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Последнее обновление 21 мая 2012

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Saari D.G.
Collisions, rings, and other Newtonian N-body problems.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc.,2005.236 p.-bibl.: 115. [18228]
Sabbah C.
Equations differentielles a points singuliers irreguliers et phenomene de Stokes en dimension 2.Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2000.-190 p. (Asterisque, N 263) [2521]
Sabbah C.
Polarizable twistor d-modules.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2005.-208 p.-bibl.: 73. (Asterisque, N 300) [16261]
Sabbah C.
Proximite evanescente. I. La structure polaire d'un d-module. Отт.: 52 p.
Sabbah C.
Quelques remarques sur la theorie des classes de Chern des espaces analytiques singuliers. Отт.: Laborat. au C.N.R.S., 1983, N 169, p. 1-49.
Sablik M.
Directional dynamic for cellular automata: a sensitivity to initial condition approach. Отт.: Prepubl. Ecole Norm. Super. Lyon, 2006, UMPA N 342, 28 p.
Sadovskii L.E., Sadovskii A.L.
Mathematics and sports.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1993.-152 p.-bibl.: 37. (Math. World, v. 3) [5787]
Sadun L.
Applied linear algebra. The decoupling principle. 2nd ed.-Providence, R.I., Amer. Math. Soc., 2008.-370 . [18985]
Sadun L.
Topology of tiling spaces.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2008.-118 p. (Univ. Lect. Ser., v. 46) [18921]
Saint-Donat B.
Techniques de descente cohomologie.-79 p. (ксерокопия) [13860]
Sakai S.
C*-algebras and W*-algebras.-Berlin: Springer, 1971.-256 p.-bibl.: 277. (Ergebn. Math. und Grenzgeb., Bd. 60) [13547]
Saks S.
Theory of the integral. 2-nd rev. ed.-Warszawa, 1937.-347 p. [12021]
Saks S.
Theory of the integral. 2nd rev. ed.-N.-Y.: Dover Publ., 1964.-343 p.-bibl.: p.p. 331-340. [16627]
Salepci N.
Real Lefschetz fibrations.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2007.-136 p.-bibl.: p.p. 127-130. [17775]
Salii V.N.
Lattices with unique complements.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1988.-113 p.-bibl.: p.p. 105-108. [11133]
Sally J.D., Sally P.J., Jr.
Roots to research. A vertical development of mathematical problems.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2007.-338 p. [19006]
Sally P.J.
Tools of the trade. Introduction to advanced mathematics.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2008.-194 p. [19035]
Salmon S.
Contribution aux methodes numeriques pour la simulation d'ecoulements de fluides, d'electromagnetisme et de physique des plasmas.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2008.-124 p.-bibl.: p.p. 119-124. [18664]
Salvetti M.
Arrangements of lines and monodromy of plane curves. Отт.: Compositio Math., 1988, v. 68, p. 103-122.
Salvetti M.
On the homotopy type of the complement to an arrangement of lines in C^2. Отт.: Bol. Un. Mat. Ital., 1988, v. 2-F, p. 337-344.
Salvetti M.
Topology of the complement of real hyperplanes in C^N. Отт.: Invent. Math., 1987, v. 88, p. 603-618.
Salvetti M., Prati M.C.
On local systems over the fundamental strata in G_K,N. Отт.: Preprinta Mat. Scuola Norm. Super. Pisa., 1988, N 26, p. 1-10.
Samake K.
Suites recurrentes lineaires, probleme d'effectivite.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 1996.-65 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, N 25) [9044]
Samarskii A.A., Matus P.P., Vabishchevich P.N.
Difference schemes with operator factors.Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 2002.-384 p.-bibl.: p.p. 367-381. [13675]
Samelson H.
An introduction to linear algebra.-N.-Y.: J.Wiley & Sons, 1974.-265 p. [6119]
Samoilenko A., Petryshyn R.
Multifrequency oscillations of nonlinear systems.-Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 2004.-317 p.bibl.: p.p. 297-317. [17099]
Samuel P.
Geometrie projective.-Paris: Press. Univ. de France, 1986.-176 p. [11973]
Samuel P.
Methodes d'algebre abstraite en geometrie algebrique. 2-nd ed, corrigee.-Berlin: Springer, 1967.-133 p. (Ergebn. Math. und Grenzgeb., Bd. 4) [13548]
Sanders J.A., Verhulst F.
Averaging methods in nonlinear dynalical systems.-N.-Y.: Springer, 1985.-247 p. (Appl. Math. Sci., v. 59) [3219]
Sanderson Y.
Dimensions des modules de Demazure pour les algebres de Kac-Moody affines de rang deux.Strasbourg: IRMA, 1995.-20 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, 1995/02) [9014]
Sanderson Y..B.
Dimensions of Demazure modules for rank 2 affine Lie algebras.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 1994.13 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, 1994/025) [7347]
Sari T.
Moyennisation dans les differentiels a solutions rapidement oscillantes.-Mulhouse: Univ. Haute Alsace, 1983.-149 p.-bibl.: 38. [6120]
Sarkaria K.S.
A "nice" map colour theorem.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2001.-16 p. (IHES/M/01/08) [11489]
Sarkaria K.S.
Tverberg partitions and Borsuk-Ulam theorems.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1998.-14 9.bibl.: 26. (IHES/M/98/51) [9949]
Sarnak P.
Some applications of modular forms.-Cambrisdge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990.-111 p. bibl.: p.p. 103-109. [8760]
Sarymsakov T.A., Hadziev Dz.
Topological modules over semifields of the first kind. Отт.: Soviet Math. Dokl., 1971, v. 12, N 5, p.1548-1551.
Sasaki S.
Selected Papers.-Tokyo: Kinokuniya Co., 1985.363 p. [7279]
Sato H.
Algebraic topology: an intuitive approach.Providence R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1999.-118 p. (Transl. Math. Monogr., v. 183) [2048]
Sattinger D.H., Weaver J.L.
Lie groups and algebras with applications to physics, geometry, and mechanics.-N.-Y.: Springer, 1986.-215 p.-bibl.: p.p. 208-211. [8761]
Saul M.
Hadamard's plane geometry. A reader's companion.Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2010.-348 p. [18938]
Saulis L., Statulevicius V.A.
Limit theorems for large deviations.-Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Press, 1991.-232 p.-bibl.: p.p. 218-229. [18062]
Saveliev M.V.
Integrable graded manifolds and nonlinear equations. Отт.: Commun. Math. Phys., 1984, v. 95, p. 199-216.
Saveliev N.
Invariants for homology 3-spheres.-Berlin: Springer, 2002.-223 p.-bibl.: 311. (Encycl. Math. Sci., vol. 1) [13319]
Sawyer E.T.
Function theory: interpolation and corona problems.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2009.202 p.-bibl.: 53. [19007]
Sawyer W.W.
A concrete approach to abstract algebra.San Francisco: W.H.Freeman & Co., 1959.234 p. [6121]
Sbihi K.
Etude de quelques E.D.P. non lineaires dans L^1 avec des conditions generales sur le bord.Strasbourg: IRMA, 2006.-168 p.-bibl.: 80. (Prepubl. IRMA 2006/022) [17608]
Scandinavian Congress of Mathematicians.
18th Scandinavian congress of mathematicians. Proceedings, 1980. /E.Balsev, ed.-Boston: Birkhauser, 1981.-515 p. [1591]
Schapira P., Schneiders J.-P.
Elliptic pairs I: Relative finiteness and duality.-Kyoto: Kyoto Univ., 1993.-55 p. [13742]
Schapira P.
Cycles lagrangiens, fonctions constructibles et applications. Отт.: "Equations aux derivees partielles", Seminaire 1988-1989, Expose N XI, p. 1-9.
Schapira P.
L'analyse microlocale des faisceaux. Отт.: "Images des mathematiques 1990", p.1-6.
Schapira P.
Microdifferential systems in the complex domain.-Berlin: Springer, 1985.-214 p.-bibl.: p.p. 203-206. (Grundlehr. math. Wiss., Bd. 269) [3239]
Schapira P.
Vanishing in highest degree for solutions of D-modules and perverse sheaves. Отт.: Publ. RIMS, 1990, v. 26, N 3, p. 535-538.
Schapira P., Honda N.
Two vanishing theorems for microfunction solutions of D-modules.-Paris: Univ. Nord, 1990, N 90-4, p. 1-12.
Schapira P., Schneiders J.-P.
Elliptic pairs II: Euler class and relative index theorem.-Kyoto: Kyoto Univ., 1993.-46 p. [13743]
Schapira P., Schneiders J.-P.
Euler classes for elliptic pairs. Отт.: "D-modules and microlocal geometry", Berlin, 1992, p.1-8.
Schapira P., Schneiders J.-P.
Index theorem for elliptic pairs.-Paris: Soc. Math. France,1994.-113 p. (Asterisque, N 224) [11311]
Schapira P., Schneiders J.-P.
Paires elliptiques.I. Finitude et dualite. Отт.: C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serie 1, 1990, t. 311, p. 83-86.
Schapira P., Schneiders J.-P.
Paires elliptiques.II. Classe d'Euler et indice. Отт.: 6 p.
Schapira P., Tose N.
Morse inequalities for R-constructible sheaves.Paris: Univ. Nord, 1989, N 89-9, p. 1-11.
Schappacher N.
Periods of Hecke characters.-Berlin: Springer, 1988.-160 p.-bibl.: p.p. 148-151. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1301) [6328]
Scharlau W.
Quadratic and hermitian forms.-Berlin: Springer, 1985.-421 p.-bibl.: p.p. 402-416. (Grundl. math. Wiss., Bd. 270) [3280]
Scharlau W.
Zur Pfisterschen Theorie des quadratischen Formen. Отт.: Invent. Math., 1969, v. 6, p. 327-328.
Scharlau W., Opolka H.
From Fermat to Minkowski: Lectures on the theory of numbers andd its historical development.-N.-Y.: Springer, 1985.-184 p. (Undergrad. Texts in Math.) [3165]
Schatz A.H., Thomee V., Wendland W.L.
Mathematical theory of finite and boundary element methods.-Basel: Birkhauser, 1990.276 p.-bibl.: 99. [8762]
Schechter M.
Principles of functional analysis. 2-nd ed.Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2002.-426 p. [18229]
Scheidt C.
Analyse statistique d'experiences simulees: modelisation adaptive de reponses non-regulieres par krigeage et plans d'experiences.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2006.-234 p.-bibl.: 79. (Prepubl. IRMA 2006/021) [17607]
Scheinerman E.R.
Invitation to dynamical systems.-London: Prentice Hall, 1996.-373 p. [6123]
Schenk Brill K. van.
Reviving nuclear magnetic resonance as a viable approach for quantum computation and solving simultaneous Pell equations by quantum computational means.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2010.-132 p.-bibl.: p.p. 129-132. [19099]
Schenkman E.
Group theory.-Princeton: D. van Nostrand Co., 1965.-289 p.-bibl.: 31. [6124]
Schipp., Wade W.R., Simon P.
Walsh series. An introduction to dyadic harmonic analysis.-Budapest: Akad. Kiado, 1990. -560 p.-bibl.: p.p. 531-545. [3134]
Schleicher D.
On fibers and local connectivity of compact sets in C.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1998.-26 p. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint N 12) [10441]
Schleicher D.
On fibers and local connectivity of Mandelbroit and Multibrot sets.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1998.-24 p. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint N 13) [10440]
Schleicher D.
Rational parameter rays of the Mandelbroit set.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1997.-31 p.-bibl.: 21. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint N 13) [10458]
Schleicher D., Zimmer J.
Dynamic rays for exponential maps.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1999.30 p. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci.9/9) Preprint 1999/9) [10487]
Schlichtkrull H.
Hyperfunctions and harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces.-Boston Birkhauser, 1984.-185 p.bibl.: p.p. 165-180. [8763]
Schmid W., Vilonen K.
Weyl group actions on Lagrangian cycles and Rossmann's formula. Отт.: 8 p.
Schmidt E.J.P.G.
Scattering theory for Maxwell's equations in an exterior domain.-Stanford: Stanford Univ., 1966.-92 p. [1619]
Schmidt K.
Algebraic ideas in ergodic theory.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1990.-94 p.bibl.: p.p. 79-85. (CBMS Reg. Conf. Ser. Math., v. 76) [2945, 8733]
Schmidt W.M.
Equations over finite fields: An elementary approach.-Berlin: Springer, 1976.-267 p.-bibl.: p.p. 265-267. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 536) [6246, 16635]
Schmitt F.
Contribution a l'etude des calculs differentiels sur les groupes quantiques.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 1997.-64.-bibl.: 34. (Prepubl. IRMA, N 51) [9097]
Schmitt T.
Super differential geometry.-Berlin: Akad. Wiss. DDR., 1984.-187 S. [86]
Schneider P.
Points of rigid analytic varieties. Отт.: 35 p.
Schneider P.
The cohomology of local systems on p-adically uniformized varieties. Отт.: 37 p.
Schneider T.
Einfuhrung in die transzendenten Zahlen.Berlin: Springer, 1957.-150 S.-Bibl. S.S. 143-147. (Grundl. math. Wissensch., Bd. 81) [6125]
Schneiders J.-P.
A coherence criterionn for Frechet modules.Kyoto: Kyoto Univ., 1993, p. 1-14.
Schoen R., Yau S.-T.
Lectures on differential geometry.-Intern. Press, 1994.-236 p.-bibl.: 40. (Conf. Proc. & Lect. Notes in Geom., Topol., v. 1.) [9698]
Schofield A.
Notes on constructing Lie algebras from finite dimensional algebras. Отт.
Schouten J.A.
Der Ricci-Kalkul. Eine Einfuhrung in die neueren Methoden und Probleme der mehrdimensionalen Differentialgeometrie.-Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1924.-312 S. [11055]
Schouten J.A.
Ricci-calculus. An introduction to tensor analysis anf its geometrical applications.Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1954.-516 p.-bibl.: p.p. 425-511. (Grundl. math. Wissensch., Bd. 10) [16314]
Schramm M.J.
Introduction to real analysis.-Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1996.-368 p. [6126]
Schrartz L.
Theorie des distributions.-Paris: Hermann, 1966.-417 p.-bibl.: p.p. 401-413. [16452]
Schroeder M.
Fractals, chaos, power laws. Minutes from an infinite paradise.-N.-Y.: W.H.Freeman & Co., 1991.-429 p.-bibl.: p.p. 395-410. [16628]
Schrohe E., Schulze B.-W.
Boundary value problems in Boutet de Monvel's algebra for manifolds with conical singularities I.-Bonn: MPI, 1994.-103 p.-bibl.: 35. (MPI/94-24) [9308]
Schubert H.
Auslese aus meiner Unterrichts- und Vorlesungspraxis. Bd.1.-Leipzig: G.J.Goschen Verlag.-1905.-240 S. [7399]
Schubert H.
Auslese aus meiner Unterrichts- und Vorlesungspraxis. Bd.2.-Leipzig: G.J.Goschen Verlag.-1905.-218 S. [7400]
Schubert H.
Auslese aus meiner Unterrichts- und Vorlesungspraxis. Bd.3.-Leipzig: G.J.Goschen Verlag.-1905.-250 S. [7394]
Schubert H.
Kategorien I.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1970.160 S.: Bibl.: 51. [16449]
Schubert H.
Kategorien II.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1970.148 S.-Bibl.: 51. [16450]
Schubert H.
Mathematische Mussestunden. Eine Sammlung von Gedulspielen, Kunststucken und Unterhaltungsaufgaben mathematischer Natur.-Leipzig: G.J.Goschen'sche Verlag, 1904.-306 S. [7401]
Schulz F.
Regularity theory for quasilinear elliptic systmes and Monge-Ampere equations in two dimensions.-Berlin: Springer, 1990.-123 p.-bibl.: p.p. 115-120. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1445) [6431]
Schulze B.-W.
Pseudo-differential operators, ellipticity and asymptotics on manifolds with edges.-Bonn: MPI, 1994.-36 p.-bibl.: 23. (MPI/94-40) [9320]
Schumacher C.
Chapter zero: fundamental notions of abstract mathematics.-Reading: Addison-Wesley Publ, Co., 1977.-162 p. [6128]
Schur I.
Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Bd. 1.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1973.-491 S. [13970]
Schur I.
Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Bd. 2.-Berlin.: Springer-Verlag, 1973.-494 S. [13971]
Schur I.
Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Bd. 3.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1973.-480 S. [13972]
Schurmann A.
Computational geometry of positive definite quadratic forms. Polyhedral reduction theories, algorithms, and applications.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc.,2009.-162 p.-bibl.: 287. (Univ. Lect. Ser., v.48) [18922]
Schuur P.C.
Asymptotic analysis of soliton problems: An inverse scattering approach.-Berlin: Springer, 1986.-180 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1232) [6271]
Schwabhauser W., Szmielew W., Tarski A.
Metamathematische Methoden in der Geometrie. Teil 1: Ein axiomatischer Aufbau der euklidischen Geometrie. (W.Schwabhauser, W.Szmielew, A.Tarski) Teil 2: Metamathematische Betrachtungen. (W.Schwabhauser).-Berlin: Springer, 1983.482 S. [7311]
Schwartz J.T.
Introduction to matrices and vectors.-N.-Y.: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1961.-163 p. [12022]
Schwartz J.T.
W-^* algebras.-Glasgaw: Villafield Press, 1968.256 p.-bibl.: p.p. 251-256. [16570]
Schwartz L.
Geometry and probability in Banach spaces.Berlin: Springer, 1981.-101 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., N 852) [13442]
Schwartz L.
Lectures on complex analytic manifolds.Berlin: Springer, 1986.-184 p.-bibl.: 77. [9610]
Schwartz L.
Radon measures on arbitrary topological spaces and cylindrical measures.-Oxfor: Oxford Univ. Press, 1973.-394 p. [16451]
Schwartz L.
Semi-martingales sur des varietes, et martingales conformes sur des varietes analytiques complexes.-Berlin: Springer, 1980.-132 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., N 780) [13439]
Schwarz A.
Geometry of Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization. Preprint.
Schwarz A.
Morita equivalence and duality.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1998.-19 p. (IHES/M/98/48) [9946]
Schwarz A.
Semiclassical approximation in Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism. Preprint.
Schwarz A.
Symmetry transformations in Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism. Preprint.
Schwarz A.
Theta-functions on noncommutative tori.Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2001.-11 p. (IHES/M/01/40) [12171]
Schwarz A.S., Tseytlin A.A.
Dilation shift under duality and torsion of elliptic complex. Отт.: p. 1-18.
Schwarz H.R.
Finite element methods.-London: Acad. Press, 1988.-386 p.-bibl.: p.p.375-381. [8796]
Schwerdtfeger H.
Beitrage zum Matricen-Kalkul und zur Theorie der Gruppenmatrix.-Weida i. Thur: Thomas & Hubert, 1935.-51 S. [13549]
Scientific legacy...
The scientific legacy of Poincare. /E.Charpentier, E.Ghys, A.Lesne, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2010.-392 p.-bibl.: 40. [18939]
Scott P., Swarup G.A.
Regular neighbourhoods and canonical decompositions for groups.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2003.-232 p.-bibl.: 56. (Asterisque, N 289) [14538]
Second International conference on algebra
Second International conference on algebra. Dedicated to the memory of A.I.Shirshov: Proceedings, August 20-25, 1991, Barnaul, Russia /L.A.Bokut', A.I.Kostrikin, S.S.Kutateladze, ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1995.450 p.(Contemp. Math., v. 184) [8656]
Second Japan-USSR symposium on probability
Second Japan-USSR symposium on probability theory: Kyoto, Aug., 1972, v. 1-3. v. 1 - 152 p. [2946]
Second Japan-USSR symposium on probability
Second Japan-USSR symposium on probability theory: Kyoto, Aug., 1972, v. 1-3. v. 2 - 284 p. [2947]
Second Japan-USSR symposium on probability
Second Japan-USSR symposium on probability theory: Kyoto, Aug., 1972, v. 1-3. v. 3 - 269 p. [2948]
Seeley R.
Topics in pseudo-differential operators.305 p. [6129]
Segal I.E.
Transforms for operators and symplectic automorphisms over a locally compact abelian group. Отт.: Math. Scand., 1963, v. 13, p. 31-43.
Segal I.E., Kunze R.A.
Integrals and operators.-N.-Y.: McGraw-Hil Book Co., 1968.-308 p.-bibl.: 52. [12126]
Segal I.E., Mackey G.W.
Mathematical problems of relativistic physics.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1963.131 p. [12127]
Segre B.
Somr properties of differentiable varieties and transformations with special reference to the analytic and algebraic cases.-Berlin: Springer, 1957.-183 p.-bibl.: 159. [13550]
Seifert H., Threlfall W.
Lehrbuch der Topologie.-N.-Y.: Chelsea Publ. Co., 1934.-353 S.-Bibl.: S.S. 329-341. [16514]
Seifert H., Threlfall W.
Variationsrechnung im Grossen (Theorie von Marston Morse).-N.-Y.: Chelsea Publ.Co., 1948.116 p. [12023]
Seip U.
Kompakt erzeugte Vektorraume und Analysis.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1972.-120 S. (Lect. Notes in Math. N 273) [18094]
Selberg A.
Collected papers. Vol. 1.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1989.-711 p. [15944]
Selberg- trace formula...
The Selberg trace formula and related topics: Proc. AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Res. Conf., July 22-28, 1984. /D.A.Hejhal et al..., ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1986.554 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 53) [6455]
Selby S.M., Beyer W.H.
Modern intermediate algebra.-Scanton: Intext Educat. Publ., 1971.-445 p. [6130]
Selected papers ...
Selected papers on quantum electrodynamics. /J.Schwinger, ed.-N.-Y.: Dover Publ., 1958.-424 p. [12327]
Selected papers on analysis...
Selected papers on analysis and related topics.Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2008.-178 p. (Transl. Amer. Math. Soc., Ser. 2., v. 223) [19008]
Selected papers on differential...
Selected papers on diffeential equations and analysis.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2005.-145 p. (Transl. Amer. Math. Soc., N 215) [18178]
Selfadjoint and nonselfadjoint operator algebras
Selfadjoint and nonselfadjoint operatoralgebras and operator theory: Proc. CBMS reg. conf., May 19-26. 1990 /R.S.Doran, ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1991.-214 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 120) [2779]
Seligman G.B.
Constructions of Lie algebras and their modules.-Berlin: Springer, 1988.-190 p.-bibl.: p.p. 186-188. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1300) [6327]
Sellama H.
Equations aux differences et scission de separatrices.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2007.-118 p. [17779]
Semigroups in algebra...
Semigroups in algebra, geometry and analysis. /K.H.Hofmann, J.D.Lawson, E.B.Vinberg, ed.-Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1995.-368 p. [17089]
Semigroups theory...
Semigroups theory and applications: Proc. Conf., Oberwolfach, Feb. 23 - March 1, 1986. /H.Jurgensen et al ..., ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1988.-416 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1320) [6347]
Seminair Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2001/2002. Exposes 894-908.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2003.-317 p. (Asterisque, N 290) [15914]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 18eme annee: 1965-1966, Fevrier 1966.-Exposes: N.N. 301-306. [5915, 5917]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 18eme annee: 1965-1966, Juin 1966.-Exposes: N.N. 307-312. [5913]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 19eme annee: 1966-1967, Fevrier 1967.-Exposes: N.N. 319-324. [5912, 5919]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 19eme annee: 1966-1967, Juin 1967.-Exposes: N.N. 325-330. [5920]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 19eme annee: 1966-1967, Novembre 1966.-Exposes: N.N. 313-318. [5918]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 20eme annee: 1967-1968, Fevrier 1968.-Exposes: N.N. 337-342. [5922]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 20eme annee: 1967-1968, Novembre 1967.-Exposes: N.N. 331-336. [5921]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 21eme annee: 1968-1969, Fevrier 1969.-Exposes: N.N. 353-357. [5924]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 21eme annee: 1968-1969, Novembre 1968.-Exposes: N.N. 347-352. [5923]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. Vol. 1992-93, Juin 1993.-Exposes: N.N. 770-774. [5978]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1968/69. Exposes 347-363.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1971.-296 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 179) [5855, 13363]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1969/70. Exposes 364-381.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1971.-310 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 180) [5852, 13364]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1970/71. Exposes 382-399.-Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1971.-356 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 244) [5853, 13381]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1971/72. Exposes 400-417.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1973.-362 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 327) [5860, 13382]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1972/73. Exposes 418-435.- Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1974.-334 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 383) [3117, 13407]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1973/74. Exposes 436-452.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1975.-348 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 431) [5865, 13408]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1974/75. Exposes 453-470.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1976.-276 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 514) [5873, 13412]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1975/76. Exposes 471-488.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1977.-304 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 567) [5879, 13415]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1976/77. Exposes 489-506.-Berlin: Springer, 1978.-264 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 677) [5890, 13417]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1977/78. Exposes 507-524.-Berlin: Springer, 1979.-328 p. (Lect.Notes in Math., v. 710) [5893, 13418]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1978/79. Exposes 525-542.-Berlin: Springer, 1980.-342 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 770) [5896, 13419]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1980/81. Exposes 561-578.-Berlin: Springer, 1981.-300 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 901) [5900, 13421]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1983/84. Exposes 615-632.(avec table par noms d'auteurs de 1948/ /49 a 1983/84).-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1985.368 p. (Asterisque, N 121-122) [5621, 13351]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1984/85. Exposes 633-650.(avec la table par noms d'ateurs de 1948/49 a 1984/85).-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1986.-374 p. (Asterisque, N 133-134) [5625, 13352]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1988/89. Exposes 700-714.(avec table par noms d'auteurs de 1948/ /49 a 1988/89).-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1989.388 p. (Asterisque, N 177-178) [9659]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1989/90. Exposes 715-729. (avec table par noms d'auteurs de 1948/ /49 a 1989/90).-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1990.472 p.(Asterisque,N.189-190.) [5627]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1991/92. Exposes 745-759.(avec table par noms d'auteurs de 1948/ /49 a 1991/92).-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1992.578 p. (Asterisque, N 206) [5629]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1992/93. Exposes 760-774.(avec table par noms d'auteurs de 1948/ /49 a 1992/93).-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1993.436 p. (Asterisque, N 216) [5631]
Seminaire Bourbaki
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1994/95. Exposes 790-804.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1996.-405 p. (Asterisque, N 237) [11064]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. vol 1979/80. Exposes 543-560.-Berlin: Springer, 1981.-317 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., N 842) [13441]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1981/82. Exposes 579-596. (Avec table par noms d'auteurs de 1967/68 a 2981/82).-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1982.-389 p. (Asterisque, N 92-93) [11236, 13350]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1982/83. Exposes 597-614.-Paris: Soc.Math. France, 1983.-342 p. (Asterisque, N 105-106) [11243, 13353]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1985/86. Exposes 651-668.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1987.-358 p. (Asterisque, N 145-146) [11263, 13354]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1986/87. Exposes 669-685. (avec table par noms d'auteurs de 1948/49 a 1986/87).-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1987.-344 p. (Asterisque, N 152-153) [11267, 13356]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1987/88. Exposes 686-699. (avec table par noms d'auteurs de 1948/ /49 a 1987/88).-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1988.307 p. (Asterisque, N 161-162) [11271]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1990/91. Exposes 730-744. (avec table par noms d'auteurs de 1948/49 a 90/91).-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1991.-512 p. (Asterisque, N 201-202-203) [11296]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1993/94. Exposes 775-789.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1995.-409 p. (Asterisque, N 227) [11314]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1995/96. Exposes 805-809.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1997.-424 p. (Asterisque, N 241) [11321]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1996/97. Exposes 820-834.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1997.-469 p. (Asterisque, N 245) [11326]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1997/98. Exposes 835-849.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1998.-367 p. (Asterisque, N 252) [11332]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1998/99. Exposes 850-864.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2000.-483 p. (Asterisque, N 266) [2622]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2000/2001. Exposes 880-893.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2002.-443 p. (Asterisque, N 282) [13898]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2002/2003. Exposes 909-923.-Paris:Soc. Math. France, 2004.-472 p. (Asterisque, N 294) [15918]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2004/2005. Exposes 938-951.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2006.-620 p. (Asterisque, N 307) [17494]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2005/2006. Exposes 952-966.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2007.-402 p. (Asterisque, N 311) [17565]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2008/2009. Exposes 997-1011. (Avec table par noms d'auteure de1948/49 a 2008/09).-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2010.464 p. (Asterisque, N 332) [18853]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2009/2010. Exposes 1012-1026.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2011.-408 p. (Asterisque, N 339) [19167]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Voluem 1952/1953 - 1953/1954. Exposes 68-100.-N.-Y.: W.A.Benjamin, 1966. [12478, 13553]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Volume 1948/1949 - 1949/1950. Exposes 1-32.-N.-Y.: W.A.Benjamin, 1966. [12476, 13551]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Volume 1950/1951 - 1951/1952. Exposes 33-67.-N.-Y.: W.A.Benjamin, 1966. [12477, 13552]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Volume 1954/1955 - 1955/1956. Exposes 101-136.-N.-Y.: W.A.Benjamin, 1966. [12479, 13554]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Volume 1956/1957 - 1957/1958. Exposes 137-168.-N.-Y.: W.A.Benjamin, 1966. [12480, 13555]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Volume 1958/1959. Exposes 169-186.-N.-Y.: W.A.Benjamin, 1966. [12481, 13556]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Volume 1959/1960. Exposes 187-204.-N.-Y.: W.A.Benjamin, 1966. [12482]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Volume 1960/1961. Exposes 205-222.-N.-Y.: W.F.Benjamin, 1966. [12483]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Volume 1962/1963. Exposes 241-258.-N.-Y.: W.A.Benjamin, 1966. [12484]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Volume 1963/1964. Exposes 259-276.-N.-Y.: W.A.Benjamin, 1966. [12485]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Volume 1967/1968. Exposes 331-346.-N.-Y.: W.A.Benjamin, 1969. [12486]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. Volume 1999/2000. Exposes 865-879.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2002.433 p. (Asterisque, N 276) [3836]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbakiu. Vol. 2003/2004. Exposes 924-937.-Paris: Soc.Math.France, 2005.-350 p. (Asterisque, N 299) [16260]
Seminaire Bourbaki.
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. Volume 2000-01, Mars 2001, Exposes 884-888. [11606]
Seminaire d'algebre Paul Dubreil
Seminaire d'algebre Paul Dubreil, Paris 1975-1976 (29eme annee) /M.P.Malliavin, ed.Berlin: Springer, 1977.-188 p.(Lecture Notes in Math., v. 586) [5885]
Seminaire d'algebre Paul Dubreil...
Seminaire d'algebre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin: Proc., Paris, 1981. /M.-P.Malliavin, ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1982.-461 p. Lect. Notes in Math., N 924) [13443]
Seminaire d'algebre Paul Dubreil...
Seminaire d'algebre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin: Proc., Paris, 1982. /M.-P.Vflliavin, ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1983.-339 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., N 1029) [13445]
Seminaire d'algebre Paul Dubreil...
Seminaire d'algebre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin: Proc., Paris, 1983-1984./M.-P.Malliavin, ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1985.420 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., N 1146) [13448]
Seminaire d'algebre Paul Dubreil...
Seminaire d'algebre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin: Proc., Paris, 1985.-200 p./M.-P.Malliavin, ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1986.200 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., N 1220) [13451]
Seminaire d'algebre...
Seminaire d'algebre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paul Malliavin: Proc., Paris, 1987-1988. (39eme annee). /M.-P.Malliavin, ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1989.-410 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v.1404) [6408]
Seminaire d'algebre...
Seminaire d'algebre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin: Proc., Paris, 1986. /M.-P. Malliavin, ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1987.-327 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1296) [6324, 13425]
Seminaire d'algebre...
Seminaire d'algebre Paul Dubreil. Proceedings, Paris, 1977-78. (31eme annee).-Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1979.-456 p. [14229]
Seminaire d'analyse fonctionnelle 1983
Seminaire d'analyse fonctionnelle 1983/ /1984 /B.Beauzamy et al., ed.-Paris: Univ. Paris VII, 1985.-184 p. (Publ. Math. Univ. Paris VII, N 20) [5655]
Seminaire d'analyse fonctionnelle 1984
Seminaire d'analyse fonctionnelle 1984/ /1985, Paris VII-VI.-Paris: Univ. Paris VII, 1986.-166 p. (Publ. Math. Univ. Paris VII, N 26) [5664]
Seminaire d'analyse fonctionnelle 1985
Seminaire d'analyse fonctionnelle 1985/ /1986/1987, Paris VI-VII/B.Beauzamy et al., ed.-Paris: Univ. Paris VII, 1987.-218 p. (Publ. Math.Univ.Paris VII, N 28) [5666]
Seminaire d'analyse...
Seminaire d'analyse P.Lelong - P.Dolbeault- H.Skoda: annees 1985-1986. /P.Lelong et al..., ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1987.-283 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1295) [6323, 13424]
Seminaire de complexite algorithmique et logique
Seminaire de complexite algorithmique et logique 1986-1987-1988 /P.Michel, J.P.Ressayre, ed.-Paris: Univ. Paris VII, 1988.-100 p. (Publ. Math. Univ. Paris VII, N 30) [5649]
Seminaire de geometrie algebrique.
Seminaire de geometrie algebrique IHES 1963-64. fasc. 2: Cohomologie etale des schemas. /M.Artin et A.Grothendieck, ed.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES 1964.-248 p. [13456]
Seminaire de geometrie algebrique.
Seminaire de geomtrie algebrique IHES. 1963-64. fasc. 1: Cohomologie etale des schemas. /M.Artin et A.Grothendieck, ed.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1964.-245 p. [13455]
Seminaire de geometrie algebrique...
Seminaire de geometrie algebrique du Bois-Marie 1965-66. SGA 5.: Cohomologie l-adique et fonctions L.-Berlin: Springer, 1977.-484 p. (Lect. Notes in Math. v, 589) [15379, 15390]
Seminaire de geometrie analytique
Seminaire de geometrie analytique /A.Douady, J.-L.Verdier, ed.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1974. -160 p. (Asterisque, N 17) [9078]
Seminaire de geometrie analytique
Seminaire de geometrie analytique /A.Douady, J.-L.Verdier, ed.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1976. -240 p. (Asterisque, N 36-37) [9081]
Seminaire de geometrie analytique
Seminaire de geometrie analytique /A.Doudy, J.-L.Verdier, ed.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1974.-276. (Asterisque, N 16) [9077, 13347]
Seminaire de geometrie des espaces de Banach
Seminaire de geometrie des espaces de Banach: Paris VII - (1982).-Paris: Univ. Paris VII, 1983.-160 p. (Publ. Math. Univ. Paris VII, N 16) [5650]
Seminaire de geometrie des espaces de Banach
Seminaire de geometrie des espaces de Banach: Paris VII - (1983). t.1 /B.Beauzamy,J.-L.Krivine, B.Maurey, ed.-Paris: Univ. Paris VII, 1984.-120. (Publ. Math. Univ. Paris VII, N 18) [5652]
Seminaire de geometrie des espaces de Banach
Seminaire de grometrie des espaces de Banach. Paris VII - (1983). t. II.-Paris: Univ. Paris VII, 1983.-254 p. (Publ. Math. Univ. Paris VII). [5653]
Seminaire de probabilites.
Seminaire de probabilites XXI. (J.Azema et al..., ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1987.-579 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v.1247) [6283]
Seminaire de probabilites.
Seminaire de probabilites XXIII. /J.Azema et al..., ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1989.-582 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1372) [6389]
Seminaire de probabilites...
Seminaire de probabilites XXII. /J.Azema., ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1988.-600 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1321) [6348]
Seminaire de probabilites...
Seminaire de probabilites. Universite de Paris VII: Geodesiques et diffusions en temps petit.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1981, N 84-85) [11233]
Seminaire de theorie des nombres, Paris 1982-83.
Seminaire de theorie des nombres, Paris 1982-83 /M.-J.Bertin, C.Goldstein, ed.-Boston: Birkhauser, 1984.-312 p. (Progr. Math., v. 51) [87]
Seminaire de theorie des nombres, Paris 1984-85.
Seminaire de theorie des nombres, Paris 1984-85 /C.Golstein, ed.-Boston: Birkhauser, 1986.-252 p. (Progr. Math., v. 63) [88]
Seminaire de theorie des nombres.
Seminaire de theorie des nombres, Paris 1983-1984. Seminaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou.-Boston: Birkhauser, 1985.-278 p. [11132]
Seminaire de theorie du potentiel dirige
Seminaire de theorie du potentiel dirige par M.Brelot et G.Choquet. 1-3 annees 1957-1959.-Paris. [2949, 2950, 2951]
Seminaire de theorie du potentiel.
Seminaire de theorie du potentiel, Paris, N 8./F.Hirsch, G.Mokobodzki, ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1987.-209 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1235) [6274]
Seminaire de theorie du potentiel.
Seminaire de theorie du potentiels, Paris, N 9. /N.Bouleau et al..., ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1989.-265 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1393) [6401]
Seminaire de theorie spectrale...
Seminaire de theorie spectrale et geometrie. N 11. Annee 1992-1993.-Grenoble: Inst. Fourier, 174 p. [16458]
Seminaire de theorie spectrale...
Seminaire de theorie spectrale et geometrie. N 12. Annee 1993-1994.-Grenoble: Inst. Fourier,. 94 p. [16459]
Seminaire de topologie...
Seminaire de topologie algebrique, 1950-51. Expose de H.Cartan., 1951.-98 p. + Appendices. [6151]
Seminaire general de logique 1982-83
Seminaire general de logique 1982-83 /F.Delonn et al., ed.-Paris: Univ. Paris VII, 1985.186 p. (Publ. Math. Univ. Paris VII, N 19) [5654]
Seminaire general de logique 1983-1984
Seminaire general de logique 1983-1984 /F. Delon, D.Lascar, M.Parigot, ed.-Paris: Univ. Paris VII, 1986.-196 p. (Publ. Math. Univ. Paris VII, N 27) [5665]
Seminaire Henri Cartan.
Seminaire Henri Cartan. 11-e annee: 1958/59. Vol. 1 (exposes 1 a 9) 2e ed.-Paris, Ecole Norm. Super., 1959. [6154]
Seminaire Henri Cartan.
Seminaire Henri Cartan. 11-e annee: 1958/59. Vol. 2 (exposes 10 a 19). 2e ed.-Paris: Ecole Norm. Super., 1959. [6155]
Seminaire Henri Cartan.
Seminaire Henri Cartan. 12-e annee: 1959/60. Fasc. 1 (exposes 1 a 9). 2e ed.-Paris: Ecole Norm. Super., l961. [6156]
Seminaire Henri Cartan.
Seminaire Henri Cartan. 12e annee: 1959/60. Fasc. 2 (exposes 10 a 18). 2e ed., corrigee.Paris: Ecole Norm. Super., 1961. [6157]
Seminaire Henri Cartan.
Seminaire Henri Cartan. 7-e annee: 1954/1955.Paris: Ecole Norm. Super., 1955. [6153]
Seminaire KGB sur les marches aleatoires
Seminaire KGB sur les marches aleatoires.Paris: Soc.Math.France, 1973.-158 p. (Asterisque, N 4) [9071]
Seminaire Lotharingien...
Seminaire Lotharingien de combinatoire. 16e session: 11-14 mars, 1987, Liefbrauenberg. /D.Foata, ed.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 1988.-149 p. (Publ. IRMA, 341/S-16) [13697]
Seminaire Lotharingien...
Seminaire Lotharingien de combinatoire. 18e session: 27-30 sept., 1987, Obsteig. /G.Baron, P.Kirschenhofer, ed.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 1988.146 p. (Publ. IRMA, 358/S-18) [13699]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 22e annee: 1969-1970, Mai-Juin 1970.-Exposes: N.N. 376-381. [5925]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 23eme annee: 1970-1971, Fevrier 1971.-Exposes: N.N. 388-393. [5927]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 23eme annee: 1970-1971, Novembre 1970.-Exposes: N.N. 382-387. [5926]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 23eme annee: 1971-1972, Juin 1972.-Exposes: N.N. 394-399. [5928]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 24 eme annee: 1971-1972, Juin 1972.-Exposes: N.N. 412-417. [5931]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 24eme annee: 1971-1972, Fevrier 1972.-Exposes: N.N. 406-411. [5930]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 24eme annee: 1971-1972, Novembre 1972.-Exposes: N.N. 400-405. [5929]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 25eme annee: 1972-1973, Fevrier 1973 .-Exposes: N.N. 424-429. [5933]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 25eme annee: 1972-1973, Juin 1973.-Exposes: N.N. 430-435. [5934]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 25eme annee: 1972-1973, Novembre 1972.-Exposes: N.N. 418-423. [5932]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 26eme annee: 1973-1974, Fevrier 1974.-Exposes: N.N. 442-447. [5935]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 26eme annee: 1973-1974, Juin 1974.-Exposes: N.N. 448-452. [5916]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 27eme annee: 1974-1975, Fevrier 1975.-Exposes: N.N. 459-464. [5937]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 27eme annee: 1974-1975, Juin 1975.-Exposes: N.N. 465-470. [5939]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 27eme annee: 1974-1975, Novembre 1974.-Exposes: N.N. 453-458. [5936]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 28eme annee: 1975-1976, Fevrier 1976.-Exposes: N.N. 477-482. [5940]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. 28eme annee: 1975-1976, Novembre 1975.-Exposes: N.N.471-476. [5938]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. Vol. 1988-89, Juin 1989.-Exposes: N.N. 710-714. [5967]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. Vol. 1988-89, Mars 1989.-Exposes: N.N. 705-709. [5966]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. Vol. 1989-90, Juin 1990.-Exposes: N.N. 725-729. [5970]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. Vol. 1989-90, Mars 1990.-Exposes: N.N. 720-724. [5969]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. Vol. 1989-90, Novembre 1989.-Exposes: N.N. 715-719. [5968]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. Vol. 1990-91, Fevrier 1991.-Exposes: N.N. 735-739. [5972]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. Vol. 1990-91, Juin 1991.-Exposes: N.N. 740-744. [5973]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. Vol. 1990-91, N0vembre 1990.-Exposes: N.N. 730-734. [5971]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. Vol. 1991-92, Fevrier 1992.-Exposes: N.N. 750-754. [5975]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. Vol. 1991-92, Juin 1992.-Exposes: N.N. 755-759. [3088]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. Vol. 1991-92, Novembre 1991.-Exposes: N.N. 745-749. [5974]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. Vol. 1992-93, Mars 1993.-Exposes: N.N. 765-769. [5977]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N. Bourbaki. Vol. 1992-93, Novembre 1992.-Exposes: N.N. 760-764. [5976]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. 28eme annee: 1975-1976, Fevrier 1976.-Exposes: N.N. 483-488. [5941]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. 29eme annee: 1976-1977, Fevrier 1977.-Exposes: N.N. 495-500. [5943]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. 29eme annee: 1976-1977, Juin 1977.-Exposes: N.N. 501-506. [9396]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. 29eme annee: 1976-19777, Novembre 1977.-Exposes: N.N. 489-494. [5942]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. 30e annee: 1977-1978, Fevrier 1978.-Exposes: N.N. 519-524. [9397]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. 31eme annee: 1978-1979, Fevrier 1979.-Exposes: N.N. 531-536. [5914]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. 31eme annee: 1978-1979, Fevrier 1979.-Exposes: N.N. 531-536. [5944]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. 31eme annee: 1978-1979, Novembre 1978.-Exposes: N.N. 525-530. [9398]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. Vol. 1979-1980, Ferier 1980.-Exposes: N.N. 543-548. [5945]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. Vol. 1980-1981, Novembre 1980.-Exposes: N.N. 561-566. [5946]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
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Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. Vol. 1981-1982, Fevrier 1982.-Exposes: N.N. 585-590. [5948]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. Vol. 1981-1982, Juin 1982.-Exposes: N.N. 591-596. [5949]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. Vol. 1982-1983, Fevrier 1983.-Exposes: N.N. 603-608. [5951]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
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Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. Vol. 1983-1984, Juin 1984.-Exposes: N.N. 627-632. [5952]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. Vol. 1983-1984, Novembre 1983.-Exposes: N.N. 615-620. [5950]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. Vol. 1984-1985, Fevrier 1985.-Exposes: N.N. 639-644. [5954]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. Vol. 1984-1985, Juin 1985.-Exposes: N.N. 645-650. [5955]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. Vol. 1984-1985, Novembre 1984.-Exposes: N.N. 633-638. [5953]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. Vol. 1985-86, Fevrier 1986.-Exposes: N.N. 657-662. [5957]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. Vol. 1985-86, Juin 1986.-Exposes: N.N. 663-668. [5958]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. Vol. 1985-86, Novembre 1985.-Exposes: N.N. 651-656. [5956]
Seminaire N. Bourbaki
Seminaire N.Bourbaki. Vol. 1986-87, Fevrier 1987.-Exposes: N.N. 675-680. [5960]
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Seminaire N. Bourbaki
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Seminaire N. Bourbaki
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Seminaire N. Bourbaki
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Seminaire Bourbaki. 13e annee: 1960/1961. fasc. 2. Exposee 211-216. 2e ed., corrigee.Paris, 1961. [6132]
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Seminaire Bourbaki. 18eme annee: 1965-1966. Novembre 1965.-Exposes: N N 295-300. [6133]
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Seminaire N. Bourbaki.
Seminaire Bourbaki. 26 annee: 1973/1974. Novembre 1973.-Exposes N N 436-441. [6137]
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Seminaire N. Bourbaki.
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Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1979-1980. Fevrier 1980.-Exposes: N N 549-554. [6139]
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Seminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 1979-1980. Juin 1980.-Exposes: N N 555-560. [6140]
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Seminaire Orsay.
Seminaire Orsay 1977-1978: Grandes deviations et applications ststistiques.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1979.-200 p. (Asterisque, N 68) [11230]
Seminaire Orsay.
Seminaire Orsay: Travaux de Thurston sur les surfaces. 2d ed.-Paris:Soc. Math. France, 1991/ /1979.-286 p. (Asterisque, N 66-67) [11229]
Seminaire Palaiseau 1978.
Seminaire Palaiseau 1978: Premiere classe de Chern et courbure de Ricci: preuve de la conjecture de Calabi.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1978.-169 p. (Asterisque, N 58) [11226]
Seminaire Pierre Lelong
Seminaire Pierre Lelong. (Analyse). Annee 1970-1971.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1972.182 p. (Lecture Notes in Math., v. 275) [5857, 13383]
Seminaire Pierre Lelong.
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Seminaire Pierre Lelong.
Seminaire Pierre Lelong (Analyse) Annee 1972-1973.-Berlin: Springer, 1974.-181 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., N 410) [13429]
Seminaire sur la geometrie algebrique reelle
Seminaire sur la geometrie algebrique reelle: Paris VII - 1986 /J.-J.Risler, ed.-Paris: Univ. Paris VII, 1986.-152 p. (Publ. Math. Univ. Paris VII,N 24) [5662]
Seminaire sur les groupes finis
Seminaire sur les groupes finis. (Seminaire Claude Chevalley).-Paris: Univ. Paris VII, 1986.-218 p. (Publ. Math. Univ. Paris VII, N.25.) [5663]
Seminaire sur les groupes finis
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Seminaire sur les groupes finis
Seminaire sur les groupes finis.-Paris: Univ. Paris VII, 1984.-156 p. (Publ. Math. Univ. Paris VII, N 17) [5651]
Seminaire sur les pinceaux arithmetiques
Seminaire sur les pinceaux arithmetiques: La conjecture de Mordell /L.Szpiro, auth.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1985.-288 p. (Asterisque, N 127) [5623]
Seminaire sur les pinceaux...
Seminaire sur les pinceaux de courbes elliptiques (a la recherche de "Mordell effectif").Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1990.-135 p. (Asterisque, N 183) [11285]
Seminaire sur les princeaux de courbes de gendre
Seminaire sur les princeaux de courbes de gendre au moins deux /L.Szpiro, aut.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1981.-146 p. (Asterisque, N 86) [9105]
Seminaire sur les singularites
Seminaire sur les singularites /Le Dung Trang, ed.-Paris: Uiv. Paris VII, 1980.-222 p. (Publ. Math. Univ. Paris VII, N 7) [5641]
Seminaite Lotharingien...
Seminaire Lotheringien de combinatoire. 18e session: 27-30 mai, 1987, Eremo SS.Pietro e Paolo. /D.Foata, ed.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 1988.-151 p. (Publ. IRMA, 348/S-17) [13698]
Seminar on complex multiplication.
Seminar on complex multiplication. Princeton, 1957-58. /A.Borel, S.Chowla et al..., ed.Berlin: Springer, 1966. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 21) [6230]
Seminar on Fermat's last theorem
Seminar on Fermat's last theorem: 1993-1994, the Fields Institute for research in mathematical sciences, Toronto, Ontario, Canada /V.Kumar Murty, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1995.-266 p. (Canad. Math. Soc. Conf. Proc., v. 17) [9484]
Seminar on harmonic analysis.
1980 Seminar on harmonic analysis.-Providence: Amer. Math. Soc., 1980.-313 p. (Canad. Math. Soc., Conf. Proc., v. 1) [6131]
Seminar on nonlinear partial differential equations
Seminar on nonlinear partial differential equations /S.S.Chern, ed.-N.-Y.: Springer, 1984.-373 p. [3213]
Seminar on probability
Seminar on probability. v. 35.-Japan, 1971. -143 p. [2952]
Seminar on stochastic...
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Real analysis, quantitative topology, and geometric complexity.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1998.67 p.-bibl.: 132. (IHES/M/98/64) [9962]
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Some remarks about fractals.-Bures-surYvette: IHES, 1998.-99 p.-bibl.: 83. (IHES/M/ /98/67) [9965]
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Where the buffalo roam: infinite processes and infinite complexity.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1996.-99 p.-bibl.: 117. (IHES/M/96/77) [9560]
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Units of physical quantities and their dimensions.-Moscow: Mir Publ., 1972.-296 p.bibl.:27. [7203]
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The averaged moduli of smoothness: Applications in numerical methods and approximation.Chichester: J.Wiley & Sons, 1988.-181 p.-bibl.: p.p. 173-178. [8764]
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Image analysis and mathematical morphology.London: Acad. Press, 1982.-610 p.-bibl.: p.p. 590-602. [16453]
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Algebraic groups and class fields. Transl. from French.-New York: 1988.-207 p.-bibl.: 125. (Grad. Texts in Math., v. 117 ) [9563]
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Lie algebras and Lie groups. 1964 lectures given at Harvard University. Part I: Algebras. -N.-Y.: W.A.Benjamin, 1965. [8397]
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Sesiano J.
An introduction to the history of algebra. Solving equations from the Mesopotamian times to the Renaissance.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2009.-174 p. [18952]
Set theory
Set theory: annual Boise Extravaganza in Set Theory (BEST) Conf., March 13-15, 1992, April 10-11, 1993, March 25-27, 1994, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho /T.Bartoszynski, M.Scheepers, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1995.-184 p. (Contem. Math., v. 192.) [9479]
Severa P.
Contact reductions, mechanics and duality.Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-8 p. (IHES/M/99/38) [10016]
Severa P.
Duality and TFT: a suggestion based on d=2+1.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1998.-7 p. (IHES/M/98/77) [9975]
Several complex variables and complex geometry
Several complex variables and complex geometry./E. Bedford, J.P. D'Angelo...,ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1992.-262 p. (Proc. Symp. Pure Math., v. 52, p. 1) [9712]
Several complex variables and complex geometry
Several complex variables and complex geometry./E. Bedford, J.P. D'Angelo...,ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1992.-368 p. (Proc. Symp. Pure Math., v. 52, p. 2) [9714]
Several complex variables and complex geometry
Several complex variables and complex geometry./E. Bedford, J.P. D'Angelo...,ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1992.-618 p. (Proc. Symp. Pure Math., v. 52, p. 2) [9713]
Several complex variables II
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Several complex variables.
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Une remarque sur les equations aux derivees partielles analytiques.-Bures-sur-Ivette: IHES, 1996.-12 p.-bibl.: 20. (IHES/M/96/6) [9164]
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Analytic functions smooth up to the boundary.-Berlin: Springer, 1988.-213 p.-bibl.: 61. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1312) [6339]
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On the structure of asymptotic space of the Lobachevsky plane.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1998.24 p. (IHES/M/98/15) [9913]
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Shoikhet B.
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Silverman J.H.
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Simms D.J.
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Sinai Ya.G.
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Sinai's Moscow Seminar on dynamical...
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Singularites d'equations...
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Singularites franco-japonaises.
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Singularities and buifurcations
Singularities and buifurcations /V.I.Arnold, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1994.262 p. (Adv. Sov. Math., v. 21) [9068]
Singularities in geometry...
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Singularities in PDE
Singularities in PDE and the calculus of variations. /S.Alama, L.Bronsard, P.J.Sternberg, ed.Providence,R.I.: Amer. Math/ Soc., 2008.-268 p.bibl.: 94. [18166]
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Siu Y.-T., Trautmann G.
Gap-sheaves and extension of coherent analytic subsheaves.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1971.-172 p.-bibl.: 37.(Lecture Notes in Math., v. 172) [5851]
Six papers...
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Six themes...
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Solitons, geometry, ...
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Special functions...
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Specification of parallel algorithms
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Spectral analysis...
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Spectral operator theory...
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Spectral theory...
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Stability problems...
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Stochastic analysis
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Stochastic analysis and applications
Stochastic analysis and applications /M.A. Pinsky, ed.,N.-Y.: M.Dekker, 1984.-460 p. [2959]
Stochastic analysis...
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Stochastic differential...
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Stochastic geometry...
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Stochastic mechanics...
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Stochastic methods...
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Stochastic partial...
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Stochastic partial...
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Stochastic processes...
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Stochastic processes...
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Stochastic space-time models and limit theorems
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Stochastics, algebra and analysis...
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Storia delle matematiche...
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Strategies for sequential search and selection
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Structural properties of polylogarithms
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Structure des schemas...
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Structure theory...
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Structure transverse...
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Studies in memory of Issai Schur.
Studies in memory of Issai Schur. /A.Joseph, A.Melnikov, R.Rentschler, ed.-Boston: Birkhauser, 2003.-365 p. [13941]
Studies in spline functions...
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Sur quelques equations aux derivees partielles
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Surveys in differential geometry
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Surveys in noncommutative geometry.
Surveys in noncommutative geometry. /N.Higson, J.Roe, ed.-Providence,R.I.: Amer. Math.Soc., 2006.190 p. [18243]
Surveys on geometry...
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Susskind L.
The quantum Hall fluid and non-commutative Chern Simons theory. Отт.
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Symbolic dynamics and its applications
Symbolic dynamics and its applications. /P. Walters, ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1992.-452 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 135) [9720]
Symmetric spaces.
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Symmetries and integrability of difference
Symmetries and integrability of difference equations /D.Levi, L.Vinet, P.Winternitz, ed.Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1996.-388 p. (CRM Proc. & Lect. Notes, v. 9) [2960, 2961]
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Sous-espaces invariants d'un operateur et factorisations de sa fonction caracteristique. Отт.: Actes Congres Intern. Math., Nice, 1970, p. 459-465.
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Complements a l'etude des operateurs de classe C_o. Отт.: Acta Sci. Math., 1970, v.31, N 3-4, p. 287-296.
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Complements a l'etude des operateurs de classe C_o. II. Отт.: Acta Sci. Math., 1972, v. 33, N 1-2, p. 113-116.
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On the structure of intertwining operators. Отт.: Acta Scient. Math., 1973, v. 35, p. 225-254.
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Operateurs sans multiplicite. Отт.: Acta Scient. Math., 1969, v. 30, N 1-2, p. 1-18.
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The "Lifting theorem" for intertwining operators and some new applications. Отт.: Indiana Univ. Math. J., 1971, v. 20, N 10, p.901-904.
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Vecteurs cycliques et commutativite des commutants. Отт.: Acta Scient. Math., 1971, v. 32, N 1-2, p. 177-183.
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