. : http://www.mao.kiev.ua/index.php/en/?option=com_content&view=article&id=48
: Unknown
: Mon Apr 11 01:43:23 2016
: koi8-r

: 2df survey

Anatoliy P. Vidmachenko

Anatoliy P. Vidmachenko

Curriculum Vitae

Date and place of birth: Nov. 17 1952, Gorbovychi vill., Kyiv-Sviatoshynskyi district, Kyiv region, Ukraine

Marital status: married, two daughters, and wife

1964 - graduated from primary school in the village Gorbovychi.

1970 - graduated from secondary school in the village Shpitki, Kyiv-Sviatoshynskyi district, Kyiv region, Ukraine.

Academic degree:

  • 1975, June - M. Sc. in Astronomy and Physics, Department of Physics of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University, Ukraine. Name of the Project: "Preparing of Observational TV-system on Superorticon tube and Investigation of Meteor's Phenomena with it's using"
  • 1983, Nov. 01 - Ph. D. (Candid. of Phys.-Math. Sciences) - (01.03.02 - Astrophysics and Radioastronomy), Main Astronomical Observatory of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine. Name of the Project: "Photometrical Properties of Saturn's Disk Features"
  • 1987 Dec. 15 - Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas, galardonado con el ttulo acadmico de Miembro Honorario y Correspondiente
  • 1999, Oct. 22 - Dr. Sci. (Physics and Math. Sciences) (01.03.03 - Geliophysics and Solar System Physics), Main Astronomical Observatory of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine. Name of the Project: "Periodical variations of parameters of Jupiter's and Saturn's atmospheres"
  • 2000 June 27 - awarded the academic title Senior Research Fellow
  • 2007 Dec. 24 - awarded the title of Professor of General and Technical Physics
  • 2009 May 16 - Elected Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine

Professional Employment

  • 1975 - 1977 - Senior Assistant of astronomy at Physical Department of the National State University, Kiev, Ukraine
  • 1977 - 1981 - Engineer, Main Astronomical Observatory, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine
  • 1981 - 1986 - Junior Research Associate, Main Astronomical Observatory, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
  • 1986 - 1991 - Research Associate, Main Astronomical Observatory, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
  • 1991 - 1999 - Senior Research Associate, Main Astronomical Observatory, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
  • 1999 - 2012 - Head of the Department of Physics of Solar System Bodies, Main Astronomical Observatory
  • Since 2013 - Head of the Department of Physics of Planetary Systems, Main Astronomical Observatory

Institute: Main Astronomical Observatory of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences

Institutional address: Main Astronomical Observatory, Zabolotnoho 27, Kyiv, 03680 Ukraine

Phone: +380 44 526 47 61

Fax: +380 44 526 21 47

E-mail: vida(at)mao.kiev.ua, vidmachenko(at)rambler.ru, avidmachenko(at)gmail.com

http: www.mao.kiev.ua/staff/vida

Affiliation: Member of the International Astronomical Union

Position at Institute: Head of the Department of Physics of Planetary Systems

Since 1998 I have been teaching the course Comparative planetology at the Department of Astronomy and Space Physics of Physical Faculty of Shevchenko Kyiv National University, and since 2000 - courses General Physics and Physics at the Department of Physics of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences.

My research is devoted to the study of optical, dynamic, kinematic characteristics and physical parameters of planetary atmospheres and exoplanets, experimental seismology in atmospheres of giant planets. I was first able to register oscillations in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn, and with colleagues I was able to detect seasonal changes in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. I've been involved in the development, manufacturing and research photometric, spectral and polarimetric devices for remote study of the solar system bodies and extrasolar planets.

I was Head of astronomical expeditions to Mount Maydanak in the Republic of Uzbekistan (1977-1993) and Head of the International Astronomical Expedition (Republic of Bolivia) at the Observatory Santa Anna (1985-1987). I participated in the international cooperative programs on terrestrial accompaniment of Space Exploration of Halley's comet, on study of the atmosphere of Jupiter, on study of chromospheric activity of stars in our galaxy, on searching for planets around binary star systems and so on.

List of publications includes more than 300 items, including 2 monographs, (in Ukrainian): Vidmachenko A. P., Morozhenko O. V. "Investigation of surface satellites and rings of giant planets" (Kyiv: DIA. - 2012. - 255 p.), (in Ukrainian): Vidmachenko A. P., Morozhenko O. V. "Physical characteristics of the surface Earth-like planets, dwarf and small planets and their satellites according to distance studies" (Kyiv: Publisher "Profi." - 2014. - 388 p.), papers in some books, articles in refereed journals and conference proceedings, abstracts of conferences, textbook (in Ukrainian): Vidmachenko A. P., Morozhenko O. "Comparative Planetology. Textbook." (Kyiv: DIA. 2013. - 552 p.), some textbooks on physics, and popular science articles in the "Astronomical Almanac" (more 12, in Ukrainian) and articles in popular science magazines (more 7, in Ukrainian and Russian)

Publication Score from the NASA ADS Abstract Service

List of my publications according to NASA ADS Abstract Service

List of my publications according to My profile at Google Scholar

List of my publications according to My profile at Researchgate.net

(On the Internet and in various articles my name may be written as: Vid'machenko, Vidmatchenko, , , Vil'machenko))