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Дата изменения: Mon Aug 28 19:49:00 2000
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 21:58:49 2012

Поисковые слова: gamma-ray burst
ASP Conference Series, Vol. **VOLUME**, **PUBLICATION YEAR**
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Paci c
Conference Series|Instructions for Authors and Editors
Using L A T E X Markup
Iman Author
The Name of My Institution, The Full Address of My Institution, Run
in Address to Make Minimum Number of Lines
Ima Co-Author
The Name of My Institution, The Full Address of My Institution
Abstract. A concise abstract is recommended. Enter the text of the ab-
stract in an \abstract" environment, i.e., within \begin{abstract} and
\end{abstract} commands. Do not make a paragraph break between
\begin{abstract} and the rst line of the text of the abstract! Abstracts
are required for all papers.
1. Introduction
In order to ensure that papers received for publication from di erent authors
are consistent in format, style, and quality, authors are required to type their
manuscripts exactly according to the following instructions. The editors will
modify the electronic manuscripts as necessary to ensure that they conform to
these standards in order to produce a nal camera ready copy.
This document is a revised version of the PASP documents paspman.tex
and revpaspman.tex 1 .
2. L A T E X Markup Commands
Authors using L A T E X are requested to use the newpasp style le, and declare it as
a substyle to the standard L A T E X article style. A copy of the style le and the
le for these instructions are available via anonymous ftp at physics.byu.edu.
You will nd the les in the subdirectory /pub/pasp/style/new/aspconf.
You should use only those markup commands from L A T E X plus the several
extensions provided by this style le. Do not de ne any commands of your own
for any reason (no \def or \newcommand statements).
1 The present version, based on L A T E X 2.09, will shortly be revised to incorporate L A T E X 2 " .

2 Author & Co-author
2.1. Preamble
The rst piece of markup in the manuscript must declare the overall style of the
The \documentstyle command must appear rst in any L A T E X le, and this
one speci es the main style to be the L A T E X article style using eleven point
fonts, with modi cations and additions for the newpasp substyle.
To get the running headers at the top of each page (authors' names on the
left page and title on the right page), enter the following commands directly
beneath the \documentstyle command:
\markboth{author's surnames}{title of contribution}
The author must include a
command to identify the beginning of the main portion of the manuscript.
2.2. Title, Byline, Abstract, etc.
Title and author identi cation are by way of the standard L A T E X commands
\title and \author. An author's principal aфliation is speci ed with a separate
macro \affil. Each \author command should be followed by a corresponding
\affil (address).
\title{lucid text}
The \affil command should be used to give the author's full postal address.
The address will be broken over several lines automatically; do not use L A T E X's
\\ command to indicate the line breaks. Please use mixed case text for all these
elds rather than supplying all capitals; the style le will convert to upper case
as necessary.
The article's abstract should be enclosed in an abstract environment.
abstract text
Don't include the word \Abstract" in your text; it is inserted automatically. Do
not make a paragraph break between \begin{abstract} and the rst line of
the text of the abstract!

APS Conf. Ser. Style 3
2.3. Sections
The L A T E X article environment supports three levels of sectioning.
\subsection{heading} \subsubsection{heading}
Please use mixed case text for the section heads. Note that these commands
delimit sections by marking the beginning of each section; there are not separate
commands to identify the ends.
If one wishes to have an acknowledgments section, it should be set o simply
with the command
2.4. Equations
Displayed equations can be typeset in many ways using the standard displayed
math environments of L A T E X; these three are probably of greatest use.
The displaymath environment will break out a single, unnumbered formula.
The equation will appear the same if it is set in an equation environment, and
it will be autonumbered by L A T E X. In order to set several formul in which
vertical alignment is required, use the eqnarray environment.
2.5. Tables
Tables should appear in table environments.
There should be only one table per environment. The table environment en-
closes not only the tabular material but also any title (caption) or footnote
information associated with the table. Tabular information is typeset within
L A T E X's tabular environment; the cols argument speci es the formatting for
each column. Tables and gures will be identi ed with arabic numerals, e.g.,
\Table 2."; the identifying text, including the number, is generated automatic-
ally by the \caption command.
There is a \tableline command for use in tabular environments.

4 Author & Co-author
This command produces a single horizontal rule. There should be a \tableline
above and below between the column headings, and two at the end of the table.
Authors should not use additional \tablelines themselves, and are discouraged
from using vertical rules unless essential.
2.6. EPS Files
Authors who can prepare computer graphics in Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
format may use one of two additional markup commands to mark the point of
inclusion, both of which should be used inside a L A T E X figure environment. If
the DVI translator dvips by Tom Rokicki is available on your computer, it is also
possible to prepare the nal copy with such gures in place. If you have Tom's
dvips program, you must include the epsf substyle in the \documentstyle
de nition:
You may have to copy epsf.tex to epsf.sty or create a symbolic link, since
dvips is distributed with epsf.tex which serves both plain T E X and L A T E X. The
same le works ne as a L A T E X style le, it just needs the .sty extension.
The markup commands for including EPS les are:
\plotone{ le}
\plottwo{ le}{ le}
The le argument is used to name the le(s) to be included. The \plotone
command includes one gure that is scaled to the width of the current text
column; \plottwo inserts two gures side by side, and the pair is scaled to t
the text width. If one uses these macros, the necessary vertical space is provided
\caption{My EPS graphic.}
\caption{Two related graphics.}
Please note that the caption will be centered under the pair of graphics when
\plottwo is used. It is not possible to caption the two plots individually with
this package at this time. As with tables, gures will be identi ed with arabic
numerals, e.g., \Figure 1.".
If you must fuss with the positioning and scaling of the EPS plot on the
printed page, you can try using this command:
\plotfiddle{ le}{vsize}{rot}{hsf }{vsf }{htrans}{vtrans}

APS Conf. Ser. Style 5
vsize vertical white space to allow for plot, any valid
L A T E X dimension
rot rotation angle, in degrees, counter-clockwise
hsf horiz scale factor, percent
vsf vert scale factor, percent
htrans horiz translation, in PS points 72/in
vtrans vert translation, in PS points 72/in
If you can produce EPS but you do not have dvips , you can still put the
\plotone or \plottwo commands in the the appropriate places, but you will
have to comment them out and put in a \vspace{dimen} command to open
up the text. The dvips program is in the public domain and is available from
A special note to authors: Color EPS les should be avoided if possible.
And since it is sometimes necessary to edit EPS les to make them printable,
authors should try to avoid EPS les with lines longer than 1024 characters.
2.7. Pasted in Illustrations
Illustrations must be inserted in the text at the appropriate places, with the
relevant caption underneath each. The nished pages are reduced by 10% before
printing. Thus, illustrations will appear somewhat smaller in print.
These illustrations should appear in figure environments.
There should be only one gure per environment. Space for the gure is created
with the \vspace command; dimen should be a valid L A T E X dimension, e.g.,
Stick glue is normally preferred for pasting in illustrations, but other ad-
hesives will suфce. Do not use a glue which will wrinkle the paper. Illustrations
must not be xed to the pages by transparent adhesive (cellophane) tape since
this will show in the printing. Paste in each illustration so that it is centered on
the page. Also check (e.g., with a set-square) that the illustration is not crooked.
Size of Illustrations The maximum width of an illustration is normally 13.4cm
(5.25in) so that it will t within the width of the text area. Of course an
illustration may be smaller if appropriate. A large illustration may be placed
sideward (\landscape") on the paper if necessary.
Halftone Illustrations (Photographs) Good glossy original prints are required,
black and white only ; color plates cannot be reproduced. Photographs cut
from other publications will not reproduce well, and usually infringe copyright.
Supply both a large photograph and a reduced version pasted in the text. The
pasted-in version will be used for size and placement only; a copy machine can be
used for this reduction. If a reduction is not supplied, leave appropriate space in
text above the gure caption. The publisher will take care of the photographic
reduction and mounting of the original glossy print in the space provided by
your pasted-in version.

6 Author & Co-author
Line Illustrations If line drawings are submitted as the original, they should
be drawn in black ink on good quality tracing paper or a glossy photographic
The lettering on line illustrations must be satisfactory | not too large, not
too small. The preferred style of lettering is \all capitals", with capital letters
between 2mm and 3mm in height (roughly, 6pt to 8pt). Lettering should be done
with a lettering stencil or press-on lettering; free-hand or typewritten lettering
is not recommended. All lettering and ne detail on both line and photographic
illustrations must be very clear and of good visual quality. It is often easier
to prepare line illustrations at a larger size (e.g., twice the required size), then
have them reduced photographically for pasting into the text.
Illustrations produced on laser printers are acceptable and are probably the
preferred way to produce drawings by most authors.
3. References
3.1. In the Text
The reference system to be followed is the standard ApJ system. We adopt the
editorial convention of not italicizing the phrase \et al.".
Single Author Author name followed by the year in parentheses, as in Abt
(1990), or author and year both in parentheses (Abt 1990).
Two Authors Author names separated by an ampersand (no comma). Not to
be abbreviated subsequently to \Author1 et al." In parentheses use \(Author1
& Author2 1999)".
Three Authors When rst mentioned in text use the format \Author1, Au-
thor2, & Author3 (year)" (note comma before ampersand). Subsequently, ab-
breviate to \Author1 et al.". When authors and year are both within parentheses
use \(Author1, Author2, & Author3 1999)" or \(Author1 et al. 1999)".
More than Three Authors Use the format \Author1 et al.". Please do not
use \Author1, Author2, Author3, et al.", since Authors 2 and 3 will be deleted
during the copy editing! In parentheses: \(Author1 et al. 1999)".
Citing Multiple Works Inside parentheses, citations are separated by a semi-
colon: \(Biretta, Lo, & Young 1982; Forrest et al. 1987; Lee 1995)".
Outside of parentheses, use commas: \According to Biretta, Lo, & Young
(1982), Forrest et al. (1987), and Lee (1995), there is strong evidence to suggest
3.2. Reference List
There is a references environment that sets o the list of references and adjusts
spacing parameters.
\reference bibliographic information

APS Conf. Ser. Style 7
The bibliographic information should be in the order directed by Abt (1990):
author, year, journal, volume, and page. For instance, the reference for this
editorial would be typed in as
Abt, H. 1990, ApJ, 357, 1
Note that there is not a comma following the author name(s), there is not a
trailing period at the end of the reference, and the entire line is set in the body
typeface (no font changes).
Please note the order of the bibliographical information in the following
Biretta, J. A., Lo, K., & Young, P. J. 1982 in AIP Conf.
Proc., 83, The Galactic Center, ed. G. R. Riegler & R. D.
Blandford (New York: AIP), 91
van der Kruit, P. C., & Shostak, G. S. 1983, in IAU Symp.
100, Internal Kinematics and Dynamics of Galaxies, ed. E.
Athanassoula (Dordrecht: Reidel), 69
Garcia-Lorenzo, B., Mediavilla, E., Arribas, S., & del
Burgo, C. 1998, in ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 152, Fiber Optics
in Astronomy III, ed. S. Arribas, E. Mediavilla \& F.
Watson (San Francisco: ASP), 185
Care should be taken that each literature citation in the manuscript has
its counterpart in the reference list and vice versa. Care should also be given
to checking the accuracy of the references|author(s), date, volume, and page
number. While the accuracy of the references is the sole responsibility of the
author(s), the editor(s) should nevertheless aim to ensure uniformity of present-
ation throughout the volume.
3.3. Abbreviations for Journals
There are macros for many of the oft-referenced journals so that authors may
use the L A T E X names rather than having to look up a particular journal's speci c
abbreviation. Any stylistic requirements of the editors are taken care of by the
macros, so authors need not be concerned about such editorial preferences.

8 Author & Co-author
\aj Astronomical Journal (AJ)
\araa Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics(ARA&A)
\apj Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)
\apjs , Supplement Series (ApJS)
\ao Applied Optics (Appl.Optics)
\apss Astrophysics and Space Science(Ap&SS)
\aap Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A)
\aaps , Supplement Series (A&AS)
\azh Astronomicheskii Zhurnal (AZh)
\baas Bulletin of the AAS (BAAS)
\jrasc Journal of the RAS of Canada (JRASC)
\memras Memoirs of the RAS (MmRAS)
\mnras Monthly Notices of the RAS (MNRAS)
\pra Physical Review A: General Physics (Phys.Rev.A)
\prb Physical Review B: Solid State (Phys.Rev.B)
\prc Physical Review C (Phys.Rev.C)
\prd Physical Review D (Phys.Rev.D)
\prl Physical Review Letters (Phys.Rev.Lett)
\pasp Publications of the ASP (PASP)
\pasj Publications of the ASJ (PASJ)
\qjras Quarterly Journal of the RAS (QJRAS)
\skytel Sky and Telescope (S&T)
\sovast Soviet Astronomy (Soviet Ast.)
\ssr Space Science Reviews (Space Sci.Rev.)
\zap Zeitschrift fur Astrophysik (ZAp)
3.4. Mathematical Symbols
The following macros produce various troublesome or laborious mathematical
\deg ( ф ) \farcs (: 00 )
\sun ( ) \fp (: p )
\earth () \micron (m)
\la (  <) \onehalf ( 1 = 2 )
\ga (  >) \onethird ( 1 = 3 )
\arcmin ( 0 ) \twothirds ( 2 = 3 )
\arcsec ( 00 ) \onequarter ( 1 = 4 )
\fd (: d ) &\threequarters ( 3 = 4 )
\fh (: h ) \ubvr (UBVR)
\fm (: m ) \ub (U B)
\fs (: s ) \bv (B V )
\fdg (: ф ) \vr (V R)
\farcm (: 0 ) \ur (U R)

APS Conf. Ser. Style 9
4. Instructions to Editors
Please observe the following guidelines.
All contributions must carry the eyebrow slug (giving the title of the confer-
ence, the ASP Conf. Ser. volume number and the name(s) of the editor(s). The
slug will appear in the top lefthand corner of the rst page of the contribution.
To achieve this, open the le newpasp.sty and search for the lines
\def\cpr@year{**PUBLICATION YEAR**}
and replace \**VOLUME**", etc., by the relevant information.
Remember to check the volume number and publication date with Enid
Livingstone at PASP@io.ln.byu.edu before printing out the nal copy!
Check that the running headers are inserted and alternate correctly (has
the author remembered to put the parameter \twoside" in the documentstyle
Ensure that the pagination for each article is correct. To change the pagin-
ation use \setcounter{page}{number}, where number is the rst page number
of the article. This command should be inserted in each article le after the
\pagestyle{myheadings} command.
Standardize the bibliographical referencing as outline above.
Ensure that the page width is never exceeded. Any text, tables or illustra-
tions that stretch beyond the margins will be truncated in the printing process.
5. Persons to Contact
For details concerning the volume number allocated to your proceedings volume,
date of publication, questions relating to the book production process, and
administrative details, please contact Enid Livingstone
All queries relating to the L A T E X style le, author's/editor's instruction manual,
etc., should be directed to Terry Mahoney (tjm@ll.iac.es).