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Chris Haniff's Astronomy Page

Chris Haniff's Astronomy Page

COAST: the Cambridge Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope

At MRAO, a considerable amount of my time is spent working as part of the COAST team on our optical and near-infrared interferometer. Details of the instrument, and up-to-date news on our science programme can be found on the COAST page.

Also there is a database of all papers from the COAST team, as well as links to other interferometry sites. Particularly useful is the page prepared by Peter Lawson from which you can get to most optical interferometric sites worldwide.

As well as working on COAST, I have a number of ongoing collaborations with astronomers in Berkeley, Sydney, and Durham, all in the general area of interferometric imaging with large ground-based telescopes.

General Research Interests

Publications for 2000

Publications for 1999

Publications in refereed journals 1985-2000 (in reverse chronological order)

  1. ``Surface imaging of long-period variable stars'', Tuthill, P.G., Haniff, C.A., Baldwin, J.E. 1999 Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 306, 353-360.
  2. ``Group-delay tracking and visibility fluctuations in long-baseline interferometry'', Lawson, P.R., Scott, T.R., Haniff, C.A. 1999 Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 304, 218-224.
  3. ``The last gasps of VY CMa: Aperture synthesis and adaptive optics imagery'', Monnier, J.D., Tuthill, P.G., Lopez, B., Cruzalebes, P., Danchi, W.C., Haniff, C.A. 1999 Astrophys. J., 512, 351-361.
  4. ``Large amplitude periodic variations in the angular diameter of R Leonis'', Burns, D., Baldwin, J.E., Boysen, R.C., Haniff, C.A., Lawson, P.R., Mackay, C.D., Rogers, J., Scott, T.R., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D.M.A., Young, J.S. 1998 Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 297, 462-466.
  5. ``Variable sub-arcsecond structure in the circumstellar envelope of IRC+10216'', Haniff, C.A., Buscher, D.F. 1998 Astron. Astrophys. Letters, 334, L5-L8.
  6. ``The changing face of Betelgeuse'', Wilson, R.W., Dhillon, V.S., Haniff, C.A. 1997 Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 291, 819-826.
  7. ``The surface structure and limb-darkening profile of Betelgeuse'', Burns, D., Baldwin, J.E., Boysen, R.C., Haniff, C.A., Lawson, P.R., Mackay, C.D., Rogers, J., Scott, T.R., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D.M.A., Young, J.S. 1997 Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 290, L11-L16.
  8. ``Hotspots on late-type Supergiants'', Tuthill, P.G., Haniff, C.A., Baldwin, J.E. 1997 Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 285, 529-539.
  9. ``The first images from an optical aperture synthesis array: mapping of Capella with COAST at two epochs'', Baldwin, J.E., Beckett, M.G., Boysen, R.C., Burns, D., Buscher, D.F., Cox, G.C., Haniff, C.A., Mackay, C.D., Nightingale, N.S., Rogers, J., Scheuer, P.A.G., Scott, T.R., Tuthill, P.G., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D.M.A., Wilson, R.W. 1996 Astron. Astrophys., 306, L13-L16.
  10. ``Long-term diameter variations in the long-period variable o Ceti'', Tuthill, P.G., Haniff, C.A., Baldwin, J.E. 1995 Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 277, 1541-1546.
  11. ``New diameter measurements for 10 Mira variables: Implications for effective temperatures, atmospheric structure and pulsation modes'', Haniff, C.A., Scholz, M., Tuthill, P.G. 1995 Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 276, 640-650.
  12. ``Closure-phase imaging with partial adaptive correction'', Haniff, C.A., Wilson, R.W. 1994 Pub. Ast. Soc. Pac., 106, 1003-1014.
  13. ``No fundamental mode pulsation in R Leonis?'', Tuthill, P.G., Haniff, C.A., Baldwin, J.E., Feast, M.W. 1994 Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 266, 745-751.
  14. ``Diffraction-limited imaging with partially redundant masks -II.~Optical imaging of faint sources'', Buscher, D.F., Haniff, C.A. 1993 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 10, 1882-1894.
  15. ``Partial adaptive correction and passive interferometry with large ground-based telescopes'', Nakajima, T., Haniff, C.A. 1993 Pub. Ast. Soc. Pac., 105, 509-520.
  16. ``Optical Aperture Synthetic Imaging of The Photosphere & Molecular Atmosphere of Mira'', Haniff, C.A., Ghez, A.M., Gorham, P.W., Kulkarni, S.R., Matthews, K., Neugebauer, G. 1992 Astron. J., 103, 1662-1667.
  17. ``A search for T Tauri's optical companion star'', Gorham, P.W., Ghez, A.M., Haniff, C.A., Kulkarni, S.R., Matthews, K., Neugebauer, G. 1992 Astron. J., 103, 953-959.
  18. ``Diffraction-limited imaging with partially redundant masks - I.~Infrared imaging of bright objects'', Haniff, C.A., Buscher, D.F. 1992 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 9, 203-218.
  19. ``1-20 micron diffraction-limited images of the components of T Tauri'', Ghez, A.M., Neugebauer, G., Gorham, P.W., Haniff, C.A., Kulkarni, S.R., Matthews, K., Beckwith, S.V., Koresko, C. 1991 Astron. J., 102, 2066-2072.
  20. ``The starburst ring around the Seyfert nucleus in NGC 7469'', Wilson, A.S., Helfer, T.T., Haniff, C.A., Ward, M.J. 1991 Astrophys. J., 381, 79-84.
  21. ``High excitation extra-nuclear gas in Seyfert galaxies'', Haniff, C.A., Ward, M.J., Wilson, A.S. 1991 Astrophys. J., 268, 167-172.
  22. ``Least-squares Fourier phase estimation from the modulo 2pi bispectrum phase'' Haniff, C.A. 1991 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., 8, 134-140.
  23. ``Detection of a bright feature on the surface of Betelgeuse'', Buscher, D.F., Haniff, C.A., Baldwin, J.E., Warner, P.J. 1990 Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 245, 7p-11p.
  24. ``Recovery of diffraction-limited object autocorrelations from astronomical speckle interferograms using the CLEAN algorithm'', Gorham, P.W., Haniff, C.A., Ghez, A.M., Prince, T.A. 1990 Astron. J., 100, 294-306.
  25. ``Synthetic aperture imaging at infrared wavelengths'', Haniff, C.A., Buscher, D.F., Christou J.C., Ridgway, S.T. 1989 Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 241, 51p-56p.
  26. ``High resolution emission line imaging of Seyfert galaxies - II. Evidence for anisotropic ionizing radiation'', Wilson, A.S., Ward, M.J., Haniff, C.A. 1988 Astrophys. J., 334, 121-129.
  27. ``High resolution emission line imaging of Seyfert galaxies - I. Observations'', Haniff, C.A., Wilson, A.S., Ward, M.J., 1988 Astrophys. J., 334, 104-120.
  28. ``The first images from optical aperture synthesis'', Haniff, C.A., Mackay, C.D., Titterington, D.J., Sivia, D., Baldwin, J.E., Warner, P.J. 1987 Nature, 328, 694-696.
  29. ``Extended [OIII] emission associated with nuclear radio lobes in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 5929'', Whittle, M., Haniff, C.A., Ward, M.J., Meurs, E.J.A., Pedlar, A., Unger, S.W., Axon, D.J., Harrison, B.A. 1986 Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 222, 189-200.
  30. ``Closure phase in high-resolution optical imaging'', Baldwin, J.E., Haniff, C.A., Mackay, C.D., Warner, P.J. 1986 Nature, 320, 595-597.
  31. ``The kinetics of swelling of Southern Bean Mosaic Virus : A study using photon correlation spectroscopy'', Brisco, M., Haniff, C.A., Hull, R., Wilson, T.M.A., Sattelle, D.B. 1986 Virology, 148, 218.
  32. ``Laser-Diffusion measurements on delta-endotoxin crystals from bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki HD1'', Sattelle, D.B., Haniff, C.A., Thomas, W.E., Ellar, D.J. 1985 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 840, 432.

Conference proceedings, invited reviews, and other publications

  1. ``Imaging interferometry from the ground: a practical approach'', Haniff, C.A. 1999 Proc. NASA/JPL conference on Optical and IR Interferometery from Ground and Space -- Dana Point, California, May 24--May 27 1999, 16-26.
  2. `` High angular resolution astronomy on a shoe-string'', Haniff, C.A. 1999 Proc. ASP conference on Adaptive Optics and Interferometry in the 21st Century -- Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 28--July 1 1998, 135-145.
  3. ``Measurements of the changes in angular diameter of Mira variables with pulsation phase'', Young, J.S., Baldwin, J.E., Boysen, R.C., Haniff, Pearson, D., Rogers, J., St.-Jacques, D., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D.M.A. 1999 Proc. IAU Symposium 181 -- Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars -- Montpellier, France, August 27--September 1 1998 eds. Le Bertre, T., Lebre, A., Waelkens, C. (San Francisco: ASP) 145-150
  4. ``High Angular Resolution in Astrophysics'', Haniff, C.A. 1998 Observatory: Book Reviews,
  5. ``Current status of COAST'', Baldwin, J.E., Boysen, R.C., Haniff, C.A., Lawson, P.R., Rogers, J., St.-Jacques, D., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D.M.A., Young, J.S., Mackay, C.D. 1998 Proc. SPIE conference on Astronomical Interferometry - Kona, Hawaii, March 20-March 24 1998 - ed. Reasenberg, R.D. 3350, 736-745.
  6. ``COAST in the near-infrared: solutions for infrared interferometry'', Young, J.S., Baldwin, J.E., Boysen, R.C., Haniff, C.A., Lawson, P.R., Rogers, J., St.-Jacques, D., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D.M.A., Beckett, M.G., Mackay, C.D. 1998 Proc. SPIE conference on Astronomical Interferometry - Kona, Hawaii, March 20-March 24 1998 ed. Reasenberg, R.D. 3350, 746-752.
  7. ``Multi-wavelength fringe measurement with a CCD spectrometer at COAST'', Lawson, P.R., Baldwin, J.E., Warner, P.J., Boysen, R.C., Haniff, C.A., Rogers, J., St.-Jacques, D., Wilson, D.M.A., Young, J.S., Mackay, C.D. 1998 Proc. SPIE conference on Astronomical Interferometry - Kona, Hawaii, March 20-March 24 1998 ed. Reasenberg, R.D. 3350, 753-761.
  8. ``Spatial filtering using pinholes at COAST'', St.Jacques, D., Baldwin, J.E., Boysen, R.C., Haniff, C.A., Lawson, P.R., Rogers, J., D., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D.M.A., Young, J.S. 1998 Proc. SPIE conference on Astronomical Interferometry - Kona, Hawaii, March 20-March 24 1998 ed. Reasenberg, R.D. 3350, 762-775.
  9. ``Michelson interferometry with Keck I'', Tuthill, P., Monnier, J., Danchi, W., Haniff, C.A. 1998 Proc. SPIE conference on Astronomical Interferometry - Kona, Hawaii, March 20-March 24 1998 ed. Reasenberg, R.D. 3350, 839-847.
  10. ``Morphologies of Dusty Circumstellar Environments'', Tuthill, P.G., Monnier, J.D., Danchi, W.C., Haniff, C.A. 1997 Proc. 10th Cambridge Conference on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun - Cambridge MA, USA, July 15-July 19 1997, eds. Donahue, R., Bookbinder, J., 2057-2063.
  11. ``Latest results from the Cambridge Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope'', Haniff, C.A., Baldwin, J.E., Burns, D., Boysen, R.C., Lawson, P.R., Mackay, C.D., Rogers, J., St-Jacques, D., Scott, T.R., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D.M.A., Young, J.S. 1997 Proc. 10th Cambridge Conference on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun - Cambridge MA, USA, July 15-July 19 1997, eds. Donahue, R., Bookbinder, J., 1985-1991.
  12. ``Wavelength-dependent stellar diameters using MAPPIT'', Jacob, A.P., Bedding, T.R., Robertson, J.G., Marson, R.G., Barton, J.R., Haniff, C.A. 1997 Poster Proceedings of IAU Symposium 189 - Fundamental Stellar Properties: The interaction between observation and theory - Sydney, Australia, January 13-17 1997, ed. Bedding, T.R. p.10-p.13.
  13. ``Kilometric Baseline Space Interferometry'', Bely, P., Laurance, R.J., Volonte, S., Greenaway, A., Haniff, C., Lattanzi, M., Mariotti, J.-M., Noordam, J.E., Vakili, F., von der Luhe, O., Lambert, H., Calvel, B., Scaddan, R., Vangasse, P. 1996 Proc. SPIE conference on Space Telescopes and Instruments IV - Denver, USA, August 6-7 1996, eds. Bely, P.Y., and Breckinridge, J.B. 2807, 59-73.
  14. ``Interferometric imaging of late-type stars with the VLTI'', Haniff, C.A., 1996 Proc. ESO workshop on Science with the VLT Interferometer - Garching bei Munchen, Germany, June 18-21 1996 ed. Paresce, F. p212-219.
  15. ``Developments at COAST'', Warner, P.J., Baldwin, J.E., Boysen, R.C., Burns, D., Haniff, C.A., Lawson, P.R., Mackay, C.D., Rogers, J., Scott, T.R., Wilson, D.M.A., Young, J.S. 1996 Proc. SPIE conference on Optical Telescopes of Today and Tomorrow - Landskrona/Hven, Sweden, May 29-June 2 1996 2871, 488-492.
  16. ``Astronomical results from COAST'', Burns, D., Baldwin, J.E., Warner. P.J., Boysen, R.C., Lawson, P.R., Mackay, C.D., Rogers, J., Haniff, C.A., Wilson, D.M.A., Scott, T.R., Young, J.S. 1996 Proc. SPIE conference on Optical Telescopes of Today and Tomorrow - Landskrona/Hven, Sweden, May 29-June 2 1996 2871, 533-539.
  17. ``Future optical interferometer design'', Lawson, P.R., Rogers, J., Haniff, C.A., Baldwin, J.E., Boysen, R.C., Burns, D., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D.M.A. 1996 Proc. SPIE conference on Optical Telescopes of Today and Tomorrow - Landskrona/Hven, Sweden, May 29-June 2 1996 2871, 493-497.
  18. ``Kilometric Baseline Space Interferometry'', Bely, P., Calvel, B., Greenaway, A., Haniff, C.A., Laine, I., Lambert, H., Lattanzi, M., Laurance, R.J., Mariotti, J.-M., Noordam, J.E., Parkinson, R.C., Scaddan, R., Vakili, F., Vangasse, P., von der Luhe, O., Volonte, S. 1996 ESA SCI(96)7, eds. Bely, P., Laurence, R., Volonte, S.
  19. ``A New start for the VLTI'', Paresce, F., Mourard, D., Bedding, T., Beletic, J., Haniff, C., Leinert, C., Malbet, F., Mariotti, J.-M., Mozurkewich, D., Mundt, R., Petitjean, P., Quirrenbach, A., Reinheimer, T., Richichi, A., Rottgering, H., von der Luhe, O., Waters, R. 1996 ESO Messenger, 83, 14-21.
  20. ``Novel adaptive optics with the Durham University ELECTRA system'', Buscher, D.F., Andrews, N., Doel, A.P., Dunlop, C., Morris, P.W., Myers, R.M., Sharples, R.M., Vick, A.J.A., Zadrozny, A., Haniff, C.A., Wilson, R.W. 1995 Proc. OSA Adaptive optics topical meeting - Garching bei Munchen, Germany, October 2-6 1995 ed. Cullum, M. p.63-p.68.
  21. ``Visible-wavelength diffraction-limited imaging using low-order adaptive optics'', Buscher, D.F., Doel, A.P., Haniff, C.A., Wilson, R.W. 1995 Proc. SPIE conference on Adaptive optical systems and applications - San Diego, USA, July 10-11 1995 eds. Tyson, R.K., and Fugate, R.Q. 2534, 53-61.
  22. ``Interferometry of cool pulsating stars'', Haniff, C.A. 1995 Proc. IAU Colloquium 155 - Astrophysical applications of stellar pulsation - Cape Town, South Africa, February 6-10 1995 eds. Stobie, R.S., and Whitelock, P.A. p.270-p.280
  23. ``Design and performance of COAST'', Baldwin, J.E., Boysen, R.C., Cox, G., Haniff, C.A., Rogers, J., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D.M.A., Mackay, C.D. 1994 Proc. SPIE conference on Amplitude and Intensity Interferometry II - Kona, Hawaii, March 15-16 1994 ed. Breckinridge, J.B. 2200, 118-128.
  24. ``COAST: its current status, operation, and results'', Baldwin, J.E., Boysen, R.C., Cox, G., Haniff, C.A., Rogers, J., Warner, P.J., Wilson, D.M.A., Mackay, C.D. 1994 Proc. SPIE conference on Amplitude and Intensity Interferometry II - Kona, Hawaii, March 15-16 1994 ed. Breckinridge, J.B. 2200, 112-117.
  25. ``Atmospheric phase fluctuation measurement: interferometric results from the WHT and COAST telescopes'', Haniff, C.A., Baldwin, J.E., Warner, P.J., Scott, T.R. 1994 Proc. SPIE conference on Amplitude and Intensity Interferometry II - Kona, Hawaii, March 15-16 1994 ed. Breckinridge, J.B. 2200, 407-417.
  26. ``Closure-phase imaging with low-order adaptive optics'', Haniff, C.A., Wilson, R.W. 1994 Proc. SPIE conference on Amplitude and Intensity Interferometry II - Kona, Hawaii, March 15-16 1994 ed. Breckinridge, J.B. 2200, 546-557.
  27. ``Introduction to Wave Optics'', Haniff, C.A. 1993 Proc. NATO Advanced Study Institute on Adaptive Optics for Astronomy - Cargese, Corsica, June 28 - July 10 1993 eds. Alloin, D.M., Mariotti, J.-M. p.3-p.24.
  28. ``An interferometric survey of Mira variables and M supergiants'', Tuthill, P.G, Haniff, C.A., and Baldwin, J.E. 1993 Proc. IAU Symposium 158 - Very high angular resolution imaging - Sydney, Australia, January 11-15 1993 eds. Robertson, J.G., and Tango, W.J. p.395-p.397.
  29. ``Speckle vs. non-redundant masking'', Haniff, C.A. 1993 Proc. IAU Symposium 158 - Very high angular resolution imaging - Sydney, Australia, January 11-15 1993 eds. Robertson, J.G., and Tango, W.J. p.317-p.325.
  30. ``Feasibility, Applications and Recommendations'', Haniff, C.A., Laing, R. 1992 U.K. Gemini Adaptive Optics Working Group Report, August 1992 ed. Lee T.J.
  31. ``Atmospheric seeing and correction'', Myers, R.M., Haniff, C.A., Lee, T. 1992 U.K. Gemini Adaptive Optics Working Group Report, August 1992 ed. Lee T.J.
  32. ``Speckle imaging with partially redundant masks: Rationale and preliminary results'', Haniff, C.A., Buscher, D.F. 1992 Proc. NOAO/ESO conference on High-resolution imaging by interferometry II - Garching bei Munchen, Federal Republic of Germany, October 14-18 1991 eds. Beckers J.M., and Merkle, F. p.371-p.380.
  33. ``When big is beautiful'', Kulkarni, S.R., Shao, M., Haniff, C.A. 1991 Nature: News & Views, 352, 383.
  34. ``High spatial resolution imaging of circumstellar envelopes in the near infrared'', Christou, J.C., Ridgway, S.T., Buscher, D.F., Haniff, C.A., McCarthy Jr., D.W. 1991 ASP conference series - Astrophysics with Infrared Arrays ed. Elston, R. 14, p.133-p.138.
  35. ``Infrared non-redundant mask imaging at Palomar'', Weir, W.N., Ghez, A.M., Gorham, P.W., Haniff, C.A., Kulkarni, S.R., Matthews, K., Neugebauer, G. 1990 Proc. SPIE conference on Amplitude and Intensity Interferometry - Tucson, Arizona, February 14-16 1990 ed. Breckinridge, J.B. 1237, 274-285.
  36. ``Infrared speckle imaging at Palomar'', Ghez, A.M., Gorham, P.W., Haniff, C.A., Kulkarni, S.R., Matthews, K., Neugebauer, G., Weir, N. 1990 Proc. SPIE conference on Amplitude and Intensity Interferometry - Tucson, Arizona, February 14-16 1990 ed. Breckinridge, J.B. 1237, 249-258
  37. ``Diffraction-limited imaging at IR wavelengths using aperture masks and fully -filled apertures'', Haniff, C.A., Buscher, D.F., Christou J.C., Ridgway, S.T. 1990 Proc. SPIE conference on Amplitude and Intensity Interferometry - Tucson, Arizona, February 14-16 1990 ed. Breckinridge, J.B. 1237, 259-271.
  38. ``Imaging the surface of Betelgeuse'', Buscher, D.F., Haniff, C.A., Baldwin, J.E., Warner, P.J., Clegg, R. 1990 Gemini, 27, 1-2.
  39. ``The impact of an 8 metre telescope on studies of the infrared emission from active galaxies'', Ward, M.J., Haniff, C.A. 1990 U.K. Large Telescope Project report
  40. ``Laser light scattering determination of particle size composition of delta-endotoxin crystals from bacillus thuringiensis'', Sattelle, D.B., Langer, D., Haniff, C.A., Ellar, D.J. 1989 In ``Dynamic properties of bio-molecular assemblies'', R. Soc. Chem SP-74, 159.
  41. ``Phase closure imaging - theory and practice'', Haniff, C.A. 1989 Proc. NATO Advanced Study Institute on Diffraction-limited imaging with very large telescopes - Cargese, Corsica, September 13-23 1988 eds. Alloin, D.M., Mariotti, J.-M. p.171-p.190.
  42. ``Recent progress in high-resolution imaging'', Haniff, C.A. 1988 Proc. NOAO/ESO conference on High-resolution imaging by interferometry - Garching bei Munchen, Federal Republic of Germany, March 15-18 1988 ed. Merkle, F. p.605-p.612.
  43. ``Milliarcsecond ground-based imaging with single telescopes'', Haniff, C.A. 1987 Proc. ESA workshop on Optical Interferometry in space - Granada, Spain, June 16-18 1987 ESA SP-273, p.171-p.173.

  44. Back to Chris Haniff's home page .
    Published by cah@mrao.cam.ac.uk
    Last modified 2 March 2000