. : http://www.mao.kiev.ua/index.php/en/
: Unknown
: Sun Apr 10 01:23:12 2016
: koi8-r

: m 63

  • Gusev A.S., Kharchenko N.V., Sakhibov F. Kh., et al.A spectral and photometric study of 102 star forming regions in seven spiral galaxies. 2016,MNRAS, 2016MNRAS.tmp....9G
  • Ségransan D., Martín E. L., Lazorenko P.F., et al.Parallax of the L4.5 dwarf 2M1821+ 14 from high- precision astrometry with OSIRIS at GTC. 2016,MNRAS,Vol.455,is.1,p.357-369. 2016MNRAS.455..357S
  • Evans A., Pavlenko Ya.V., Kaminsky B.M., et al.Modelling the spectral energy distribution of the red giant in RS Ophiuchi: evidence for irradiation. 2016,MNRAS,Vol.456,is.1,p.181-191. 2016MNRAS.456..181P
  • Začs L., Pavlenko Ya.V., Kaminsky B.M., et al.Spectroscopic Variability of IRAS 22272+ 5435. 2016,ApJ,Vol.816,is.1,p.3. 2016ApJ...816....3Z
  • Southworth, John, Tregloan-Reed J., Elyiv A.A.,High- precision photometry by telescope defocussing. VIII. WASP- 22, WASP-41, WASP- 42 and WASP- 55. 2016,MNRAS, 2016MNRAS.tmp...77S
  • Mancini L., Ciceri S., Elyiv A.A.,Physical properties of the planetary systems WASP- 45 and WASP- 46 from simultaneous multiband photometry. 2016,MNRAS,Vol.456,Is.1,p.990-1002. 2016MNRAS.456..990C

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16th Ukrainian Conference on Space Research

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT. The 16th Ukrainian Conference on Space Research to be held during August 22-26, 2016, Odessa, Ukraine.

Participants Registration will be open from May 02 to June 19, 2016. Registered speakers should provide abstracts. Abstract requirements can be found under the Abstracts link at the Conference website.

Conference Location: Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration of National Academy for Public Administration of Ukraine, Odessa, Henuezka st., 22.

The full text of the announcement >>>

Conference web-site >>>

The problems of modern astronomy and methodics of its teaching

Dear Colleagues! We invite you to participate in the 1st International scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of astrophysicist I. S. Shklovsky The problems of modern astronomy and methodics of its teaching

The conference will be held on October, 68, 2016 at Natural sciences education department of Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv national pedagogical university.

For participating in the conference till September 1, 2016 it is necessary to send on the organizing committee address:
- Application form on the intention to participate in the conference.
- Reports material.

More details >>>

16-th Gamow Summer School

The Preliminary Announcement:. 16-th Gamow Summer School Astronomy and beyond: Astrophysics, Cosmology, osmomicrophysics, Astroparticle Physics, Radioastronomy and Astrobiology. 14-20 August 2016, Odessa, Ukraine.

The conference is devoted to the 100th anniversary of such great scientists:
- Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg;
- Iosif Samuilovich Shklovsky

The preliminary registration has been opened from the 15th of March. Details see, please, on the web-page of the conference>>>

Astronomical School of Young Scientists

International scientific conference Astronomical School of Young Scientists, Ukraine, Kyiv, May, 2627, 2016

The conference is organized by Department of Aerospace Geodesy of National Aviation University with the assistance of Ukrainian Astronomical Association..

Scientific topics of the conference: problems of cosmology and cosmogony, physics of Solar system bodies, structure and evolution of stars and stellar systems, satellite geodesy and gravimetry, geoinformation systems and aerospace remote sensing, astronautics and dynamics of variable mass systems, History and methods of teaching astronomy and geodesy.

Please, send abstracts and registration forms by e-mail until May 15, 2016 to the address of scientific committee.



Due to a large number of international conferences devoted to the study of the Earth's rotation in 2016, the 7th Orlov conference "The study of the Earth as a planet by methods of geophysics, geodesy and astronomy" postponed to 2017.

On the 16th of September 2016 MAO NAS of Ukraine will host the Orlov readings. The program of readings will be announced later.


Main Astronomical Observatory NAS of Ukraine

Main Astronomical Observatory of NAS of Ukraine was founded July 17, 1944 on the initiative of famous scientist, astronomer and geophysicist O.Ya. Orlov (1880 - 1954). It is located 12 km from the center of Kyiv Holosiiv forest (hence its unofficial name - Holosiivska).

Observatory was headed by Acad. of USSR Academy of Sciences O.Ya.Orlov (1944 - 1948 and 1951 - 1952); Corresponding Member of USSR Academy of Sciences V.P. Tsesevych (1948 - 1951), Corresponding Member of USSR Academy of Sciences A.A. Yakovkin (1952 - 1959), Academician of UkSSR Academy of Sciences E.P. Fedorov (1959 - 1973), Ph.D. I.K. Koval (1973 - 1975). Since 1975 the Observatory of NAS of Ukraine has been headed by Academician of NAS of Ukraine Yaroslav Stepanovich Yatskiv.

Observatory takes leading place in many areas of astronomy, such as the study of Earth's rotation and construction of coordinate systems in space, physics photosphere of the Sun and solar system formation and evolution of stars and galaxies, and others.

In the MAO the Post-graduate and Specialized Scientific Council for doctoral and master's theses in physics and mathematics works in the fields:

  • astrometry and celestial mechanics
  • astrophysics, radio astronomy
  • heliophysics and physics of the solar system
  • remote aerospace research

GAO publishes magazines "Physics and Kinematics of Celestial Bodies", "Space science and technology" and the annual "Astronomical Calendar"

Achievements of Observatory scientists more than once winned State awards and medals of the USSR and Ukraine in the field of science and technology, awards of NAS of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, international awards, among them "Dr. Demyaniv Foundation. For peace and freedom of Ukraine" and EU Descartes Prize 2003, the medal named. Yuri Gagarin and the Order "For Merit".

In 2004, MAO was awarded by Certificate of Honor of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in connection with 60 - anniversary of MAO and the minor planet number 15675 was named "Holosyeyevo" in honor of Holosiivska Observatory.

Observatory has six academic departments: physics of stars and galaxies, astrometry and space geodynamics, space plasma physics, physics of planetary systems, solar physics, physics of minor celestial bodies and laboratories for atmospheric optics, for transient phenomena in stars and for instrumentation as well as Astro/Space Information and Computing Centre (ASICC).


Moon craters were named after O.Ya.Orlov, A.O.Yakovkin, I.V.Gavrilov

Minir planets are name after MAO scientists: 2724 Orlov, 2728 Yatskiv, 3965 Konoplyova, 3966 Shulnazaria (in honor of L.M.Shulman and G.K.Nazarchuk), 7628 Yevgenyfedorov (in honor of Ye.P.Fedorov), 14346 Zhylyayev.

MAO scientists winned State awards:

The State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology:

1983: Ye.P.Fedorov, Ya.S.Yatskiv, I.V.Gavrilov, D.P.Duma, V.S.Kislyk, A.O.Korsun', A.M.Kurianova for the cycle of work: Development of the theory and practical construction of coordinate systems for geodynamic, selenodetic and space research

1986: V.G. Parusimov in the group of authors for the work Analogous and digital processing of astronomic observations

1998: D.Ya. Yatskiv in the group of authors for the work Physical bases, development and creation of highly stable laser systems for metrology, analytical measurements and fundamental research

2003: Yu.Yu. Balega (SAO RAS), Ye.A. Gurtovenko, M.V. Karpov, R.R. Kondratyuk, R.I. Kostyk, O.V. Morozhenko, O.V. Sergeyev, V.K. Taradiy., E.G. Yanovitsky, Ya.S.Yatskiv for the cycle of researches Development of the theoretical bases and unique observational framework in Holosiiv and Terskol for studies of the Sun and Solar System Bodies

The State Prize of the USSR in the field of science and technology:

1986: Ya.S. Yatskiv in the group of authors for the development of the scientific complex of the space mission to Halley's Comet.



Kuchmiy Hanna

internal address:

+(380) 44 526-31-10
+(380) 44 526-21-47
room 207, tel. 3-55


Head clerk Korsun Tetiana

internal address:

+(380) 44 526-08-69
+(380) 44 526-21-47
room 230, tel. 3-57

Postal address:

Main astronomical observatory

of National academy of sciences of Ukraine

27 Akademika Zabolotnoho St.

03680 MSP,Kyiv, Ukraine

trolleybus 11 ( from Expotsentr (The National Complex Expocenter of Ukraine)stop to the last stop)
or minibus 496 (from Lukianivska metro station or bus stops "Epitsentr", "Zabolotnoho", "Metrologichna" to the stop: "Feofania hospital, housing 2").