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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Sep 11 12:59:19 2012
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Feb 4 07:02:50 2013

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Alexey Zykin National Research University Higher School of Economics Address : 7, Vavilova st., Moscow, Russia E-mail : alzykin@gmail.com Home page : http://www.mccme.ru/poncelet/pers/zykin.html Tel. : +7 917 591 34 24 Research interests:

Born 13/06/1984 Russian Single Languages: Russian, English, French

· Zeta-functions and L-functions (modularity, special values, behaviour in families, Brauer­Siegel type results, distribution of zeroes); · Algebraic geometry over finite fields (points on curves and varieties over finite fields, zeta functions, relations to coding theory); · Families of fields and varieties, asymptotic theory (infinite number fields and function fields, limit zeta-functions); · Abelian varieties and Elliptic Curves (Jacobians among abelian varieties, families of abelian varieties over global fields). Main publications and preprints: · Asymptotic properties of zeta functions over finite fields, preprint; · Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory (editor, together with Y. Aubry and C. Ritzenthaler), Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 574 (2012), 183 pp; · On logarithmic derivatives of zeta functions in families of global fields (with P. Lebacque), International Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 7, Num. 8 (2011), 2139­ 2156; · Asymptotic methods in number theory and algebraic geometry (with P. Lebacque), Publications Math´ atiques de Besan¸ em con, 2011, 47­73; · Asymptotic properties of Dedekind zeta functions in families of number fields, Journal de Th´ eorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 22, no. 3 (2010), 689­696; · Jacobians among abelian threefolds: a formula of Klein and a question of Serre (with G. Lachaud and C. Ritzenthaler), Math. Res. Lett. 17 (2010), no. 2, 323­333; · On the Brauer­Siegel theorem for families of el liptic surfaces over finite fields (in Russian), Mat. Zametki, 2009, 86:1, 148­150; · On the generalizations of the Brauer­Siegel theorem, proceedings of the Conference AGCT 11 (2007), Contemp. Math. series, 487(2009), 195­206; · Brauer­Siegel and Tsfasman­Vladut theorems for almost normal extensions of global fields, Moscow Mathematical Journal, Vol. 5 (2005), Num. 4, 961­968.

Academic Employment 02.2012 -- 01.2011 -- 02.2010 -- 09.2009 -- Lab oratory Head, Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and its applications, HSE; Researcher, Poncelet French­Russian Laboratory; Researcher, Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Asso ciate Professor, Mathematical Department of the National Research University Higher School of Economics; Researcher, Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and its applications, HSE.

02.2011 -- 01.2012

Education 2006 -- 2009 Ph. D, Institut de Math´ tiques de Luminy. ema Thesis: Propri´ ´ asymptotiques des corps globaux. etes Advisors: S. Vladuts and M. Tsfasman. The thesis was defended on the 4th of June 2009 in Marseille. Jury: M. Balazard, M. Hindry (referee), G. Lachaud (president), E. Royer, R. Schoof (referee, absent), M. Tsfasman (advisor), S. Vladuts (advisor). Ph. D studies, Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Indep endent University of Moscow. Thesis: Asymptotic properties of global fields. Advisors: M. Tsfasman, A. Sergeev. The thesis was defended on the 14th of October 2010 in Moscow. Sp ecialist degree in Mathematics (Master's of Sciences equivalent), Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Advisors: M. Tsfasman, V. Iskovskih. Sp ecialist degree in Mathematics (Master's of Sciences equivalent), Indep endent University of Moscow. Advisor: M. Tsfasman. Moscow Mathematical Highscho ol numb er 57.

2005 -- 2010

2001 -- 2006

2000 -- 2005

1998 -- 2001

Conference Talks 2011.06 2010.06 "Arithmetic days in Moscow", Moscow, Russia. Talk: Asymptotic properties of zeta functions. "Colloque des Jeunes Chercheurs en Th´ eorie des Nombres", Strasbourg, France. Talk: Jacobiennes parmi les vari´ ´ ab´ etes eliennes de dimension 3. "Th´ eorie des Nombres et Applications",CIRM, Marseille, France. Talk: Asymptotic properties of zeta functions. "Journ´ Arithm´ ques", Saint-Etienne, France. Talk: On the ees eti Euler­Kronecker constant and limit zeta functions. "Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory", CIRM, Marseille, France. Talk: On the asymptotic properties of zeroes of L-functions. "Zeta Functions-2", IUM, Laboratoire Poncelet, Moscow, Russia. Talk: On the Euler­Kronecker constant and limit zeta functions. "Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory", CIRM, Marseille, France. Talk: On the Brauer­Siegel Theorem for Varieties over Global Fields. "Global Fields", IUM, Laboratoire Poncelet, Moscow, Russia. Talk: Asymptotic problems in the theory of global fields. "Zeta Functions", IUM, Laboratoire Poncelet, Moscow, Russia. Talk: The generalized Brauer­Siegel theorem. "Arithmetic, Geometry and Coding Theory", CIRM, Marseille, France. Talk: The generalized Brauer­Siegel theorem.

2009.12 2009.07 2009.03

2008.12 2007.11

2007.07 2006.09 2005.09

Some seminar Talks 2012.06 2011.11 Number Theory Seminar, Institut Fourier, Grenoble, France. Talk: Propri´ ´ asymptotiques des fonctions z^ . etes eta Seminar of the Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and its Applications, Moscow, Russia. Talk: Jacobians and abelian varieties over non algebraical ly closed fields (in Russian). Seminar of the Moscow Mathematical Society, Moscow, Russia. Talk: Asymptotic problems in number theory and limit zetafunctions (in Russian). Seminar of the Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Moscow, Russia. Talk: Asymptotic properties of global fields (in Russian). Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. Talk: Jacobians and abelian threefolds (in Russian). Number Theory Seminar, Institut Fourier, Grenoble, France. Talk: Jacobiennes parmi les vari´ ´ ab´ etes eliennes de genre 3. Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv, Israel. Talk: Jacobians among abelian threefolds. Number Theory Seminar, Institut de Math´ ematiques de Luminy, Marseille, France. Talk: Sur le Th´ ` eoreme de Brauer­Siegel pour des Vari´ ´ sur des Corps Globaux. etes




2008.12 2008.11 2007.11

Other scientific visits 2011.07 2010.06 2009.03 2009.01 2008.09 2006.07 2005.07 2005.07 2005.06 2005.01 2004.06 2004.01 2003.05 2003.05 Scientific visit to the National Center for Theoretic Sciences, Taiwan. Invitation by W. Li. Scientific visit to the Mathematical Department of Besan¸ con, France. Invitation by C. Maire. Scientific visit to the Mathematical Laboratory of the Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand. Invitation by E. Royer. Winter School "Quantum chaos", Institut de Math´ atiques de Borem deaux, Bordeaux, France. Summer School "p­adic Cohomology", Institut fur Mathematik, ¨ Mainz, Germany. Summer School "Motives and related topics", Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Paris, France. Summer School "Number fields and curves over finite fields", Crete, Greece. Summer School "Algebraic groups", Georg­August­Universit¨ at, G¨ ottingen, Germany. Conference "Gauss­Dirichlet", Georg­August­Universit¨ G¨ at, ottingen, Germany. ´ Exchange "Ecole Normale Sup´ erieure de Paris" -- "Independent University of Moscow", Paris, France Conference "Arithmetic geometry", Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. Winter School, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. Conference "Arithmetic, Geometry and Coding Theory", CIRM, Marseille, France. Summer School "Algebraic geometry and information theory", CIRM, Marseille, France.

Organized Conferences 2012.07 2012.04 2011.10 2011.08 2011.03 Summer school "Algebra and Geometry" (together with F. Bogomolov, A. Tikhomirov and S. Tikhomirov), Yaroslavl, Russia. "Arithmetic days" (together with I. Fesenko and I. Zhukov), IUM, Laboratoire Poncelet, Moscow, Russia. "Global Fields" (together with M. Tsfasman and P. Lebacque), IUM, Laboratoire Poncelet, Moscow, Russia. Summer school "Algebra and Geometry" (together with M. Verbitsky, A. Tikhomirov and S. Tikhomirov), Yaroslavl, Russia. "Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory"(together with Y. Aubry and C. Ritzenthaler), CIRM, Marseille, France. "Zeta Functions-3"(together with M. Tsfasman and M. Balazard), IUM, Laboratoire Poncelet, Moscow, Russia. "Global Fields" (together with M. Tsfasman), IUM, Laboratoire Poncelet, Moscow, Russia.

2010.06 2007.07

Organized seminars 2009 -- 2009 -- 2010 2008 -- 2009 2007 -- 2008 2006 -- 2007 2005 -- 2006 Number Theory Seminar (together with M. Tsfasman), IUM-- Laboratoire Poncelet--IITP, Moscow, Russia. "Monstrous Moonshine" (together with E. Smirnov), Mathematical Departement of HSE, Moscow, Russia. "Abelian varieties" (together with C. Ritzenthaler), Luminy Mathematical Institute, Marseille, France. "Complex multiplication" (together with C. Ritzenthaler and D. Kohel), Luminy Mathematical Institute, Marseille, France. "Algebraic Surfaces" (together with F. Edoukou), Luminy Mathematical Institute, Marseille, France. "Automorphic forms" (together with W. Zudilin), Moscow State University, Russia.

Teaching exp erience 2009 -- 2010 -- 2012 2010 Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Topology, Discreet Mathematics exercise sessions at the Mathematical Department of HSE. Number theory courses at the Mathematical Department of HSE and at the Independent University of Moscow (IUM). Algebraic geometry and commutative algebra exercise sessions, "Math in Moscow" mathematical program for foreign students, IUM. Algebra, Calculus and Number Theory exercise sessions at IUM. Tutorship in the "Math in Moscow" mathematical program for foreign students, IUM.

2003 -- 2008 2005 -- 2006

Prizes, Awards, Fellowships : 2012 2011 2011 2006 -- 2009 2004 -- 2005 Simons-IUM Fellowship; Moscow Mathematical Society Prize; "Dynasty" foundation fellowship; Grant of the French Government for a joint French--Russian Ph.D. program; Petrovsky Fellowship (IUM).

Reviewer: 2010 2010 2009 2008 -- -- -- -- Mathematical Reviews; "Finite Fields and Applications"; Moscow Mathematical Journal; Zentralblatt MATH.