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TOPIC: list of studentships/ positions

list of studentships/ positions 2 years 3 weeks ago #151

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Forwarded Message
From: Viktor Fedun
To: Olena Lyubchik
Sent: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:35:15 +0200 (EET)
Subject: list of studentships/ positions

o PhD Research Fellow in Astrophysics, 3 positions, University of Oslo
o Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Solar and Stellar Astrophysics at the University of Colorado Boulder
o Postdoctoral position in Solar Physics at the National Observatory of Athens
o Astrophysicist in the Solar and Stellar X-Ray Group at SAO
o PhD studentship in solar and stellar flares at Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne
o PhD studentship in solar observations and data analysis at Northumbria University, Newcastle
o PDRA post in Flare Studies, Queen?s University Belfast

############################################################# # # # Jobs/Studentships # # # #############################################################

PhD Research Fellow in Astrophysics, 3 positions, University of Oslo

from uksp_sec [March 17, 2014]

3 Positions as PhD Research fellow (Stipendiat SKO 1017) available at
the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics. The fellowships are for a
period of up to 4 years, with 25 % compulsory work. Starting date no
later than 01.10.2014.

The Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics (ITA) of the University of
Oslo has strong research groups within solar physics and cosmology, both
of which perform top class research that has won prestigious ERC grants.
ITA is also involved in several ongoing and future satellite projects,
and conducts extensive observational campaigns from ground based
telescopes. In addition, both groups are heavily engaged in
computational research, both using national and international
supercomputers and using internal infrastructure.The solar physics group
offers three Phd projects: One has as its goal to use the high
performance computer code Bifrost to simulate reconnection and
investigate the distribution of their volume and frequency as a function
of height. Another project will investigate the difference between the
two observational families of coronal loops, the observed constituent of
the solar corona, so called ?overdense? and the ?underdense loops?,
through large scale simulations of the solar atmosphere. A mainly
observational project is tied to the observation of the layer between
the photosphere and corona and aims to advance our understanding of the
chromosphere by combining high resolution observations from the ground
with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope on La Palma and from space with
NASA?s IRIS satellite.Details and application instructions can be found
on uio.easycruit.com/vacancy/1149067/64278?iso=no


Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Solar and Stellar Astrophysics at
the University of Colorado Boulder

from uksp_sec [March 17, 2014]

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral researcher position in Prof.
Benjamin Brown?s research group within the Laboratory for Atmospheric
and Space Physics. Of particular interest are postdoctoral candidates
who are interested in theoretical and computational studies of dynamics
within solar and stellar interiors and photospheres. Research problems
of particular interest include the driving of differential rotation and
mean flows by convection, wave driving in stellar interiors, and
global-scale magnetohydrodynamic dynamo processes. The successful
candidate will have access to extensive computational resources and
existing modern, highly parallel astrophysical fluid dynamics codes, and
could be involved in the creation of next generation codes for studying
solar and stellar fluid dynamics.

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a
description of research interests, and the names and contact information
for three references. These materials should be submitted electronically
to: www.jobsatcu.com, posting # RF01172.For more information
please contact Professor Benjamin Brown (Ця електронна адреса захищена в?д спам-бот?в. вам потр?бно ув?мкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити ??.).
Review of the applications will begin 1 April 2014 and continue until
the position is filled. The University of Colorado is an Equal
Opportunity Employer.The University of Colorado offers a full benefits
package. Information on University benefits programs, including
eligibility, is located at www.cu.edu/pbs/.


Postdoctoral position in Solar Physics at the National Observatory of

from uksp_sec [March 17, 2014]

The Solar Physics Group of the IAASARS of the National Observatory of
Athens is inviting applications for a postdoctoral research position in
the field of solar physics. The fellowship is for a period of up to 19
months. The position will end at latest on September 30, 2015. PhD
holders with previous experience in data analysis and interpretation of
imaging and spectroscopic solar observations from ground-based and
space-borne instruments are invited to apply. Of particular interest are
postdoctoral candidates who have some experience and are interested in
the study of solar small-scale events, line profile inversion
techniques, magnetic field extrapolation methods and propagation of

Interested candidates should send a CV, a list of publications, a brief
description of their experience and research interests and the names of
two referees to Dr. G. Tsiropoula (Ця електронна адреса захищена в?д спам-бот?в. вам потр?бно ув?мкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити ??.). Consideration of
applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position
is filled. Letters of reference will also be taken into account and
should be sent to the same e-mail. Informal inquiries can also be made
at the e-mail address above.


Astrophysicist in the Solar and Stellar X-Ray Group at SAO

from uksp_sec [March 17, 2014]

The Astrophysicist will participate in a program of research to broaden
the understanding of solar and stellar astrophysics with an emphasis on
numerical simulation of dynamical properties of coronae. Duties may
include, but are not limited to: developing AIA and XRT data products
including simulated data sets; participating in the Hinode, and SDO
missions by contributing to the operation and/or calibration of the
instrument and by providing simulations that enhance the scientific
productivity of the instruments; working with other members of the Solar
and Stellar X-ray Group at SAO in coordinated research activities; and
developing collaborations with other organizations with the goals of
coordinating research efforts, formulating and carrying out scientific
research that combine numerical simulations with observing programs to
include preparation and submission of proposals, reduction and analysis
of resulting data, interpretation of results, and fulfilling contractual
commitments. Additional duties include participating in scholarly
activities by disseminating scientific results through contributed
presentations at colloquia, workshops and conferences, and submitting
papers to scholarly journals, conference proceedings, books, or
preparing technical reports; design, implement and maintain state of the
art computing facilities to promote numerical research; and
participating in and organizing educational public outreach activities.
The position will be posted on: www.cfa.harvard.edu/hr/postings/


PhD studentship in solar and stellar flares at Northumbria University,
Newcastle upon Tyne

from Valentina Zharkova [March 13, 2014]

The Solar Physics Group at Northumbria University is pleased to offer a
fully funded 3 year PhD studentship funded by Northumbria University,
beginning on 1 October 2014.

Project Title: Physics of solar and stellar flares and its diagnostics
from spectral observations
Principal Supervisor: Valentina Zharkova ? Mathematics and Information

Solar flares are magnificent manifestations of abrupt explosions in the
Sun affecting the whole solar atmosphere, interior and the
interplanetary space. During these energetic events there is an abrupt
and powerful conversion of magnetic energy into energy of large shocks,
mass eruptions, energetic particles, strongly increased ultra-violet,
X-ray, gamma-ray, optical and radio radiation. All these are emitted
from the Sun into the interplanetary space affecting communications
around the Earth, manned satellites and aircrafts, the Earth atmosphere
(Aurora Borealis) bombarding its habitat and power stations if they are
on a path of these eruptions. Similar flaring events but of larger
scales much (up to 3 order of magnitude) are also observed from many
stars indicating flaring processes to be wide spread in the Universe.
The PhD project will be a numerical investigation of high energy (hard
X-ray, gamma-ray, radio) and optical emission produced during solar and
stellar flares using kinetic and radiative transfer theories. Possible
thesis topics will be the investigation of magnetic reconnection with
kinetic methods as possible mechanism causing these abrupt explosions
and energisation of the ambient plasma, investigation of non-thermal and
thermal processes leading to the observed radiation from X-rays to
optical emission, non-equilibrium radiative transfer for flaring plasmas
comprising of hydrogen, helium and metals and developing diagnostics
methods for detection of these processes from spectral observations in
different electro-magnetic ranges originating from the whole atmosphere
of a star from the corona to the photosphere.
The potential candidate will be skilled in numerical analysis and
simulations, as well as have a background in physics and/or
computational mathematics. The project will involve the analysis of
numerical simulation results and their comparison with solar and stellar
observations from satellites and ground-based telescopes.
Informal Enquiries: Enquiries regarding this studentship should be made
to: valentina.zharkova at northumbria.ac.uk

Eligibility criteria: Applicants should hold a first or upper second
class honours degree (in a relevant subject) from a British higher
education institution, or equivalent. Students who are not UK/EU
residents are eligible to apply, provided they hold the relevant
academic qualifications, together with an IELTS score of at least 6.5.

To apply, e-mail Ця електронна адреса захищена в?д спам-бот?в. вам потр?бно ув?мкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити ??. to request the
appropriate application form, quoting the advert reference EE-53687.

Deadline for applications: 7 April 2014


PhD studentship in solar observations and data analysis at Northumbria
University, Newcastle

from Richard Morton [March 13, 2014]

The Solar Physics Group at Northumbria University is pleased to offer a
fully funded 3 year PhD studentship funded by Northumbria University,
beginning on 1 October 2014.
Project title: Observing the dynamic Sun: Investigating energy transfer
via MHD waves (advert)
Principal Supervisor: Richard Morton ? Mathematics and Information

A huge amount of mechanical energy is required to maintain the hot solar
atmosphere and to accelerate the solar wind. The mechanism(s) behind
these phenomena has remained a mystery for the last 60 years, with many
details on how the energy is transferred and dissipated still missing.
One of the mechanisms available to transfer the energy is
magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves, which are guided by the Sun?s complex
magnetic field. Recent results suggest that the solar atmosphere is
highly dynamic and the majority of this behaviour can be interpreted in
terms of MHD waves. However, the role these waves play in energy
transfer is still unclear.

The project will utilise data from current space- (e.g. SDO, Hi-C,
Hinode) and ground- (e.g. ROSA, IBIS, CRiSP, CoMP) based instruments to
analyse the fundamental properties of waves in the solar atmosphere and
test wave-based theories of energy transfer. A key aspect of the project
will be the development of image-processing techniques and automated
software to enable statistically significant studies.

On completing the project, the student will have gained a thorough
knowledge of MHD waves in space plasmas, developed skills in the
analysis of solar data (both imaging and spectroscopic), programming,
and techniques in image processing. The student will also be aware of
how modern observations are performed, with the opportunity for
first-hand experience in obtaining data at ground-based solar

Informal Enquiries: Enquiries regarding this studentship should be made
to: richard.morton at northumbria.ac.uk

Eligibility criteria: Applicants should hold a first or upper second
class honours degree (in a relevant subject) from a British higher
education institution, or equivalent. Students who are not UK/EU
residents are eligible to apply, provided they hold the relevant
academic qualifications, together with an IELTS score of at least 6.5.

To apply, e-mail Ця електронна адреса захищена в?д спам-бот?в. вам потр?бно ув?мкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити ??. to request the
appropriate application form, quoting the advert reference

Deadline for applications: 7 April 2014



PDRA post in Flare Studies, Queen?s University Belfast

from David Jess [March 13, 2014]

School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen?s University Belfast

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship position
in the area of Solar Physics for up to 3 years in the first instance.
The post is based in the Astrophysics Research Centre (ARC) of the
School of Mathematics and Physics. The successful candidate will
undertake a focused, multiwavelength study of flare events manifesting
in the Sun?s atmosphere and examine the role micro- and nano-flare
phenomena play in the deposition of energy throughout the Sun?s
atmospheric layers.

Recently, the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) have
provided funds for the procurement, implementation, and scientific
exploitation of data from a new high-sensitivity large-format CMOS
camera to be commissioned on the Dunn Solar Telescope, USA, of which the
Research Fellow will be principally involved with.

Applicants must have a PhD in Solar Physics or a closely-related
discipline either awarded or submitted by the time of taking up the
post. Experience is essential in the reduction, analysis and
interpretation of observations of the solar atmosphere from
satellite-borne or ground-based instruments. Also essential is
experience with the IDL computing environment, in addition to a number
of high quality refereed publications in the research field commensurate
with stage of career. Experience in the analysis and interpretation of
microflares and/or nanoflares in the Sun?s atmosphere, or statistical
studies of the quiet and/or active solar atmosphere, is desirable.

An application pack for the post, containing further details and
guidelines on how to submit your application online, is available at:


under post reference 14/103165.

Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr. David Jess (telephone: +44
2890 973045; email: Ця електронна адреса захищена в?д спам-бот?в. вам потр?бно ув?мкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити ??.).

Salary: ?30,728 ? ?36,661 per annum.

CLOSING DATE: Monday 7 April 2014
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