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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Sun Oct 18 19:40:34 2009
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 11:24:54 2012

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Curriculum Vitae
Vladimir Vershinin
Personal Data : Born 21 July 1952, Barnaul, Russia, USSR Married, 2 children Professional Addresses : D´partement de Sciences Math´matiques, e e Universit´ Montpellier-II, e Place Eug`ne Bataillon, e 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 FRANCE Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences avenue Koptiuga 4 Novosibirsk 630090 RUSSIA Office Telephones : +33 (0)4 67 14 35 50 (France) +7 3833 33 27 90 (Russia) Fax : +33 (0)4 67 14 35 58 (France) +7 3833 33 25 98 (Russia) Electronic Address : vershini@math.univ-montp2.fr (France) versh@math.nsc.ru (Russia) Education ­ 1969-1974 Novosibirsk University Degree granted : Mathematician, Diploma with distinction


­ 1974-1977 Novosibirsk University Postgraduate Course Degree granted : Ph.D. in Mathematics, 1979 Thesis : The Adams-Novikov spectral sequence and symplectic cobordism ­ 1988 Doctor of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk Thesis : Cobordism and spectral sequences Employment ­ 2000 ­ present : Universit´ Montpellier-II, FRANCE, e Professor ­ 1977 ­ present : Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences : Principal research scientist : 2006 ­ present Head of laboratory : 2000 ­ 2006 Leading research scientist : 1989 ­ 2000 Senior research scientist : 1985 ­ 1989 Junior research scientist : 1977 ­ 1985 ­ Visiting Professor (one year position) at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, 1993 - 1994 ­ Visiting Professor at the Universit´ de Nantes, France, 1994 - 1996 e Grants ­ Joint France ­ US Grant (CNRS - NSF) No 17149, "Algebraic and homological methods in Low-dimensional Topology", 2004 - 2006. ­ Grant INTAS No 03-5-3251 "Simplicial Algebra, homology theories, K-theory and homotopy", 2004 - 2007. ­ PEDR, 2004 - 2007 ; 2008 - present. Recent Lectures at International Conferences International Conference on Knot Theory and its Applications, Trieste, Italy, May 25-29, 2009. International Conference "From Braid groups to Teichmuller spaces", CIRM, ¨ Luminy, June 1-5, 2009, France International Conference " Algebraic Topology, Braids and Mapping Class Groups Singapore, 4 - 19 Dec 2008. International Conference "Geometry and Topology in small dimension", November 17 - 21, 2008, CIRM, Luminy, France International Pontryagin Anniversary Conference. June 17-22, 2008, Moscow, Russia International Conference "Braids and groups", September 2007, Toulouse, France International Conference "The algebra and geometry around knots and braids", St.Petersburg, Russia. September 10-14, 2007. 2

International Conference on Geometry, Topology and Physics, July 5-8, 2007, Faro, Portugal. Conference : "Algorithmic problems connected with braids and topology of low dimensions", Berder island, near Vannes, France, November 2006. International Conference : "Intelligence of Low Dimensional Topology", July 2006, Hiroshima, Japan. International Conference : "Knots, Groups and 3-Manifolds", Marseille, France, May - June 2006. International Conference : "Groups, Homotopy and Configuration Spaces", July 2005, Tokyo, Japan. International Conference : "Categories in Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics" July 2005, Sydney, Canberra, Australia. International Conference : "Geometric Topology, Discrete Geometry and Set Theory", Moscow, Russia, August, 2004.

Recent Visits University of S~o Paolo, Brazil, August 2009. a University of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, September-October 2008. University of Oxford, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, November­ December 2007. National University of Singapore, August, 2007. University of Panjab, Chandigarh, Republic of India, March, 2007. University of Kyoto, Japan, July 2006. Macquarie University, Sydney and Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, July 2005. George Washington University, Washington, United States, July 2004. Domains of Research Topology, Algebra, Approximation Theory, Mathematical Methods in Chemistry. Teaching Various courses in Novosibirsk University, Russia and University Montpellier 2, France ; courses on Topology and Geometry in the Universitat Autonoma de Barce` lona, Spain, and University of Nantes, France. In September - October 2008 in the framework of the Volunteer Lecturer Program of the International Mathematical Union delivered a course on Functional Analysis in the University of Dar-es-Salaam.


Administrative activities and other resp onsibilities Member of the Editorial board of the "Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures". Organizer of the international conference "Topology and algebraic K-theory", Montpellier, 12 ­ 15 January 2005. Member of the Commission of Specialists (Recruiting Committee) of the section 25 (Mathematics) 2001 ­ 2008, and of the Commission of Specialists of sections 29-30 (Physics) 2006 ­ 2008, University Montpellier 2. Organizer of the international conference "Braids, Knots and Applications", Montpellier, 9 ­ 11 June 2008.