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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Unknown
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Apr 11 04:44:18 2016
Êîäèðîâêà: koi8-r

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Activity - Page 2

  • Gusev A.S., Kharchenko N.V., Sakhibov F. Kh., et al.A spectral and photometric study of 102 star forming regions in seven spiral galaxies. 2016,MNRAS, 2016MNRAS.tmp....9G
  • Ségransan D., Martín E. L., Lazorenko P.F., et al.Parallax of the L4.5 dwarf 2M1821+ 14 from high- precision astrometry with OSIRIS at GTC. 2016,MNRAS,Vol.455,is.1,p.357-369. 2016MNRAS.455..357S
  • Evans A., Pavlenko Ya.V., Kaminsky B.M., et al.Modelling the spectral energy distribution of the red giant in RS Ophiuchi: evidence for irradiation. 2016,MNRAS,Vol.456,is.1,p.181-191. 2016MNRAS.456..181P
  • Začs L., Pavlenko Ya.V., Kaminsky B.M., et al.Spectroscopic Variability of IRAS 22272+ 5435. 2016,ApJ,Vol.816,is.1,p.3. 2016ApJ...816....3Z
  • Southworth, John, Tregloan-Reed J., Elyiv A.A.,High- precision photometry by telescope defocussing. VIII. WASP- 22, WASP-41, WASP- 42 and WASP- 55. 2016,MNRAS, 2016MNRAS.tmp...77S
  • Mancini L., Ciceri S., Elyiv A.A.,Physical properties of the planetary systems WASP- 45 and WASP- 46 from simultaneous multiband photometry. 2016,MNRAS,Vol.456,Is.1,p.990-1002. 2016MNRAS.456..990C





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The Department for Astrometry and Space Geodynamics - Activity


  • Theoretical and methodological research problems and building a global geodynamics main coordinate systems;
  • determining the parameters of the Earth's rotation and the creation of coordinate systems implementations according to satellite observations and radiointerferometrychnyh;
  • Ukraine coordinating institutions participating in international programs to study the Earth's rotation and the construction of the main reference systems - heavenly and zahalnozemnoyi;
  • the functioning and coordination of the network stations Ukrainian space geodesy and geodynamics.


    Research Department based and continuing the tradition of scientific school OY Orlov - EP Fedorova of fundamental astrometry and global geodynamics.



    Diploma Prize. Rene Descartes

    Á€¢ In the 1956-1960 biennium. Academy of Sciences of the USSR EP Fedorov world's first developed the theory of nutation Earth for quite resilient and determined nutation parameters according to astronomical observations of changes latitudes. On the international recognition of this research shows for the first time in Ukraine in 1977 International Symposium of the International Astronomical syyuzu Á„–78 "nutation and rotation of the Earth" in 1977, which contributed to the acceptance of a new theory of nutation.

    Á€¢ In 2000-2003. Continuing the traditions of scientific school OY Orlov - EP JS Fedorova Yatskiv actively participated in the creation of new nutation theory to real model Earth, that in the Authors European scientists was udostoenyy Prize. Renö© Descartes EU 2003 r.

    TRAFFIC poles of the Earth

    Á€¢ For the first time in world practice, according to nearly 100 years of observations of latitude and special treatment defined in homogeneous coordinates Pole of the Earth from 1880 to 1969 (EP Fedorov, JS Yatskiv, AA Korsun , SP Mayor VK taradeau). This work became a cycle of works awarded the USSR State Prize in Science and Technology a 1983 r.

    Á€¢ To determine the parameters of the Earth's rotation (the movement of the Earth's poles, UT) for the first time in the USSR were established software systems laser treatment observation satellites "Kyiv-geodynamics-1á» ( VK. Taradeau , H.T. Yanovytska, ML Cesis, MT Mironov ) and its revised version of "Kyiv-geodynamics-2,3,5á» ( K.H. Nurutdinov V. Salyamov, SP Rudenko ), and processing software package VLBI observations ( YA.S. Yatskiv , AM. Kur'yanova, M .M. Medvedsky). Later SL. Bolotin has developed a set of perfect á«SteelBreezeá».

    coordinate systems

    Á€¢ New approaches to creating and implementing practical and zahalnozemnoyi celestial coordinate systems: catalogs fundamental weaknesses vision (catalog FKSZ) and a series of radio sources RSC (GAOUA) (YA.S. Yatskiv, AM Kur'yanova , SL. Bolotin, S.O. Litvin)

    Á€¢ According VLBI observations created two directories provisions radio sources: individual mao008a (3555 radio sources) and combined maoC08a (3572 radio sources). Catalogues were used when creating a new implementation of the International ICRF2 celestial coordinate system, which is adopted by the International Astronomical Union, as standard starting from 1 January 2010 (p. L. Bolotin, S. Litwin, J. C. Yatskiv) < / em>.

    Á€¢ In order to coordinate-time provision of Ukraine initiated and in the 1991-2013 biennium. Built a network of laser stations (LLS), radio (GNSS) satellites and observation radiointerferometrychnyh observations of quasars (VLBI) ( YA.S. Yatskiv, Medvedsky MM, AA Pace, EE Volvach, YL Kokurin in collaboration with workers in other entities)



    Telescope TPL-1M

    Á€¢ Laser station observation satellites is the global network of service stations of the International Earth rotation and conducts active surveillance for international programs.

    Á€¢ An accuracy of ~ 2 cm measuring distances to satellites, thanks to:

    - Introduction to SPL new laser transmitter LS-2151 and adapting software SPL for the new laser;

    - the creation of control system errors telescope model on data obtained during laser ranging satellites. Using this system allows regular monitoring "invisible" satellite, which in turn increased the number of observation satellites such as "Laheosá»;

    - putting specialized in GPS receiver that plays highly stable reference frequency of 10 MHz and second timings.

    The department annually organize and conduct workshops' activities Ukrainian SLR network "hear scientific reports, discuss the state of work stations, the prospects and plans of Ukrainian SLR network and publishes a newsletter UCEOP ( M. M. Medvedsky, YM Glushchenko, V. Pape, B. Zhabarovskyy, VJ Czolij etc. ) .

    M. Medvedsky (2012) and V. Zhaborovskyy (2013) awarded the diploma of them. D. Yatskiv for significant contribution to the development and introduction of laser technology in astronomical research.

    CENTER collection and processing OBSERVATIONS GNSS network

    Á€¢ installed and commissioned the new Permanent GNSS station "Pryluky" (Chernihiv region). "Smela" (Cherkasy region). And "Katsiveli" (Crimea). Stations are equipped with modern GPS / GLONASS receivers NovAtel Inc company Uusimaa and meet the requirements set by the International GNSS Service Stations of this type.

    Á€¢ Completed a series of experimental measurements and analysis of their quality (2008-2009 gg.) (OO. Pace, EA Zhalilo, MO Lytvyn, DO Shelkovenkov).

    Á€¢ Performing daily analysis of observational stations network space geodesy and geodynamics international stations as well as stations ukrgeokosmomerezha ( OO. Gait, M. Ishchenko and others.)

    Á€¢ According HNSS- campaigns and classic geodetic monitoring performed in 2005-2011 gg., The parameters of deformation and movement on Crimean geodynamic polygon (O.YE. Volvach, AM. Samoilenko, P.S. Odynets, J.S. Yatskiv).

    Á€¢ In the framework of Ukrainian-Russian project in the 2010-2013 biennium. The analysis of the observations of the international VLBI network stations, including the network of "Quasar", thereby increasing the accuracy of the parameters of the Earth's rotation and training space mission "Radioastroná» ( JS Yatskiv, SL Bolotin, EE Volvach ( CrAO )) .

    In 2012 AE Volvach, YL Kokurin, JS Yatskiv won a National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Academy of Sciences for the series of works "Russian-Ukrainian Network Stations space geodesy and geodynamicsá».