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CIMA Source Catalogs

CIMA Source Catalogs

CIMA source catalogs

Although You can type in source coordinates as You go, it is usually much easier and safer to use a source catalog. There are a set of general source catalogs installed in CIMA, but You can also create Your own catalogs in Your project directory with Your favorite editor.

Note that starting with version 2.3, CIMA is less tolerant with information omitted from source catalogs and You will get warning messages if You use a source catalog that does not contain all the information needed. Observers who are using old source catalogs are advised to check their catalogs with the requirements presented on this page and update their files accordingly. Note that coordinate type, velocity, velocity frame and velocity type are required parameters for all sources in a catalog. If they are the same for all objects, You can set them up in the beginning of Your source catalog with a DEFAULT line (only for CIMA version 2.3 or later). See below, for details.

General source catalogs

There is a handful of general source catalogs available containing bright objects of various kinds as well as good calibration and pointing sources. These general catalogs are currently available:

How to create Your own source catalog

Source catalogs are plain text files that You can create with Your editor of choice. Blank lines and lines starting with a '#' are ignored. '#' can thus be used to add comments to the catalog file. It is recommended to start the file with a descriptive comment line, since this line will be shown together with the name of the source catalog when You browse for source catalogs in CIMA.

Source line syntax

Sources are given one per line with parameters separated by white space. You can add a '#' followed by an optional comment after the last parameter. Such comments are shown in the source selection windows in CIMA. The general syntax is:
name coordinate-1 coordinate-2 coordinate-type velocity velocity-frame velocity-type [# comment]
The last four parameters can be omitted if they have been specified with a DEFAULT line.

The following rules apply to the different parameters:

The name should be a single word of no more than 12 characters. Special characters like (), {}, [], ' and " should be avoided. Note specially that the special characters ',', ':' and ';' are FORBIDDEN and will be removed by CIMA.

The first coordinate should either be the right ascension, the galactic longitude or the azimuth depending on the coordinate-type selected. The right ascension should be given as an 'hhmmss'-string with optional ':' as separators: hh[:]mm[:]ss[.s...]. The galactic longitude and the azimuth should be given in decimal degrees.

The second coordinate should either be the declination, the galactic latitude or the zenith angle depending on the coordinate-type selected. The declination should be given as an 'ddmmss'-string with an optional sign and optional ':' as separators: ([+]|-)dd[:]mm[:]ss[.s...]. The galactic latitude and the zenith angle should be given in decimal degrees.

The coordinate-type specifies in which coordinate system the coordinates of the object has been given. The following values are accepted (characters in square brackets can be omitted --- case does not matter):
The velocity is the velocity value to be used for Doppler corrections. This should either be a velocity expressed in km/s or a redshift depending on the choice of velocity-type.

The velocity-frame specifies the velocity frame to use when Doppler correcting. The following values are accepted (characters in square brackets can be omitted --- case does not matter):
The velocity-type specifies whether the velocity is given as a velocity (in km/s) or as a redshift, and in the case of redshift according to which definition of redshift. The following values are accepted (characters in square brackets can be omitted --- case does not matter):
        zo   OR   z(optical)
        zr   OR   z(radio)
These are examples of some valid source lines:
J0935+086   093504.06    084137.3    J2000 0 Topocentric velocity(optical)
B1039+029   10:39:04.18  02:58:14.7  B 0 T v 
Arp220      153457.26    +233011.1   j 0.018126 h zo # The prototypical ULIRG
Drift-start 360.0        10.0        H 0 T v

The DEFAULT line

DEFAULT lines are ignored by CIMA version 2.2 or earlier.

A DEFAULT line can be used to set up defaults for coordinate type, velocity, velocity frame and velocity type so that these parameters don't need to be repeated on each source line. The position of a DEFAULT line within the catalog is important: the defaults only apply to the source lines coming after the DEFAULT line. You can use several DEFAULT lines in Your catalog if You have several groups of objects with different characteristics. The syntax of a DEFAULT line is the following:

DEFAULT coordinate-type velocity velocity-frame velocity-type
The allowed values are the same as when You give the parameters on a source line. The word DEFAULT has to be given entirely in uppercase, but the parameters can be given in either case. The coordinate type must be given on the DEFAULT line but the other three parameters are optional. If You leave out some parameters that have previously been defined by another DEFAULT line, then those omitted parameters will keep the default values from the previous DEFAULT line. A typical example of how this is used is if You have some sources specified in J2000 and some in B1950. You could then start by using a DEFAULT line specifying J2000 and giving all the velocity options. Then for the part with B1950 coordinates, You could use a second DEFAULT line just specifying the change to B1950. The following are three examples of valid DEFAULT lines:
DEFAULT J 0.0 Topocentric velocity(optical)
DEFAULT j 0 hel
NOTE that any parameter You specify directly on the source line always overrules whatever default You may have specified with a DEFAULT line. Thus, in the following example:
20023+2855 200218.5 285531 B -64.8
the source '20023+2855' is found to have the coordinates specified in 'B1950' coordinates and having a velocity of -64.8 km/s in the LSR frame.

Also note that You can't omit a parameter on a source line, if You need to specify another parameter following it. In the following example, it is thus not possible to avoid repeating the 'B1950' specification since we want to specify a velocity:

20023+2855 200218.5 285531 B -64.8

A source catalog example

# My catalog with galaxies, OH/IR stars and calibrators
# Updated:   27 August 2007

# Galaxies

U1246    01:47:00.7 +12:24:21 J   804 Helio v   # D=1.5' Vhel=804  Gaussian Profile
U1519    02:02:16.9 +19:10:48 J  2349 Helio v   # D=1.1' Vhel=2349 Two Horned Profile
U2008    02:32:32.2 +31:36:35 J  5041 Helio v   # D=0.7' Vhel=5041 Gaussian Profile

# OH/IR stars
# name     ra       dec    ep  vel frame type  velL  velHi fluxes in mJy
12562+2324 125612.1 232434 B  28.8 LSR   v    #23.2  34.1  1594.9  354.5
15060+0947 150600.2 094743 B  -7.1 LSR   v    #-16.3 1.8   142.8   370.0
15255+1944 152532.2 194410 B -14.4 LSR   v    #-28.0 -0.7  2857.9  2954.1

# Calibrator sources
# A 'DEFAULT' line is used to set up the coordinate system and the velocity parameters
DEFAULT B 0 Topo v
B1922+333 192224.88  332333.2  #good(size<10") flux: 3.887 -0.932  -8.095
B1923+004 192333.52  002843.4  #good(size=15") flux: 4.275 -1.210  -9.199
B2018+295 201803.9   293243.5  #good(3C410)(size~41") flux: 3.087  -0.671 0.0
# Note that we need to override the default 'B' for this J2000 source
J0935+086 093504.06  084137.3  J  #good flux: 2.873 -0.858 -3.531

# Some more OH/IR stars
# A 'DEFAULT' line is used to set up the velocity parameters
20047+1248 200444.4 124821 B -47.0  #-50.4 -44.1 1072.7  829.4
20115+0844 201133.0 084414 B  24.6  #17.2  32.7  606.1   974.1
20171+2732 201706.0 273242 B  46.9  #34.5  59.0  739.0   286.6

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This page is administered by Prakash Atreya ( patreya (a) naic . edu ) and was last updated on 4 September 2008.