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Дата изменения: Thu Mar 1 19:02:25 2012
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 23:11:22 2012

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The CIMAFITS Headers

The CIMAFITS Headers

The CIMAFITS header version 1.00

3 February 2005 - 22 February 2005

Main FITS-header

SIMPLE  =                    T / File does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                    8 / Number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   =                    0 / Number of data axes
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset do contain extensions
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format defined in Astronomy and
COMMENT   Astrophysics Supplement Series v44/p363, v44/p371, v73/p359, v73/p365.
COMMENT   Contact the NASA Science Office of Standards and Technology for the
COMMENT   FITS Definition document #100 and other FITS information.
COMMENT   http://wiki.gb.nrao.edu/bin/view/Data/
COMMENT   BDFITSWorkingGroupFITSSpecification
COMMENT   Info on CIMAFITS available at http://www.naic.edu/~cima
DATE    = '2005-02-03T17:54:53' / File creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC)
TELESCOP= 'ARECIBO 305m'       / Telescope name
ORIGIN  = 'NAIC'               / Origin of data

Binary table FITS-header

XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / Binary table extension
BITPIX  =                    8 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS   =                    2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1  =                 1288 / Width of table in bytes
NAXIS2  =                 1952 / Number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =            113880192 / Size of heap
GCOUNT  =                    1 / One data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS =                  127 / Number of fields in each row
EXTNAME = 'CIMAFITS'           / CIMAFITS is the standard Arecibo FITS-format
VERSION =                 1.00 / CIMAFITS version number
VER_DATE= '2005-02-03'         / Date when this CIMAFITS version was installed
THEAP   =             84412800 / Byte offset to heap start from bintable start
OBSERVER= 'Lerner  '           / Observer's name
PROJID  = 'x108    '           / Project ID string
OBSID   = 'x108    '           / Observation ID string
BACKEND = 'WAPP    '           / Name of backend
STIME   =                   20 / [ns] Correlator sampling interval
TELESCOP= 'ARECIBO 305m'       / Telescope name
OBSGEO-X=         2390486.9000 / Lat=atan2(Z,sqrt(X*X+Y*Y))
OBSGEO-Y=        -5564731.4400 / Long=atan2(Y,X)
OBSGEO-Z=         1994720.4500 / From VLBI, courtesy T. Ghosh
STARTON =                    0 / Start on 0, 1, or 10 sec tick
RADESYS = 'FK5     '           / Main coordinate system is always FK5
EQUINOX =            2000.0000 / Main coordinate system is always J2000
CTYPE1  = 'FREQ    '           / Type of coordinate
CUNIT1  = 'Hz      '           / Unit of center frequency
CTYPE2  = 'RA      '           / RA type
CUNIT2  = 'deg     '           / RA unit
CRPIX2  =                    1 / RA doesnt change with pixel
CTYPE3  = 'DEC     '           / Dec type
CUNIT3  = 'deg     '           / Dec unit
CRPIX3  =                    1 / Dec doesnt change with pixel
CTYPE4  = 'STOKES  '           / -1=RRpolBcir -2=LLpolAcir, -5=XXpolAlin, -6=YYp
CUNIT4  = '        '           / No unit
CRPIX4  =                    1 / Polarization doesnt change with pixel
CTYPE5  = 'TIME    '           / Start time on date-obs
CUNIT5  = 's       '           / Time unit
CRPIX5  =                    1 / Time doesnt change with pixel
CTYPE2G = 'GLON    '           / Galactic longitude type
CUNIT2G = 'deg     '           / Galactic longitude unit
CRPIX2G =                    1 / Galactic long doesnt change with pixel
CTYPE3G = 'GLAT    '           / Galactic latitude type
CUNIT3G = 'deg     '           / Galactic latitude  unit
CRPIX3G =                    1 / Galactic lat doesnt change with pixel
COMMENT   Explanation of some CIMAFITS binary table columns:
COMMENT   CRVAL1V:  the unit can be either m/s or Z - it is given by CUNIT1V
COMMENT   CDELT1V:  the unit can be either m/s or Z - it is given by CUNIT1V
COMMENT   CUR_ERR:  current tracking error at encoder read out time
COMMENT   INPUT_ID: for ALFA, the eighth channel contains a copy of beam 6
COMMENT   BAD_DATA: 0->good data
COMMENT   NIFS:     1=single pol, 2=dual pol, 4=full Stokes
TTYPE1  = 'DATA    '           / The actual data
TFORM1  = 'PE(16384)'          / Max data size
TUNIT1  = '        '           / Physical unit of field
TTYPE2  = 'TDIM1   '           / Dimensions of data pointed to in the heap
TFORM2  = '16A     '           /
TUNIT2  = '        '           /
TDISP2  = 'A16     '           /
TTYPE3  = 'OBJECT  '           / Name of source observed
TFORM3  = '16A     '           /
TUNIT3  = '        '           /
TDISP3  = 'A16     '           /
TTYPE4  = 'CRVAL1  '           / Center frequency
TFORM4  = '1D      '           /
TUNIT4  = 'Hz      '           /
TDISP4  = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE5  = 'CDELT1  '           / Frequency interval
TFORM5  = '1D      '           /
TUNIT5  = 'Hz      '           /
TDISP5  = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE6  = 'CRPIX1  '           / Pixel of center frequency
TFORM6  = '1D      '           /
TUNIT6  = '        '           /
TDISP6  = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE7  = 'CRVAL2  '           / True ra pointing this beam on sky
TFORM7  = '1D      '           /
TUNIT7  = 'deg     '           /
TDISP7  = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE8  = 'CRVAL3  '           / True dec pointing this beam on sky
TFORM8  = '1D      '           /
TUNIT8  = 'deg     '           /
TDISP8  = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE9  = 'CRVAL4  '           / Polarization (neg -> Pol, pos -> Stokes)
TFORM9  = '1D      '           /
TUNIT9  = '        '           /
TDISP9  = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE10 = 'CRVAL5  '           / Seconds since midnight from obsdate (UTC)
TFORM10 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT10 = 's       '           /
TDISP10 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE11 = 'DATE-OBS'           / Start of this observation (UTS) - YYYYMMDD
TFORM11 = '16A     '           /
TUNIT11 = '        '           /
TDISP11 = 'A16     '           /
TTYPE12 = 'TSYS    '           / Last computed Tsys - set to 1.0 if unavailable
TFORM12 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT12 = 'K       '           /
TDISP12 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE13 = 'BANDWID '           / Overall bandwidth of spectrum
TFORM13 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT13 = 'Hz      '           /
TDISP13 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE14 = 'RESTFRQ '           / Rest frequency
TFORM14 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT14 = 'Hz      '           /
TDISP14 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE15 = 'RESTFRQG'           / Rest frequency for CRVAL2G and CRVAL3G
TFORM15 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT15 = 'Hz      '           /
TDISP15 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE16 = 'SPECSYS '           / Velocity frame
TFORM16 = '8A      '           /
TUNIT16 = '        '           /
TDISP16 = 'A8      '           /
TTYPE17 = 'SPECSYSG'           / Velocity frame for CRVAL2G and CRVAL3G
TFORM17 = '8A      '           /
TUNIT17 = '        '           /
TDISP17 = 'A8      '           /
TTYPE18 = 'REQ_VEL '           / Requested velocity or z in frame SPECSYS
TFORM18 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT18 = '        '           /
TDISP18 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE19 = 'REQ_VEL_UNIT'       / Specifies units of REQ_VEL: either m/s or Z
TFORM19 = '8A      '           /
TUNIT19 = '        '           /
TDISP19 = 'A8      '           /
TTYPE20 = 'REQ_VEL_TYPE'       / Velocity type for REQ_VEL
TFORM20 = '8A      '           /
TUNIT20 = '        '           /
TDISP20 = 'A8      '           /
TTYPE21 = 'MJD-OBS '           / Modified Julian day number at exposure start
TFORM21 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT21 = 'd       '           /
TDISP21 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE22 = 'LST     '           / Local mean sidereal time
TFORM22 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT22 = 's       '           /
TDISP22 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE23 = 'EXPOSURE'           / Exposure time of current subscan (dump)
TFORM23 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT23 = 's       '           /
TDISP23 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE24 = 'REQ_RA  '           / Requested source RA
TFORM24 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT24 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP24 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE25 = 'REQ_DEC '           / Requested source DEC
TFORM25 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT25 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP25 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE26 = 'REQ_RADESYS'        / Coordinate system used for REQ_RA and REQ_DEC
TFORM26 = '8A      '           /
TUNIT26 = '        '           /
TDISP26 = 'A8      '           /
TTYPE27 = 'REQ_EQUINOX'        / Epoch of requested position REQ_RA and REQ_DEC
TFORM27 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT27 = '        '           /
TDISP27 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE28 = 'REQ_RAJ '           / Requested RA J2000 antenna pointing
TFORM28 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT28 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP28 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE29 = 'REQ_DECJ'           / Requested Dec J2000 antenna pointing
TFORM29 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT29 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP29 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE30 = 'ENC_TIME'           / Time when encoders were read out (UTC)
TFORM30 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT30 = 's       '           /
TDISP30 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE31 = 'ENC_AZIMUTH'        / Azimuth encoder read-out at ENC_TIME
TFORM31 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT31 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP31 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE32 = 'ENC_ELEVATIO'       / Elevation encoder read-out at ENC_TIME
TFORM32 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT32 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP32 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE33 = 'ENC_ALTEL'          / Elevation encoder of other carriage house
TFORM33 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT33 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP33 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE34 = 'OFFC1   '           / Engineering offset
TFORM34 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT34 = 'rad     '           /
TDISP34 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE35 = 'OFFC2   '           / Engineering offset
TFORM35 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT35 = 'rad     '           /
TDISP35 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE36 = 'OFF_TIME'           / Seconds from midnight (UTC)
TFORM36 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT36 = 's       '           /
TDISP36 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE37 = 'RATE_C1 '           / Rate of change offset (eng)
TFORM37 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT37 = 'deg/s   '           /
TDISP37 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE38 = 'RATE_C2 '           / Rate of change offset (eng)
TFORM38 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT38 = 'deg/s   '           /
TDISP38 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE39 = 'OFF_CS  '           / Coordinate system of offs
TFORM39 = '1J      '           /
TUNIT39 = '        '           /
TDISP39 = 'I9      '           /
TTYPE40 = 'RATE_CS '           / Coordinate system of rates
TFORM40 = '1J      '           /
TUNIT40 = '        '           /
TDISP40 = 'I9      '           /
TTYPE41 = 'RATE_DUR'           / How long has rate been applied
TFORM41 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT41 = 's       '           /
TDISP41 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE42 = 'CUR_ERR '           / Actual great circle tracking error
TFORM42 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT42 = 'arcsec  '           /
TDISP42 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE43 = 'ALLOWED_ERR'        / Maximum allowed tracking error
TFORM43 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT43 = 'arcsec  '           /
TDISP43 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE44 = 'AZ_ERR  '           / Azimuth tracking error (actual-requested)
TFORM44 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT44 = 'arcsec  '           /
TDISP44 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE45 = 'EL_ERR  '           / Elevation tracking error (actual-requested)
TFORM45 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT45 = 'arcsec  '           /
TDISP45 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE46 = 'MODEL_OFFAZ'        / Pointing model offset az
TFORM46 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT46 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP46 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE47 = 'MODEL_OFFZA'        / Pointing model offset za
TFORM47 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT47 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP47 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE48 = 'BEAM_OFFAZ'         / ALFA unrotated offset az
TFORM48 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT48 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP48 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE49 = 'BEAM_OFFZA'         / ALFA unrotated offset za
TFORM49 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT49 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP49 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE50 = 'USER_OFFAZ'         / User selected pointing offset az (great circle)
TFORM50 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT50 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP50 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE51 = 'USER_OFFZA'         / User selected pointing offset za
TFORM51 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT51 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP51 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE52 = 'RFEED_OFFAZ'        / Rotated offset this beam az
TFORM52 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT52 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP52 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE53 = 'RFEED_OFFZA'        / Rotated offset this beam za
TFORM53 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT53 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP53 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE54 = 'PRFEED_OFFAZ'       / Offset to center prfeed beam az
TFORM54 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT54 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP54 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE55 = 'PRFEED_OFFZA'       / Offset to center prfeed beam za
TFORM55 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT55 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP55 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE56 = 'BEAM_OFFRAJ'        / Total ra offset to this beam
TFORM56 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT56 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP56 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE57 = 'BEAM_OFFDECJ'       / Total dec offset to this beam za
TFORM57 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT57 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP57 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE58 = 'AZIMUTH '           / True az pointing this beam on sky
TFORM58 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT58 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP58 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE59 = 'ELEVATIO'           / True el pointing this beam on sky
TFORM59 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT59 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP59 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE60 = 'CRVAL2G '           / True galactic l pointing this beam on sky
TFORM60 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT60 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP60 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE61 = 'CRVAL3G '           / True galactic b pointing this beam on sky
TFORM61 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT61 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP61 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE62 = 'OFF_RA  '           / True ra J2000 offset to commanded map center
TFORM62 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT62 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP62 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE63 = 'OFF_DEC '           / True dec J2000 offset to commanded map center
TFORM63 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT63 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP63 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE64 = 'OFF_AZ  '           / True az offset to commanded map center
TFORM64 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT64 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP64 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE65 = 'OFF_ZA  '           / True za offset to commanded map center
TFORM65 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT65 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP65 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE66 = 'ALFA_ANG'           / ALFA rotation angle
TFORM66 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT66 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP66 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE67 = 'PARA_ANG'           / Parallactic angle
TFORM67 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT67 = 'deg     '           /
TDISP67 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE68 = 'VEL_BARY'           / Projected barycentric velocity (incl. VEL_GEO)
TFORM68 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT68 = 'm/s     '           /
TDISP68 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE69 = 'VEL_GEO '           / Projected geocentric velocity
TFORM69 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT69 = 'm/s     '           /
TDISP69 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE70 = 'FRONTEND'           / Receiver name
TFORM70 = '8A      '           /
TUNIT70 = '        '           /
TDISP70 = 'A8      '           /
TTYPE71 = 'BACKENDMODE'        / Backend mode description
TFORM71 = '24A     '           /
TUNIT71 = '        '           /
TDISP71 = 'A24     '           /
TTYPE72 = 'CALTYPE '           / Calibration type
TFORM72 = '8A      '           /
TUNIT72 = '        '           /
TDISP72 = 'A8      '           /
TTYPE73 = 'OBSMODE '           / Name of observation pattern (e.g. ONOFF)
TFORM73 = '8A      '           /
TUNIT73 = '        '           /
TDISP73 = 'A8      '           /
TTYPE74 = 'SCANTYPE'           / Type of scan (as part of pattern - e.g. ON OFF)
TFORM74 = '8A      '           /
TUNIT74 = '        '           /
TDISP74 = 'A8      '           /
TTYPE75 = 'PATTERN_ID'         / Unique number for observation pattern YDDDnnnnn
TFORM75 = '1J      '           /
TUNIT75 = '        '           /
TDISP75 = 'I9      '           /
TTYPE76 = 'SCAN_ID '           / Unique number for scan YDDDnnnnn
TFORM76 = '1J      '           /
TUNIT76 = '        '           /
TDISP76 = 'I9      '           /
TTYPE77 = 'SUBSCAN '           / Sequential number of current subscan (dump)
TFORM77 = '1J      '           /
TUNIT77 = '        '           /
TDISP77 = 'I8      '           /
TTYPE78 = 'TOTAL_SUBSCANS'     / Total number of subscans (dumps) in scan
TFORM78 = '1J      '           /
TUNIT78 = '        '           /
TDISP78 = 'I8      '           /
TTYPE79 = 'LAGS_IN '           / Number of lags - same as bytes of data/4
TFORM79 = '1J      '           /
TUNIT79 = '        '           /
TDISP79 = 'I8      '           /
TTYPE80 = 'BAD_DATA'           / 0->good data <>0->problem (see COMMENT)
TFORM80 = '1J      '           /
TUNIT80 = '        '           /
TDISP80 = 'I8      '           /
TTYPE81 = 'PLAT_POWER'         / Power from platform meter
TFORM81 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT81 = '        '           /
TDISP81 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE82 = 'CNTRL_POWER'        / Power from control room meter
TFORM82 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT82 = '        '           /
TDISP82 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE83 = 'SYN1    '           / Platform synthesizer
TFORM83 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT83 = 'Hz      '           /
TDISP83 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE84 = 'SYNFRQ  '           / Control room synthesizers
TFORM84 = '4D      '           /
TUNIT84 = 'Hz      '           /
TDISP84 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE85 = 'TOT_POWER'          / Scaled power in zero-lag
TFORM85 = '1D      '           /
TUNIT85 = '        '           /
TDISP85 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE86 = 'WAPPMASK'           / Which other WAPPs or ALFAs enabled
TFORM86 = '1J      '           /
TUNIT86 = '        '           /
TDISP86 = 'I8      '           /
TTYPE87 = 'NTCAL   '           / Number of entries in TCAL_FRQ and TCAL_VAL
TFORM87 = '1J      '           /
TUNIT87 = '        '           /
TDISP87 = 'I8      '           /
TTYPE88 = 'TCAL_FRQ'           / Frequencies for Tcal-values in TCAL_VAL
TFORM88 = '32D     '           /
TUNIT88 = 'Hz      '           /
TDISP88 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE89 = 'TCAL_VAL'           / Tcal-values for frequencies in TCAL_FRQ
TFORM89 = '32D     '           /
TUNIT89 = 'K       '           /
TDISP89 = 'D13.5   '           /
TTYPE90 = 'PRFEED  '           / ALFA feed centered on this scan
TFORM90 = '1B      '           /
TUNIT90 = '        '           /
TDISP90 = 'B1      '           /
TTYPE91 = 'NIFS    '           / Number of products for this WAPP/ALFA beam
TFORM91 = '1B      '           /
TUNIT91 = '        '           /
TDISP91 = 'B1      '           /
TTYPE92 = 'IFVAL   '           / Which polarization: 0-1 or 0-3 for Stokes
TFORM92 = '1B      '           /
TUNIT92 = '        '           /
TDISP92 = 'B1      '           /
TTYPE93 = 'INPUT_ID'           / WAPP number 0-3 or 0-7 for ALFA (7=copy of 6)
TFORM93 = '1B      '           /
TUNIT93 = '        '           /
TDISP93 = 'B1      '           /
TTYPE94 = 'UPPERSB '           / True if spectrum flipped
TFORM94 = '1B      '           /
TUNIT94 = '        '           /
TDISP94 = 'B1      '           /
TTYPE95 = 'ATTN_COR'           / Correlator attenuator: 0-15
TFORM95 = '1B      '           /
TUNIT95 = '        '           /
TDISP95 = 'B1      '           /
TTYPE96 = 'MASTER  '           / 0=Gregorian dome 1=Carriage house
TFORM96 = '1B      '           /
TUNIT96 = '        '           /
TDISP96 = 'B1      '           /
TTYPE97 = 'ONSOURCE'           / True if on-source at ENC_TIME
TFORM97 = '1B      '           /
TUNIT97 = '        '           /
TDISP97 = 'B1      '           /
TTYPE98 = 'BLANKING'           / Blanking turned on
TFORM98 = '1B      '           /
TUNIT98 = '        '           /
TDISP98 = 'B1      '           /
TTYPE99 = 'LBWHYB  '           / LBandWide Hybrid is in (for circular pol)
TFORM99 = '1B      '           /
TUNIT99 = '        '           /
TDISP99 = 'B1      '           /
TTYPE100= 'SHCL    '           / True if receiver shutter closed
TFORM100= '1B      '           /
TUNIT100= '        '           /
TDISP100= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE101= 'SBSHCL  '           / True if S-band receiver shutter closed
TFORM101= '1B      '           /
TUNIT101= '        '           /
TDISP101= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE102= 'RFNUM   '           / Platform position of the receiver selector
TFORM102= '1B      '           /
TUNIT102= '        '           /
TDISP102= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE103= 'CALRCVMUX'          / Platform cal selector
TFORM103= '1B      '           /
TUNIT103= '        '           /
TDISP103= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE104= 'ZMNORMAL'           / Platform transfer switch to reverse channels, t
TFORM104= '1B      '           /
TUNIT104= '        '           /
TDISP104= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE105= 'RFATTN  '           / Platform attenuator positions
TFORM105= '2B      '           /
TUNIT105= '        '           /
TDISP105= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE106= 'IFNUM   '           / Platform IF selector, 1/300 2/750, 3/1500, 4/10
TFORM106= '1B      '           /
TUNIT106= '        '           /
TDISP106= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE107= 'IFATTN  '           / Platform IF attenuator positions
TFORM107= '2B      '           /
TUNIT107= '        '           /
TDISP107= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE108= 'FIBER   '           / True if platform fiber chosen (usually true)
TFORM108= '1B      '           /
TUNIT108= '        '           /
TDISP108= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE109= 'AC2SW   '           / Platform AC power to various instruments etc.
TFORM109= '1B      '           /
TUNIT109= '        '           /
TDISP109= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE110= 'PHBSIG  '           / Platform converter combiner signal ph adjust
TFORM110= '1B      '           /
TUNIT110= '        '           /
TDISP110= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE111= 'HYBRID  '           / Platform converter combiner hybrid
TFORM111= '1B      '           /
TUNIT111= '        '           /
TDISP111= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE112= 'PHBLO   '           / Platform converter combiner LO phase adjust
TFORM112= '1B      '           /
TUNIT112= '        '           /
TDISP112= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE113= 'XFNORMAL'           / Control room transfer switch true = default
TFORM113= '1B      '           /
TUNIT113= '        '           /
TDISP113= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE114= 'NOISE   '           / Control room noise on
TFORM114= '1B      '           /
TUNIT114= '        '           /
TDISP114= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE115= 'AMPGAIN '           / Gain of control room amplifiers
TFORM115= '2B      '           /
TUNIT115= '        '           /
TDISP115= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE116= 'INPFRQ  '           / Control room input distributor position
TFORM116= '1B      '           /
TUNIT116= '        '           /
TDISP116= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE117= 'MIXER   '           / Control room mixer source switches
TFORM117= '4B      '           /
TUNIT117= '        '           /
TDISP117= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE118= 'VLBAINP '           / Control room VLBA input switch position
TFORM118= '1B      '           /
TUNIT118= '        '           /
TDISP118= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE119= 'AMPINP  '           / Control room amplifier input source switches
TFORM119= '4B      '           /
TUNIT119= '        '           /
TDISP119= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE120= 'EXTINP  '           / Control room external input selector switches
TFORM120= '4B      '           /
TUNIT120= '        '           /
TDISP120= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE121= 'SYNDEST '           / Control room synthesizer destinations
TFORM121= '4B      '           /
TUNIT121= '        '           /
TDISP121= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE122= 'CALSRC  '           / Control room cal source bit
TFORM122= '1B      '           /
TUNIT122= '        '           /
TDISP122= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE123= 'CAL     '           / Is cal bit turned on
TFORM123= '1B      '           /
TUNIT123= '        '           /
TDISP123= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE124= 'VIS30MHZ'           / Control room greg 1 ch 0
TFORM124= '1B      '           /
TUNIT124= '        '           /
TDISP124= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE125= 'PWRMET  '           / Control room power meter input switch
TFORM125= '1B      '           /
TUNIT125= '        '           /
TDISP125= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE126= 'BLANK430'           / Control room 430 blanking on
TFORM126= '1B      '           /
TUNIT126= '        '           /
TDISP126= 'B1      '           /
TTYPE127= 'FILL    '           / Round up header to even 8 bytes
TFORM127= '4B      '           /
TUNIT127= '        '           /
TDISP127= 'B1      '           /

C-block definition for FITS-header array record

struct FITS_HEADER {
  struct ARRAY_DES datapointer;  /* x x Pointer to the data in the heap */
  char tdim1[16];      /* x A16 Dimensions of data pointed to in the heap */
  char object[16];     /* x A16 Name of source observed */
  double crval1;       /* Hz D13.5 Center frequency */
  double cdelt1;       /* Hz D13.5 Frequency interval */
  double crpix1;       /* x D13.5 Pixel of center frequency */
  double crval2;       /* deg D13.5 True ra pointing this beam on sky */
  double crval3;       /* deg D13.5 True dec pointing this beam on sky */
  double crval4;       /* x D13.5 Polarization (neg -> Pol, pos -> Stokes) */
  double crval5;       /* s D13.5 Seconds since midnight from obsdate (UTC) */
  char datexxobs[16];  /* x A16 Start of this observation (UTS) - YYYYMMDD */
  double tsys;         /* K D13.5 Last computed Tsys - set to 1.0 if unavailable */
  double bandwid;      /* Hz D13.5 Overall bandwidth of spectrum */
  double restfrq;      /* Hz D13.5 Rest frequency */
  double restfrqg;     /* Hz D13.5 Rest frequency for CRVAL2G and CRVAL3G */
  char specsys[8];     /* x A8 Velocity frame */
  char specsysg[8];    /* x A8 Velocity frame for CRVAL2G and CRVAL3G */
  double req_vel;      /* x D13.5 Requested velocity or z in frame SPECSYS */
  char req_vel_unit[8]; /* x A8 Specifies units of REQ_VEL: either m/s or Z */
  char req_vel_type[8]; /* x A8 Velocity type for REQ_VEL */

  double mjdxxobs;     /* d D13.5 Modified Julian day number at exposure start */
  double lst;          /* s D13.5 Local mean sidereal time */
  double exposure;     /* s D13.5 Exposure time of current subscan (dump) */

  double req_ra;       /* deg D13.5 Requested source RA */
  double req_dec;      /* deg D13.5 Requested source DEC */
  char req_radesys[8]; /* x A8 Coordinate system used for REQ_RA and REQ_DEC */
  double req_equinox;  /* x D13.5 Epoch of requested position REQ_RA and REQ_DEC */
  double req_raj;      /* deg D13.5 Requested RA J2000 antenna pointing */
  double req_decj;     /* deg D13.5 Requested Dec J2000 antenna pointing */

  double enc_time;     /* s D13.5 Time when encoders were read out (UTC) */
  double enc_azimuth;  /* deg D13.5 Azimuth encoder read-out at ENC_TIME */
  double enc_elevatio; /* deg D13.5 Elevation encoder read-out at ENC_TIME */
  double enc_altel;    /* deg D13.5 Elevation encoder of other carriage house */

  double offc1;        /* rad D13.5 Engineering offset                  */
  double offc2;        /* rad D13.5 Engineering offset                  */
  double off_time;     /* s D13.5 Seconds from midnight (UTC)           */
  double rate_c1;      /* deg/s D13.5 Rate of change offset (eng)       */
  double rate_c2;      /* deg/s D13.5 Rate of change offset (eng)       */
  int off_cs;          /* x I9 Coordinate system of offs                */
  int rate_cs;         /* x I9 Coordinate system of rates               */
  double rate_dur;     /* s D13.5 How long has rate been applied        */
  double cur_err;      /* arcsec D13.5 Actual great circle tracking error */
  double allowed_err;  /* arcsec D13.5 Maximum allowed tracking error   */
  double az_err;       /* arcsec D13.5 Azimuth tracking error (actual-requested) */
  double el_err;       /* arcsec D13.5 Elevation tracking error (actual-requested) */
  double model_offaz;  /* deg D13.5 Pointing model offset az            */
  double model_offza;  /* deg D13.5 Pointing model offset za            */
  double beam_offaz;   /* deg D13.5 ALFA unrotated offset az            */
  double beam_offza;   /* deg D13.5 ALFA unrotated offset za            */
  double user_offaz;   /* deg D13.5 User selected pointing offset az (great circle) */
  double user_offza;   /* deg D13.5 User selected pointing offset za    */
  double rfeed_offaz;  /* deg D13.5 Rotated offset this beam az         */
  double rfeed_offza;  /* deg D13.5 Rotated offset this beam za         */
  double prfeed_offaz; /* deg D13.5 Offset to center prfeed beam az     */
  double prfeed_offza; /* deg D13.5 Offset to center prfeed beam za     */
  double beam_offraj;  /* deg D13.5 Total ra offset to this beam        */
  double beam_offdecj; /* deg D13.5 Total dec offset to this beam za    */
  double azimuth;      /* deg D13.5 True az pointing this beam on sky   */
  double elevatio;     /* deg D13.5 True el pointing this beam on sky   */
  double crval2g;      /* deg D13.5 True galactic l pointing this beam on sky */
  double crval3g;      /* deg D13.5 True galactic b pointing this beam on sky */
  double off_ra;       /* deg D13.5 True ra J2000 offset to commanded map center */
  double off_dec;      /* deg D13.5 True dec J2000 offset to commanded map center */
  double off_az;       /* deg D13.5 True az offset to commanded map center */
  double off_za;       /* deg D13.5 True za offset to commanded map center */
  double alfa_ang;     /* deg D13.5 ALFA rotation angle */
  double para_ang;     /* deg D13.5 Parallactic angle */
  double vel_bary;     /* m/s D13.5 Projected barycentric velocity (incl. VEL_GEO) */
  double vel_geo;      /* m/s D13.5 Projected geocentric velocity */

  char frontend[8];    /* x A8 Receiver name */
  char backendmode[24]; /* x A24 Backend mode description */
  char caltype[8];     /* x A8 Calibration type */
  char obsmode[8];     /* x A8 Name of observation pattern (e.g. ONOFF) */
  char scantype[8];    /* x A8 Type of scan (as part of pattern - e.g. ON OFF) */
  int pattern_id;      /* x I9 Unique number for observation pattern YDDDnnnnn */
  int scan_id;         /* x I9 Unique number for scan YDDDnnnnn */
  int subscan;         /* x I8 Sequential number of current subscan (dump) */
  int total_subscans;  /* x I8 Total number of subscans (dumps) in scan */
  int lags_in;         /* x I8 Number of lags - same as bytes of data/4 */
  unsigned int bad_data; /* x I8 0->good data <>0->problem (see COMMENT) */
  double plat_power;   /* x D13.5 Power from platform meter */
  double cntrl_power;  /* x D13.5 Power from control room meter */
  double syn1;         /* Hz D13.5 Platform synthesizer */
  double synfrq[4];    /* Hz D13.5 Control room synthesizers */
  double tot_power;    /* x D13.5 Scaled power in zero-lag */
  unsigned int wappmask; /* x I8 Which other WAPPs or ALFAs enabled */
  int ntcal;           /* x I8 Number of entries in TCAL_FRQ and TCAL_VAL */
  double tcal_frq[32]; /* Hz D13.5 Frequencies for Tcal-values in TCAL_VAL */
  double tcal_val[32]; /* K D13.5 Tcal-values for frequencies in TCAL_FRQ */

  unsigned char prfeed;   /* x B1 ALFA feed centered on this scan  */
  unsigned char nifs;     /* x B1 Number of products for this WAPP/ALFA beam */
  unsigned char ifval;    /* x B1 Which polarization: 0-1 or 0-3 for Stokes */
  unsigned char input_id; /* x B1 WAPP number 0-3 or 0-7 for ALFA (7=copy of 6) */
  unsigned char uppersb;  /* x B1 True if spectrum flipped */
  unsigned char attn_cor; /* x B1 Correlator attenuator: 0-15 */

  unsigned char master;   /* x B1 0=Gregorian dome 1=Carriage house */
  unsigned char onsource; /* x B1 True if on-source at ENC_TIME */
  unsigned char blanking; /* x B1 Blanking turned on */
  unsigned char lbwhyb;   /* x B1 LBandWide Hybrid is in (for circular pol) */
  unsigned char shcl;     /* x B1 True if receiver shutter closed */
  unsigned char sbshcl;   /* x B1 True if S-band receiver shutter closed */

  unsigned char rfnum;    /* x B1 Platform position of the receiver selector */
  unsigned char calrcvmux; /* x B1 Platform cal selector */
  unsigned char zmnormal; /* x B1 Platform transfer switch to reverse channels, true normal */
  unsigned char rfattn[2];  /* x B1 Platform attenuator positions */
  unsigned char ifnum;      /* x B1 Platform IF selector, 1/300 2/750, 3/1500, 4/10GHz1500, 5-thru */
  unsigned char ifattn[2];  /* x B1 Platform IF attenuator positions */
  unsigned char fiber;      /* x B1 True if platform fiber chosen (usually true) */
  unsigned char ac2sw;      /* x B1 Platform AC power to various instruments etc. */

  unsigned char phbsig;     /* x B1 Platform converter combiner signal ph adjust */
  unsigned char hybrid;     /* x B1 Platform converter combiner hybrid */
  unsigned char phblo;      /* x B1 Platform converter combiner LO phase adjust */

  unsigned char xfnormal;   /* x B1 Control room transfer switch true = default */
  unsigned char noise;      /* x B1 Control room noise on */
  unsigned char ampgain[2]; /* x B1 Gain of control room amplifiers */
  unsigned char inpfrq;     /* x B1 Control room input distributor position */
  unsigned char mixer[4];   /* x B1 Control room mixer source switches */
  unsigned char vlbainp;    /* x B1 Control room VLBA input switch position */
  unsigned char ampinp[4];  /* x B1 Control room amplifier input source switches */
  unsigned char extinp[4];  /* x B1 Control room external input selector switches */
  unsigned char syndest[4]; /* x B1 Control room synthesizer destinations */
  unsigned char calsrc;     /* x B1 Control room cal source bit */
  unsigned char cal;        /* x B1 Is cal bit turned on */

  unsigned char vis30mhz;   /* x B1 Control room greg 1 ch 0 */
  unsigned char pwrmet;     /* x B1 Control room power meter input switch */
  unsigned char blank430;   /* x B1 Control room 430 blanking on */
  unsigned char fill[4];    /* x B1 Round up header to even 8 bytes */

This page is administered by Prakash Atreya ( patreya (a) naic . edu ) and was last updated on 25 May 2005.