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Дата изменения: Tue Oct 8 16:22:40 2013
Дата индексирования: Thu Feb 27 23:52:04 2014

Поисковые слова: agn
Galaxy Evolution Over Five Decades
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All talks will take place in the Pippard Lecture theater of the Cavendish Laboratory. Participants presenting posters should keep these to size A0 or smaller (maximum size 32.7 inches wide x 45.4 inches tall (83.0 x 115.4 cm)). You also have the option of making a single page pdf of your poster content that will be displayed on the main screen during the breaks.

Download the talk abstract book

Download the poster abstract book. Poster presenters, the numbers listed in this book indicate the poster board space which has been allocated to you.

Monday Sept 2, 2013

18:00-20:00 Reception at the Institute of Astronomy (drinks and finger food)

Tuesday Sept 3, 2013

First Galaxies

09:00-09:30 Registration
09:30-09:40 Welcome
Session Chair: Jeff Wagg
09:40-10:10 Richard Ellis

Searches for the First Galaxies: Past, Present and Future (Invited)

10:10-10:25 Ross Mclure

The Hubble Ultra Deep Field 2012: galaxy evolution at z=7-10

10:25-10:40 Rychard Bouwens Probing the Dawn of Galaxies at z~7-12
10:40-10:55 George Becker

Galaxy Evolution in the Reionization Era Probed Using the UV Background

10:55-11:25 Coffee break
11:25-11:55 Jonathan Pritchard

Seeking the first galaxies at z>7 with 21cm observations (Invited)

11:55-12:10 Renske Smit

Quantifying the Evolution of the Specific Star Formation Rate out to z~7 using Gravitationally Lensed Galaxies from CLASH

12:10-12:25 Martin Haehnelt

Early growth of supermassive black holes

12:25-12:40 Jun Toshikawa

Search for protoclusters at z~6

12:40-12:55 Pratika Dayal

The earliest galaxies: chaotic and dusty

12:55-13:55 Lunch
13:55-14:20 Self-organized discussions/work

Galaxy Assembly and Star-formation History

Session Chair: Matt Jarvis
14:30-15:00 Jim Dunlop The Cosmic History of Star Formation (invited)
15:00-15:15 Steven Eales

Following the energy - an investigation of galaxy evolution using the Herschel ATLAS and other Herschel Surveys

15:15-15:30 David Sobral Star-forming galaxies over the last 11 Gyrs
15:30-15:45 Paolo Serra Constraints on the cosmic star formation history from the analysis of cosmic infrared background anisotropies with Planck
15:45-16:15 Tea
Session Chair: Jim Dunlop
16:15-16:45 Rachel Somerville invited talk
16:45-17:00 Matt Jarvis

A new calibration of the radio luminosity - star-formation rate relation

17:00-17:15 Kirsten Knudsen ALMA and IRAM observations of gravitationally lensed high-z submm galaxies
17:15-17:30 Jim Geach The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey
17:30-17:45 Chris Hayward

The surprising complexity of the submillimetre galaxy population

Wednesday Sept 4, 2013

Galaxy Assembly and Star-formation History II

Session Chair: Roberto Maiolino
09:00-09:30 Simon Lilly

What the galaxy population tells us (Invited)

09:30-09:45 Simon Driver

The two-phase evolution of galaxies

09:45-10:00 Francois Hammer

Formation of the Hubble Sequence during the last 8 Gyr

10:00-10:15 Anna Cibinel

Resolved star formation on and off the galaxy main sequence

10:15-10:30 Wako Ishibashi The role of AGN feedback in the evolution of massive galaxies
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:15 Enrique Perez-Montero

Stellar mass, star formaton rate and metallicity in the last 10 Gyr: pushing the statistical completeness in galaxy sampling with zCOSMOS

11:15-11:30 Christian Maier A VLT-SUBARU synergy to establish the mass-metallicity relation of main sequence galaxies at z<2.5
11:30-11:45 Kiyoto Yabe

The mass-metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies at z~1.4 revealed with Subaru/FMOS

11:45-12:00 Yingjie Peng The Baryonic Accretion Limit of the Galaxies and the Origin of the Cosmic sSFR-History
12:00-12:15 David Hughes

Galaxy Evolution studies with the LMT

12:15-12:30 Massimo Stiavelli

Galaxy Evolution through the Eyes of Space Telescopes

12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:15 Self-organized discussions/work

Distant Galaxy Clusters and the Role of Environment

Session Chair: Andrew Blain
14:15-14:45 Rashid Sunyaev invited talk
14:45-15:00 Mark Brodwin

The Era of Star Formation in Galaxy Clusters

15:00-15:15 Tadayuki Kodama

The progenitors of early-type galaxies under rapid construction at z~2

15:15-15:30 Simona Mei

The assembly of galaxy clusters at z~2 : recent results from the CANDELS survey

15:30-15:45 Ian Mclean

Multi-object infrared spectroscopy of high-z galaxies

15:45-16:15 Tea
16:15-16:30 Stacey Alberts

The Evolution of Dust-Obscured Star Formation Activity in Galaxy Clusters

16:30-16:45 Kelley Hess

Evolution in the HI Gas Content of Galaxy Groups: Pre-processing and Mass Assembly in the Current Epoch

16:45-17:00 Yen-Ting Lin

The Stellar Mass Growth of Brightest Cluster Galaxies in the IRAC Shallow Cluster Survey

17:00-17:15 Thijs van der Hulst

Galaxies in Voids: special or not?

17:15-17:30 Richard Tuffs The Evolution of Spiral Galaxies in the Group Environment
17:30-17:45 Nicky Brassington

The Behaviour of Cold Gas in Damp-Mergers

Thursday Sept 5, 2013

AGN and Radio Astrophysics

Session Chair: Kristen Coppin
09:00-09:30 Tim Heckman

The Co-Evolution of Galaxies & Black Holes: Clues from Large Surveys of the Local Universe (Invited)

09:30-09:45 Claudia Cicone

Revealing the AGN Negative Feedback Through Broad Wings of CO Emission Lines

09:45-10:00 Bram Venemans

The host galaxies of the most distant quasars

10:00-10:15 Manda Banerji A New Population of Hyperluminous Dusty Quasars with Massive Starburst Host Galaxies at z~2
10:15-10:30 Martin Elvis

Feedback and the Multiple Forms of the Obscuring "Torus" in AGNs

10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:30 Darren Croton

Simulations and modelling of feedback processes in galaxies (invited)

11:30-11:45 Andrew Blain

Dusty monsters stare from WISE

11:45-12:00 G.(Pepi) Fabbiano

Exploring galaxy evolution with Chandra

12:00-12:15 Michaela Hirschmann

BH growth and AGN evolution in large cosmological simulations

12:15-12:30 Nick Seymour

The Growth of Massive Black Holes at High Redshift

12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:15 Self-organized discussions/work

Session Chair: Paul Alexander
14:15-14:30 Philip Best

The evolving role of radio-AGN feedback

14:30-14:45 Huub Rottgering

LOFAR and studies of clusters, starbursts and AGN

14:45-15:00 Ray Norris

Exploring galaxy evolution with next-generation radio surveys

15:00-15:15 Wiphu Rujopakarn

Extinction-Independent Morphologies of Star Formation and AGN from a Jansky VLA Deep Field

15:15-15:30 Anna Kapinska

Anti-hierarchical growth and feedback history of powerful radio galaxies

15:30-15:45 Stas Shabala

The relationship between lobe luminosity and kinetic power of AGN jets

15:45-16:15 Tea
16:15-16:45 Judith Croston Radio-loud AGN in galaxy groups: physics, energetics and environment (invited)
16:45-17:00 Mario Karouzos

Awaking the giant: Environmental hints on AGN triggering

17:00-17:15 Jose Sabater

The competing role of environment and one-on-one interactions in radio and optical nuclear activity

17:15-17:30 Judith Ineson

The large-scale environments of radio-loud AGN

18:30-19:30   Participants can arrive at Girton College
19:30- Dinner Conference dinner at Girton College

Friday Sept 6, 2013

Gas in Galaxies

Session Chair: Ray Norris
09:00-09:30 Danail Obreschkow

Gas dynamics in galaxies (Invited)

09:30-09:45 Tim Davis

Probing the cold phase ISM in early-type galaxies with Herschel, IRAM and CARMA

09:45-10:00 Claudia Lagos The atomic and molecular gas content of galaxies
10:00-10:15 Matt Bothwell

A fundamental relation between the metallicity, gas content, and stellar mass of local galaxies

10:15-10:30 Maritza Lara-Lopez

Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): The connection between metals, specific-SFR, and HI gas in galaxies: the Z-SSFR relation

10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:30 Jacqueline Hodge

Gas at high-redshift: Beyond detection (invited)

11:30-11:45 Mark Sargent

A direct estimate of the molecular gas history of the Universe through CO luminosity functions and H2 mass function evolution

11:45-12:00 Bitten Gullberg

[CII] and CO ladders in lensed SMGs from the SPT survey

12:00-12:15 Thomas Greve

Tracing star formation relations across the CO ladder and redshift

12:15-12:30 Susannah Alaghband-Zadeh

Using [CI] to probe the Interstellar Medium in z~2.5 Sub-Millimeter Galaxies

12:30-13:30 Lunch
Session Chair: Philip Best
13:30-13:45 Tobias Goerdt

Cold streams: detectability and characteristics

13:45-14:00 Dominik Bomans

Mapping galactic outflows in emission and absorption

14:00-14:15 Lindley Lentati

Early results from an unbiased JVLA deep field survey of cold molecular gas in COSMOS

14:15-14:30 Roberto Decarli The forbidden side of the high-redshift universe
14:30-15:00 John Peacock conference summary
15:00-15:10 Paul Alexander closing remarks
15:10-15:15 Malcolm Longair The final word
15:15-15:45 Tea

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