Technical Meeting #3: Software requirements and conceptual design
This meeting took place at 13:30 on Friday 14 May, in the Ryle Seminar Room.
- FTT/NAS & FLC Software Requirements
- Next steps leading to a conceptual software architecture
Discussion Slides
Slides as PDF
- Very preliminary power budget is as follows:
- Camera cooling 100W
- Computing 150W
- Note: once technical interchange begins need to query actual limits on electrical power available, allowed dissipation within electronics cabinets, and allowed dissipation to chilled fluid being used for electronics cabinets
- A single "standard" computer could run all of the FTT/NA software (under Xenomai)
- However, cable length restrictions could force us to use a 2nd low-power computer near to the Andor camera
- This would require a 2nd temperature-controlled enclosure, so best avoided
- Once technical interchange begins need to query cable routing and whether a dedicated short cable tray can be installed from Q5 to near the camera, to allow use of 1 computer only
- JSY suggested GUI could be a separate application that is started and stopped independently
- EBS prefers C (with threads) ISS interface framework
- Need to think about what combinations of commands might run concurrently and what thread-safety strategy to employ
Task Assignments
- JSY: Define software components and inter-component dataflows (hardware-independent)
- JSY: Ask Chris Mayer for field rotation rate
- EBS: Look for 1U or 2U computers with 2 PCI slots drawing < 150W
- DFB (TBC): Write down initial latency and frame rate requirements with brief justification