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Backlund and Darboux transformations. Geometry and moders applications in soliton theory.Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002.-413 p.bibl.: 395. [14036]
Автор: Rogers C., Schiff W.K.
Backlund transformations, the inverse scattering method, solitons, and their applications: NSF research workshop on contact transformations /R.V.Miura, ed.-Berlin: Springer 1976.-296 p. (Lecture Notes in Math., v. 515) [5874]
Автор: Backlund transformations, the inverse scattering
Banach space theory: Proc. Res. Workshop, July 5-25, 1987. /B.-L.Lin, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1989.-521 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 85) [6467]
Автор: Banach space theory.
Banach spaces of analytic functions. 2nd ed.Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1965.-217 p.bibl.: p.p. 207-213. [16621]
Автор: Hoffman K.
Banach spaces of analytic functions.-Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1962.-217 p.-bibl.: 98. [13645]
Автор: Hoffman K.
Bases in equivariant K-theory. Отт.: Representation Theory. An Electronic J. Amer. Math. Soc., 1998, v. 2, p. 298-369.
Автор: Lusztig G.
Bases in equivariant K-theory. II. Отт.: 69 p.
Автор: Lusztig G.
Basic abstract algebra.-Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1986.-454 p. [2867]
Автор: Bhattacharya P.B., Jain S.K., Nagpaul S.R.
Basic analysis. Japanese grade 11 /K.Kodaira, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1996.-184 p. [2861, 2862]
Автор: Basic analysis
Basic hypergeometric series and applications.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1988.-124 p.-bibl.: 47. (Math. Surv. & Monogr., v. 27) [3161]
Автор: Fine N.J.
Basic mathematics.-N.-Y.: Springer, 1988.431 p. [2919]
Автор: Lang S.
Basic number thoery.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1967.-294 p. (Grundl. math. Wissensch., Bd. 144) [16323]
Автор: Weil A.
Basic quadratic forms.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2008.-256 p.-bibl.: p.p. 245-249. (Grad. Stud. Math., v. 90) [19026]
Автор: Gerstein L.J.
Basic representation theory. 2-nd ed., rev.M.: MCCME, 2004.-47 p. [14505]
Автор: Sheinman O.K.
Basic set theory.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1979.-392 p.-bibl.: p.p. 367-375. (ксерокс) [18126]
Автор: Levy A.
Basic set theory.-Providence R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2002.-116 p. [14569, 14570]
Автор: Shen A., Vereshchagin N.K.
Basic theory of algebraic groups and Lie algebras.-N.-Y.: Springer-Verlag, 1981.-267 p. [5711]
Автор: Hochschild G.P.
Basic topology.-N.-Y.: Springer, 1983.-252 p. [11927]
Автор: Armstrong M.A.
Basic topology: A developmental course for beginners.-N.-Y.: MacMillan Publ. Co., 1976.256 p. [4988]
Автор: Christie D.E.
Basic two-dimensional versions of Hurwitz genus formula. Отт.: Ann. Global Ana. Geom., 1986, v. 4, N 1, p. 1-70.
Автор: Holzapfel R.-P.
Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras and two-dimensional topological field theories. Отт.: 29 p.
Автор: Getzler E.
Batalin-Vilkovisky Lagrangian quantisation. Preprint-KUL-TF-91/35, p.1-16.
Автор: Proeyen A.
Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization of string theories. Отт.: Spring Scool on string theory, gauge theory and quantum gravity. 19-27 Apr. 1993, SMR688-6.
Автор: Zwiebach B.
Bayesian approach to global optimization: Theory and applications.-Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1989.-254 p.-bibl..: p.p. 237-246. (Math. and its Appl.) [3002, 8420]
Автор: Mockus J.
Begrundung der euklidischen und nichteuklidischen Geometrien nach F.Klein.-Budapest: Akad. Kiado, 1965.-364 S. [18074]
Автор: Redei L.
Behavior of general hypergeometric functions in the complex domain. Отт.: Soviet Math. Dokl., 1987, v. 34, N 2, p.268-272.
Автор: Vasil'ev V.A., Gel'fand I.M., Zelevinskii A.V.
Beilinson-Ginsburg-Dualitat und Erweiterungen von Verma-Moduln. Отт.: 20 p.
Автор: Soergel W.
Beitrage zum Matricen-Kalkul und zur Theorie der Gruppenmatrix.-Weida i. Thur: Thomas & Hubert, 1935.-51 S. [13549]
Автор: Schwerdtfeger H.
Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand resiprocity on perverse sheaves. Отт.: 323 p.
Автор: Mirollo R., Vilonen K.
Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand resolution for arbitrary Kac-Moody algebras. Отт.: Math. Ann., 1990, Bd. 286, S. 709-729.
Автор: Kumar S.
BGG algebras and the BGG reciprocity principle. Отт.: 17 p.
Автор: Irving R.S.
Biaccessibility in quadratic Julia sets I: the locally-connected case.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1998.-14 p. (SUNY Stony Brokk Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint N 1) [10452]
Автор: Zakeri S.
Bicontinuite del'application de Dixmier. Отт.: C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serie 1, 1991, t. 313, p. 205-208.
Автор: Mathieu O.
Bifurcation theory and nonlinear eigenvalue problems. /J.B.Keller, S.Antman, ed.-N.-Y.: W.A. Benjamin, 1969.-434 p. [13634]
Автор: Bifurcation...
Bifurcation theory and spatio-temporal pattern formation. /W.Nagata, N.Sri Namachchivaya, ed.Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2006.-178 p. [19446]
Автор: Bifurcation theory...
Bifurcation, theorie ergodique et applications. Dijon, 22-26 Juin, 1981.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1982.-225 p. (Asterisque, N 98-99) [11241]
Автор: Bifurcation...
Bifurcations du portrait de phase pour des equations differentielles lineaires du second ordre ayant pour type l'equation d'Hermite.Strasbourg: Univ. L.Pasteur, 1981.-101 p. [4975]]
Автор: Callot J.-L.
Big Bang nucleosynthesis and tensor-scalar gravity.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1998.-27 p.bibl.: 34. (IHES/P/98/54) [9952]
Автор: Damour T., Pichon B.
Bilipschitz rough normal coordinates for surfaces with an L^1 curvatire bound.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.-12 p. (IHES/M/97/39) [9842]
Автор: Fu J.H.G.
Billiards.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1995.142 p.-bibl.: p.p. 131-139. (Panoramas et Syntheses, N 1) [11136]
Автор: Tabachnikov S.
Binary fluids with long range segregating interaction I: deviation of kinetic and hydrodynamic equation.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2000.-43 p. (IHES/P/00/35) [11161]
Автор: Bianry fluids...
Bioconsensus. DIMACS Work. Group. Meetings, Oct. 25-26, 2000and 2-5, 2001. /M.F.Janowitz, F.-J. Lapointe, et all., ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2003.-242 p. (DIMACS, v. 61) [18438]
Автор: Bioconsensus.
Biquantization of Lie bialgebras.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 1998.-67 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, N 29) [9137]
Автор: Kassel C., Turaev V.
Bloch hyperbolicity.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2001.-35 p. (IHES/M/01/59) [7016]
Автор: McQuillan M.L.
Block of tame representation type and related algebras.-Berlin: Springer, 1990.-312 p.bibl.: p.p. 307-312. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1428) [6420]
Автор: Erdmann K.
Blocs et series de Lusztig dans un groupe reductif fini.-Paris: LMENS, 1988.-13 p. (LMENS -88 - 1) [9330]
Автор: Broue M., Michel J.
Blowing-up construction of maximal smoothings of real plane curve singularities.-Paris: LMENS, 1993.-22 p.-bibl.: 13. (LMENS - 93 - 10) [9377]
Автор: Karlamov V.M., Risler J.-J.
Boardman's stable homotopy category.-Aarhus: Aarhus Univ., 1970.-246 p. (Lect. Notes Ser., N 21) [6203]
Автор: Vogt R.
Bonnes bases pour les G-modules. Отт.: C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serie 1, 1990, t. 310, p. 1-3.
Автор: Mathieu O.
Bordism, stable homotopy and Adams spectral sequences.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1996.-272 p.-bibl.: 109. (Fields Inst. Monogr., v. 7) [2914, 2915]
Автор: Kochman S.O.
Bosonic ghost system and the Virasoro algebra. Отт.: Phys. Letters B., 1990, v. 246, N 1-2, p.71-74.
Автор: Feigin B., Frenkel E.
Boundaries of invariant Markov operators: the identification problem. Отт.: CNRS URA-305, Inst. Rech. Math. de Rennes, 1995.
Автор: Kaimanovich V.A.
Boundary value problems in Boutet de Monvel's algebra for manifolds with conical singularities I.-Bonn: MPI, 1994.-103 p.-bibl.: 35. (MPI/94-24) [9308]
Автор: Schrohe E., Schulze B.-W.
Boundary value problems in mathematical physics. v. 2.-London: MacMillan Co., 1968.-408 p. [12028]
Автор: Stakgold I.
Boundary value problems in queueing system analysis.-Amsterdam: N.-Holl., 1983.-405 p.bibl.: 43. [12083]
Автор: Cohen J.W., Boxma O.J.
Boundary value problems of mathematical physics. v. 1.-London: MacMillan Co., 1967.-340 p. [12027]
Автор: Stakgold I.
Boundary value problems. 2-nd ed.-N.-Y.: Acad. Press, 1979.-351 p. [8664]
Автор: Powers D.L.
Bounded hyherbolic components of quadric rational maps.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1997.-24 p. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint N 9) [10462]
Автор: Epstein A.L.
Boundedly controlled topology.-Berlin: Springer, 1988.-309 p.-bibl.: p.p. 301-304. (Lect. Notes in Math., v.1323) [6349]
Автор: Anderson D.R., Munkholm H.J.
Bounds for maps of an interval with one critical point of inflection type II.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-62 p. (IHES/M/99/82) [10728]
Автор: Levin G., Strien S. van.
Braid and knot theory in dimension four.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2002.-312 p.-bibl.: 996. [18319]
Автор: Kamada S.
Braid group, knot theory and statistical mechanics. II. /C.N.Yang, M.L.Ge, ed.-Singapore: World Sci., 1994.-467 p. [11184]
Автор: Braid group...
Braids and self-distributivity.-Caen: Univ. de Caen, 1999.-611 p.-bibl.: p.p. 603-611. [10393]
Автор: Dehornoy P.
Brauer points of Fermat curves.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2000.-14 p. (IHES/M/00/79) [11482]
Автор: McCallum W.G.
Breakdown and regeneration of time reversal symmetry in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.-11 p. (IHES/P/97/31) [9834]
Автор: Gallavotti G.
Bridge to abstract mathematics: Mathematical proof and structures.-N.-Y.: Random House, 1987.-395 p. [8586]
Автор: Morash R.P.
Bridged links and tangle presentations of cobordism categories. Отт.: 71 p.
Автор: Kerler T.
Building models by games.-Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1985.-311 p.-bibl.: p.p. 282-302. [8795]
Автор: Hodges W.
Buildings and the geometry of diagrams: Lect. 3rd 1984 sess. of the C.I.M.E., Como, Aug. 26 - Sept. 4, 1984./L.A.Rosati, ed.Berlin: Springer, 1986.-277 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1181) [6267]
Автор: Buildings and the geometry....
Buildings of spherical type and finite BN-pairs.-Berlin: Springer, 1974.-299 p.bibl.: 106. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 386) [6242, 13409]
Автор: Tits J.
Buildings.-N.-Y.: Springer, 1989.-215 p.bibl..: p.p. 207-210. [4965]
Автор: Brown K.S.

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