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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Sun Mar 28 13:40:18 2004
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sat Dec 22 17:13:25 2007

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: trees
Born 15.10.1972. Graduated Kolmogorov College in 1989. Winner of International
Mathematical Olympiade in 1989 (2nd prize). Graduated Moscow State University in
1994. Post­graduate student at Moscow State University 1994--1997. Ph. D. (Russian
candidate degree) 1997, Moscow State University. Dr. Habil. (Russian doctor degree)
2003, Moscow State University.
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University award for students'
research papers 1994. Moscow Mathematical Society award for young mathematicians
1997. Moscow State University award for young scientists 1998. London Mathematical
Society grant 'Invitation of young Russian mathematicians' 2002. Russian Academy of Sci­
ence medal for young scientists 2003. INTAS Grant 'Experienced post­doctoral Fellowship'
2003­2004. Moscow State University Stipendium 2003­2004.
In 1990­2003 teaching at Kolmogorov College of Moscow State University (since 2001
associate professor). Since 1999 teaching at the Independent University of Moscow (since
2003 full professor). Since 2003 teaching at Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of
Moscow State University (associate professor). Since 1991 jury member of Russian Math­
ematical Olympiade of high­school students.
A list of publications by A. B. Skopenkov
Research and survey papers.
[Sko95] A.Skopenkov, A description of continua basically embeddable in R 2 , Topol.
Appl. 65 (1995), 29--48.
[Sko97] A. B. Skopenkov, On the deleted product criterion for embeddability of manifolds
in R m , Comment. Math. Helv. 72 (1997), 543--555.
[Sko98] A. B. Skopenkov, On the deleted product criterion for embeddability in R m , Proc.
Amer. Math. Soc. 126:8 (1998), 2467--2476.
[Sko00] A. Skopenkov, On the generalized Massey--Rolfsen invariant for link maps, Fund.
Math. 165 (2000), 1--15.
[Sko02] A. Skopenkov, On the Haefliger­Hirsch­Wu invariants for embeddings and im­
mersions, Comment. Math. Helv. 77 (2002), 78--124.
[Sko03] A. Skopenkov, Embedding and knotting of higher­dimensional manifolds in Eu­
clidean spaces, London Math. Soc. Lect. Notes, submitted.
[Sko] A. Skopenkov, The Whitehead link, the Hudson­Habegger invariant and classi­
fication of embeddings S 1 \Theta S 3 ! R 7 , submitted (2001).
[RSS96] D. RepovŸs, A. B. Skopenkov and E. V. Ÿ
SŸcepin, C 1 ­homogeneous compacta in R n
are C 1 ­submanifolds of R n , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 124:4 (1996), 1219--1226.
[SSS98] J. Segal, A. Skopenkov and S. Spie—z, Embeddings of polyhedra in R m and the
deleted product obstruction, Topol. Appl. 85 (1998), 225--234.
[ReSk99] D. Repovs and A. Skopenkov, New results on embeddings of polyhedra and man­
ifolds into Euclidean spaces, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 54:6 (1999), 61--109 (in Rus­
sian); English transl., Russ. Math. Surv., 1149--1196.
[RSS93] D. RepovŸs, A. B. Skopenkov and E. V. Ÿ
SŸcepin, A characterization of C 1 ­
homogeneous subsets of the plane, Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. 7­A (1993), 437--444.
Typeset by A M S­T E X

[Sko94] A. Skopenkov, A geometric proof of the Neuwirth theorem on thickenings of
2­polyhedra, Mat. Zametki 56:2 (1994), 94--98 (in Russsian); English transl.:
Math. Notes, 58:5 (1995), 1244--1247.
[RSS95] D. RepovŸs, A. B. Skopenkov and E. V. Ÿ
SŸcepin, On uncountable collections of
continua and their span, Colloq. Math. 69:2 (1995), 289--296.
[RSS95'] D. RepovŸs, A. B. Skopenkov and E. V. Ÿ
SŸcepin, On embeddability of X \Theta I into
Euclidean space, Houston J. Math 21 (1995), 199--204.
[ReSk95] D. RepovŸs and A. B. Skopenkov, On homogeneous compacta in Euclidean space
and the classical Hilbert--Smith conjecture, in: Proc. of the Second Asian Math.
Conf. (ed. S.Tangmanee, E.Schulz) (1995), 222--226.
[ReSk96] D. RepovŸs and A. B. Skopenkov, Embeddability and isotopy of polyhedra in
Euclidean spaces, Trudy Math. Inst. Ross. Akad. Nauk 212 (1996); Proc. of
the Steklov Inst. Math. 212 (1996), 173--188.
[RSS97] D. RepovŸs, A. B. Skopenkov and E. V. Ÿ SŸcepin, Group actions on manifolds and
smooth ambient homogeneity, Jour. of Math. Sci. (New York) 83:4 (1997),
[CRS98] A. Cavicchioli, D. RepovŸs and A. B. Skopenkov, Open problems on graphs,
arising from geometric topology, Topol. Appl. 84 (1998), 207--226.
[ReSk98] D. RepovŸs and A. B. Skopenkov, A deleted product criterion for approximability
of a map by embeddings, Topol. Appl. 87 (1998), 1--19.
[ReSk99'] D. RepovŸs and A. B. Skopenkov, Obstructions for Seifert fibrations and classi­
fication of Hamiltonian systems (in Russian), Uspehi Mat. Nauk 54:3 (1999);
English transl.:, Russ. Math. Surv. 54:3 (1999).
[ReSk99''] D. RepovŸs and A. B. Skopenkov, Borromean rings and embedding obstructions
(in Russian), Trudy Math. Inst. Ross. Akad. Nauk 225 (1999), 331--338;
English transl.:, Proc. of the Steklov Inst. Math. 225 (1999), 314--321.
[BRS99] D. RepovŸs, N. Brodsky and A. B. Skopenkov, A classification of 3­thickenings
of 2­polyhedra, Topol. Appl. 94 (1999), 307--314.
[CRS00] A. Cavicchioli, D. RepovŸs and A. B. Skopenkov, An extension of the Bolsinov--
Fomenko theorem on classification of Hamiltonian systems, Rocky Mount. J.
Math. 30:2 (2000), 447--476.
[ReSk00] D. RepovŸs and A. Skopenkov, Cell­like resolutions of polyhedra by special ones,
Colloq. Math. 86:2 (2000), 231--237.
[ReSk01] D. RepovŸs and A. Skopenkov, On contractible n­dimensional compacta, non­
embeddable into R 2n , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 129 (2001), 627--628.
[ARS01] P. Akhmetiev, D. RepovŸs and A. Skopenkov, Embedding products of low--dimen­
sional manifolds in R m , Topol. Appl. 113 (2001), 7--12.
[ORS01] A. Onischenko, D. RepovŸs and A. Skopenkov, Resolutions of 2­polyhedra by fake
surfaces and embeddings into R 4 , Contemporary Math. 288 (2001), 396--400.
[ARS02] P. Akhmetiev, D. RepovŸs and A. Skopenkov, Obstructions to approximating
maps of n­manifolds into R 2n by embeddings, Topol. Appl. 123 (2002), 3--14.
[ReSk02] D. RepovŸs and A. Skopenkov, On projected embeddings and desuspension of the
ff­invairant, Topol. Appl. 124 (2002), 69--75.
[MRS03] J. MaleŸsiŸc, D. RepovŸs and A. Skopenkov, On incompleteness of the deleted

product obstruction for embeddings, Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana (3) 9 (2003),
[MuSk04] J. Mukai and A. Skopenkov, A direct summand in a homotopy group of the mod
2 Moore space, Kyushu J. Math. 58:1 (2004), 203--209.
[RSS04] D. RepovŸs, A. Skopenkov and F. Spaggiari, An infinite sequence of non­realizable
weavings, Discr. and Appl. Math. (2004), to appear.
[CRS04] M. Cencelj, D. RepovŸs and A. Skopenkov, On the Browder­Haefliger­Levine­
Novikov embedding theorems, Trudy MIRAN (2004), to appear.
[CRS] M. Cencelj, D. RepovŸs and A. Skopenkov, Codimension two PL embeddings of
spheres with nonstandard regular neighborhoods, Mat. Zametki, to appear.
[GoSk] D. Goncalves and A. Skopenkov, Embeddings of homology equivalent manifolds
with boundary, Mat. Zametki, to appear.
Pedagogical papers.
[VSS95] N. Vassiliev, V. Senderov and A. Skopenkov, Around the Markov equation, Kvant
(1995), N6, 36--38.
[Sko96] A. Skopenkov, Borsuk's problem, Quantum 7:1 (1996), 16--21, 63.
[KuSk97] V. Kurlin and A. Skopenkov, Basic embeddings of graphs into the plane (in
Russian), Math. Obrazovanie 3 (1997), 105--113.
[KuSk98] V. Kurlin and A. Skopenkov, Basic embeddings of graphs into the plane, in: 9­th
summer conference of Tournament of Towns, MCCME (1998), 34--44, 106--113.
(in Russian)
[Sko99] A. Skopenkov, n­dimensional cube, polynomials and solution of the Borsuk prob­
lem (in Russian), Mat. Prosveschenie 3 (1999).
[DSS99] V. N. Dubrovskiy, A. B. Skopenkov and A. V. Spivak, Mathematics (materials
of the 1997 summer school), SUNC MGU (1999).
[KoSk99] P. Kozhevnikov and A. Skopenkov, Narrow trees in the plane (in Russian), Mat.
Obrazovanie 5 (1999), 126--131.
[ReSk00] D. RepovŸs and A. Skopenkov, Obstruction theory for beginners (in Russian),
Mat. Prosveschenie 4 (2000).
[SkTa00] A. Skopenkov and A. Talambutsa, Packing of regular polyhedra, Math. Educa­
tion 3(14) (2000), 52--53.
[ReSk02] D. RepovŸs and A. Skopenkov, Characteristic classes for beginners (in Russian),
Mat. Prosveschenie 6 (2002), 60­77.
[SkTa04] A. Skopenkov and A. Talambutsa, Extremal dispositions of regular polyhedra,
Mat. Prosveschenie 8 (2004), 53­65.
A. B. Skopenkov