. : http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/ppeuc/astronomy/ppeuc.ps
: Sun Jun 22 17:10:49 1997
: Tue Oct 2 02:41:14 2012

: earth's atmosphere
The ppeuc style (V1.2)
D.A. Green 1
Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory 2 , Cavendish Laboratory,
Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HE, U.K.
This is the documentation for the ppeuc style file for L A T E X, for the production of the
proceedings from the PPEUC conference. The L A T E X source will be used to produce both
Postscript and HTML versions of each paper.
1 Introduction
This is the documentation for the ppeuc style file for L A T E X, for the production of the astronomy
proceedings from the PPEUC conference.
This style file makes stylistic modifications to the standard article style, and defines or revises a
few commands. Certain restrictions are placed on the use of some standard L A T E X commands (e.g.
for citations, see Section 2.6 below), as the aim is --- as well as making available Postscript versions
of each paper --- to convert the papers to HTML for the Web easily (using L A T E X2HTML 3 --- see the
YERAC proceedings 4 for an example of what converted papers look like).
The main things to note are:
ffl authors and institutes are specified in a different way than in standard L A T E X (see Section 2.1);
ffl additional Web links can be added as required (see Section 2.3);
ffl some care has to be taken with mathematics to ensure sensible conversion to HTML (see Sec
tion 2.4);
ffl cross references within the document (to particular sections or figures, see Sections 2.2 and 2.5
respectively) should use the standard L A T E X ``ref and ``label commands, in which case the
HTML links will be made automatically;
ffl bibliographic references should make use of the standard L A T E X ``cite command in the text,
and the thebibliography environment, using a specific syntax (see Section 2.6).
2 Instructions
The ppeuc.sty file should be copied to a directory which L A T E X looks in for input files (e.g. your
working directory).
2.1 Address
With the ppeuc style there is no ``maketitle command. Instead the author and institute are given
after the ``begin--document command. For example, the header of your input file should use the
following construction:
1 mailto:dag@mrao.cam.ac.uk
2 http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/
3 http://cbl.leeds.ac.uk/nikos/tex2html/doc/latex2html/latex2html.html
4 http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk/onlinepubs/yerac/

Multiple ``author and ``institute pairs can be used as required. The entries for ``title, ``author
and ``institute should not be all in capitals. For long lists of authors, or long institute addresses,
a newline can be forced at a particular place by using ```` if required. email addresses can be given
for authors be using the ``addlink command (see Section 2.3). Do not leave blank lines between the
``title, ``author and ``institute lines (although blank comment lines, are allowed).
The remainder of the file can contain standard L A T E X constructions, e.g. ``section--... etc.
2.2 Sections etc.
Section and subsections (and figures and tables, see Section 2.5) should be cross referenced in the text
using the standard L A T E X ``label and ``ref commands. Use only alphanumeric labels. The entries for
``section and ``subsection should not be all in capitals.
Note: the ``label command should appear inside the argument to ``section or ``subsection etc.,
as below.
``section--Section Title``label--theLabel
This is the actual text of the section...
2.3 HTML links
References to Web documents, or email addresses, can be made using the ``addlink command. This
takes two arguments, first the text on the paper with which the link is associated (this is highlighted
in the HTML finally produced), and the URL for that link (which is given as a footnote in the L A T E X
Please do not provide links to documents that are likely to become invalid (if in doubt, then provide
a link to the appropriate server, without the particular page on the server).
2.4 Mathematics
In the L A T E X2HTML conversion all mathematics in the paper will be converted as separate .gif
images. So ensure that all mathematical formula are, in their entirety, enclosed in $s. For ex
ample: use $20``circ$ not 20$``circ$; $--``rm H2 O$ not H$2$O; $12 --``rm`` km`` s--1$ not
12 km~s$--1$, etc. (note the ```` '' to get the spaces in the km s \Gamma1 ). Use ``vec for vectors (e.g.
$``vec--B$ for B).
2.5 Figures and Table
Postscipt figures can be included --- e.g. see Figure 1 --- using the standard epsfig or psfig pack
ages. Include one or other of these in addition to ppeuc in the ``documentstyle line, and then use
constructions like:

Figure 1: This is an example figure.
``caption[This is a dummy caption.]--``label--figDummyThis is
the figure caption.
The dummy caption is required if the real caption is longer than a couple of hundred characters. The
figure ``label should be inside the ``caption as shown --- this can be referred to in the text using
Figure ``ref--figMRAO. Use only alphanumeric labels. Please include the ``htmlimage line, as shown
above, which for the HTML version controls the scaling --- which will be adjusted later if necessary
--- of the inline ``thumbnail'' images of the figure, whcih then links to larger version of the figure.
Use multiple ``epsfigs for figures containing multiple postscript files, e.g. use two ``epsfig--...s
inside the ``centerline--... for a figure consisting of two side by side sub figures.
Similarly for tables: include a ``htmlimage line; place the ``caption with a ``label--... at the
top; use ``hlines at the top and bottom of the table (and between the header line of the tabular
material and the data); use ``begin--center and ``end--center around tabular material, as shown.
``caption[Dummy]--``label--tableDummyThis is the caption.
one & two & three ```` ``hline
1 & 2 & 3 ````
11 & 22 & 33 ```` ``hline
Also note that in the L A T E X2HTML conversion each figure and table will appear where it is included
in in the .tex source --- therefore figures and tables should appear in the source in the appropriate
section .tex source to avoid being placed in the wrong HTML page.
2.6 References and Bibliography
References in the paper should use the standard L A T E X commands ``cite command. Use only al
phanumeric labels for references. The references should be given at the end of the paper in a
thebibliography environment, with each ``bibitem command having, in square brackets, the text
that is to appear when this paper is cited in the text.
For example, citations can be to a particular paper (One & Two (1999)), or to another such as
this Three et al. (1999), or to more that one (One & Two (1999), Three et al. (1999)) are specified
...paper (``cite--one), or to another such as this ``cite--three,

or to more that one (``cite--one,three) are...
where the bibliography at the end of the paper contains
``bibitem[One ``& Two (1999)]--one One A. ``& Two B., 1999.
MNRAS, 123, 456.
``bibitem[Three et al.`` (1999)]--three Three A.B., Four C.D.
``& Five E.F., 1999, ApJ, 123, 456.
Use ``et al.'' for three or more authors in the body of the paper. Use simple abbreviations for journals,
such as: A--``&A, A--``&ASS, AJ, ApJ, ApJSS, MNRAS, etc., and use punctuation as in the example. For
conference proceedings, use the following format:
``bibitem[Three et al.`` (1999)]--three Three A.B., Four C.D.,
``& Five E.F., 1999, in --``em ``Conference Proceedings Title'',
eds Editor A. ``& Editor B., (Publisher, Place), p123.
Do not include spaces between the initials, or blank lines between the ``bibitems (although blank
comment lines, are allowed).
An unnumbered Acknowledgements section can be included using ``section*--Acknowledgements.
One A. & Two B., 1999. MNRAS, 123, 456.
Three A.B., Four C.D. & Five E.F., 1999, ApJ, 123, 456.
Four C.D., Five E.F. & Six A.B., 1999, in ``Conference Proceedings Title'', eds Editor A. & Editor B.,
(Publisher, Place), p123.