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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Nov 9 11:12:38 2010
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Fri Feb 11 04:55:56 2011

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FP7 ICT Work Programme 2011-12
Information Day Moscow 20 October, 2010
Morten MÜller European Commission

Disclaimer: The aim of this presentation is to enhance public access to information about EU policies and initiatives. The European Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information given. The content is subject to change following Programme Committee opinions and European Commission decisions in 2010 and 2011.

· ICT Programme Objectives · Why research at European level? · Where do we stand? · Programme and Calls overview

··· 2

FP7 ICT Programme objectives


Reinforce basic ICT technologies and infrastructures
­ seize new opportunities in emerging fields, build on existing strengths, help share risks and build partnerships


Reinforce ICT contributions to major socio-economic challenges
­ health and ageing, lower-carbon economy, sustainable manufacturing and services, learning and cultural resources

· · ·

Support to international cooperation Strengthen cooperation in an enlarged Europe Support to pre-commercial procurement

Why research at European level?
· Working together
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Achieve critical mass Coordination of national policies Leverage effect on private and public investments Interoperability and complementarity Reinforce position to be successful in global innovation


Human capacity and excellence in Science & Technology
­ Stimulate training, mobility and career development of researchers ­ Improve S&T capabilities


What do participants tell us?
Survey of FP5-6 participants


· Building excellence · Sharing risks · Exploring technological options · Increasing competitiveness · Reinforcing the ability to innovate · Contributing to standard setting and political debate

ICT in FP7 - Where do we stand?
· Behind us
­ ICT Calls for proposals under WP 2007-08 and WP 2009-10
· · · · > > > > 4 1 1 3 20 10 00 60 0 M of EU funding committed 0 projects launched or to be launched 00 participations 0 distinct organisations participating

­ Calls under two Joint Technology Initiatives (Artemis and Eniac) and the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL) in 2008, 2009 and 2010

· Ahead of us
­ ICT WP 2011-12
· 2422 M funding

­ ICT WP 2013
· >1500 M funding

­ JTIs + AAL WPs 2011, 2012, 2013
··· 6

Next Calls for Proposals - Deadlines
· · · · · ICT Call 7........................................................18 Jan 2011 EU/Brazil coordinated call ......................... 18 Jan 2011 FET Flagship Initiatives ............................. 2 Dec 2010 EU/Russia coordinated call ....................... 12 Nov 2010 SME initiative on Digital Content and Languages ...... 28 April 2010/28 Sept 2011

· FET Open ...................................................... Continuously open · Future Internet PPP Call 1 ......................... 2 Dec 2010 · Energy-Efficient Buildings, Green Cars, Factories of the Future PPPs Call 2010... 2 Dec 2010

Why Public Private Partnerships (PPP)?
· Strong focus on industry-led roadmaps · Cut across themes, technologies and research disciplines · Cut across policy silos ("supply and technology push" + "demand and market pull") · INFSO/ICT PPP
­ Future Internet PPP

· Jointly implemented with other Themes
­ ICT in the Factories of the Future PPP ­ ICT in the Green Cars PPP ­ ICT in the Energy Efficient Buildings PPP


1 nge le hal C

Network and service infrastructures

1 /1/1 18 ne: li ead D

0M 3


1.3: Internet-connected objects
­ distributed networks of cooperating objects (sensors, actuators ...) ­ scale, heterogeneity, mobility ... integration with service layers ... ­ enabling person/object and object/object communications

M 70

1.5: Networked media and search systems
­ digital media delivery platforms: integration with network, adaptation, fusion ... ­ end-to-end immersive and interactive media technologies: 3D evolution, MR, QoE ... ­ multimedia search technologies: user-centric, context-aware, sensor-based ...

M 20

1.6: Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE)
­ facilities for experimentally-driven R&D on Future Internet ­ providing larger scale and diversity 160 M to test and validate the developments at conditions close to reality ­ e.g Future Internet research, service platforms, 3D Internet ... ­ + 25 M in ICT Call 8

1 nge le hal C

Future Internet PPP

10 12/ / e: 2 lin ead D

· 1.7-1.10: Future Internet Public Private Partnership
­ Holistic approach
· towards very high rate mobile access, intelligent service capability, immersive media, secure and trusted platforms, new devices & sensors ..

­ 1.7: Core Platform
M 41

· with generic enablers, functionalities that can be composed or reused... · application scenarios using e.g. context-awareness, RT info processing, ad-hoc service composition ... · requirements for experiments and validation ... · coordination and accompanying measures ...

­ 1.8: Use cases
M 40

­ 1.9: Infrastructure support

­ 1.10: Programme facilitation and support ­ + 80 M in FI PPP Call in 2012


Programme Architecture
Call 1 Call 2 Call 3

Obj 1.10 Programme Facilitation & Support (CSA) Obj 1.9 Capacity Building & Infrastructure (CSA) Obj 1.9 Capacity Building (IP) Obj 1.8 Use Case Scenarios (IP) Obj 1.8 Use Case Trials (IP)
Up to 8 Use Case Scenarios Up to 5 Trials

SME Innovation

Obj 1.8 Use Case Scenarios (IP) Obj 1.8 Use Case Trials (IP) Obj 1.8 Use Case Scenarios (IP) Obj 1.7 Technology Foundation (IP)

3rd Call Use Case Expansion Phase

TF Continuation (IP)







Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

2 nge le hal C

Cognitive systems and robotics

1 /1/1 18 ne: li ead D

· 2.1: Cognitive systems and robotics
M 73

­ robotic systems operating in dynamic, non-deterministic, real-life environments
· research on engineering robotic systems and on endowing robotic systems with cognitive capabilities · responding in a timely and sensible manner and with a suitable degree of autonomy to gaps in their knowledge, and to situations not anticipated at design time

­ cooperation between robotics and cognitive systems research communities ­ + 82 M in ICT Call 9

ge 3 n Sm alle Ch

art systems, embedded systems, 1 computing systems /1/1 18
: line d Dea

M 41

3.2: Smart components and smart systems integration
­ integration of new functionalities (sense, actuate, process, comm, energy scavenging ...) for next generation of application-specific components and smart systems (SoC, SiP ...) ­ convergence of microelectronics, nano-materials, biochemistry, measurement technology and ICT ­ complementary to the ENIAC Joint Technology Initiative ­ + 39 M in ICT Call 8

M 50


3.3: Emdedded systems, monitoring and control
­ design, modelling and operation of systems composed of a large number of independent, heterogeneous and interacting embedded systems, as well as their monitoring and control ­ management of interconnected large, yet autonomous systems (systems-of-systems) ­ complementary to the ARTEMIS Joint Technology Initiative

M 45

3.4: Computing systems
­ parallelisation and programmability methods ­ allow adaptation of existing software to multicore computing architectures and systems ­ embedded devices/general-purpose/high performance computing

ge 3 n alle Ch

Photonics, organic electronics

1 /1/1 8 e: 1 in adl De

M 25


3.5: Core and disruptive photonic technologies
­ lasers, waveguides, photodetectors, amplifiers, LEDs, optical fibres, etc ­ new components and systems for: laser systems, optical fibres, quantum comm, biophotonics, imaging systems, lighting, info displays, memory, storage ... ­ + 92 M in ICT Call 8

M 50


3.6: Flexible, organic and large area electronics and photonics
­ advanced, low temperature processing, printable devices and systems on large area and/or flexible substrates
· Eg. light emitting and sensing devices, photovoltaics, displays, printed electronics for smart tags, or wearable smart textiles

4 nge le hal C

Technologies for digital content and languages
Deadline: 28/4/11//28/9/11 4.1 SME Initiative on digital Content and Languages
­ Special initiative for making it easier for innovative SMEs to exploit and contribute to large digital resource pools
· Bootstrapping date economy (maximise and foster reuse, develop new services) · Community building and best practise exchange · Sharing Language resources (more efficient acquisition and sharing of language resources) 1 /1/1 · Consensus building and common services 18


M 35


4.2: Language technologies

0M 5

­ allowing people to access and use online content and services across language barriers, in their preferred language
· · · ·

: line d Dea

human language as communication means: multilingual content processing as information: information access & mining as interaction: natural spoken interaction roadmaps, evaluation & standards

5 nge le hal C

ICT for health

1 /1/1 8 e: 1 lin ead D

0M 6

5.1: Personal Health Systems (PHS)
­ remote management of diseases, rehabilitation and treatment at the point of need ­ analysis of multi-parametric data

M .5 1

5.2: Virtual Physiological Human (VPH)
­ CSA to develop roadmap for grand challenge on "Digital Patient"
· patient-specific models for better prediction and treatment of diseases

­ + 66.5 M in ICT Call 9
· focused on more elaborate and reusable multi-scale models and a VPH information infrastructure of larger repositories

M 35

5.3: Patient Guidance Services (PGS)
­ enable patients' active participation in care processes ­ semantic interoperability to enable integration of patient information from multiple sources and locations ­ ubiquitous and secure access to personal EHR

ge 5 n alle Ch

ICT for ageing well, inclusion and governance

/11 8/1 1 ne: li ead D

M 37

5.4: ICT for Ageing and Well-being
­ service and social robotics and highly intelligent environments ­ self-learning, context-awareness, adaptation, user interaction ... ­ complementary to the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Programme

M 35

5.5: ICT for smart and personalised inclusion
­ solutions for social and economic inclusion through inclusive design, accessible, personalisable and human-ICT interfaces ­ social computing and solutions for learning and skills acquisition ­ Brain-Neural Computer Interfaces

M 25

5.6: ICT solutions for governance and policy modelling
­ to help deal with future scenarios involving greater complexity and citizens' involvement ­ modelling, simulation, visualisation ...

ge 6 n alle Ch

ICT for a low-carbon economy
/11 8/1 :1 line d Dea

M 35

6.2: ICT systems for energy efficiency

­ energy efficient design and decision support tools ­ optimizing the energy performance during systems development and operation ­ e.g. simulation and planning, enterprise management systems, data centres ...

M 20


6.4 : ICT for energy-efficient buildings and spaces of public use
­ building energy management systems ­ interoperation with other ICT-based sub-systems ­ part of Public-Private Partnership on Energy-Efficient Buildings

/10 /12 :2 line d Dea
/11 8/1 :1 line d Dea

M 50


6.6: Low-carbon multi-modal mobility and freight transport

­ technologies and services for multi-modal freight and logistics ­ ICT for clean and efficient multi-modal mobility for further improving energy efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions ­ all modes of transport for passengers and goods

M 30

6.8: ICT for fully electric vehicles (FEV)
­ building blocks of FEV
· energy storage systems, energy/comm/thermal management, stability control, electric drive, functional safety and durability ...

0 2/1 2/1 e: dlin Dea

­ integrating FEV with infrastructures
· vehicle-to-grid interface, vehicle-to-cooperative transport infrastructure integration ...

­ part of Public-Private Partnership on Green Cars

ge 7 n alle Ch

ICT for the enterprise and manufacturing
2/10 /1 e: 2 in a dl De

· 7.3: Virtual factories and enterprises
M 45

­ end-to-end integrated ICT for higher management efficiency in networked business operations ­ supporting the emergence of 'smarter' virtual factories/enterprises


· 7.4: Digital factories: manufacturing, design and product 5 M lifecycle management
­ engineering platforms
· info sharing, workflow integration ...

­ simulation and virtual prototyping
· using more accurate digital models ...

­ holistic modellling and simulation
· of full complex products/processes ...

FET Open
Future and Emerging Technologies
M 75

· 9 · 6 · 3 · ·


9.1: 9.2: 9.3: 9.4: Cut-

Challenging current Thinking High-Tech Research Intensive SMEs in FET research FET Young Explorers International cooperation on FET research off dates: Batch Short STREPs Full STREPs and CSAs
10 11 12 13 14 15 8/6 2010 30/11 2010 3/5 2011 25/10 2011 10/4 2012 11/9 2012 7/12 2010 17/5 2011 25/10 2011 10/4 2012 25/9 2012 12/3 2013

FET Proactive ­ Special initiatives
· Preparation for FET Flagships
/10 2/12 ­ 9.5: integrate fragmented research efforts around large-scale, ine: adl visionary & goal-driven, multidisciplinary research initiatives De
1 1/1 18/ e: dlin Dea /11 8/1 :1 line d Dea

M 10



Coordination and support
­ 9.12: topics of Nat ­ + 5.5 Coordinating Communities, Identifying new research for FET Proactive initiatives and Fostering Networking ional and Regional Research Programmes M in ICT Calls 8 and 9

M 25

9.13: Exa-scale computing, software and simulation
­ computing platforms with potential for extreme performance (100 petaflop/s in 2014 with potential for exascale by 2020)

­ optimised application codes driven by the computational needs of science and engineering of today's grand challenges eg. climate change, energy, industrial design and manufacturing, systems biology

International collaboration
Horizontal actions · 10.1: EU-Brazil R&D cooperation

· 5 topics targeted: Microelectronics/Microsystems + Networked Monitoring and Control + Future Internet/experimental facilities /11 18/1 : + Future Internet/security + e-Infrastructures line
d Dea

· 10.2: EU-Russia R&D cooperation

· 3 topics targeted: Programming Models and Runtime Support + Performance Analysis Tools for High-Performance Computing /10 2/11 + Optimisation, Scalability and Porting of Codes :1 line
d Dea

· 10.3: International partnership building & support to dialogues

· Support to dialogues with strategic partner countries and regions · Analysis of ICT research priorities in third countries, events ...
/11 18/1 e: dlin Dea

Network of NCP, Cooperation in Enlarged EU
Horizontal actions
/11 18/1 e: dlin Dea


11.2 Trans-national Co-operation Among NCPs

­ promoting further trans-national cooperation within this network ­ proposals are expected to include or enable the active participation of all NCPs which have been officially appointed by the relevant national authorities (EU + associated countries)

0M 1

11.3: Supplements to Strengthen Cooperation in ICT R&D in an Enlarged EU
­ reinforce the cooperation across the enlarged EU ­ support to the participation of additional partners in on-going FP7/ICT IP and STREP projects ending after 30 June 2012 ­ increase the level of expertise, broaden the scope and/or speed up developments ­ additional partners must be located in countries not already present in the existing consortium ­ funding requested should not exceed 30% of the Commission funding of the existing project or EUR 1 million, whichever is lower 1
/1 18/1 ine: adl De

Coordination actions
Designed to:
· promote and support the ad hoc networking and coordination of research and innovation activities at national, regional and European level over a fixed period for a specific purpose · by establishing in a coherent way coordinated initiatives of a range of research and innovation operators, in order to achieve improved cooperation of the European research

May combine the following two types of activities
· Co-ordination activities · Consortium management activities

Some fig typically 3-40 part 0.3-3 m

ures: 19-36 months icipants ­ avg 11 funding ­ avg 1

(Coordination actions do not conduct S&T research !)

Support actions
Designed to
· underpin the implementation of the programme · complement the other FP7 funding schemes, · help in preparations for future Community research and technological development policy activities and · stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation of SMEs, civil society organisations, small research teams, newly developed and remote research centres, as well as setting up research clusters across Europe · Cover one off events or single purpose activities

May combine the following two types of activities
· Support activities · Consortium management activities

Some fig typically 1-21 part 0.2-3 m

ures: 9-30 months icipants ­ avg 8 funding ­ avg 0.9

(Support actions do not conduct S&T research !)

Getting help with proposals

· http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7 · National Contact Points:http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ncp_en.html · Partner search facilities: http://www.ideal-ist.net/ · Information desk: ict@ec.europa.eu · IPR Helpdesk: http://www.ipr-helpdesk.org/index.html · Electronic proposal submission helpdesk: support@epss-fp7.org

ICT Proposers' Day 2011 19 - 20 May 2011, Budapest Networking for European ICT R&D
· · Prepare for Calls 8 and 9 Networking and partnerships building ­ first-hand information from >100 EC officials Structure: ­ ­ · thematic sessions with presentations of proposal ideas information stands & meeting points


Registration: free of charge, open from January 2011
