May 28 - June 2, 2012, Moscow, Russia
Laboratoire J.-V. Poncelet, Steklov Mathematical Institute,
and the Higher
School of Economics
Practical details
Here is the finalized program of 3rd Workshop
3rd Workshop on Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces
Monday, May 28
(at the Independent University
of Moscow)
9:50-10:00 Opening
10:00-11:00 B.Dubrovin
(SISSA, Italy and Moscow State Univ.
On integrable hierarchies of topological type
11:10-12:10 S. Ribault (L2C, Montpellier and IPhT, Saclay, France)
Non-commutative spectral curves
and Seiberg-Witten equations in Liouville theory
coffee break
12:40-13:30 A. Sergeev
(Steklov Math. Inst., Moscow)
Harmonic sphere conjecture
15:30-16:20 A. Bondal
(Steklov Math. Inst., CAvli IPMU, and HSE, Moscow)
Noncommutative blow-downs, representation
theory and perverse sheaves
coffee break
16:35-17:25 V. Roubtsov (Univ. Angers, France, ITEP, Moscow)
Quadratic Poisson structures on representations
and double brackets
17:30-18:20 G. Helminck (Univ. Amsterdam, Netherlands)
A multipoint version of the KP hierarchy
18:45 Welcome party at the IUM.
Tuesday, May 29
(at the Independent University
of Moscow)
10:00-11:00 N. Orantin (IST, Lisbon, Portugal)
A combinatorial proof of the BKMP conjecture
11:10-12:10 V. Fock (Strasbourg Univ., France)
Dimers, clusters, and integrable systems
coffee break
12:40-13:40 R. Kaufmann
(Purdue Univ., Illinois)
Categorified correlators
15:30-16:30 T.Barbot (Avignon Univ., France)
Particles with spin in spacetimes in expansion
coffee break
16:40-17:15 S. Suetin (Steklov Mathematical Inst., Moscow)
Orthogonal polynomials and Widom's formulas
tea break
17:30-18:00 M. Mazin (Stony Brook Univ.)
Jacobi factors of quasi-homogeneous
plane curve singularities
M. Gorsky (Steklov Math. Inst., Moscow)
Distinguished bases for An root systems and parking functions
Wednesday, May 30
(at the Steklov
Mathematical Institute)
10:00-11:00 M. Shapiro -I (Michigan State Univ., USA)
Poisson properties of planar networks
tea break
11:20-12:30 S. Fomin (Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
Cluster structures in rings of SL3 invariants
12:40-13:40 M. Shapiro -II (Michigan State Univ., USA)
Higher pentagon map and
weighted directed networks
<afternoon and
evening free>
Thursday, May 31
(at the Steklov
Mathematical Institute)
10:00-11:00 L.D. Faddeev (Steklov Math. Inst., St. Petersburg)
Spectral decomposition for the geodesic length operator
11:10-12:10 A. Marshakov (Lebedev Phys. Inst., ITEP, and HSE, Moscow)
Dimers, clusters, and integrable systems II
coffee break
12:40-13:40 A. Mironov
(Lebedev Phys. Inst. and ITEP, Moscow)
Knots and integrability
15:20-16:00 G. Borot (Univ. Geneva)
Non-perturbative topological recursion and application
to the asymptotics of hyperbolic knot invariants
16:00-16:30 L. Spitz (Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Combinatorics of Hurwitz numbers and relation to geometry
16:35-17:05 P. Tumarkin (Durham Univ., UK)
Cluster algebras from orbifolds
tea break
17:20-17:50 E. Smirnov (HSE and IUM, Moscow)
Schubert polynomials, plane partitions and associahedra
17:55-18:30 P. Dunin-Barkovsky (ITEP and Univ. of Amsterdam)
Inversion symmetry and Givental decomposition
18:30-19:00 A. Buryak (Univ. of Amsterdam)
Integrals of psi-classes over double ramification cycles
19:10 workshop dinner at
the Steklov Mathematical Institute
Friday, June 01
(at the Independent Univ.
of Moscow)
10:00-11:00 M. Mazzocco
(Loughborough Univ., UK)
Quantum Painleve cubic
11:10-12:10 P.Zinn-Justin (Univ. Paris VI, France)
Alternating sign matrices and
descending plane partitions
coffee break
12:40-13:30 P. Sulkowski (Caltech, USA)
15:30-16:20 S. Shadrin (Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Towards Lax formulation of integrable hierarchies of topological type
16:30-17:20 A. Zabrodin (Semenov Chem. Physics Inst.. ITEP, and HSE, Moscow)
Quantum transfer matrices and classical tau-functions
tea break
17:40-18:20 D. Korotkin (Concordia Univ., Montreal)
Prym-Tyurin class and tau-function
Saturday, June 02
(at the HIgher School
of Economics)
10:00-11:00 Siye Wu (Hong Kong Univ.)
Index Bundle Gerbes and Moduli Spaces
11:10-12:10 S. Natanzon (Belozersky Phys.-Chem. Inst., HSE, ITEP, and IUM, Moscow)
Disk Hurwitz numbers and Half-Cut-and-Join operators
coffee break
12:40-13:30 V. Bukhshtaber (Steklov Math. Inst. and Moscow State Univ.)
Algebraic integrable quadratic
dynamic systems and the heat equation
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SU-HSE home page.