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Publications Those papers which I consider of particular interest are marked with an asterisk.
1. Ellis, G.R., Waterworth, M.D., Bessell, M.S.
"Spectrum of the galactic Radio Emission between 10MHz and 1.5Mhz" Nat 196, 1079, 1962.
2. Bessell, M.S. " The variable star Rho Puppis" ProcASA 1, 14, 1967.
3. Bessell, M.S. " A different interpretation of Rho Puppis" ApJL 149, L67-L69, 1967.
4*. Bessell, M.S. "An investigation of short period variable stars I: The Delta Scuti Stars"
ApJS 18, 167-194, 1969.
5*. Bessell, M.S. "An investigation of short period variable stars II: The AI Velorum Stars"
ApJS 18, 195-229, 1969.
6. Bessell, M.S. "Report on astronomical photographic photometry"
Yerkes Observatory Report p1-20,Williams Bay, Wisconsin 1969.
7. Van Altena, W.F., Bessell, M.S. "The effect of flash duration on the gain obtained by
preflashing spectroscopic emulsions" A.A.S.Photo-bulletin 2, 5-7, 1970
8. Bessell, M.S., Rodgers, A.W., Eggen, O.J., Hopper, P.B. "A highly reddened R Cor Bor
star in NGC6231" ApJL 162, L11-L13, 1970.
9. Faulkner, D.J., Bessell, M.S. "The nature of the nebulosity about FG Sagittae"
PASP 82, 1330-1340, 1970.
10. Bessell, M.S., Eggen, O.J. "A pulsating metallic-line star" PASP 84, 72-73, 1972.
11. Bessell, M.S. "The metal-deficiency of two members of M67" PASP 84, 489-491, 1972.
12. Bessell, M.S. "The primary spectrum of the eclipsing binary LR Cen"
ApJL 175, L133-L136, 1972.
13*. Bessell, M.S., Youngbom, Lee "The temperature and continuum of the N stars"
ProcASA 2, 154-155, 1972.
14. Bessell, M.S., Youngbom, Lee "Narrow-band photometry of the Orion Sword"
M.S.S.S.O.Preprint, Oct 17, 1-20, 1972.
15*. Bessell, M.S., Eggen, O.J. "Rapid changes in the new shell star HR6000"
ApJ 177, 209-217, 1972.
16*. Bessell, M.S., Peterson, B.A., Wickramasinghe, D.T., Vidal, N. "3U1700-37 Another
Black-hole" ApJ 187, 355-358, 1974.
17. Wickramasinghe, D.T., Vidal, N.V., Bessell, M.S., Peterson, B.A., Perry, M.E.
"2U0900-40 A Black Hole?" ApJ 188, 167-172, 1974.
18. Vidal, N.V., Wickramasinghe, D.T., Peterson, B.A., Bessell, M.S.
"Photoelectric and spectroscopic observations of WRA 795" ApJ 188, 163-165, 1974.
19. Bessell, M.S. "Some applications of model atmospheres" ProcASA 2, 230-235, 1974.
20. Vidal, N.V., Wickramasinghe, D.T., Peterson, B.A., Bessell, M.S. "Spectroscopic
studies of a suggested optical candidate for Cen X-3" ApJL 191, L23-L24, 1974.
21*.Wickramasinghe, D.T., Bessell, M.S. "Gas streaming in 2U 0900-40 and Cyg X-1"
Nature 251, 25-28, 1974.
22. Przybylski, A., Bessell, M.S."An unusual RR Lyrae type variable" PASP 86, 403-407, 1974.
23. Wickramasinghe, D.T., Vidal, N., Bessell, M.S.
" Krzeminski's optical candidate for Cen X-3 ProcASA2, 289-290, 1974.
24. Wickramasinghe, D.T., Vidal, N., Bessell, M.S. "The primary of Cen X-3"
MNRAS 169, 63p-67p, 1974.
25. Bessell, M.S. "The abundances and gravities of the d Scuti, AI Velorum and RR Lyrae stars"
IAU Symposium no 59, Stellar Instability and Evolution. (Ed P.Ledoux, A.Noels
and A.W.Rodgers. D.Reidel Dordrecht Holland), p63-p64.
26*. Bessell, M.S., Vidal, N.V., Wickramasinghe, D.T. "Ha observations and the distribution of
circumstellar material in the HD77581 system (3U 0900-40)" ApJL 195, 117-120, 1975.
27*. Norris, J.E., Bessell, M.S. "Abundance variations on the lower giant branch of Omega Cen"
Astrophys.J.L 201, L75-L79, 1975.
28. Wickramasinghe, D.T., Bessell, M.S. "A possible magnetic DA white dwarf "
ApJL 203, L39-L41, 1976.
29. Hyland, A.R., Bessell, M.S. "A nitrogen rich OB supergiant in the LMC"
ProcASA 2, 353-355, 1975.
30. Gascoigne, S.C.B., Norris, J.E., Bessell, M.S., Hyland, A.R., Visvanathan, N. "The age
and chemical composition of the LMC cluster NGC 2209" ApJL 209, L25-L28, 1976.
31. Bessell, M.S., Williams, S.L. "Southern standards for the CMT1T2 System"
ProcASA 3, 40-41, 1976.
32. Bessell, M.S., Norris, J.E. "The giant branch of w Cen I:
Abundance variations due to mixing" ApJ 208, 369-381, 1976.
33. Bessell, M.S. "UBVRI photometry with a GaAs photomultiplier" PASP 88, 557-560, 1976.
34. Norris, J.E., Bessell, M.S. "The giant branch of w Cen II:
Mixing versus primordial abundance variations" ApJL 211, L91-L95, 1977.
35*. Wickramasinghe, D.T., Bessell, M.S., Cottrell, P.L. "Subdwarfs or cool white dwarfs?"
ApJL 217, L65-L68, 1977.
36*. Bessell, M.S. "The most metal deficient stars" Proc.ASA 3, 144-145, 1977.
37. Wickramasinghe, D.T., Whelan, J.A., Bessell, M.S. "A hot magnetic white dwarf with a
field of 2-4 x 107 gauss" MNRAS 180, 373-380, 1977.
38. Wickramasinghe, D.T., Bessell, M.S. "Spectra of southern white dwarfs"
MNRAS 181, 713-717, 1977.
39. Bessell, M.S., Wickramasinghe, D.T. "Strљmgren photometry of southern white dwarfs"
MNRAS 182, 275-281, 1978.
40. Cottrell, P.L., Bessell, M.S., Wickramasinghe, D.T. "Spectrum synthesis of the heavily
blanketed white dwarf" ApJL 218, L133-L135, 1977.
41. Wickramasinghe, D.T., Bessell, M.S., Whelan, J.A. "On the spectrum of LDS 678A (EG131)"
MNRAS 182, 53-56, 1978.
42. Bessell, M.S. "The formation and evolution of white dwarfs" Proc.ASA 3, 220-224, 1978.
43. Bessell, M.S., Ianna, P. "The Nature of CD-31Ш622 " ApJ L. 222, L127-L128, 1978.
44. Norris, J.E., Bessell, M.S. "Abundance variations on the giant branches of the Sculptor and
Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxies and the w Cen anomaly" ApJ L. 225, L49-L52, 1978.
45. Eggen, O.J., Bessell, M.S. "A white dwarf search at the south galactic pole"
ApJ 226, 411-419, 1978.
46. Bessell, M.S. "The Cousins (Cape-Kron) BVRI system, its temperature and absolute flux
calibration, and relevance for two-dimensional photometry"
Dudley Observatory Report, 14, 279-296, 1979.
47*. Bessell, M.S., Wickramasinghe, D.T. "Subdwarfs II:
The missing halo-population K subdwarfs" ApJ 227, 232-243, 1979.
48. Wickramasinghe, D.T., Bessell, M.S. "A cool DA white dwarf with self-broadened lines"
MNRAS 186, 399-404, 1979.
49. Wickramasinghe, D.T., Bessell, M.S. "Spectrophotometric observations of two
southern magnetic white dwarfs" MNRAS 188, 841-845, 1979.
50*. Bessell, M.S. "UBVRI Photometry II: "The Cousins VRI system, its temperature and absolute
flux calibration, and relevance for two-dim photometry" PASP 91, 589-607, 1979.
51. Bessell, M.S. "Alpha Centauri " Proc.ASA 4, 212-214, 1981.
52. Bessell, P.R., Wood, P.R., Lloyd Evans, T. "The masses and origin of the carbon stars"
ProcASA 4, 201-203, 1981.
53. Wood, P.R., Bessell, M.S., Fox, M.W. "Photometry and spectroscopy of long period
variables in the Magellanic Clouds" ProcASA 4, 203-205, 1981.
54. Bessell, M.S., Norris, J. "The extreme metal-weak star CD -38Ш 245"
IAU Colloquium no 68, Astrophysical Parameters for Globular Clusters (Eds.
A.G.Davis Philip, D.S.Hayes, p137-p139, 1982.
55. Gascoigne, S.C.B., Bessell, M.S., Norris, J.E. "New data for old Magellanic clusters"
IAU Colloquium no 68, Astrophysical Parameters for Globular Clusters (Eds.
A.G.Davis Philip, D.S.Hayes, p223-p226, 1982.
56. Wickramasinghe, D.T., Allen, D.A., Bessell, M.S. "Infrared photometry of cool white
dwarfs" MNRAS 198, 473-482, 1982.
57. Mould, J.R., Bessell, M.S. "TiO band strengths in metal rich clusters V. 47 Tucanae"
ApJ 262, 142-144, 1982.
58*. Bessell, M.S. "The metallic hydride dwarfs" Proc.ASA 4, 417-419, 1982.
59. Bessell, M.S. "Non-solar abundances in extreme pop II stars"
Mem.d.Soc.Astron.Italiana 54, 39-45, 1983.
60. Bessell, M.S. "On AGB evolution and the C to M ratios in the Galaxy and the Magellanic
Clouds" Mem.d.Soc.Astron.Italiana 54, 47-49, 1983.
61. Bessell, M.S. "VRI Photometry: An addendum" PASP 95, 480-488, 1983.
62*. Bessell, M.S. "The abundance of M71 and 47 Tucanae" PASP 95, 94-97, 1983.
63*. Bessell, M.S., Norris, J.E. "Nitrogen overabundances in population II dwarfs"
ApJL 263, L29-L33, 1982.
64. Bessell, M.S., Wood, P.R. "Shell ejection from the variable carbon stars HV 2379"
MNRAS 202, 31p-35p, 1983.
65. Bessell, M.S., Wood, P.R. "Deduction of properties of planetary nebulae from long-period
variable precursors" IAU Symposium no 103, Planetary Nebulae (Ed ) p59-p60, 1983.
66*. Bessell, M.S., Wood, P.R., Lloyd Evans, T. "Carbon stars in clusters in the Galaxy and the
Magellanic Clouds" MNRAS 202, 59-76, 1983.
67*. Wood, P.R., Bessell, M.S. "Long-period variables in the galactic bulge: Evidence for a
super-metal-rich population" ApJ 265, 748-759, 1983.
68*. Wood, P.R.., Bessell, M.S., Fox, M.W. "Long-period variables in the Magellanic Clouds:
Supergiants, AGB stars, supernova precursors, and enrichment of the interstellar
medium" ApJ 272, 99-115, 1983.
69. Reid, N., Wickramasinghe, D.T., Bessell, M.S. "The space density of hot white dwarfs"
ProcASA 5, 230-232, 1983.
70. Bessell, M.S. "Spectroscopy of red variables and other luminous red stars"
IAU Symposium no 108, Structure and Evolution of the Magellanic Clouds
(Eds. S.van den Bergh and K.S. de Boer, Reidel, p171-p181, 1983.
71. Paltaglou, G., Wood, P.R., Bessell, M.S., Ratnatunga, K. "Search for red variables in the
LMC" IAU Symposium no 108, Structure and Evolution of the Magellanic Clouds
(Eds. S.van den Bergh and K.S. de Boer, Reidel, p219-p220, 1984.
72. Visvanathan, N., Bessell, M.S., Wickramasinghe, D.T.
"H0139-68" IAU Circ no 3923, 1984.
73. Bessell, M.S., Hughes, S., Cottrell, P.L. "Synthetic OH band spectra in G and K stars"
ProcASA 5, 547-552, 1984.
74*. Bessell, M.S., Norris, J.E. "The ultra-metal-deficient (pop III?) redgiant CD -38Ш 245"
ApJ 285, 622-636, 1984.
75. Bessell, M.S., Wood, P.R. "A note on bolometric corrections for late-type stars and LPVs"
PASP 96, 247-249, 1984.
76. McCall, M.L., Reid, N., Bessell, M.S., Wickramasinghe, D.T. "Are supernovae round? II:
Spectropolarimetry of SN 1983a in NGC 4753" MNRAS 210, 839-843, 1984.
77*. Norris, J.E., Bessell, M.S., Pickles, A.J. "Population Studies I. The Bidelman
MacConnell weak-metal stars" ApJS 58, 463-492, 1985.
78. Wood, P.R., Bessell, M.S. "Bright long period variables in the direction of the Magellanic
Clouds: Foreground stars or supergiants?" PASP 97, 681-683, 1985.
79. Wood, P.R., Bessell, M.S., Dopita, M.A. "Angular diameters of Magellanic Cloud planetary
nebulae obtained using speckle interferometry" Proc.Astron.Soc.Australia 6, 54-55, 1985.
80. Wood, P.R., Bessell, M.S., Paltoglou, G. "A sample of long-period variables in the bar of
the LMC and evidence for a recent burst of star formation" ApJ 290, 477-486, 1985.
81. Bessell, M.S. "On the Johnson U Passband" PASP 98, 354-359, 1986.
82. Bessell, M.S., Brett, J., Scholz, M., Wood, P.R. "The Effect of Metallicity and Pulsation
on the Infrared Colours of Luminous Giants"
IAU Sym 111, Calibration of Fundamental Stellar Quantities, p539-p542, 1986.
83. Bessell, M.S., Freeman, K.C., Wood, P.R.
"The Velocity Dispersion of Old Stars in the LMC" ApJ 310, 710-714, 1986.
84. Ianna, P.A., Bessell, M.S. "Two Nearby Faint Red Stars" PASP 98, 658-661, 1986.
85. Wood, P.R., Bessell, M.S., Dopita, M.A. "Angular Diameters of Magellanic Cloud
Planetary Nebulae I: Speckle Interferometry" ApJ 311, 632-636, 1986.
86*. Wood, P.R., Bessell, M.S., Whiteoak, J.B. "Detection of an OH/IR Star in the LMC",
ApJL, 306, L81-L84, 1986.
87. Bessell, M.S.,"VRI Photometry III: Photographic and CCD R and I Bands and the
Kron-Cousins RI System", PASP 98, 1303-1311, 1986.
88. Bessell, M.S., Norris, J.E. "Relative Elemental Abundances in Extremely Metal-Deficient
Stars", JA&Ap 8, 99-102, 1987.
89. Russell, S.C., Bessell, M.S., Dopita, M.A. "Stromgren Photometry of Supergiants in the
Magellanic Clouds" ProcASA 7, 65-68, 1987.
90. Bessell, M.S., Weis, E.W. "The Cousins and Kron VRI System" PASP 99, 642-644, 1987.
91. Wood, P.R., Bessell, M.S., Whiteoak, J.B. "Discovery of the first extra-galactic OH/IR star"
IAU Symposium 122, Circumstellar Matter, eds. I. Appenzeller and C. Jordan
(Springer-Verlag), p. 241, 1987.
92. Bessell, M.S., Brett, J.M., Scholz, M., Takeda, Y., Wehrse, R., Wood, P.R.
"Photospheres of Mira variables" Atmospheric Diagnostics of Stellar Evolution,
ed.K.Nomoto (Springer) p187-189, 1988.
93*. Bessell, M.S., Brett, J.M. "JHKLM Photometry: Standard systems, Passbands and Intrinsic
Colors", PASP 100, 1134-1151, 1988.
94*. Hawkings, M.R.S., Bessell, M.S. "The Luminosity Function for Low Mass Stars",
MNRAS 234, 177-191, 1988.
95. Reid, N., Wegner, G., Wickramasinghe, D.T., Bessell, M.S. "Hot white dwarfs, OB
subdwarfs and dark clouds", AJ 96, 275-296, 1988.
96. Rodgers, A.W., Harding, P., Bloxham, G., and Bessell, M.S. "High Signal to Noise
Observations with a Photon Counting Array", IAU Symposium 132, The Impact of Very
High S/N Spectroscopy on Stellar Physics (Eds. G. Cayrel de Strobel and M. Spite),
Reidel:Dordrecht p23-25, 1988.
97. Russell, S.C., Bessell, M.S., and Dopita, M.A. "Abundances of Heavy Elements in the
Magellanic Clouds", IAU Symposium 132, The Impact of Very High S/N Spectroscopy on
Stellar Physics, Eds. G. Cayrel de Strobel and M. Spite, Reidel:Dordrecht, p545-550, 1988
98*. Bessell, M.S., Brett, J.M., Scholz, M., and Wood, P.R. "The effects of atmospheric
extension upon the spectra of M-type Mira variables", A&A 213, 209-225, 1988.
99*. Bessell, M.S., Brett, J.M., Scholz, M., and Wood, P.R. "Colours of extended static model
atmospheres of M giants", A&AS 77, 1-30, 1989.
100. Bessell, M.S. and Brett, J.M. "JHKLM Photometry: Standard Systems, Passbands and
Intrinsic Colors", Lecture Notes in Physics 341: Infrared Extinction and Standardization
Ed. E.F.Milone, Springer-Verlag, p61-66, 1989.
101. Bessell, M.S., Scholz, M. "Problems associated with the atmospheres of cool stars",
Cambridge lecture series. 1989.
102. Bessell, M.S. "O and N abundances from OH and NH lines in extremely metal-deficient cool
stars", Meudon lecture series. p 53-55, 1989.
103. Bessell, M.S., Scholz, M. "Extended model atmospheres of red giants",
IAU Colloquium 106, Evolution of Peculiar Red Giant Stars Eds H.R.Johnson and
B.Zuckerman, Cambridge University Press,p67-80, 1989.
104* Russell, S.C., Bessell, M.S. "Abundances of the heavy elements in the Magellanic
Clouds.I. Metal abundance of F-type supergiants." ApJS 70, 865-898, 1989.
105. Wood, P.R., Nulsen, P.E.J., Gillingham, P.R., Bessell, M.S., Dopita, M.A.,
McCowage, C. "Speckle interferometry of SN 1987A up to one year after the explosion",
ApJ 339, 1073-1077, 1989.
106* Bessell, M.S. "BVRI Photometry of the Gliese Stars" A&AS 83, 357-378, 1990.
107. Bessell, M.S. "Techniques of Broadband Photometry", p95 - 100,
Proceedings of the Third New Zealand Photoelectric Conference, Blenheim March 1989.
108* Ryan, S.G., Bessell, M.S., Sutherland, R.S., Norris, J.E. "9Be Abundances in
Population II stars: Implications for Light Element Synthesis" ApJL 348, L57-L60, 1990.
109* Bessell, M.S. "UBVRI Passbands" PASP 102, 1181-1199, 1990.
110. Bessell, M.S. "Magnitude Scales and Photometric Systems"
Reference Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics 1991.
111* Bessell, M.S. "The Late-M Dwarfs" AJ 101, 662-676, 1991.
112* Bessell, M.S., Brett, J.M., Scholz, M., and Wood, P.R.
"Colors and stratifications of extended static model photospheres of M stars located on
the FGB, AGB and supergiant branch", A&AS 89, 335-366, 1991.
113* Bessell, M.S. "The Reddening of the Magellanic Clouds" A&A 242, L17-L20, 1991.
114. Bessell, M.S. "The Interstellar Reddening and Metallicity of NGC 330" in IAU Symposium
148 "The Magellanic Clouds" (Ed. R. Haynes & D.Milne: Reidel) p273-277, 1991.
115* Ryan, S.G., Norris, J.E.,& Bessell, M.S. "Elemental Abundances in Extremely Metal-
deficient Dwarfs" AJ 102, 303-322, 1991.
116* Bessell, M.S., Sutherland, R.S. & Ruan, K. "The Oxygen Abundance of Halo Stars"
ApJ L 383, L71-L74, 1991.
117* Ryan, S.G., Norris, J.E., Bessell, M.S. & Deliyannis, C.P.
"Evolution of Beryllium Abundances in the Galactic Halo" ApJ 388,184, 1992
118. Wood, P R, Whiteoak, J B, Hughes, S M G, Bessell, M.S., Gardner, F F, Hyland, A R,
"OH/IR stars in the Magellanic Clouds", ApJ, 397, 552-569, 1992
119. Bessell, M.S. "High Resolution Spectroscopy in the Magellanic Clouds and Nearby Galaxies"
ESO Workshop on High Resolution Spectroscopy with the VLT
(Ed. M.-H. Ulrich) p75-82, 1992
120. Bessell, M.S. "Abundances of KM Supergiants in Magellanic Cloud Clusters"
in New Aspects of Magellanic Cloud Research.Springer-Verlag.
(eds. B.Baschek, G.Klare, J.Lequeux) p321-329, 1993
121. Bessell, M S and Wood, P R, "Be stars in Magellanic Cloud Clusters",
in New Aspects of Magellanic Cloud Research. Springer-Verlag.
(eds. B.Baschek, G.Klare, J.Lequeux) p271-272, 1993
122. Bessell, M.S. "Broad-Band Photometric Systems"
Invited Review. IAU Colloquium 136, Stellar Photometry.., (Eds. C.J. Butler & I. Elliott,
CUP), p 22, 1993
123* Bessell, M.S., Stringfellow, G. "The LF at Low Luminosity" ARA&Ap. 31, 433-471, 1993
124. Bessell, Michael S. "Towards achieving Precision with Standardized CCD Photometry"
in Precision Photometry: SAAO. (eds D.Kilkenny & J.W. Menzies) p47-56, 1993
125* Bessell, Michael S. "Massive Star evolution in Magellanic Cloud Clusters"
in Precision Photometry: SAAO. (eds D.Kilkenny & J.W. Menzies) p227-233, 1993
126. Bessell, M.S. "On the existence of DA,F white dwarfs"
PASAu 10, 335, 1994
127. Bell, J.F., Bailes, M., Bessell, M.S. "Optical Detection of the companion of the millisecond
pulsar J0437 -4715", Natur 364, 603, 1994
128. Kaspi, V.M., Johnston, S., Manchester, R.N., Bailes, M., Bell, J.F., Bessell, M.S.,
Lyne, A.G., DуAmico, N. "A massive radio pulsar binary in the SMC"
ApJ, 423L, 1994
129. Bessell, M.S. "The Temperature Scale for Cool Dwarfs" in The Bottom of the Main Sequence
- and Beyond (ed. Christopher G. Tinney: Springer-Verlag Heidelberg), p123, 1995.
130. Bessell, M.S. " Concerning precision in standardized UBVRI CCD photometry"
in IAU Symposium No 167, New Developments in Array Technology and
Applications, ed A.G. Davis Phillip, (Eds A.G. Davis Philip, K.A. Janes,
A.R. Upgren, Kluwer: Dordrecht), p175, 1995.
131* Bessell, M.S. "CCD Photometry: Matching standard UBVRI band passes",
CCD Astronomy July 1995
132. Kepler, S.O. et al., "Multi-Site Observations of the DAV White Dwarf R548"
BaltA 4, 238, 1995
133. Bell, J.F., Bessell, M.S., Stappers, B.W., Bailles, M., Kaspi, V.M.
"PSR J0045-7319: A Dual-Line Binary Radio Pulsar" ApJ 447, L117, 1995.
134. Bessell, M.S. " UBVRI Systems: Resolving Different Versions" PASP 107, 672, 1995.
135. Bessell, M.S., Scholz, M., Wood, P.R. "Phase and cycle dependence of the photospheric
structure and observable properties of Mira variables", A&A 307, 481, 1996.
136. Vennes, S., Thejl, P.A., Wickramasinghe, D.T., Bessell, M.S.
"Hot White dwarfs in EUVE Survey: Properties of Southern Hemisphere Sample"
ApJ 467, 782, 1996.
137. Vennes, S., Wickramasinghe, D.T., Thorstensen, J.R., Christian, D.J., Bessell, M.S.
"On the orbital period of the new Cataclysmic Variable EUVE J2115-586"
AJ 112, 2254, 1996.
138. Stappers, B.W., Bessell, M.S., Bailes, M. "The Detection of an Irradiated Pulsar Companion"
ApJ 473l, 119, 1996.
139. Sung, H., Bessell, M.S., Lee, S.-W.
"UBVRI(Ha) photometry of the Young Open Cluster NGC 2264",
AJ 114, 264, 1997.
140. Soria, R., Bessell, M.S., Wood, P.R. "BW Cir"
IAU Circ 6781, 3, 1997
141. Booth, A., Davis, J., Bessell, M.S. "The VLT interferometer and M dwarfs"
ESO Workshop on the VLT Interferometer.
142. Sung, H., Bessell, M.S., Lee, S.-W.
"UBVRI(Ha) photometry of the Young Open Cluster NGC 6231",
AJ 115, 734, 1998.
143. Bessell, M.S. Report for IAU Commission 29 (Stellar Spectra) for IAU Transactions.
144. Buxton, M., Bessell, M.S., Watson, R. "The MSSSO wide-field CCD Ha survey"
PASA 15, 24, 1998.
145. Kim, S., Staveley-Smith, L., Sault, R.J., Kesteven, M.J., McConnell, D., Dopita, M.A.,
Bessell, M.S. "HI supergiant shells in the Large Magellanic Cloud" PASA 15, 132
146* Bessell, M.S., Castelli, F., Plez, B. "Model Atmosphere Broad-Band Colors, Bolometric
Corrections and Temperature Calibrations for O-M Stars" A&A 333, 231, 1998.
147 Bessell, M. S. Castelli, F. Plez, B. "Erratum: Model atmospheres broad-band colors,
bolometric corrections and temperature calibrations for O-M stars", A&A,337, 321, 1998
148. Keller, Stefan C. Bessell, Michael S. Spectroscopy of Be stars in the Small Magellanic
Cloud cluster NGC 330", A&A,340, 39, 1998
149. Keller, S. C. Bessell, M. S. da Costa, G. "Young Populous Clusters in the Magellanic Clouds
- Implications for Stellar Evolutionary Models", IAUS, 190, 436, 1999
150. Keller, S. C. Wood, P. R. Bessell, M. S. "Be stars in and around young clusters in the
Magellanic Clouds" A&AS, 134, 489. 1999
151. Sung, H. Bessell, M. S. "UBVI CCD photometry of M35 (NGC 2168)", MNRAS.306, 361, 1999
152. Sung, Hwankyung, Bessell, M. S., Park, B.-G., Kang, Y. H. "UBVI CCD Photometry of Young
Open Clusters. II. Bochum 7" JKAS,32, 109, 1999
153. Bessell, M. S., Germany, Lisa M. "Calibration of the MACHO Photometric System: V-R, Teff,
and BCV Calibration for Metal-poor Giants", PASP, 111, 1421, 1999
154. Bessell, M. S., "Spectrophotometry: Revised Standards and Techniques", PASP, 111, 1426, 1999
155. Kim, Sungeun Dopita, M. A., Staveley-Smith, L., Bessell, M. S., "H I Shells in the Large
Magellanic Cloud", AJ, 118, 2797, 1999.
156. Sung, Hwankyung, Bessell, M. S., Lee, Hee-Won Kang, Yong Hee, Lee, See-Woo, "UBVI CCD
photometry of M11 - II. New photometry and surface density profiles", MNRAS, 310, 982, 1999
157. Keller, S., Kontizas, M., Gouliermis, D., Bellas-Velidis, I., Bessell, M. S. Kontizas, E.,
Da Costa, G. S.,"A Search for Mass Segregation in Four Young Magellanic Cloud Clusters, AGM, 16, P53, 2000
158. Bessell, M.S. "The Oxygen Problem", IAUJD, 8, 1, 2000
159. Murphy, M. T. Bessell, M. S., "Catalogue of candidate emission-line objects in the Small
Magellanic Cloud", MNRAS, 311, 741, 2000
160. Keller, S. C. Bessell, M. S., Da Costa, G. S., "WFPC 2 Imaging of Young Clusters in the
Magellanic Clouds", AJ, 119, 1748, 2000
161. McGregor, P., J. Conroy, P., van Harmelen, J., Bessell, M. S., "A new acquisition and
autoguiding camera for the ANU 2.3 m Telescope", PASA, 17, 102, 2000
162. Mould, J. et al. "Jet-induced Star Formation in Centaurus A", ApJ, 536, 266
163. Stathakis, R. A. et al. " Spectral evolution of the peculiar Ic Supernova 1998bw",
MNRAS, 314, 807
164. Sung, Hwankyung, Chun, Moo-Young, Bessell, M. S., "UBVRI and H&alpha Photometry of the
Young Open Cluster NGC 6530", AJ, 120, 333, 2000
165. Bessell, M. S., "The Hipparcos and Tycho Photometric System Passbands", PASP, 112, 961, 2000.
166. Park, Byeong-Gon, Sung, Hwankyung, Bessell, M. S., Kang, Yong Hee, "The Pre-Main-Sequence
Stars and Initial Mass Function of NGC 2264", AJ, 120, 894, 2000
167. Bessell, M.S. "Beauty and Astrophysics", PASP, 17, 179, 2000
168. Sung, Hwankyung, Bessell, M. S., "Standard Stars - CCD Photometry, Transformations and Comparisons"
PASA, 17, 244.
169. Bessell, M.S., "Passbands and Theoretical Colors for the Washington System", PASP, 113, 66, 2001
170. Keller, S. C. Da Costa, G. S. Bessell, M. S., "Young Clusters in the Magellanic Clouds. II."
AJ, 121, 905, 2001
171. Zuckerman, B, Song, Inseok, Bessell, M S, Webb, R A 2001, ApJ, 562, L87-90. "The Beta Pictoris Moving Group."
172. Bessell, M S 2001 in Ultracool Dwarfs: New Spectral Types L and T. (Edited by Hugh R. A. Jones and Iain A. Steele.
Berlin Heidelberg: Springer) p.135-138 "Introduction:The Spectral Types of the Ultracool Dwarfs"
173. Christlieb, N.; Bessell, M. S.; Gustafsson, B.; Korn, A.; Barklem, P. S.; Karisson, T.; Mizuno-Wiedner, M.; Rossi, S.
"A stellar relic from the early Milky Way" 2002 Natur, 419, 904
174. Sung, Hwankyung; Bessell, Michael S.; Lee, Bo-Won; Lee, Sang-Gak "The Open Cluster NGC 2516. I. Optical Photometry"
2002 AJ 123, 290
175. Song, I.; Bessell, M. S.; Zuckerman, B. Additional TWA members?. "Spectroscopic verification of kinematically selected TWA candidates"
2002 A&A 385, 862
176. Keller, S. C.; Bessell, M. S.; Cook, K. H.; Geha, M.; Syphers, D. "Blue Variable Stars from the MACHO Database. I.
Photometry and Spectroscopy of the Large Magellanic Cloud Sample" 2002,AJ 124,2039
177. Smalley, B.; Gardiner, R. B.; Kupka, F.; Bessell, M. S. "On the anomaly of Balmer line profiles of A-type stars.
Fundamental binary systems" 2002, A&A 395, 601
178. Song, Inseok; Bessell, M. S.; Zuckerman, B. "Lithium Depletion Boundary in a Pre-Main-Sequence Binary System"
2002,ApJ 581,43
179. Smith, Verne V.; Hinkle, Kenneth H.; Cunha, Katia; Plez, Bertrand; Lambert, David L.; Pilachowski, Catherine A.;
Barbuy, Beatriz; Melendez, Jorge; Balachandran, Suchitra; Bessell, Michael S.; et al." Chemical Abundances in 12 Red Giants
of the Large Magellanic Cloud from High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy" 2002,AJ 124,3241

Reviewer, "New Zealand's Capability to build a spectrograph for SALT" (Nov 14-20).

Bessell, M. Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics "Magnitude Scales and Photometric Systems"
Bessell, M. Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics "Filters"

In preparation:
Castelli, F., Bessell, M.S. "Model Atmosphere Broad-Band Colors, Bolometric
Corrections and Temperature Calibrations for O-K Stars with metallicities between
Bessell, M.S., Castelli, F. " Model Atmosphere HST-WFPC2 passband colors for O-K Stars
with metallicities between +0.5<[Fe/H]<-3.0"

Other Observatory publications.
Bessell, M.S., Pickles, A. 1985. "Two-Channel Chopping Photometer Manual".
Bessell, M.S. 1988. "74 inch Coude Spectrograph and Echelle Manual".
Bessell, M.S., Kui, R., McGregor, P.A. 1988."40 inch Spectrograph and CCD Manual".
Bessell, M.S., Pettini, M. 1991. "Identification to the Th/Ar Arc from 3100Ѓ to 8000Ѓ with
the 79gmm-1 Echelle grating on the CES at the AAO"

Updated 5 December 2002