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Yaroslav Orestovych Romanyuk

Yaroslav Orestovych Romanyuk

Ukrainian, Born 1954


Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Zabolotnoho Str. 27, Kyiv, Ukraine 03680
Phone: + (380) 526-4761, Fax: + (380) 626-4761,
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


February 1978 -- Master of Science, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Department of Optical and Mechanical Devises, Kyiv, Ukraine
Thesis title: Universal Camera with Image Intensifier
Title of specialty: Optical Mechanical Devises and Spectroscopy

October 1997 Candidate of Science -- PhD:
Main Astronomical Observatory NASU, Department of Stars and Galaxies, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Thesis Title: Hard-ware and soft-ware realization of methods to increase the accuracy of photometry stars on two-channel photometer


Member of the IAU and EAU and UAA

Professional Experience:

  • 19771981: Designer Engineer, Pilot production of the Main Astronomical Observatory, NASU
  • 19811988: Leading Designer, Pilot production of the Main Astronomical Observatory, NASU
  • 19881989: Chief mechanic, Pilot production MAO NASU
  • 19891998: Research Engineer, Main Astronomical Observatory, NASU
  • 19982000: Research Associate, Main Astronomical Observatory, NASU
  • Since 2000: Senior Scientist, Main Astronomical Observatory, NASU

Scientific interests:

  • Observational astrophysics using telescopes different apertures (from 0.3 m to 2.0 m);
  • Monitoring and analisis of atmosphere gas composition;
  • Design and manufacturing of optic-mechanic-electronic devices;
  • Development and design small robotic telescopes.

Projects Directed and Participated

Team leader for design, test, planning and coordination of manufacture of optical mechanical devices for astronomy.

Chief of the Photometric Complex of Two Channel High Speed Photometer at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory (50 inch telescope) (19962006).

1986-2006 - Experience in astronomical observations at the Terskol Observatory (North Caucasus, Russia) and at the Crimean Astrophysical Obs. From 1998 - for the international Ukraine-Russia-Greece-Bulgaria project Search for Short-Time and Small-Scale Stellar Variability. Telescope apertures from 0.3 to 2.0 m.

Leader of the project 2M/146-2000 Simultaneous observations of flare stars with Network of remote optical telescopes with Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine during 2000-2003.

Participation in the Project 4134 of The Science and Technology Center in Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2005-2007).

Project Title: Monitoring and Modeling atmosphere pollution with tropospheric ozone.

Participants: Main Astronomical Observatory of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, National Botanical Garden of NASU, Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of South Seas of NASU, International Center for Astronomical, Medical and Ecological Research of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, International Center for Sciences and Education for IT Systems of National Academy of Science of Ukraine and of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Participation in the Project SCOPES 20052008 Scientific Co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland.

Project Title: Variability and long-term trends of tropospheric ozone: Comparison and interpretation of measurements of Caucasian and Central European mountain sites using a Lagrangian approach.

Leader of the project 4134 of The Science and Technology Center in Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2006-2008).

Project Title: The Ukrainian synchronous Network of Internet Telescopes (UNIT)

Participants: Main Astronomical Observatory of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, International Center for Astronomical, Medical and Ecological Research of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Publications in Scientific Journals

  1. O. Shubina, I. Kulyk, P. Korsun, Ya. Romanyuk. Photometry of distant active comet C/2010 S1 (LINEAR). Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics. .
  2. .., .., .. . 2013. i i. 8. C. 68.
  3. T. Pribulla,, M. Vanko, M. Andreev, A. Bonanno, H. , V. Krushevska, Y. Kuznetsova, Y. Romanyuk11, et al., (42 authors). The DWARF project: Eclipsing binaries - precise clocks to discover exoplanets // Astronomische Nachrichten, 2012. Vol.333, Issue 8, P. 754-766.
  4. .., .., .., .., .. .. 2010. // 2, . 17.
  5. A.V. Shavrina, M. Kroon, V.A. Sheminova, Ya.V. Pavlenko, A.A. Veles, I.I. Synyavski, Ya.O. Romanyuk. 2010. Total ozone columns and vertical ozone profiles above Kiev in 2005-2008./ Kosmichna Nauka i Tekhnologiya (ISSN 1561-8889), Vol. 16, No. 4, p. 3-12. / arXiv:1007.4694
  6. .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. . 2008 . 2009, 3, . 102.
  7. .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. . -. . .2007.28, 6.. 5868.
  8. A.V. Shavrina, Ya.V. Pavlenko, A.A. Veles, V.A. Sheminova, I.I. Synyavski, M.G. Sosonkin, Ya.O. Romanyuk, N.A. Eremenko, Yu.S. Ivanov, O.A. Monsar, M. Kroon. 2008. Tropospheric ozone columns and ozone profiles for Kiev in 2007. Kosmichna Nauka i Tekhnologiya (ISSN 1561-8889), Vol. 14, No. 5, p. 85. /arXiv:1003.1211.
  9. Zhilyaev B.E., Romanyuk Ya.O., Svyatogorov O.A., Verlyuk I.A., Kaminsky B., Andreev M., Gershberg R.E., Lovkaya M.N., Avgoloupis S.J., Seiradakis J.H., Contadakis M.E., Antov A.P., Konstantinova-Antova R.K., and Bogdanovski R., Fast colorimetry of the flare star EV Lacertae from UBVRI observations in 2004 // Astron. and Astrophys. 2007, v. 465, P. 235-240.
  10. R.K. Konstantinova-Antova, A.P. Antov, B.E. Zhilyaev, I.A. Verlyuk, Ya.O. Romaniuk, O.A. Svyatogorov, S. Avgoloupis, J.H. Seiradakis, M.E. Contadakis The Flare Activity of V390 AUR: First Results Under An International Collaboration // Astron. Nachr., 2005, 326, No. 1, pp. 38-42.
  11. M. E. Contadakis, S. Avgoloupis, J. Seiradakis, B. E. Zhilyaev, Ya. O. Romanyuk, I. A. Verlyuk, O. A. Svyatogorov, V. R. Khalack, A. V. Sergeev, R. K. Konstantinova-Antova, A. P. Antov, R. S. Bachev, I. Y. Alekseev, V. E. Chalenko, D. N. Shakhovskoy. Detection of high-frequency optical oscillation during the flare phase of EV Lac in 1999. // Astronomische Nachrichten, 2004, 325, No. 5, pp. 427-432.
  12. Zhilyaev B.E., Romanyuk Ya.O. Svyatogorov O.A., Verlyuk I.A. Principles and Applications of the Synchronous Network of distant Telescopes // Vilnius-2003, Baltic Astronomy, 2003. Vol. 12, p. 561-567.
  13. Ya. Romanyuk, B. Zhilyaev, O. Svyatogorov, I. Verlyuk The Synchronous Network of Telescopes in the Black Sea Region: A New Instrument for Stellar Photometry // In: International Centre for Astronomical, Medical and Ecological Research, Scientific Highlights 1999-2002, Kyiv, 2002, pp. 16-17.
  14. B. Zhilyaev, I. Verlyuk, O. Svyatogorov, Ya. Romanyuk et al., Rapid Optical Oscillations in Stellar Flares // In: International Centre for Astronomical, Medical and Ecological Research, Scientific Highlights 1999-2002, Kyiv, 2002, p. 18.
  15. B. Zhilyaev, I. Verlyuk, O. Svyatogorov, Ya. Romanyuk et al., Fast UBVRI Colorimetry of Stellar Flares on EV Lacertae // In: International Centre for Astronomical, Medical and Ecological Research, Scientific Highlights 1999-2002, Kyiv, 2002, p. 19.
  16. I.Yu. Alekseev, A.P. Antov, S.J. Avgoloupis, G.M. Beskin, N.V. Borisov, V.E. Chalenko, M.E. Contadakis, V.R. Khalack, R.K. Konstantinova-Antova, V.M. Larionov, I.P. Panferova, V.L. Plokhotnichenko, L.A. Pustil'nik, Ya.O. Romanyuk, J.-H. Seiradakis, S.G. Sergeev, O.A. Svyatogorov, I.A. Verlyuk, B.E. Zhilyaev Coordinated observations of the red dwatf flare star EV Lac in 1998 // Kinemat. Phys. Celestial Bodies, 2001, v. 17, No 2, P. 147-156.
  17. Zhilyaev, B. E., Romanyuk, Ya. O., Verlyuk, I. A., Svyatogorov, O. A., Khalack, V. R., Sergeev, A. V., Konstantinova-Antova, R. K., Antov, A. P.. Bachev, R. S., Alekseev, I. Yu., Chalenko, V. E., Shakhovskoy, D. N., Contadakis, M. E., Avgoloupis, S. J. Detection of high-frequency optical oscillations on the flare star EV Lacertae // Astron. Astrophys., 2000, v. 364, P. 641-645.
  18. Zhilyaev, B. E., Romaniuk Ya.O., Verlyuk I.A., Chalenko, V. E. Detection of weak true signals by synchronous registration with several devices // Messenger , Lvov Polytechnic Univ., Applied Mathematics, 1998, v. 2, No 337, P. 215-216.
  19. Zhilyaev, B. E., Verlyuk, I. A., Romanyuk, Ya. O., Svyatogorov, O. A., Konstantinova-Antova, R. K., Antov, A. P., Bachev, R. S., Alekseev, I. Yu., Chalenko, V. E., Shakhovskoy, D. N. New features in the EV Lacertae flares discovered by fast high precision UBVRI photometry // Astron. Astrophys., 1998, 334, P. 931-934.
  20. .. // , 1997, .13, 3, . 91-94.
  21. Zhilyaev B.E., Verlyuk I.A., Romaniuk Ya.O., Svyatogorov O.A., Khalack V.R. 1996, Observations of Rapid Oscillations of Transparency in Stellar Photometry. Atmosphere Infrasound? // Kinemat. Phys. Celestial Bodies, 1996,v. 12, No 6, P. 86.
  22. .., .., . . . . // , 1994, .10, 6, . 88-94.
  23. .., .., . . - HD191765. // , 1992, .7, 4, . 48-50.
  24. .., .., . . // , 1992, . 69, . 4, . 895-900.
  25. .., .., .., .., . ., .., . ., . . . . . // , 1984, 53, .70.
  26. .., .., .., .., .., .. // 1983, , . 67, . 171-172.

Publications and Scientific Meetings Attended

  1. Kulyk, P. Korsun, Ya. Romanjuk, O. Shubina Photometry of distant active comets C/2010 S1 (LINEAR) and C/2006 (LONEOS) with Kyiv Internet telescope. , 21-24 2013.
  2. Krushevska V., Kuznyetsova Y., Matsiaka O., Andreev M., Romanyuk Ya., Vidmachenko A. Determination of parameters of transit exoplanets, using data obtained at the small telescopes. Workshop Observing techniques, instrumentation and science for metre-class telescopes Tatransk Lomnica, Slovakia September 23 26, 2013.
  3. .., .., .. . (). 29 31 2013. . .
  4. . , . . . Astronomy and Space Physics International Conference dedicated to the memory of A.V. Mandzhos May 22 - 25, 2012.
  5. 50 1996-2007 . Zeiss-50: . , , 9 13 2012.
  6. .., .., .. 64 . , , 12-16 2012.
  7. . .. , .. , .. , .. , .. . - () . , 6-8 2012 .
  8. .. , .. , .. . (2008 ). - () . , 6-8 2012 .
  9. Romanyuk, Ya., Kleshchonok, V. The MINOR PLANET CIRCULARS/MINOR PLANETS AND COMETS SUPPLEMENT. Asteroid 403 Eros Minor Planet Circular M.P.S. 411752, 2012 FEB. 19.
  10. ( ., ., .) Astronomy and Space Physics in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, International Conference dedicated to 90-th Anniversary of P.R. Romanchuk, May 24-27, 2011.
  11. Yaroslav Romanyuk, Valerii Kleschonok, Volodymyr Reshetnyk, Igor Lukyanyk, Oleg Svyatogorov and Sergey Guziy. The Kyiv Internet Telescope Project. Second Workshop on Robotic Autonomous Observatories Torremolinos (Mlaga), Spain, 5-10 June, 2011.
  12. Zvyagintsev A.M., Tarasova O.A., I.N. Kuznetsova, E.A. Lezina, Ya.O. Romaniuk, and M.G. Sosonkin. Surface ozone in Russian and Ukrainian big cities and its forecasting// The seventh International Conference on Urban Climate, 29 June - 3 July 2009, Yokohama, Japan. PDF-version
  13. Blum, O., Godunova, V., Lapchenko, V., Romanyuk., Sosonkin, M.; Fierst steps towards monitoring of air pollution in southeastern Europe. 2009. " " NOAA ( ).
  14. Vera Godunova, Boris Zhilyaev, Yaroslav Romanyuk. Developing ways to efficiently use small telescopes for actual research and education. Presented at the IAU Regional Meeting MEARIM 2008 (Egypt, Cairo, April 5-10, 2008) Abstracts Book. P.43.
  15. Ya.O. Romanyuk, V.V. Kleshchonok, B.E. Zhilyaev, et al. Project Unit: Technical Characteristics and Prospects. International Conf. The Solar System Bodies: from Optics to Geology. Kharkiv, May 26-29, 2008.
  16. Vasyl Ivchenko, Valery Kleshchonok, Vasyl Danylevsky, Yaroslav Romanyuk Using of the Ukrainian Network of Internet Telescopes (UNIT), The 21st CODATA International Conference, Scientific Information for Society-from Today to the Future, 5-8 October, 2008, KPI, Kyiv, Abstracts, p. 247.
  17. Valery Kleshchonok, Igor Lukyanyk, Volodymyr Reshetnyk, Yaroslav Romanyuk .System of automatic exchange and data storage in Ukrainian Network of Internet Telescopes (UNIT). The 21st Codata international Conference, Scientific Information for Society-from Today to the Future, 5-8 October, 2008, KPI, Kyiv, Abstracts, p. 37.
  18. V.V. Kleshchonok, Ya.O. Romanyuk, I.V. Lukyanyk, O.O Svyatogorov, V.M. Reshetnyk, V.O. Danylevsky. Program and hardware complex of the UNITs telescope. CAMMAC 2008, Memorial International Conference, Vinnytsia, Sept.28-Oct.3. 2008, Programme and Book of Abstracts. P.76.
  19. Godunova, V.G., Sosonkin, M.G., Romanyuk Ya.O. Towards Monitoring Ground-Level Ozone in South-Eastern Europe: a Ukrainian initiative, in: The 2-nd ACCENT Symposium Atmospheric Composition Change. Causes and Consequences Local to Global./ Italy, Urbino, July 23-27, 2007). Programme and Abstracts, ACCENT Project Office, Urbino, 2007, p. 67.
  20. .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .. // c -. , 25 27 2007 .
  21. V. Godunova, Ya. Romanyuk, B.Zhilyaev. Ukrainian Network of Internet Telescopes: Addressing Multiple Audiences. Presented at the conference Communicating Astronomy with the Public - 2007 (Greece, Athens, October 8-11, 2007) Abstracts Book. P.35-36.
  22. Zhilyaev, B. E.; Andreev, M. V.; Romanyuk, Ya. O.; Sergeev, A. V.; Tarady, V. K. Ukrainian Synchronous Network of small Internet Telescopes as rapid action instrument for transient objects. arXiv:0711.0204v1 [astro-ph]
  23. Towards monitoring ground-level ozone in southeastern Europe: a Ukrainian initiative./ Godunova, Vera G., Sosonkin, Mikhail G., Romanyuk, Yaroslav O. // Presented at the 2nd ACCENT Symposium Atmospheric Composition Change. Causes and Consequences Local to Global (Italy, Urbino, July 23-27, 2007) Programme and Abstracts. ACCENT Project Office, Urbino, 2007. P.67.
  24. ./ .., .., .., .., ., . // .: Ba , 16-18 2007. . - .31.
  25. B.E. Zhilyaev, M.V. Andreev, Ya.O. Romanyuk, A.V. Sergeev, V.K. Tarady., Ukrainian Synchronous Network of small Internet Telescopes as rapid action instrument for transient objects. // Proceedings of the International Conference Near-Earth Astronomy - 2007, 3-7 September 2007, Terskol settlement, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia
  26. Zhilyaev B.E., Romanyuk Ya.O., Verlyuk I.A., Svyatogorov O.A., Petrov M.I., Fast Optical Photometry of Galaxies: Observations of Short-Lived Flare Events. // AGN Variability from X-rays to Radio Waves. C.M. Gaskell, I.M. Mc Hardy, B.M. Peterson, and S.G. Sergeev (eds). ASP Conference Series, Vol.360, 2006.
  27. Ya. Romanyuk, Some points of the monitoring of flare stars using synchronous network of remote telescopes. // Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, Supplement, 2005, No 5, p. 291-294.
  28. Zhilyaev B.E., Romanyuk Ya.O., Verlyuk I.A., Svyatogorov O.A., Lovkaya M.N. What limits the precision of ground-based stellar photometry and positional measurements? // Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, Supplement, 2005, No 5, p. 528-533.
  29. B. E. Zhilyaev, Ya. O. Romanyuk, I. A. Verlyuk et al. Fast optical photometry of galaxies. Observations of short-lived flare events, ASP Conference Series, arXiv:astro-ph/0509046 v1, 2 Sep 2005.
  30. B. Zhilyaev, Ya. Romanyuk, O. Svyatogorov, I. Verlyuk, V. Tarady, A. Sergeev, N. Karpov, M. Lovkaya. Observations of Stellar Image Motions with the Synchronous Network of Telescopes // Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, Supplement, 2003, No 4, P. 177-181.
  31. .., .., .. .. .. . // , , 2003. No 4. - . 87-90.
  32. .., .., .., .., .., .. , .. . . // . . . " - 2003", , , , 8-13 . 2003, . 2, . 150-156.
  33. B. Zhilyaev, Ya. Romanyuk, O. Svyatogorov, I. Verlyuk, I. Alekseev, M. Lovkaya, S. Avgoloupis, M.Contadakis, J. Seiradakis, A. Antov, and R.Konstantinova-Antova Fast UBVRI colorimetry of stellar flares on EV Lacertae // Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, Supplement, 2003, No 4, p. 30-35.
  34. Zhilyaev B.E., Romanyuk Ya.O., Verlyuk I.A., Svyatogorov O.A. et al. Colour characteristics of flares on EV Lacertae // 5th Hellenic Astron. Conference, Sept. 20-22, 2001, Fodele Crete, Hellas, Book of Abstracts., p. 142 , Postscript version is available at:www.astro.auth.gr/~helasmtg/2001.
  35. Zhilyaev B.E., Romanyuk Ya.O., Verlyuk I.A., Svyatogorov O.A. et al. Tracking Errors of Two 2m Carl Zeiss Telescopes // 5th Hellenic Astron. Conference, Sept. 20-22, 2001, Fodele Crete, Hellas, Book of Abstracts., p. 148, Postscript version is available at: www.astro.auth.gr/~helasmtg/2001.
  36. Romanyuk Ya.O. Svyatogorov O.A., Verlyuk I.A., Zhilyaev B.E. The synchronous network of optical telescopes as The Super Large Telescope // 5th Hellenic Astron. Conference, Sept. 20-22, 2001, Fodele Crete, Hellas, Book of Abstracts., p. 141, Postscript version is available at: www.astro.auth.gr/~helasmtg/2001.
  37. Zhilyaev, B. E., Romanyuk, Y. O., Svyatogorov, O. A., Verlyuk, I. A., Khalack V.R., Sergeev A.V., and Chalenko V.E. Detection of Short-Period Brightness Oscillations of Jupiter, Saturn and their Sattelites. // In: Proceedings, 4th Astron. Conf. HEL.A.S., ed.by J. Seimenis, Samos 2001, P. 279-284, Postscript version is available at: www.astro.auth.gr/~helasmtg/1999.
  38. Zhilyaev, B. E., Romanyuk, Y. O., Svyatogorov, O. A., Verlyuk, I. A., Khalack V.R., Alekseev I.Yu., Chalenko V.E., D.N. Shakhovskoy, Contadakis M.E., Avgoloupis, S. J., Konstantinova-Antova R.K., and Antov A.P. Detection of fast small-scale variability of the flare star EV Lacertae using the Synchronous Network of Optical Telescopes. // In: Proceedings, 4th Astron. Conf. HEL.A.S., ed.by J. Seimenis, Samos, 2001, P.87-92, Postscript version is available at: www.astro.auth.gr/~helasmtg/1999.
  39. Zhilyaev, B. E., Romanyuk, Ya. O., Verlyuk, I. A., Svyatogorov, O. A., Khalack, V. R., Sergeev, A. V., Konstantinova-Antova, R. K., Antov, A. P., Bachev, R. S., Alekseev, I. Yu., Chalenko, V. E., Shakhovskoy, D. N., Contadakis, M. E., Avgoloupis, S. J. High-frequency optical oscillations on the flare star EV Lac // Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, Supplement, 2000, No 3, P. 339-340.
  40. Romanyuk Ya.O. Zhilyaev B.E. Svyatogorov O.A. Stroboscopic Method for Precise Ground-Based Stellar Photometry. ESO/OSA Topical Meeting on Astronomy with Adaptive Optics, ESO Conf. and Workshop Proc. No.56/ Ed.by D.Bonaccini. 1999. p.733-735.
  41. Romanyuk Ya.O. Zhilyaev B.E. Svyatogorov O.A. Observations of the Scintillation's Correlation of Two Nerby Stars. ESO/OSA Topical Meeting on Astronomy with Adaptive Optics, ESO Conf. and Workshop Proc. No.56/ Ed.by D.Bonaccini. 1999. p.729-731.
  42. Zhilyaev, B. E., Romanyuk, Ya. O., Svyatogorov, O. A. A short lived flare of EV Lacertae. // Flare stars in Stellar Clusters, Associations and the Solar Vicinity. IAU Symp. N 137. 1990. Netherland: Reidel, p. 35-36.
  43. .., .., .. . .. . , <<>>, 18-20 . 1988. .: . 1988. . .