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Дата изменения: Fri Oct 13 04:07:08 2006
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 22:03:02 2012

Поисковые слова: comet tail
Second Announcement
The 5th Stromlo Symposium Disks, Winds, and Jets: From Planets to Quasars Dec 3 ­ 8, 2006 Mt Stromlo Observatory Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics College of Science Australian National University

Scientific Organising Committee G.V. Bicknell (ANU; co-chair), M. Cunningham (Univ. of NSW), N. Gehrels (NASA/GSFC), Z. Kuncic (Univ. of Sydney), A. Harding (NASA/GSFC), C. Lineweaver (ANU), L. Maraschi (Oss. Brera), E. Perlman (UMBC), R. Salmeron (Univ. Chicago), R.Sambruna (NASA/GSFC; co-chair), R. Soria (CfA) & S. Wagner (Landessternwarte, Univ. of Heidelberg). Location Mt Stromlo Observatory, Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia Important Dates · Symposium: 3-8 December 2006 (the week before the Texas Symposium to be held in Melbourne, Australia, Dec 11-15). · Early bird registration (see below): Sunday 15 October. Rationale The idea behind this meeting is to explore the common physics underlying accretion and outflow in different systems such as black holes with masses ranging from a few to several billion solar masses, young stellar objects and the early phases of protoplanetary disks. A dominant theme is the relationship between accretion and outflow in all of these systems. Sessions will cover new theoretical ideas and results and new observational data from space- and ground-based observatories, including Chandra, HST, Gemini, HESS, Keck, Spitzer, Swift, VLT and XMM. Program The detailed program is available on the conference website and will be updated regularly. Sessions will be organised on the following topics with both invited and contributed talks. Poster sessions will be arranged if necessary to cope with the number of participants. Disks 1. AGN 2. Microquasars and ultra-luminous X-ray sources

Both 1 & 2 to include: magnetic transport; relativistic effects; coronae; high/soft and low/hard states 3. YSOs and Protoplanetary systems Unresolved jets 4. AGN 5. Gamma-ray bursters To include Blazar and Blazar like phenomena; Multi-wavelength studies of jets in the GLAST era; Short timescale variablity; launching; mass loading and Lorentz factor; associated winds. Large scale Jets and Winds 6. Pulsars, plerions and evolved stars: Observations and theory of jets and winds, jet formation and launching. 7. AGN: Interaction with ISM; Feedback in galaxy formation; large scale jets observed with Chandra; interaction with cooling flows; starburst winds. 8. YSOs and Planetary disks: Interaction with environment; feedback in star formation; bipolar flows; winds and jets as transporters of angular momentum. Invited Speakers Talk Pawel Artymowicz (Univ. of Toronto)................ Planet-forming Disks John Bally (Univ. of Colorado)......................... Jets in Herbig-Haro Objects Geoff Bicknell (ANU) ................................... Linkage between Accretion Disks and Blazars Joss Bland-Hawthorn (AAO)............................ Starburst Winds Katherine Blundell (Oxford Univ.)..................... SS433 Sylvie Cabrit (Obs. de Paris Meudon)..................Jets and Winds in YSOs Okkie De Jager (North-WesternUniv.)................. Pulsar Winds Bryan Gaensler (Univ. of Sydney)......................Jets and Outflows from Young Neutron Stars John Hawley (Univ. of Virginia)........................General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Black Hole Accretion Disks and Jets Ray Jayawardhana (Univ. of Toronto)................. Disks around Young Stars and Brown Dwarfs Lucyna Kediziora-Chudczer (Univ. of Sydney)...... Intraday Variability Ken Kellerman (NRAO)................................. Doppler Boosting, Superluminal Motion, and the Kinematics of AGN Jets Zdenka Kuncic (Univ. of Sydney)...................... Physics of Accretion Disks Jim Lovell (Australia Telescope National Facility)...The MASIV Survey and AGN Structure at Micro-arcsecond Resolution Julian Malzac (Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements)........ Jet-Disc Coupling Herman Marshall (Kavli Institute MIT)................The Chandra Jets Survey Julie McEnery (NASA/GSFC) ......................... Prospects for GLAST Observations of AGN Peter McGregor (ANU).................................. Gemini Observations of AGN and YSO disks

Jonathan McKinney (Harvard) ......................... Launching of Jets from AGN Disks Paul O'Brien (Univ. of Leicester) ...................... GRB Jets in the Swift era Manfred Pakull (Obs Astronomique Strasbourg)..... Spectroscopic Studies of ULXs Tim Roberts (Univ. of Durham)........................ X-Ray Observations of ULXs Elena Rossi (Univ. of Colorado)........................ Vertical nuclear profile of hyperaccreting disks Rita Sambruna (NASA/GSFC).......................... Multi-wavelength Observations of Blazars Hsien Shang (Academia Sinica Taiwan)............... Jets in Herbig-Haro Objects Ralph Sutherland (ANU) .................................Jet Interaction with the ISM of Radio Galaxies Fabrizio Tavecchio (Oss. di Merate)................... Kpc-scale X-ray Jets Stefan Wagner (Univ. of Heidelberg).................. Hard gamma-rays from Jets and Winds Martin Ward (Univ. of Durham) ....................... Coronal lines, warm absorbers and X-ray winds Mark Wardle (Macquarie University) ................. Magnetic fields in YSO discs Social activities There will be: 1. A reception at University House on Sunday evening (3 Dec.) from 4:30 pm ­ 7:30 pm. Guests of participants are welcome. The main registration session will be held in conjunction with this reception. 2. A conference Dinner on Thursday 7 December at University House. Again, guests of participants are very welcome. We had considered offering an afternoon excursion to the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve on the Wednesday afternoon. However, advice has been that it may be too hot for this to be enjoyable. Nevertheless, Wednesday afternoon will be free and it will be possible to visit the National Gallery, National Museum and Parliament House. (The first two are particularly recommended.) In addition, if there is sufficient interest, if it is not too hot and if the logistics are not prohibitive, then we may be able to arrange an afternoon bushwalk in either Namadgi Park or at Tidbinbilla. Travel Canberra is the capital of Australia and is served by a domestic airport with flights to and from all state capital cities, including Sydney (~30mins (jet) - 1 hr (turbo-prop)) and Melbourne (1 hr). Canberra is about 3.5 hrs by road from Sydney and 9 hrs by road from Melbourne. Accommodation University House: A block booking of a limited number of rooms has been made at University House on the campus of the ANU. The standard room rate is $A122 per night including a full breakfast. A very limited number of family rooms and suites are also available with rates available from University House. All reservations should be made directly with University House quoting the Fifth Stromlo Symposium.

Bus transport from University House to Mt Stromlo has been arranged. Contact details for University House: E: accommodation.unihouse@anu.edu.au T: +61 2 6125 5276 F: +61 2 6125 5252. Other hotels: We have also made block bookings of rooms at the Waldorf apartments (http://www.waldorfcanberra.com.au/) and the Saville Park Suites (http://www.savillesuites.com/default.asp?action=article&ID=44 ). Student college rooms: A number of these have been reserved at Ursula Hall (http://ursula.anu.edu.au/ ) on the ANU campus. The cost is $A 62.50 for bed and breakfast. Bookings through one of our students, Leith Godfrey (E: lgodfrey@mso.anu.edu.au ) Other options: You may wish to investigate other options from: http://www.totaltravel.com.au/travel/nsw/canberraact/canberracity/directory/accomm odation Registration Registration is now open at http:/www.mso.anu.edu.au/5SS/ where detailed instructions for payment of registration and submission of abstracts can be found. Early bird registration by October 15: $A550 (inc. $50 GST) for full-time astrophysicists; $A 440 (inc. $A40 GST) for students. An additional fee of $A100 applies to registrations after October 15. Publication of proceedings The registration fee includes page charges for refereed publication in Astrophysics and Space Sciences. Page allocations are 10 pages for invited talks and 5 pages for contributed talks. Conference dinner The cost of the conference dinner, to be held on Thursday evening 7 December, is $A80 (inc. GST) per person. The dinner will consist of a three course meal and drinks (beer, wine and soft drink) including pre-dinner drinks. Vegetarian meals will be provided on request. Accompanying guests are very welcome. Note that in an earlier version of this announcement, we had overestimated the cost of the dinner at $A110. People who have already paid this amount will be refunded the difference of $A30.