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─рЄр шчьхэхэш : Unknown
─рЄр шэфхъёшЁютрэш : Sat Apr 9 23:44:46 2016
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Dougal Mackey - CV

Dougal Mackey


Curriculum Vitae

Last updated 10 October 2014
Download a more detailed version here (pdf)

Personal Details

Name: Dr. Alasdair Dougal Mackey
Position: ARC Australian Research Fellow

Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics

Australian National University
Address: Mount Stromlo Observatory

Cotter Road, Weston Creek, ACT 2611, Australia
Email: dougal.mackey@anu.edu.au
Web: http://www.mso.anu.edu.au/~dougal

Academic Qualifications

  • 2004 - Ph.D., Institute of Astronomy and Trinity College, University of Cambridge
    сасасасасасасасасасасасаса Title: Structural and dynamical evolution of massive stellar clusters
  • 2000 - B.Sc.(Hons), First Class Honours and the University Medal, Australian National University (Astrophysics)
  • 1999 - B.Sc., University of Queensland (Physics)
  • 1999 - B.A., University of Queensland (Mathematics & Mandarin Chinese)

Professional Appointments

  • 2010-present - ARC Australian Research Fellow, RSAA, Australian National University
  • 2010-present - Stromlo Fellow (non-stipendiary), RSAA, Australian National University
  • 2006-2009 - Marie Curie Excellence PDRA, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
  • 2003-2006 - PPARC Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge


  • Overall: 59 papers published in refereed journals, with a total of 2300+ citations.
    сасаса h-index = 27; m-index = 2.1; seventeen papers with 50+ citations.
  • As first author: 21 papers published in refereed journals, with a total of 1100+ citations.
    сасаса h-index = 16; m-index = 1.5; ten papers with 50+ citations.
  • Query ADS for me: Chronologicallyса orса By Citation Count

Awards & Grants

  • 2012 - Co-investigator on ARC Discovery Project grant DP120101237, awarded $390k (3 years)
    сасасасасасасасасасасасаса Title: SkyMapper and the Southern Sky Survey
  • 2010 - Lead investigator of ARC Discovery Project grant DP1093431, awarded $560k (5 years)
    сасасасасасасасасасасасаса Title: Galaxy archaeology with globular clusters in the local Universe
  • 2003 - Lead investigator of a PPARC Postdoctoral Fellowship, awarded ~с╕100k (3 years)
    сасасасасасасасасасасасаса Title: Structural and dynamical evolution of globular clusters
  • 2000 - External Research Studentship (ERS), Trinity College, University of Cambridge (3 years)

Observing timeса (as Lead investigator)

  • 2013 - Lead investigator of Hubble Telescope program GO-13375, allocated 26 orbits
    сасасасасасасасасасасасаса Title: Deep photometry of two accreted families of globular clusters in the remote M31 halo
  • 2013 - Lead investigator of Hubble Telescope program GO-13374, allocated 8 orbits
    сасасасасасасасасасасасаса Title: Extremely faint, diffuse satellite systems in the M31 halo: exceptional star clusters or tiny dwarf galaxies?
  • 2011 - Lead investigator of Hubble Telescope program GO-12515, allocated 26 orbits
    сасасасасасасасасасасасаса Title: Probing the outer limits of a galactic halo - deep imaging of exceptionally remote globular clusters in M31
  • 2010-present - Lead investigator of programs awarded observing time on the Keck Telescopes (2n), Very Large
    сасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасаса Telescope (2.5n), Gemini Telescopes (74 hours), Magellan Telescopes (3n), CTIO Blanco Telescope (13n)
  • 2005-2009 - Lead investigator of programs awarded observing time on the Gemini Telescopes (56 hours), Very Large
    сасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасаса Telescope (7n), and Isaac Newton Telescope (11n)

Selected Professional Activities

  • 2014 (second-half) - Chair of the Australian Time Assignment Committee (ATAC), which allocates time on the Anglo-Australian
    сасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасаса Telescope, and Australia's share of time on the Gemini and Magellan telescopes
  • 2012-present - Member of the Australian Time Assignment Committee (ATAC); Deputy Chair from 2013 (second-half)
  • 2012-present - Summer scholar coordinator, RSAA, Australian National University
  • 2012-present - Member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU)
  • 2011-present - Assessor for ARC grant proposals: Discovery Projects, Future Fellowships, and DECRAs
  • 2010-present - Member of the Astronomical Society of Australia (ASA)
  • 2010-2013 - Member of the ANU Time Assignment Committee (ANUTAC), which allocates time on the ANU 2.3m telescope,
    сасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасаса and ANU's Keck Telescope share
  • 2010-2012 - Member of the Scholarships Committee, RSAA, Australian National University

Teaching & Supervision

  • 2013-present - Primary Ph.D. supervisor for Shaheen Iqbal
  • 2013-present - Ph.D. supervisory panel member for Tammy Roderick, Pete Kuzma, Dongwon Kim
  • 2012-2014 - Honours project supervisor for Tim Smallhorn (2013-14), Pete Kuzma (2012)
  • 2008 - Taught the "direct N-body" component (comprising one-third) of the University of Edinburgh and SUPA undergraduate
    сасасасасасасасасасасасаса course Computational Astrophysics (four lectures, two assignments, and a 3 week project)
  • 2006-2009 - Supervisor for three MPhys (one-year project) and two Senior Honours (one-semester project) students,
    сасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасасаса Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
  • 2006 - Invited lecturer at the Cambridge N-body School (two lectures), Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge
  • 2005-2006 - Supervisor for one Part III Astrophysics student (one-year project), University of Cambridge
  • 2005 - Lecturer for Globular clusters and globular cluster systems (8 lectures), a course for first and second year Ph.D.
    сасасасасасасасасасасасаса students, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge

Recent and upcoming talks

  • 2015 - Invited keynote speaker at Satellites and Streams in Santiago, Santiago, Chile, 13-17 April 2015
  • 2014 - Invited colloquium, CAS, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 6th November 2014
  • 2014 - Colloquium, RSAA, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 7th August 2014
  • 2014 - Invited keynote speaker, and panel member for discussion session, at A Critical Look at Globular Cluster Formation
    сасасасасасасасасасасасаса Theories: Constraints from Young Massive Clusters
    , Sexten, Italy, 14-18 July 2014
  • 2014 - Invited talk at Lessons from the Local Group, Seychelles, 18-24 May 2014