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Дата изменения: Thu Mar 3 20:40:07 2011
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 07:35:19 2012

Поисковые слова: внешние планеты
Curriculum vitae

Name Firstname Date of birth Age Personnal adress

Bedaride Situation Assistant professor Adress Universitґ Aix-Marseille III e Nicolas 26 may 1976 FST ­ cours A, dґ rtement de mathґ epa ematiques 33 years av. escadrille Normandie-Niґ emen 13397 Marseille cedex 13 rue Solfґ erino 13006 Marseille Tel 04 91 28 89 25 Email nicolas.bedaride@univ-cezanne.fr Web page http://junon.u-3mrs.fr/bedaride

Research areas
Key words. Dynamical systems, symbolic dynamics. Polygonal billiard, outer billiard, piecewise isometries. Combinatorics on words, complexity function. Theory of Tilings.

Education and degree
­ 2001­2005 PhD thesis in maths at l'Institut de mathґ ematiques de Luminy, 27 may 2005. Director Serge Troubetzkoy : "Study of polyhedral billiard". ­ 2001 Master thesis of mathematics (Marseille). ­ 2000 Agrґ egation de mathґ ematiques.

ґ ­ Assistant professor. University Paul Cezanne. Marseille. 2007ґ ­ Lecturer 2004-2007. University Paul Cezanne. Marseille. ­ PhD student 2001-2004. University de la Mґ ґ editerranґ Marseille. ee.


· Published articles.


1. Directional billiard complexity in rational polyhedra. Regular and chaotic dynamical systems 2003 vol 3, p97-104. 2. Global complexity of the cubic billiard. Avec Pascal Hubert (LATP, Marseille). Annales de l'Institut Fourier. 2007, tome 57, numґ 3, pages 719-738. ero 3. Topological entropy of polyhedral billiard. Discrete and continuous dynamical systems. Serie A. 2007, volume 19, numґ ero 1, pages 89-102. 4. Classification of rotations on the torus T2 . Theoretical Computer Sciences. 2007, volume 385, issues 1-3, pages 214-225. 5. Periodic tra jectories in polyhedron. forum geometricorum. Volume 8 (2008), pages 107-120. 6. Combinatoire du billard. Actes du sґ eminaire de thґ eorie sp ectrale et gґ ґ eometrie de Grenoble. 2008. 7. Directional complexity of the hypercubic billiard. Discrete mathematics. Volume 309 (2009), pp. 2053-2066. 8. Comptage de mots sturmiens avec un nombre fixe de zґ eros. Avec E. Domenjoud (LORIA, Nancy), D. Jamet (LORIA, Nancy), J.L. Remy (LORIA, Nancy). Discrete and theoretical computer sciences. 2010, volume 3, 41-62. 9. Dual billiard : Combinatorial study. Avec Julien Cassaigne (IML, Marseille). Journal of London mathematical so ciety. 25 pp. · Submitted articles 10. Geometric realizations of substitutive tilings. Avec Arnaud Hilion (LATP, Marseille). 28 pp. 11. Characterization of quasi-rational polygons. 15 pp. See the following webpage : http: //junon.u - 3mrs.fr/bedaride/publi.html