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Zhanna Dlugach

Zhanna M. Dlugach

Educational background

Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Kyiv, 2013.

Senior Scientist in Astrophysics, Moscow, 1987

Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Tartu, 1979.

MS. in Mathematics, Kiev State University, Kiev, 1970.

Member of International Astronomical Society.

Present position: leading scientist, MAO NASU.

Recent professional positions: senior scientist, MAO NASU (19842013);

  • junior scientist, MAO NASU (19761984);
  • engineer, scientist, MAO NASU (19701976).

Research interests

Development of numerical methods in radiative transfer theory, radiative transfer in planetary atmospheres, interpretation of spectrophotometric and spectropolarimetric observations of planets, light scattering by particles of different shape, electromagnetic scattering by particulate medium, light scattering by atmoshereless Solar system bodies.

Peer-reviewed publications

  • Mishchenko M.I., Dlugach Zh.M., Zakharova N.T. Direct demonstration of the concept of unrestricted effective-medium approximation. Optics Letters, 2014, v. 39, p. 39353938. Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I. Effects of nonsphericity on the behavior of Lorenz-Mie resonances in scattering characteristics of liquid-cloud droplets. JQSRT, 2014, v. 146, p. 227-234.
  • Dlugach Zh.M., Mishchenko M.I. Coherent backscattering and opposition effects observed in some atmosphereless bodies of the Solar system. Solar Syst. Res., 2013, v. 47, p. 454462. Muinonen K., Mishchenko M.I., Dlugach J.M. et al. Coherent backscattering verified numerically for a finite volume of spherical particles. Astrophysical J., 2012, v. 760, doi:10.1088.
  • Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I., Mackowski D.W. Scattering and absorption properties of polydisperse wavelength-sized particles covered with much smaller grains. JQSRT, 2012, v. 113, p. 23512355.
  • Mishhchenko M.I., Dlugach J.M. Adhesion of mineral and soot aerosols can strongly affect their scattering and absorption properties. Optics Letters, 2012, v. 37, p. 704706.
  • Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I., Mackowski D.W. Numerical simulations of single and multiple scattering by fractal ice clusters. JQSRT, 2011, v. 112, p. 18641870.
  • Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I., Liu L., Mackowski D.W. Numerically-exact computer simulations of light scattering by densely packed, random particulate media. JQSRT, 2011, v. 112, p. 20682078.
  • Mishchenko M.I., Dlugach J.M., Mackowski D.W. Light scattering by wavelength-sized particles dusted with subwavelength-sized grains. Optics Letters, 2011, v. 36, p. 337339.
  • Mishchenko M.I., Dlugach J.M., Mackowski D.W. Coherent backscattering by polydisperse discrete random media: exact T-matrix results. Optics Letters, 2011, v. 36, p. 43504352.
  • Mishchenko M.I., Tishkovets V.P., Travis L.D., Cairns L., Dlugach J.M., et al. Electromagnetic scattering by a morphologically complex object: Fundamental concepts and common misconceptions. JQSRT, 2011, v. 112, 671692.
  • Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I., Mackowski D.W., Zinchenko I.A. A study of light scattering by wavelength-sized particles covered by much smaller grains using the superposition T-matrix method. AAAP | Physical, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences. Electromagnetic and Light Scattering XIII Conference (Proceedings). 2011. v. 89, Supplement No 1: ELS XII Conference. P. C1V89S1P028.
  • Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I., Liu L. Numerically-exact computer modeling of light scattering by random absorbing media. Electromagnetic and Light Scattering XII. Conference Proceedings, University of Helsinki, 2010, p. 3437.
  • Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I., Mackowski D.W. Numerical simulations of light scattering characteristics of ice fractal particles. Electromagnetic and Light Scattering XII. Conference Proceedings, University of Helsinki, 2010, p. 3841.
  • Mishchenko M.I., Dlugach J.M., Liu L. Azimuthal asymmetry of the coherent backscattering cone: Theoretical results. Phys. Rev A, 2009, v. 80, p. 053824-1-053824-10.
  • Mishchenko M.I., Dlugach J.M., Liu L. et al. Direct solutions of the Maxwell equations explain opposition phenemena observed for high-albedo solar system bodies. Astrophysical J., 2009, v. 705, p. L118-L122.
  • Mishchenko M.I., Dlugach J.M. Radar polarimetry of Saturns rings: Modelling ring particles as fractal aggregates built of small ice monomers. JQSRT, 2009, v. 110, p. 1708-1712.
  • Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I Coherent backscattering and radar polarization ratios for Saturns rings. 11thElectromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference. Extended Abstracts. University of Hertfordshire, 2008, p. 149152.
  • Mishchenko M.I., Dlugach J.M. Accuracy of the scalar approximation in computations of diffuse and coherent backscattering by discrete random media. Phys. Rev A, 2008, v. 78, p. 063822-1-63822-7.
  • Mishchenko M.I., Dlugach J.M. Weak localization of electromagnetic waves and radar polarimetry of Saturns rings. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 2008, v. 389, p. 16651674.
  • Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I. Photopolarimetry of planets: what observational data can be essential for correct microphysical retrievals of atmospheric aerosols. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc, 2007, v. 384, p. 6470.
  • Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I. Spectropolarimetry of planets: what observational data can be essential for correct microphysical retrievals of atmospheric aerosols, 10th Conference on Electromagnetc and Lght Scatterng. Peer-Reviewed Abstracts, Ankara, 2007, p. 2932.
  • Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I. Diffuse and coherent backscattering of polarized light: polarization ratios for a discrete random medium composed of nonspherical particles. JQSRT, 2007, v. 106, p. 2132.
  • Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I. Diffuse and coherent backscattering of polarized light: polarization ratios for a discrete random half-space composed of spheroids. 9th Conference on Electromagnetc and Lght Scatterng by Nonsphercal Partecles: Theory, Mesurements and Applcatons. Book of abstracts, ST. Petersburg State University, 2006, p. 3134.
  • Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I. Enhanced backscattering of polarized light: effect of particle nonsphericity on the helicity-preserving enhancement factor. JQSRT, 2006, v. 100, p. 115122.
  • Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I. Enhanced backscattering of polarized light: effect of particle shape on the helicity-preserving enhancement factor. Proceedings of the 8th Conference on the Electromagnetic and Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles: Theory, Measurements and Applications. May 16-20, 2005, Salobrena, Granada, Spain, p.7275.
  • Dlugach Zh.M., Mishchenko M.I. The effect of aerosol shape in retrieving of optical properties of cloud particles in the planetary atmospheres from the photopolarimetric data. Jupiter. Solar System Research, 2005, v. 39, p. 102111.
  • Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I. Some new aspects in analyzing photopolarimetric observations of planets. Kinematics and physics of celestial bodies. Supplement, 2005, p. 437442.
  • Dlugach J.M., Mishchenko M.I. The effect of particle shape on microphysical properties of Jovian aerosols retrieved from ground-based spectropolarimetric observations. JQSRT, 2004, v. 88, p. 3746.
  • Dlugach Zh. M., Petrova E. V. Polarimetry of Mars in high-transparency periods: how reliable are the estimates of aerosol optical properties? Solar System Research, 2003, v. 37, p. 102111.
  • Dlugach Zh. M., Korablev O. I., Morozhenko A. V. et al. Physical properties of dust in the Martian atmosphere: analysis of contradictions and possible ways of their resolution. Solar System Research, 2003, v. 37, p. 119.
  • Dlugach Zh. M., Mishchenko M. I., Morozhenko A. V. The effect of the shape of dust aerosol particles in the Martian atmosphere on the particle parameters. Solar System Research, 2002, v. 36, p. 367373.
  • Dlugach Zh. M., Mishchenko M. I., Morozhenko A. V. Effect of the shape of particles on the estimates of optical parameters for the dust component in the martian atmosphere. Kinematics and physics of celestial bodies, 2002, v. 18, p. 3342.
  • Dlugach Zh. M., Morozhenko A. V. Parameters of dust particles in the Martian atmosphere. Solar System Research, 2001, v. 35, p. 421430.
  • Dlugach Zh. M., Morozhenko A. V. Aerosol in the Martian atmosphere. Kinematics and physics of celestial bodies, 2000, v. 16, p. 437453.
  • Yanovitskij E,G., Dlugach J.M. Global structure of the Venusian cloud layer. Kinematics and physics of celestial bodies. Supplement, 2000, p. 202205.
  • Melnikova I,N., Dlugach Zh.M., Nakajima T., Kawamoto K. Calculation of the reflection function of an optically thick scattering layer for a Henyey-Greenstein phase function. Appl. Opt., 2000, v. 39, p. 41954204.
  • Yanovitskij E,G., Dlugach J.M. Global horizontal regular inhomogeneity of the cloud layer on Venus: numerical analysis of the 1972 spectroscopic observations. Kinematics and physics of celestial bodies, 1999, v. 15, p. 221231.
  • Mishchenko M. I., Dlugach Zh. M., Yanovitskij E. G., Zakharova N. T. Bidirectional reflectance of flat, optically thick particulate layers: an efficient radiative transfer solution and applications to snow and soil surfaces. JQSRT, 1999, v. 63, p. 409432.
  • Dlugach Zh. M., Mishchenko M. I. Coherent backscatter as one of the possible mechanisms of forming the opposition brightness peak for somebBodies of the Solar system. Solar System Research, 1999, v. 33, p. 472482.
  • Yanovitskij E,G., Dlugach J.M. On the effect of width and orientation of spectrograph slit on the observed spectrum of Venus. Kinematics and physics of celestial bodies, 1995, v. 11, p. 1529.
  • Mishchenko M.I., Dlugach J.M. Coherent backscatter and the opposition effect for E-type asteroids. Planet. Space Sci., 1993, v. 41, p. 173181.
  • Mishchenko M.I., Dlugach J.M. The amplitude of the opposition effect due to weak localization of photons in discrete disordered media. Astrophysics and Space Science, 1992, v. 189, p. 151154.
  • Mishchenko M.I., Dlugach J.M. Can weak localization of photons explain the opposition effect of Saturns rings? Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 1992, v. 254, p. 15p18p.
  • Yanovitskij E,G., Dlugach J.M. The radiation field in a multilayer plane atmosphere with arbitrary internal sources. Kinematics and physics of celestial bodies, 1992, v. 8, p. 1230.
  • Mishchenko M.I., Dlugach J.M., Yanovitskij E.G. Multiple light scattering by polydispersions of randomly distributed, perfectly-aligned, infinite Mie cylinders illuminated perpendicularly to their axes. JQSRT, 1992, v. 47, p. 401410.
  • Dlugach Zh.M., Yanovitskij E.G. Estimate of the accuracy of depth asymptotics in some problems of radiative transfer. Astrophysics, 1991, v. 34, p. 216225.
  • Dlugach Zh.M. Estimates of the variations of the optical thickness of the Venus atmosphere from Venera-13 and Venera-14 data. Kinematika i fizika nebesnykh tel, 1989, v. 5, p. 3844 (in Russian).
  • Dlugach Zh.M. Structure of the Atmosphere of Venus Based on Data of Optical Measurements Made on the VENERA-11 VENERA-13 and VENERA-14 Spacecraft. Solar System Research, 1989, v. 22, p. 166154.
  • Dlugach Zh.M., Yanovitskij E.G. Scattering of light in multilayer atmospheres. I. Diffuse reflection. Astrophysics, 1985, v. 23, p. 562569.
  • Dlugach Zh.M. Series expansion of a scattering indicatrix in Legendre polynomials. Kinematika i fizika nebesnykh tel, 1985, v. 1, p. 1623 (in Russian).
  • Dlugach Zh.M., Yanovitskij E.G. The radiation field in an infinite atmosphere. Astrophysics, 1984, v. 20, p. 162172.
  • Vidmachenko A.P., Dlugach Zh. M., Morozhenko A. V. Nature of the optical nonuniformity in Saturn's disk. Solar System Research, 1983, v. 17, p. 216224.
  • Dlugach Zh.M., Yanovitskij E.G. The surface illuminance and albedo of a planetary atmosphere with nearly conservative scattering. Fizika Atmosfery i Okeana, 1983, v. 19, p. 813823 (in Russian).
  • Dlugach J.M., Vidmachenko A.P., Morozhenko A. V., Yanovitskij E.G. Investigations of the optical properties of Saturns atmosphere carried out at the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Icarus, 1983, v. 54, p. 319336.
  • Dlugach Zh.M. Reflection of light by a multilayered planetary atmosphere. Solar System Research, 1983, v. 17, p. 1419.
  • Dlugach Zh.M., Yanovitskij E.G. Radiation field in the Venus atmosphere for a two-layer model of its structure. In: Physics of planetary atmospheres, 1981, p. 327 (in Russian).
  • Dlugach Zh.M., Yanovitskij E.G. The optical parameters of the atmosphere of Venus, Adv. Space. Res., 1981, v. 1, p. 167170.
  • Dlugach Zh.M., Fenchak V.A. Some physical characteristics of local cloud formations on Mars. Solar System Research, 1980, v. 14, p. 1720.
  • Dlugach Zh.M., Yanovitskij E.G. Interpretation of Venera 10 optical measurements. Soviet Astronomy Letters, 1978, v. 4, p. 254256.
  • Dlugach Zh.M. Method and results of computing the optical properties of the Martian atmosphere during the 1971 global dust storm. Astrometriia i Astrofizika, 1978, N 35, p. 8597 (in Russian).
  • Dlugach Zh.M., Yanovitskij E.G. Behavior of the azimuthal harmonics of radiant intensity in deep layers of a semiinfinite medium. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 1977, v. 13, p. 813823.
  • Dlugach Zh.M. Calculation of the radiation field in a homogeneous semi-infinite atmosphere under isotropic scattering conditions. Astrometriia i Astrofizika, 1977, N 31, p. 6877 (in Russian).
  • Dlugach Zh.M. Calculation of the radiation field in a homogeneous semiinfinite atmospher. Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 1976, v. 53, p. 12951305 (in Russian).
  • Bugaenko O.I., Dlugach Zh.M., Morozhenko A.V., Yanovitskij E.G. Optical properties of Saturn's cloud layer in the visible spectral range. Solar System Research, 1975, v. 9, p. 916.
  • Dollfus O., Dlugach Zh. M., Morozhenko A. V., Yanovitskij . G. Optical parameters of the atmosphere and surface of Mars. II. Dust storm. Solar System Research, 1974, v. 8, p. 176186.
  • Dlugach Zh.M., Yanovitskij E.G. Computation of photometric characteristics of the Jovian atmosphere. Astrometriia i Astrofizika, 1974, N 21, p. 4961 (in Russian).
  • Dlugach J.M., Yanovitskij E.G. The optical properties of Venus and the Jovian planets. II. Methods and results of calculations of the intensity of radiation diffusely reflected from semi-infinite homogeneous atmospheres. Icarus, 1974, v. 22, p. 6681.