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Module pynifs
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Source Code for Module pynifs

   1  # Module pynifs 
   2  # This module is designed to load & hold already processed NIFS data 
   3  # cubes 
   4  # Written by Marc White, Nov 2011 
   5  # Updated v1.1, Jan 2014 
   6  # mwhite@mso.anu.edu.au 
   8  import numpy as np 
   9  import pyfits as pf 
  10  import white_2dmpfit as fitter 
  11  import matplotlib.pyplot 
  12  import datetime as datetime 
  13  import pickle 
  14  import shelve 
  15  #import CPickle as pickle 
  16  import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot 
  17  import scipy.special as sp 
  18  import scipy.integrate as intg 
  19  import scipy.interpolate as interpol 
  20  from operator import itemgetter 
  21  import collections 
  22  import math 
24 -class nifscube:
25 """ 26 A class to hold all the information from a NIFS-produced data cube. The 27 class is capable of handling both single- and multie-extension FITS files. 28 29 Attributes: 30 scidata - A three-dimensional masked array containing the science data. 31 This has been loaded from either the PRIMARY header (for a 32 single-extension FITS file) or the science header (for a multi- 33 extenstion file.) scidata follows the Python convetion for 34 reference indices, that is, if x and y are the spatial 35 dimensions, and z is the spectral dimension, then data values 36 can be found using scidata[z][y][x]. 37 vars - A three-dimensional masked array containing the variances of the 38 data points. 39 dq - A three-dimensional array holding the pixel quality flags for 40 the data. Follows the NIFS convention of 0 = good pixel, 1 = bad 41 (flagged) pixel) 42 xs, dx - The first pixel value, and pixel increment, in the first 43 spatial direction (x). These are simply the values of CRVAL1 44 and CDELT1 from the FITS header, respectively. 45 ys, dy, - As above, but for the second spatial dimension (y) and spectral 46 zs, dz - dimension (z) respectively. They are the values of 47 CRVAL2/CDELT2 and CRVAL3/CDELT3, respectively. 48 xpts - A single-dimensional numpy array containing the list of x- 49 values for this data. These values are computed from the CRVAL1 50 and CDELT1 in the FITS file header, and are stored in the same 51 values as used in the header. 52 ypts, zpts- As above, but for the second spatial dimension (y) and the 53 spectral dimension (z). Computed from CRVAL2/CDELT2 and 54 CRVAL3/CDELT3 respectively. 55 nz,ny,nz - Number of pixels in each dimension. 56 xu, yu - Strings denoting the units of the spatial values. Almost always 57 'arcsec'. 58 zu - String denoting the units of the spectral values. Generally 59 'A' (angstroms) or 'um' (microns). 60 pxoff - Pixel coordinate offset (for use in plotting) 61 pyoff - Pixel coordinate offset (for use in plotting) 62 xptsoff - List of offset pixel coordinates (for use in plotting) 63 yptsoff - List of offset pixel coordinates (for use in plotting) 64 65 du - Units of the data 66 67 Methods: 68 getdata(self) - Returns the data portion of the fitscube as a masked 69 array. 70 save(self) - Saves a copy of the current nifscube object to disk, 71 using Python's pickle module. This is not the fastest 72 or most memory efficient method of doing this (writing 73 a long function to write a text file would be faster), 74 but is the simplest and less prone to read/write errors. 75 """ 76
77 - def __init__(self):
78 79 self.scidata = np.ma.masked_array(data=[], mask=np.ma.nomask) 80 self.vars = np.ma.masked_array(data=[], mask=np.ma.nomask) 81 self.dq = np.array([], dtype=int) 82 83 self.xs = 0.0 84 self.dx = 0.0 85 self.ys = 0.0 86 self.dy = 0.0 87 self.zs = 0.0 88 self.dz = 0.0 89 self.xpts = np.array([]) 90 self.ypts = np.array([]) 91 self.zpts = np.array([]) 92 self.xu = "arcsec" 93 self.yu = "arcsec" 94 self.zu = "A" 95 96 self.pxoff = 0.0 97 self.pyoff = 0.0 98 self.xptsoff = self.xpts - self.pxoff 99 self.yptsoff = self.ypts - self.pyoff 100 101 self.du = 'erg/cm2/s/A'
103 - def getdata(self):
104 """ 105 Returns the data content of scidata as a numpy array. 106 107 Inputs: 108 filename - File to save to. Defaults to None, in which case a filename 109 based on a date/time stamp will be used. 110 111 Returns: 112 nscidata - The scidata from the cube, as an (unasked) numpy array. 113 """ 114 nscidata = np.ma.getdata(self.scidata) 115 return nscidata
117 - def save(self, filename=None):
118 """ 119 Save the current fits cube to file. Will be saved using a datetime 120 stamp as the file identifier. 121 122 Inputs: 123 filename - File to save to. Defaults to None, in which case a filename 124 based on a date/time stamp will be used. 125 126 Returns: 127 Nil. A file is saved to the current working directory containing this 128 fitscube instance. 129 """ 130 if filename == None: 131 filename = 'nifscube '+str(datetime.datetime.now())+'.nfc' 132 133 outfile = open(filename, 'w') 134 pickle.dump(self, outfile) 135 print 'nifscube.save: File written to '+filename 136 outfile.close()
138 - def maskBadVars(self):
139 """ 140 Mask any pixels in the 3D data structure that are assigned negative 141 variance values (this will occur occasionally, if the DQ pixel array 142 hasn't caught all the bad pixels.) 143 144 Inputs: 145 Nil. 146 147 Returns: 148 Nil. The fitscube instance is updated in-situ. 149 """ 150 151 self.scidata = np.ma.masked_where(self.vars <= 0.0, self.scidata) 152 self.vars = np.ma.masked_where(self.vars <= 0.0, self.vars)
154 - def returnSpaxSpec(self, i, j, wrange='all', vrange=None, restwavl=None):
155 """ 156 Returns a spectrum from the specified spaxel, over the designated 157 wavelength or velocity range. 158 159 Inputs: 160 i, j - Spaxel x- and y-indices, respectively. 161 wrange - A two-component array, giving the start and end wavelengths 162 to be plotted. Wavelengths must be passed in the same units 163 as used in the fitscube instance. If set to None, 164 plotSpaxSpec will then look for a designated velocity range 165 and rest wavelength to plot. Can also be passed a special 166 argument, 'all', in which case the entire recorded spectrum 167 of the spaxel will be shown. Defaults to 'all'. 168 vrange - A two-component array, giving the start and end radial 169 velocities to plot. Must be passed in conjunction with a 170 restwavl. If both a wrange and vrange are passed, the wrange 171 will take precendence. Defaults to None. 172 restwavl - The rest wavelength to be used in determination of radial 173 velocities, in m. Will not be considered if a wavelength range 174 is provided instead. Must be passed in conjunction with a 175 velocity range - if no rest wavelength is specified, 176 plotSpaxSpec will return an error. Defaults to None. 177 178 Returns: 179 spec - A one-dimensional masked array, containing the data values 180 for this spaxel spectrum. 181 specvars - The corresponding one-dimensional variance array for this 182 spaxel spectrum. 183 specwavl - A one-dimensional array, holding the wavelength markers 184 (i.e. the x-axis values) for this spaxel spectrum. specwavl 185 will be returned in the same units as the fitscube instance. 186 """ 187 # Check whether we are using a wavelength range or velocity range, 188 # and specify the start and stop wavelengths accordingly 189 if wrange == None: 190 if vrange == None: 191 raise ValueError('returnSpaxSpec: You have not specified\ 192 velocity/wavelength range to retrieve this\ 193 spectrum from!') 194 else: 195 if restwavl == None: 196 raise ValueError('returnSpaxSpec: You have passed a \ 197 velocity range, but failed to specify \ 198 a rest wavelength!') 199 else: 200 if vrange[1] < vrange[0]: 201 vtemp = vrange[1] 202 vrange[1] = vrange[0] 203 vrange[0] = vtemp 204 if self.zu == 'A': 205 wavlfactor = 1e10 206 elif self.zu == 'um': 207 wavlfactor = 1e6 208 startw = velToWavl(vrange[0], restwavl) * wavlfactor 209 stopw = velToWavl(vrange[1], restwavl) * wavlfactor 210 print 'returnSpaxSpec: Converted velocity range:' 211 print str(vrange) 212 print 'to wavelength range:' 213 print str(startw)+' ,'+str(stopw) 214 elif wrange == 'all': 215 if vrange != None: 216 raise ValueError("returnSpaxSpec: You've tried to specify a \ 217 velocity range without setting the wavelength \ 218 range to None!") 219 startw = self.zpts[0] 220 stopw = self.zpts[-1] 221 else: 222 if wrange[1] < wrange[0]: 223 wtemp = wrange[1] 224 wrange[1] = wrange[0] 225 wrange[0] = wtemp 226 startw = wrange[0] 227 stopw = wrange[1] 228 229 if (startw > self.zpts[-1]) or (stopw < self.zpts[0]): 230 raise ValueError('returnSpaxSpec: The specified \ 231 wavelength/velocity range does not \ 232 exist in this data cube! Perhaps you \ 233 should make sure the units you used \ 234 are correct.') 235 236 # Trim the data structure down to the region of interest 237 list1 = np.where(self.zpts >= startw) 238 list2 = np.where(self.zpts <= stopw) 239 print list1 240 print list2 241 p = max([np.amin(list1), np.amin(list2)]) 242 q = min([np.amax(list1), np.amax(list2)]) 243 244 spec = self.scidata[p:q+1, j, i] 245 specvars = self.vars[p:q+1, j, i] 246 specwavl = self.zpts[p:q+1] / wavlfactor 247 248 return spec, specvars, specwavl
250 - def plotSpaxSpec(self, i, j, wrange='all', vrange=None, restwavl=None, 251 linewidth=2):
252 """ 253 Plots the spectrum from the selected spaxel over the designated 254 wavelength or velocity range. 255 256 Inputs: 257 i, j - Spaxel x- and y-indices, respectively. 258 wrange - A two-component array, giving the start and end wavelengths 259 to be plotted. Wavelengths must be passed in the same units 260 as used in the fitscube instance. If set to None, 261 plotSpaxSpec will then look for a designated velocity range 262 and rest wavelength to plot. Can also be passed a special 263 argument, 'all', in which case the entire recorded spectrum 264 of the spaxel will be shown. Defaults to 'all'. 265 vrange - A two-component array, giving the start and end radial 266 velocities to plot. Must be passed in conjunction with a 267 restwavl. If both a wrange and vrange are passed, the wrange 268 will take precendence. Defaults to None. 269 restwavl - The rest wavelength to be used in determination of radial 270 velocities, in m. Will not be considered if a wavelength range 271 is provided instead. Must be passed in conjunction with a 272 velocity range - if no rest wavelength is specified, 273 plotSpaxSpec will return an error. Defaults to None. 274 linewidth - The line width to be used in the resulting plots. Defaults 275 to 2. 276 277 Returns: 278 Nil. A plot is made to the current figure. 279 """ 280 # Get the spectrum information from returnSpaxSpec 281 spec, specvars, specwavl = self.returnSpaxSpec(i, j, wrange=wrange, 282 vrange=vrange, 283 restwavl = restwavl) 284 285 fig = pyplot.gcf() 286 ax = pyplot.gca() 287 pyplot.errorbar(specwavl, spec, 288 yerr=np.sqrt(specvars), 289 ls='-',marker='o', mec='k', mfc='k', color='k', 290 linewidth=linewidth)
292 - def extractApertureSpec(self, x, y, r, useoffsets=False):
293 """ 294 Extract an average spectrum from a circular aperture of radius r 295 centered on coordinates (x,y). Spaxels are included inside the aperture 296 based on their centre position. 297 298 No checking is done on the coordinate inputs. This means that you can 299 specify an aperture outside the extent of the cube. If the aperture 300 does not include any spaxel centres, an array of zeros will be returned. 301 302 Inputs: 303 x, y - The x- and y-coordinates of the aperture centre, in 304 units of fitscube.xu and fitscube.yu. 305 r - The aperture radius, in units fitscube.zu. 306 useoffsets - Optional. Boolean value specifying whether to use the 307 offset coordinates (True) or not (False). Defaults 308 to False. 309 310 Returns: 311 spec - The average spectrum in the aperture. This is determined by 312 summing together the spectra from the selected spaxels, and 313 then dividing by the number of selected spaxels. Will be 314 returned in units of fitscube.zu. This will be a 315 one-dimensional array with the same dimensions as fitscube.zpts. 316 """ 317 318 # Do some input conversions 319 x = float(x) 320 y = float(y) 321 r = float(r) 322 323 # Specify which coordinates to use 324 if useoffsets: 325 xpts = self.xptsoff 326 ypts = self.yptsoff 327 else: 328 xpts = self.xptsoff 329 ypts = self.yptsoff 330 331 # Locate the indices of the aperture centre 332 i0 = findXIndex(self, x, useoffsets=useoffsets) 333 j0 = findYIndex(self, y, useoffsets=useoffsets) 334 335 # Generate the spectrum 336 #spec = np.ma.zeros(self.scidata[:,0,0].shape) 337 #nospax = 0 338 #for j in range(len(ypts)): 339 # for i in range(len(xpts)): 340 # if ((xpts[i]-x)**2 + (ypts[j]-y)**2) <= r**2: 341 # spec = spec + self.scidata[:,j,i] 342 # nospax = nospax + 1 343 #spec = spec/nospax 344 #return spec 345 346 # Generate a copy of the data to work on 347 workdata = np.ma.copy(self.scidata) 348 X, Y = np.meshgrid(xpts, ypts) 349 for k in range(len(workdata[:,0,0])): 350 workdata[k,:,:] = np.ma.masked_where((X-x)**2 + (Y-y)**2 > r**2, 351 workdata[k,:,:]) 352 spec = np.ma.average(np.ma.average(workdata, axis=2), axis=1) 353 return spec
355 - def subtractContSpectrum(self, restwavl, v1, v2, vdelt, apers, 356 useoffsets=True):
357 """ 358 Subtract a continuum spectrum from every spaxel in the data cube. 359 Continuum spectrum is formed by averaging over a number of circular 360 apertures, scaling the continuum spectrum to match the science 361 spectrum over the region of interest, then subtracting. 362 363 Inputs: 364 restwavl - The rest wavelength for determining the continuum windows. 365 Must be given in units of m. 366 v1, v2 - The start velocity of the velocity slices. Given in 367 units of km/s. 368 vdelt - The width of the velocity slices. Given in km/s. 369 apers - List of tuples describing each aperture to be used. 370 Should be given as [(x1, y1, r1), (x2, y2, r2), ...]. 371 useoffsets -Optional. Boolean value specifying whether to use the 372 offset coordinates (True) or not (False). Defaults to True. 373 374 Returns: 375 Nil. scidata array of fitscube instance is modified in place. Nothing 376 is done to the vars or dq arrays, as it is assumed that the continuum 377 is perfectly known from this procedure. 378 """ 379 380 # Implement input checking here 381 382 # Determine the wavelengths to form the continuum over, and 383 # determine the index they correspond to 384 w1a = velToWavl(v1, restwavl) 385 w1b = velToWavl(v1+vdelt, restwavl) 386 w2a = velToWavl(v2, restwavl) 387 w2b = velToWavl(v2+vdelt, restwavl) 388 w1a = findZIndex(self, w1a) 389 w1b = findZIndex(self, w1b) 390 w2a = findZIndex(self, w2a) 391 w2b = findZIndex(self, w2b) 392 print 'subtractContSpectrum: Forming continuum over indices ['+str(w1a)+','+str(w1b)+'] and ['+str(w2a)+','+str(w2b)+']' 393 394 # Form the average continuum spectrum 395 print 'subtractContSpectrum: Forming continuum....' 396 contspec = np.ma.zeros(self.zpts.shape) 397 for a in range(len(apers)): 398 contspec = contspec + self.extractApertureSpec(apers[a][0], 399 apers[a][1], 400 apers[a][2], 401 useoffsets=useoffsets) 402 contspec = contspec / float(len(apers)) 403 # Form an average continuum level across the two velocity slices 404 contlvl = (np.ma.average(contspec[w1a:w1b+1]) 405 +np.ma.average(contspec[w2a:w2b+1])) / 2.0 406 print 'subtractContSpectrum: Continuum formed!' 407 print 'Average value in entire continuum spectrum: '+str(np.ma.average(contspec)) 408 print 'Average continuum level: '+str(contlvl) 409 410 print 'subtractContSpectrum: Subtracting continuum....' 411 # Perform the continuum subtraction 412 # Direct, slow method: 413 # for j in range(len(self.ypts)): 414 # for i in range(len(self.xpts)): 415 # # Form a science spectrum level over the two velocity slices 416 # scilvl = (np.ma.average(self.scidata[w1a:w1b+1,j,i]) 417 # +np.ma.average(self.scidata[w2a:w2b+1,j,i])) / 2.0 418 # specfact = scilvl / contlvl 419 # # Subtract a (scaled) continuum off this spaxel 420 # self.scidata[:,j,i] = self.scidata[:,j,i] - specfact*contspec 421 # if (j+1)%10 == 0: 422 # print 'Completed row '+str(j+1)+' of '+str(len(self.ypts)) 423 # Array-based fast method 424 scilvl = (np.ma.average(self.scidata[w1a:w1b+1,:,:],axis=0) + 425 np.ma.average(self.scidata[w2a:w2b+1,:,:],axis=0)) / 2.0 426 specfact = scilvl / contlvl 427 contsubtr = np.ma.zeros(self.scidata.shape) 428 for j in range(len(self.ypts)): 429 for i in range(len(self.xpts)): 430 contsubtr[:,j,i] = contspec * specfact[j,i] 431 self.scidata = self.scidata - contsubtr
432 433
434 -class velfit:
435 """ 436 A class to hold information by fitting multi-component Gaussians to a 437 NIFS data cube. 438 439 Attributes: 440 restwavl - The rest wavelength used to determine line velocities. 441 vmin - The minimum velocity value used for generating the spectrum to 442 fit to. 443 vmax - The maximum velocity value used for generating the spectrum to 444 fit to. 445 scidata - The scidata from the fitscube, trimmed down so that it only 446 includes the data between vmin and vmax 447 vars - The variance array from the fitscube, trimmed down to the 448 velocity range of interest 449 dq - The DQ pixel quality array from the fitscube, trimmed down to 450 the velocity range of interest 451 uncertest - A 2D masked array, of the same shape as the last two axes of 452 scidata, which contains the uncertainty estimate for each 453 spaxel. This uncertainty estimate is derived by determining the 454 1-sigma standard deviation of the science data in the original 455 data cube, just outside the region of interest. 456 xpts - The x-coordinates from the nifscube 457 ypts - The y-coordinates from the nifscube 458 vpts - The z-coordinates from the nifscube, re-expressed as km/s 459 velocities. 460 fitno - A 2D masked array, of the same shape as the last two axes of 461 scidata, which holds the optimal number of components fit to 462 each spaxel. This has been determined by a statistical F-test. 463 fitorig - A 2D masked array, of the same shape as fitno. This is a copy 464 of fitno, recorded BEFORE any masking if performed (i.e. by 465 maskFits.) 466 dof - A 2D masked array, of the same shape as the spatial axes of 467 scidata, holding lists of length fitmax. Holds the degrees of 468 freedom (dof) for each spaxel when fit with a number of 469 Gaussian components, up to (and including) fitmax components. 470 For example, the dof for a one-Gaussian fit to a given spaxel 471 will be given by dof[j,i][0]. 472 chisq - As for dof, however, it holds the chi-squared value (NOT 473 REDUCED) for each fit to the spaxel. 474 fits - A 2D masked array, of the same shape as scidata, holding the 475 fit information for each spaxel. The elements of fits take the 476 form of a list. The first element will be the fit parameters 477 corresponding to a one-Gaussian fit, the next the parameters 478 for a two-Gaussian fit, and so on. 479 perror - As for fits, but holding the formal perror covariance matrix 480 values for each fit. 481 ftestlim - The maximum value allowed for an F-test ratio to be before the 482 P-value is taken. Defaults to 1.4. 483 ftestp - The maximum P-value permitted for two fits to be considered 484 statistically different under the F-test. Defaults to 0.05 (5%). 485 486 Methods: 487 fitVelSpax - Computes a multi-dimensional Gaussian fit to one particular 488 spaxel. 489 plotSpaxSpec - Display the data, and fit components, for a particular 490 spaxel. 491 """ 492
493 - def __init__(self):
494 self.restwavl = 0.0 495 self.vmin = 0.0 496 self.vmax = 0.0 497 self.scidata = np.ma.empty(()) 498 self.vars = np.ma.empty(()) 499 self.summed = np.ma.empty(()) 500 self.sumvars = np.ma.empty(()) 501 self.uncertest = np.ma.empty(()) 502 self.dq = np.asarray([]) 503 self.xpts = np.asarray([]) 504 self.dx = 0.0 505 self.xs = 0.0 506 self.ypts = np.asarray([]) 507 self.dy = 0.0 508 self.ys = 0.0 509 self.vpts = np.asarray([]) 510 self.vs = 0.0 511 self.fitno = np.ma.empty(()) 512 self.fitorig = np.ma.empty(()) 513 self.dof = np.ma.empty(()) 514 self.chisq = np.ma.empty(()) 515 self.fits = np.ma.empty(()) 516 self.fitsorig = np.ma.empty(()) 517 self.perror = np.ma.empty(()) 518 self.fitstat = np.ma.empty(()) 519 self.fluxes = np.ma.empty(()) 520 self.fluxerr = np.ma.empty(()) 521 self.ftestlim = 1.4 522 self.ftestp = 0.05 523 self.fitmax = 1
525 - def fitVelSpax(self, i, j, comps=1, fixno=False, ignoreamp=False, 526 quiet=False, params=None, vlim=None, 527 wmin=10.0, wpercent=0.10, wperspace=0.25, wmaxcut=50.0, 528 alim=None, fixbg=False, snthresh=5):
529 """ 530 Compute a multi-component Gaussian fit to spaxel x=i, y=j in the velfits 531 instance. Modifies the velfits instance in place. 532 533 If params are not provided, the function uses the following algorithm 534 to produce initial guesses: 535 - Make a copy of the spaxel data 536 - Find the highest data value within the range defined by vlim, use to 537 give guess velocity shift and amplitude 538 - Compute estimate for line width 539 - Find nearest point to peak <= half the guess amplitude, compute 540 where the line between the that point, and the next point 541 towards the peak, is = half the guess amplitude 542 - If the next point towards the peak is masked, use the line 543 between the peak and the half-amplitude point instead 544 - Compute the maximum allowed width for this fitted line, based on the 545 guess velocity centroid 546 - If guess width is above this value, adjust guess to 5.0 km/s 547 below max allowed value 548 - If guess width is below wmin, adjust guess to 5.0 km/s above max 549 allowed value 550 - Subtract the guessed Gaussian profile from copy of spaxel data 551 - Repeat the procedure until there are enough guess parameters to fit 552 comps components 553 554 Inputs: 555 velfits - The velfits instance to be acted upon. 556 i - The x-index of the spaxel to be fitted. 557 j - The y-index of the spaxel to be fitted. 558 comps - The number of Gaussian components to fit to the spaxel 559 spectrum. Defaults to 1. 560 fixno - Boolean value denoting whether to force the spectrum to be 561 fit with comps components (True), or to incrementally try a 562 number of components from 1 to comps, stopping when the 563 limiting reduced chi-squared is acheived (False). Defaults 564 to False. 565 ignoreamp - Boolean value specifying whether to consider the nifscube's 566 stated amplitude limit when fitting. Defaults to False (any 567 fits not conforming to the limit will be considered bad). 568 quiet - Boolean value denoting whether or not the MPFIT fitting 569 routine should be quiet or not. Defaults to False. 570 params - Fitting parameters to be passed to the fitting routine. 571 Intended for use when the automatic paramter finder produces 572 unacceptable results. Requires fixno = True. 573 Takes the form of a list composed of 574 [background, amplitude, shift, width, amplitude....]. 575 Defaults to None (at which point the 576 automatic first-guess finding will be used.) 577 vlim - A two-element list giving the minimum and maximum values 578 allowed for ALL component centroids in the fits, in units 579 of km/s. Defaults to None (where the minimum and maximum 580 velocities present in the fitvels instance will be used as 581 the limits. 582 wmin - The minimum allowed line sigma to be fit. Note this does NOT 583 represent a FWHM value. Defaults to 10.0 584 wpercent - The percentage of total line intensity allowed to be on the 585 opposite side of v=0 to the line peak. Used to calculate an 586 upper limit on the fitted line width. Must be a float 587 between 0.0 and 1.0. Defaults to 0.10. 588 wperspace - Expected percentage error on the initial guess for the line 589 centroid velocity. Used in the calculation of maximum 590 allowed fitted line width. Must be a float between 0.0 and 591 1.0. Defaults to 0.25. 592 wmaxcut - Lower limit on maximum allowed fitted line width. Avoids the 593 initial guess routine from trying to fit peaks of noise. 594 Defaults to 50.0 km/s. 595 alim - A two-element list giving the minimum and maximum values 596 allowed for the amplitude of ALL fit components, in units 597 km/s. Defaults to None (at which point, the amplitudes 598 will only be limited to be positive). 599 fixbg - Boolean value, specifying if the background height of the 600 fits should be forced to 0.0 (True) or not. Defaults to 601 False. 602 snthresh - Signal-to-noise threshold - if spaxel is below this 603 threshold, fits will still be made, but fitno[j,i] will then 604 be set to 0 afterwards. Masking calculated by the 605 maskFits function. 606 607 Returns: 608 Nil. The velfits instance is updated in place. The fit information for 609 the i-th, j-th pixel will be updated as follows: 610 If fixno = False, the fit information for the first multi-component 611 fit that satisfies the rchisqlim for this velfits instance will be 612 recorded. If all fits, up to and including the comps-component fit, 613 do not satisfy this limit, no fit info (and empty list) will be 614 recorded. 615 If fixno = True, then the fit will be made blindly and recorded, 616 with no regard to the reduced chi-squared limit. 617 """ 618 # Check S/N threshold value 619 if (snthresh < 0.0): 620 raise ValueError('fitVelSpax: negative S/N threshold value passed!') 621 622 # Set params to None if fixno=False 623 #if not(fixno): 624 #params = None 625 if (params != None) and (len(params) != (3*comps + 1)): 626 raise ValueError('fitVelSpax: length of supplied params list does\ 627 not correspond to number of components specified!') 628 629 # Check the vlim and wlim inputs 630 if vlim == None: 631 vlim = [self.vpts[0],self.vpts[-1]] 632 elif vlim[1] < vlim[0]: 633 vlim.reverse() 634 if wmin == None: 635 wmin = 10.0 636 if alim == None: 637 alim = [0.0,0.0] 638 alimbool = [True,False] 639 else: 640 alimbool = [True,True] 641 if alim[1] < alim[0]: 642 alim.reverse() 643 644 645 # Determine initial parameter guesses 646 # Determine the location of any peaked turning points in the spectrum 647 peakinds = [] 648 guessv = [] 649 guessa = [] 650 guesss = [] 651 wlims = [] 652 spaxdata = np.ma.copy(self.scidata[:,j,i]) 653 for k in range(0, comps): 654 # Determine the location & value of the spaxel's max data point 655 #ind = np.ma.argmax(spaxdata) 656 ind = np.ma.argmax(np.ma.masked_where(self.vpts < vlim[0], 657 np.ma.masked_where(self.vpts>vlim[1], spaxdata))) 658 v = self.vpts[ind] 659 660 a = spaxdata[ind] 661 # Compute a guess for the FWHM, based on the closest data point 662 # below a/2 and the gradient to the point between there and the 663 # peak. If that point is masked, then just use the peak as a 664 # next-best approximation. 665 lesshalf = np.ma.where(spaxdata <= (a/2.0))[0] 666 if len(lesshalf) == 0: 667 fwhmguess = wmaxcut 668 else: 669 halfpt = np.ma.argmin(np.ma.abs(lesshalf - ind)) 670 halfind = lesshalf[halfpt] 671 # Use the slope between the halfind point, and the next point 672 # closer to the peak, as an approx. to the final Gaussian, to 673 # compute the most likely FWHM value 674 if halfind < ind: 675 indshift = 1 676 elif halfind > ind: 677 indshift = -1 678 else: 679 indshift = 1 680 # If the adjacent point is masked, use the peak point/half point 681 # differences instead 682 if spaxdata[halfind+indshift] is np.ma.masked: 683 rise = indshift*(spaxdata[ind] - spaxdata[halfind]) 684 run = indshift*(self.vpts[ind] - self.vpts[halfind]) 685 else: 686 # Multiplying by indshift ensured numbers are subtracted in the 687 # correct order for computing rise & run 688 rise = indshift*(spaxdata[halfind+indshift] - spaxdata[halfind]) 689 run = indshift*(self.vpts[halfind+indshift] - self.vpts[halfind]) 690 m = rise / run 691 c = spaxdata[halfind] - m*self.vpts[halfind] 692 intercept = (1.0/m) * ((a/2.0) - c) 693 fwhmguess = 2*np.abs(intercept - v) 694 sigguess = fwhmguess / fwhm 695 wlim = maxWidthAllowed(v, wpercent, wperspace) 696 if sigguess > wlim: 697 sigguess = wlim - 5.0 698 elif sigguess < wmin: 699 sigguess = wmin + 5.0 700 guessv.append(v) 701 guessa.append(a) 702 guesss.append(sigguess) 703 wlims.append(wlim) 704 # Subtract the guess fit off the spaxel data, in preparation for 705 # the next pass over (if required) 706 spaxdata = spaxdata - fitter.n_gaussian(pars=[0.0, 707 a,v, 708 sigguess])(self.vpts) 709 710 ## ---- OLD 711 #for k in range(1,len(self.vpts)-1): 712 # if (self.scidata[k-1,j,i] <= 713 # self.scidata[k,j,i]) and (self.scidata[k+1,j,i] <= 714 # self.scidata[k,j,i]): 715 # peakinds.append(k) 716 ## Order the list of peak indices in order of descending peak height 717 #peakvals = self.scidata[peakinds, j, i] 718 #peakinds = (np.asarray(peakinds)[np.argsort(peakvals)]).tolist() 719 #peakvals = (np.sort(peakvals)).tolist() 720 ## sort and argsort do increasing sorts - need to flip the lists 721 #peakinds.reverse() 722 #peakvals.reverse() 723 ## Eliminate any peaks that are <10% the height of the dominant peak 724 #tenpc = np.where(np.asarray(peakvals)/peakvals[0] >= 0.1) 725 #peakinds = (np.asarray(peakinds)[tenpc]).tolist() 726 #peakvals = (np.asarray(peakvals)[tenpc]).tolist() 727 #for n in range(0, comps): 728 # # Generate the guess velocity shift & amplitude 729 # if len(peakinds) == 0: 730 # testdata = spaxdata - fitter.n_gaussian(bg=0.0, a=guessa, dx=guessv, 731 # sigma=guesss)(self.vpts) 732 # ind = np.ma.argmax(testdata) 733 # v = self.vpts[ind] 734 # a = testdata[ind] 735 # else: 736 # ind = peakinds.pop(0) 737 # v = self.vpts[ind] 738 # a = peakvals.pop(0) 739 # # Determine a guess line width 740 # # Locate the point nearest to the peak where the flux is < half 741 # # the peak value 742 # lesshalf = np.ma.where(spaxdata <= (a/2.0))[0] 743 # if len(lesshalf) == 0: 744 # fwhmguess = wmaxcut 745 # else: 746 # halfpt = np.ma.argmin(np.ma.abs(lesshalf - ind)) 747 # halfind = lesshalf[halfpt] 748 # # Use the slope between the halfind point, and the next point 749 # # closer to the peak, as an approx. to the final Gaussian, to 750 # # compute the most likely FWHM value 751 # if halfind < ind: 752 # indshift = 1 753 # elif halfind > ind: 754 # indshift = -1 755 # correction = 1 756 # # If the adjacent point is masked, use the peak point/half point 757 # # differences instead 758 # if spaxdata[halfind+indshift] is np.ma.masked: 759 # rise = indshift*(spaxdata[ind] - spaxdata[halfind]) 760 # run = indshift*(self.vpts[ind] - self.vpts[halfind]) 761 # else: 762 # # Multiplying by indshift ensured numbers are subtracted in the 763 # # correct order for computing rise & run 764 # rise = indshift*(spaxdata[halfind+indshift] - spaxdata[halfind]) 765 # run = indshift*(self.vpts[halfind+indshift] - self.vpts[halfind]) 766 # m = rise / run 767 # c = spaxdata[halfind] - m*self.vpts[halfind] 768 # intercept = (1.0/m) * ((a/2.0) - c) 769 # fwhmguess = 2*np.abs(intercept - v) 770 # sigguess = fwhmguess / fwhm 771 # wlim = maxWidthAllowed(v, wpercent, wperspace) 772 # if sigguess > wlim: 773 # sigguess = wlim - 5.0 774 # elif sigguess < wmin: 775 # sigguess = wmin + 5.0 776 # guessv.append(v) 777 # guessa.append(a) 778 # guesss.append(sigguess) 779 # wlims.append(wlim) 780 # # OLD ------ 781 782 if not(quiet): 783 print 'fitVelSpax: Paramater initial guesses:' 784 print 'Amplitude(s): '+str(guessa) 785 print 'Line centroid(s): '+str(guessv) 786 print 'Line sigma(s): '+str(guesss) 787 print 'Line sigma upper limit(s): '+str(wlims) 788 789 # Blank this spaxel's fit information 790 self.fits[j,i,:,:] = 0.0 791 # Set the `null' widths to be 1.0 792 for k in range(2, 3*self.fitmax, 3): 793 self.fits[j,i,:,k] = 1.0 794 self.dof[j,i,:] = 0.0 795 self.chisq[j,i,:] = 0.0 796 self.perror[j,i,:,:] = 0.0 797 self.fitstat[j,i,:] = 0.0 798 self.fluxes[j,i,:] = 0.0 799 self.fluxerr[j,i,:] = 0.0 800 801 # Compute multi-Gaussian fits for the spaxel, from one-component 802 # up to comps-component 803 for n in range(1, comps+1): 804 # Fill the initial params list if none is passed 805 # Otherwise, trim the input parameters list to the correct length 806 # for n gaussians 807 if params == None: 808 guesspars = [0.0] 809 for l in range(0, n): 810 guesspars.append(guessa[l]) 811 guesspars.append(guessv[l]) 812 guesspars.append(guesss[l]) 813 if not(quiet): 814 print 'Generated params: '+str(guesspars) 815 pars = guesspars 816 else: 817 if len(params) > ((3*n)+1): 818 pars = params[0:4*n] 819 else: 820 pars = params 821 if not(quiet): 822 print 'n being used: '+str(n) 823 print 'Generated pars: '+str(pars) 824 # Generate minpars and maxpars lists, with width limits based on 825 # a requirement that x% of the line flux has attenuated at v=0.0 826 minpars = [0.0] 827 maxpars = [0.0] 828 limitedmin = [False] 829 limitedmax = [False] 830 for k in range(0,n): 831 limitedmin.append(alimbool[0]) 832 limitedmin.append(True) 833 limitedmin.append(True) 834 limitedmax.append(alimbool[1]) 835 limitedmax.append(True) 836 limitedmax.append(True) 837 minpars.append(alim[0]) 838 minpars.append(vlim[0]) 839 minpars.append(wmin) 840 maxpars.append(alim[1]) 841 maxpars.append(vlim[1]) 842 maxpars.append(max([maxWidthAllowed(pars[3*k + 2],wpercent, 843 wperspace),wmaxcut])) 844 #maxpars.append(70.0) 845 #if not(quiet): 846 #print 'velFitSpax: Width limit for guess v='+str(peaks[k])+': '+str(abs(peaks[k]*wperspace) / np.sqrt(math.log(1/wpercent))) 847 # Make the fit 848 #fit = fitter.multigaussfit(self.vpts, self.scidata[:,j,i], 849 # err=np.sqrt(self.vars[:,j,i]), 850 # quiet=quiet, 851 # ngauss=n, params=pars, 852 # limitedmin=[False,alimbool[0],True,True], 853 # minpars=[0.0,alim[0],vlim[0],wlim[0]], 854 # limitedmax=[False,alimbool[1],True,True], 855 # maxpars=[0.0,alim[1],vlim[1],wlim[1]], 856 # fixed=[fixbg,False,False,False]) 857 if not(quiet): 858 print 'minpars, maxpars and pars:' 859 print str(minpars) 860 print str(maxpars) 861 print str(pars) 862 fit = fitter.multigaussfit(self.vpts, self.scidata[:,j,i], 863 err=np.sqrt(self.vars[:,j,i]), 864 quiet=quiet, 865 ngauss=n, params=pars, 866 limitedmin=limitedmin, 867 minpars=minpars, 868 limitedmax=limitedmax, 869 maxpars=maxpars, 870 fixed=[fixbg,False,False,False]) 871 if fit.status > 0: 872 # Sort the fits in order of increasing velocity 873 fits = fit.params.tolist() 874 errs = fit.perror.tolist() 875 bg = fits.pop(0) 876 bgerr = errs.pop(0) 877 fitpars = [] 878 fitvels = [] 879 errpars = {} 880 errlist = [] 881 for q in range(0,n): 882 fitpars.append(fits[3*q:3*(q+1)]) 883 fitvels.append(fits[(3*q)+1]) 884 errpars[fitvels[q]] = errs[3*q:3*(q+1)] 885 fitpars.sort(key=itemgetter(1)) 886 fitvels.sort() 887 for q in range(0,n): 888 errlist.append(errpars[fitvels[q]]) 889 fitpars.insert(0, bg) 890 errlist.insert(0, bgerr) 891 fitpars = flatten(fitpars) 892 errlist = flatten(errlist) 893 else: 894 fitpars = fit.params.tolist() 895 errlist = None 896 897 if errlist != None: 898 # Save the fit information into the fit information arrays 899 #self.fits[j,i].append(fitpars) 900 #self.dof[j,i].append(len(self.vpts) - (3*n) - 1) 901 #self.chisq[j,i].append(fit.fnorm) 902 #self.perror[j,i].append(errlist) 903 #self.fitstat[j,i].append(fit.status) 904 for k in range(0,3*n+1): 905 self.fits[j,i,n-1,k] = fitpars[k] 906 self.perror[j,i,n-1,k] = errlist[k] 907 if fixbg: 908 self.dof[j,i,n-1] = len(self.vpts) - (3*n) 909 else: 910 self.dof[j,i,n-1] = len(self.vpts) - (3*n) - 1 911 self.chisq[j,i,n-1] = fit.fnorm 912 self.fitstat[j,i,n-1] = fit.status 913 914 # If the fitstat anywhere in this spaxel is 0 (denoting the entire 915 # pixel was masked during fitting), set fitno to 0 and mask 916 # this pixel in all fitting arrays. 917 # If using fixno, fix the number of components to be used. If not, 918 # use a statistical F-test to determine what number of fits to use 919 if 0 in self.fitstat[j,i]: 920 self.fitno[j,i] = 0 921 elif fixno: 922 self.fitno[j,i] = comps 923 else: 924 if not(quiet): 925 print 'fitVelSpax: Performing F-test...' 926 n = 1 927 success = False 928 while (n < comps) and (success == False): 929 # Compute the F-test ratio 930 fnum = (self.chisq[j,i][n-1]-self.chisq[j,i][n]) 931 fnum = fnum / (self.dof[j,i][n-1]-self.dof[j,i][n]) 932 fden = self.chisq[j,i][n] / self.dof[j,i][n] 933 frat = fnum / fden 934 if not(quiet): 935 print 'fitVelSpax: for n '+str(n)+'->'+str(n+1)+', F-test ratio is '+str(frat) 936 if frat < self.ftestlim: 937 success = True 938 self.fitno[j,i] = n 939 else: 940 # Compute the probability that the more complex fit is due 941 # to random scatter in the data 942 fp = sp.fdtrc(self.dof[j,i][n-1]-self.dof[j,i][n], 943 self.dof[j,i][n], frat) 944 if not(quiet): 945 print 'fitVelSpax: for n '+str(n)+'->'+str(n+1)+', F-test prob is '+str(fp) 946 if fp > self.ftestp: 947 success = True 948 self.fitno[j,i] = n 949 else: 950 n += 1 951 # If the highest-level fit hasn't been ruled out by the F-test, use 952 # it as the specified fit 953 if success == False: 954 self.fitno[j,i] = comps 955 956 # Compute fluxes 957 #totflux = 0.0 958 #totfluxerr = 0.0 959 for k in range(0, self.fitno[j,i]): 960 lineflux, lineferr = lineFluxKms(self.fits[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1][1+3*k], 961 self.fits[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1][3+3*k], 962 self.restwavl*1e10, 963 amperr=self.perror[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1][1+3*k], 964 widerr=self.perror[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1][3+3*k]) 965 #self.fluxes[j,i].append(lineflux) 966 #self.fluxerr[j,i].append(lineferr) 967 self.fluxes[j,i,k] = lineflux 968 self.fluxerr[j,i,k] = lineferr 969 970 # Copy the fitno array to the fitorig 971 self.fitorig[j,i] = self.fitno[j,i] 972 973 # Run an intial masking of this spaxel, with the specified ratio 974 self.maskFits(i, j, snthresh=snthresh)
976 - def maskFits(self, i, j, snthresh=5):
977 """ 978 'Mask' spaxel if signal-to-noise is under the specified value. By 979 'mask', the no. of fits recorded for that spaxel will be set to 0. 980 Signal-to-noise is determined as the ratio of the peak flux value 981 recorded in the spaxel to the corresponding error of that data point. 982 983 Inputs: 984 i, j - Spaxel x- and y- indices, respectively. 985 snthresh - The S/N threshold value. Any spaxels with an S/N less than this 986 value will be 'masked'. Defaults to 7.5. 987 988 Returns: 989 Nil. fitvels instance is updated in-situ. 990 """ 991 # Restore the fitno array value to the pre-masked value 992 self.fitno[j,i] = self.fitorig[j,i] 993 994 # Determine the array of max spaxel values 995 maxval = self.scidata[:,j,i].max() 996 #maxval = self.scidata[:,j,i].sum() 997 998 # Determine the array of corresponding variance 999 maxerr = np.sqrt(self.vars[self.scidata[:,j,i].argmax(),j,i]) 1000 # Alternatively, use the average variance of all data points in the 1001 # range of interest 1002 #maxerr = np.ma.average(self.vars[:,j,i]) 1003 #maxerr = np.ma.median(self.vars[:,j,i]) 1004 # Alternatively, if summing over the region of interest: 1005 #maxerr = self.vars[:,j,i].sum() 1006 #maxerr = np.sqrt(maxerr) 1007 # Use the stored uncertainty estimate from just outside the region 1008 # of interest 1009 #maxerr = self.uncertest[j,i] 1010 if (maxval / maxerr) < snthresh: 1011 self.fitno[j,i] = 0
1012 1013 # Alternatively, use the computed flux values & errors to determine 1014 # the signal-to-noise ratio 1015 #fluxsum = 0.0 1016 #fluxsumerr = 0.0 1017 #for k in range(0, self.fitno[j,i]): 1018 # fluxsum += self.fluxes[j,i,k] 1019 # fluxsumerr += self.fluxerr[j,i,k]**2 1020 #fluxsumerr = np.sqrt(fluxsumerr) 1021 #if (fluxsum / fluxsumerr) < snthresh: 1022 # self.fitno[j,i] = 0 1023
1024 - def maskPix(self, i, j, k):
1025 """ 1026 Mask a particular pixel in the velfit instance. 1027 1028 Inputs: 1029 i, j, k - The pixel's x-, y- and spectral indices respectively. 1030 1031 Returns: 1032 Nil. The velfit instance is updated in-situ. 1033 """ 1034 maskval = self.scidata[k,j,i] 1035 self.scidata = np.ma.masked_where(self.scidata == maskval, self.scidata) 1036 self.vars = np.ma.masked_where(self.scidata == maskval, self.vars)
1038 - def remask(self, snthresh=5):
1039 """ 1040 Apply maskFits to every spaxel in the velfit instances. 1041 1042 Inputs: 1043 snthresh - The S/N threshold for masking. Defaults to 5. 1044 1045 Returns: 1046 Nil. fitvels instance updated in-situ. 1047 """ 1048 for i in range(len(self.xpts)): 1049 for j in range(len(self.ypts)): 1050 self.maskFits(i,j,snthresh)
1051 1052 1053
1054 - def plotSpaxSpec(self, i, j, linewidth=2, plotpeak=True, highres=False, 1055 plotresid=True, rsf=0.2, ms=5, arcsecs=False):
1056 """ 1057 Plot the spectrum of a given spaxel, along with any fits made. 1058 1059 Inputs: 1060 i - x-index of the spaxel in the fitvel instance 1061 j - y-index of the spaxel in the fitvel instance 1062 linewidth - Line widths of the plot components. Defaults to 2. 1063 plotpeak - Boolean value, denoting whether to plot the peak position 1064 (with errorbars) for each fit component. Defaults to True. 1065 highres - Boolean value, denoting whether to plot the fits at high 1066 velocity resolution (True), or a with the same sampling as 1067 the data (False). Defaults to False. 1068 plotresid - Boolean value, denoting whether to plot the fitting 1069 residual or not. Defaults to True. If plotted, residuals 1070 will be scaled such that they sit between -rsf times the 1071 maximum data value, and 0.0. 1072 rsf - Float value, indicating the scaling that should be applied 1073 to the residuals data. Residuals will then be scaled to 1074 be plotted between -rsf*data.max() and 0.0. Defaults to 0.2. 1075 ms - Float value, denoting the size of the markers used to plot 1076 the data. Defaults to 5. 1077 arcsecs - Boolean value, denoting whether to convert the data values 1078 into flux density per arcsec^2 (True), or leave them as 1079 flux density per pixel (False). Defaults to False. 1080 1081 Outputs: 1082 Nil. The plot is made to the plotting region specified before the 1083 function is called (i.e. a whole figure, a subplot, etc.) 1084 """ 1085 1086 if arcsecs: 1087 arcsecfactor = self.dx * self.dy 1088 else: 1089 arcsecfactor = 1.0 1090 1091 1092 # Plot the science data 1093 fig = pyplot.gcf() 1094 ax = pyplot.gca() 1095 pyplot.errorbar(self.vpts, self.scidata[:,j,i] / arcsecfactor, 1096 yerr=np.sqrt(self.vars[:,j,i]) / arcsecfactor, 1097 ls='None',marker='o', mec='k', mfc='w', color='k', 1098 linewidth=linewidth, ms=ms) 1099 1100 if highres: 1101 xvels = np.asarray(range(int(self.vpts[0]), int(self.vpts[-1]), 1)) 1102 else: 1103 xvels = self.vpts 1104 1105 # Plot the over-arching fit, and the sub-components there-in 1106 stylelist = ['b-.', 'g:', 'y--'] 1107 colorlist = ['b', 'g', 'y'] 1108 if self.fitno[j,i] != 0: 1109 pyplot.plot(xvels, 1110 fitter.n_gaussian(pars=self.fits[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1])(xvels) / arcsecfactor, 1111 'r--', linewidth=linewidth) 1112 if self.fitno[j,i] > 1: 1113 for k in range(0,self.fitno[j,i]): 1114 parmin = 1 + 3*k 1115 parmax = 4 + 3*k 1116 pyplot.plot(xvels, 1117 fitter.n_gaussian(pars=[self.fits[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1][0]] + 1118 self.fits[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1][parmin:parmax].tolist())(xvels) / arcsecfactor, 1119 stylelist[k], linewidth=linewidth) 1120 if plotpeak: 1121 peaka = [] 1122 peakhalf = [] 1123 peakv = [] 1124 peakaerr = [] 1125 peakverr = [] 1126 widths = [] 1127 widerr = [] 1128 for k in range(0, self.fitno[j,i]): 1129 peaka.append(self.fits[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1][1 + 3*k] + 1130 self.fits[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1][0]) 1131 peakv.append(self.fits[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1][2 + 3*k]) 1132 widths.append(self.fits[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1][3 + 3*k]) 1133 peakaerr.append(self.perror[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1][1+(3*k)]) 1134 peakverr.append(self.perror[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1][2+(3*k)]) 1135 widerr.append(self.perror[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1][3+(3*k)]) 1136 pyplot.errorbar(peakv, np.asarray(peaka)/arcsecfactor, 1137 yerr=np.asarray(peakaerr)/arcsecfactor, 1138 xerr=peakverr, 1139 marker='^', mec='red', mfc='w', 1140 color='red', ecolor='red', linewidth=0, 1141 elinewidth=linewidth, ms=ms) 1142 pyplot.errorbar(peakv, ((np.asarray(peaka)+self.fits[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1][0])/2.0) / arcsecfactor, yerr=None, 1143 xerr=(fwhm/2.0)*(np.asarray(widths)+np.asarray(widerr)), 1144 fmt=None, mec='red', mfc='w', color='red', 1145 ecolor='red', linewidth=0, elinewidth=linewidth, 1146 capsize=5, ms=0) 1147 pyplot.errorbar(peakv, ((np.asarray(peaka)+self.fits[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1][0])/2.0) / arcsecfactor, 1148 yerr=None, 1149 xerr=(fwhm/2.0)*(np.asarray(widths)-np.asarray(widerr)), 1150 fmt=None, mec='red', mfc='w', color='red', 1151 ecolor='red', linewidth=0, elinewidth=linewidth, 1152 capsize=5) 1153 1154 # Compute and plot the residuals, if necessary 1155 if (plotresid and self.fitno[j,i] > 0): 1156 # Extract the maximum value from the data for this spaxel 1157 maxval = self.scidata[:,j,i].max() 1158 # Form the raw residuals data 1159 resids = self.scidata[:,j,i] - fitter.n_gaussian(pars=self.fits[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1])(self.vpts) 1160 # Scale the residuals so the maximum value is 0.2 * data maximum 1161 sf = rsf * (maxval / resids.max()) 1162 resids = sf * resids 1163 # Subtract from the residuals such that the max residual sits at 0.0 1164 resids = resids - resids.max() 1165 # Plot the residuals 1166 pyplot.plot(self.vpts, resids/arcsecfactor, color='purple', ls='-', linewidth=1) 1167 1168 # Write the plot title 1169 # Axes labels will need to be manually added to the plot, allowing 1170 # for other future units 1171 ax.set_title(r'Spectrum for Spaxel ('+str(i)+r','+str(j)+r')')
1172 1173 1174
1175 - def plotImg(self, z=100, colorbar=True, colormap=matplotlib.cm.jet, 1176 log=False, edged=False):
1177 """ 1178 Plots a pseudocolor image of the specified parameter in the velfit 1179 instance. 1180 1181 Inputs: 1182 z - An integer code, corresponding to the parameter from the 1183 velfit that we wish to plot. Defaults to 0 (corresponds to 1184 plotting the total flux per spaxel, i.e. self.summed. The 1185 codes are: 1186 0 - Number of fit components 1187 1 - Spaxel chi-squared 1188 2 - Spaxel degrees of freedom 1189 3 - Spaxel reduced chi-squared 1190 100 - Spaxel total flux 1191 101 - Fit background height 1192 102 - Spaxel peak flux 1193 103 - Spaxel summed error 1194 104 - Ratio of spaxel peak flux/spaxel average error 1195 105 - Ratio of spaxel summed flux/spaxel summed error 1196 106 - Ratio of spaxel peak flux/corresponding pixel error 1197 111 - First component total flux 1198 112 - Second component total flux 1199 ...and so on 1200 121 - Spaxel fitted total flux 1201 122 - Spaxel fitted total flux error 1202 123 - Spaxel fitted total flux / total flux error 1203 11 - First component peak flux 1204 12 - First component line velocity 1205 13 - First component line width 1206 21 - Second component peak flux 1207 22 - Second component line velocity 1208 23 - Second component line width 1209 - ....and so on. Codes are currently included for up to 1210 three components. 1211 colorbar - A boolean value, denoting whether or not to include a 1212 colorbar. Defaults to True. 1213 colormap - A colormap instance, to be used as the colormap for the 1214 pseudocolor diagram. Must be passed as matplotlib.cm.*. 1215 Defaults to matplotlib.cm.jet. 1216 log - A boolean value, specifying whether to plot the data as is 1217 (False), or the base-10 log of the data (True). If True, 1218 the data parameter to be plotted will be masked wherever 1219 it is less than or equal to zero. Defaults to False. 1220 edged - Boolean vale, denoting whether to draw edges around each 1221 spaxel in the returned image. Defaults to False. 1222 1223 Returns: 1224 plotted - The colorbar instance which has been plotted. This is 1225 required in order to add to the diagram later on, e.g. 1226 colorbar(plotted). 1227 Will plot a pseudocolor diagram of the requested parameter to the 1228 current figure/axes when called. If the requested parameter does not 1229 exist (i.e. asked to plot the third component amplitude on a two- 1230 component velfit), a message will be returned to the terminal, and 1231 nothing else will occur. 1232 """ 1233 1234 # Abort the plotting process (without throwing an error, just a terminal 1235 # message) if the requested fit information has not been generated (i.e. 1236 # we ask for a fit which has not been generated) 1237 if (z < 100) and (z/10 > self.fitmax): 1238 print 'plotImg: The requested fit parameter '+str(z)+' does not\ 1239 exist, as the maximum number of components fit = '+str(self.fitmax)\ 1240 +'. Aborting plotting.' 1241 return 1242 1243 if edged == True: 1244 edgec = 'k' 1245 else: 1246 edgec = None 1247 1248 fig = pyplot.gcf() 1249 ax = pyplot.gca() 1250 1251 # Grid the data points 1252 X, Y = gridPtsIndep(self.xpts, self.ypts, self.dx, self.dy, mesh=True) 1253 1254 # Choose the data parameter to be plotted 1255 toplot = np.ma.empty_like(self.fitno) 1256 if z == 100: 1257 toplot = self.summed 1258 plttitle = r'Summed flux' 1259 #units = r'erg/cm$^2$/s/A' 1260 elif z == 101: 1261 toplot = self.genFitInfoArray(0) 1262 plttitle = r'Fit background height' 1263 #units = r'erg/cm$^2$/s/A' 1264 elif z == 102: 1265 toplot = self.scidata.max(axis = 0) 1266 plttitle = r'Spaxel peak flux' 1267 #units = r'erg/cm$^2$/s/A' 1268 elif z == 103: 1269 toplot = np.sqrt(self.vars).sum(axis=0) 1270 plttitle = r'Spaxel summed error' 1271 #units = r'erg/cm$^2$/s/A' 1272 elif z == 104: 1273 toplot = self.scidata.max(axis=0)/ \ 1274 (np.sqrt(self.vars).sum(axis=0)/np.sqrt(self.vars).count(axis=0)) 1275 plttitle = r'Spaxel peak flux / spaxel average error' 1276 elif z == 105: 1277 toplot = self.summed / np.sqrt(self.vars).sum(axis=0) 1278 plttitle = r'Spaxel total flux / spaxel total error' 1279 elif z == 106: 1280 numer = self.scidata.max(axis = 0) 1281 denom = np.ma.empty_like(numer) 1282 for i in range(0, len(self.xpts)): 1283 for j in range(0, len(self.ypts)): 1284 denom[j,i] = self.vars[np.where(self.scidata[:,j,i] == 1285 numer[j,i]),j,i] 1286 toplot = numer / np.sqrt(denom) 1287 plttitle = r'Spaxel peak flux / corresponding pixel error' 1288 elif (z > 110) and (z < 120): 1289 toplot = self.genFitInfoArray(-(z-110)) 1290 component = str(z%110) 1291 plttitle = r'Component '+component+r' fitted line intensity' 1292 #units = r'erg/cm$^2$/s' 1293 elif (z > -1) and (z < 4): 1294 toplot = self.genInfoArray(z) 1295 if z == 0: 1296 plttitle = r'Number of fit components' 1297 elif z == 1: 1298 plttitle = r'Spaxel $\chi^2$' 1299 elif z == 2: 1300 plttitle = r'Spaxel DOF' 1301 elif z == 3: 1302 plttitle = r'Spaxel reduced $\chi^2$' 1303 elif (z > 10) and (z < 100) and (z%10 > 0) and (z%10 < 4): 1304 infoindex = 3*(z/10 - 1) + z%10 1305 toplot = self.genFitInfoArray(infoindex) 1306 component = str(z/10) 1307 if z%10 == 1: 1308 plttitle = r'Component '+component+r' fitted amplitude' 1309 #units = r'erg/cm$^2$/s/A' 1310 elif z%10 == 2: 1311 plttitle = r'Component '+component+r' fitted velocity cent.' 1312 #units = r'km/s' 1313 elif z%10 == 3: 1314 plttitle = r'Component '+component+r' fitted line width' 1315 #units = r'km/s' 1316 elif z == 121: 1317 toplot = self.sumFitFlux()[0] 1318 plttitle = r'Total fitted line intensity' 1319 #units = r'erg/cm$^2$/s' 1320 elif z == 122: 1321 toplot = self.sumFitFlux()[1] 1322 plttitle = r'Total fitted line intensity error' 1323 #units = r'erg/cm$^2$/s' 1324 elif z == 123: 1325 toplot = self.sumFitFlux()[0] / self.sumFitFlux()[1] 1326 plttitle = r'Total fitted line intensity S/N' 1327 else: 1328 raise ValueError('Unknown parameter code '+str(z)+'passed.') 1329 1330 #print str(toplot) 1331 # Plot the data 1332 #pyplot.pcolor(X, Y, toplot, cmap=colormap, edgecolor=edgec) 1333 plotted = ax.pcolor(X, Y, toplot, cmap=colormap, edgecolor=edgec, antialiased=True) 1334 1335 # Add the colorbar 1336 #cb = pyplot.colorbar() 1337 #cb.set_label(units) 1338 1339 # Trim the axes, and set the aspect ratio to 1 1340 ax.set_xlim(X[0,0], X[-1,-1]) 1341 ax.set_ylim(Y[0,0], Y[-1,-1]) 1342 ax.set_aspect(1) 1343 1344 # Set the axis labels 1345 ax.set_xlabel(r'x (")') 1346 ax.set_ylabel(r'y (")') 1347 ax.set_title(plttitle) 1348 1349 # Return the plot instance so you can manipulate it 1350 return plotted
1352 - def sumCube(self):
1353 """ 1354 Sums over the velocity range of the cube, and save the result to the 1355 summed array. 1356 1357 Inputs: Nil. 1358 1359 Returns: Nil. The summed attribute of the velfit instance is updated. 1360 """ 1361 nx = len(self.xpts) 1362 ny = len(self.ypts) 1363 # Generate empty summed array 1364 self.summed = np.ma.zeros((ny, nx)) 1365 self.sumvars = np.ma.zeros((ny,nx)) 1366 1367 for i in range(0,nx): 1368 for j in range(0,ny): 1369 self.summed[j,i] = self.scidata[:,j,i].sum() 1370 self.sumvars[j,i] = np.sqrt(self.vars[:,j,i]).sum() 1371 # Set the spaxel to be masked if all the summed pixels 1372 # are masked 1373 if (np.ma.getmask(self.scidata)[:,j,i]).all(): 1374 self.summed[j,i] = np.ma.masked 1375 self.sumvars[j,i] = np.ma.masked 1376 print 'sumCube: completed row '+str(i+1)+' of '+str(nx) 1377 # Return the sumvars table to being variances 1378 self.sumvars = self.sumvars**2
1380 - def sumFitFlux(self):
1381 """ 1382 Collapse the fluxes and fluxerr arrays to represent total flux, summed 1383 over all components that have been fit. 1384 1385 Inputs: 1386 Nil. 1387 1388 Returns: 1389 fluxsum - The array holding the summed flux values. 1390 fluxsumerr - The array holding the summex flux values. 1391 """ 1392 1393 fluxsum = np.ma.empty_like(self.fitno, dtype='float') 1394 fluxsumerr = np.ma.empty_like(self.fitno, dtype='float') 1395 1396 for i in range(0, len(self.xpts)): 1397 for j in range(0, len(self.ypts)): 1398 fluxsum[j,i] = sum(self.fluxes[j,i]) 1399 fluxsumerr[j,i] = sum(self.fluxerr[j,i]) 1400 1401 # Mask the returned arrays wherever fitno is 0 1402 fluxsum = np.ma.masked_where(self.fitno == 0, fluxsum) 1403 fluxsumerr = np.ma.masked_where(self.fitno == 0, fluxsumerr) 1404 1405 return fluxsum, fluxsumerr
1406 1407
1408 - def returnFTestInfo(self, i, j):
1409 """ 1410 Returns the F-test information for all fits made to spaxel (i,j). 1411 1412 Inputs: 1413 i, j - The x- and y-indices of the spaxel to be inspected. 1414 1415 Returns: 1416 ftest - A list of list containing the F test information. Each element 1417 of the master list will be a three-element list, containing: 1418 - The number of components in the more complex fit 1419 - The F-ratio of this complex fit to the simpler fit before 1420 - The F-test P-ratio for the same comparison. 1421 """ 1422 if self.fitmax < 2: 1423 print 'returnFTestInfo: Only one component has been fit to this cube!' 1424 return 1425 1426 ftest = [] 1427 for k in range(1, self.fitmax): 1428 felem = [] 1429 felem.append(k+1) 1430 fnum = (self.chisq[j,i][k-1]-self.chisq[j,i][k]) 1431 fnum = fnum / (self.dof[j,i][k-1]-self.dof[j,i][k]) 1432 fden = self.chisq[j,i][k] / self.dof[j,i][k] 1433 frat = fnum / fden 1434 felem.append(frat) 1435 fp = sp.fdtrc(self.dof[j,i][k-1]-self.dof[j,i][k], 1436 self.dof[j,i][k], frat) 1437 felem.append(fp) 1438 ftest.append(felem) 1439 1440 return ftest
1441 1442
1443 - def returnInfo(self, i, j, comps, info):
1444 """ 1445 Returns fit information (e.g. chi-sq, degrees of freedom) for 1446 the comps-component fit of the given spaxel. 1447 1448 Inputs: 1449 i - The spaxel x-index 1450 j - The spaxel y-index 1451 comps - The parameter will be extracted from the fit information with 1452 this number of components. 1453 info - An integer code corresponding to the information wanted. Options 1454 are: 1455 0 - number of fit components 1456 1 - spaxel chi-squared 1457 2 - spaxel degrees of freedom 1458 3 - spaxel reduced chi-squared 1459 4 - spaxel F-test information 1460 1461 Returns: 1462 value - The requested information for this spaxel 1463 """ 1464 comps = int(comps) 1465 info = int(info) 1466 if (comps < 0) or (comps > self.fitmax): 1467 raise ValueError('returnInfo: This velfit instance does not have fit info\ 1468 for '+str(comps)+' components (max. no of\ 1469 components = '+str(self.fitmax)+')') 1470 if (info < 0) or (info > 3): 1471 raise ValueError('returnInfo: Invalid info code: '+str(info)) 1472 1473 # If comps = 0 (i.e. fit information has been requested for a spaxel 1474 # on which not fit has been made,) return a dummy value of -1 1475 if comps == 0: 1476 return -999 1477 1478 if info == 0: 1479 value = self.fitno[j,i] 1480 elif info == 1: 1481 value = self.chisq[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1] 1482 elif info == 2: 1483 value = self.dof[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1] 1484 elif info == 3: 1485 value = (self.chisq[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1] / 1486 self.dof[j,i][self.fitno[j,i]-1]) 1487 1488 return value
1489 1490 1491
1492 - def returnFitInfo(self, i, j, comps, info):
1493 """ 1494 Returns a particular fit parameter for a given spaxel. 1495 1496 Inputs: 1497 i - The spaxel x-index 1498 j - The spaxel y-index 1499 comps - The parameter will be extracted from the fit information with 1500 this number of components. 1501 info - An integer code corresponding to the information wanted. Options 1502 are: 1503 0 - background amplitude 1504 1 - fit amplitude, component A 1505 2 - fit displacement (i.e. line velocity), component A 1506 3 - fit FWHM (i.e. line width), component A 1507 4 - fit amplitude, component B 1508 5 - fit displacement (i.e. line velocity), component B 1509 ...and so on. 1510 1511 Returns: 1512 parameter - The requested parameter from the relevant fit for this 1513 spaxel. 1514 perror - The formal covariance matrix error associated with this 1515 parameter for this spaxel. Note that this is NOT the 1516 formal error - the relevant chi-squared value and 1517 degrees of freedom will still need to be taken into account. 1518 """ 1519 1520 # Convert the comps and info code into integers 1521 comps = int(comps) 1522 info = int(info) 1523 1524 # If comps = 0 (i.e. fit information has been requested for a spaxel 1525 # on which not fit has been made,) return a dummy value of -999 1526 if comps == 0: 1527 return -999, -999 1528 1529 if (comps < 0) or (comps > self.fitmax): 1530 raise ValueError('returnFitInfo: This velfit instance does not have fit info\ 1531 for '+str(comps)+' components (max. no of\ 1532 components = '+str(self.fitmax)+')') 1533 if (info < -102) or (info > 3*comps) or (info < -comps and info > -100): 1534 raise ValueError('returnFitInfo: Invalid info code: '+str(info)) 1535 1536 if info >= 0: 1537 parameter = self.fits[j,i][comps-1][info] 1538 perror = self.perror[j,i][comps-1][info] 1539 elif info > -100: 1540 parameter = self.fluxes[j,i][-info-1] 1541 perror = self.fluxerr[j,i][-info-1] 1542 else: 1543 parameter = sum(self.fluxes[j,i]) 1544 perror = sum(self.fluxerr[j,i]) 1545 print parameter, perror 1546 return parameter, perror
1548 - def genInfoArray(self, info):
1549 """ 1550 Generates a masked array of fit information, as returned by returnInfo. 1551 The information returned will correspond to the best fit for each 1552 spaxel (as denoted in self.fitno). 1553 1554 Inputs: 1555 info - An integer code denoting what information we want returned. 1556 These codes correspond to those found in returnInfo(). 1557 1558 Returns: 1559 infoarr - A two-dimensional masked array, containing the requested 1560 information for each spaxel. Will take the same shape as the 1561 spatial dimension of the fitvels instance (i.e. the same 1562 shape as, say, fitno). 1563 """ 1564 1565 info = int(info) 1566 print 'genInfoArray: Info code '+str(info) 1567 if (info < 0) or (info > 3): 1568 raise ValueError('genInfoArray: Invalid info code: '+str(info)) 1569 1570 infoarr = np.ma.empty_like(self.fitno, dtype=float) 1571 for i in range(len(self.xpts)): 1572 for j in range(len(self.ypts)): 1573 infoarr[j,i] = self.returnInfo(i, j, self.fitno[j,i], info) 1574 1575 # Mask the array where the dummy value of -999 has appeared 1576 infoarr = np.ma.masked_where(infoarr == -999, infoarr) 1577 1578 print infoarr 1579 return infoarr
1581 - def genFitInfoArray(self, info):
1582 """ 1583 Generates a masked array of fit parameters, as returned by 1584 returnFitInfo. The fit parameter returned will correspond to the best 1585 fit for each spaxel (as denoted in self.fitno). 1586 1587 Inputs: 1588 info - An integer code denoting what information we want returned. 1589 These codes correspond to those found in returnFitInfo(). 1590 1591 Returns: 1592 paramarr - A two-dimensional masked array, containing the requested 1593 information for each spaxel. Will take the same shape as the 1594 spatial dimension of the fitvels instance (i.e. the same 1595 shape as, say, fitno). 1596 paramperr - A two-dimensional masked array, containing the formal 1597 1-sigma errors for the requested information. 1598 """ 1599 info = int(info) 1600 print 'genFitInfoArray: Info code '+str(info) 1601 #if (info < -(self.fitmax)) or (info > 3*self.fitmax): 1602 #raise ValueError('genFitInfoArray: Invalid info code: '+str(info)) 1603 1604 paramarr = np.ma.empty_like(self.fitno, dtype=float) 1605 1606 print str(self.returnFitInfo(0, 0, self.fitno[0,0], info)) 1607 1608 for i in range(len(self.xpts)): 1609 for j in range(len(self.ypts)): 1610 # If the requested fit parameter is not included in the 1611 # spaxel best-fit, introduce a dummy value to be masked 1612 if (info > 3*self.fitno[j,i]) or (info < -self.fitno[j,i]): 1613 paramarr[j,i] = -1.0e10 1614 else: 1615 paramarr[j,i] = (self.returnFitInfo(i, j, self.fitno[j,i], info))[0] 1616 paramarr = np.ma.masked_where(paramarr <= -1.0e9, paramarr) 1617 paramarr = np.ma.masked_where(paramarr == -999, paramarr) 1618 #print paramarr 1619 return paramarr
1621 - def save(self, filename=None):
1622 """ 1623 Save the current velfit to file. 1624 1625 Inputs: 1626 filename - Filename to be saved to. Defaults to None, in which case 1627 a datetime stamp will be used to generate a file name. 1628 1629 Returns: 1630 Nil. A file is saved to the current working directory containing this 1631 velfit instance. 1632 """ 1633 if filename == None: 1634 filename = 'velfit_'+str(datetime.datetime.now())+'.vft' 1635 outfile = open(filename, 'wb') 1636 pickle.dump(self, outfile) 1637 print 'velfit.save: File written to '+filename 1638 outfile.close()
1640 - def findVIndex(self, v):
1641 """ 1642 Find the spaxel index corresponding to the given velocity value. 1643 1644 Inputs: 1645 z - The x-coordinate that we wish to find the spaxel index for 1646 1647 Returns: 1648 k - The spaxel index corresponding to the passed velocity. 1649 """ 1650 vpts = self.vpts 1651 dv = vpts[1]-vpts[0] 1652 1653 # Check that the y-point given is actually somewhere in this instance 1654 if (v < (vpts[0] - dv/2.0)) or (v > (vpts[-1] + dv/2.0)): 1655 raise ValueError('The velocity '+str(v)+' is outside the range of this velfit instance!') 1656 1657 # Compute an array of y-bases (i.e. the coordinate of the bottom of each 1658 # spaxel) 1659 vbases = vpts - (dv/2.0) 1660 # Find the last spaxel which has a base < the given y-coordinate, and 1661 # return the index of that spaxel 1662 coords = np.where(vbases < v)[0] 1663 k = coords[-1] 1664 return k
1665 1666 # ---------------------- 1667 # DATA LOADING & MANIPULATION FUNCTIONS 1668 # ---------------------- 1669
1670 -def loadFITS(filename, pxoff=0.0, pyoff=0.0, scihead='SCI', varhead='VAR', 1671 dqhead='DQ', xu='arcsec', yu='arcsec', zu='A', scalefact = 1.0, 1672 flipx=False, 1673 quiet=False):
1674 """ 1675 Loads a NIFS FITS file into computer memory. 1676 1677 Inputs: 1678 filename - The FITS file to be loaded into memory. May be a single- or 1679 multi-extenstion FITS file. 1680 pxoff - X-pixel offset to be used for plotting purposes. Defaults to 0.0. 1681 pyoff - Y-pixel offset to be used for plotting purposes. Defaults to 0.0. 1682 scihead - The header name of the science data extentsion. Defaults to 1683 'SCI' for multi-extenstion FITS files, and will be automatically 1684 be set to 'PRIMARY' for a single-extension file. 1685 varhead - The header name of the variance data extenstion. Defaults to 1686 'VAR'. 1687 dqhead - The header name of the pixel quality flag array. Defaults to 1688 'DQ'. 1689 xu, yu - Strings defining the units of the x and y axes. Defaults to 1690 'arcsec' for both. 1691 zu - String defining the units of the x and y axes. Defaults to 'A' 1692 (angstrom). This module currently only recognises two options: 1693 'A' - angstrom 1694 'um'- micron 1695 scalefact - Float giving the value to scale the data and variances by. This 1696 is useful for pulling data values into something close to 1697 reasonable human numbers. Defaults to 1.0 (no scaling). 1698 flipx - Boolean value, specifying whether to invert the x-axis (i.e. 1699 flip the sign on the x pixel increment.) Designed for use with 1700 files coming out of IRAF that have had their CDELT1 value sign 1701 flipped for some reason. Defaults to False. 1702 1703 1704 Outputs: 1705 data - A fitscube instance containing the data cube. 1706 """ 1707 if not(quiet): 1708 print 'loadFITS: Beginning loading...' 1709 # Using pyfits, load the data cube into memory 1710 hdulist = pf.open(filename) 1711 # Determine the number of extensions, and adjust scihead accordingly 1712 if len(hdulist) == 1: 1713 single = True 1714 scihead = 'PRIMARY' 1715 else: 1716 single = False 1717 1718 scalefact = float(scalefact) 1719 1720 # Create a new fitscube instance to hold the data 1721 data = nifscube() 1722 1723 if not(quiet): 1724 print 'loadFITS: Populating data arrays...' 1725 # Populate the fitscube with information from the data cube 1726 data.scidata = np.ma.masked_array(data = hdulist[scihead].data, 1727 mask=np.ma.nomask) 1728 if not(single): 1729 data.dq = np.array(hdulist[dqhead].data, dtype=bool) 1730 mask = data.dq 1731 data.vars = np.ma.masked_array(data = hdulist[varhead].data, 1732 mask = mask) 1733 data.scidata = np.ma.masked_array(np.ma.getdata(data.scidata), 1734 mask = mask) 1735 else: 1736 data.vars = np.ma.zeros(data.scidata.shape) 1737 data.dq = np.ma.zeros(data.scidata.shape, dtype=bool) 1738 # Scale the data and variance arrays 1739 data.scidata = data.scidata * scalefact 1740 data.vars = data.vars * scalefact * scalefact 1741 if not(quiet): 1742 print 'loadFITS: Computing data coordinates...' 1743 # Determine the data points 1744 data.nz = data.scidata.shape[0] 1745 data.ny = data.scidata.shape[1] 1746 data.nx = data.scidata.shape[2] 1747 if ((data.nx != hdulist[scihead].header['NAXIS1']) or 1748 (data.ny != hdulist[scihead].header['NAXIS2']) or 1749 (data.nz != hdulist[scihead].header['NAXIS3'])): 1750 raise ValueError("loadFITS: The size of your science data array does\ 1751 not match the axis length(s) in the header! I suggest\ 1752 you manually inspect your data cube to determine the\ 1753 issue.") 1754 try: 1755 data.dx = hdulist[scihead].header['CDELT1'] # x-coord increment 1756 except KeyError: 1757 data.dx = hdulist[scihead].header['CD1_1'] 1758 try: 1759 data.dy = hdulist[scihead].header['CDELT2'] # y-coord increment 1760 except KeyError: 1761 data.dy = hdulist[scihead].header['CD2_2'] 1762 try: 1763 data.dz = hdulist[scihead].header['CDELT3'] # z-coord increment 1764 except KeyError: 1765 data.dz = hdulist[scihead].header['CD3_3'] 1766 if flipx: 1767 dx = -data.dx 1768 data.dx = dx 1769 1770 # If no CRVAL is defined, set the coordinate value at the reference pixel 1771 # to be 0 1772 try: 1773 ix = hdulist[scihead].header['CRVAL1'] # x-coord value @ 1774 except KeyError: 1775 ix = 0.0 1776 ixpix = hdulist[scihead].header['CRPIX1'] # this pixel 1777 try: 1778 iy = hdulist[scihead].header['CRVAL2'] # y-coord value @ 1779 except KeyError: 1780 iy = 0.0 1781 iypix = hdulist[scihead].header['CRPIX2'] # this pixel 1782 try: 1783 iz = hdulist[scihead].header['CRVAL3'] # y-coord value @ 1784 except KeyError: 1785 iz = 0.0 1786 izpix = hdulist[scihead].header['CRPIX3'] # this pixel 1787 1788 # Compute the coordinate values of the first (bottom-left) pixel 1789 data.xs = ix - ((ixpix - 1) * data.dx) 1790 data.ys = iy - ((iypix - 1) * data.dy) 1791 data.zs = iz - ((izpix - 1) * data.dz) 1792 1793 1794 xpts = np.arange(data.xs, data.xs + (data.dx*data.nx), data.dx) 1795 data.xpts = xpts[0:data.nx] 1796 ypts = np.arange(data.ys, data.ys + (data.dy*data.ny), data.dy) 1797 data.ypts = ypts[0:data.ny] 1798 zpts = np.arange(data.zs, data.zs + (data.dz*data.nz), data.dz) 1799 data.zpts = zpts[0:data.nz] 1800 1801 # Read in more information from the function call 1802 data.xu = xu 1803 data.yu = yu 1804 data.zu = zu 1805 1806 data.pxoff = pxoff 1807 data.pyoff = pyoff 1808 1809 # Compute the offset data points 1810 data.xptsoff = data.xpts - data.pxoff 1811 data.yptsoff = data.ypts - data.pyoff 1812 1813 #data.du = hdulist[scihead].header['BUNIT'] 1814 1815 hdulist.close() 1816 1817 if not(quiet): 1818 print 'loadFITS: load completed!' 1819 return data
1821 -def applyVars(fitscube, vars):
1822 """ 1823 Adds a variance array to a pre-existing fitscube instance. The mask from 1824 fitscube.scidata will be applied to the variance array after loading. 1825 1826 Inputs: 1827 fitscube - The fitscube instance the variance array is to be added to 1828 vars - The variance array to be added to the fitscube instance. It must 1829 have the same shape as fitscube.scidata. Can be a nested list, 1830 a numpy array, etc etc. 1831 1832 Returns: 1833 data - A fitscube instance identical to the original fitscube, but 1834 with the new variance array 1835 """ 1836 # Check the variance array has the right dimensions 1837 if vars.shape != fitscube.scidata.shape: 1838 raise ValueError("applyVars: The variance array you're trying to add\ 1839 does not have the same dimensions as the scidata!") 1840 1841 data = fitscube 1842 data.vars = np.ma.masked_array(data=vars, 1843 mask=np.ma.getmask(fitscube.scidata)) 1844 return data
1846 -def applyMask(fitscube, mask):
1847 """ 1848 Applies mask to the scidata and variance arrays in the fitscube. 1849 1850 Inputs: 1851 fitscube - The fitscube instance the mask is to be added to 1852 mask - The mask to be applied. The mask should take the same form as 1853 the initial DQ pixel quality array - that is, a True/1 value 1854 denotes a pixel that is bad, False/0 denotes good. 1855 1856 Returns: 1857 data - A fitscube instance identical to the original fitscube, but with 1858 the new mask applied. 1859 """ 1860 data = fitscube 1861 # Re-format the mask array to match the Python convention (1/True = masked 1862 # pixel, 0/False = good unmasked pixel) 1863 mask = np.array(mask, dtype=bool) 1864 1865 data.scidata = np.ma.masked_array(data=np.ma.getdata(fitscube.scidata), 1866 mask=mask) 1867 if len(fitscube.vars != 0): 1868 data.vars = np.ma.masked_array(data=np.ma.getdata(fitscube.vars), 1869 mask=mask) 1870 1871 data.dq = mask 1872 1873 return data
1874 1875
1876 -def loadFITSdq(fitscube, dqfile, dqhead='DQ'):
1877 """ 1878 Function to load a DQ pixel quality mask onto data that has already been 1879 loaded into a fitscube() class instance. 1880 1881 Inputs: 1882 fitscube - The pre-existing fitscube instance. If the fitscube already has 1883 a mask applied to the scidata and/or variance arrays, that mask 1884 will be overwritten. 1885 dqfile - The FITS file (possibly multi-extension) which containts the DQ 1886 pixel quality array. 1887 dqhead - The header of dqfile containing the DQ pixel quality array. 1888 Defaults to 'DQ', however, if dqfile is detected to be single- 1889 extension, it will automatically be set to 'PRIMARY'. 1890 1891 Returns: 1892 data - A fitscube instance which is identical to the input fitscube, 1893 but with the new masking applied to the scidata and vars arrays. 1894 """ 1895 1896 data = fitscube 1897 1898 # Open the dqfile 1899 dqhdulist = pf.open(dqfile) 1900 1901 # Check how many extensions dqfile has, and modify dqhead accordingly 1902 if len(dqhdulist) == 1: 1903 dqhead = 'PRIMARY' 1904 1905 data = applyMask(data, dqhdulist[dqhead].data) 1906 dqhdulist.close() 1907 return data
1909 -def loadFITSvars(fitscube, varfile, varhead='VAR'):
1910 """ 1911 Function to load a variance array into a fitscube() instance that has 1912 already been loaded into memory. The mask from fitscube.scidata will then 1913 be applied to the new variance array. 1914 1915 Inputs: 1916 fitscube - The pre-existing fitscube instance. If this fitscube already has 1917 a variance array in it, this array will be overwritten. 1918 varfile - The FITS file (possibly multi-extension) which contains the 1919 variance array. 1920 varhead - The header of the FITS file extension containing the variance 1921 array. Defaults to 'VAR'; however, if varfile is detected to be 1922 single-extension, it will automatically be set to 'PRIMARY'. 1923 zu - Units the sigmas are represented in (i.e. the variances will be 1924 in units of zu**2.) Options are angstrom 'A' or micron 'um'. 1925 Defaults to 'A'. 1926 1927 Returns: 1928 data - A fitscube instance identical to the input fitscube, but with 1929 the new variance data. 1930 """ 1931 # Open the varfile 1932 varhdulist = pf.open(varfile) 1933 # Check the number of extensions, and if necessary modify varhead 1934 if len(varhdulist) == 1: 1935 varhead = 'PRIMARY' 1936 1937 # Check that the shape of the variance array matches the shape of the 1938 # pre-existing data 1939 if fitscube.scidata.shape() != varhdulist[varhead].data.shape(): 1940 raise ValueError("loadFITSvars: The shape of the variance array you're\ 1941 trying to load does not match the shape of the pre-\ 1942 existing data!") 1943 1944 # Update the variance array 1945 #data.vars = np.ma.masked_array(data=varhdulist[varhead].data, 1946 #mask=np.ma.getmask(fitscube.scidata)) 1947 data = applyVars(fitscube, varhdulist[varhead].data) 1948 1949 # Return the new fitscube instance 1950 varhdulist.close() 1951 return data
1953 -def loadFITSsupp(fitscube, filename, varhead='VAR', dqhead='DQ'):
1954 """ 1955 Function to simultaneously load a variance array and a pixel quality mask 1956 into a pre-existing fitscube instance. This function simply calls 1957 loadFITSvars, and then applyMask, and is provided for convenience. 1958 1959 Inputs: 1960 fitscube - The pre-existing fitscube instance. If this instance already 1961 contains a variance array and/or a pixel quality mask, these 1962 will both be replaced. 1963 filename - the multi-extenstion FITS file containing the variance array and 1964 pixel quality array. 1965 varhead - The header of the extension containing the variance array. 1966 Defaults to 'VAR'. 1967 dqhead - The header of the FITS extension containing the pixel quality 1968 array. Defaults to 'DQ'. 1969 1970 Returns: 1971 data - A fitscube instance identical to the initial instance, but with 1972 the new variance array and pixel quality mask. 1973 """ 1974 1975 # Open the fits file 1976 hdulist = pf.open(filename) 1977 1978 # Apply the new variances 1979 data = applyVars(fitscube, hdulist[varhead].data) 1980 1981 # Apply the new mask 1982 data = applyMask(data, hdulist[dqhead].data) 1983 1984 # Close the FITS file and return the new fitscube instance 1985 hdulist.close() 1986 return data
1988 -def openPyNifs(filename):
1989 """ 1990 Open a saved nifscube or velfit instance, and load it into Python memory. 1991 1992 Inputs: 1993 filename - The name of the saved nifscube/velfit file to be opened. 1994 1995 Returns: 1996 velfit - The nifscube/velfit instance read out of the file. 1997 """ 1998 infile = open(filename, 'rb') 1999 pninst = pickle.load(infile) 2000 print 'openPyNifs: file '+filename+' opened!' 2001 infile.close() 2002 return pninst
2003 2004 # ------------------- 2005 # DATA ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS 2006 # ------------------- 2007
2008 -def intRange(nifscube, startw, stopw):
2009 """ 2010 Integreates the raw data in the nifcscube instance over the spectral 2011 dimension between the defined wavelength limits. Only unmasked pixels 2012 will be used. Integral is calculated histogram-style - that is, each data 2013 points represents a vertical column of height (data valae) and width 2014 (delta lambda). 2015 2016 Inputs: 2017 nifscube - The nifscube instance to be summed over. 2018 startw, stopw - The beginning and end wavelengths of the wavelength range to 2019 be integrated over. Given in units of m. 2020 2021 Returns: 2022 intdata - A two-dimensional masked array containing the integrated 2023 values. The integral will only be of those pixels which are 2024 unmasked in the full three-dimensional data cube. 2025 The mask will only suppress spaxels which have no unmasked 2026 value in the full three-dimensional data cube. 2027 interr - A two-dimensional masked array, containing the error on 2028 intdata related to the summation/integration process. Note 2029 that this error won't account for systematics introduced by, 2030 e.g., masked pixels within the integration range. 2031 nopoints - A two-dimensional array, containing the number of points 2032 used to compute the integrated flux density in that spaxel. 2033 """ 2034 2035 intdata = np.ma.zeros(nifscube.scidata[0,:,:].shape) 2036 intvar = np.ma.zeros(nifscube.scidata[0,:,:].shape) 2037 nopoints = np.ma.zeros(nifscube.scidata[0,:,:].shape, dtype=int) 2038 2039 if nifscube.zu == 'A': 2040 startw = startw * 1.0e10 2041 stopw = stopw * 1.0e10 2042 elif nifscube.zu == 'um': 2043 startw = startw * 1.0e6 2044 stopw = stopw * 1.0e6 2045 else: 2046 raise ValueError("sumVelRange: I don't know what the z unit in this\ 2047 dataset is! It's "+nifscube.zu) 2048 #print startw 2049 #print stopw 2050 2051 list1 = np.where(nifscube.zpts > startw) 2052 list2 = np.where(nifscube.zpts < stopw) 2053 #print 'List 1 = '+str(list1) 2054 #print 'List 2 = '+str(list2) 2055 # Let p be the start index, q be the end index 2056 p = max([np.amin(list1), np.amin(list2)]) 2057 q = min([np.amax(list1), np.amax(list2)]) 2058 #print 'intRange: start wavelength '+str(startw)+' (p='+str(p)+')' 2059 #print 'intRange: stop wavelength '+str(stopw)+' (p='+str(q)+')' 2060 print 'intRange: integrating over ['+str(startw)+','+str(stopw)+'] '+nifscube.zu 2061 print 'intRange: integrating over z indices '+str(p)+' to '+str(q) 2062 2063 for i in range(len(nifscube.xptsoff)): 2064 for j in range(len(nifscube.yptsoff)): 2065 # Extract the z-points, data and variances for this region of the 2066 # spaxel, masking where the data is masked 2067 intvals = nifscube.scidata[p:q+1, j, i] 2068 intvars = np.ma.masked_where(intvals is np.ma.masked, 2069 nifscube.vars[p:q+1, j, i]) 2070 nopoints[j,i] = intvals.count() 2071 # Filled the masked values with 0 (allows us to simply sum over the 2072 # entire array) 2073 intvals = np.ma.filled(intvals, fill_value=0.0) 2074 intvars = np.ma.filled(intvars, fill_value=0.0) 2075 #print str(intvals) 2076 #print str(interrs) 2077 2078 # Otherwise, compute the contribution of the first and last pixels 2079 # in the data range 2080 #if intvals[0] != np.ma.masked: 2081 # proximity = zpts[0] - startw 2082 # intdata[j,i] = intdata[j,i] + ((0.5*nifscube.dz) + proximity)*intvals[0] 2083 # interr[j,i] = interr[j,i] + ((0.5*nifscube.dz) + proximity)*interrs[0] 2084 #if intvals[-1] != np.ma.masked: 2085 # proximity = stopw - zpts[-1] 2086 # intdata[j,i] = intdata[j,i] + ((0.5*nifscube.dz) + proximity)*intvals[-1] 2087 # interr[j,i] = interr[j,i] + ((0.5*nifscube.dz) + proximity)*interrs[-1] 2088 # Calculate the contribution from the other spaxels 2089 #for k in range(1, len(intvals)-1): 2090 for k in range(0,len(intvals)): 2091 intdata[j,i] = intdata[j,i] + nifscube.dz * intvals[k] 2092 intvar[j,i] = intvar[j,i] + nifscube.dz**2 * intvars[k] 2093 2094 #print intdata[j,i] 2095 #print 'e'+str(interr[j,i]) 2096 print 'intVelRange: Completed row '+str(i+1)+' of '+str(len(nifscube.xptsoff)) 2097 2098 # If the z-unit of the nifscube is um, make a correction so the result 2099 # returned is integrated over angstroms (assuming the data cube values 2100 # are in erg/s/cm^2/A) 2101 if nifscube.zu == 'um': 2102 intdata = 1e4 * intdata 2103 intvar = 1e4 * 1e4 * intvar 2104 2105 interr = np.ma.sqrt(intvar) 2106 return intdata, interr, nopoints
2108 -def intVelRange(nifscube, restwavl, startv, stopv):
2109 """ 2110 Integrates the raw data in the nifscube instance over the spectral dimension 2111 between the defined velocity limits. Only unmasked pixels will be used. 2112 Integral is calculated histogram-style - that is, each data point represents 2113 a vertical column of height (data value) and width (delta lambda). 2114 2115 Inputs: 2116 nifscube - The nifscube instance to be summed over. 2117 restwavl - The rest wavelength, given in units of m. 2118 startv, stopv - The beginning and end velocities of the velocity range to 2119 be integrated over. Given in units of km/s. 2120 2121 Returns: 2122 intdata - A two-dimensional masked array containing the integrated 2123 values. The integral will only be of those pixels which are 2124 unmasked in the full three-dimensional data cube. 2125 The mask will only suppress spaxels which have no unmasked 2126 value in the full three-dimensional data cube. 2127 interr - A two-dimensional masked array, containing the error on 2128 intdata related to the summation/integration process. Note 2129 that this error won't account for systematics introduced by, 2130 e.g., masked pixels within the integration range. 2131 nopoints - A two-dimensional array, containing the number of points 2132 used to compute the integrated flux density in that spaxel. 2133 """ 2134 intdata = np.ma.zeros(nifscube.scidata[0,:,:].shape) 2135 intvar = np.ma.zeros(nifscube.scidata[0,:,:].shape) 2136 nopoints = np.ma.zeros(nifscube.scidata[0,:,:].shape, dtype=int) 2137 2138 # Convert the start and stop velocities into wavelengths, and then convert 2139 # the wavelengths into the same unit as used in nifscube 2140 startw = velToWavl(startv, restwavl) 2141 stopw = velToWavl(stopv, restwavl) 2142 if nifscube.zu == 'A': 2143 startw = startw * 1.0e10 2144 stopw = stopw * 1.0e10 2145 elif nifscube.zu == 'um': 2146 startw = startw * 1.0e6 2147 stopw = stopw * 1.0e6 2148 else: 2149 raise ValueError("sumVelRange: I don't know what the z unit in this\ 2150 dataset is! It's "+nifscube.zu) 2151 #print startw 2152 #print stopw 2153 2154 list1 = np.where(nifscube.zpts > startw) 2155 list2 = np.where(nifscube.zpts < stopw) 2156 # Let p be the start index, q be the end index 2157 p = max([np.amin(list1), np.amin(list2)]) 2158 q = min([np.amax(list1), np.amax(list2)]) 2159 #print 'intVelRange: start wavelength '+str(startw)+' (p='+str(p)+')' 2160 #print 'intVelRange: stop wavelength '+str(stopw)+' (p='+str(q)+')' 2161 print 'intVelRange: integrating over ['+str(startv)+','+str(stopv)+'] km/s' 2162 print 'intVelRange: integrating over z indices '+str(p)+' to '+str(q) 2163 2164 for i in range(len(nifscube.xptsoff)): 2165 for j in range(len(nifscube.yptsoff)): 2166 # Extract the z-points, data and variances for this region of the 2167 # spaxel, masking where the data is masked 2168 intvals = nifscube.scidata[p:q+1, j, i] 2169 intvars = np.ma.masked_where(intvals is np.ma.masked, 2170 nifscube.vars[p:q+1, j, i]) 2171 nopoints[j,i] = intvals.count() 2172 # Filled the masked values with 0 (allows us to simply sum over the 2173 # entire array) 2174 intvals = np.ma.filled(intvals, fill_value=0.0) 2175 intvars = np.ma.filled(intvars, fill_value=0.0) 2176 #print str(intvals) 2177 #print str(interrs) 2178 2179 # Otherwise, compute the contribution of the first and last pixels 2180 # in the data range 2181 #if intvals[0] != np.ma.masked: 2182 # proximity = zpts[0] - startw 2183 # intdata[j,i] = intdata[j,i] + ((0.5*nifscube.dz) + proximity)*intvals[0] 2184 # interr[j,i] = interr[j,i] + ((0.5*nifscube.dz) + proximity)*interrs[0] 2185 #if intvals[-1] != np.ma.masked: 2186 # proximity = stopw - zpts[-1] 2187 # intdata[j,i] = intdata[j,i] + ((0.5*nifscube.dz) + proximity)*intvals[-1] 2188 # interr[j,i] = interr[j,i] + ((0.5*nifscube.dz) + proximity)*interrs[-1] 2189 # Calculate the contribution from the other spaxels 2190 #for k in range(1, len(intvals)-1): 2191 for k in range(0,len(intvals)): 2192 intdata[j,i] = intdata[j,i] + nifscube.dz * intvals[k] 2193 intvar[j,i] = intvar[j,i] + nifscube.dz**2 * intvars[k] 2194 2195 #print intdata[j,i] 2196 #print 'e'+str(interr[j,i]) 2197 print 'intVelRange: Completed row '+str(i+1)+' of '+str(len(nifscube.xptsoff)) 2198 2199 # If the z-unit of the nifscube is um, make a correction so the result 2200 # returned is integrated over angstroms (assuming the data cube values 2201 # are in erg/s/cm^2/A) 2202 if nifscube.zu == 'um': 2203 intdata = 1e4 * intdata 2204 intvar = 1e4 * 1e4 * intvar 2205 2206 interr = np.ma.sqrt(intvar) 2207 return intdata, interr, nopoints
2209 -def sumVelRange(nifscube, restwavl, startv, stopv):
2210 """ 2211 Sums the data in the nifscube instance over the spectral dimension between 2212 the defined velocity limits. Only unmasked pixels will be summed. 2213 2214 Inputs: 2215 nifscube - The nifscube instance to be summed over. 2216 restwavl - The rest wavelength, given in units of m. 2217 startv, stopv - The beginning and end velocities of the velocity range to 2218 be summed over. Given in units of km/s. 2219 2220 Returns: 2221 sumdata - A two-dimensional masked array containing the summed values. 2222 The sum will only be of those pixels which are unmasked in 2223 the full three-dimensional data cube. 2224 The mask will only suppress spaxels which have no unmasked 2225 value in the full three-dimensional data cube. 2226 vardata - A two-dimensional masked array containing the variances of 2227 the summed data. The variance of each spaxel is computed 2228 by adding the sqrt(variance) of each pixel, and then taking 2229 the square of the result. The same mask applied to sumdata 2230 will be applied to vardata. If there is no variance 2231 information in the input nifscube, a two-dimensional masked 2232 array of zeros in the correct shape will be returned. 2233 """ 2234 2235 # Convert the start and stop velocities into wavelengths, and then convert 2236 # the wavelengths into the same unit as used in nifscube 2237 startw = velToWavl(startv, restwavl) 2238 stopw = velToWavl(stopv, restwavl) 2239 if nifscube.zu == 'A': 2240 startw = startw * 1.0e10 2241 stopw = stopw * 1.0e10 2242 elif nifscube.zu == 'um': 2243 startw = startw * 1.0e6 2244 stopw = stopw * 1.0e6 2245 else: 2246 raise ValueError("sumVelRange: I don't know what the z unit in this\ 2247 dataset is! It's "+nifscube.zu) 2248 2249 # Determine the range of data indices to sum over 2250 list1 = np.where(nifscube.zpts >= startw) 2251 list2 = np.where(nifscube.zpts <= stopw) 2252 # Let p be the start index, q be the end index 2253 p = max([np.amin(list1), np.amin(list2)]) 2254 q = min([np.amax(list1), np.amax(list2)]) 2255 print 'sumVelRange: summing over ['+str(startv)+','+str(stopv)+'] km/s' 2256 print 'sumVelRange: summing over z indices '+str(p)+' to '+str(q) 2257 2258 # Generate empty sumdata and vardata arrays 2259 sumdata = np.ma.zeros((nifscube.ny, nifscube.nx)) 2260 vardata = np.ma.zeros((nifscube.ny, nifscube.nx)) 2261 2262 if np.ma.getdata(nifscube.vars) == None: 2263 for i in range(0,nifscube.nx): 2264 for j in range(0,nifscube.ny): 2265 sumdata[j,i] = nifscube.scidata[p:q+1,j,i].sum() 2266 # Set the spaxel to be masked if all the summed pixels 2267 # are masked 2268 if (np.ma.getmask(nifscube.scidata)[p:q+1,j,i]).all(): 2269 sumdata[j,i] = np.ma.masked 2270 print 'sumVelRange: completed row '+str(i+1)+' of '+str(nifscube.nx) 2271 else: 2272 for i in range(0,nifscube.nx): 2273 for j in range(0,nifscube.ny): 2274 sumdata[j,i] = nifscube.scidata[p:q+1,j,i].sum() 2275 vardata[j,i] = nifscube.vars[p:q+1,j,i].sum() 2276 # Set the spaxel to be masked if all the summed pixels 2277 # are masked 2278 if (np.ma.getmask(nifscube.scidata)[p:q,j,i]).all(): 2279 sumdata[j,i] = np.ma.masked 2280 vardata[j,i] = np.ma.masked 2281 print 'sumVelRange: completed row '+str(i+1)+' of '+str(nifscube.nx) 2282 2283 print 'sumVelRange: summation completed!' 2284 return sumdata, vardata
2286 -def formContinuum(nifscube, restwavl, vlower, vupper, deltav):
2287 """ 2288 Forms an averaged, integrated continuum image over two specified velocity 2289 ranges. The ranges share a single width, to allow for simple averaging. 2290 2291 Inputs: 2292 nifscube - The nifscube instance to be acted upon. 2293 restwavl - The rest wavelength of the line being investigated (in m). 2294 vlower - The start velocity of the first wavelength range. 2295 vupper - The start velocity of the second wavelength range. 2296 deltav - The width of the velocity ranges. 2297 2298 Returns: 2299 contimage - An integrated flux density (i.e. flux) image, averaged from 2300 the two velocity ranges above. Takes the form of a masked array. 2301 Will have the same shape as the spatial dimensions of the 2302 passed nifscube instance. 2303 """ 2304 2305 print 'formContinuum: Forming continuum slices...' 2306 contlower = intVelRange(nifscube, restwavl, vlower, vlower+deltav)[0] 2307 contupper = intVelRange(nifscube, restwavl, vupper, vupper+deltav)[0] 2308 2309 print 'formContinuum: Averaging continuum slices...' 2310 contimage = (contlower + contupper) / 2.0 2311 2312 # Return the formed continuum image 2313 return contimage
2315 -def fitVels(nifscube, restwavl, vmin=-1000.0, vmax=1000.0, 2316 ftestlim=1.4, ftestp=0.05, fitmax=1, xlim=None, ylim=None, 2317 vlim=None, wmin=10.0, wpercent=0.05, wperspace=0.25, wmaxcut=50.0, 2318 alim=None, fixbg=False, snthresh=5, noisepts=100):
2319 """ 2320 Fits a multi-component Gaussian to every spaxel in the given NIFS data cube. 2321 2322 Inputs: 2323 nifscube - The nifscube instance to be acted uopn 2324 restwavl - The rest wavelength of interest (in m). 2325 vmin - The lowest velocity data value to be included in the 2326 fitting (in km/s). Defaults to -1000 km/s. 2327 vmax - The highest velocity data value to be included in the 2328 fitting (in km/s). Defaults to 1000 km/s. 2329 ftestlim - The upper limit allowed for the F-test, to determine whether 2330 extra Gaussian components are required or not. Defaults to 2331 1.4. 2332 ftestp - The limiting P-value for the F-test, to determine whether 2333 extra Gaussian components are required or not. Defaults to 2334 0.05. 2335 fitmax - The maximum number of Gaussian components that can be fit 2336 to any one spaxel. Defaults to 1. 2337 xlim - Either none, OR a tuple denoting the start and end x-coords 2338 of the region of interest. Defaults to None. 2339 ylim - As for xlim, but with respect to the y coordinates. 2340 vlim - A two-element list, containing min and max values for 2341 ALL fit component centroid values, in units km/s. Defaults 2342 to None (in which case, the centroid values will be forced 2343 to lie within the velocity range of interest.) 2344 wmin - Minimum allowed fitted line width. Defaults to 10.0 km/s. 2345 wpercent - Percentage of total line intensity permitted to be on the 2346 opposite side of 0 km/s to the line peak. Used to calculate 2347 maximum permitted fitted line width for each feature. Must 2348 be a float between 0.0 and 1.0. Defaults to 0.10. 2349 wperspace - Expected percentage error on initial guess line velocities. 2350 Used for calculating maximum allowed fitted line widths. 2351 Must be a float between 0.0 and 1.0. Defaults to 0.25. 2352 wmaxcut - Lower limit on maximum allowed fitted line width. Defaults 2353 to 50.0. 2354 fixbg - Boolean value, denoting whether to fix the background 2355 height of the fit to 0.0 (True) or not. Defaults to False. 2356 snthresh - Signal-to-noise threshold - if spaxel is below this 2357 threshold, fits will still be made, but fitno[j,i] will then 2358 be set to 0 afterwards. S/N is calculated as the peak flux 2359 value in the spaxel, divided by the average noise across 2360 the entire region of interest (generally speaking, the 2361 errors in any one spaxel are roughly the same in adjacent 2362 pixels.) Must be expressed as a positive number. Defaults 2363 to 5. 2364 noisepts - The number of points to be used just outside the velocity 2365 region of interest to compute an uncertainty estimate for 2366 each spaxel (to be used with signal-to-noise rejection). 2367 Points will be taken from the side of the region of interest 2368 furthest from v = 0 km/s. 2369 2370 Returns: 2371 velfit - A new velfit instance containing the fit information. 2372 2373 """ 2374 # Open a new velfit 2375 velfits = velfit() 2376 2377 # Copy across the fitscube x and y coordinates, and reformat the z 2378 # coordinates into velocities 2379 print 'fitVels: Re-formatting data coordinates...' 2380 velfits.restwavl = restwavl 2381 velfits.vmin = vmin 2382 velfits.vmax = vmax 2383 velfits.ftestlim = ftestlim 2384 velfits.ftestp = ftestp 2385 velfits.fitmax = fitmax 2386 2387 velfits.xpts = nifscube.xptsoff 2388 velfits.xs = velfits.xpts[0] 2389 velfits.dx = nifscube.dx 2390 velfits.ypts = nifscube.yptsoff 2391 velfits.ys = velfits.ypts[0] 2392 velfits.dy = nifscube.dy 2393 2394 if nifscube.zu == 'A': 2395 velfits.vpts = wavlToVel(nifscube.zpts * 1.0e-10, restwavl) 2396 elif nifscube.zu == 'um': 2397 velfits.vpts = wavlToVel(nifscube.zpts * 1.0e-6, restwavl) 2398 else: 2399 raise ValueError("sumVelRange: I don't know what the z unit in this\ 2400 dataset is! It's "+nifscube.zu) 2401 print velfits.vpts 2402 2403 print 'fitVels: Trimming data points to velocity region of interest' 2404 # Trim the data structure down to the velocity region of interest 2405 # Let p be the start index, q be the end index 2406 list1 = np.where(velfits.vpts >= vmin) 2407 list2 = np.where(velfits.vpts <= vmax) 2408 print list1 2409 print list2 2410 p = max([np.amin(list1), np.amin(list2)]) 2411 q = min([np.amax(list1), np.amax(list2)]) 2412 #print p, q 2413 velfits.vpts = velfits.vpts[p:q+1] 2414 print 'fitVels: Trimming from vmin='+str(velfits.vpts[0])+' to vmax='+\ 2415 str(velfits.vpts[-1]) 2416 print 'fitVels: Corresponds to indices '+str(p)+' to '+str(q) 2417 #print str(velfits.vpts) 2418 velfits.vs = velfits.vpts[0] 2419 velfits.scidata = nifscube.scidata[p:q+1,:,:] 2420 velfits.vars = nifscube.vars[p:q+1,:,:] 2421 velfits.dq = nifscube.dq[p:q+1,:,:] 2422 2423 # Compute the uncertainty estimate for the spaxels 2424 velfits.uncertest = np.ma.ones(velfits.scidata[0,:,:].shape) 2425 if abs(vmin) > abs(vmax): 2426 ustart = p - noisepts 2427 ustop = p 2428 else: 2429 ustart = q + 1 2430 ustop = q + 1 + noisepts 2431 for j in range(len(nifscube.yptsoff)): 2432 for i in range(len(nifscube.xptsoff)): 2433 velfits.uncertest[j,i] = np.ma.std(nifscube.scidata[ustart:ustop 2434 ,j,i]) 2435 2436 # Trim the data points in x and y, in applicable 2437 if (xlim != None) or (ylim != None): 2438 if xlim == None: 2439 print 'fitVels: Trimming data to y = '+str(ylim) 2440 xlim = [velfits.xpts[0]-1.0, velfits.xpts[-1]+1] 2441 elif ylim == None: 2442 print 'fitVels: Trimming data to x = '+str(xlim) 2443 ylim = [velfits.ypts[0]-1.0, velfits.ypts[-1]+1] 2444 else: 2445 print 'fitVels: Trimming data to x = '+str(xlim)\ 2446 +', y = '+str(ylim) 2447 velfits.scidata = trimPts3D(velfits.scidata, velfits.xpts, velfits.ypts, 2448 xlim[0],xlim[1],ylim[0],ylim[1],incall=True, 2449 dx=velfits.dx, dy=velfits.dy, quiet=True)[0] 2450 velfits.uncertest = trimPts(velfits.uncertest, velfits.xpts, 2451 velfits.ypts,xlim[0],xlim[1],ylim[0], 2452 ylim[1],incall=True,dx=velfits.dx, 2453 dy=velfits.dy)[0] 2454 velfits.vars = trimPts3D(velfits.vars, velfits.xpts, 2455 velfits.ypts, xlim[0], xlim[1], ylim[0], 2456 ylim[1], incall=True, dx=velfits.dx, 2457 dy=velfits.dy, quiet=True)[0] 2458 velfits.dq, velfits.xpts, velfits.ypts = trimPts3D(velfits.dq, 2459 velfits.xpts, 2460 velfits.ypts, 2461 xlim[0], xlim[1], 2462 ylim[0], ylim[1], 2463 incall=True, 2464 dx=velfits.dx, 2465 dy=velfits.dy, 2466 quiet=True) 2467 velfits.xs = velfits.xpts[0] 2468 velfits.ys = velfits.ypts[0] 2469 2470 # Create empty fit parameters arrays with the correct dimensions 2471 #velfits.fits = np.ma.empty_like(velfits.scidata[0,:,:], dtype=object) 2472 #velfits.dof = np.ma.empty_like(velfits.scidata[0,:,:], dtype=object) 2473 velfits.fitno = np.ma.empty_like(velfits.scidata[0,:,:], dtype=int) 2474 velfits.fitorig = np.ma.empty_like(velfits.scidata[0,:,:], dtype=int) 2475 #velfits.chisq = np.ma.empty_like(velfits.scidata[0,:,:], dtype=object) 2476 #velfits.perror = np.ma.empty_like(velfits.scidata[0,:,:], dtype=object) 2477 #velfits.fitstat = np.ma.empty_like(velfits.scidata[0,:,:], dtype=object) 2478 #velfits.fluxes = np.ma.empty_like(velfits.scidata[0,:,:], dtype=object) 2479 #velfits.fluxerr = np.ma.empty_like(velfits.scidata[0,:,:], dtype=object) 2480 2481 velfits.fits = np.ma.zeros((velfits.scidata[0,:,:].shape + (velfits.fitmax, 2482 velfits.fitmax*3 + 1)), dtype=np.float64) 2483 # Set the default fit parameter for the Gaussian widths to zero 2484 for k in range(2, 3*velfits.fitmax, 3): 2485 velfits.fits[:,:,:,k] = 1.0 2486 velfits.perror = np.ma.zeros((velfits.scidata[0,:,:].shape + (velfits.fitmax, 2487 velfits.fitmax*3 + 1)), dtype=np.float64) 2488 velfits.dof = np.ma.zeros((velfits.scidata[0,:,:].shape + (velfits.fitmax ,)), dtype=int) 2489 velfits.chisq = np.ma.zeros((velfits.scidata[0,:,:].shape + (velfits.fitmax ,)), dtype=np.float64) 2490 velfits.fitstat = np.ma.zeros((velfits.scidata[0,:,:].shape + (velfits.fitmax ,)), dtype=int) 2491 velfits.fluxes = np.ma.zeros((velfits.scidata[0,:,:].shape + (velfits.fitmax ,)), dtype=np.float64) 2492 velfits.fluxerr = np.ma.zeros((velfits.scidata[0,:,:].shape + (velfits.fitmax ,)), dtype=np.float64) 2493 2494 2495 # Fit a multi-component Gaussian to each function 2496 2497 print 'fitVels: Generating velocity fits...' 2498 for i in range(0,len(velfits.xpts)): 2499 for j in range(0, len(velfits.ypts)): 2500 print 'fitVels: Fitting spaxel ('+str(i)+','+str(j)+')' 2501 velfits.fitVelSpax(i, j, comps=fitmax, quiet=True, vlim=vlim, 2502 wmin=wmin, alim=alim, fixbg=fixbg, 2503 snthresh=snthresh, wpercent = wpercent, 2504 wperspace = wperspace, wmaxcut=wmaxcut) 2505 print 'fitVels: Completed fitting for row '+str(i+1)+' of '\ 2506 +str(len(velfits.xpts)) 2507 2508 # Copy the fits array to fitsorig, in case further masking is used on 2509 # the fits array 2510 velfits.fitsorig = velfits.fits.copy() 2511 2512 # Compute the summed data array for plotting purposes 2513 print 'fitVels: Computing summed data for each spaxel...' 2514 velfits.sumCube() 2515 print 'fitVels: Computing fitted flux for each spaxel...' 2516 velfits.sumFitFlux() 2517 2518 return velfits
2519 2520 2521 2522 # -------------------- 2523 # UTILITY FUNCTIONS 2524 # -------------------- 2525 2526 # Speed of light (m/s) 2527 c = 2.99792458e8 2528 # Constant for converting line sigma to FWHM 2529 fwhm = 2.0 * np.sqrt(math.log(2.0)) 2530
2531 -def wavlToVel(wavl, restwavl, wavs=c):
2532 """Converts a wavelength to a radial velocity. 2533 2534 Inputs: 2535 wavl - Wavelength to be converted (units m). 2536 restwavl - Rest wavelength (units m). 2537 wavs - Wave speed (units m s^-1). Defaults to speed of light c = 2.9979e8 m s^-1. 2538 2539 Returns: 2540 radvel - Corresponding radial velocity (units km s^-1).""" 2541 2542 radvel = ((wavl/restwavl) - 1.0) * wavs 2543 return (radvel/1000.0)
2545 -def velToWavl(radvel, restwavl, wavs = c):
2546 """Converts a radial velocity to a wavelength. 2547 2548 Inputs: 2549 radvel - Radial velocity (units km s^-1). 2550 restwavl - Rest wavelength (units m). 2551 wavs - Wave speed (units m s^-1). Defaults to speed of light c = 2.9979e8 m s^-1. 2552 2553 Returns: 2554 wavl - Corresponding wavelength (units m).""" 2555 2556 radvel = radvel * 1000.0 2557 wavl = ((wavs + radvel) / wavs) * restwavl 2558 return wavl
2560 -def maskPix(cube, xind, yind):
2561 """ 2562 Masks all pixels in the cube with the specified x- and y-index. 2563 2564 Inputs: 2565 cube - Cube to be acted upon 2566 xind - The x-index of pixels to be masked 2567 yind - The y-index of pixels to be masked 2568 2569 Returns: 2570 Nil. 2571 """ 2572 # Check the input arguments 2573 if (xind >= cube.nx) or (yind > cube.ny): 2574 raise ValueError('maskPix: Given index is out of bounds!') 2575 2576 print 'maskPix: Masking pixel...' 2577 for k in range(0,cube.nz): 2578 np.ma.masked_where(cube.scidata==cube.scidata[k,yind,xind], 2579 cube.scidata) 2580 np.ma.masked_where(cube.scidata==cube.scidata[k,yind,xind], 2581 cube.vars) 2582 print 'Completed pixel '+str(k)+' of '+str(cube.nz) 2583 2584 print 'maskPix: Pixel ('+str(xind)+','+str(yind)+') masked!'
2586 -def gridPts(fitscube, mesh=True):
2587 """ 2588 Converts the arrays of pixel centroids xpts and ypts in the passed fitscube 2589 into arrays of pixel corner values. Either returns the two arrays, or a 2590 meshgrid of them. Uses the offset position arrays 2591 2592 Inputs: 2593 fitscube - The fitscube instance to be acted upn. 2594 mesh - Denotes whether to return lists of pixel corner x- and y- 2595 coordinates (False), or a meshgrid of the two for plotting 2596 purposes (True). 2597 2598 Returns: 2599 EITHER 2600 xcors, ycors - The lists of pixel corner x- and y-coordinates, 2601 respectively. 2602 OR 2603 XX, YY - The result of meshgrid(xcors, ycors) 2604 """ 2605 2606 xcors = fitscube.xptsoff - (fitscube.dx/2.0) 2607 xcors = np.append(xcors, xcors[-1]+fitscube.dx) 2608 ycors = fitscube.yptsoff - (fitscube.dy/2.0) 2609 ycors = np.append(ycors, ycors[-1]+fitscube.dy) 2610 2611 if mesh: 2612 XX, YY = np.meshgrid(xcors, ycors) 2613 return XX, YY 2614 else: 2615 return xcors, ycors
2617 -def gridPtsIndep(xpts, ypts, dx, dy, mesh=True):
2618 xcors = xpts - dx/2.0 2619 xcors = np.append(xcors, xcors[-1]+dx) 2620 ycors = ypts - dy/2.0 2621 ycors = np.append(ycors, ycors[-1]+dy) 2622 2623 if mesh: 2624 X, Y = np.meshgrid(xcors, ycors) 2625 return X, Y 2626 else: 2627 return xcors, ycors
2629 -def gridRad(data, xpts, ypts, vars=None, xcen = 0.0, ycen=0.0):
2630 """ 2631 Re-grids a two-dimensional data array (with coordinates given in x- and y- 2632 space) into a one-dimensional data array with coordinates given in radius. 2633 The radius is computed from the given x and y center coordinates. 2634 2635 Inputs: 2636 data - The two-dimensional (potentially masked) data array to be 2637 re-gridded. Must have shape(len(ypts), len(xpts)). 2638 xpts - The list of x-coordinates corresponding to the data. 2639 ypts - The list of y-coordinates corresponding to the data. 2640 vars - The array of data variances corresponding to the data. Defaults to 2641 None. Must be the same shape as data. 2642 xcen - The center x-coordinate to be used for computing the radius. 2643 Defaults to 0.0. 2644 ycen - The center x-coordinate to be used for computing the radius. 2645 Defaults to 0.0. 2646 2647 Returns: 2648 datarad - A one-dimensional array (potentially masked), of length 2649 len(xpts)*len(ypts), containing the input data re-gridded into 2650 radius space. 2651 varsrad - A one-dimensional array (potentially masked) containing the 2652 variance information of the input data re-gridded to radius 2653 space. If no variances were passed when the function was called, 2654 an array of zeros of the appropriate size will be returned. 2655 rads - A one-dimensional array containing the radius coordinates of the 2656 re-gridded data. Specified such that rads[i] is the radial 2657 coordinates of datarad[i]. Points in rad will almost certainly 2658 NOT be sorted in any particular order. 2659 """ 2660 2661 usevars = not(vars == None) 2662 2663 # Check the input shapes 2664 if (vars != None) and (data.shape != vars.shape): 2665 raise ValueError('Cannot process data and variance arrays of different\ 2666 shapes: '+str(data.shape)+ 'and '+str(vars.shape)) 2667 elif (data.shape[0] != len(ypts)): 2668 raise ValueError('Mismatched data array and y-coordinate array.') 2669 elif (data.shape[1] != len(xpts)): 2670 raise ValueError('Mismatched data array and y-coordinate array.') 2671 2672 # Initialise the datarad, varsrad and rads arrays 2673 datarad = np.ma.zeros(np.ma.size(data)) 2674 varsrad = np.ma.zeros(np.ma.size(data)) 2675 rads = np.zeros(len(xpts)*len(ypts)) 2676 2677 # Populate the arrays 2678 print 'gridRad: Re-gridding data...' 2679 for i in range(0, len(xpts)): 2680 for j in range(0, len(ypts)): 2681 # Compute the radius of this point 2682 rads[i*len(ypts) + j] = np.sqrt( (xpts[i] - xcen)**2 2683 +(ypts[j] - ycen)**2 ) 2684 # Pass the data (and possibly variance) information 2685 datarad[i*len(ypts) + j] = data[j][i] 2686 if usevars: 2687 varsrad[i*len(ypts) + j] = vars[j][i] 2688 print 'gridRad: Completed row '+str(i+1)+' of '+str(len(xpts)) 2689 2690 #print datarad 2691 #print varsrad 2692 #print rads 2693 return datarad, varsrad, rads
2694 2695
2696 -def trimPts(data, xpts, ypts, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 2697 incall=False, dx=0.0, dy=0.0):
2698 """ 2699 Function that trims a two-dimensional data array so that it only retains 2700 points that are within the ranges [xmin,xmax] and [ymin,max]. 2701 2702 Inputs: 2703 data - The two-dimensional data array to be acted upon 2704 xpts, ypts - The list of x- and y-coordinates corresponding to the data 2705 array 2706 xmin, xmax - The minimum and maximum x-values to be left in the array 2707 ymin, ymax - The minimum and maximum y-values to be left in the array 2708 incall - Boolean value describing whether points are included based 2709 on their centroid coordinate (False), or whether any point 2710 in the pixel is within the specified ranges (True). Defaults 2711 to False. 2712 dx, dy - The pixel sizes of the data array. 2713 2714 Returns: 2715 trimdata - The trimmed down data array 2716 trimxpts - The pixel centroid x-coordinates corresponding to trimdata 2717 trimypts - The pixel centroid y-coordinates corresponding to trimdata 2718 """ 2719 # Check the dimensions of the inputs 2720 if (data.shape) != (len(ypts), len(xpts)): 2721 raise ValueError('Data array shape '+str((data.shape))+\ 2722 'does not match the coordinate array sizes '+\ 2723 str(len(ypts))+', '+str(len(xpts))) 2724 2725 if incall: 2726 filterx = np.logical_and(xpts >= (xmin - dx/2.0), xpts <= (xmax + dx/2.0)) 2727 filtery = np.logical_and(ypts >= (ymin - dy/2.0), ypts <= (ymax + dy/2.0)) 2728 else: 2729 filterx = np.logical_and(xpts >= (xmin), xpts <= (xmax)) 2730 filtery = np.logical_and(ypts >= (ymin), ypts <= (ymax)) 2731 2732 print 'trimPts: Data trimmed using following limits:' 2733 print 'xmin:'+str(xmin) 2734 print 'xmax:'+str(xmax) 2735 print 'ymin:'+str(ymin) 2736 print 'ymax:'+str(ymax) 2737 #print str(filterx) 2738 #print str(filtery) 2739 2740 interdata = data[filtery, :] 2741 trimdata = interdata[:, filterx] 2742 trimxpts = xpts[filterx] 2743 trimypts = ypts[filtery] 2744 2745 return trimdata, trimxpts, trimypts
2747 -def trimPts3D(data, xpts, ypts, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 2748 incall=False, dx=0.0, dy=0.0, quiet=False):
2749 """ 2750 Function that trims a three-dimensional data array so that it only retains 2751 points that are within the ranges [xmin,xmax] and [ymin,max]. 2752 2753 Inputs: 2754 data - The two-dimensional data array to be acted upon 2755 xpts, ypts - The list of x- and y-coordinates corresponding to the data 2756 array 2757 xmin, xmax - The minimum and maximum x-values to be left in the array 2758 ymin, ymax - The minimum and maximum y-values to be left in the array 2759 incall - Boolean value describing whether points are included based 2760 on their centroid coordinate (False), or whether any point 2761 in the pixel is within the specified ranges (True). Defaults 2762 to False. 2763 dx, dy - The pixel sizes of the data array. 2764 2765 Returns: 2766 trimdata - The trimmed down data array 2767 trimxpts - The pixel centroid x-coordinates corresponding to trimdata 2768 trimypts - The pixel centroid y-coordinates corresponding to trimdata 2769 """ 2770 # Check the dimensions of the inputs 2771 if data.shape[1:] != (len(ypts), len(xpts)): 2772 raise ValueError('Data array shape '+str(data.shape[1:])+\ 2773 'does not match the coordinate array sizes'+\ 2774 str(len(ypts))+', '+str(len(xpts))) 2775 2776 if incall: 2777 filterx = np.logical_and(xpts >= (xmin - dx/2.0), xpts <= (xmax + dx/2.0)) 2778 filtery = np.logical_and(ypts >= (ymin - dy/2.0), ypts <= (ymax + dy/2.0)) 2779 else: 2780 filterx = np.logical_and(xpts >= (xmin), xpts <= (xmax)) 2781 filtery = np.logical_and(ypts >= (ymin), ypts <= (ymax)) 2782 2783 if not(quiet): 2784 print 'trimPts3D: Data trimmed using following limits:' 2785 print 'xmin:'+str(xmin) 2786 print 'xmax:'+str(xmax) 2787 print 'ymin:'+str(ymin) 2788 print 'ymax:'+str(ymax) 2789 #print str(filterx) 2790 #print str(filtery) 2791 2792 interdata = data[:, filtery, :] 2793 #print str(interdata.shape) 2794 trimdata = interdata[:, :, filterx] 2795 #print str(trimdata.shape) 2796 trimxpts = xpts[filterx] 2797 trimypts = ypts[filtery] 2798 2799 return trimdata, trimxpts, trimypts
2801 -def flatten(x):
2802 """ 2803 Function flattens the input list. Input list can have arbitrary, changing 2804 depth throughout. 2805 2806 Inputs: 2807 x - The list to be flattened. 2808 2809 Returns: 2810 The flattened version of x 2811 """ 2812 if isinstance(x, collections.Iterable): 2813 return [a for i in x for a in flatten(i)] 2814 else: 2815 return [x]
2817 -def lineFluxKms(amp, width, restwavl, amperr=0.0, widerr=0.0):
2818 ''' 2819 Computes the total flux incident from a Gaussian line profile, which has 2820 base units of km/s. Assumes the line profile has a background height of zero 2821 (otherwise, the integral over +-infinity would result in infinity). 2822 2823 Note that it has not been necessary to fully transform the Gaussian function 2824 for integration over wavelength space. The distribution is actually already 2825 *in* wavelength space, being expressed in units of, say, erg/cm^2/s/lambda. 2826 However, given that its defined over velocity space (i.e. line velocity 2827 is the x-unit), we simply have to convert the width of the Gaussian into 2828 wavelength via sigma_lambda = sigma*restwavl / c. 2829 2830 Inputs: 2831 amp - The amplitude of the line profile. Can be passed in any units 2832 desired - however, the 'spectral unit' must match the unit which 2833 restwavl is expressed in. For example, if the line peak is 2834 expressedin units of erg/cm^2/s/A, the rest wavelength MUST be 2835 expressed in A to get the correct result. 2836 width - Line profile width, in km/s. 2837 restwavl - Rest wavelength of the line being investigated. Must be 2838 expressed in similar units to the line profile amplitude (see 2839 above). 2840 amperr - The uncertainty in the amplitude of the line profile, in the 2841 same units as amp. Defaults to 0.0. 2842 widerr - The uncertainty in the width of the line profile, in units km/s. 2843 Defaults to 0.0. 2844 2845 Returns: 2846 lineflux - The computed line flux. The units will mirror those used for 2847 the line profile amplitude, less the 'spectral unit' - e.g. 2848 if amplitude is passed as erg/cm^2/s/A, the flux returned will 2849 be in units of erg/cm^2/s. 2850 lineferr - The error in the computed line flux, in the same units as 2851 lineflux. Will come back as zero if amperr = widerr = 0.0. 2852 ''' 2853 2854 # Compute the line flux directly 2855 # Note speed of light has been converted into km/s for consistent units 2856 #lineflux = (np.sqrt(2*np.pi) * amp * restwavl * width) / (c / 10.0**3) 2857 # The above is incorrect, there is no factor sqrt(2) in the one-dimensional 2858 # Gaussians used by white_2dmpfit, as the function is expressed as 2859 # exp(-(v-v0)/sigma). It should correctly read: 2860 lineflux = (np.sqrt(np.pi) * amp * restwavl * width) / (c / 10.0**3) 2861 2862 2863 # Calculate the uncertainty in the computed line flux 2864 q = (amperr / amp)**2 + (widerr / width)**2 2865 lineferr = lineflux * np.sqrt(q) 2866 2867 return lineflux, lineferr
2869 -def regenFlux(velfits, wavlu='A'):
2870 """ 2871 Recomputes the fluxes and fluxerrs arrays of the designated velfit interest. 2872 Designed for use when the velfit instance has been modified/damaged, 2873 or on velfit instances made before the sqrt(2) discrepancy in the original 2874 calculation was identified (26 Sep 12). 2875 2876 Inputs: 2877 velfits - The velfit instance to be updated. Fluxes are re-calculated 2878 based on the velfit.fits array. 2879 wavlu - The wavelength units in the flux density values. Accepted values 2880 are 'A' and 'um'. Defaults to 'A'. 2881 2882 Returns: 2883 Nil. The flux and fluxerr arrays of the velfit instance are updated in-situ. 2884 """ 2885 2886 # Reset the flux and fluxerr arrays 2887 velfits.fluxes = np.ma.zeros((velfits.scidata[0,:,:].shape 2888 + (velfits.fitmax ,)), dtype=np.float64) 2889 velfits.fluxerr = np.ma.zeros((velfits.scidata[0,:,:].shape 2890 + (velfits.fitmax ,)), dtype=np.float64) 2891 if wavlu == 'A': 2892 restwavl = velfits.restwavl * 1.0e10 2893 elif wavlu == 'um': 2894 restwavl = velfits.restwavl * 1.0e6 2895 else: 2896 raise ValueError('Unknown wavelength unit '+str(wavlu)) 2897 2898 for i in range(len(velfits.xpts)): 2899 for j in range(len(velfits.ypts)): 2900 for f in range(velfits.fitno[j,i]): 2901 velfits.fluxes[j,i,f], velfits.fluxerr[j,i,f] = lineFluxKms(velfits.fits[j,i,velfits.fitno[j,i]-1,1+(f*3)], 2902 velfits.fits[j,i,velfits.fitno[j,i]-1,3+(f*3)], 2903 restwavl, 2904 velfits.perror[j,i,velfits.fitno[j,i]-1,1+(f*3)], 2905 velfits.perror[j,i,velfits.fitno[j,i]-1,3+(f*3)]) 2906 print 'regenFlux: Completed row '+str(j+1)+' of '+str(len(velfits.ypts))
2907 2908
2909 -def maxWidthAllowed(centroid, intpercent, errfact):
2910 """ 2911 Computes the maximum allowed width for a Gaussian centered on centroid, such 2912 that at most intpercent of the total Gaussian intensity is beyond x=0 2913 (relative to which side of x=0 the line centroid is on). Assumes a 2914 Gaussian of the form A.exp(-(x-x0)^2/s^2) (note no factor of 2 in the 2915 exponent denominator). 2916 2917 Inputs: 2918 centroid - The value of the line centroid. 2919 intpercent - The maximum allowable percentage of the Gaussian function 2920 intensity (i.e. the area under the Gaussian) can be on the 2921 opposite side of x=0 relative to the centroid position. Must 2922 be a float between 0 and 1. 2923 errfact - The percentage error expected in the position of the line 2924 centroid position, which will allow for some 'wiggle room' 2925 in the returned width limit. Must be a float between 0 (no 2926 error) and 1 (error is comparable to the centroid value 2927 itself). 2928 2929 Returns: 2930 widlimit - Upper limit on Gaussian sigma (NOT FWHM). Will be returned 2931 in the same units as centroid. 2932 """ 2933 intpercent = float(intpercent) 2934 errfact = float(errfact) 2935 2936 if (intpercent < 0.0) or (intpercent > 1.0): 2937 raise ValueError('maxWidthAllowed: Illegal value '+str(intpercent)+' for intpercent passed!') 2938 if (errfact < 0.0) or (errfact > 1.0): 2939 raise ValueError('maxWidthAllowed: Illegal value '+str(errfact)+' for errfact passed!') 2940 2941 # Convert the errfact into a multiplicative constant 2942 # Will have the effect of shifting the centroid farther from x=0 2943 errfact = 1.0 + errfact 2944 2945 widlimit = abs(centroid*errfact) / np.sqrt(math.log(1.0/intpercent)) 2946 return widlimit
2948 -def findZIndex(instance, z):
2949 """ 2950 Find the spaxel index corresponding to the given z (wavelength) value. 2951 2952 Inputs: 2953 instance - The nifscube/velfit instance to be used. 2954 z - The wavelength value that we wish to find the spaxel index 2955 for. Specified in m. 2956 2957 Returns: 2958 j - The spaxel y-index corresponding to the passed y-coordinate. 2959 """ 2960 2961 zpts = instance.zpts 2962 if instance.zu == "A": 2963 z = z * 1.0e10 2964 elif instance.zu == "um": 2965 z = z * 1.0e6 2966 2967 # Check that the y-point given is actually somewhere in this instance 2968 if (z < (zpts[0] - instance.dz/2.0)) or (z > (zpts[-1] + instance.dz/2.0)): 2969 raise ValueError('The wavelength coordinate '+str(z)+' is outside the range of this fitscube/velfit instance!') 2970 2971 # Compute an array of y-bases (i.e. the coordinate of the bottom of each 2972 # spaxel) 2973 zbases = zpts - (instance.dz/2.0) 2974 # Find the last spaxel which has a base < the given y-coordinate, and 2975 # return the index of that spaxel 2976 coords = np.where(zbases < z)[0] 2977 k = coords[-1] 2978 return k
2980 -def findYIndex(instance, y, useoffsets=False):
2981 """ 2982 Find the spaxel index corresponding to the given y value. 2983 2984 Inputs: 2985 instance - The nifscube/velfit instance to be used. 2986 y - The y-coordinate that we wish to find the spaxel index for 2987 useoffsets - Specifies whether to use the raw ypts array in the instance, 2988 or the offset values (fitscube instance only). Defaults to 2989 False. An error will be thrown if useoffsets=True is passed 2990 in concert with a velfit instance. 2991 2992 Returns: 2993 j - The spaxel y-index corresponding to the passed y-coordinate. 2994 """ 2995 2996 if useoffsets: 2997 ypts = instance.yptsoff 2998 else: 2999 ypts = instance.ypts 3000 3001 # Check that the y-point given is actually somewhere in this instance 3002 if (y < (ypts[0] - instance.dy/2.0)) or (y > (ypts[-1] + instance.dy/2.0)): 3003 raise ValueError('The y-coordinate '+str(y)+' is outside the range of this fitscube/velfit instance!') 3004 3005 # Compute an array of y-bases (i.e. the coordinate of the bottom of each 3006 # spaxel) 3007 ybases = ypts - (instance.dy/2.0) 3008 # Find the last spaxel which has a base < the given y-coordinate, and 3009 # return the index of that spaxel 3010 coords = np.where(ybases < y)[0] 3011 j = coords[-1] 3012 return j
3014 -def findXIndex(instance, x, useoffsets=False):
3015 """ 3016 Find the spaxel index corresponding to the given x value. 3017 3018 Inputs: 3019 instance - The nifscube/velfit instance to be used. 3020 x - The x-coordinate that we wish to find the spaxel index for 3021 useoffsets - Specifies whether to use the raw ypts array in the instance, 3022 or the offset values (fitscube instance only). Defaults to 3023 False. An error will be thrown if useoffsets=True is passed 3024 in concert with a velfit instance. 3025 3026 Returns: 3027 i - The spaxel x-index corresponding to the passed x-coordinate. 3028 """ 3029 3030 if useoffsets: 3031 xpts = instance.xptsoff 3032 else: 3033 xpts = instance.xpts 3034 3035 # Check that the y-point given is actually somewhere in this instance 3036 if (x < (xpts[0] - instance.dx/2.0)) or (x > (xpts[-1] + instance.dx/2.0)): 3037 raise ValueError('The x-coordinate '+str(x)+' is outside the range of this fitscube/velfit instance!') 3038 3039 # Compute an array of x-bases (i.e. the coordinate of the left of each 3040 # spaxel) 3041 xbases = xpts - (instance.dx/2.0) 3042 # Find the last spaxel which has a base < the given x-coordinate, and 3043 # return the index of that spaxel 3044 coords = np.where(xbases < x)[0] 3045 i = coords[-1] 3046 return i
3048 -def findIndex(instance, x, y, useoffsets=False):
3049 """ 3050 Find the spaxel index corresponding to the given x & y values. 3051 3052 Inputs: 3053 instance - The nifscube/velfit instance to be used. 3054 x - The x-coordinate that we wish to find the spaxel index for 3055 y - The xycoordinate that we wish to find the spaxel index for 3056 useoffsets - Specifies whether to use the raw ypts array in the instance, 3057 or the offset values (fitscube instance only). Defaults to 3058 False. An error will be thrown if useoffsets=True is passed 3059 in concert with a velfit instance. 3060 3061 Returns: 3062 i - The spaxel x-index corresponding to the passed x-coordinate. 3063 j - The spaxel y-index corresponding to the passed y-coordinate. 3064 """ 3065 3066 i = findXIndex(instance, x, useoffsets=useoffsets) 3067 j = findYIndex(instance, y, useoffsets=useoffsets) 3068 3069 return i, j
3071 -def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
3072 """ 3073 Computes the distance between two points. 3074 3075 Inputs: 3076 x1, y1 - First point 3077 x2, y2 - Second point 3078 3079 Returns: 3080 dist - The distance between the two points. 3081 """ 3082 xdiff = x2 - x1 3083 ydiff = y2 - y1 3084 dist = np.sqrt((xdiff*xdiff) + (ydiff*ydiff)) 3085 return dist
3086 3087 # --------------------------------- 3088 # Science result functions 3089 # --------------------------------- 3090
3091 -def nePesenti(R):
3092 """ 3093 Compute the electron density equivalent to the 1.553/1.644 um [Fe II] 3094 flux ratio, as described by Pesenti et al. 2003. Result corresponds to a 3095 gas temperature of 10,000 K. Formula taken from Agra-Amboage et al. 2011. 3096 3097 Inputs: 3098 R - The 1.533/1.644 um [Fe II] line flux ratio. 3099 3100 Returns: 3101 ne - The computed electron number density. Returns units of cm^{-3}. 3102 """ 3103 3104 numer = R - 0.035 3105 denom = 0.395 - R 3106 ne = 1.2e4 * (numer/denom) 3107 if (R < 0.035): 3108 return 1e2 3109 elif (R > 0.395): 3110 return 1e6 3111 else: 3112 return(ne)
3114 -def lpAnderson(winf, vp, vphi, Mstar, doerrs=False, winferr=0.0, vperr=0.0, 3115 vphierr=0.0, Mstarerr=0.0):
3116 """ 3117 Returns the footprint radius (and associated uncertainty, if required) of 3118 an MHD wind, as per Anderson et al. 2004. 3119 3120 Inputs: 3121 winf - The radius (i.e. distance from the outflow center) at which the 3122 poloidal and rotational velocity measurements are made, in units 3123 of AU. 3124 vp - The poloidal (i.e. downstream) outflow velocity at the point 3125 specified, in units of km s^-1. 3126 vphi - The rotational outflow velocity at the point specified, in units 3127 of km s^-1. 3128 Mstar - The mass of the central star, in units of M_sun. 3129 doerrs - A Boolean value, specifying whether to compute and return the 3130 uncertainty on the footprint radius (True) or not (False). 3131 Defaults to False. 3132 winferr - The uncertainty of the radius winf, in units of AU. Defaults to 3133 0.0. 3134 vperr - The uncertainty of poloidal velocity vp, in units km s^-1. 3135 Defaults to 0.0. 3136 vphierr - The uncertainty on the rotational velocity vphi, in units 3137 km s^-1. Defaults to 0.0. 3138 Mstar - The uncertainty on the stellar mass Mstar, in units M_Sun. 3139 Defaults to 0.0. 3140 """ 3141 3142 # Make sure the velocities are given in positive (i.e. absolute magnitude) 3143 # units 3144 winf = abs(winf) 3145 vp = abs(vp) 3146 vphi = abs(vphi) 3147 Mstar = abs(Mstar) 3148 3149 # Compute the footprint radius 3150 w0 = 0.7*((winf/10.0)**(2.0/3.0) * (vphi/10.0)**(2.0/3.0) 3151 * (vp/100.0)**(-4.0/3.0) * (Mstar)**(1.0/3.0)) 3152 3153 # Either return the result, or compute the uncertainty and return that 3154 # with the result 3155 if doerrs: 3156 w0err = w0 * ((2.0/3.0)*(1.0/winf)*winferr + (2.0/3.0)*(1/vphi)*vphierr 3157 + (-4.0/3.0)*(1.0/vp)*vperr 3158 + (1.0/3.0)*(1.0/Mstar)*Mstarerr) 3159 return w0, w0err 3160 else: 3161 return w0
3162 3163 # Plotting functions 3164
3165 -def cubicColorMap(startcolor, stopcolor, interval=25):
3166 """ 3167 Generates a colormap based on an underlying cubic function (i.e. plotting 3168 the variation in color as a function of x from 0 to 1 would appear to be 3169 cubic). Note this function is designed to deal with smoothly varying 3170 colormaps (i.e. those for which every (x,y0,y1) colormap tuple has y0 = y1) 3171 - I have no idea what will happen if a segmented colormap is passed. 3172 3173 Inputs: 3174 startcolor, - The start and stop colours of the colormap. Should be given 3175 stopcolor as RGB 3-tuples. 3176 interval - The number of segments to break the colormap into. 3177 More segments will make a more 'accurate' conversion away 3178 from the linear colormap, but will slow down computation of 3179 the new colormap and make it take up more memory. It is 3180 recommended that trial-and-error may be useful for 3181 determining an adequate value for interval. Defaults to 10. 3182 3183 Returns: 3184 cmap_cubic - The cubic-based colormap. This will be a smoothly varying 3185 colormap, regardless of the colormap that's put in. 3186 """ 3187 3188 def cubic(x): 3189 c = 4*(x-0.5)**3 + 0.5 3190 return c
3191 3192 colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'] 3193 cmap_cubicdata = {} 3194 for color in range(0,len(colors)): 3195 colorstart = float(startcolor[color]) 3196 colorstop = float(stopcolor[color]) 3197 cmap_cubicdata[colors[color]] = [] 3198 for i in range(0, interval+1): 3199 x = float(i)/float(interval) 3200 colorval = cubic(x) * (colorstop - colorstart) + colorstart 3201 cmap_cubicdata[colors[color]].append((x, colorval, colorval)) 3202 3203 return matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(matplotlib.cm.autumn, cmap_cubicdata) 3204
3205 -def quinticColorMap(startcolor, stopcolor, interval=25):
3206 """ 3207 Generates a colormap based on an underlying quintic function (i.e. plotting 3208 the variation in color as a function of x from 0 to 1 would appear to be 3209 cubic). Note this function is designed to deal with smoothly varying 3210 colormaps (i.e. those for which every (x,y0,y1) colormap tuple has y0 = y1) 3211 - I have no idea what will happen if a segmented colormap is passed. 3212 3213 Inputs: 3214 startcolor, - The start and stop colours of the colormap. Should be given 3215 stopcolor as RGB 3-tuples. 3216 interval - The number of segments to break the colormap into. 3217 More segments will make a more 'accurate' conversion away 3218 from the linear colormap, but will slow down computation of 3219 the new colormap and make it take up more memory. It is 3220 recommended that trial-and-error may be useful for 3221 determining an adequate value for interval. Defaults to 10. 3222 3223 Returns: 3224 cmap_cubic - The cubic-based colormap. This will be a smoothly varying 3225 colormap, regardless of the colormap that's put in. 3226 """ 3227 3228 def quintic(x): 3229 c = 16*(x-0.5)**5 + 0.5 3230 return c
3231 3232 colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'] 3233 cmap_cubicdata = {} 3234 for color in range(0,len(colors)): 3235 colorstart = float(startcolor[color]) 3236 colorstop = float(stopcolor[color]) 3237 cmap_cubicdata[colors[color]] = [] 3238 for i in range(0, interval+1): 3239 x = float(i)/float(interval) 3240 colorval = quintic(x) * (colorstop - colorstart) + colorstart 3241 cmap_cubicdata[colors[color]].append((x, colorval, colorval)) 3242 3243 return matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(matplotlib.cm.autumn, cmap_cubicdata) 3244 3245
3246 -def hepticColorMap(startcolor, stopcolor, interval=25):
3247 """ 3248 Generates a colormap based on an underlying heptic function (i.e. plotting 3249 the variation in color as a function of x from 0 to 1 would appear to be 3250 cubic). Note this function is designed to deal with smoothly varying 3251 colormaps (i.e. those for which every (x,y0,y1) colormap tuple has y0 = y1) 3252 - I have no idea what will happen if a segmented colormap is passed. 3253 3254 Inputs: 3255 startcolor, - The start and stop colours of the colormap. Should be given 3256 stopcolor as RGB 3-tuples. 3257 interval - The number of segments to break the colormap into. 3258 More segments will make a more 'accurate' conversion away 3259 from the linear colormap, but will slow down computation of 3260 the new colormap and make it take up more memory. It is 3261 recommended that trial-and-error may be useful for 3262 determining an adequate value for interval. Defaults to 10. 3263 3264 Returns: 3265 cmap_cubic - The cubic-based colormap. This will be a smoothly varying 3266 colormap, regardless of the colormap that's put in. 3267 """ 3268 3269 def heptic(x): 3270 c = 16*(x-0.5)**5 + 0.5 3271 return c
3272 3273 colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'] 3274 cmap_cubicdata = {} 3275 for color in range(0,len(colors)): 3276 colorstart = float(startcolor[color]) 3277 colorstop = float(stopcolor[color]) 3278 cmap_cubicdata[colors[color]] = [] 3279 for i in range(0, interval+1): 3280 x = float(i)/float(interval) 3281 colorval = heptic(x) * (colorstop - colorstart) + colorstart 3282 cmap_cubicdata[colors[color]].append((x, colorval, colorval)) 3283 3284 return matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(matplotlib.cm.autumn, cmap_cubicdata) 3285
3286 -def linearBreakColormap(startcolor, stopcolor, breakpc, breakheight):
3287 """ 3288 Generates a linearly interpolated colormap, with a 'break' in the linear 3289 profile. The break occurs breakpc along the colormap, at a height 3290 of breakheight. 3291 3292 Inputs: 3293 startcolor - The starting color of the colormap. Should be an RGB 3294 3-tuple. 3295 stopcolor - The end color of the colormap. Should be an RGB 3-tuple. 3296 breakpc - The percentage along the x-axis that the linear break 3297 occurs. Must be between 0 and 1. 3298 breakheight - The 'height' along the color axis where the break occurs. 3299 Must be between 0 and 1. 3300 3301 Returns: 3302 break_cmap - The colormap instance. 3303 """ 3304 3305 breakpc = float(breakpc) 3306 if (breakpc < 0.0) or (breakpc > 1.0): 3307 raise ValueError('linearBreakColormap: Invalid breakpc value') 3308 breakheight = float(breakheight) 3309 if (breakheight < 0.0) or (breakheight > 1.0): 3310 raise ValueError('linearBreakColormap: Invalid breakheight value') 3311 3312 colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'] 3313 cmap_breakdata = {} 3314 for color in range(0,len(colors)): 3315 colorstart = float(startcolor[color]) 3316 colorstop = float(stopcolor[color]) 3317 cmap_breakdata[colors[color]] = [(0.0, colorstart, colorstart), 3318 (breakpc, breakheight*(colorstop 3319 -colorstart), 3320 breakheight*(colorstop-colorstart)), 3321 (1.0, colorstop, colorstop)] 3322 3323 return matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(matplotlib.cm.autumn, 3324 cmap_breakdata)
3326 -def modRdYlBu(xpt):
3327 """ 3328 Returns a modified version of the RdYlBu colormap, where the center of the 3329 'yellow' appears at xpt. 3330 3331 Inputs: 3332 xpt - The position in the colormap where yellow appears. Must be between 3333 0 and 1. 3334 3335 Returns: 3336 modRdYlBu - The modified colormap. 3337 """ 3338 3339 xpt = float(xpt) 3340 if (xpt < 0.0) or (xpt > 1.0): 3341 raise ValueError('modRdYlBu: invalid xpoint passed') 3342 3343 colordict = {'red': [(0.0, 0.6470588445663452, 0.6470588445663452), 3344 (xpt, 1.0, 1.0), 3345 (1.0, 0.1921568661928177, 0.1921568661928177)], 3346 'green': [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 3347 (xpt, 1.0, 1.0), 3348 (1.0, 0.21176470816135406,0.21176470816135406)], 3349 'blue': [(0.0, 0.14901961386203766, 0.14901961386203766), 3350 (xpt, 0.7490196228027344, 0.7490196228027344), 3351 (1.0, 0.5843137502670288, 0.5843137502670288)]} 3352 3353 return matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('modRdYlBu', colordict)
3355 -def RdOrYlBu(orpt, ylpt):
3356 """ 3357 Returns a RdOrYlBu (red-orange-yellow-blue) colormap. 3358 3359 Inputs: 3360 orpt - The point between 0 and 1 where the colormap returns orange. 3361 ylpt - The point between 0 and 1 where the colormap returns yellow. 3362 Must be greater than orpt. 3363 3364 Returns: 3365 RdOrYlBu - The modified colormap. 3366 """ 3367 3368 orpt = float(orpt) 3369 ylpt = float(ylpt) 3370 if (orpt < 0.0) or (orpt > 1.0): 3371 raise ValueError('RdOrYlBu: invalid orange point passed') 3372 if (ylpt < 0.0) or (ylpt > 1.0): 3373 raise ValueError('RdOrYlBu: invalid orange point passed') 3374 if (orpt >= ylpt): 3375 raise ValueError('RdOrYlBu: orange point must be less than yellow point') 3376 3377 colordict = {'red': [(0.0, 0.6470588445663452, 0.6470588445663452), 3378 (orpt, 0.9960784316062927, 0.9960784316062927), 3379 (ylpt, 1.0, 1.0), 3380 (1.0, 0.1921568661928177, 0.1921568661928177)], 3381 'green': [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 3382 (orpt, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579), 3383 (ylpt, 1.0, 1.0), 3384 (1.0, 0.21176470816135406,0.21176470816135406)], 3385 'blue': [(0.0, 0.14901961386203766, 0.14901961386203766), 3386 (orpt, 0.16078431904315948, 0.16078431904315948), 3387 (ylpt, 0.7490196228027344, 0.7490196228027344), 3388 (1.0, 0.5843137502670288, 0.5843137502670288)]} 3389 3390 return matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('modRdYlBu', colordict)
3391 3392 #def RdOrYl(orpt): 3393 # """ 3394 # Returns a RdOrYlBu (red-orange-yellow) colormap. 3395 # 3396 # Inputs: 3397 # orpt - The point between 0 and 1 where the colormap returns orange. 3398 # 3399 # Returns: 3400 # RdOrYlBu - The modified colormap. 3401 # """ 3402 # 3403 # orpt = float(orpt) 3404 # if (orpt < 0.0) or (orpt > 1.0): 3405 # raise ValueError('RdOrYl: invalid orange point passed') 3406 # 3407 # colordict = {'red': [(0.0, 0.6470588445663452, 0.6470588445663452), 3408 # (orpt, 0.9960784316062927, 0.9960784316062927), 3409 # (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)], 3410 # 'green': [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 3411 # (orpt, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579), 3412 # (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)], 3413 # 'blue': [(0.0, 0.14901961386203766, 0.14901961386203766), 3414 # (orpt, 0.16078431904315948, 0.16078431904315948), 3415 # (1.0, 0.7490196228027344, 0.7490196228027344)]} 3416 # 3417 # return matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('modRdYlBu', colordict) 3418
3419 -def cmap3Color(color1, color2, color3, colorpt=0.5):
3420 """ 3421 Returns a three-color colormap. 3422 3423 Inputs: 3424 color1, color2, color3 - The three colors to be used in the colormap. 3425 Should be passed as 3-tuples. 3426 colorpt - The point on the x-scale where color2 is used. 3427 Must be between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.5. 3428 3429 Returns: 3430 colormap - The requested three-color colormap. 3431 """ 3432 3433 colorpt = float(colorpt) 3434 if (colorpt < 0.0) or (colorpt > 1.0): 3435 return ValueError('cmap3Color: invalid middle color point passed') 3436 3437 colordict = {'red': [(0.0, color1[0], color1[0]), 3438 (colorpt, color2[0], color2[0]), 3439 (1.0, color3[0], color3[0])], 3440 'green': [(0.0, color1[1], color1[1]), 3441 (colorpt, color2[1], color2[1]), 3442 (1.0, color3[1], color3[1])], 3443 'blue': [(0.0, color1[2], color1[2]), 3444 (colorpt, color2[2], color2[2]), 3445 (1.0, color3[2], color3[2])]} 3446 3447 return matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('modRdYlBu', colordict)
3449 -def cmapNColor(colors, turnpts=None):
3450 """ 3451 Define a colormap with an arbitrary number of colors. 3452 3453 Inputs: 3454 colors - A list of RGB 3-tuples to be used a colors. 3455 turnpts - A list of turning points where colors are to be used on the 3456 x (0 to 1) scale. The length of this list must be two less 3457 than the length of the colors list (as the first and last 3458 colors are automatically placed at 0.0 and 1.0). If no 3459 turning points are passed, they are automatically generated 3460 in an evenly spaced fashion. Defaults to None. 3461 3462 Returns: 3463 colormap - The requested colormap. 3464 """ 3465 3466 if (turnpts != None) and (len(colors) - 2 != len(turnpts)): 3467 raise ValueError('cmapNColor: you have not specified the correct number ('+str(len(colors)-2)+') of turning points') 3468 3469 if turnpts == None: 3470 turnpts = np.arange(0.0, 1.05, 1.0/len(colors)).tolist() 3471 else: 3472 turnpts.insert(0, 0.0) 3473 turnpts.append(1.0) 3474 3475 colordict = {} 3476 colordict['red'] = [] 3477 colordict['green'] = [] 3478 colordict['blue'] = [] 3479 3480 for i in range(len(turnpts)): 3481 colordict['red'].append((turnpts[i], colors[i][0], colors[i][0])) 3482 colordict['green'].append((turnpts[i], colors[i][1], colors[i][1])) 3483 colordict['blue'].append((turnpts[i], colors[i][2], colors[i][2])) 3484 3485 return matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('pyNifsNColor', colordict)
3487 -def RdOrYl(colorpt=0.5):
3488 """ 3489 Returns a three-color yellow-orange-red colormap. 3490 3491 Inputs: 3492 colorpt - The point on the color axis (0 to 1) where orange is used. 3493 Defaults to 0.5. 3494 3495 Returns: 3496 colormap - The colormap. 3497 """ 3498 3499 #red = (0.647, 0.0, 0.149) 3500 red = (0.5, 0.1, 0.15) 3501 orange = (0.996, 0.6, 0.161) 3502 yellow = (1.0, 1.0, 0.75) 3503 3504 colormap = cmap3Color(red, orange, yellow, colorpt) 3505 return colormap
3507 -def RainbowPJM():
3508 """ 3509 Returns a rainbow color map desgined by Peter McGregor. 3510 3511 Inputs: 3512 Nil. 3513 3514 Returns: 3515 RainbowPJM - A rainbow-style colormap, with only bright colors, and 3516 black and white removed. 3517 """ 3518 3519 colordict = {'blue': ((0.0,0.3,0.3), 3520 (0.125,0.6,0.6), 3521 (0.25,1.0,1.0), 3522 (0.375,0.6,0.6), 3523 (0.5,0.3,0.3), 3524 (0.625,0.0,0.0), 3525 (1.0,0.0,0.0)), 3526 'green': ((0.0,0.0,0.0), 3527 (0.125,0.0,0.0), 3528 (0.25,0.6,0.6), 3529 (0.375,1.0,1.0), 3530 (0.625,1.0,1.0), 3531 (0.75, 0.6,0.6), 3532 (0.875,0.0,0.0), 3533 (1.0,0.0,0.0)), 3534 'red': ((0.0,0.0,0.0), 3535 (0.25,0.0,0.0), 3536 (0.375,0.3,0.3), 3537 (0.5,0.6,0.6), 3538 (0.625,1.0,1.0), 3539 (1.0,1.0,1.0))} 3540 3541 return matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('RainbowPJM', 3542 colordict)
3544 -def xPV(nifscube, ypos, restwavl, vstart, vstop, 3545 x0=0.0, xstart=None, xstop=None, 3546 useoffsets=True):
3547 """ 3548 Returns data for an PV diagram in the x-direction of a data cube. 3549 3550 Inputs: 3551 nifscube - The data cube to be operated on 3552 y - The y-position along which to make the cut 3553 restwavl - Rest wavelength used to determine line velocities. Must be 3554 specified in units of m. 3555 vstart - The start velocity of the PV diagram 3556 vstop - The end velocity of the PV diagram 3557 x0 - Optional. The x-position to treat as the origin of the 3558 position axis. Defaults to 0. 3559 xstart - Optional. The x-position to treat as the start of the position 3560 axis, or None to use to start of the coordinates in the 3561 nifscube. Defaults to None. 3562 xstop - Optional. The x-position to treat as the end of the position 3563 axis, or None to use to end of the coordinates in the 3564 nifscube. Defaults to None. 3565 useoffsets - Optional. Boolean value specifying whether to use offset 3566 spatial coordinates or original coordinates. Defaults to 3567 True (offset coordinates). 3568 3569 Returns: 3570 pos - The array of positions for plotting 3571 vel - The array of velocities for plotting 3572 PVdata - The data the be plotted onto the PV diagram. Conforms to 3573 the Python standard for having point (x,y) located in the 3574 array at PVdata[y,x]. 3575 """ 3576 3577 # Do some input checking by searching for the relevant indices 3578 kstart = findZIndex(nifscube, velToWavl(vstart, restwavl)) 3579 kstop = findZIndex(nifscube, velToWavl(vstop, restwavl)) 3580 #print str(kstart)+','+str(kstop) 3581 j = findYIndex(nifscube, ypos, useoffsets=useoffsets) 3582 if xstart == None: 3583 istart = 0 3584 else: 3585 istart = findXIndex(nifscube, xstart, useoffsets=useoffsets) 3586 if xstop == None: 3587 istop = len(nifscube.xpts) - 1 3588 else: 3589 istop = findXIndex(nifscube, xstop, useoffsets=useoffsets) 3590 3591 # If all has gone well, do the trimming 3592 wavls = nifscube.zpts[kstart:kstop+1] 3593 if nifscube.zu == "A": 3594 wavls = wavls * 1e-10 3595 elif nifscube.zu == "um": 3596 wavls = wavls * 1e-6 3597 print wavls 3598 vel = [] 3599 for w in wavls: 3600 vel.append(wavlToVel(w,restwavl)) 3601 vel = np.asarray(vel) 3602 if useoffsets: 3603 pos = nifscube.xptsoff[istart:istop+1] 3604 else: 3605 pos = nifscube.xpts[istart:istop+1] 3606 # Adjust for any offset requested 3607 pos = pos - x0 3608 PVdata = nifscube.scidata[kstart:kstop+1, 3609 j, 3610 istart:istop+1] 3611 3612 return pos, vel, PVdata
3614 -def yPV(nifscube, xpos, restwavl, vstart, vstop, 3615 y0=0.0, ystart=None, ystop=None, 3616 useoffsets=True):
3617 """ 3618 Returns data for an PV diagram in the x-direction of a data cube. 3619 3620 Inputs: 3621 nifscube - The data cube to be operated on 3622 xpos - The y-position along which to make the cut 3623 restwavl - Rest wavelength used to determine line velocities. Must be 3624 specified in units of m. 3625 vstart - The start velocity of the PV diagram 3626 vstop - The end velocity of the PV diagram 3627 y0 - Optional. The x-position to treat as the origin of the 3628 position axis. Defaults to 0. 3629 ystart - Optional. The x-position to treat as the start of the position 3630 axis, or None to use to start of the coordinates in the 3631 nifscube. Defaults to None. 3632 ystop - Optional. The x-position to treat as the end of the position 3633 axis, or None to use to end of the coordinates in the 3634 nifscube. Defaults to None. 3635 useoffsets - Optional. Boolean value specifying whether to use offset 3636 spatial coordinates or original coordinates. Defaults to 3637 True (offset coordinates). 3638 3639 Returns: 3640 pos - The array of positions for plotting 3641 vel - The array of velocities for plotting 3642 PVdata - The data the be plotted onto the PV diagram. Conforms to 3643 the Python standard for having point (x,y) located in the 3644 array at PVdata[y,x]. 3645 """ 3646 3647 # Do some input checking by searching for the relevant indices 3648 kstart = findZIndex(nifscube, velToWavl(vstart, restwavl)) 3649 kstop = findZIndex(nifscube, velToWavl(vstop, restwavl)) 3650 #print str(kstart)+','+str(kstop) 3651 i = findXIndex(nifscube, xpos, useoffsets=useoffsets) 3652 if ystart == None: 3653 jstart = 0 3654 else: 3655 jstart = findYIndex(nifscube, ystart, useoffsets=useoffsets) 3656 if ystop == None: 3657 jstop = len(nifscube.ypts) - 1 3658 else: 3659 jstop = findYIndex(nifscube, ystop, useoffsets=useoffsets) 3660 3661 # If all has gone well, do the trimming 3662 wavls = nifscube.zpts[kstart:kstop+1] 3663 if nifscube.zu == "A": 3664 wavls = wavls * 1e-10 3665 elif nifscube.zu == "um": 3666 wavls = wavls * 1e-6 3667 print wavls 3668 vel = [] 3669 for w in wavls: 3670 vel.append(wavlToVel(w,restwavl)) 3671 vel = np.asarray(vel) 3672 if useoffsets: 3673 pos = nifscube.yptsoff[jstart:jstop+1] 3674 else: 3675 pos = nifscube.ypts[jstart,jstop+1] 3676 # Adjust for any requested offset 3677 pos = pos - y0 3678 PVdata = nifscube.scidata[kstart:kstop+1, 3679 jstart:jstop+1, 3680 i] 3681 3682 return pos, vel, PVdata
3684 -def xPVfitted(velfit, comp, ypos, vstart, vstop, 3685 x0=0.0, xstart=None, xstop=None):
3686 """ 3687 Returns data for an PV diagram in the x-direction of a data cube. 3688 3689 Inputs: 3690 velfit - The velocity fit to be operated on 3691 comp - The component of the velocity fit to be displayed 3692 y - The y-position along which to make the cut 3693 vstart - The start velocity of the PV diagram 3694 vstop - The end velocity of the PV diagram 3695 x0 - Optional. The x-position to treat as the origin of the 3696 position axis. Defaults to 0. 3697 xstart - Optional. The x-position to treat as the start of the position 3698 axis, or None to use to start of the coordinates in the 3699 velfit. Defaults to None. 3700 xstop - Optional. The x-position to treat as the end of the position 3701 axis, or None to use to end of the coordinates in the 3702 velfit. Defaults to None. 3703 3704 Returns: 3705 pos - The array of positions for plotting 3706 vel - The array of velocities for plotting 3707 PVdata - The data the be plotted onto the PV diagram. Conforms to 3708 the Python standard for having point (x,y) located in the 3709 array at PVdata[y,x]. 3710 """ 3711 3712 # Do some input checking by searching for the relevant indices 3713 #print str(kstart)+','+str(kstop) 3714 comp = int(comp) 3715 if comp >= velfit.fitno.max(): 3716 raise ValueError('This velfit instance does not contain that many components!') 3717 try: 3718 kstart = velfit.findVIndex(vstart) 3719 except ValueError: 3720 kstart = 0 3721 try: 3722 kstop = velfit.findVIndex(vstop) 3723 except ValueError: 3724 kstop = len(velfit.vpts) - 1 3725 j = findYIndex(velfit, ypos) 3726 if xstart == None: 3727 istart = 0 3728 else: 3729 istart = findXIndex(velfit, xstart) 3730 if xstop == None: 3731 istop = len(velfit.xpts) - 1 3732 else: 3733 istop = findXIndex(velfit, xstop) 3734 3735 pos = velfit.xpts[istart:istop+1] 3736 vel = velfit.vpts[kstart:kstop+1] 3737 PVdata = np.ma.empty([vel.shape[0], pos.shape[0]]) 3738 # Adjust for any offset requested 3739 pos = pos - x0 3740 3741 # Compute the values of the fit at each posn 3742 for k in range(len(vel)): 3743 for i in range(len(pos)): 3744 if velfit.fitno[j,istart+i] != velfit.fitno.max(): 3745 PVdata[k,i] = np.ma.masked 3746 else: 3747 parmin = 3*comp + 1 3748 parmax = 3*comp + 4 3749 fitpars = ([velfit.fits[j,istart+i][velfit.fitno[j,istart+i]-1][0]] + 3750 velfit.fits[j,istart+i][velfit.fitno[j,istart+i]-1][parmin:parmax].tolist()) 3751 PVdata[k,i] = fitter.n_gaussian(pars=fitpars)(vel[k]) 3752 3753 return pos, vel, PVdata
3755 -def yPVfitted(velfit, comp, xpos, vstart, vstop, 3756 y0=0.0, ystart=None, ystop=None):
3757 """ 3758 Returns data for an PV diagram in the y-direction of a data cube. 3759 3760 Inputs: 3761 velfit - The velocity fit to be operated on 3762 comp - The component of the velocity fit to be displayed 3763 x - The x-position along which to make the cut 3764 vstart - The start velocity of the PV diagram 3765 vstop - The end velocity of the PV diagram 3766 x0 - Optional. The y-position to treat as the origin of the 3767 position axis. Defaults to 0. 3768 ystart - Optional. The y-position to treat as the start of the position 3769 axis, or None to use to start of the coordinates in the 3770 velfit. Defaults to None. 3771 ystop - Optional. The y-position to treat as the end of the position 3772 axis, or None to use to end of the coordinates in the 3773 velfit. Defaults to None. 3774 3775 Returns: 3776 pos - The array of positions for plotting 3777 vel - The array of velocities for plotting 3778 PVdata - The data the be plotted onto the PV diagram. Conforms to 3779 the Python standard for having point (x,y) located in the 3780 array at PVdata[y,x]. 3781 """ 3782 3783 # Do some input checking by searching for the relevant indices 3784 #print str(kstart)+','+str(kstop) 3785 comp = int(comp) 3786 if comp >= velfit.fitno.max(): 3787 raise ValueError('This velfit instance does not contain that many components!') 3788 try: 3789 kstart = velfit.findVIndex(vstart) 3790 except ValueError: 3791 kstart = 0 3792 try: 3793 kstop = velfit.findVIndex(vstop) 3794 except ValueError: 3795 kstop = len(velfit.vpts) - 1 3796 i = findXIndex(velfit, xpos) 3797 if ystart == None: 3798 jstart = 0 3799 else: 3800 jstart = findYIndex(velfit, ystart) 3801 if ystop == None: 3802 jstop = len(velfit.ypts) - 1 3803 else: 3804 jstop = findYIndex(velfit, ystop) 3805 3806 pos = velfit.ypts[jstart:jstop+1] 3807 vel = velfit.vpts[kstart:kstop+1] 3808 PVdata = np.ma.empty([vel.shape[0], pos.shape[0]]) 3809 # Adjust for any offset requested 3810 pos = pos - y0 3811 3812 # Compute the values of the fit at each posn 3813 for k in range(len(vel)): 3814 for j in range(len(pos)): 3815 if velfit.fitno[jstart+j,i] != velfit.fitno.max(): 3816 PVdata[k,j] = np.ma.masked 3817 else: 3818 parmin = 3*comp + 1 3819 parmax = 3*comp + 4 3820 fitpars = ([velfit.fits[jstart+j,i][velfit.fitno[jstart+j,i]-1][0]] + 3821 velfit.fits[jstart+j,i][velfit.fitno[jstart+j,i]-1][parmin:parmax].tolist()) 3822 PVdata[k,j] = fitter.n_gaussian(pars=fitpars)(vel[k]) 3823 3824 return pos, vel, PVdata