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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Sep 8 13:36:30 2008
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 21:08:28 2012

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: mercury program
Scientific Program of the IHSS-14
Scientific program of the IHSS-14 will include oral sessions, poster sessions and round table discussions. Oral sessions will take place in the morning, and poster sessions in the afternoon. Oral sessions will include keynote invited lectures of 40 min long (30 min talk and 10 min questions) and volunteered oral presentations of 20 min long (15 min talk and 5 min questions). The special section will be dedicated to presentations of the IHSS travel awardees. The presentations at this session will be 10 min long (7 min talk and 3 min questions). Posters will have size of A0 format. The special feature of the IHSS-14 program will be Round Table Discussions (RTD), which will take place in the after dinner time. The RTD will take place on September 15 and 16, 2008. Three parallel RTDs will be running on those days yielding a total of six. The topics of RTD will be following the main topics of the conference. The most attended session 2 "Humic substances and NOM in the changing environment" will be split into two round tables (2a and 2b) devoted to aquatic and soil environments, respectively. The goal of RTDs is to provide more space for discussions on the burning topics of humic research. The round tables will be two hours long: first hour will include 10-15 short (3 min) oral poster presentations, and the second hour ­ moderated discussions. The results of the RTDs will set the grounds for the conclusions of the IHSS-14 conference. Another special feature of the IHSS-14 is the Exhibition "Humic materials ­ resources for the 21st century". The Exhibition will be on displace during the whole time of the conference. The official attendance time of the Exhibition by all participants is September 17, 2008.

Conference Schedule
September 13. Arrival to Moscow. Pre-conference excursions 20:00 ­ onwards Boarding the ship "Leonid Krasin", dinner September 14 7:15 ­ 8:15 Breakfast aboard the ship 8:15 ­ 9:30 Transfer from the ship to the Lomonosov MSU 9:30 ­ 12:00 Opening Ceremony at the Lomonosov Moscow State University 12:30 ­ 13:30 Transfer to the ship 13:30 ­ 14:30 Lunch aboard the ship 14:30 ­ 15:30 Moscow-Farewell 15:30 ­ 15:50 W elcome from organizers 15:50 ­ 16:50 Oral presentations. Section 2 16:50 ­ 17:20 Coffee break 17:20 ­ 18:40 Oral presentations. Section 2 18:40 ­ 19:40 Poster session 2 19:40 ­ 24:00 Get Together

IHSS-14, Moscow ­ Saint Petersburg, September 14-19, 2008

September 15 7:30 ­ 9:00 9:00 ­ 10:20 10:20 ­ 10:50 10:50 ­ 12:30 12:30 ­ 14:00 14:00 ­ 16:00 16:00 ­ 16:30 16:30 ­ 17:00 17:00 ­ 18:00 18:00 ­ 19:30 19:30 ­ 21:30 September 16 7:30 ­ 9:00 9:00 ­ 10:20 10:20 ­ 11:00 11:00 ­ 14:00 14:00 ­ 15:30 15:30 ­ 16:50 16:50 ­ 17:20 17:20 ­ 18:30 18:30 ­ 20:00 20:00 ­ 22:00 September 17 7:30 ­ 9:00 9:00 ­ 10:20 10:20 ­ 11:00 11:00 ­ 12:30 12:30 ­ 14:00 14:00 ­ 15:00 15:00 ­ 16:00 16:00 ­ 16:30 16:30 ­ 20:00 20:00 ­ 21:30 21:30 ­ 22:00 September 18 7:30 ­ 9:00 9:00 ­ 10:20 10:20 ­ 11:00 11:00 ­ 14:30 14:30 ­ 15:50 15:50 ­ 16:20 16:20 ­ 17:20 17:20 ­ 18:00 18:00 ­ 19:00 19:30 ­ 24:00 September 19 7:30 ­ 9:00 9:00 10:00

Breakfast Oral presentations. Section 1 Coffee Break Oral presentations. Section 1 Lunch Excursion to Uglich Coffee break Meeting of national coordinators of IHSS Poster sessions 1 and 4 Dinner Round table discussions 1, 2b, 4 and Exhibition Participants Breakfast Oral presentations. Section 5 Coffee break Excursion to Goritsy (Kirillov) Lunch Oral presentations. Section 5 Coffee break Poster sessions 3 and 5 Dinner Round table discussions 2a, 3, 5 and Exhibition Participants Breakfast Oral presentations. Section 4 Coffee break Oral presentations. Section 4 Lunch Session of travel award winners Exhibition "Humic materials ­ resources for the 21st century" Meeting of RTD moderators / Poster Evaluation Committee Excursion to Kizhi Island Dinner Local drink event Breakfast Oral presentations. Section 3 Coffee Break Field trip to Mandrogi Oral presentations. Section 3 Coffee break General assembly Keynote lecture Conclusions of the Conference, Closing Ceremony Conference Dinner Breakfast Arrival to Saint Petersburg. Departure from the ship. Post-conference excursions in Saint Petersburg

IHSS-14, Moscow ­ Saint Petersburg, September 14-19, 2008

Conference Program
September 14, 2008
9:30 ­ 9:40 9:40 ­ 9:45 9:45 ­ 9:50 9:50 ­ 9:55 10:00 ­ 10:05 10:05 ­ 10:10 10:10 ­ 10:15 10:15 ­ 10:20 10:20 ­ 10:25 10:25 ­ 11:05 11:05 ­ 11:45 11 12 13 14 : : : : 45 00 30 30 ­ ­ ­ ­ 12 13 14 15 : : : : 00 30 30 30 Opening Ceremony at the Lomonosov Moscow State University Chairs: Valery Lunin and Alexey Khokhlov Musical Greetings Welcoming addresses Valery Lunin (Lomonosov MSU, Russia, Chair of Organizing Committees) W elcome from the Local Conference Organizers Eugene Panteleev (Minister for Science, Moscow Government). W elcome from Moscow Government. Akexey Khokhlov (Vice-Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University). W elcome from the Lomonosov MSU Kholstov Victor (Ministry for Industry and Trade, Organization for prohibition of chemical weapons) Greeting from OPCW Natalia Tarasova (Director of Institute for Sustainable Development, Mendeleev Russian Chemical-Technology University). Greetings from IUPAC. Paul Bloom (Outgoing IHSS president, USA). W elcome from IHSS Jerzy Weber (Coming IHSS president, Poland). W elcome from IHSS Pietro Tundo (Ca' Foscary University, Italy) Greetings from the Chair of the First IUPAC Green Chemistry Conference Plenary lectures Valery Charushin (Institute of Organic Synthesis, Ural Branch of RAS, Russia). Principles of green chemistry in organic synthesis Joseph Bozell (University of Tennessee, USA). Perspectives of lignin and lignin-like materials as a source of value-added products Musical Greetings, Closing, Departure from MSU Transfer to the ship Lunch aboard the ship Moscow-Farewell HS and NOM in the changing environment Chairs: Gudrun Abbt-Braun and Roger Swift W elcome from organizers: Irina V. Perminova. From molecular understanding to innovative applications of humic substances Keynote lecture: Alain-Yves Huc. Sedimentary organic matter in the Earth system: origin and fate Serafim Chukov. Evolution of soil humic substances Coffee break HS and NOM in the changing environment Chairs: Ekaterina Filcheva-Konysheva and Paul Bloom Ellen R. Graber. Atmospheric HULIS: how humic-like are they? Montserrat Filella. Freshwaters: do `humics' always represent 50% of NOM? Eldor A. Paul. Biological and molecular structure analyses of the controls on soil organic matter dynamics Christian Feller. Humus and the birth of Pedology: MÝller, Dokuchaev and successors Poster session 2, Deck 2 Get Together Moscow Restaurant

15:30 ­ 15:50 15:50 ­ 16:30 16:30 ­ 16:50 16:50 ­ 17:20 17:20 ­ 17:40 17:40 ­ 18:00 18:00 ­ 18:20 18:20 ­ 18:40 18:40 ­ 19:40 19:40 ­ 24:00

IHSS-14, Moscow ­ Saint Petersburg, September 14-19, 2008

September 15, 2008
9:00 ­ 9:40 9:40 ­ 10:20 10:20 ­ 10:50 10:50 ­ 11:10 11:10 ­ 11:30 11:30 ­ 11:50 11:50 ­ 12:10 12:10 ­ 12:30 12 14 16 16 17 : : : : : 30 00 00 30 00 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 14 16 16 17 18 : : : : : 00 00 30 00 00 Molecular understanding of HS and NOM Chairs: Edward Huffman and Serge Neunlist Keynote lecture: Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin . High resolution and hyphenated analytics as tools for exploring chemical space of HS and NOM from various environments Keynote lecture: Steve Cabaniss Agent based modeling of natural organic matter Coffee Break Molecular understanding of HS and NOM Chairs: Fritz Frimmel and Evgeny Nikolaev Yiannis Deligiannakis. Probing local pH in hydrophobic domains of humic acids: an EPR based method Andras Gaspar. Multiple charged constituents in Suwannee River natural organic matter Juergen Thieme. X-ray spectromicroscopy of organic matter in the environment. Martin DrastÌk. Study on self-assembling mechanism of IHSS humic and fulvic standards Suzanne McDonald. Hydrous pyrolysis of natural organic matter from a highly coloured surface water Lunch Excursion to Uglich Coffee break Meeting of national coordinators of IHSS, Main Conference Hall Poster session 1, Deck 2 Poster session 4, Deck 3 Dinner Round table discussion 1, Moderators: Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin and Norbert Hertkorn, Main Conference Hall Round table discussion 2b, Moderators: Gerd Gleixner and Ladislau Martin Neto, Library Room Round table discussion 4 (including Exhibition participants), Moderators: Joe Bozell and Kamila Kydralieva, Panorama Bar

18:00 ­ 19:30 19:30 ­ 21:30

September 16, 2008
9:00 ­ 9:40 9:40 ­ 10:00 10 10 11 14 : : : : 00 20 00 00 ­ ­ ­ ­ 10 11 14 15 : : : : 20 00 00 30 Industrial production of humates Chairs: Serafim Chukov and Miroslav Pekar Keynote lecture: Claudio Ciavatta. Standardization and legislative regulations of commercial humic and humic-based products Bruno Szpoganicz. Characterization of organic and organomineral liquid fertilizers Olga Yakimenko. Commercial humates: the role of organic matter origin Coffee break Excursion to Goritsy (Kirillov­Belozersky Monastery) Lunch Innovative applications of humic materials Chairs: Renate Kloecking and Nicola Senesi Keynote lecture: John D. Coates. Primary energy production by photoreduced humic materials Irena Twardowska, Organogenic waste materials as promising metal sorbents Mir-M. Seyedbagheri. A perspective on over a decade of on-farm research on the influence of humates products on crop production
IHSS-14, Moscow ­ Saint Petersburg, September 14-19, 2008

15:30 ­ 16:10 16:10 ­ 16:30 16:30 ­ 16:50

16:50 ­ 17:20 17:20 ­ 18:30 18:30 ­ 20:00 20:00 ­ 22:00

Coffee break Poster session 3, Deck 2 Poster session 5, Deck 1 Dinner Round table discussion 2a, Moderators: W illiam Cooper and Rolf Vogt, Library Room Round table discussion 3, Moderators: Etelka Tombacz and Herbert Allen, Main Conference Hall Round table discussion 5 (including Exhibition participants), Moderators: Irena Twardowska and Kirk Hatfield, Panorama Bar

September 17, 2008
9:00 ­ 9:40 9:40 ­ 10:00 10:00 ­ 10:20 10:20 ­ 11:00 11:00 ­ 11:20 11:20 ­ 11:40 11:40 ­ 12:00 12:00 ­ 12:20 12:20 ­ 14:00 14:00 ­ 14:10 14:10 ­ 14:20 14:20 ­ 14:30 14:30 ­ 14:40 14:40 ­ 14:50 14:50 ­ 15:00 15:00 ­ 16:00 16:00 ­ 16:30 16:00 ­ 16:30 Knowledge-based design of humic materials Chairs: Frank-Dieter Kopinke and Tohru Miyajima Keynote lecture: Masami Fukushima. Biomimetic catalysts: oxidative degradation of chlorophenol by iron-porphyrin catalyst bound to humic acid via formaldehyde polycondensation Maria G. Chernysheva. Radiochemical approach for studying properties of humic substances James Ian Van Trump. Microbial oxidation of humic substances: agricultural consequences Coffee break Knowledge-based design of humic materials Chairs: Sanjaasuren Radnaasediin and Ming-Chao Wang Kamila Kydralieva. Hybrid sorbents on the basis of magneto-active nanoparticles and humic substances Leonid A. Karpiouk, Synthesis of alkoxysilylated humic derivatives with different modification rate capable of self-adhering to mineral surfaces Antonio S. Mangrich. Preparation and characterization of biodiesel industry waste partially carbonized material in order to produce an organic soil conditioner Michael H.B. Hayes. Biorefinery chars as potential sources of soil humics Lunch Session of Travel Award Winners Chairs: Jerzy Weber and Ed Clapp Luis A. Tercero Espinoza. Size exclusion chromatography investigation of the photocatalytic degradation of natural organic matter Natalia S. Shcherbina. Interaction of modified humic substances with Np(V): influence of monomer nature on redox properties of humic substance Andre Hilscher. Short time humification and mineralisation of different pyrogenic materials under controlled laboratory conditions Krisztina KovÀcs, Isolation and characterization of humic and fulvic acids from thermal waters as an unexplored biogeosystem ChloÈ de Perre. Interactions between Dissolved Organic Matter and Organic Contaminants in aquatic environment Fien Amery. The specific UV-absorbance of dissolved organic matter (DOM) explains the 5-fold variation of the copper mobilization by DOM in an agricultural soil horizon Exhibition "Humic materials ­ resources for the 21ST century", Deck 2 Chairs: Sergey Boston and Olga Yakimenko Meeting of RTD moderators, Panorama Bar Meeting of Poster Evaluation Committee: Chairs: Yona Chen and Maria De Nobili. Members: Steve Cabaniss, John Coates, Yanis Deligianakis, Jerzy
IHSS-14, Moscow ­ Saint Petersburg, September 14-19, 2008

16:00 ­ 16:30 16:30 ­ 20:00 20:00 ­ 21:30 21:30 ­ 23:00

Drozd, Nohibudu Fujitake, Masami Fukushima, Elen Graber, Kari Haenninen, Alan Huc, Dan Olk, Irina Sokolova, Mel Suffet, J. Xu, Library Room. Meeting of "Umnik" Selection Committee: Nadezhda Avvakumova (chair), Olga Bezuglova, Sergey Ponomatenko, Alexander Popov, Alexey Stepanov Excursion to Kizhi Island Dinner Local Drink Event Saint Petersburg Bar

September 18, 2008
9:00 ­ 9:40 9:40 ­ 10:00 10:00 ­ 10:20 10:20 ­ 11:00 11:00 ­ 14:30 Physical, chemical and biological properties of HS and NOM (morning) Chairs: Norma Garcia Calderon and Egil Gjessing Keynote lecture: Yona Chen. Organo-mineral complexes and their effects on the physico-chemical properties of soils Roger S. Swift. Humic substances in soils and in their drainage waters William Cooper. Reactive and refractory components of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in peatland soil porewaters and their relation to climate change Coffee Break Field trip to Mandrogi Chair: Eugene Abakumov and Vladimir Kholodov Physical, chemical and biological properties of HS and NOM (afternoon) Chairs: Juan Gallardo Lancho and Serge Neunlist Patrick Brezonik. Strength of methylmercury binding by fulvic acid and aquatic NOM Ladislau Martin Neto. Greenhouse effect and mitigation by soil carbon sequestration in tropical areas: importance and characteristics of humic substances J. Xu, Interaction between pentachlorophenol and soil organic matter: sorptiondesorption reaction and hysteresis BenoÍt Pernet-Coudrier. W hat is making up dissolved organic matter in anthropized aquatic system? Coffee break Concluding session of the conference Chairs: Irina Perminova and Jerzy Weber General assembly of IHSS Keynote lecture: Norbert Hertkorn. Depicting molecular dissimilarity in complex materials Conclusions of the Conference, Closing Ceremony Meeting of CIS-IHSS chapter Conference Dinner

14:30 ­ 14:50 14:50 ­ 15:10 15:10 ­ 15:30 15:30 ­ 15:50 15:50 ­ 16:20 16:20 ­ 17:20 17:20 ­ 18:00 18:00 ­ 19:00 19:00 ­ 19:30 19:30 ­ 24:00

IHSS-14, Moscow ­ Saint Petersburg, September 14-19, 2008

Poster Session Section 1 Molecular understanding of humic substances and natural organic matter September 15, 2008, 16:30 ­ 18:00, Deck 2
2-1. Brigante, Maximiliano. Effects of pH, temperature, and organic and inorganic ions on the dissolution kinetics of humic acid particles. TRAVEL AWARD 2-2. Brocchi, Eduardo Albuquerque. Spectroscopic evaluation of compost humic acid and charcoal derived humic-like acid. 2-3. Bursakova, Petra. Properties of hydration shell of IHSS humic standards. 2-4. Byrne, Corinna. Insights into the composition of humin from an Irish grassland soil. 2-5. Chiu, Chih-Yu. Characterization of soil organic matter in different particle-size fractions by CP/MAS 13C NMR along a slope of subtropical montane forest. 2-6. Ciavatta, Claudio. Characterization of chernozem humic acid SEC-PAGE fractions using DRIFT spectroscopy and thermal analysis. 2-7. De Nobili, Maria. Autodock simulation of interactions among humic substances and proteins. 2-8. Drosos, Marios. A water soluble polymer as a working structural model for humic acids: Hbinding and spectroscopic properties. TRAVEL AWARD. 2-9. Eglite, Linda. Characterization of humic acids from peat column using pyrolysis-GC/MS. 2-10. Filella, Montserrat. Random generation of 3D structures of humic substances. 2-11. Gougeon, Regis. FTICR-MS analysis of cooperage oak wood extracts: an example of metabologeography 2-12. Grinhut, Tzafir. Biodegradation of humic acid by white rot fungi determined by 1H-NMR and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry. TRAVEL AWARD. 2-13. Haenninen, Kari. Limitations in high resolution analysis of humic substances. 2-14. Hatano, Ken-Ichi. Investigation of chemical structure of natural organic matters from dried figs. 2-15. He, Zhonggi. Capillary electrophoresis and fluorescence excitation-emission matrix characterization of soil mobile and calcium humates. 2-16. He, Zhonggi. Spectral characterization of plant-derived dissolved organic matter. 2-17. Kloecking, Renate. Characterization of synthetic (core) humic substances made from dihydroxylated phenylpropanoids. 2-18. Klucakova, Martina. High resolution ultrasonic spectroscopy as aid in study of complexation of humic acids. 2-19. Kunenkov, Erast. Effective algorithm of charge state determination in Electrospray Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectra of humic substances. 2-20. Kononikhin, Alexey. Characterization of Mumijo (Shilajit) from different regions by FTICR mass-spectrometry. 2-21. Konstantinov, Andrey. Size-exclusion chromatographic study of humic-like substances from oxidized lignin. 2-22. Novotny, Etelvino Henrique. Extraction and characterisation of humin fraction from Amazonian anthropogenic dark earths soils ("Terra Preta de ìndios"). 2-23. Olk, Dan. Measuring soil amino compounds by anion chromatography-pulsed amperometry. 2-24. Parlanti, Edith. Membrane processes applied to the study of marine dissolved organic matter. 2-25. Sardashti, Alireza. Studies of structure of extracted humic acid from Naharhoran forest Gorgan,s soil. 2-26. Suffet, Irwin H. Application of a novel polarity method for the analysis of natural organic matter during water treatment. 2-27. Ubner, Monika. Comparison of humic acid and metal salt interactions in capillary electrophoresis. 2-28. Vladimirov, Gleb. Comparison of Mumijo (Shilajit) and humic acids (HA) chemical composition using FTICR mass-spectrometry. 2-29. Walter, Serge. Solid phase micro extraction (SPME): a powerful tool for complex natural organic matter investigation.

Poster Evaluation will take place on September 17 at 16:00 in the Library Chair: Prof. Yona Chen Co-chairs: Prof. Maria De Nobili and Prof. Michael Hayes.
IHSS-14, Moscow ­ Saint Petersburg, September 14-19, 2008

Poster Session Section 2a Humic substances and natural organic matter in the changing environment. Aquatic NOM and HS September 14, 2008, 18:40 ­ 19:40, Deck 2
2-30. Andersen, Dag Olav. Global warming and effects of sea-salts on dissolved natural organic matter (DNOM) draining from a sub-catchment upstream Lake Terjevann, southernmost Norway. 2-31. Fouchard, Samuel. Use of lipid biomarkers in sediments and aquatic systems. 2-32. Glowacki, Mariusz. The content of humic substances in ground water from agricultural area in Opole region, Poland. 2-33. Guo, Jingheng. Distribution of water soluble organic nitrogen (W SON) in acidic forest soils, southwestern China. 2-34. Haenninen, Kari. Evolution and NOM. 2-35. Hongve, Dag. Long term trends of TOC and colour in raw water from a forest lake caused by increased precipitation and changed precipitation chemistry. 2-36. Kislinger, Juri. Role of aromaticity degree in the stability of humic substances. 2-37. Levshina, Svetlana. Humus substances in natural and technogenic polluted waters in Priamurje. 2-38. Makarotseva, Natalia. Analysis of pore water dissolved organic matter by UV-spectroscopy and spectral fluorescence signatures technology. 2-39. Podgorsky, David. Characterization of microbiological effects on the composition and photochemical properties of DOM in coastal sands using ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry and 3-D excitation/emission fluorescence spectroscopy. TRAVEL AWARD. 2-40. Rasmussen, Janet. Reactive polyphenols and dissolved nutrients in an N-limited headwater catchment in W estern Oregon, USA. 2-41. Rozhko, Tatiana. Bioluminescent monitoring of detoxification processes. 2-42. Rozhko, Tatiana. Use of bioluminescent assay systems to monitor detoxification processes in radionuclide' solutions. 2-43. Senesi, Nicola. Chemical and spectroscopic characterization of humic acids isolated from urban soils. 2-44. Trichet, Jean. In situ humification and humics preservation, in phosphatic pellets, under sulfate reducing conditions. 2-45. Tsuda, Kumiko. Comparison of 13C NMR spectra of fulvic acids from neighboring two clear water lakes in Japan. 2-46. Vogt, Rolf. Correlation between optical and chemical properties of DNOM.

Poster Evaluation will take place on September 17 at 16:00 in the Library Chair: Prof. Yona Chen Co-chairs: Prof. Maria De Nobili and Prof. Michael Hayes. Poster Session Section 2b Humic substances and natural organic matter in the changing environment. Soil HS and NOM September 14, 2008, 18:40 ­ 19:40, Deck 2
2-47. Abakumov, Evgeniy. Genesis of cambisol, luvisol and rendzic leptosol of Samara foreststeppe ridges with special reference to characteristic of humic acids. 2-48. Abakumov, Evgeniy. Paramagnetic activity of humic acids in soil chronosequence of former sandy quarry, Leningrad region, Russia. 2-49. Hassouna, Mohammad. Characterization of soil organic matter from flooded rice fields contaminated by geogenic arsenic in Bangladesh. 2-50. Celi, Luisella. Soil organic matter chemical and physical fractionation: a comparison on a developing soil. 2-51. Da Silva, Wilson Tadeu Lopes. Impact on SOM of an oxisol after application of sewer effluent treated by Brazilian septic cesspool biodigester. 2-52. Drozd, Jerzy. Effect of different fruit tree cultivation on humic substances and soil properties.

IHSS-14, Moscow ­ Saint Petersburg, September 14-19, 2008

2-53. Duguy, Beatriz. Long-term effects of wildfires in the characteristics of soil organic matter: a study in Mediterranean shrublands. 2-54. Filcheva, Ekaterina. Organic carbon stocks in Bulgarian soils. 2-55. Gallardo Lancho, Juan F. Thermal properties in soil particle-size fractions of Andosols, with different land-use, in the Trans-Mexican volcanic range. 2-56. Garcia-Calderon, Norma. Soil organic carbon stocks and humic substances in extremely acid soils, Sierra Norte de Oaxaca, MÈxico. 2-57. Gleixner, Gerd. Mechanisms of soil carbon storage in experimental grasslands. 2-58. Gonzales-Perez, Martha. Characterization of humic and fulvic acids in tropical spodosols by FTIR and fluorescence spectroscopy. 2-59. GonzÀlez-PÈrez, JosÈ Antonio. Espectroscopic features of humic substances in diagnostic horizons from andosols as seen by FT-IR and 13CPMAS NMR. 2-60. Klenov, Boris. Humic acids structure as a reflection of bioclimatic factor of soil formation in boreal ecosystems. 2-61. Kovaleva, Natalia. Aromatic lignin compounds in soils of different ecosystems. 2-62. Makhinova, Aleksandra. Risk assessment of soil degradation and possible soil recultivation in mining in Priokhotje region. 2-63. Malawska, Margorzata. Variation in lipid relative abundance and composition among different peat bog profiles. 2-64. Metrak, Monika. Characterization of humic substances isolated from various peat bog profiles. 2-65. Pereira, Betania. Characterization of soil and humic acids extracted from native forest and oil shale industrialization rehabilitated areas. 2-66. Pizarec, Izabella. Diversity of fractional composition of humic substances and the content of total and availability forms of some metals in selected soils of the Opole region, Poland. 2-67. Rovira, Pere. Density fractions of SOM in mediterranean forest soils: characterization by TMAH-thermochemolysis-GC-MS. 2-68. Sire, Janis. Humification of peat and characteristics of its humic substances depending on their origin and age. 2-69. Slepetiene, Alvyra. The impact of land use conversion on the carbon and humic substances. 2-70. Song, Guixue. Char and humin fractions in Amazonian dark earths. Novotny 2-71. Throckmorton, Heather M. Diverse microbial carbon turnover and dynamics in temperate and tropical forest soils. 2-72. Tischenko, Svetlana. The comparison between humus structure of 5 to 1 m particle-size fractions and fine clay fractions in soils of locally hydromorphic landscapes. 2-73. Traversa, Andreina. Fluorescence spectroscopy of humic acids isolated from different litters and corresponding underlying soils. Senesi 2-74. Traversa, Andreina. Properties of humic acids in forest soils: influence of different plant covering. 2-75. Wang, Ming-Kuang. Difference between humic acids from soils derived under different tree species in a temperate rain forest, as measured with 13C CPMAS-NMR. 2-76. Wilkomirski, Boguslaw. Humus level in soils of south Kazakhstan irrigated massifs.

Poster Evaluation will take place on September 17 at 16:00 in the Library Chair: Prof. Yona Chen Co-chairs: Prof. Maria De Nobili and Prof. Michael Hayes. Poster Session Section 3 Physical, chemical and biological properties of natural organic matter and humic substances September 16, 2008, 17:20 ­ 18:30, Deck 3
3-1. Allen, Herbert. Modeling Zn adsorption and desorption to soils. 3-2. Canales, Josefina. A relationship of P chemical speciation and PZSE in allophanic synthetic surfaces enriched with natural humic acids from Chilean andisols. 3-3. Filella, Montserrat. Testing online collaboration on trace metal-humic binding modelling. 3-4. Georgi, Anett. Influence of sorption to dissolved humic substances on transformation reactions of organic compounds in water.
IHSS-14, Moscow ­ Saint Petersburg, September 14-19, 2008

3-5. Ghaemi, Negin. Ultrafiltration behaviour of nitrophenols in the presence of humic substances. 3-6. Gougeon, RÈgis D. Interaction selectivity between lignin and phenolic compounds. 3-7. Hammer, Heiko. Experimental analysis of sorption of environmental chemicals to soil organic matter. 3-8. Houston, Melanie. Influence of Suwannee river fulvic acid on the speciation and toxicity of uranium, aluminum and arsenic to Australian tropical freshwater species. 3-9. Kulikova, Natalia. Uptake of humic substances by plants: a study using tritium autoradiography and FTICR MS analysis. 3-10. Linnik, Petr. Effect of humic substances on metal desorption from sediments under conditions of experimental simulation. 3-11. Lutsenko, Tatyana. Acid-base properties of dissolved humic substances in landscape waters of the southern Primorye (Russia). 3-12. McDonald, Suzanne. Photochemical reactivity of Australian floodplain river and billabong fulvic acids upon exposure to UV-B radiation. 3-13. Muresan, Bogdan. Complexation of mercury to dissolved organic matter isolated from an anthropized aquatic ecosystem. 3-14. Nikolaev, Ilya. Development and validation of antioxidant capacity assessment protocol for humic and humic-like substances. 3-15. Pernet-Coudrier, Benoit. Dissolved organic matter in urban water: a key and protective role to organisms. 3-16. Popov, Alexander. The probable mechanism of biological effect of humic substances. 3-17. Popova, Todorka. Physiological activity of humic substances from bark compost. 3-18. Pospisilova, Lubica. Chemical and optical characteristics of HS isolated from the south Moravian soils. 3-19. Richard, Clarie. Relationship between spectral and photosensitizing properties in bulk and fractionated humic substances. 3-20. SedlÀcek, Petr. Diffusivity of Cu2+ in the humic gel. 3-21. Senesi, Nicola. Use of diffusive gradient in thin-films (DGT) for the in vitro study of the effects of humic fractions and metals on the growth of a phytopathogenic fungus. 3-22. Shakirova, Farida. The role of hormonal system in Humi M-induced wheat plants protection. 3-23. Shchegolikhina, Anastasia. Effects of soil organic matter conformation and substrates addition on the fate of xenobiotics in soils. 3-24. Sokolova, Irina. The influence of humic acids on the phototransformation of organic chemical contaminants in water. 3-25. Szpoganicz, Bruno. Potentiometric and IR quantification of metal binding in humic substances. 3-26. Van Zomeren, AndrÈ. A rapid batch procedure for assessment of humic substances and biodegradable components of organic matter in natural and contaminated materials. 3-27. Vasylchuk, Tetiana. Natural organic matter in some tributaries of the Dnieper river and their effect on phytoplankton growth. 3-28. Vieira, Eny. The influence of apparent molecular size of aquatic humic substances during coagulation with ferric chloride. 3-29. Vieira, Eny. Tropical humic substances and copper influence on the survival and reproduction of tropical Cladocerans (Daphnia similis and Ceriodaphnia silvestrii). 3-30. Warchulska, Patrycja. Buffer properties of humic acids in the system with phosphate ions. 3-31. Yanagi, Yukiko. Population of humic acid degrading microorganisms under different soil types and vegetation types.

Poster Evaluation will take place on September 17 at 16:00 in the Library Chair: Prof. Yona Chen Co-chairs: Prof. Maria De Nobili and Prof. Michael Hayes. Poster Session Section 4 Knowledge-based design of humic materials September 15, 2008, 16:30 ­ 18:00, Deck 3
3-32. Bakajova, Barbora. TG study of the gamma radiation effect on PVA with addition of sodium and ammonium salts of humic acids.
IHSS-14, Moscow ­ Saint Petersburg, September 14-19, 2008

3-33. Brocchi, Eduardo Albuquerque. In vivo algae growth monitoring in sea water containing production water treated with humic compounds. 3-34. Fernandes, Tania. Effect of humic and fulvic acids on the anaerobic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass. 3-35. Jordan, Mike. Pyrolysis of biomass and the genesis and oxidations of the chars. hayes 3-36. Kholodov, Vladimir. Retention of plutonium on model kaolin-humic complexes. 3-37. Kydralieva, Kamilya. Synthesis, biological activity and detoxifying properties of carbonylated humic substances. 3-38. McInerney, Raymond. Extraction and characterization of organic fractions isolated from a China ball clay quarried in Devon south west England. 3-39. Pekar, Miloslav. Efficiency of lignite as an antioxidant for polyolefines. 3-40. Philippova, Olga. Mitigating activity of humic substances and their Si-enriched derivatives in relation to wheat seedlings under salt-stress condition. 3-41. Revchuk, Alex. Evaluation of the quality assurance of ultrafiltration separation for humic substances by chemical probes. 3-42. Sanjaasuren, Radnaasediin. Results of a study on obtaining of the humic containing plasticizers and their influence on the physic-mechanical properties for the cement and concrete mixtures. 3-43. Sorkina, Tatiana. Humic substances as stabilizing agents for superparamagnetic nanoparticles. 3-44. Vicente Vilas, Victor. Sorption of Np(V) onto hybrid clay-based materials: montmorillonitemelanoidin.

Poster Evaluation will take place on September 17 at 16:00 in the Library Chair: Prof. Yona Chen Co-chairs: Prof. Maria De Nobili and Prof. Michael Hayes. Poster Session Section 5 Industrial production and innovative applications September 16, 2008, 17:20 ­ 18:30, Deck 1
1-1. Adesanwo, Olusola. Greenhouse experiment on the effect of humic substances on solubilization of Ogun phosphate rock. 1-2. Avvakumova, Nadezhda. Structural components and biological activity among humic substances of low-mineralized silt sulphide muds. 1-3. Bezuglova, Olga. Beneficial effects of the complex humic microfertilizer applied to the ornamental plum Hessei. 1-4. Bikovens, Oskars. Potentials of technical lignins for application as soil amen