Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.mso.anu.edu.au/~geoff/HEA/1_Radiation_field.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Thu Mar 21 15:11:49 2013
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Fri Feb 28 01:00:52 2014

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: magnetic north
Description of the Radiation Field
Based on: Chapter 1 of Rybicki & Lightman, Radiative Processes in Astrophysics, and Chapter 12 of Shu, Radiation.

High Energy Astrophysics: Radiation Field

© G.V. Bicknell

1 Introduction We see astrophysical objects in different wavebands from radio through to optical to X-ray and gamma-ray because of the radiation they emit, which propagates, both through the source and the intervening medium. Therefore, it is important to understand the properties of the radiation field and the manner in which it is described. One of the most important diagnostics of radiation from an astrophysical source is that afforded by polarisation.

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For example, the direction of the magnetic field in a synchrotron emitting source is perpendicular to the direction of the E -vector of the predominantly linear polarised radiation. Polarisation is also affected by the medium through which transverse waves travel (Faraday rotation). Hence it is important to have a sound theoretical basis from which to discuss polarisation.

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2 Specific intensity and flux 2.1 Definition of specific intensity n d n d dA dA = dA cos


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Specific intensity is defined by:
Solid angle

Electromagnetic energy passing through surface normal = I d dAdtd to surface within elementary solid angle Specific


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In terms of circular frequency : Electromagnetic energy passing through surface normal = I d dAdtd to surface

We often require the energy flowing through dA at an angle to the normal. We can derive the relevant expression in the following way. Consider the elementary surface dA which is · normal to the ray, and · the projection of dA (see the above figure)
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Then dA = dA cos and Electromagnetic energy passing through surface = I cos d dAdtd (4) at an angle to surface We put I = I
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to emphasize the fact that the specific intensity can vary with direction with respect to the normal n . Units of I : We have Joules = I frequency area time solid angle (6) so that the units of I are: Watts m ­ 2 Hz ­ 1 Str ­ 1

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or ergs s ­ 1 cm ­ 2 Hz ­ 1 Sr ­ 1

2.2 Flux density The flux density, F , is the power per unit area of the radiation field. It is therefore defined by dF = I cos d

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The flow of energy per unit area per unit time per unit frequency through a surface with normal n is given by: F Wm ­ 2 Hz ­ 1 = I cos d

The density in this case refers to the "per unit frequency" part. More about this below.

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2.3 Relationship of flux density to power at telescope
Source of cosmic radiation

n n


Bundle of rays from source

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The solid angle of the bundle of rays is usually defined by the resolving power of the telescope. The power per unit area received by the telescope is I cos d . Frequently in radio astronomy, you will hear people refer to the flux density of a source.

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2.4 Surface brightness For a small region of solid angle normal to the direction in which a telescope is pointing, we have: n


F F = I I = --------
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Hence, the specific intensity is the flux received per unit of telescope area per unit of solid angle. For this reason, some astronomers, and particularly radio astronomers, refer to the specific intensity as surface brightness. This equation is also frequently used to estimate surface brightness of a source from an image when the image is represented in terms of flux density per beam. More about this later.

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Units of flux density Often, especially in radio astronomy, we use the unit of a Jansky (after one of the discoveries of cosmic radio radiation) 1 Jansky (Jy) = 10 ­ 26 Wm ­ 2 Hz ­ 1

2.5 Momentum flux density Since the energy passing through a surface in a given direction is dE = I cos d dtd dA
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then the magnitude of momentum passing through the surface in the same direction is I dE dp = --------- = ---- cos d dtd dA c c

However, momentum is a vector quantity. The component of momentum in the direction of the normal is I dp cos = ---- cos2 d dtd dA c

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The momentum flux density, , is the momentum per unit time per unit frequency per unit area passing in all directions through the surface, so that 1 = -- I cos2 d c

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2.6 The cies

Integration over frequency total flux of energy per unit area between two frequen 1 and 2 is just the integral of the flux density be2 Total flux = F Wm ­ 2 = F d 1

tween these limits.

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Pressure is force per unit area, or equivalently, momentum flux density per unit area, so that the total radiation pressure on the surface can be found by integrating the momentum flux density over frequency.
2 Pressure = p Nm ­ 2 = d 1 (18)

The total intensity is just the integral of the specific intensity over frequency.
2 Intensity = I Wm ­ 2 Str ­ 1 = I d 1
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In particular the total flux is the frequency-integrated flux density. Sometimes people loosely refer to flux density as flux and I have seen pedantic thesis examiners insist on such carelessness being expunged from a thesis before it can be accepted. 2.7 Radiation energy density Define Energy in volume dV u dVd d = solid angle d and frequency interval dv
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Consider a cylinder of length cdt , cross-sectional area dA dA d cdt

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The energy of radiation in cylinder within a cone of solid angle d is: dE = u d dVd = u d dAcdtd = cu d dAdtd

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All of the radiation within the cylinder passes through dA in the time dt . Hence, cu d dAdtd = I d dAdtd cu = I I u = ---c


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Therefore, the total energy density at a point within the volume is given by: 1 4 u = -- I d = ----- J c c


1 J = ----- I d = Mean intensity 4


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2.8 Constancy of specific intensity in free space d 1 d 2

dA 1 dA 2 d 1 = --------R2 R dA 2 dA 1 d 2 = --------R2

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Consider the energy flux through an elementary surface dA 1 within solid angle d 1 . Consider all of the photons which pass through dA 1 in this direction which then pass through dA 2 . We take the solid angle of these photons to be d 2 . By conservation of energy the energy passing through both surfaces within the corresponding solid angles is identical. Hence,
1 2 dE = I dA 1 dtd 1 d 1 = I dA 2 dtd 2 d 2 (25)

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The solid angles are given by: dA 2 d 1 = --------R2 This implies that: dA 1 dA 2 d 1 dA 1 = d 2 dA 2 = ------------------R2 Since d 1 = d 2 , then
1 2 I = I = constant along ray
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dA 1 d 2 = --------R2




2.9 Spontaneous emission Various emission processes along a ray contribute to the specific intensity. The emissivity, in principle, is angle-dependent, e.g. synchrotron emission depends upon the angle between the emission direction and the magnetic field. The emissivity is defined by: Energy radiated from volume dV (29) in time dt into freqency interval d = dE = j dVdtd d into solid angle d

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If the emissivity is isotropic, then 1 j = ----- P 4
Radiated power per unit volume (30)

The emission may be considered to be isotropic for two reasons: 1. The emission mechanism is independent of direction. 2.The emission may be considered to be the random superposition of a number of anisotropic emitters, e.g. synchrotron emission from a tangled magnetic field.

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Effect on specific intensity ds

dA d

Energy added to beam from emission from within dV = dAds is given by: dE = j dVd dtd = j dAdsd dtd
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This is radiated into the solid angle d emerging from dA so that the change in specific intensity is given by: dI dAd dtd = j dAdsd dtd dI ------- = j ds

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2.10 Absorption Often absorption is presented in the following form: dI ------- = ­ I ds
Coefficient of absorption (33)

and we shall see examples of this later on.

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3 The radiative transfer equation 3.1 The fundamental equation Putting emission and absorption into the one equation, we have dI ------- = j ­ I ds Note from This tions

that the emissivity can include scattering of photons other directions into the direction being considered. is what makes the solution of radiative transfer equaa challenging problem in general.

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3.2 Solution for emission only (optically thin emission) I 0 s=0
Emitting (and absorbing) region

Emergent intensity I Ray Free space s = s1

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dI s ------- = j I s = I 0 + j s ds ds 0
s1 = I 0 + j s ds 0


In many cases: · I 0 = 0 · We approximate the medium by one with constant properties. This gives, I = j s1
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Once outside the emitting region, the specific intensity is constant, unless another emitting or absorbing region is encountered. 3.3 Absorption only dI ------- = ­ I ds I s = I s 0 exp ­ s ds 0


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This introduces the optical depth between 0 and s s = s ds 0
­ s I s = I 0 e s (38)

In terms of , the specific intensity along a ray is given by:

3.4 Both emission and absorption The differential form of the optical depth is d = ds
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We can write the radiative transfer equation in the form: dI ------------ = S ­ I ds i.e. where j S = ------ = Source function

dI ------- = S ­ I d


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Write the transfer equation as dI -------- + I = S d
The integrating factor is e so that d -------- e I = S e e I = I 0 + e S d d 0 ­ ­ ­ I = e I 0 + e S d 0 (44) (43)

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The optical depth delineates the region which contributes most significantly to the intensity of an emerging ray. To see this, consider
s ­ = s ds ­ s ds 0 0 s s

= s ds s = s s


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I 0 s=0

s s

Emergent inten-



This part gives s s
Emitting (and absorbing) region

It is obvious that the dominant contribution to the integral comes from regions wherein the optical depth, s s 1 .
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3.5 Relationship between flux and luminosity


The flux density received at the telescope is given by: F =

I cos d I d


(We put 0 because for a distant source, all rays differ very little in their direction.)
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ds dA

dV = dA ds

Let dA be the cross-sectional area of the bundle of light rays at the source. For a distant source (distance R ), the element of solid angle is given by dA d = -----R2
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where R is approximately the same for all parts of the source and dA is the cross-sectional area of a bundle of light rays as shown. Hence, 1 F ----- I dA R 2 For optically thin radiation I = j ds
ray (48)

1 1 F = ----- j dA ds = ----- j dV R 2 Source R 2 Source
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where V is the volume (element dV ). The equation 1 1 F = ----- j dV = ----- Volume integrated emissivity (50) R 2 Source R2 shows the origin of the inverse square law for flux density.

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3.6 Isotropic emissivity If the emissivity is isotropic 1 Total power emitted per unit volume j = ----- P = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 4 solid angle 1 F = -----------4R2 where L = Monochromatic luminosity = Luminosity per unit frequency
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L P dV = ------------4R2 Source




3.7 Calculation of luminosity Knowing the flux density, one can calculate the monochromatic luminosity, from L = 4 R 2 F
2 F d Total luminosity = L tot = 4 R 0 (53) (54)

3.8 Example: The luminosity of a radio source A typical extragalactic radio source would have a flux density at 1.4 GHz of a Jansky at a redshift of 0.1.
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The distance (for small redshifts) is 300 000 0.1 cz D = ------ = ---------------------------------- Mpc 70 H0 430 Mpc so that the monochromatic luminosity is L = 4 430 3.1 10 10 ­ 26 WHz ­ 1 2.2 10 WHz ­ 1
25 22 2 (56) (55)

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F ­ log F
Typical spectrum of an extragalactic radio source


u = 10 ­ 100 GHz
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Typically such a source has a spectral index of = 0.7 between a generally undefined lower frequency, l , and an upper cutoff frequency u = 10 ­ 100 GHz , so that the total luminosity,

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u 0 ­ u ­ ----- d ----- L tot L ----d = L 0 l l 0 0 0 0 0 0

L 0 0 ----- 1 ­ u = -------------1 ­ 0 l L 0 1 ­ 0 u -------------- ----- -1 ­ 0

0 (57) 0

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Thus, for the parameters of our source,
35 2.2 10 1.4 10 10 0.3 -----L tot ----------------------------------------------- 2.7 10 W 1.4 0.3 (58) 25 9

7 10 L sun


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4 Polarisation 4.1 Monochromatic plane wave Plane wave solutions of Maxwell's equations: E = E 0 exp i t ­ k x B = B 0 exp i t ­ k x = circular frequency = ck k = wave number = k n E 0 = amplitude of Electric field k E0 B 0 = Amplitude of magnetic field = --------------- = c n E 0 B0 n = E0 n = 0
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The electric vector deterE0 mines all of the parameters of the wave. Since there x Direction are two independent comn of propa- ponents of E 0 there are Plane of electric & In general, we put magnetic field E 0 = E 0 1 e 1 + E 0 2 e 2 two modes of polarisation.

where e 1 and e 2 are the unit vectors in the x and y directions.
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Electromagnetic waves, far from the point of origin can be considered to be locally plane. Electric vector at a point in space Consider a wave at the location x = x 0 . In component form the electric field of the wave may be written
i i t ­ k x0 i t e i ­ k x0 E = A e e = A e i t ­ = A e (61)

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Hence the real part of this wave may be expressed as E = A cos t ­ = 1 2

The parameters are the phases of the two modes. They are not both arbitrary since the origin of time is arbitrary. However, the difference = 2 ­ 1 is arbitrary.

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4.2 The polarisation ellipse e2 e2 E e 1 Definition of axes for polarisae1

tion ellipse. is the angle of rotation from the arbitrary axes to the principal axes (primed).

Consider a general elliptically polarised monochromatic wave. The electric vector is given by: E = A 1 cos t ­ 1 e 1 + A 2 cos t ­ 2 e 2
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N.B. The phases of both component are not free parameters since one phase can be adjusted by a change of the time origin. However, the relative phase 2 ­ 1 is arbitrary. 4.2.1 What we are aiming for Write the electric field in axes corresponding to the principal axes of the ellipse: E = E 1 cos t e 1 + E 2 sin t e 2

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E 2 = E 0 sin

e2 E


Polarisation ellipse

E 1 = E 0 cos

Relationship between parameters

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The aim of the following is to determine the parameters E 1 and E 2 in terms of A 1 A 2 2 ­ 1 and . To do so, we use the relations between primed and unprimed unit vectors: e1 cos sin e 1 = e2 ­ sin cos e 2

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Then write the electric field in the principal axis system in terms of the electric field in the arbitrary axes:

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E = E 1 cos t cos e 1 + sin e 2 + E 2 sin t ­ sin e 1 + cos e 2 = E 1 cos cos t ­ E 2 sin sin t e + E 1 sin cos t + E 2 = A 1 cos t ­ 1 e 1 + = A 1 cos t cos 1 + A

1 (66)

cos sin t e 2 A 2 cos t ­ 2 e 2 sin t sin 1 e 1 1

+ A 2 cos t cos 2 + A 2 sin t sin 2 e 2

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Equate the coefficients of e 1 e 2 and sin t cos t within those terms. A 1 cos 1 = E 1 cos A 1 sin 1 = ­ E 2 sin A 2 cos 2 = E 1 sin A 2 sin 2 = E 2 cos


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So far, so good, but this is not the best form in which to describe the relationship between these coefficients. The following quadratic relationships are easy to verify:
2 2 2 A 1 = E 1 cos2 + E 2 sin2 2 2 2 A 2 = E 1 sin2 + E 2 cos2 (68)

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together with:
2 A 1 A 2 cos 1 cos 2 = E 1 sin cos 2 A 1 A 2 sin 1 sin 2 = ­ E 2 sin cos (69)

A 1 A 2 sin 1 cos 2 = ­ E 1 E 2 sin2 A 1 A 2 cos 1 sin 2 = E 1 E 2 cos2

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We now form the following combinations of the above:
2 2 2 2 A1 + A2 = E1 + E2 2 2 2 2 A 1 ­ A 2 = E 1 ­ E 2 cos2 ­ sin2 2 2 = E 1 ­ E 2 cos 2 (70)

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2 2 A 1 A 2 cos 2 ­ 1 = E 1 ­ E 2 sin cos 2 2 E1 ­ E2 = ----------------------- sin 2 2 A 1 A 2 sin 2 ­ 1 = E 1 E 2 (71)

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Now define the additional angle , the parameter t and the phase difference by: E 1 = E 0 cos E1 t = ----- = cot E2 2 ­ 1 = E 2 = E 0 sin

= Ratio of semi-major to semi-minor axis

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The above quadratic relations become:
2 2 2 E0 = A1 + A2 2 2 2 E 0 cos 2 cos 2 = A 1 ­ A 2 2 E 0 cos 2 sin 2 = 2 A 1 A 2 cos 2 E 0 sin 2 = 2 A 1 A 2 sin (73)

So the amplitudes A 1 A 2 and the phase difference define the parameters E 0 and .
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E 2 = E 0 sin

e2 E


Polarisation ellipse

E 1 = E 0 cos

Relationship between parameters

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4.3 Interdependence of parameters Note that the 4 above equations are not independent. Take the last 3 equations; the sum of the squares of the left-hand
4 sides is E 0 . The sum of the squares of the right hand sides is 2 2 22 A 1 ­ A 2 2 + 4 A 1 A 2 cos2 + sin2 2 2 22 = A1 ­ A2 2 + 4 A1 A2 2 2 = A1 + A2 2 (74)

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So the sum of the squares of these 3 equations gives:
4 2 2 E0 = A1 + A2 2 2 2 2 E0 = A1 + A2 (75)

which of course is the first equation.

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5 The Stokes parameters ­ definitions c 0 c 0 2 -2 -2 I = ------- E 0 = ------- A 1 + A 2 2 2 c 0 c 0 2 -2 -2 Q = ------- E 0 cos 2 cos 2 = ------- A 1 ­ A 2 2 2 c 0 c 0 U = ------- E 0 cos 2 sin 2 = ------- 2 A 1 A 2 cos -2 2 2 c 0 c 0 V = ------- E 0 sin 2 = ------- 2 A 1 A 2 sin -2 2 2
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(The reason for the factor of c 0 2 is the relation to the Poynting flux in the following.) These equations can also be expressed in the form: Q = I cos 2 cos 2 U = I cos 2 sin 2 V = I sin 2 Squaring each equation and adding: I2 = Q2 + U2 + V2
(78) (77)

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Note the close correspondence between these equations for I 2 2 and defining these angles as polar coordinates. This correspondence is exploited when we discuss the Poincare sphere.

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5.1 Fractional polarisation We define the fractional polarisation of a wave by: Q q = --- = cos 2 cos 2 I U u = --- = cos 2 sin 2 I V v = -- = sin 2 I


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The direction of the principal axis is therefore given by: u U tan 2 = -- = --q Q

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5.2 The Poincare sphere Polarised light can be represented v q P u v 2 u q 2

in terms of the Poincare = cos 2 cos 2 = cos 2 sin 2 (81) = sin 2

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sphere. The Stokes parameters for fractional polarisation can be represented in terms of the parameters 2 and 2 as polar angles. The Poincare sphere makes it easy to determine the relevant ranges of and . From the diagram it is obvious that 0 2 2 ­ -- 2 2 0 -­ -- -2 4 4

Physically, the reason for this is as follows: 1.Rotation of an ellipse by and + give the same
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ellipse. 2. Recall the definition of E 1 = E 0 cos E1 t = ----- = cot E2 E 2 = E 0 sin E2 t ­ 1 = ----- = tan E1


When varies between 4 , E 2 varies between E 1 . This is the appropriate range for the semi-minor axis.

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5.3 Linear and circular polarisation 5.3.1 Linear polarisation If the phase difference between the two components in the arbitrary reference system is = 0 , then V = c 0 A 1 A 2 sin = 0 sin 2 = 0 2 = 0 This implies that E 1 = E 0 cos = E 0 E 2 = E 0 sin = 0


The only value of in the appropriate range is = 0 .

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Hence the electric field is: E = E 0 cos t e 1

i.e. the electric vector oscillates in one direction ­ hence the name linear polarisation. 5.3.2 Circular polarisation A purely circularly polarised wave is defined by equal amplitudes of the two components, differing in phase by 2 , i.e. A1 = A2 = 2

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Since, c 0 2 -2 Q = ------- A 1 ­ A 2 2 c 0 U = ------- 2 A 1 A 2 cos 2 then q=Q=0 u=U=0


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The only remaining Stokes parameter in this case is: c 0 V = ------- 2 A 1 A 2 cos 2 c 0 ------- 2 A 1 A 2 sin 2 v = --------------------------------------------- = 1 c 0 2 ------- A 1 + A 2 -2 2

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The equations defining and are: cos 2 cos 2 = 0 cos 2 sin 2 = 0 sin 2 = 1 The solution for this is 2 = -- = -2 4 and = arbitrary
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Hence E2 = E1 and the two waves are: E = E 0 cos t e 1 + E 0 sin t e 2 E = E 0 cos t e 1 ­ E 0 sin t e 2
(95) (94)

The first solution represents a vector moving anti-clockwise in a circle as seen by an observer facing the wave ­ This is known as left circularly polarised or positive helicity.
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The second represents a vector moving clockwise in a circle as seen by an observer facing the wave ­ This is known as right circularly polarised or negative helicity. 5.3.3 General elliptical polarisation In the general case when q u v 0 E = E 0 cos cos t e 1 + E 0 sin sin t e 2
(96) (97)

When v 0 and consequently 0 then E rotates anticlockwise (since cos 0 and sin 0 ) and the wave is left-polarised.
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When v 0 and consequently 0 , E rotates clockwise (since cos 0 and sin 0 ) and the wave is right-polarised. 5.3.4 Direction of the major axis Take q = cos 2 cos 2 u = cos 2 sin 2 v = sin 2

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then it is clear that 1 ­1 u u tan 2 = -- = -- tan -2 q q

In the case of linear polarisation this is the direction of the line of oscillation of the electric field.

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5.4 The Poincare sphere revisited Left-polarised v P 2 q Right-polarised 2 u
The point P on the Poincare sphere represents the fractional polarisation of a monochromatic wave. The North and South poles of the sphere, v = 1 and v = ­ 1 respectively, represent lefthanded and right-handed circular polarisation.

Pure linear polarisation

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5.5 Relationship to the Poynting flux The Poynting flux is EB S = ------------0

For a transverse wave with wave-vector k and normal k n = -- : k kE EB E2 B = ------------ ------------- = ---------- n 0 0
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With = ck , E2 2 2 S = -------- n = c 0 E 2 n = c 0 E 1 cos2 t + E 2 sin2 t n (102) 0 c Averaged over a period, the Poynting flux is: S = c 0
2 2 2 E1 E2 c 0 E0 ------ + ------ = --------------2 2 2 (103)

The Stokes parameter I is the Poynting flux of electromagnetic energy.

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6 Polarisation of a quasi-monochromatic wave 6.1 The electric field As before, we write the electric field as E = A 1 cos t ­ 1 e 1 + A 2 cos t ­ 2 e 2
­i 1 t i t = Re A 1 t e e e1 ­i 2 t i t + Re A 2 t e e e2 (104)

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The previous section is concerned with the case in which the waves are purely monochromatic so that A and are constant. In the following a complex notation based on the above is used. We consider quasi-monochromatic waves for which E = E1 t e i t e1 + E2 t e i t e2
­i 1 t E1 t = A1 t e ­i 2 t E2 t = A2 t e (105)

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where the time scale of variation of the waves is much longer than the wave period. This is relevant to the situation where the estimate of the Stokes parameters involves averages over many periods. For example, to consider a radio wave as a monochromatic wave, one would have to sample at the rate of once every 10 ­ 9 s or so. In reality, measurements at a radio telescope require integration times of about 5 minutes.

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6.2 Stokes parameters for quasi-monochromatic waves We define the Stokes parameters as time averages with angular brackets <>:

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c 0 c 0 2 * -2 I = ------- A 1 + A 2 = ------- E 1 E 1 2 2 c 0 c 0 2 * -2 Q = ------- A 1 ­ A 2 = ------- E 1 E 1 2 2 c 0 * U = c 0 A 1 A 2 cos = ------- E 1 2