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Дата изменения: Wed Apr 9 15:44:18 2014
Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 13:31:03 2016

Поисковые слова: epsilon eridani
Alexander Richard University of Leicester Dynamics and evolution of planets and discs around binary stars We discuss the formation and dynamics of planets in discs around binary stars. We first consider the secular evolution of circumbinary discs. Using a simple model we show that circumbinary disc lifetimes are primarily determined by the rate of disc photoevaporation, and depend strongly on the binary separation. These results have important implications for planet formation, and suggests that circumbinary planets should be most common around relatively close (a <~ 1AU) binaries. We then present models of disc-
planet interactions in circumbinary discs, using 3-
D numerical hydrodynamics. We find that the planetary eccentricity is typically damped for Saturn-
mass planets such as Kepler-
16b. The low observed eccentricity of Kepler-
16b suggests strong eccentricity damping, and we use this result to set a lower limit to the surface density of the circumbinary disc in which this planet formed. Anglada-
Escude Guillem Queen Mary University of London Efficient Doppler detection of short period Earths While Jupiters and Saturns are can now be routinely detected in all orbital periods from days to years, low-
mass planets ranging from Neptune down to Earth-
masses can only be detected on short period orbits. This is especially true for planets orbiting low-
mass stars, where sensitivities below 1 Mearth can be achieved on orbital periods down to a few hours. The efficient detection and/or confirmation of transit candidates in this time domain require different observational strategies to beat a number of noise sources including stellar activity effects at time-
scales of hours, short-
term Doppler stability at sub-
m/s level and the presence of longer period planets. I will present the detection of one Earth mass planet in a 'warm' orbit of a nearby low mass star. The detection has been possible thanks to re-
analysis of archival data and the obtention of substantially more data at all the time-
scales of interest. The same strategy should be implemented on existing and planned instruments to characterize the nearby sample of low mass planets in close-
in orbits. The design of optimal techniques to achieve this is one of the main goals of the Cool Tiny Beats survey that I will introduce to the UK community and discuss how to coordinate joint efforts to characterize this population. Angus Ruth Oxford University Calibrating Gyrochronology with Kepler Asteroseismic targets Measuring ages for intermediate and low-
mass stars on the main sequence is challenging, but important for a wide range of studies, especially stellar and planetary evolution. Without precisely measuring the ages of planetary systems we cannot hope to fully understand planetary evolution. Among the available methods, gyrochronology is a powerful one, because it requires knowledge of only the stars mass (or colour) and its rotation period. Many exoplanet discovery papers quote ages inferred from rotation period measurements, however,

gyrochronology is not well calibrated at late ages, and suffers from large uncertainties. Asteroseismology provides relatively precise age measurements for some of the brightest stars observed by Kepler. We measured the photometric rotation periods of 144 stars with asteroseismic ages in order to provide a newly calibrated gyrochronology relation. Baraffe Isabelle University of Exeter On the front of exoplanet modellling: interior structure and evolution "I will review current advancement in the modelling of interior structure and evolution of exoplanets, exploring a wide range of masses from super-
Earthe to Jupiter-
like planets." Barker Adrian DAMTP, University of Cambridge Nonlinear tides in giant planets The tidal interaction between a short-
period planet and its host star can have important effects on the planetary orbit. In particular, the observational preponderance of circular orbits amongst short-
period planets, relative to those with wider orbits, is thought to be explained by tidal dissipation inside the planets. However, the mechanisms responsible are not well understood theoretically. I will present recent work on the nonlinear evolution of tidally excited flows in rotating giant planets, which aims to understand these mechanisms. In particular, I will describe the results of hydrodynamical numerical simulations of tidal flows in the fluid layers of rotating planets with and without a solid core, which indicate the importance of nonlinear fluid effects in modifying the tidal response. The importance of these mechanisms in explaining the circular orbits of the shortest-
period planets will be discussed. Barstow Joanna University of Oxford Remote sensing for cloudy exoplanets For the majority of known planets inside and outside the solar system, our only knowledge about their atmospheres comes from remote sensing and spectroscopic analysis. The problem is generally underconstrained, and as a result multiple atmospheric models provide an equally good fit to spectroscopic data; increasing the complexity of the model exacerbates this problem. The inclusion of cloud in a model atmosphere introduces several free parameters: the cloud particle size distribution and composition; the location of the cloud within the atmosphere; and the number of cloud particles. However, recent analyses of the best-
studied extrasolar planets, such as HD 189733b (Pont et al. 2013) and GJ 1214b (Morley et al. 2013, Barstow et al. 2013, Kreidberg et al. 2014) indicate that clouds are as ubiquitous outside the solar system as they are inside it, and therefore their probable presence on these planets can no longer be ignored.

The current quality and spectral coverage of remote sensing data for exoplanets limits our ability to draw conclusions about the nature of any clouds that are present. With the arrival of the James Webb Space Telescope, the European Extremely Large Telescope and possible future missions such as the Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory, we may be able to better explore their properties. We investigate the significance of different cloud properties for reflection, emission and transmission spectra of planetary atmospheres, including examples such as the extremely detailed characterisation of the H2SO4 cloud on Venus, the hints of enstatite clouds on HD 189733b, and the possibility of Titan-
like hydrocarbon hazes on GJ 1214b. We will present suggestions for a framework to explore cloudy solutions for data-
poor planets, and how this could be expanded to analyse spectra from future observatories. Casewell Sarah University of Leicester Irradiated atmospheres of brown dwarfs Brown dwarfs in close binary systems with white dwarfs can be used as excellent proxies for irradiated exoplanet systems as they are heated like hot Jupiters, but we can directly detect them instead of using a secondary mechanism such as transit spectroscopy. These systems have short periods (2-
10 hours) which means that the system is tidally locked, and that only one side of the brown dwarf is continually exposed to the UV radiation from the white dwarf which is of the order ~10 times hotter. The effects of this irradiation can be seen in multiwavelength lightcurves of the systems, with the variability increasing as we move to longer wavelengths. The largest variability is seen in the mid-
IR. Observations of these systems allow us to decouple the effects of ""heating"" from those related to the UV ""irradiation"". Both these effects produce photochemical effects, such as H2 fluorescence and H3+ emission in the brown dwarf atmosphere, but only one of these is linked to the UV irradiation. I will discuss two systems that are similar in orbital timescale, primary and secondary mass but have different white dwarf temperatures, which affects the photochemical processes occuring in their atmospheres. Cegla Heather Queen's University Belfast A Pathway to Earth-
like Worlds: Overcoming Astrophysical Noise due to Convection One of the consequences of the plasma motions within the convective envelopes of low-
mass stars (i.e. potential planet hosting stars) are the radial velocity (RV) shifts due to variable stellar line profile asymmetries, known as astrophysical noise. This can pose a major problem for planet hunters because RV follow-
up is mandatory for most planet confirmation and characterisation. Furthermore, as the net RV shifts produced from photospheric convective motions are on the (sub) m/s level this is especially troublesome for the confirmation of Earth-
analogs that induce Doppler-
wobbles on the 10 cm/s level. The currently

implemented noise removal technique for granulation rests on adapting observational strategies to average out such noise. However, this technique is extremely observationally intensive and does not provide information on the nature of the stellar activity. We aim to go beyond these previous techniques by understanding the physical processes involved in magnetoconvection and removing the actual RV signature from granulation. We outline our techniques to characterise photospheric granulation as an astrophysical noise source. The backbone of this characterisation is a state-
art 3D magnetohydrodynamic solar simulation, coupled with detailed wavelength-
dependent radiative transfer. Due to the time-
intensive nature of these simulations, we use a short time-
series to parameterise the granulation signal. This parameterisation is then used to construct Sun-
star observations to determine how the convective plasma motions on the stellar surface alter the disc-
integrated profiles. The initial results of this study are presented here, including the identification of several correlations and significant noise reduction. In particular, it is shown that the velocity asymmetry (a measurement comparing the spectral information content of the blue wing to the red wing) and brightness measurements (as indicated by integrating the area under the model observation profiles) are the best-
suited diagnostics for reducing granulation noise to a level sufficient for the confirmation of habitable, terrestrial-
mass planets. Clarke Fraser Oxford University HARMONI's capabilities I think that would be quite relevant for the meeting, as the UK exoplanet community will in all likelihood have access to the GTO at E-
ELT first light, and as an instrument team we're always keen to get input from UK community on the science cases. de Juan Ovelar Maria Liverpool John Moores University Combining SPHERE and ALMA to reveal the properties of planets in transitional discs Theoretical studies have shown that the presence of a planetary-
mass companion triggers physical mechanisms that affect the distribution of gas and dust in circumstellar discs. In particular, the dust distribution undergoes a radial differentiation of grain sizes that increases with the mass of the planet. In this talk, I will present synthetic imaging polarimetric and interferometric observations of planet-
hosting discs. I will show how the combination of these observables, tracing different dust grain sizes, can be used to constrain the properties of the unseen planet, under the assumption that indeed a planet is responsible for the "transitional" morphology of the disc.

Demory Brice-
Olivier Cavendish Space-
based Characterisation of super-
Earth exoplanets Very little is known about those super-
Earths that have been discovered so far. Their interiors are largely unconstrained due to compositional degeneracies while no super-
Earth's atmosphere has been detected to date. I will present the results of a new program employing both Kepler and Spitzer space telescopes to better understand super-
Earths properties, by combining observations obtained in different wavelength regimes. We find that close-
in super-
Earths have large geometric albedos in the Kepler bandpass, possibly due to clouds or reflective surfaces. We also find that some super-
Earths initially thought to be volatile-
rich exhibit circulation patterns matching a rocky composition, requiring new developments regarding our knowledge of super-
Earth interiors. Fohring Dora Durham University Effects of scintillation on ground-
based secondary eclipse photometry Scintillation is a major source of noise on ground-
based photometry of bright targets, particularly for exoplanet transits, where a high signal-
noise ratio is desired. I present the secondary-
eclipse light curve of WASP-
12b obtained in the z'-
band on the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope, and discuss the implications of scintillation on our results. I consider the observational regimes under which scintillation is the dominant source of noise on exoplanet photometry, and present the effects of reducing scintillation on the accuracy to which astrophysical parameters may be determined. Greaves Jane University of St Andrews Debris disc archetypes and their planetary systems I will present new images of debris discs among the Sun's closest neighbours, including the young and old solar analogues epsilon Eridani and tau Ceti. Planetesimal belts are found to co-
exist with very different planetary systems. The implications of the diversity will be discussed, including whether mny planetesimals means prolonged bombardment of potentially habitable planets. Hall AimИe Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge Neptunes in the Noise: Improved Precision in Exoplanet Transit Detection SuperWASP is an established, highly successful ground-
based survey that has already discovered over 80 exoplanets around bright stars. It is only with wide-
field surveys such as this that we can find planets around the brightest stars, which are best suited for advancing our knowledge of exoplanetary atmospheres. However, complex instrumental systematics have so far limited SuperWASP to primarily finding hot Jupiters around stars fainter than 10th magnitude. By quantifying and accounting for these systematics up front, rather

than in the post-
processing stage, the photometric noise can be significantly reduced. In this paper, we present our methods and discuss preliminary results from our re-
analysis. We show that the improved processing will enable us to find smaller planets around even brighter stars than was previously possible in the SuperWASP data. Such planets could prove invaluable to the community as they would potentially become ideal targets for the studies of exoplanet atmospheres. Hands Tom University of Leicester Assembling Kepler's tightly-
packed planetary systems The Kepler mission has recently discovered a number of exoplanetary systems, such as Kepler-
11 and Kepler-
32, in which ensembles of several planets are found in very closely packed orbits (often within a few percent of an AU of one another). These systems present a challenge for traditional formation and migration scenarios, since these planets presumably formed at larger orbital radii before migrating inwards. In particular, it is difficult to understand how some planets in such systems could have migrated across strong mean-
motion resonances without becoming trapped, and remaining relatively well-
spaced. We present a dynamical study of the formation of these systems, using an N-
body method which incorporates a parametrized model of planet migration in a turbulent protoplanetary disc. We explore a wide parameter space, and find that under suitable conditions it is possible to form compact, close-
packed planetary systems (such as Kepler-
11) via traditional disc-
driven migration. We discuss the implications of our preferred parameters for the protoplanetary discs in which these systems formed, and comment on the occurrence and significance of resonances in our simulations. Haswell Carole The Open University Enshrouded Close-
In Exoplanets Our near-
UV HST observations of the extreme hot Jupiter WASP-
12b revealed extended exospheric gas overfilling the planet's Roche lobe and causing reproducible enhanced transit depths at 65 distinct wavelengths. There is complete absorption, i.e. zero emergent flux, in the cores of the very strong MgII h&k lines at all observed orbital phases. I will present several lines of evidence to show this is due to diffuse gas lost from WASP-
12b, which enshrouds the entire planetary system. Our results suggest a new interpretation of the known correlation between hot Jupiter atmosphere type and host star activity as indicated by the cores of the very strong CaII H&K lines. I will present recent observations of the putative evaporating rocky exoplanet KIC 1255b. Finally I will discuss the general implications of these findings for the Galaxy's population of planets and for studies of star-
planet interactions.

Hinkley Sasha Caltech Characterisation of Planetary Mass companions through High Contrast Imaging and Spectroscopy: Lessons Learned I will give a overview of our efforts devoted to high contrast imaging of planetary mass companions on 5 and 10-
meter telescopes. I will present our progress on the largest current Adaptive Optics survey dedicated to imaging planetary mass companions orbiting stars with newly identified debris disks, using Adaptive Optics (AO) on the 10m Keck telescopes. I will also focus on how this work can be extended with the resources of ESO. In addition, I will highlight recent progress and lessons learned with Project 1640: a coronagraph and integral field spectrograph coupled to the new extreme AO system at Palomar Observatory. Lastly, I will highlight some recent progress with the Gemini Planet imager (GPI), focussing on early lessons learned from the first light data from GPI. The information gathered from all of these projects will be particularly important for obtaining imaging and spectrscopy of planetary mass companions with new instrumentation at VLT as well as on the upcoming 30m-
class E-
ELT telescope. Homeier Derek CRAL/ENS-
Lyon Exoplanet Atmospheres -
Learning from the Physics of Substellar Objects Very low mass (VLM) stars and brown dwarfs present one of the big challenges to classical stellar atmosphere modelling. Yet most of their important physical processes, like cloud formation, molecular line blanketing and non-
equilibrium chemistry, have been fundamentally understood and mastered in theoretical simulations over the past two decades. This provides us today with working models from the onset of massive formation of molecules in M dwarfs to the appearance of water and ammonia ice clouds in Y dwarfs. Many of the types of brown dwarf atmospheres can serve as proxy for the properties of extrasolar planets, from irradiated or young, directly imaged, hot Jupiters to more temperate Neptunes and even smaller planets. Variability studies begin to shed light on atmospheric inhomogeneities in both brown dwarfs and exoplanets. But to fully explore the variety of planetary atmospheres, forward models face the challenge to cope with larger, global-
scale structures and circulation patterns as well as a much larger space of "non-
standard" compositions. Horne Keith SUPA St Andrews Microlens Surveys to probe the Cool Exoplanet Population Microlensing is uniquely capable of exploring the exoplanet population down to low masses in the cool zone outside the snow line. I will discuss current status and near-
term prospects for increasing the number of detections and hence the quality of information on the cool planet abundance and mass distribution, using robotic telescope networks for the monitoring. I will also discuss using a Kepler-
like wide-
angle telescope to determine microlens parallaxes, which can greatly improve the accuracy of the mass and orbit size determinations for individual microlens events.

Jones Hugh University of Hertfordshire Radial velocity studies of M dwarfs Our current view of exoplanets is one derived primarily from Solar-
like stars with a strong focus on understanding our Solar System. Our knowledge about the properties of exoplanets around the dominant stellar population by number, the so called low-
mass stars or M dwarfs is much more cursory. Based on radial velocity discoveries we find that the semi-
major axis distribution of M dwarf planets appears to be broadly similar to those around more massive stars and thus formation and migration processes might be similar to heavier stars. However, we find that the mass of M dwarf planets is relatively much lower than the expected mass dependency based on stellar mass and thus infer that planet formation efficiency around low mass stars is relatively impaired. We consider techniques to overcome the practical issue of obtaining good quality radial velocity data for M dwarfs despite their faintness and sustained activity and emphasise (1) the wavelength sensitivity of radial velocity signals, (2) the combination of radial velocity data from different experiments for robust detection of small amplitude signals and (3) the best selection of targets. Louden Tom University of Warwick What drives the evaporation of HD209458b? One of the most remarkable results of exoplanetary science in recent years has been the discovery of the evaporation of planets. HD 209458 b has been observed to have filled its Roche lobes with gases undergoing hydrodynamic escape. It is thought that this evaporation is driven by high energy radiation from the parent star, despite no direct observations of this flux. Using constraints from the UV spectrum and the non-
detections in X-
ray, we are able to recover the full high energy spectrum of HD209458, and discuss the implications for the efficiency of the evaporation. Madhusudhan Nikku IoA, Cambridge Characterizing Exoplanetary Atmospheres and Interiors Exoplanetary discoveries in the past two decades have unveiled an astonishing diversity in the physical characteristics of exoplanetary systems, including their orbital properties, masses, radii, equilibrium temperatures, and stellar hosts. Recent advances in exoplanet observations and theoretical methods are now leading to unprecedented constraints on the physicochemical properties of exoplanetary atmospheres, interiors, and their formation conditions. I will discuss the present and future of this new era of exoplanetary characterization. I will present some of the latest constraints on atmospheric chemical compositions and temperature structures of exoplanets, made possible by state-
art observations from space and ground, and their implications for atmospheric processes and formation conditions of exoplanets. I will also discuss constraints emerging on the interiors and formation environments of super-

Earths, whose interior compositions span a wide gamut -
from water worlds with thick volatile envelopes to super-
Mercuries, lava planets, and carbon planets -
thereby testing the limits of our understanding of planetary mineralogies and their equations of state under exotic astrophysical conditions. The exciting future prospects of exoplanetary characterization will be discussed in the light of major current, upcoming, and future observational facilities, along with several open questions of fundamental nature in the field. Mayne Nathan University of Exeter Deep-
atmosphere, non-
hydrostatic models of hot Jupiter atmospheres. We present results for the climate of hot Jupiter HD209458b derived using the UK Met Office global circulation model (GCM) covering a hierarchy of complexity within the same numerical framework. We present models using a simplified radiative transfer (RT) scheme, but varying sophistication of the dynamical equations, and progress on a state-
the art coupled model. The UM is the only meteorological model, applied to exoplanets, which includes deep atmosphere and non-
hydrostatic effects in the dynamical equations. Moreover, the UM is able to consistently solve the equations of motion for the atmosphere to increasing levels of simplifications emulating previous models, for instance most models assume the atmosphere is shallow (i.e. has a vertical extent much less than the planetary radius). This allows us, uniquely, to explore the sensitivity of these models, and the resulting effects on observables, to the canonical dynamical simplifications. In addition, we have adapted the RT scheme within the UM for the treatment of hot Jupiters. The coupled model (i.e. dynamical and RT) represents the most sophisticated model of a hot Jupiter atmosphere. Using this model we will be able to address observational puzzles associated with hot Jupiters, such as the abnormally large radii and correlation of heat redistribution with incident flux. Nelson Richard Queen Mary University of London Migration and gas accretion by circumbinary planets One of the most interesting and unexpected discoveries of the Kepler mission has been circumbinary planet systems. These systems provide an excellent laboratory for testing our theories of planetary formation and migration, and in this talk I will review the latest theoretical developments and compare their predictions with the Kepler data.

Nichols Jonathan University of Leicester The NUV transit of WASP-
12b as observed using the Hubble Space Telescope: examining the star-
planet interaction In this presentation we discuss recent Cycle 21 observations of the NUV transit of the extreme `hot Jupiter' exoplanet WASP-
12b using the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. Four closely-
spaced transits of the planet were observed in October/November 2013 over 20 orbits, which executed at interleaved phases to obtain a transit light-
curve at relatively high phase resolution. Previous observations of the NUV transit of this planet have suggested the observed NUV flux is reduced ahead of optical ingress, indicating a region of more dense absorbing matter ahead of the planet in its orbit. Two proposed causes for this phenomenon are hydrodynamic outflow and the magnetosheath surround a magnetosphere. We discuss these new observations of the shape of the transit, focusing on the early phases before and during optical ingress, and consider the implications for the star-
planet interaction and the magnetic field of the planet. Paardekooper Sijme-
Jan Queen Mary, University of London Dynamical corotation torques on low-
mass planets Planets embedded in gaseous discs are subject to orbital migration. Migration traditionally comes in three flavours: Type I for low-
mass planets (Earth-
Neptune), Type II for massive, gap-
opening planets (Jupiter), and Type III for intermediate-
mass planets (Saturn) embedded in massive discs. In the latter case, also called runaway migration, the planet experiences strong corotation torques due to its radial velocity. I will show that is some cases, notably discs of sufficiently low viscosity, low-
mass planets experience similar torques, which can lead to a slow down or even stalling of inward migration. Rimmer Paul University of St Andrews The Ion-
Neutral Character of Exoplanet Atmospheres Presently, the best characterized exoplanets tend to be hot Jupiters, very close to their host star, or directly imaged planets far away from their sun. For hot Jupiters, the solar wind and UV field both will have a strong impact on the upper atmosphere of the planet, ionizing the atmosphere and initiating a unique chemistry. Directly imaged planets are far away from their host star, and therefore are more strongly affected by ionizing galactic cosmic rays. In this talk, I will present an ion-
neutral non-
equilibrium chemical model for the atmosphere of a free-
floating gas giant impinged by galactic cosmic rays. These results indicate that the chemistry of complex hydrocarbons as well as ammonia is driven far from equilibrium. The abundances diverge also from the predictions made by non-
equilibrium neutral-
neutral chemical models, differing from these by more than an order of magnitude in most cases. The enhanced abundances of these molecules will have some affect on atmospheric opacity at different

wavelengths and may play an important role in future exoplanet characterization. Shannon Andrew Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge Resonantly trapped dust rings Dust produced by collisions of asteroids will spiral towards the central star due to Poynting-
Robertson drag. If the dust passes a mean-
motion resonance of a planet, it may become trapped. Resonantly trapped rings of dust may be detected by the LBTI (for instance, the current HOSTS survey using LBTI is targeted to detect dust disks at ~10 times the level of the solar system's zodiacal light or greater) or in the future by JWST. While this dust is a matter of concern for the detectability of terrestrial planets by future imaging missions, resonantly trapped rings can in fact be modelled to determine the properties of the capturing planet. Such resonantly trapped dust rings have been detected for the Earth, and for Venus. Although N-
body simulations are viable in the solar system, with well constrained orbits, around other stars, where one must search a large parameter space, computation times become prohibitive. To overcome this, we develop a model of the evolution of dust grains trapped in resonance by analysing N-
body simulations. Combined with resonance capture probabilities from Mustill & Wyatt 2011, which we validate against our N-
body integrations, we produce a prescription of dust evolution which we use to generate resonantly trapped dust rings a hundred to a thousand times faster than N-
body simulations. We present the model, compare its results with N-
body simulations, use it to generate model disks for trapping by the Earth and Venus, and discuss prospects for distinguishing such rings with LBTI. Southworth John Keele The TEPCat catalogue of transiting planets I give a brief presentation of my Homogeneous Studies of Extrasolar Planets project. I discuss the main features and uses of the TEPCat catalogue of known transiting planets. Terquem Caroline Oxford University On the inclination of planetary orbits We review mechanisms by which the inclination of planetary orbits may be generated or increased. We focuss in particular on the interaction of a planet with a disc, which can generate an inclination if the disc is warped and increase the inclination and the eccentricity of an already inclined orbit.

Wheatley Peter University of Warwick The Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS) NGTS is a new STFC-
suppported ground-
based transit survey currently under construction at the ESO Paranal observatory. As co-
PI of the project and PI of the STFC operations support I will report on the current status of the project and the opportunities for community involvement. The goal of NGTS is to detect smaller planets than has previously been possible from the ground, and to cover enough sky to find such planets around bright stars so that radial-
velocity masses can be measured. We thereby expect to constrain the bulk composition of around a hundred Neptunes and super-
Earths, as well as identifying a sample of very bright planets that are suitable for atmospheric characterisation with flagship facilities such as JWST and the E-
ELT. Yurchenko Sergey University London College Three years of ExoMol: New molecular line lists for exoplanets and other atmospheres Spectral characterization of astrophysical objects cool enough to form molecules in their atmospheres (cool stars, extrosolar planets and planetary discs) requires considerable amounts of fundamental molecular data. In our presentation we will demonstrate that experimental molecular line lists are not sufficiently complete, while most of the existing synthetic data (with some exception) are not sufficiently accurate. The ExoMol project aims at providing comprehensive line lists for all molecules likely to be observable in exoplanet atmospheres in the foreseeable future. This is a huge undertaking which will mean providing in excess of hundretds of billions spectral lines for a large variety of molecular species [Tennyson and Yurchenko, MNRAS, 425, 21 (2012)]. The physics of molecular absorptions is complex and varies between different classes of absorbers, which are therefore divided into following topics (a) diatomic, (b) triatomics, (c) tetratomics, (d) methane and (e) larger molecules. Special techniques are being developed to treat each case. The line lists for a number of key atmospheric species currently available from ExoMol (www.exomol.com) are ammonia, methane, CaH, MgH, BeH, SiO, HCN/HNC, formaldehyde, phosphine, SO3, KCl, NaCl. The line lists in progress are for KCl, NaCl, PN, SiH, SO, ScH, TiH, C2, AlH, MgH, HNO3 and C2H4. As an example we will present our main result so far, a new methane line list generated using a high level of theory [Yurchenko and Tennyson, MNRAS (2014), arXiv:1307.5450v1], called 10to10, which contains just under 10 billion transitions. We will show that the 10to10 line list can revolutionise the accuracy of T-
dwarf models."