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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Thu Jan 23 16:43:47 2003
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sat Dec 22 17:23:40 2007

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Curriculum vitae of Ossip Schwarzman
Birthday: October 21, 1946
Address: Moscow Independent University
Mathematical College,
Bol.Vlasyevskiy per.,11
Moscow 121002
Moscow University 9/64 ­ 6/69 (Diplom 185649,June 23, 1969) Ph.D.Moscow
University 9/69 ­ 9/72 (Diplom MFM 023645,June 11,1975) Dozent(Attestat
DZ 028815,July 4,1979)
Associated Professor, Moscow Technical University of Communication and
Information 9/74 ­ present;
Professor, Moscow Independent University, Math.Colledge 9/92 ­ present;
Visiting Prof. at MPI (Bonn) ­ spring 1991 and spring 1993;
Visiting Prof. at Yale University 7­8/92;
Visiting Prof. at Bielefeld University 8/93 and 6­7/1998 ,IHES­11/1997.
1. On discrete arithmetical subgroups of complex Lie groups (in Russian),
Math.Sbornik, 1968, vol.77, p.542­545.
2. Linear representations of groups generated by reflections (in Russian),
Math.Sbornik, 1970, vol.82, p.494­498.
3. The quotient of Picard group in complex ball B (in Russian), Uspekhi
Mat.Nauk, 1973, vol.28:2, p.236­237.
4. Simple connectedness of the factor space of the Hilbert modular group
(in Russian), Func.Anal.and Appl., 1974, vol.8, p.99­100.
5. Chevalley theorem for complex crystallographic Coxeter groups (in
Russian, with J.Bernstein), Funct.Anal.and Appl., 1978, vol.12, p.79­

6. Chevalley theorem for complex crystallographic groups in C (in Rus­
sian), Uspekhi Mat.Nauk, 1979, vol34:1, p.249­250.
7. Some remarks on Chevalley theorem (in Russian), Funct.Anal.and
Appl., 1982,vol.16, p.92­94.
8. Discrete reflection groups in the complex ball, I (in Russian), Funct.
Anal.and Appl., 1984, vol.18, p.88­89.
9. Cartan Matrices of hyperbolic type and nonsingular parabolic points
of quotient spaces of tube domains, Selecta Math.Sov., 1985, vol.4,
10. Discrete reflection groups in complex ball,II (in Russian), Group the­
ory and homological algebra. Univ.Yaroslavl, ed.A.Onishic, 1985, p.61­
11. Chevalley theorem for complex crystallographic reflection groups (with
J.Bernstein), Reports of Dep.of Math. Univ.of Stockholm, 1986,vol.22,p.1­
12. Complex crystallographic Coxeter groups and affini root systems (with
J.Bernstein), Reports of Dep.of Math.Univ.of Stockholm, 1986,vol.22,p.37­
13. On a necessary condition for a ternary lattice to be a reflection lattice
(in Russian), Group Theory and homological algebra. Univ.Yaroslavl,
ed. A.Onishic, 1987, p.66­71.
14. Discrete subgroups of Lie groups (in Russian, with E.Vinberg, V.Gorbazevich),
Foundations of Math., Lie groups 2, 1988, vol.21, p.5­120.
15. Discrete groups of motions of spaces of constant curvature (with E.Vinberg),
Encyclopedia of Math.Science, Springer, 1993, vol.29, p.143­241.
16. Reflection subgroups of Bianchi groups, Selecta Math.Sov., 1990, vol.9,
17. On reflection hyperbolic lattices of rank 3 (in Russian), Group theory
and homological algebra. Univ.Yaroslavl,ed.A.Onishic, 1990, p.135­
18. The most simple reflection groups in complex ball B , Preprint Max ­
Planck Institut, 1991.

19. The example of non­arithmetic discrete group in complex ball, Lie
groups, their discrete subgroups and invariant theory, ed.E.Vinberg,
AMS, 1992, vol.9 p.191­196.
20. Cocycles of complex reflection groups (in Russian), Group theory and
homological algebra. Univ.Yaroslavl, ed.A.Onishic, 1992, 32­40.
21. On the fuchsian groups of genus zero (in Russian), Funct.Anal.and
Appl.,1994, vol.28, N 4, p.66­73.
22. The torsion in central quotients of Artin­Brieskorn braid groups and
regular Springer numbers (in Russian) Funct.Anal.and Appl., 1996
vol.30 N1,p. 39­46. 23.''THE ABC of Riemann surfaces''(with V.V.Prasolov)in
Russian,Fasis 1999.
23. On the reflectivity of the Bianchi groups(in Russian) Uspechi Mat.
24. Free G­sheaves on closed Riemann surfaces (in Russian) Uspechi.Mat.Nauk,1999,v.54,N6,pp.175­
25. Discrete Subgroups of Lie groups(with E.B.Vinberg and V.V. Gor­
batsevich) in Encyc.Math.Sciences,Lie groups and Algebras II, pp.5­
1. Complex reflection groups and the topology of their quotients, MPI,
Bonn, March 23, 1991.
2. About the one simple example of non­arithmetic cocompact lattice in
complex ball, Conference on algebraic groups, Oberwohlwach, April
3. Reflection groups and some problems of algebraic geometry, The Week
of Algebraic geometry in Institut of Univ.van Amsterdam, May 20,
4. Around the Chevalley`s theorem. The workshop on reflection groups,Trieste,January
5. On the reflectivity of the Bianchi groups, Seminar ''Arithmetische
Gruppen'' Univ. Bielefeld,30.6.1998.
6. Automorphism groups of ternary integral forms. Colloqium at the
Univ.Bar­Illan,February 18,1999.