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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Thu Feb 5 15:53:28 2009
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 05:51:09 2012

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: m 63
Laboratoire de Physique ThÈorique de la MatiÕre CondensÈe (LPTMC) UMR CNRS 7600 UniversitÈ Pierre et Marie Curie 4 place Jussieu F-75252 Paris Cedex 05

Date of Birth: June 15, 1963 Marital Status: married, 1 child oshanin@lptmc.jussieu.fr

tel. : +33 1 44277237 fax: +33 1 44275100

Education · 09/1980 - 01/1986 · 12/1983 · 01/1986
Physics Department, Moscow State University B.Sc., General Physics and Mathematics M.Sc., Physics

Master's Thesis: "Transport of relativistic electron beams in dense gases", supervised by Prof. A. Rukhadze, Lebedev Institute of Physics, Moscow

· 10/1989

Ph.D. in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Ph.D. Thesis: "Kinetics of many-particle diffusion-controlled processes", supervised by Prof. S. Burlatsky and Prof. A. Ovchinnikov, Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow

Research experience · · · · · · · · · ·
02/2009 ­ 09/2009 Visiting Researcher, Laboratory J.-V.Poncelet (UMI CNRS), Independent University, Moscow, Russia Since 10/1997 Staff Researcher at CNRS, LPTMC, University of Paris 6 07/1997 - 09/1997 Associated Researcher at CNRS, LPTL, University of Paris 6 04/1996 - 06/1997 Invited Professor, University of Mons-Hainaut, Belgium 10/1995 - 03/1996 Associated Researcher at CNRS, LPTL, University of Paris 6 09/1995 Invited Professor, DPT of IPN, University Paris-Sud 11/1994 - 08/1995 Associated Researcher at CNRS, LPTL, University of Paris 6 06/1993 - 11/1994 Researcher, University of Freiburg, Germany 07/1992 - 05/1993 Invited Researcher, LPTL, University of Paris 6 05/1986 - 07/1992 Junior, then Staff Researcher, Statistical Physics Laboratory, Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow, Russia

Grants and Fellowships · · · ·
1992 - Post doctoral fellowship by the French Ministry of Research and Technologies (MRT) 1993 - Fellowship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany 1997 - Bilateral Franco-German PROCOPE-grant 2003 - EPSRC grant together with Imperial College, UK (A. Kornyshev) and University of Dusseldorf, Germany (H. Lowen)


· · ·

2003 - Bessel Research Prize, German government and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany 2006 - Bilateral Franco-Polish POLONIUM-grant 2007 - ANR "DYOPTRI" (Dynamique et Optimisation des Processus de TRansport Intermittents) grant

Visiting Positions · · · · · · · · · · ·
1994 - Associated researcher at CNRS, France, Section 17, 10 months 1995 - Associated researcher at CNRS, France, Section 02, 6 months 1996 - Invited Professor, Belgian National Scientific Foundation (FNRS), 18 months 1997 - Associated researcher at CNRS, France, 2 months 2004 - Visiting scientist, Max-Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany, 2 months 2005 - Visiting scientist, Max-Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany, 2 months 2005 - Visiting scientist, AIST Tsukuba, Japan, 1 month 2007- Visiting scientist, AIST Tsukuba, Japan, 3 months 2008 - Visiting scientist, Max-Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany, 2 months 2008 - Invited Professor (FNRS), University of Mons-Hainaut, Belgium, 1 month 2009 ­ Visiting researcher, Laboratory J.-V.Poncelet, Independent University, Moscow, Russia, 8 months

Research Interests
Condensed matter theory, non-equilibrium and equilibrium statistical mechanics, chemical physics

· Since 1988 - Fluctuation Phenomena in Reaction/Diffusion Systems · Since 1988 - Random Transport and Dynamics in Disordered Media · Since 1991 - Stochastic Dynamics of Interacting Particles Systems · Since 1994 - Wetting Phenomena · Since 2006 - Stochastic Search, Evasion and Pursuit Teaching and educational activities · Undergraduate students: A. Stemmer, Diploma Thesis, Freiburg University, 1993 (with A.

· Postgraduate students: A. Mogutov, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Paris 6, 1992 (with M.
Moreau), H. Schiessel, Ph. D Thesis, Freiburg University, 1994 (with A. Blumen), S. Luding, Ph. D Thesis, Freiburg University, 1994 (with A. Blumen), M. De Ruijter, University of Mons-Hainaut, 1996 (with J. De Coninck), O. Benichou, Ph. D Thesis, University of Paris 6, 1999 (with M. Moreau), M. Coppey, Ph. D Thesis, University of Paris 6, 2004 (with M.Moreau), S. Mechkov, Ph. D Thesis, University of Paris 6/ENS, 2009 (with A.M.Cazabat)

· Postdocs: R. Voituriez, 2005, O. Vasilyev, 2006


Consulting · 2003-2004 on wetting properties of carbon fibers, United Technologies Corporation, East
Hartford CT USA

· 2007-2008 on stochastic search and evasion, DARPA and US Air Force OSR Project "Robust
uncertainty management in search and surveillance"

Publications (by topics)
- research article (88) - chapter in a book (8) - conference proceedings with a peer review (12) - article submitted or in preparation (9)

Anomalous Fluctuation-Induced Kinetic Behavior of Irreversible Diffusion-Controlled Processes
Fluctuation induced kinetics of incoherent excitations quenching,
with S. Burlatsky and A. Ovchinnikov, Physics Letters A 139, 245 (1989)

Fluctuation-induced kinetics of reversible coagulation,
with S. Burlatsky, Journal of Physics A 22, 973 (1989)

Influence of spatial fluctuations on the long-time recombination of particles with different mobilities,
with A.Chernoutsan and S. Burlatsky, Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry 26, 12 (1990)

Kinetics of chemical short-range ordering in liquids and diffusion-controlled reactions,
with S. Burlatsky and A. Ovchinnikov, Chemical Physics 152, 13 (1991)

Long-time kinetics of the quenching of incoherent excitations,
with S. Burlatsky, Soviet Journal of Chemical Physics 8(3), 547 (1991)

Correlation effects in many-body reactive systems,
with S Burlatsky and A Ovchinnikov, in: Electron-electron correlation effects in low dimensional conductors and superconductors; eds.: A. Ovchinnikov and I. Ukrainsky, Springer Research Reports in Physics, (Springer, Berlin, 1991), p. 129

Fluctuation dominated kinetics of diffusion-controlled processes: Strong effects due to fluctuations and correlations,
with S. Burlatsky, Journal of Statistical Physics 65, 1095 (1991) Proceedings of the Meeting on Non-Classical Reaction Rates in honour of the 65th anniversary of George H. Weiss, NIH, Bethesda, USA 1991, presented by S. Burlatsky

Comment on "Pair and triple correlations in diffusion-limited A + B B reactions",
with S.Burlatsky, M.Moreau and A.Blumen, Physical Review Letters 75, 585 (1995)

Fluctuation-dominated A + B 0 kinetics under short-ranged inter-particle interactions,
with I. Sokolov, P. Argyrakis and A. Blumen, Journal of Chemical Physics 105, 6304 (1996)


Exciton decay models based on reacting interacting particles,
with I. M. Sokolov, A. Blumen and P. Argyrakis, in: Excitonic Processes in Condensed Media, ed. M. Schreiber, (Dresden University Press, 1996), p.339

Kinetics of stochastically gated diffusion-limited reactions and geometry of random walk trajectories,
with O. Benichou and M. Moreau, Physical Review E 61, 3388 (2000)

Dynamical disorder in diffusion-limited reactions,
with M. Moreau and O. Benichou, Physica A 306, 169 (2002) Proceedings of the 21st IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Cancun, Mexico, July 2001, presented by M. Moreau

Diffusion-limited reactions of particles with fluctuating activity,
with O. Benichou and M Moreau, in: Instabilities and Non-Equilibrium Structures VIII, ed. E Tirapegui, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2004), p.5

Trapping reactions with randomly moving traps: Exact asymptotic results for compact exploration,
with O. Benichou, M. Coppey and M. Moreau, Physical Review E 66, 060101(R) (2002)

Pascal principle for diffusion-controlled trapping reactions,
with M. Moreau, M. Coppey and O. Benichou, Physical Review E 67, 045104(R) (2003)

Stochastic theory of diffusion-controlled reactions,
with M. Moreau, M. Coppey and O. Benichou, Physica A 327, 99 (2003) Proceedings of the XXIII Meeting on Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Physics, Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay, December 2002, presented by M. Moreau

Lattice theory of trapping reactions with mobile species,
with M. Moreau, M. Coppey and O. Benichou, Physical Review E 69, 046101 (2004)

Survival probability of a particle in a sea of mobile traps: a tale of tails,
with O. Benichou, J. Klafter, K. Lindenberg and S.B.Yuste, Physical Review E 78, 021105 (2008)

Exact asymptotics for nonradiative migration-accelerated energy transfer in one-dimensional systems,
with M. Tachiya, Physical Review E 78, 031124 (2008)

Anomalous Kinetic and Steady-State Properties of Reversible Diffusion-Controlled Reactions
Fluctuation kinetics in systems with reversible recombination,
with S. Burlatsky and A. Ovchinnikov, Soviet Physics JETP 68, 1153 (1989)

Fluctuation-induced kinetics of reversible reactions,
with S. Burlatsky and A. Ovchinnikov, Journal of Physics A 22, 977 (1989).

Effects of reagent density fluctuations on the kinetics of reversible bimolecular reactions in non stoichiometric mixtures,
Soviet Journal of Chemical Physics 8(2), 395 (1991)


Correlation induced non monotonic behavior of reversible chemical reactions,
with A. Mogutov, M. Moreau and S. Burlatsky, Journal of Molecular Liquids 63, 175 (1995) Special issue on "Chemical Kinetics and Reactions in Liquids", eds: H. Ratajczak and M. Moreau.

Corrections to the law of mass action and the properties of the asymptotic state in reversible diffusion-limited reactions,
with R. Voituriez and M. Moreau, Journal of Chemical Physics 122, 084103 (2005)

Reversible diffusion-limited reactions: The law of mass action and chemical equilibrium state revisited,
with R. Voituriez and M. Moreau, Europhysics Letters 69, 177 (2005)

Reactions Involving Polymers: Polymer-Size and Anomalous Mobility Effects
Diffusion-controlled reactions with a polymer,
with S. Burlatsky and V. Likhachev, Soviet Journal of Chemical Physics 7, 970 (1989)

Many-particle kinetics of reversible polymerization,
with S. Burlatsky, Soviet Journal of Chemical Physics 9, 718 (1990)

Diffusion-controlled reactions in polymer systems,
with S. Burlatsky, Physics Letters A 145, 61 (1990)

Two dimensional model of trapping reactions with Gaussian coils,
with A. Mogutov and S. Burlatsky, Physics Letters A 149, 55 (1990)

Direct energy transfer in polymer systems,
with S. Burlatsky and A. Mogutov, Physical Review Letters 65, 3205 (1990)

Reaction kinetics in polymer systems,
with S. Burlatsky, Journal of Statistical Physics 65, 1109 (1991) Proceedings of the Meeting on Non-Classical Reaction Rates in honour of the 65th anniversary of George H. Weiss, NIH, Bethesda, USA 1991

Models of chemical reactions with participation of polymers,
with M. Moreau and S. Burlatsky, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 49, 1 (1994) Special issue in honor of P. G. de Gennes, eds.: Th. F. Tadros and A. M. Cazabat

Influence of transport limitations on the kinetics of homopolymerization reactions,
with M. Moreau, Journal of Chemical Physics 102, 2977 (1995)

Direct energy transfer in solutions of ideal polymer chains,
with A. Blumen, M. Moreau and S. Burlatsky, Journal of Chemical Physics 103, 9864 (1995)

Direct energy transfer in systems of polymerized acceptors,
with J. De Coninck, A. Blumen, M. Moreau and S. Burlatsky, in: Excitonic Processes in Condensed Media, ed. M Schreiber, (Dresden University Press, 1996), p.315

Kinetics of anchoring of polymer chains on substrates with chemically active sites,


with S. Nechaev, A. M. Cazabat and M. Moreau, Physical Review E 58, 6134 (1998)

Anchoring of polymers by traps randomly placed on a line,
with S. Nechaev and A. Blumen, Journal of Statistical Physics 98, 281 (2000)

Reaction-Diffusion Systems with External Random Input of Particles: Steady-State Properties and Self-Ordering Phenomena
Fluctuation induced kinetics of reactions on fractals with external sources,
with S. Burlatsky and A. Ovchinnikov, Physics Letters A 139, 241 (1989)

Fluctuation kinetics of bimolecular reactions with external particles input,
with S. Burlatsky and A. Ovchinnikov, Soviet Journal of Chemical Physics 8, 372 (1989)

Anomalous steady-state properties of long-range bimolecular reactions,
with S. Burlatsky, E.Clement, D. Graff and L. Sander Journal of Physical Chemistry 98, 7390 (1994) Special issue in honour of Raoul Kopelman

Kinetics and Equilibrium Properties of Catalytic (Three-Particle) Reactions in Random Media
Smoluchowski approach for three-body reactions in one dimension,
with S. Luding, A. Stemmer and A. Blumen, Physical Review E 52, 5800 (1995)

Kinetic description of diffusion-limited reactions in random catalytic media,
with A. Blumen, Journal of Chemical Physics 108, 1140 (1998)

Single-species reactions on a random catalytic chain,
with S. Burlatsky, Journal of Physics A 35, L695 (2002)

Influence of self-organization and fluctuations on kinetics of the monomer-monomer catalytic scheme,
with P. Argyrakis, E. Clement and S. Burlatsky, Physical Review E 63, 021110 (2001)

Exactly solvable model of A + A 0 reactions on a heterogeneous catalytic chain,
with A. Blumen and O. Benichou, Europhysics Letters 62, 69 (2003)

Equilibrium properties of a monomer-monomer catalytic reaction on a one-dimensional chain,
with M. Popescu and S. Dietrich, Physical Review E 68, 016109 (2003)

Adsorption of reactive particles on a random catalytic chain: Exact solution,
with S. Burlatsky, Physical Review E 67, 016115 (2003)

Exactly solvable model of reactions on a random catalytic chain,
with O. Benichou and A. Blumen, Journal of Statistical Physics 112, 541 (2003)

Catalytic reactions with bulk-mediated excursions: Mixing fails to restore chemical equilibrium,
with M. Coppey, O. Benichou, J. Klafter and M. Moreau,


Physical Review E 69, 036115 (2004)

Exactly solvable case of monomer-monomer reactions on a two-dimensional random catalytic substrate,
with M. Popescu and S. Dietrich, Physical Review Letters 93, 020602-1 (2004)

Binary reactions on a random catalytic surface: Bethe lattice solution,
with O. Benichou and M. Moreau, manuscript in preparation

Kinetics of diffusion-limited catalytically-activated reactions: an extension of the Wilemski-Fixman approach,
with M. Coppey, O. Benichou and M. Moreau, Journal of Chemical Physics 123, 194506 (2005)

Binary reactive adsorbate on a random catalytic substrate,
with M. Popescu and S. Dietrich, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (6): Art. No. 065126 (2007)

Polymer Dynamics in Random Media
Probability distribution of Rouse chain segment trajectories,
with S. Burlatsky, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 75, 473 (1989)

Rouse chain dynamics in layered random flows,
with A. Blumen, Physical Review E 49, 4185 (1994)

Dynamics and conformational properties of polymers in random layered flows,
with A. Blumen, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 4, 87 (1995)

Polyampholytes in external electric fields: dynamics and conformation properties,
with H. Schiessel and A. Blumen, Journal of Chemical Physics 103, 5070 (1995)

Dynamics and conformation properties of polyampholytes in external electrical fields: Influence of the charge distribution,
with H. Schiessel and A. Blumen, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 5, 45 (1996)

Polymer dynamics in time-dependent Matheron ­ de Marsily flows: An exactly solvable model,
with S. Jespersen and A. Blumen, Physical Review E 63, 011801 (2001)

Permeability of Disordered Membranes
Diffusive transfer of particles through disordered layers,
with S. Burlatsky and S. Timashev, Soviet Journal of Chemical Physics 9, 1299 (1990)

Non-Fickian diffusive flow through disordered membranes,
with S. Burlatsky and A. Chernoutsan, Physics Letters A 149, 47 (1990)

Tunneling of particles through disordered thin layers,
with S. Burlatsky and A. Chernoutsan, in: Electron-electron correlation effects in low dimensional conductors and superconductors; eds.: A. Ovchinnikov and I. Ukrainsky, Springer Research Reports in Physics, (Springer, Berlin, 1991), p. 121.


Random Walks in Random Media
Non Fickian steady flux in a one-dimensional Sinai chain,
with S. Burlatsky, A. Mogutov and M. Moreau, Physical Review A 45, R6955 (1992)

Steady flux in a continuous space Sinai chain,
with A. Mogutov and M. Moreau, Journal of Statistical Physics 73, 379 (1993)

Behavior of transport characteristics in several one-dimensional disordered systems,
with S. Burlatsky, M. Moreau and B. Gaveau, Chemical Physics 178, 803 (1993) Special issue on "Transport in disordered media", eds.: G Zumofen, J Klafter and A Blumen.

Subdiffusive transport in model disordered media,
with B. Gaveau and M. Moreau, Acta Physica Polonica 25, 943 (1994) Proceedings of the VI Symposium on Statistical Physics, September 1994, Zakopane, Poland, presented by M. Moreau

Sample-size dependence of the ground-state energy in a one-dimensional localization problem,
with C. Monthus, A. Comtet and S. Burlatsky, Physical Review E 54, 231 (1996)

On the joint residence time of N independent two-dimensional Brownian motions,
with O. Benichou, M. Coppey, J. Klafter and M. Moreau, Journal of Physics A 36, 7225 (2003)

Random walk generated by random permutations of 1, 2, 3, ... , n,
with R. Voituriez, Journal of Physics A 37, 6221 (2004)

Mean joint residence time of two Brownian particles in a sphere,
with O. Benichou, M. Coppey, J. Klafter and M. Moreau, Journal of Physics A 38, 7205 (2005)

Helix or coil? Fate of a melting heteropolymer,
with S. Redner, Europhysics Letters 85, 10008 (2009)

Random walks with growing steps,
with S. Redner, in preparation

Residence time distribution for random walks generated by random permutations,
with S. Redner, in preparation

Black-Scholes forecasts on races of Asian options,
in preparation

Random Surfaces
Diffusion-controlled deposition of dense lattice gas,
with S. Burlatsky and M. Elyashevich, Physics Letters A 151, 538 (1990)

On the distribution of surface extrema in several one- and two-dimensional random landscapes,


with F. Hivert, S. Nechaev and O. Vasilyev, Journal of Statistical Physics 126, 243 (2007)

Random patterns generated by random permutations of natural numbers,
with R. Voituriez, S. Nechaev, O.Vasilyev and F. Hivert, European Physical Journal - Special Topics 143, 143 (2007) Proceedings of the International Workshop on Complex Systems ­ New Trends and Expectations, June 2006, Santander, Spain

Molecular Motors
Molecular motor with a built-in escapement device,
with J. Klafter and M. Urbakh, Europhysics Letters 68, 26 (2004)

Saltatory drift in a randomly driven two-wave potential,
with J. Klafter and M. Urbakh, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17, S3697 (2005) Special issue on "Molecular Motors and Friction", eds.: J. Klafter and M. Urbakh,

Confinement effects on dynamics of self-propelling particles,
with M. Popescu and S. Dietrich, submitted to Journal of Chemical Physics

Tracer Diffusion in Lattice Gases
Directed walk in a one-dimensional lattice gas,
with S. Burlatsky, A. Mogutov and M. Moreau, Physics Letters A 166, 230 (1992)

Driven tracer in lattice gas wetting dynamics,
with S. Burlatsky, W. Reinhardt and M. Moreau, Bulletin of American Physical Society 40, 301 (1995) American Physical Society Meeting, March 1995, San Diego, USA, presented by S. Burlatsky

Motion of a driven tracer particle in a one-dimensional lattice gas,
with S. Burlatsky, M. Moreau and W. Reinhardt, Physical Review E 54, 3165 (1996)

Generalized model for dynamic percolation,
with O. Benichou, J. Klafter and M. Moreau, Physical Review E 62, 3327 (2000)

Atomic slide puzzle: self-diffusion of an impure atom,
with O. Benichou, Physical Review E 64, R020103 (2001)

Ultra-slow vacancy-mediated tracer diffusion in two-dimensions: The Einstein relation verified,
with O. Benichou, Physical Review E 66, 031101 (2002)

Phase boundary dynamics in a one-dimensional non-equilibrium lattice gas,
with J. De Coninck, M. Moreau and S. Burlatsky, in: Instabilities and Non-Equilibrium Structures VII, ed. E Tirapegui, (Kluwer Academic Pub., Dordrecht, 2004), p.69; cond-mat/9910243

Biased tracer diffusion in hard-core lattice gases: Some notes on the validity of the Einstein relation,
with M. Moreau, O. Benichou and S. Burlatsky, in: Instabilities and Non-Equilibrium Structures IX, ed. O Descalzi, J Martinez and S Rica, (Kluwer Academic Pub., Dordrecht, 2004), p.33; cond-mat/0209611


Microscopic model of charge carrier transfer in complex media,
with O. Benichou, J. Klafter and M. Moreau, Chemical Physics 319, 16 (2005) Special issue on" Molecular charge transfer in condensed media", eds. A. Kornyhev, M. Newton, J. Ulstrup, and B. Sanderson

Tracer Diffusion and Frictional Properties of Adsorbed Monolayers
Dynamics of a driven probe molecule in a liquid monolayer,
with J. De Coninck and M. Moreau, Europhysics Letters 38, 527 (1997)

Biased diffusion in a one-dimensional adsorbed monolayer,
with O. Benichou, A. M. Cazabat, A. Lemarchand and M. Moreau, Journal of Statistical Physics 97, 351 (1999)

Directed random walk in adsorbed monolayer,
with O. Benichou, A. M. Cazabat and M. Moreau, Physica A 272, 56 (1999)

Stokes formula and density perturbances for driven tracer diffusion in an adsorbed monolayer,
with O. Benichou, A. M. Cazabat, J. De Coninck and M. Moreau, Physical Review Letters 84, 511 (2000)

Force-velocity relation and density profiles for biased diffusion in adsorbed monolayers,
with O. Benichou, A. M. Cazabat, J. De Coninck and M.Moreau, Physical Review B 63, 235413 (2001)

Intrinsic friction of adsorbed monolayers,
with O. Benichou, A. M. Cazabat, J. De Coninck and M. Moreau, Journal of Physics C 13, 4835 (2001) Special issue on "Liquids at Interfaces", ed. H. Lowen

Intrinsic friction of monolayers adsorbed on solid surfaces,
with O. Benichou, A. M. Cazabat, J. De Coninck and M. Moreau, Proceedings of the MRS Fall 2003 Meeting, Vol. 790, Symposium T: Dynamics in Small Confining Systems IV, eds.: J. M. Drake, J. Klafter, P. Levitz, R. M. Overney and M. Urbakh, 2.7.1 (2004); cond-mat/0311625

Precursor Films
Microscopic model of an upward creep of ultrathin wetting film,
with S. Burlatsky, A. M. Cazabat and M. Moreau, Physical Review Letters 76, 86 (1996)

Spreading of a thin wetting film: microscopic approach,
with S. Burlatsky, A. M. Cazabat, M. Moreau and W. Reinhardt, Physical Review E 54, 3832 (1996)

Microscopic model for spreading of a two-dimensional monolayer,
with J. De Coninck, A. M. Cazabat and M. Moreau, Journal of Molecular Liquids 76, 195 (1998) Proceedings of the XXVI Winter Meeting on Statistical Physics, Cuernavaca, Mexico, January 1997

Dewetting, partial wetting and spreading of a monolayer on solid substrate,
with J. De Coninck, A. M. Cazabat and M. Moreau, Physical Review E 58, R20 (1998)

Dynamics of spreading of liquid microdroplets on substrates of increasing surface energies,
with M. Voue, M. P. Valignat, A. M. Cazabat and J. De Coninck, Langmuir 14, 5951 (1998)


Spreading of molecularly thin wetting films on solid interfaces,
with S. Burlatsky, A. M. Cazabat, M. Moreau and S. Villette, in Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems, Vol.V: Instabilities and Non-Equilibrium Structures VI, eds. E Tirapegui, J Martinez and R Tiemann, (Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, 1999)

Propagation dynamics of a particle phase in a single-file pore,
with A. M. Lacasta, J. M. Sancho and F. Sagues, MRS Proceedings Volume 651, Symposium T: Dynamics in Small Confining Systems V, eds.: J. M. Drake, J. Klafter, P. Levitz, R. M. Overney and M. Urbakh, T9-1; cond-mat/0101119

Spreading of a monolayer on a chemically heterogeneous solid surface,
with N. Pesheva, Colloids and Surfaces A 206, 349 (2002) Proceedings of the International Workshop on Nanocapillarity: Wetting of Heterogeneous Surface and Porous Solid, June 2001, Princeton, USA, ed. A Neimark

Defect-induced perturbations of atomic monolayers on solid surfaces,
with H. Schiessel, A. M. Cazabat and M. Moreau, Physical Review E 66, 056130 (2002)

Diffusive spreading and mixing of fluid monolayers,
with M. Popescu and S. Dietrich, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17, S4189 (2005) Special issue on "Diffusion in Liquids, Chemical and Biophysical Systems", eds.: K. Lindenberg, G. Oshanin and M. Tachiya

Spreading and Dissipative Processes in Monolayers
Molecular weight dependence of spreading rates of ultrathin polymeric films,
with M. P. Valignat, S. Villette, A. M. Cazabat and M. Moreau, Physical Review Letters 80, 5377 (1998)

Structure and dynamics of thin liquid films on solid substrates,
with M. P. Valignat, M. Voue and A. M. Cazabat, Colloids and Surfaces A 154, 25 (1999) Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Surface Characterization of Adsorption and Interfacial Reactions, Keanhou Kona, Hawaii, January 1998, presented by A. M. Cazabat

Dissipation processes at the mesoscopic and molecular scale. The case of polymer films,
with M. Voue, M. P. Valignat and A. M. Cazabat, Langmuir 15, 1522 (1999)

Spreading of Macroscopic Droplets
Droplet spreading: Partial wetting regime revisited,
with M. de Ruijter and J. De Coninck, Langmuir 15, 2209 (1999)

Contact line stability of ridges and drops,
with S. Mechkov, M. Rauscher, A. M. Cazabat, M. Brinkmann and S. Dietrich, Europhysics Letters 80 (6), 66002-66008 (2007)

Paradoxical line tension controlled spreading,
with S. Mechkov and A. M. Cazabat, in preparation

Wetting/Dewetting hysteresis,
with J. De Coninck, E.Bernard, T. Blake and D. Seveno in preparation

Stochastic Search, Evasion and Pursuit 11

Intermittent random walks for an optimal search strategy: One-dimensional case,
with H.Wio, K. Lindenberg and S. Burlatsky, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (6), Art. No. 065142 (2007) Special issue on "Reaction kinetics beyond the textbook: fluctuations, many particle effects and anomalous dynamics", eds. K. Lindenberg, G. Oshanin and M. Tachiya

Efficient search strategies for intermittent random walks,
with H. Wio, K. Lindenberg and S. Burlatsky, Journal of Physics A, submitted Special issue on "Random search problem", eds. MEG da Luz, E Raposo, GM Viswanathan and A. Grosberg

Prey passive evasion: modest effort, high success,
with J. Klafter, O. Vasilyev and P. Krapivsky, in preparation

co-editor (with Katja Lindenberg, UCSD, and Masanori Tachiya, AIST, Tsukuba) of a special issue of Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter on "Diffusion in Liquids, Chemical and Biophysical Systems" 17 (2005) co-editor (with Katja Lindenberg and Masanori Tachiya), of a special issue of Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter on "Reaction Kinetics Beyond the Textbook: Fluctuations, Many Particle Effects and Anomalous Dynamics" 19 (2007) co-editor (with Gary Grest and Ed Webb, Sandia National Labs) of a special issue of Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter on "Dynamics of Wetting", in preparation, scheduled for May 2009

Talks at Conferences (since 2000) · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Material Research Society Fall 2000 Meeting, Symposium T: Dynamics in Confined Geometries, Boston, USA, November 2000 (invited lecture and symposium section chairman) CECAM Workshop on Statistical and Dynamical Aspects of Surface Reactions: Theory, Modeling and Experiments, Lyon, France, July 2000 (invited lecture) TRI Princeton Workshop on Nanocapillarity and Wetting of Heterogeneous Systems, Princeton, USA, June 2001 (invited lecture and conference section chairman) 223d ACS Annual Meeting, Symposium on Friction and Dynamics in Submicron Confined Systems, Orlando, USA, April 2002 (invited lecture and conference section chairman) International workshop on "Diffusion-Assisted Reactions", Seoul, Korea, August 2002 (invited lecture and conference section chairman) Symposium on Anomalous Dynamical Processes, Niels Bohr Institute - Nordita, Copenhagen, May 2003 (invited lecture) Material Research Society Fall 2003 Meeting, Symposium T: Dynamics in Confined Geometries, Boston, USA, December 2003 (invited lecture and symposium section chairman) Dynamics Days Asia-Pacific 3, Singapore, July 2004 (contributed talk) International Conference on Combinatorial Methods in Physics and Knot Theory, Moscow, Russia, February 2005 (invited lecture) Fluctuations and Noise, Symposium on Noise in Complex Systems and Stochastic Dynamics III, Austin, USA, May 2005 (invited lecture) IX Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, October 2005 (contributed talk) Frontiers in Chemical Kinetics, Tel Aviv, Israel, May 2006 (section chairman) Complex and Stochastic Systems, Santander, Spain, June 2006 (invited lecture)


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Isaac Newton Institute Workshop on First Passage and Extreme Value Statistics, Cambridge, UK, June 2006 (contributed talk) DARPA Caltech Meeting on Search and Surveillance, Pasadena, USA, January 2007 (invited lecture) Fluctuations and Noise: Symposium on Noise in Complex Systems and Stochastic Dynamics, Florence, Italy, May 2007 (invited lecture) DARPA Workshop on Search and Surveillance, Islamorada FL, USA, July 2007 (invited lecture) Applied Probability Society INFORMS Meeting, Eindhoven, Holland, July 2007 (invited lecture) Combinatorial Physics, Krakow, Poland, November 2007 (invited lecture) Max-Planck-Institute Stuttgart Workshop on "Physics of Fluctuations", Germany, July 2008 (invited lecture) Nordita Workshop on Movement and Search, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2008 (invited lecture) New Paths for Random Walks, Cuernavaca, Mexico, January 2009 (invited lecture)

Seminars (since 2000) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Physics Department, Boston University, USA, June 2000 United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, USA, July 2000 TRI-Princeton, Princeton, USA, June 2001 Max-Planck-Institute Stuttgart, Germany, June 2002 Chemistry Department, Imperial College London, UK, January 2003 LPTMS, Orsay, France, June 2003 Max-Planck-Institute Stuttgart, Germany, June 2004 AIST, Tsukuba, Japan, November 2004 (three lectures) Kyoto University, Japan, November 2004 (two lectures) Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, November 2004 Chemistry Department, Imperial College London, UK, December 2004 Max-Planck-Institute Stuttgart, Germany, April 2005 Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, June 2006 Insitut Henri Poincare, Paris, December 2006 AIST Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, March 2007 Porous Media Group, University of Paris V, May 2007 Physics Department, Humboldt University, Berlin, July 2008 Physics Department, UNAM, Mexico City, January 2009