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Последнее обновление 21 мая 2012

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Radical theory /L.Marki, R.Wiegandt, ed.Amsterdam: N.-Holl., 1985.-753 p. (Coll. Math. Soc. J.Bolyai, v. 38) [3104]
Автор: Radical theory
Radically elementary probability theory.Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press., 1987.98 p. (Ann. Math. Stud., N 117) [9671]
Автор: Nelson E.
Radon measures on arbitrary topological spaces and cylindrical measures.-Oxfor: Oxford Univ. Press, 1973.-394 p. [16451]
Автор: Schwartz L.
Radon transforms on higher rank Grassmannians. Отт.: J. Diff. Geometry, 1986, v. 24, p. 53-68.
Автор: Grinberg E.L.
Radon trnasforms for double fibrations. Examples and viewpoints. Отт.: 75 Years of Radon Transform Conf. in Vienna, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1992, p.1-16.
Автор: Helgason S.
Radon-Fourier transforms on symmetric spaces and relatedd group representations. Отт.
Автор: Helgason S.
Raisonnons a la francaise. Давайте рассуждать по-французки. Пособие по французкому языку для математиков. ч. 1.-М.: мех.-матем. фак-т МГУ, 1998.192 с. [18724]
Автор: Загрязкина Т.Ю., Рудченко Л.С., Глазова Е.В.
Ramanujan letters and commentary.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1995.-348 p. (History of Math., v. 9) [9064]
Автор: Berndt B.C., Rankin A.
Ramanujan's notebooks.-N.-Y.: Springer, 1985.357 p.p.-bibl.: p.p. 337-352. [17]
Автор: Berndt B.C.
Ramified coverings of s^2 with two degenerate branching points.-Bonn: MPI, 2001.-32 p . (MPI 01-62) [12149]
Автор: Kuleshov S.
Random matrix theory: invariant ensembles and universality.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2009.-218 p.-bibl.: 103. [18916]
Автор: Deift P., Gioev D.
Random measures.-Berlin: Akad. Verlag, 1983.187 p.-bibl.: p.p. 178-182. [12042]
Автор: Kallenberg O.
Random perturbations of dynamical systems.Boston: Birkhauser, 1988.-294 p.-bibl.: p.p. 283-291. [8781]
Автор: Kifer Y.
Random processes for classical equations of mathermatical physics.-Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1989.-282 p.-bibl.: 199 (Math. and its Appl., v. 34) [2996, 5826]
Автор: Ermakov S.M., Nekrutkin V.V., Sipin A.S.
Random processes with independent increments.-Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1991.279 p. (Math. and its Appl., v. 47) [3004]
Автор: Skorohod A.V.
Random surfaces.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2005.-175 p.-bibl.: 85. (Asterisque, N 304) [17100]
Автор: Sheffield S.
Random walk in random groups.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2002.-70 p. (IHES/M/02/03/) [8835]
Автор: Gromov M.
Random walks on discrete groups: boundary and entropy. Отт.: Ann. Probability, 1983, v. 11, N 3, p. 457-490.
Автор: Kaimanovich V.A., Vershik A.M.
Random walks, critical phenomena, and triviality in quantum field theory.-Berlin: Springer, 1992.-444 p.-bibl.: 527. [9667]
Автор: Fernandez R., Frohlich J., Sokal A.D.
Ranges on Radon trnasforms. Отт.: Proc. Symp. Appl. Math., 1982, v. 27, p.63-70.
Автор: Helgason S.
Rapid boundary stabilization of linear distributes systems.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 1996.-31 p. -bibl.: 42 (Prepubl. IRMA, 1996/04) [3037]
Автор: Komornik V.
Rapport sur la cohomologie des groupes.N.-Y.: W.A.Benjamin, 1966.-260 p. [6016, 16437]
Автор: Lang S.
Rational actions associated to the adjoint representation. Отт.: Ann. Scient. Ecole Norm. Super., 4e serie, 1987, t. 20, p. 215-226.
Автор: Friedlander E.M., Parshall B.J.
Rational and generic cohomology. Отт.: Invent. Math., 1977, v. 39, p. 143-163.
Автор: Cline E., Parshall B., Scott L., Kallen W. van der.
Rational approximation and its applications in mathematics and physics: Proc., Lancut, 1985. /J.Gilewicz et al..., ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1987.-350 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1237) [6276]
Автор: Rational approximation...
Rational approximation of real functions.Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987.-371 p.bibl.: p.p. 357-367. [12159]
Автор: Petrushev P.P., Popov V.A.
Rational curves on foliated varieties.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2001.-29 p. (IHES/M/01/07) [11488]
Автор: Bogomolov F.A., McQuillan M.L.
Rational homotopy type: A constructive study via the theory of the l>*-measure.Berlin: Springer, 1987.-219 p.-bibl.: p.p. 214-217. (Lect. Notes in Math., v.1264) [6302]
Автор: Wu W.-t.
Rational parameter rays of the Mandelbroit set.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1997.-31 p.-bibl.: 21. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint N 13) [10458]
Автор: Schleicher D.
Rational points: Semin., Bonn-Wuppertal, May 1983-84. 2-d ed.-Braunschweig/Wiesbaden: Friedr. Vieweg & Sons, 1986.-268 p. [11971]
Автор: Rational points.
Rational raye and critical portrits of complex polynomials.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1997.-49 p. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint N 15) [10456]
Автор: Kiwi J.
Real algebraic geometry and topology: A conference, December 17-21, 1993, Michigan State University /S.Akbulut, ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1995.-158 p. (Contemp. Math., v.182.) [8376]
Автор: Real algebraic geometry and topology
Real algebraic surfaces.-Berlin: Springer 1989.-215 p.-bibl.: p.p. 209-215. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1392) [6400]
Автор: Silhol R.
Real analysis and applications: including Fourier series and the calculus of variations.Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2005.-196 p. [18303]
Автор: Morgan F.
Real analysis, quantitative topology, and geometric complexity.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1998.67 p.-bibl.: 132. (IHES/M/98/64) [9962]
Автор: Semmes S.
Real analysis.-N.-Y.: MacMillan Co., 1963.284 p. [12020]
Автор: Royden H.L.
Real analysis.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2005.-152 p. [18304]
Автор: Morgan F.
Real and abstract analysis. A modern treatment of the theory of functions of a real variable.-N.-Y.: Springer-Verlag, 1975.-475 p. [18631]
Автор: Hewitt E., Stromberg K.
Real and complex analysis.-N.-Y.: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1966.-412 p.-bibl.: 36. [12125]
Автор: Rudin W.
Real and functional analysis. Part A: Real analysis. 2-nd ed.-N.-Y.: Plenum Press, 1984. -364 p.-bibl.: 62. [3173]
Автор: Mukherjea A., Pothoven K.
Real elliptic curves.-Amsterdam: North-Holl. Publ. Co.,1981.-349 p. [10]
Автор: Alling N.L.
Real Lefschetz fibrations.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2007.-136 p.-bibl.: p.p. 127-130. [17775]
Автор: Salepci N.
Real structuress on compact toric varieties.Strasbourg: IRMA, 2004.-108 p.-bibl.: 33. (Prepubl. IRMA, 2004/18) [16089]
Автор: Delaunay C.
Real variables.-Redwood City: AddisonWesley Publ. Co., 1988.-403 p. [12162]
Автор: Torchinsky A.
Realizations of the Monster Lie algebra. Отт.
Автор: Jurisich E., Lepowsky J., Wilson R. L.
Rearragements de fonctions et inegalites de convexite dans les algebres de von Neumann munies d'une trace. Отт.: Seminaire Bourbakui, mars 1955, p. 113-01113-13.
Автор: Grothendieck A.
Rearrangements of function series. Отт.: Math. USSR Sbornik, 1971, v. 14, N 2, p. 267-280.
Автор: Nikisin E.M.
Rearrangements of series in Banach spaces.Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1991.122 p.-bibl.: 83. (Transl. Math. Monogr., v. 86) [11369]
Автор: Kadets V.M., Kadets M.I.
Recent advaces in operator algebras. Orleans, 1992.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1995.-275 p. (Asterisque, N 232) [11319]
Автор: Recent advances...
Recent advances in nonlinear partial differential equations and applications. Conf. in honor of Peter Lax and Louis Nirenberg on their 80th birthdays June 7-10, 2006, Toledo.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2007.-218 p.(Proc. Symp. Appl. Math., v. 65) [18885]
Автор: Recent advances in nonlinear...
Recent advances in real algebraic geometry and quadratic forms: Proceedings of the RAGSQUAD year, Berkeley, 1990-1991 /W.D.Jacob, T.-Y.Lam,R.O.Robson, ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math.Soc., 1994.-406 p.(Contemp. Math., v. 155) [5745]
Автор: Recent advances in real algebraic geometry
Recent developments in geometry: Proc. of the AMS special session in geometry, November 14-15, 1987 /S.-Y.Cheng, H.Choi, R.E.Greene, ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1990.-338 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 101) [2763]
Автор: Recent developments in geometry
Recent developments in the inverse Galois problem: A joint summer research conference, July 17-23, 1993, University of Washington /S.S.Abhyankar et al...,ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1995.-402 p.(Contemp. Math., v. 186) [9052]
Автор: Recent developments in the inverse Galois problem
Recent Italian reseach in mathematical educaltion. In memory of Francesco Speranza. /F.Malara et al, ed.-Tokyo, 2000.-189 p. [11191]
Автор: Recent Italian research...
Recent progress of algebraic geometry in Japan. /M.Nagata, ed.-Amsterdam: N.-Holl. Publ. Co., 1983.-213 p. [12158]
Автор: Recent progress ...
Recent results on automorphic L-functions. Отт.: "Number theory, trace formulas and discrete groups", Oslo, 1987, p. 265-280.
Автор: Gelbart S.
Recent results on the implications of crystal symmetry and time reversal.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1998.-11 p. (IHES/P/98/09) [9907]
Автор: Michel L.
Recent topics in differential and analytic geometry. /T.Ochiai, ed.-Boston: Acad. Press, 1990.-443 p. (Adv. Stud. Diff. Analyt. Geometry, v. 18-1) [11493]
Автор: Recent topics in differential...
Recent trends in coding theory and its applications. /W.-C.W. Li, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2007.-200 p. [18164]
Автор: Recent trends in coding theory...
Reciprocite des sommes de Gauss et invariants de varietes de dimension 3.-Strasbour: IRMA, 1997.-101 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, N 43) [9400]
Автор: Deloup F.
Reconstruction of groups.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1998.-14 p. (IHES/M/98/34) [9932]
Автор: Rosenberg A.L.
Recurrence and topology.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2007.-222 p.-bibl.: 45. (Grad. Stud. Math., v. 85) [19021]
Автор: Alongi J.M., Nelson G.S.
Recurrence in ergodic theory and combinatorial number theory.-Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1981.-202 p.-bibl.: p.p. 195-199. [16355]
Автор: Furstenberg H.
Recurrence relations for Plancherel functions.Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1986.-23 p. (IHES/M/86/2) [13822]
Автор: Peterson D., Vergne M.
Recursion theory.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1985.-528 p. (Proc. Symp. Pure Math., v. 42) [3105]
Автор: Recursion theory
Recursuve estimation and time-series analysis: An introduction.-Berlin: Springer, 1984.-300 p.bibl.: p.p. 281-290. [8778]
Автор: Young P.
Reductibilite des systemes produits-croises a valeurs dans des groupes compacts.-Paris: Soc. Math, France, 1999.-216 p.-bibl.: 25. (Asterisque, N 259) [11339]
Автор: Krokorian R.
Reduction d'un systeme microdifferentiel aux points generiques. I. Отт.: Compositio Math., 1981, v. 44, N 1-3, p. 133-143.
Автор: Malgrange B.
Reduction of normal forms.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.-4 p. (IHES/P/97/03) [9728]
Автор: Gaeta G.
Redundancy and linear programs.-Amsterdam: Math. Centrum, 1979.-128 p. [6192]
Автор: Telgen J.
Reflection functors for quiver varieties and Weyl group actions. Отт.: Math. Ann., 2003, Bd. 327, S. 671-721.
Автор: Nakajima H.
Reflexive and superreflexive Banach spaces.Amsterdam: Math. Centrum, 1978.-273 p.-bibl.: 106. [16688]
Автор: Dulst D. van.
Regression analysis and empirical processes.Amsterdam: 1987.-152 p. [17342]
Автор: Geer van de S.A.
Regular differential forms.-Providence R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1988.-153 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 79) [3128]
Автор: Kunz E., Waldi R.
Regular factorizations of contractions. Отт.: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 1974, v. 43, N 1, p. 91-93.
Автор: Sz.-Nagy B., Foias C.
Regular neighbourhoods and canonical decompositions for groups.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2003.-232 p.-bibl.: 56. (Asterisque, N 289) [14538]
Автор: Scott P., Swarup G.A.
Regular polynomial endomorphisms of C^k.N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1998.54 p.-bibl.: 32. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint N 3) [10450]
Автор: Bedford E., Jonsson M.
Regular variation.-Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987.-491 p.-bibl.: p.p. 445-466. [11931]
Автор: Bingham N.Y., Goldie C.M., Teugels J.L.
Regularity conditions for vectorial stationary processes.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1998.15p. (IHES/M/98/63) [9961]
Автор: Peller V.V.
Regularity theory for quasilinear elliptic systmes and Monge-Ampere equations in two dimensions.-Berlin: Springer, 1990.-123 p.-bibl.: p.p. 115-120. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1445) [6431]
Автор: Schulz F.
Regularized products and determinants.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-30 p. (IHES/M/99/29) [10009]
Автор: Illies G.
Relations between asymptotic and Fredholm representations.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.18 p. (IHES/M/97/74) [9876]
Автор: Manuilov V.M., Mishchenko A.S.
Relative Bogomolov's inequality.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.-31 p. (IHES/M/97/1) [9726]
Автор: Moriwaki A.
Relative Yamabe invariant.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2000.-23 p. (IHES/M/00/56) [11180]
Автор: Akutagawa K., Botvinnik B.
Relativistic symmetries. Отт.: High-energy physics and elementary particles.-Vienna: Int. Atom. Energy Agency, 1965.p. 665-678.
Автор: Fronsdal C.
Relativity, astrophysics and cosmology: Proc. Summer School, Banff, 14-26 Aug. 1972.-Dordrecht: D.Reidel Publ. Co., 1973.-329 p. [7940]
Автор: Relativity, astrophysics...
Remarks on nilpotent Lie algebras of vector fields. Отт.: J. Reine Angew. Math., 1990, Bd. 408, S.1-4.
Автор: Grabowski J.
Remarks on the Frolicher-Nijenhuis bracket. Отт.: "Differential geometry and its applications".-Amsterdam: Reidel Publ. Co., 1987, p.197-220.
Автор: Michor P.W.
Remarks on vertex operator algebras and moonshine. Xerox.
Автор: Lepowsky J.
Remarks on vertex operator algebras and moonshine. Отт.: Proc. XXth Intern. Conf. on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoret. Physics, 1991, v. 1, p.362-370.
Автор: Lepowsky J.
Rencontre entre physiciens theoriciens et mathematiciens. (GDR 859). v. 47.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 1995.-305 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, 1995/24) [9524]
Автор: Rencontre entre physiciens theoriciens et math
Rencontre entre physiciens theoriciens et mathematiciens.(GDR 859). v. 46.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 1994.-242 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, 1994/029) [7346]
Автор: Rencontre entre physiciens theoriciens et math
Renormalization for breakup of invariant tori. Отт.: Physica D., 2005, v. 200, p. 47-59.
Автор: Apte A., Wurm A., Morrison P.J.
Renormalization group. 26-29 August, 1986, Dubna. /D.V.Shirkov, D.I.Kazakov, A.A.Vladimirov, ed.-Singapore: World Scientific, 1988.468 p. [11054]
Автор: Renormalization group.
Renormalization in quantum field theory and the Riemann-Hilbert problem I: The Hopf algebra structure of graphs and the main theorem.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-35 p. (IHES/M/99/91) [10510]
Автор: Connes A., Kreimer D.
Renormalization in quantum field theory and the Riemann-Hilbert problem II: the B-function, diffeomorphisms and the renoramlization group.Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2000.-35 p. (IHES/M/00/22) [11147]
Автор: Connes A., Kreimer D.
Renormalization in quantum field theory and the Riemann-Hilbert problem.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-8 p. (IHES/M/99/75) [10725]
Автор: Connes A., Kreimer D.
Report on the torsion of the differential module of an algebraic curve. Отт. p. 1-15.
Автор: Berger R.W.
Report on the torsion of the differential module of an algebraic curve. Отт: Algebraic geometry and its applications.N.-Y.: Springer, 1994.- p. 285-303 .
Автор: Berger R.W.
Representation models for classical groups and their higher symmetries. Отт: Asterisque, hors series, 1985, p. 117-128.
Автор: Gelfand I.M., Zelevinsky A.V.
Representation of semisimple Lie groups. IV. Отт.: Amer. J. Math., 1955, v. 77, N 4, p. 743-777.
Автор: Harish-Chandra
Representation of unramified functors. Applications. (according to unpublished results of A.Grothendieck). Отт.: Semin. Bourbaki, 1964/65, 17e annee, N 294, p. 1-18.
Автор: Murre J.P.
Representation theorems for holomorphic and harmonic functions in L>p.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1980.-66 p.-bibl.: 32. (Asterisque, N 77) [9100]
Автор: Coifman R.R., Rochberg R.
Representation theory and analysis on homogeneous spaces: A conference in memory of Larry Corrwin, February 5-7,1993,Rutgers University /S.Gindikin et al...,ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1994.-256 p.(Contemp. Math., v. 177) [7645]
Автор: Representation theory and analysis on homogeneous
Representation theory and dynamical systems /A.M.Vershik, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1992.-267 p. (Adv. Sov. Math., v. 9) [9696]
Автор: Representation theory and dynamical systems
Representation theory and harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups /P.J.Sally, Jr., D.A.Vogan, Jr., ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1989.-350 p. (Math. Surv. & Monogr., v. 31) [3176]
Автор: Representation theory and harmonic analysis
Representation theory and harmonic analysis: a conference in honor of Ray A. Kunze, January 12-14, 1994, Cincinnati, Ohio /Tuong Ton-That et al., ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1995.-254 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 191) [9478]
Автор: Representation theory and harmonic analysis
Representation theory and number theory in connection with the local Langlands conjecture: Proc. Conf., Augsburg, Dec. 8-14, 1985. /J.Ritter, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1989.-266 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 86) [6468, 13344]
Автор: Representation theory...
Representation theory I. Finite dimensional algebras: Proc. 4 int. conf., Ottawa, Aug. 16-25, 1984./V.Dlab et al..., ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1986.-340 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1177) [6263]
Автор: Representation theory...
Representation theory II. Groups and orders: Proc. 4 int. conf., Ottawa, Aug. 16-25, 1984. /V.Dlab et al..., ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1986.370 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1178) [6264]
Автор: Representation theory...
Representation theory of algebras and related topics: Proc. Workshop at UNAM, Mexico, Aug. 16-20, 1994 /R.Bautista, R.Martinez-Villa, J.A. de la Pena, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1996.-406 p. (Canad. Math. Soc. Conf. Proc., v. 19) [2939]
Автор: Representation theory of algebras and related
Representation theory of algebras: Seventh Intern. Conf., Aug. 22-26, 1994, Cocoyoc, Mexico /R.Bautista, R.Martinez-Villa, J.A. de la Pena, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1996.-749 p. (Canad. Math. Soc. Conf. Proc., v. 18) [2938]
Автор: Representation theory of algebras
Representation theory of D^w(G).-Bures-surYvette: IHES, 1999.-9 p. (IHES/M/99/52). [10560]
Автор: Coste A., Altschuler D.
Representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras.-N.-Y.: Intersci. Publ., 1962.-689 p.-bibl.: p.p. 655-676. [16268]
Автор: Curtis C.W., Reiner I.
Representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras.-Providence,R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2000.-690 p.-bibl.: p.p. 655-676. [18435]
Автор: Curtis C.W., Reiner I.
Representation theory of Kac-Moody algebras and G/B. Lecture 1. Отт.: Intern. Centre Theoret. Phys., SMR/686/5, 12 p.
Автор: Casian L.G.
Representation theory of Kac-Moody algebras and G/B. Lecture 4. Отт.: Intern. centre Theoret. Phys., SMR.686/7, p. 10.
Автор: Casian L.G.
Representation theory of Kac-Moody algebras and G/B. Lectures 2 and 3. Отт.: Intern. Centre Theoret. Phys., SMR.686/6, 10 p.
Автор: Casian L.G.
Representation theory of reductive groups: Proc. Univ. Utah Conf., Park-City, 1982 /P.C.Trombi, ed.Boston: Birkhauser, 1983.-296 p. (Progr. Math., v. 40) [83]
Автор: Representation theory of reductive groups.
Representation theory, dynamical systems, and asymptotic combinatorics. /V.Kaimanovich, A.Lodkin, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 246 p. (Transl. Amer. Math.Soc., vol. 217) [18173, 18177]
Автор: Representation theory...
Representation theory, group rings, and coding theory. Pap. in honor of S.D.Berman (1922-1987) /M.Isaacs et al..., ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1989.-357 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 93) [6471]
Автор: Representation theory...
Representation theory. A first course.-Berlin: Springer, 1991.-552 p.-bibl.: p.p. 536541. (Grad. Texts Math., v. 129) [9294]
Автор: Fulton W., Harris J.
Representation theory. II: Proc. second Intern. Conf., Ottawa, Aug. 13-25, 1979.-/V.Dlab, P.Gabriel, ed.- Berlin: Springer, 1980.-673 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., N 832) [13440]
Автор: Representation theory.
Representation theory. vol. 1. /D.Leites, ed.Lahore: Abdus Salam School Math. Sci., 2009.112 p. [18816, 18817, 18818, 18819, 18820]
Автор: Representation theory.
Representations de groupes localement compacts.-Berlin: Springer, 1972.-98 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 276) [6236, 13385]
Автор: Borel A.
Representations de groupes localement compacts.-Strasbourg. [10419]
Автор: Representations de groupes localement compacts.
Representations de Weil et GL<2 algebres de division et GL
Автор: Kaise T.
Representations des groupes de Lie nilpotents. Отт.: Seminaire Bourbaki, 15e an., 1962/63, N 249, p. 249-01-249-09.
Автор: Guichardet A.
Representations des groupes de Lie resolubles.-/P.Bernat, N.Conze et al...,ed.- Paris: Dunod, 1972.-272 p. [6108]
Автор: Representations des groupes...
Representations des groupes nilpotents et resolubles.-Paris: Univ. Paris VII, 1977.-126 p. (Publ. Math. Univ. Paris VII, N 2) [5636]
Автор: Representations des groupes nilpotents et
Representations galoisiennes paires. Отт.: Glasgaw Math. J., 1985, v. 27, p. 223-237.
Автор: Vigneras M.-F.
Representations indecomposables des superalgebres de Lie speciales lineaires.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 1996.-64 p.-bibl.: 26. (Prepubl. IRMA, N 34) [9049]
Автор: Germoni J.
Representations lineaires des groupes finis. Luminy, 16-21 mai, 1988.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1990.-274 p. (Asterisque, N 181-182) [11284]
Автор: Representations lineaires...
Representations lineaires des groupes finis.Paris: Hermann, 1967.-140 p. [16315]
Автор: Serre J.-P.
Representations of AF-algebras and of the group U ( ).-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1975.170 p.-bibl.: 399. (Lecture Notes in Math., v. 486) [5870, 13410]
Автор: Stratila S., Voiculescu D.
Representations of affine Lie algebras, elliptic r-matrix systems, and special functions. Отт.: 33 p.
Автор: Etingof P.I.
Representations of affine Lie algebras, parabolic differential equations, and Lame functions. Отт.: Duke Math. J., 1994, v. 74, N 3, p.585-614.
Автор: Etingof P.I., Kirillov A.A., Jr.
Representations of algebras and related topics. /R.-O.Buchweitz, H.Lenzing, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2005.-396 p. [18258]
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Representations of algebras: Proceedings of the International conference. Ottawa, 1974 /V.Dlab, P.Gabriel, ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1975. -378 p. (Lecture Notes in Math., v. 488) [5871, 13411]
Автор: Representations of algebras
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Автор: Representations of algebras
Representations of an infinite dimensional unitary group. Отт.: Soviet Math. Dokl., 1973, v. 14, N 3, p.1355-1358.
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Representations of groups over close local fields. Отт.: J.d'Anal. Math., 1986, v. 47, p. 175-179.
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Representations of groups: Canadian Math. Soc. annual seminar, June 15-24, 1994, Banff, Alberta, Canada /B.N.Allison, G.H.Cliff, ed.Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1995.-386 p. (Canad. Math. Soc. Conf. Proc., v. 16) [9483]
Автор: Representations of groups
Representations of infinite-dimensional classical groups, limits of enveloping algebras, and Yangians. Отт.: Advances in Soviet Math., 1991, v. 2, p.1-66.
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Representations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras for unramified groups. Отт.: 48 p.
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Representations of Lie groups and Lie algebras. /A.A.Kirillov, ed.- Budapest: Akad. Kiado, 1985.225 p. [11125]
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Representations of Lie groups, Kyoto, Hiroshima, 1986 /K.Okamoto, T.Oshima, ed.-Tokyo: Kinokuniya Co., 1988.-660 p. (Adv. Stud. Pure Math., v. 14) [9541]
Автор: Representations of Lie groups
Representations of nilpotent Lie groups and their applications. Part 1: Basic theory and examples.-Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990.-269 p.-bibl. 108. [3261]
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Representations of pseudo-orthogonal groups associated with a cone. Отт.: Math. USSR Sbornik, 1970, v. 10, N 3, p.333-347.
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Representations of semisimple Lie groups. VI. Отт.: Amer. J. Math., 1956, v. 78, N 3, p. 564-628.
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Representations of the quantized function algebras, 2-categories and Zamolodchikov tetrahedra equation. Отт.: 9 p.
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Representations of the Virasoro algebra by the orbit method. Отт.: J. Geom. Phys., 1988, v. 5, N 3, p. 351-363.
Автор: Kirillov A.A., Yuriev D.V.
Representations p-adiques de groupes p-adiques I: representations galoisiennes et ( ,Г)-modules.Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2008.-420 p. (Asterisque, N 319) [18175]
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Автор: Berger L., Breuil C., Colmez P.
Representations p-adiques de groupes p-adiques III: methodes globales et geometriques.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2010.-474 p. (Asterisque, N 331) [18840]
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Representations unipotentes generiques et blocs des groupes reductifs finis.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1993.-203 p. (Asterisque, N 212) [11302]
Автор: Broue M., Malle G., Michel J.
Research in collegiate mathematics education. II /J.Kaput, A.H.Schoenfeld, E. Dubinsky, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1996.-217 p. (CBMS Conf. Board Math. Sci., Issues Math. Educ., v. 6) [2941, 2942]
Автор: Research in collegiate mathematics education. II.
Research in collegiate mathematics education. VI. /F.Hitt. G.Harel, A.Selden., ed.-Povidence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2006.-248 p. [19039]
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Research in collegiate mathematics education.I. /E.Dubinsky., A.H.Schoenfeld, J.Kaput, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1994. -230 p. (CBMS Conf. Board Math.Sci., Issues Math. Educ., v. 4) [5730, 8657]
Автор: Research in collegiate mathematics education. I.
Residue construction of Hecke algebras. Отт.: 15 p.
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Residues and duality for projective algebraic varieties. With the assistance and contributions by David.A.Cox and Alicia Dickenstein.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2008.-158 p.-bibl.: 107. (Univ. Lect. Ser., v. 47) [18919]
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Автор: Cutkosky S.D.
Resonances pour l'operateur de Dirac.-Paris: LMENS, 1990.-35 p. (LMENS - 90 - 10) [9344]
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Revetements etales et groupe fondamental.Berlin: Springer, 1971.-447 p. (Lecture Notes in Math., N 224) [13389]
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Reviews on infinite groups. Part 1./G.Baumslag, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1974.-514 p. [18260]
Автор: Reviews on infinite groups.
Reviews on infinite groups. Part. 2. /G.Baumslag, ed.- Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1974.-515-1062 p. [18261]
Автор: Reviews on infinite groups.
Revision dans les groupes finis. Groupes du type de Lie de rang 1.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1986.-296 p. (Asterisque, N 142-143) [11261]
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Rgidity of critical circle mappings. I.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1997.-45 p. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint N 16) [10455]
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Ricci flow and the Poincare conjecture.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2007.-522 p.-bibl.: 72. [19015]
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Riemann-Hilbert factorization and dispersive shocks of the Toda lattice.-Bures-sur-Ivette: IHES, 1995.-10 p.-bibl.: 13. (IHES/M/95/106) [9160]
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Riemann-Roch algebra.-New York: Springer, 1985.-204 p.-bibl.: 34. (Grundl. math. Wiss., Bd. 277) [9602]
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Riemannian geometry /G.Besson et al...,ed. -Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1996.-116 p. (Fields Inst. Monogr., v. 4) [9496]
Автор: Riemannian geometry
Riemannian geometry during the second half of the twentieth century.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.-210 p.-bibl.: p.p.166-210. (IHES/ /M/97/26) [9829]
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Автор: Klingenberg W.
Riesz spaces. II.-Amsterdam: N.-Holl., 1983.720 p.-bibl.: p.p. 703-715. [12086]
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Rigidity for actions of higher rank Abelian groups and Littlewood conjecture in Diophantine approximation. Отт.
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Rigidity in dynamics and geometry. Contributions from the Programme "Ergodic theory, geometric rigidity and number theory", I.Newton Inst. Math. Sci., Cambridge, 5 Jan.-7 July 2000.-Berlin: Springer, 2002.-492 p. [13790]
Автор: Rigidity in dynamics ...
Rigidity of conformal iterated function system.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-26 p. (IHES/ /M/99/44) [10021]
Автор: Mauldin R.D., Przytycki F., Urbanski M.
Rigidity of critical circle mappings. II.N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1997.29 p. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint N 17) [10454]
Автор: Faria E. de, Melo W. de.
Rigidity of C^2 infinitely renormalizable unimodal maps.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst Math. Sci., 1999.-16 p. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint N 6) [10434]
Автор: Melo W. de., Pinto A.A.
Rigidity properties of locally scaling fractals.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1997.-21 p. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Msth. Sci., Preprint 1997/2) [10490]
Автор: Veerman J.J.P., Jonker L.
Rigiduty of measures ans non-commuting foliations. Отт.
Автор: Einsiedler M., Katok A.
Ring theory: Proc. int. conf. Antwerp, April 1-5, 1985. /F.M.I.Oystaeyen, ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1986.-231 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1197) [6260]
Автор: Ring theory.
Ring topology: Proc. Conf., Granada, Sept. 1-6, 1986. /J.L.Bueso et al., ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1988.-331 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1328) [6353]
Автор: Ring topology.
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Автор: Divinsky N.J.
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Rings of separated power series and quasi-affinoid geometry.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2000.-171 p. (Asterisque, N 264) [2543]
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Rings which are modules in the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand O category. Отт.: J. Algebra, 1988, v. 113, N 1, p. 110-126.
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Rings, modules, and algebras in stable homotopy theory /A.D.Elmendorf et al..., ed.Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1997.249 p. (Math. Surv. & Monogr., v. 47) [3197]
Автор: Rings, modules, and algebras in stable homotopy
Riot at the calc exam and other stories.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2009.-272 p. [18911]
Автор: Adams C.
Robotics /J.Baillieul, D.P.Martin, R.W.Brockett et al...,ed.-Providence: Amer. Math. Soc., 1990.-196 p. (Proc. Symp. Appl. Math., v. 41) [2808]
Автор: Robotics
Roots to research. A vertical development of mathematical problems.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2007.-338 p. [19006]
Автор: Sally J.D., Sally P.J., Jr.
Roth's theorem for rules surfaces.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-15 p. (IHES/M/99/89) [10509]
Автор: Gasbarri C., McQuillan M.
Rouquier R. On Rickard's equivalences.-Paris: LMENS, 1994.-11 p. (LMENS - 94 - 1) [9385]
Автор: Broue M.,
Rozansky-Witten invariants via formal geometry.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.-11 p. (IHES/M/97/35) [9838]
Автор: Kontsevich M.
Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius spectrum for Anosov maps.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2001.-58 p.-bibl.: 37. (IHES/M/01/31) [12065]
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Runaway dilation and equivalence principle violations.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2002.-4 p. (IHES/P/02/27/) [13682]
Автор: Damour T., Piazza F., Veneziano G.
Rydberg states of atoms and molecules. Basic group theoretical and topological analysis.Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.-76 p.-bibl.: p.p. 68-76. (IHES/P/97/54) [9857]
Автор: Michel L., Zhilinskii B.
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Автор: Heesterbeek J.A.

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