RSAA Seminars

List of Past Seminar Talks

07/04/2016, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Joao Bento
Stefan Wagner (University of Heidelberg)
The New Frontier of High-Energy Gamma-ray Astrophysics
01/04/2016, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: TBD
Douglas Scott (University of British Columbia)
Modern cosmology: anomalies, damned anomalies and statistics
31/03/2016, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Joao Bento
Tim Bedding (University of Sydney)
A Golden Age of Asteroseismology with Kepler
29/03/2016, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Melanie Kaasinen
Maryam Anjiri (Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)
Instabilities of Current-Carrying MHD (non-rotating) Jets
24/03/2016, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Helga Denes
Douglas Scott (University of British Columbia)
The Universe according to Planck
17/03/2016, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: TBD
Melissa Ness (MPIA)
The first stellar age map of the Milky Way and beyond.
15/03/2016, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Helga Denes
Anna Frebel (MIT)
A single prolific r-process event preserved in an ultra-faint dwarf galaxy
10/03/2016, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Joao Bento
Anais Moller (RSAA)
Detecting and classifying type Ia SNe using only photometry
08/03/2016, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Helga Denes
Dick Manchester (CSIRO)
Pulsars and Gravity
04/03/2016, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: TBD
Anshu Gupta (RSAA)
Radial Distribution of gas-phase metallicities of galaxies in two CLASH clusters at z ~ 0.35
01/03/2016, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Melanie Kaasinen
Luke Davies (University of Western Australia)
Star Formation, Mergers and the Assembly of Stellar Mass in Galaxies
26/02/2016, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Joao Bento
Central Research Management Division (ANU)
Defence Trade Control Act Briefing
25/02/2016, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Helga Denes
Simon Driver (University of Western Australia)
The evolution of mass, energy and structure
19/02/2016, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Francis Bennet
Robert Ward (ANU)
Observation by Advanced LIGO of gravitational waves from a binary black hole merger
18/02/2016, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Melanie Kaasinen
Julia Bryant (CAASTRO, U Syd)
IFU galaxy studies now and then
12/02/2016, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Joao Bento
Paul Francis (RSAA)
MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses) - lessons learned
11/02/2016, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Melanie Kaasinen
Fan Liu (RSAA)
Final Thesis Talk - Chemical signatures of planet formation in field and open cluster stars
09/02/2016, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Helga Denes
Andreas Koch (University of Heidelberg)
Bulge vs. Halo: a mixed bag of chemical enrichments
05/02/2016, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Joao Bento
Fiona Panther (RSAA)
Odd Shaped Balls - The physics of Rugby
18/12/2015, 14:00-14:30
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Joao Bento
Ben Greene (SERC)
CRC for Space Environment Management - Space Environment Research Centre (SERC)
16/12/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Joao Bento
Nobuo Arimoto & Ikuru Iwata (Subaru Telescope NAOJ)
Subaru Telescope: current status and strategy toward future
15/12/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Joao Bento
Jessica Dempsey (JCMT operations manager)
JCMT: submillimeter opportunities for Australia with the East Asian Observatory
11/12/2015, 14:00-14:30
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Melanie Kaasinen
David Nataf (RSAA)
Portrayal of and by Women in Hollywood
10/12/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Christoph Federrath
Phil Hopkins (Caltech)
The Diverse Implications of Stellar Feedback for Galaxy Formation
09/12/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Helga Denes
Yasuo Fukui (Nagoya University)
O star formation triggered by cloud-cloud collision (CCC)
04/12/2015, 09:00-17:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Leslie
Students (various affiliations)
Mt Stromlo Student Christmas Seminars
03/12/2015, 09:00-17:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Leslie
Students (various affiliations)
Mt Stromlo Student Christmas Seminars
01/12/2015, 11:00-12:00
Woolley Seminar Room (NOTE CHANGE OF LOCATION!)
Host: Joao Bento
Wladimir Banda-Barragan (RSAA)
Magnetohydrodynamics of Wind-Cloud Interactions: Filament Formation in the Interstellar Medium
27/11/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Julie Banfield (RSAA)
Panoptes: an online interface for visualisation of data
26/11/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Ivo Seitenzahl (RSAA)
Modelling thermonuclear supernovae - explosion simulations, nucleosynthesis, observables
24/11/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Christoph Federrath
Michael Burton (UNSW)
Carbon in Molecular Clouds - probing the dark molecular gas
20/11/2015, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Eloise Birchall (RSAA)
Masters Thesis Proposal: Signs of Planet Formation in Disks Around Young High-Intermediate Mass Stars
20/11/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Fiona Panther (RSAA)
Thesis proposal talk: An ancient stellar source of the Galactic bulge positron excess
19/11/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Barbara Catinella (ICRAR/UWA)
Gas and star formation properties of massive galaxies
13/11/2015, 14:00-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Hugues Poincelin (RSAA)
Beam Transfer Optics and Laser Launch Telescope Design for Space Debris Tracking Adaptive Optics (Masters Research Project Final Presentation)
12/11/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Elisabete da Cunha (Swinburne)
Understanding the most dusty galaxies in the Universe with ALMA
10/11/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Ortwin Gerhard (MPE)
The New Milky Way: Peanut Bulge and Long Bar
06/11/2015, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Magda Arnaboldi (ESO)
The intracluster light in the Virgo cluster core and the mass assembly of the outer halo of NGC 4486 (M87)
06/11/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Roland Crocker (RSAA)
A connection between the ancient bulge stars and a high-energy astrophysical anomaly
29/10/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Duane Hamacher (UNSW)
The Science of Australian Indigenous Astronomy
27/10/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Rebecca Davies (RSAA)
Dissecting Galaxies - Separating Emission Excited by Star Formation and AGN Activity
23/10/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Sean Farrell (Teradata)
Life After Astronomy: Data Science as an Alternative Career
22/10/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Michael Ireland
Ann Marie Cody (NASA Ames)
The Youngest Planets and their Host Stars
20/10/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Rosemary Wyse (Johns Hopkins University)
The Structure and Substructure of the Milky Way Galaxy
16/10/2015, 14:00-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Frederic Vogt (RSAA)
Gas flows and star formation as a consequence of galaxy interaction in compact groups
13/10/2015, 11:30-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Tomoko Suzuki (NAOJ)
Star formation activities of galaxies before the peak epoch explored with [OIII] emission line galaxies at z > 3
13/10/2015, 11:00-11:30
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Tadayuki Kodama (NAOJ)
Early Environmental Effects in Proto-Clusters at the Cosmic High Noon
09/10/2015, 14:00-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
David Nataf (RSAA)
Recent Developments in the Study of Interstellar Extinction
08/10/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Neil Crighton (Swinburne)
Near Pristine Gas in the Early Universe
02/10/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Kim Vy-Tran (Texas A&M)
Tools for Developing a Teaching Philosophy
01/10/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Kim Vy-Tran (Texas A&M)
ZFOURGE & ZFIRE: Galaxy Evolution Over 13 Billion Years
17/09/2015, 16:00-17:00
Seminar: Department of Quantum Science, held in Psychology G6
Host: Craig Savage
Richard Easther (University of Auckland)
Cosmology: Where We Are and What Happens Next?
17/09/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Christoph Federrath
Daniel Price (Monash)
Rings and no spirals - planet formation in action?
11/09/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Tomaz Zwitter (University of Ljubljana)
Dynamical interstellar medium with Gaia and ground-based massive spectroscopic stellar surveys
02/09/2015, 10:00-11:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Celine d'Orgeville
Jenny Martin (UQ)
Gender Equity in Academia - Making it happen
28/08/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Chris Herron (USyd)
Novel probes of magnetised interstellar turbulence from diffuse synchrotron emission
25/08/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Michael Dopita (RSAA)
S7: Probing the Physics of Active Nuclei
21/08/2015, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Lisa Kewley (RSAA)
Keck Update
21/08/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Elise Hampton (RSAA)
Annual Thesis Presentation: The Interplay between star formation, shocks and AGN in merging galaxy systems
20/08/2015, 14:00-15:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Brad Tucker & Rob Sharp (RSAA)
Google - LUV (Loon Ultra-Violet)
14/08/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Michael Childress (RSAA)
AWSNAP: The ANU+WiFeS SuperNovA Program
13/08/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Alan Duffy (Swinburne)
First Galaxies and DRAGONS
07/08/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Adam Rains (RSAA)
Annual Thesis Talk
06/08/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Pablo Saz Parkinson (University of Hong Kong & UCSC)
Automatic Classification of Fermi Large Area Telescope Gamma-ray Sources using Machine Learning Techniques
04/08/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Luke Shingles (RSAA)
Final Thesis Talk: Neutron-Capture Nucleosynthesis and the Chemical Evolution of Globular Clusters
31/07/2015, 14:00-14:30
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Celine D'Orgeville & Adam Thomas (RSAA)
ALLY program at RSAA
30/07/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Louise Howes (RSAA)
Final Thesis Talk
28/07/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Christopher Hales (NRAO)
Magnetic Fields in Large Scale Structure
24/07/2015, 14:00-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Adam Thomas (RSAA)
PhD thesis proposal: Constraining AGN properties with integral field spectroscopy of Seyfert galaxies
17/07/2015, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Bonnie Zhang (RSAA)
Annual Thesis Talk
17/07/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Christopher Owen (RSAA)
Annual Thesis Talk
10/07/2015, 14:00-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Simon Murphy & Christian Wolf (RSAA)
The SkyMapper Test Data Release
03/07/2015, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Christopher Nolan (RSAA)
Annual Thesis Talk
03/07/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Michael Ireland (RSAA)
The Adaptive Optics Upgrade for the CHARA Array
02/07/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Rowan Edwards (ANU)
Databases For Astronomy
26/06/2015, 09:00-15:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Yong
Students (RSAA)
Annual student thesis talks
25/06/2015, 09:00-16:50
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Yong
Students (RSAA)
Annual student thesis talks
19/06/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Joao Bento (RSAA)
Update on the status of the RHEA spectrograph
18/06/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Jason Kalirai (STScI)
Stellar Astrophysics: 100 Years after Russell
12/06/2015, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Helmut Katzgraber (Texas A&M University, Santa Fe Institute, Coventry University)
Beyond Moore's Law: Seeking Quantum Speedup
12/06/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Brad Tucker (RSAA)
05/06/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Julia Scharwaechter (Observatoire de Paris)
A close look at the ultra-massive black hole in NGC 1277
02/06/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Federico Lelli (Case Western Reserve University)
The close link between baryons and dark matter in disc galaxies
29/05/2015, 14:00-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Peter Teague (Vipac Engineers & Scientists Ltd)
How can a PhD in Astronomy prepare you for doing other things in the Real World
28/05/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
George Zhou (RSAA)
Discovering and characterising transiting planets and low mass stars
21/05/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Raul Jimenez (University of Barcelona)
Fundamental physics and observations of the Universe
15/05/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Michael Childress (RSAA)
Measuring the power source for Type Ia supernovae with late time spectra
14/05/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
David Buckley (SALT)
The Long Road to Science with the SALT
12/05/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Daniela Calzetti (UMass Amherst)
Star Formation Across Space
08/05/2015, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Michael Ireland & Naomi McClure-Griffiths (RSAA)
Report on China visit
08/05/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Shaheen Iqbal (RSAA)
Elemental Abundance Patterns in the LMC Field Population around NGC 1846
07/05/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Paolo Serra (CSIRO)
Neutral hydrogen gas in early-type galaxies: results from the Atlas3D survey
01/05/2015, 14:00-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Naomi Mathers (RSAA)
What's Hiding Behind the Locked Doors? An Insiders Tour of the Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre (AITC)
28/04/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Cornelia Lang (University of Iowa)
A case study of an unusual molecular cloud in the Galactic Center: Abundant CH3OH Masers but no new star formation in GCM0.253+0.016
24/04/2015, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Matthew Coleman (Murray-Darling Basin Authority)
From Stellar Streams to Rivers and Streams: Astrophysics in the Murray-Darling Basin
24/04/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Rob Sharp (RSAA)
Weighing black-holes with the Australian Dark Energy Survey
23/04/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Helga Denes (RSAA)
A wide-field investigation into the HI content of galaxies
17/04/2015, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Anne Medling (RSAA)
Shocks in SAMI Galaxies
17/04/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Tiantian Yuan (RSAA)
The lensed host galaxy of the lensed supernova 'SN Refsdal' at z = 1.49
16/04/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Andrew Glikson (Planetary Science Institute, ANU)
Evidence of early heavy asteroid bombardment of Earth during 3.5-2.5 billion years ago
14/04/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Daniel Huber (University of Sydney)
The Space Photometry Revolution of Asteroseismology & Exoplanets
10/04/2015, 14:40-15:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Martin Asplund (RSAA)
Discussion on the proposed joint Keck TAC between ANU, Swinburne and Australia
10/04/2015, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Kai Marquardt (Uni Wuerzburg)
Type Ia Supernovae from exploding (Carbon-)Oxygen-Neon White Dwarfs
10/04/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
John Norris (RSAA)
The Lithium Abundances of the Most Metal-poor Stars
09/04/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Albert Zijlstra (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics)
Life in retirement: old stars in old stellar populations
02/04/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Jeremy Goodman (Princeton University)
Very Massive Stars
31/03/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Devika Kamath (Institute of Astronomy, KU Leuven)
A new perspective on single/binary star evolution and nucleosynthesis based on post-AGB and post-RGB stars in the Magellanic Clouds
27/03/2015, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Luke Shingles (RSAA)
Helium-rich stellar and chemical evolution
27/03/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Richard Scalzo and Fang Yuan (RSAA)
Snapshot Supernova
26/03/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Christoph Federrath
Jennifer Schober (Heidelberg University)
The Origin of Strong Magnetic Fields in Galaxies
24/03/2015, 14:00-15:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Stuart Ryder (International Telescopes Support Office, AAO)
The changing landscape of Australian 8 metre telescope access
20/03/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Sarah Sweet (RSAA)
Hidden GeMS: observing with the Gemini multi-conjugate adaptive optics system
19/03/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
David Block (Uni Witwatersrand)
The strategy of Edwin Hubble; changing the history of galaxy morphology forever
18/03/2015, 14:00-15:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Brian Boyle (Australian SKA Director, Department of Industry)
Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Update
13/03/2015, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Gary Da Costa (RSAA)
The Ca II triplet - [Fe/H] or [Ca/H] indicator?
13/03/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Anshu Gupta (RSAA)
Flux Calibration of DEIMOS-KECK data
12/03/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Ashley Ruiter (RSAA)
What are the elusive Type Ia supernova progenitors? Merging white dwarfs check (almost) all the boxes
06/03/2015, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Michael Ireland (RSAA)
Progress on the Gemini High-resolution Optical SpecTrograph (GHOST)
06/03/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Brent Groves (RSAA)
Heating and Cooling in our Galactic Neighbour, Andromeda
05/03/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Peter Wizinowich (Keck)
Adaptive Optics at W. M. Keck Observatory
27/02/2015, 14:30-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Elliott Thorn (AITC Intern)
EMCCD noise characterisation and beam expander baseplate vibration analysis
27/02/2015, 14:20-14:30
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Laila Salam Sezin (AITC Intern)
Cardboard Prototype of an Optical Instrument designed for Gemini Telescope
27/02/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
George Zhou (RSAA)
Measuring the rotational oblateness of exoplanets with Kepler
26/02/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Anna Frebel (MIT)
The ultra-faint dwarf galaxy Segue 1: Is it a surviving first galaxy?
20/02/2015, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Tammy Roderick (RSAA)
Stellar substructures around the Hercules dwarf spheroidal galaxy
20/02/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Dougal Mackey (RSAA)
Slowly-forming star clusters - fact or fiction?
19/02/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Antonia Rowlinson (CSIRO)
Constraining the progenitor and central engine of short GRBs
13/02/2015, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Matthew Colless (RSAA)
The link between structure and kinematics in early-type galaxies - the view from SAMI
13/02/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Diane Salim (RSAA)
An Even More Universal Star Formation Law in Molecular Clouds and Galaxies
12/02/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Maria Cunningham (UNSW)
The probability density function in molecular gas in the G333 and Vela C molecular clouds
10/02/2015, 11:00-12:00
CSO common room
Host: Fang Yuan
Ilana Feain (U Sydney)
RadioAstronomy meets RadioTherapy: An inter-disciplinary approach enabling better outcomes for cancer patients around the world
06/02/2015, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Sarah Leslie (RSAA)
A Radio-Optical Study of Resolved Star-Formation in Galaxies from the SAMI Galaxy Survey
05/02/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Cherie Fishlock (RSAA)
Final Thesis Talk: Why should we care about asymptotic giant branch stars?
30/01/2015, 14:25-14:45
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Mike Bessell (RSAA)
The C/O ratio in the ejecta of a primordial supernova
30/01/2015, 14:05-14:25
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Dipanjan Mukherjee (RSAA)
Measuring magnetic field strengths of neutron stars
30/01/2015, 14:00-14:05
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Phil Dooley (ANU Communications Office)
ANU media services
29/01/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Giorgios Vernardos (Swinburne University)
Data Intensive Quasar Microlensing
27/01/2015, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Mohammad Nawaz (RSAA)
Interaction of Hydra A jets with the Intracluster medium
22/12/2014, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Ian Price
Kimberly Ennico-Smith (NASA)
Distant worlds revealed - NASA's New Horizons spacecraft reaches the Pluto System in 2015
19/12/2014, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Tiantian Yuan
Mo (Emma) Yu (University of Texas at Austin)
Probing planet nurseries with rare CO isotopologues
18/12/2014, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Holger Baumgardt (University of Queensland)
The formation of the smallest galaxies
16/12/2014, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Michele Bannister (University of Victoria)
Mapping the Deep: First Discoveries from the Outer Solar System Origins Survey
11/12/2014, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Dipanjan Mukherjee (RSAA)
Accretion on neutron stars: effects on magnetic field evolution and X-ray observations
05/12/2014, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Daniel Bayliss (RSAA)
Final Talk: Transiting Exoplanets
04/12/2014, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Roland Crocker (RSAA)
Unravelling the Milky Way's Giant Gamma-Ray and Radio Lobes
01/12/2014, 14:00-15:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Simon Campbell (Monash University)
Towards 21st century stellar models: Star Clusters, Supercomputing, and Asteroseismology
28/11/2014, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Tomas Ruiz-Lara (University of Granada)
Unveiling the stellar content in the outer parts of spiral galaxies
28/11/2014, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
David Nataf (RSAA)
Uncertainties in the Interstellar Extinction and the Cepheid Distance to M101
27/11/2014, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Fang Yuan
Andrew Bunker (Oxford University)
Finding Distant Galaxies and Determining the Star Formation History of the Universe
25/11/2014, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Richard Scalzo
Katie Mack (University of Melbourne)
Dark Matter in the Cosmic Context
21/11/2014, 14:20-14:40
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Rebecca Davis (RSAA)
The Extended Emission Line Region of the "Green Bean" Galaxy SDSS J2240-0927: a quasar ionization echo illuminating the remnant of a quasar-driven outflow?
21/11/2014, 14:00-14:20
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Diane Salim (RSAA)
Metallicity Calibrations and Gradients in SAMI Star-forming Galaxies
20/11/2014, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Philip Taylor (University of Hertfordshire)
AGN Feedback in Cosmological Simulations
18/11/2014, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: David Nataf
Kim Venn (University of Victoria, British Columbia)
Stellar abundances in dwarf galaxies
13/11/2014, 14:00-15:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Garth D. Illingworth (UCO/Lick Observatory)
A Post-ICRP Update on JWST: Just Four Years to Launch
11/11/2014, 11:00-12:00
Duffield Lecture Theatre
Host: Sarah Sweet
Piet van der Kruit (University of Groningen)
The born investigator of the heavens

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