsar J1832+0029 - LBW - has 22 citations. Mesler et al. (2012) - VLBI and Archival VLA and WSRT Observations of the GRB 030329 Radio Afterglow - CB - has 4 citations. Pletsch et al. (2012) - Discovery of Nine Gamma-Ray Pulsars in Fermi Large Area Telescope Data Using a New Blind Search Method - 327, LBW - has 48 citations. Romero-Canizales et al. (2012) - EVN Observations of the Farthest and Brightest ULIRGs ~ in the Local Universe: The Case of IRAS 23365+3604 - LBW, CB - has 1 citations. Route and Wolszczan (2012) - The Arecibo Detection of the Coolest Radio-Flaring Brown Dwarf - CB - has 19 citations. Saintonge et al. (2012) - The Impact of Interactions, Bars, Bulges, and Active Galactic Nuclei on Star Formation Efficiency in Local Massive Galaxies - LBW - has 37 citations. Saul et al. (2012) - The GALFA-H I Compact Cloud Catalog - ALFA - has 12 citations. Scott et al. (2012) - Two Long H I Tails in the Outskirts of Abell 1367 - ALFA - has 8 citations. Shannon and Cordes (2012) - Pulse Intensity Modulation and the Timing Stability of Millisecond Pulsars: A Case Study of PSR J1713+0747 - LBW - has 10 citations. Spitler et al. (2012) - Multimoment Radio Transient Detection - 430, ALFA - has 4 citations. Taylor et al. (2012) - The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey - V. The Virgo cluster (I) ALFA, LBW - has 8 citations. Torres et al. (2012) - VLBA Determination of the Distance to nearby Star-forming Regions.

V. Dynamical Mass, Distance, and Radio Structure of V773 Tau A - XB - has 19 citations.

Abdo et al. (2013) - The Second Fermi Large Area Telescope Catalog of Gamma-Ray Pulsars - LBW - has 97 citations. Adams et al. (2013) - A Catalog of Ultra-compact High Velocity Clouds from the ALFALFA Survey: Local Group Galaxy Candidates? - ALFA - has 9 citations. Allen et al. (2013) - The Einstein@Home Search for Radio Pulsars and PSR J2007+2722 Discovery - 327, 430G, ALFA, SBL - has 14 citations. Antoniadis et al. (2013) - A Massive Pulsar in a Compact Relativistic Binary - LBW - has 272 citations. Catinella et al. (2013) - The GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey - VIII. Final data release. The effect of group environment on the gas content of massive galaxies - LBW - has 11 citations. Demorest et al. (2013) - Limits on the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background from the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves - 327, 430G, LBW, SBN has 94 citations. Deneva et al. (2013) - Goals, Strategies and First Discoveries of AO327, the Arecibo All-sky 327 MHz Drift Pulsar Survey - 327 - has 6 citations. Ginsburg et al. (2013) - A Measurement of the Turbulence-driven Density Distribution in a Non-star-forming Molecular Cloud - CB - has 3 citations. Giovanelli et al. (2013) - ALFALFA Discovery of the Nearby Gas-rich Dwarf Galaxy Leo P. I. H I Observations - ALFA, LBW - has 18 citations. Kardashev et al. (2013) - "RadioAstron"-A telescope with a size of 300 000 km: Main parameters and first observational results - 327 - has 11 citations. Lemonias et al. (2013) - The GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey. VII. The Bivariate Neutral Hydrogen-Stellar Mass Function for Massive Galaxies - LBW - has 3 citations. Liu et al. (2013) - SIGGMA: A Survey of Ionized Gas in the Galaxy, Made with the Arecibo Telescope - ALFA - has 0 citations. McBride and Heiles (2013) - An Arecibo Survey for Zeeman Splitting in OH Megamaser Galaxies - LBW - has 4 citations. McBride et al. (2013) - Constraints on OH Megamaser Excitation from a Survey of OH Satellite Lines - LBW - has 1 citations. McLaughlin (2013) - The North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves - 430G, LBW, SBL - has 15 citations. Nice et al. (2013) - Timing and Interstellar Scattering of 35 Distant Pulsars Discovered in the PALFA Survey - ALFA, LBW - has 4 citations. Papastergis et al. (2013) - The Clustering of ALFALFA Galaxies: Dependence on H I Mass, Relationship with Optical Samples, and Clues of Host Halo Properties - ALFA - has 2

citations. Park et al. (2013) - H I Shells and Supershells in the I-GALFA H I 21 cm Line Survey. I. Fast-expanding H I Shells Associated with Supernova Remnants - ALFA - has 1 citations. Pingel et al. (2013) - Characterizing the Turbulent Properties of the Starless Molecular Cloud MBM 16 - ALFA - has 1 citations. Rankin et al. (2013) - Drifting, moding and nulling: another look at pulsar B1918+19 - 327, LBW - has 4 citations. Route and Wolszczan (2013) - The 5 GHz Arecibo Search for Radio Flares from Ultracool Dwarfs - CB - has 2 citations. Shannon et al. (2013) - Gravitational-wave limits from pulsar timing constrain supermassive black hole evolution. - LB, SBN - has 34 citations. Smith et al. (2013) - Core and conal component analysis of pulsar B1237+25 - II. Investigation of the segregated modes - 327 - has 1 citations. Taylor et al. (2013) - The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey - VI. The Virgo cluster (II) - ALFA, LBW - has 2 citations. Tully et al. (2013) - Cosmicflows-2: The Data - LB - has 22 citations. Von Korff et al. (2013) - Astropulse: A Search for Microsecond Transient Radio Signals Using Distributed Computing. I. Methodology - ALFA - has 0 citations. Walker et al. (2013) - Cyclic Spectroscopy of The Millisecond Pulsar, B1937+21 - 430G has 2 citations. Wang et al. (2013) - The Bluedisks pro ject, a study of unusually H I-rich galaxies - I. H I sizes and morphology - LB - has 6 citations.

Bietenholz et al. (2014) - Radio limits on off-axis GRB afterglows and VLBI observations of SN 2003gk - XB - has 3 citations. Deane et al. (2014) - A close-pair binary in a distant triple supermassive black hole system - LBW - has 4 citations. Fonseca et al. (2014) - A Comprehensive Study of Relativistic Gravity Using PSR B1534+12 - 430, LB - has 3 citations. Ga jjar et al. (2014) - On the long nulls of PSRs J1738-2330 and J1752+2359 - 327 - has 2 citations. Hada et al. (2014) - A Strong Radio Brightening at the Jet Base of M 87 during the Elevated Very High Energy Gamma-Ray State in 2012 - CB - has 0 citations. Johnson et al. (2014) - Constraints on the Emission Geometries and Spin Evolution of Gamma-Ray Millisecond Pulsars - LB - has 3 citations.

Kirsten et al. (2014) - Precision astrometry of pulsars and other compact radio sources in the globular cluster M15 - LBW - has 0 citations. Lazarus et al. (2014) - Timing of a young mildly recycled pulsar with a massive white dwarf companion - ALFA, LBW - has 3 citations. Liszt (2014) - N(H I)/E(B - V) - ALFA - has 7 citations. Olmi et al. (2014) - Discovery of weak 6.7 GHz CH3 OH masers in a sample of high-mass Hi-GAL sources - CBH - has 1 citations. Pen et al. (2014) - 50 picoarcsec astrometry of pulsar emission - 327 - has 5 citations. Ransom et al. (2014) - A millisecond pulsar in a stellar triple system - LB - has 15 citations. Seymour et al. (2014) - Bursting emission from PSR B0611+22 - 327, LB, CB, XB - has 0 citations. Sidorin et al. (2014) - Exploring GLIMPSE bubble N107. Multiwavelength observations and simulations - ALFA - has 0 citations. Smirnova et al. (2014) - RadioAstron Studies of the Nearby, Turbulent Interstellar Plasma with the Longest Space-Ground Interferometer Baseline - 327 - has 0 citations. Spitler et al. (2014) - Fast Radio Burst Discovered in the Arecibo Pulsar ALFA Survey ALFA, LBW, 327 - has 12 citations. Stappers et al. (2014) - A State Change in the Missing Link Binary Pulsar System PSR J1023+0038 - CB - has 14 citations. Swiggum et al. (2014) - Arecibo Pulsar Survey Using ALFA. III. Precursor Survey and Population Synthesis - ALFA - has 0 citations. Taylor et al. (2014) - The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey - VII. A dense filament with extremely long H I streams - ALFA, LBW - has 0 citations. Taylor et al. (2014) - The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey - VIII. Discovery of an isolated dwarf galaxy in the Local Volume - ALFA, LBW - has 1 citations. Vigeland and Vallisneri (2014) - Bayesian inference for pulsar-timing models - 327, 430G, LBW, SBN - has 3 citations. Wolszczan and Route (2014) - Timing Analysis of the Periodic Radio and Optical Brightness Variations of the Ultracool Dwarf, TVLM 513-46546 - CB - has 1 citations. Xiao and Zhu (2014) - GSH 90-28-17: a possible old supernova remnant - ALFA - has 0 citations. Zhu et al. (2014) - Searching for Pulsars Using Image Pattern Recognition - ALFA - has 2 citations.

Kamoun et al. (1998) - Radar Observations of Three Comets and Detection of Echoes from One: P/Grigg-Skjellerup - SBTX, SBN - has 13 citations. Campbell et al. (1999) - Surface Processes in the Venus Highlands: Results from Analysis of Magellan and Arecibo Data - SBTX, SBN - has 9 citations. Harmon et al. (1999) - Mars Mapping with Delay-Doppler Radar - SBTX, SBN - has 35 citations. Harmon et al. (1999) - Radar Observations of Comets - SBTX, SBN - has 24 citations. Magri et al. (1999) - Main-Belt Asteroids: Results of Arecibo and Goldstone Radar Observations of 37 Ob jects during 1980-1995 - SBTX, SBN - has 56 citations. Ostro et al. (2000) - Radar Observations of Asteroid 216 Kleopatra - SBTX, SBN - has 91 citations. Pravec et al. (2000) - Fast Rotating Asteroids 1999 TY2 , 1999 SF10 , and 1998 WB2 - SBTX, SBN - has 17 citations. Shepard et al. (2000) - Radar Observations of Asteroid 2100 Ra-Shalom - SBTX, SBN - has 8 citations. Black et al. (2001) - Icy Galilean Satellites: 70 cm Radar Results from Arecibo - 430TX, 430L - has 12 citations. Harmon et al. (2001) - High-Resolution Radar Imaging of Mercury's North Pole - SBTX, SBN - has 62 citations. Magri et al. (2001) - Radar Constraints on Asteroid Regolith Compositions using 433 Eros as Ground Truth - SBTX, SBN - has 31 citations. Ostro et al. (2001) - Radar Observations of Asteroid 288 Glauke - SBTX, SBN - has 4 citations. Ostro et al. (2001) - Radar Observations of Asteroid 1998 ML14 - SBTX, SBN - has 14 citations. Benner et al. (2002) - Radar Observations of Asteroid 1999 JM8 - SBTX, SBN - has 11 citations. Benner et al. (2002) - Radar Observations of Asteroid 3908 Nyx - SBTX, SBN - has 12 citations. Giorgini et al. (2002) - Asteroid 1950 DA's Encounter with Earth in 2880: Physical Limits of Collision Probability Prediction - SBTX, SBN - has 34 citations. Mahapatra et al. (2002) - Radar Observations of Asteroid 7335 (1989 JA) - SBTX, SBN has 3 citations. Margot et al. (2002) - Binary Asteroids in the Near-Earth Ob ject Population - SBTX, SBN - has 95 citations.

Ostro et al. (2002) - Radar Observations of Asteroid 1862 Apollo - SBTX, SBN - has 6 citations. Campbell et al. (2003) - Radar Imaging of the Lunar Poles - 430TX, 430L - has 16 citations. Campbell et al. (2003) - Radar Evidence for Liquid Surfaces on Titan - SBTX, SBN - has 60 citations. Chesley et al. (2003) - Direct Detection of the Yarkovsky Effect by Radar Ranging to Asteroid 6489 Golevka - SBTX, SBN - has 79 citations. Hudson et al. (2003) - High-Resolution model of Asteroid 4179 Toutatis - SBTX, SBN - has 17 citations. Ostro et al. (2003) - Radar Detection of Asteroid 2002 AA29 - SBTX, SBN - has 10 citations. Black et al. (2004) - Radar Detection of Iapetus - SBTX, SBN - has 14 citations. Carter et al. (2004) - Impact Crater Related Surficial Deposits on Venus: Multipolarization Radar Observations with Arecibo - SBTX, SBN - has 18 citations. Ostro et al. (2004) - Radar Observations of Asteroid 25143 Itokawa (1998 SF36 ) - SBTX, SBN - has 31 citations. Shepard et al. (2004) - Radar Detection of Near-Earth Asteroids 1915 Quetzalcoatl, 3199 Nefertiti, 3757 (1982 XB), and 4034 (1986 PA) - SBTX, SBN - has 2 citations. Campbell and Hawke (2005) - Radar Mapping of Lunar Cryptomaria East of Orientale Basin - 430TX - has 17 citations. Ghent et al. (2005) - Earth-Based Observations of Radar-Dark Crater Haloes on the Moon: Implications for Regolith Properties - 430TX, 430L - has 25 citations. Harmon and Nolan (2005) - Radar Observations of Comet 2P/Encke during the 2003 Apparition - SBTX, SBN - has 21 citations. Nicholson et al. (2005) - Radar Imaging of Saturn's Rings - SBTX, SBN - has 23 citations. Ostro et al. (2005) - Radar Observations of Itokawa in 2004 and Improved Shape Estimation - SBTX, SBN - has 13 citations. Pravec et al. (2005) - Tumbling Asteroids - SBTX, SBN - has 64 citations. Benner et al. (2006) - Near-Earth Asteroid 2005 CR37 : Radar Images and Photometry of a Candidate Contact Binary - SBTX, SBN - has 19 citations. Campbell and Campbell (2006) - Regolith Properties in the South Polar Region of the Moon from 70-cm Radar Polarimetry - 430TX - has 34 citations. Campbell et al. (2006) - No Evidence for Thick Deposits of Ice at the Lunar South Pole SBTX - has 68 citations. Carter et al. (2006) - Volcanic Deposits in Shield Fields and Highland Regions on Venus: Surface Properties from Radar Polarimetry - SBTX, SBN - has 8 citations. Harmon et al. (2006) - Radar Observations of Comet P/2005 JQ5 (Catalina) - SBTX, SBN - has 5 citations.

Nolan et al. (2006) - Detection of Large Grains in the Coma of Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR) from Arecibo Radar Observations - SBTX, SBN - has 7 citations. Ostro et al. (2006) - Radar Imaging of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4 SBTX, SBN - has 88 citations. Pravec et al. (2006) - Photometric Survey of Binary Near-Earth Asteroids - SBTX, SBN has 105 citations. Shepard et al. (2006) - Radar and Infrared Observations of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid 2002 CE26 - SBTX, SBN - has 27 citations. Thompson et al. (2006) - Radar Probing of Planetary Regoliths: An Example from the Northern Rim of Imbrium Basin - 430TX - has 3 citations. Black et al. (2007) - Arecibo Radar Observations of Rhea, Dione, Tethys, and Enceladus SBTX, SBN - has 4 citations. Busch et al. (2007) - Arecibo Radar Observations of Phobos and Deimos - SBTX, SBN - has 5 citations. Busch et al. (2007) - Physical Modeling of Near-Earth Asteroid (29075) 1950 DA - SBTX, SBN - has 10 citations. Campbell et al. (2007) - Focused 70-cm Wavelength Radar Mapping of the Moon - 430TX has 33 citations. Harmon et al. (2007) - Mercury: Radar Images of the Equatorial and Midlatitude Zones SBTX, SBN - has 32 citations. Harmon (2007) - Radar Imaging of Mercury - SBTX, SBN - has 18 citations. Kratter et al. (2007) - An Expanded View of Lada Terra, Venus: New Arecibo Radar Observations of Quetzalpetlatl Corona and Surrounding Flows - SBTX, SBN - has 3 citations. Magri et al. (2007) - A Radar Survey of Main-Belt Asteroids: Arecibo Observations of 55 Ob jects during 1999-2003 - SBTX, SBN - has 28 citations. Magri et al. (2007) - Radar Observations and a Physical Model of Asteroid 1580 Betulia SBTX, SBN - has 28 citations. Margot et al. (2007) - Large Longitude Libration of Mercury Reveals a Molten Core - SBTX, SBN - has 142 citations. Sultan-Salem and Tyler (2007) - Revisiting Titan's Earth-Based Scattering Data at 13 cm- - SBTX, SBN - has 1 citations. Taylor et al. (2007) - Spin Rate of Asteroid (54509) 2000 PH5 Increasing due to the YORP Effect - SBTX, SBN - has 69 citations. Benner et al. (2008) - Near-Earth Asteroid Surface Roughness Depends on Compositional Class - SBTX, SBN - has 35 citations. Busch et al. (2008) - Physical Properties of Near-Earth Asteroid (33342) 1998 WT24 - SBTX, SBN - has 9 citations.

Campbell et al. (2008) - Volcanic and Impact Deposits of the Moon's Aristarchus Plateau: A New View from Earth-Based Radar Images - 430TX, SBTX - has 14 citations. Ghent et al. (2008) - Earth-Based Radar Data Reveal Extended Deposits of the Moon's Orientale Basin - 430TX - has 10 citations. Giorgini et al. (2008) - Predicting the Earth Encounters of (99942) Apophis - SBTX, SBN has 38 citations. Harmon (2008) - Radar Imagery of the Southern Caloris Region, Mercury - SBTX, SBN has 1 citations. Shepard et al. (2008) - Multi-Wavelength Observations of Asteroid 2100 Ra-Shalom - SBTX, SBN - has 18 citations. Shepard et al. (2008) - A Radar Survey of M- and X-class Asteroids - SBTX, SBN - has 35 citations. Shepard et al. (2008) - Radar Observations of E-class Asteroids 44 Nysa and 434 Hungaria - SBTX, SBN - has 8 citations. Brozovic et al. (2009) - Radar Observations and a Physical Model of Asteroid 4660 Nereus, a Prime Space Mission Target - SBTX, SBN - has 5 citations. Campbell et al. (2009) - Surface Morphology of Domes in the Marius Hills and Mons Rumker ¨ Regions of the Moon from Earth-Based Radar Data - 430TX, SBTX - has 17 citations. Campbell et al. (2009) - Rugged Lava Flows on the Moon Revealed by Earth-Based Radar - 430TX - has 9 citations. Carter et al. (2009) - Radar Remote Sensing of Pyroclastic Deposits in the Southern Mare Serenitatis and Mare Vaporum Regions of the Moon - SBTX - has 17 citations. Black et al. (2010) - Radar Measurements of Mercury's North Pole at 70 cm Wavelength 430TX, 430L - has 4 citations. Brozovic et al. (2010) - Radar Observations and a Physical Model of Contact Binary Asteroid 4486 Mithra - SBTX, SBN - has 9 citations. Busch et al. (2010) - Determining Asteroid Spin States using Radar Speckles - SBTX, SBN - has 4 citations. Campbell et al. (2010) - Earth-Based 12.6-cm Wavelength Radar Mapping of the Moon: New Views of Impact Melt Distribution and Mare Physical Properties - SBTX - has 23 citations. Ghent et al. (2010) - Generation and Emplacement of Fine-Grained Ejecta in Planetary Impacts - SBTX - has 11 citations. Harmon et al. (2010) - Radar Observations of 8P/Tuttle: A Contact-Binary Comet - SBTX, SBN - has 6 citations. Nozette et al. (2010) - The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Miniature Radio Frequency (MiniRF) Technology Demonstration - SBTX - has 26 citations. Ostro et al. (2010) - Radar Imaging of Asteroid 7 Iris - SBTX, SBN - has 5 citations.

Shepard et al. (2010) - A Radar Survey of M- and X-class Asteroids II. Summary and Synthesis - SBTX, SBN - has 23 citations. Wells et al. (2010) - Detection of Small Lunar Secondary Craters in Circular Polarization Ratio Radar Images - SBTX - has 6 citations. Black et al. (2011) - Ground-Based Radar Observations of Titan: 2000-2008 - SBTX, SBN - has 1 citations. Brozovic et al. (2011) - Radar and Optical Observations and Physical Modeling of Triple Near-Earth Asteroid (136617) 1994 CC - SBTX, SBN - has 14 citations. Busch et al. (2011) - Radar Observations and the Shape of Near-Earth Asteroid 2008 EV5 SBTX, SBN - has 11 citations. Fang et al. (2011) - Orbits of Near-Earth Asteroid Triples 2001 SN263 and 1994 CC: Properties, Origin, and Evolution - SBTX, SBN - has 15 citations. Harmon et al. (2011) - Radar Imagery of Mercury's Putative Polar Ice: 1999-2005 Arecibo Results - SBTX, SBN - has 13 citations. Harmon et al. (2011) - Radar Observations of Comet 103P/Hartley 2 - SBTX, SBN - has 24 citations. Magri et al. (2011) - Radar and Photometric Observations and Shape Modeling of Contact Binary Near-Earth Asteroid (8567) 1996 HW1 - SBTX, SBN - has 9 citations. Meech et al. (2011) - EPOXI: Comet 103P/Hartley 2 Observations from a Worldwide Campaign - SBTX, SBN - has 50 citations. Shepard et al. (2011) - Radar Observations of Asteroids 64 Angelina and 69 Hesperia SBTX, SBN - has 3 citations. Harmon et al. (2012) - Arecibo Radar Imagery of Mars: The Ma jor Volcanic Provinces SBTX, SBN - has 2 citations. Nugent et al. (2012) - Detection of Semima jor Axis Drifts in 54 Near-Earth Asteroids: New Measurements of the Yarkovsky Effect - SBTX, SBN - has 12 citations. Reddy et al. (2012) - Constraining Albedo, Diameter and Composition of Near-Earth Asteroids via Near-Infrared Spectroscopy - SBTX, SBN - has 5 citations. Muller et al. (2013) - Physical properties of asteroid 308635 (2005 YU55 ) derived from multi¨ instrument infrared observations during a very close Earth approach - SBTX, SBN - has 6 citations. Naidu et al. (2013) - Radar imaging and physical characterization of near-Earth Asteroid (162421) 2000 ET70 - SBTX, SBN - has 0 citations. Neish et al. (2013) - A comparison of rayed craters on the Moon and Mercury - SBTX, SBN - has 1 citations. Nolan et al. (2013) - Shape model and surface properties of the OSIRIS-REx target Asteroid (101955) Bennu from radar and lightcurve observations - SBTX, SBN - has 7 citations.

Takahashi et al. (2013) - Spin State and Moment of Inertia Characterization of 4179 Toutatis - SBTX, SBN - has 2 citations. Campbell et al. (2014) - Improved discrimination of volcanic complexes, tectonic features, and regolith properties in Mare Serenitatis from Earth-based radar mapping - 430TX - has 1 citations. Chesley et al. (2014) - Orbit and bulk density of the OSIRIS-REx target Asteroid (101955) Bennu - SBTX, SBN - has 6 citations. Farnocchia and Chesley (2014) - Assessment of the 2880 impact threat from Asteroid (29075) 1950 DA - SBTX, SBN - has 4 citations. Farnocchia et al. (2014) - High precision predictions for near-Earth asteroids: the strange case of (3908) Nyx - SBTX, SBN - has 2 citations. Kamoun et al. (2014) - Constraints on the subsurface structure and density of the nucleus of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Arecibo radar observations - SBTX, SBN - has 0 citations. ¨ Ohman et al. (2014) - Characterization of melt and ejecta deposits of Kepler crater from remote sensing data - 430TX - has 0 citations.

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