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Последнее обновление 21 мая 2012

Число в квадратных скобках в конце заглавия означает инвентарный номер.

Gaal S.A.
Linear analysis and representation theory.Berlin: Springer, 1973.-688 p.-bibl.: p.p. 663-671. [5490, 16272]
Gaal S.A.
Point set topology.-N.-Y.: Acad. Press, 1964.-317 p. [5478, 18065]
Gabber O., Joseph A.
Towards the Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture. Отт.: Ann. Scient. Ecole Norm. Super., 4e serie, 1981, t. 14, p. 261-302.
Gabriel P., Zisman M.
Calculus of fractions and homotopy theory.Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1967.-168 p. (Ergeb. Math. und Ihrer Grenzgeb., Bd. 35) [3542]
Gachet F.
Structure fuchsienne pour des modules differentiels sur une couronne ultrametrique.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 1997.-47 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, N 49) [9096]
Gadbled A.
Sous-varietes lagrangiennes monotones.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2008.-111 p.bibl.: 50. [18660]
Gaeta G
Iterating the Poincare normalization.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1996.-11 p. (IHES/P/96/71) [9554]
Gaeta G.
Poincare renormalized forms.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1996.-23 p. (IHES/P/96/74) [9557]
Gaeta G.
Reduction of normal forms.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.-4 p. (IHES/P/97/03) [9728]
Gaeta G., Morando P.
Michel theory of symmetry breaking and gauge theories.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.13 p.-bibl.: 82. (IHES/P/1997/08) [9817]
Gaiko V.A.
Global bifurcation theory and Hilbert's sixteenth problem.-Boston: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 2003.182 p.-bibl.: 228. (Math and its Appl.,N 559) [14653]
Gaitsgory D.
Construction on central elements in the affine Hecke algebra via nearby cycles. Отт.: 21 p.
Gaitsgory D.
Notes on 2D conformal field theory and string theory. Отт.: 68 p.
Gallavotti G.
Atomism, Boltzmann and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.-9 p. (IHES/P/97/33) [9836]
Gallavotti G.
Breakdown and regeneration of time reversal symmetry in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.-11 p. (IHES/P/97/31) [9834]
Gallavotti G.
Fluctuation patterns and conditional reversibility in nonequilibrium systems.-Bures-sur-Yvette, 1997.-12 p. (IHES/P/97/32) [9835]
Gallavotti G.
Methods in the theory of quasi periodic motions.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.-12 p. (IHES/P/97/30) [9833]
Gallavotti G.
Quasi periodic motions from Hipparchus to Kolmogorov.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-14 p. (IHES/P/99/74) [10132]
Gallavotti G., Ruelle D.
SRB states and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics close to equilibrium.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.-8 p. (IHES/P/97/19) [9824]
Gallot S., Hulin D., Lafontaine J.
Riemannian geometry.-Berlin: Springer, 1987.248 p.-bibl.: p.p. 241-144. [8714]
Galois connections...
Galois connections and applications. /Denecke K., Erne M., Wismath S.L., ed.-Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 2004.-501 p.-bibl.: p.p. 492-498. [17093]
Galois groups over Q: Proc. of a workshop
Galois groups over Q: Proc. of a workshop, March 23-27, 1987 /Y.Ihara, K.Ribel, J.-P. Serre, ed.-New York: Springer, 1989.-450 p. [9570]
Galois groups...
Galois groups and their representations: Proc. Symp., Nagoya, Dec. 14-18, 1981. /Y.Ihara, ed.-Amsterdam: N.-Holl., 1983.-172 p. [11997]
Galois representations and arithmetic algebraic
Galois representations and arithmetic algebraic geometry /Y.Ihara, ed.-Tokyo: Kinokuniya Co., 1987.-374 p.(Adv. Stud. Pure Math., v. 12) [9529]
Galtchouk L., Konev V.
Sequential estimation of the parameters in unstable AR(2).-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2004.-24 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, 2004/009) [16362]
Galtchouk L., Pergamenshchikov S.
Adaptive nonpametric estimation in heteroscedastic regression models. Part 1: Sharp non-asymptotic oracle inequalities.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2007.-22 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, 2007/09) [18656]
Galtchouk L., Pergamenshchikov S.
Adaptive nonparametrc estimation in heteroscedastic regression models. Part 2: Asymptotic effeciency.Strasbourg: IRMA, 2007.-36 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, 2007/10) [18657]
Galtchouk L., Pergamenshchikov S.
Adaptive sequential estimation for ergodic diffusion processes in quadratic methric. Part 1: Sharp non-asymptotic oracle inequalities.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2007.-34 p. (Prepubl. IRMA 2007/06) [17773]
Galtchouk L., Pergamenshchikov S.
Adaptive sequential estimation for ergodic diffusion processes in quadratic metric. Part 2: Asymptotic efficiency.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2007.34 p. (Prepubl. IRMA 2007/07) [17774]
Galtchouk L., Pergamenshchikov S.
Asymptotically efficient estimates for nonparametric regression models.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2004.-16 0. (Prepubl. IRMA, 2004/08) [16086]
Galtchouk L., Pergamenshichikov S.
Efficient adaptive nonparametric estimation in heteroscedastic regression models.-Strasbour: IRMA, 2005.-48 p. (Prepubl. IRMA 2005/020) [17364]
Galtchouk L., Pergamentchikov S.
Estimateurs sequentiels a noyau et aux polynomes locaux pour le probleme d'estimation nonparametrique de la derive d'un processus de diffusion.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2000.-42 p.-bibl.: 32. (Prepubl. IRMA, N 58) [13706]
Galtchouk L.I., Mirochnitchenko T.P.
Optimal stopping problem for continuous local martingales and some sharp inequalities.Strasbourg: IRMA, 1995.-11 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, 1995/25) [9525]
Galtchouk L.I., Novikov A.A.
Wald equation. Discrete time case.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 1995.-9 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, 1995/ /25) [9525]
Gambaudo J.-M., Pecou E.E.
Dynamical cocycles with values in the Artin braid group.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1997.-17 p. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint N 5) [10467]
Gamet C.
Theoremes de convergence en moyenne et entropie metrique en theorie ergodique.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 1996.-81 p.-bibl.: p.p. 76-81. (Prepubl. IRMA, N 31) [9047]
Ganelius T.H.
Tauberian remainder theorems.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1971.-75 p.-bibl.: p.p. 72-75. (Lect. Notes in Math., N 232) [16640]
Gangbo W., McCann R.J.
The geometry of optimal transportation.-Bures-sur-Ivette: IHES, 1996.-51 p.-bibl.: 41. (IHES/M/96/16) [9514]
Gangolli R., Varadarajan V.S.
Harmonic analysis of spherical functions on real reductive groups.-Berlin: Springer, 1988.-365 p.-bibl.: p.p. 357-362. (Ergeb. Math. und Grenzgeb., v. 101) [3210]
Gannoukh S.
Factorisation de certains nombres de classes relatifs.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2003.-119 p.-bibl.: 31. (Prepubl. IRma, 2003/28) [16082]
Gantmacher F.
Lectures in analytical mechanics.-Moscow: Mir Publ., 1970.-264 p.-bibl.: 27. [7204]
Garcia C.B., Zangwill W.I.
Pathways to solutions, fixed points, and equilibria.-Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1981.-479 p.-bibl.: p.p. 459-472. [5498]
Gardiner F.P.
Teichmuller theory and quadratic differentials.-N.-Y.: J.Wiley & Sons, 1987.-236 p.bibl.: p.p. 225-231. [2888, 10197]
Garding L.
Singularitiers in linear wave propagation.Berlin: Springer, 1987.-125 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1241) [6280]
Gardner M.
Mathematical puzzles and diversions.-N.-Y.: Simon & Schuster,1961.-253 p. [5519]
Garibaldi S., Merkurjev A., Serre J.-P.
Cohomological invariants in Galois cohomology.Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2003.-168 p. bibl.: p.p. 159163. [18367]
Garland H., Grojnowski I.
Affine" Hecke algebras asscociated to Kac-Moody groups. Отт.: 7 p.
Garling D.J.H.
A course in Galois theory.-Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1986.-167 p. [2889]
Garsia A.M., Reutenauer C.
A decomposition of Solomon's descent algebra.-Paris: LITP , 1989.-65 p.-bibl.: 24. (LITP -89 - 67) [9403]
Gasbarri C.
Geometry of numbers over arithmetic projective spaces.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.-23 p. (IHES/M/97/75) [9877]
Gasbarri C.
Zero cycles, rank two Hermitian vector bundles and adjoint systems over arithmetic surfaces.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.17 p. (IHES/M/97/79) [9881]
Gasbarri C., McQuillan M.
Roth's theorem for rules surfaces.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-15 p. (IHES/M/99/89) [10509]
Gasqui J., Goldschmidt H.
Defomations infinitesimales des structures conformes plates.-Boston: Birkhauser, 1984.226 p. [8715]
Gaughan E.D.
Introduction to analysis.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1998.-240 p. [18930]
150 years after Gauss' "Disquisitiones generales circa superficies curvas" with the original text of Gauss.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1979.153 p. (Asterisque, N 62) [11228]
Gauss C.F.
Mathematisches Tagebuch. 1796-1814.-Leipzig: Akad. Verlag, 1976.-95 p. [3007, 3154]
Gavarini F.
Dual affine quantum groups.-Starsbourg: IRMA, 1997.-32 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, N 44) [9153]
Gawedzki K.
Conformal field theory: a case study.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-55 p.-bibl.: 38. (IHES/ /P/99/30) [10010]
Gawedzki K.
Coulomb gas representation of the SU(2) WZW correlators at higher genera.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1994.-9 p. (IHES/M/94/25) [13755]
Gawedzki K.
Easy turbulence.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-26 p. (IHES/P/99/56) [10129]
Gawedzki K.
Intermittency of passive advection.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1998.-10 p. (IHES/P/98/22) [9920]
Gawedzki K.
Lectures on conformal field theory.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.-77 p. (IHES/P/97/02) [9727]
Gawedzki K.
Quantum group symmetries in conformal field theory. Отт.: "Oji Semin. on quantum analysis", Kyoto, 1992.-p. 1-13.
Gawedzki K.
SU(2) WZNW model at higher genera from gauge field functional integral.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1993.-11 p. (IHES/M/93/66) [13753]
Gawedzki K.
SU(2) WZW theory at higher genera.-Bures-surYvette: IHES, 1994.-44 p. (IHES/M/94/10) [13754]
Gawedzki K.
Turbulence under a magnifying class.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1996.-28 p.-bibl.: 45. (IHES/ /P/96/62) [9474]
Gawedzki K., Todorov I.T., Tran-Ngoc-Bich P.
Canonical quantization of the boundary Wess-Zumino-Witten model.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2001.-40 p.-bibl.: 40. (IHES/P/01/06) [11478]
Gawedzki K., Tran-Ngoc-Bich P.
Hitchin systems at low genera.-Bures-surYvette: IHES, 1998.-20 p. (IHES/P/98/21) [9919]
Gawedzki K., Tran-Ngoc-Bich P.
Self-duality of the SL_2 Hitchin integrable system at genus two.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.-30 p. (IHES/P/97/80) [9882]
Geer van de S.A.
Regression analysis and empirical processes.Amsterdam: 1987.-152 p. [17342]
Gel'fand I.M., Fuks D.B.
Cohomology of the Lie algebra of formal vector fields. Отт: Math. USSR -Izvestia, 1970, v. 4, N 2, p.327-342.
Gel'fand I.M., Graev M.I., Zelevinskii A.V.
Holonomic systems of equations and series of hypergeometric type. Отт: Soviet Math. Dokl., 1988, v. 36, N 1, p.5-9.
Gel'fand I.M., Zelevinskii A.V., Kapranov M.M.
Equations of hypergeometric type and Newton polyhedra. Отт: Soviet Math. Dokl., 1988, v. 37, N 3, p.678-682.
Gelbart S.
Lectures on the Arthur-Selberg trace formula.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1996.-99p.-bibl.: p.p. 97-99. (Univ. Lect. Ser., v. 9) [3242]
Gelbart S.
Recent results on automorphic L-functions. Отт.: "Number theory, trace formulas and discrete groups", Oslo, 1987, p. 265-280.
Gelbart S., Jaquet H.
A relation between automorphic representations of GL(2) and GL(3). Отт.: Ann. Scient. Ecole Norm. Super., 4e serie, 1978, t. 11. p.471-542.
Gelbart S., Piatetski-Shapiro I.
On Shimura's correspondence for modular forms of half-integral weight. Отт.: "Automorphic forms. Representation theory and arithmetic", Bombay: Tata Inst. Fundam. Res., 1979, p. 1-39.
Gelbart S., Piatetski-Shapiro I., Rallis S.
Explicit constructions of automorphic L-functions.-Berlin: Springer, 1987.-152 p. bibl.: p.p. 142-146. (Lect. Notes in Math., v.1254) [6292, 15396]
Gelbart S., Soudry D.
On Whittaker models and the vanishing of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms. Отт.: Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., Math. Sci., 1987, v. 97, N 1-3, p. 67-74.
Gelbart S.S.
A theory of Stiefel harmonics. Отт.: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 1974, v. 192, p. 29-50.
Gelbart S.S.
Automorphic forms on adele groups.-Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1975.-268 p.-bibl.: p.p. 260-263. [17604]
Gelbart S.S.
Weil's representation and the spectrum of the metaplectic groups.- Berlin: Springer, 1976.-140 p. (Lecture Notes in Math., v. 530.) [5875]
Gelbart S.S., Knapp A.W.
L-indistinguishability and R groups for the special linear group. Отт.: Adv. Math., 1982, v. 43 N 2, p. 101-121.
Gelbart S.S., Rogawski J.D.
L-functions and Fourier-Jacobi coefficients for the unitary group U(3). Отт.: 45 p.
Gelfand I.M., Graev M.I., Rosu R.
The problem of integral geometry and intertwining operators for a pair of real Grassmannian manifolds. Отт.: J. Operator Theory, 1984, v. 12, p.359-383.
Gelfand I.M., Graev M.I., Rosu R.
The problem of integral geometry for p-dimensional planes in real projective space (the non-local variant). Отт.
Gelfand I.M., Kirillov A.A.
Sur les corps lies aux algebres enveloppantes des algebres de Lie. Отт: Publ. Math. IHES, 1966, N 31, p. 509-523.
Gelfand I.M., Zelevinsky A.V.
Representation models for classical groups and their higher symmetries. Отт: Asterisque, hors series, 1985, p. 117-128.
Gelfand I.M.,F Fomin S.V.
Calculus of variations.-Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1963.-232 p. [16546]
Gelfand S., Kazhdan D.
Extensions of representations of p-adic nilpotent groups. Отт.: 18 p.
Gelfand S., MacPherson R.
Verma modules and Schubert cells: a dictionary.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1980.-49 p. (IHES/M/80/45) [10680]
General algebra, 1988
General algebra, 1988: Proc. Conf. W.Nobauer, Krems, Aug. 21-27, 1988.-Amsterdam: N.-Holl., 1990.- 265 p. [2890]
General topology and its relations to modern analysis
General topology and its relations to modern analysis and algebra. VI: Proc. 6th Prague Topol. Symp., Aug. 25-29, 1986. /Z.Frolik, ed.-Berlin: Heldermann, 1988.-728 p. [3277]
General topology and its relations to modern analysis..
General topology and its relations to modern analysis and algebra. Proc. Symp., Prague, Sept. 1961.-Prague: Czech. Acad. Sci., 1962.-364 p. [18071]
General topology...
General topology and its relation to modern analysis and algebra. Proc. Kanpur topological conf., 1968.- Prague: Czech. Acad. Sci., 1971.332 p. [11680]
Genestier A.
Espaces symmetriques de Drinfeld.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1996.-124 p. (Asterisque, N 234) [11061]
Gentile G.
Large deviation rule for Anosov flows.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1996.-22 p.-bibl.: 38. (IHES/ /P/96/19) [9430]
Gentile G.
Quasiperiodic motions in dynamical systems: Review of a renormalization group approach. Отт.: J. Math. Phys., 2010, v. 51, p. 015207015207-34.
Gentile G., Mastropietro V.
A possible mechanism for the KAM tori breakdown.-Bures-sur-Yvette, 1996.-5 p. (IHES/P/96/39) [9450]
Gentile G., Mastropietro V.
Anderson localization for the Holstein model.Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-29 p. (IHES/P/99/78) [10377]
Gentille G.
Fluctuation theorem for Anosov systems.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1996.-5 p. (IHES/P/96/49) [9461]
Geometric analysis
Geometric analysis: Proceedings of an AMS special session, October 12-13, 1991 /E.L. Grinberg, ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1992.-167 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 139 [9725]
Geometric and algorithmic aspects...
Geometric and algorithmic aspects of computer-aided design and manufacturing. DIMACS Workshop, Oct. 7-9, 2003, Piscataway. /R.Janardan, M.Smid, D.Dutta, ed.-Providence, R.I., 2005.-346 p. [18368]
Geometric and computational perspectives
Geometric and computational perspectives on infinite groups: Proc. Joint DIMACS/Geometry Center Workshop, January 3-14 and March 17-20, 1994 /G.Baumslag et al., ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1996.-212 p. (DIMACS, v. 25) [9491]
Geometric and topological invariants of elliptic
Geometric and topological invariants of elliptic operators: Proc. AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference, July 23-29, 1988 /J.Kaminker, ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1990.-297 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 105) [2765, 11109]
Geometric aspects...
Geometric aspects of functional analysis: Israel Semin. (GAFA), 1986-1987. /J.Lindenstrauss, V.D.Milman, ed.-Belin: Springer, 1988.-289 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1317) [6344]
Geometric combinatorics.
Geometric combinatorics. /E.Miller, V.Reiner, B.Sturmfels, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2007.-692 p. [18995]
Geometric measure theory and the calculus of
Geometric measure theory and the calculus of variations /W.K.Allard, F.J.Almgren, Jr., ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1986. -464 p. (Proc. Symp. Pure Math., v. 44) [3093]
Geometric topology
Geometric topology: 1993 Georgia Intern. Topology Conf., Aug. 2-13, 1993, Univ. Georgia /W.H.Kazez, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1997.-473 p. (Stud. Adv. Math., v. 2, p. 2) [3183]
Geometric topology
Geometric topology: 1993 Georgia Intern. Topology Conf., Aug. 2-13, 1993, Univ. Georgia /W.H.Kazez, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1997.-604 p. (Stud. Adv. Math., v. 2, p. 1) [3182]
Geometric topology
Geometric topology: Joint U.S.-Israel workshop on geometric topology, June 10-166, 1992, Technion, Haifa, Israel /C.Gordon, Y.Moriah, B.Wajnryb, ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1994.-246 p.(Contemp. Math., v. 164) [5753]
Geometrie complexe...
Geometrie complexe et systemes dynamiques. Colloque en l'honneur d'Adrien Douady, Orsay, 1995. /M.Flexor, P.Sentenac, J.-C.Yoccoz, ed.Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2000.-443 p. (Asterisque, N 261) [2418]
Geometrie des surfaces K3.
Geometrie des surfaces K3: modules et periodes: Seminaire Palaiseau, Octobre 1981 - Janvier 1982.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1985.193 p. (Asterisque, N 126) [9093]
Geometrie diferentielle ...
Geometrie differentielle, physique mathematique, mahematiques et societe. (I). Volume en l'honneur de Jean Pierre Bourguignon. /O.Hijazi, ed.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2008.-298 p. (Asterisque, N 321) [8145]
Geometrie differentielle
Geometrie differentielle.-Paris: Univ. Paris VII, 1978.-156 p. (Publ. Math. Univ. Paris VII, N 3) [5637]
Geometrie differentielle ...
Geometrie differentielle, physique mathematique, mathematiques et societe.(II). Volume en l'honneur de Jean Pierre Bourguignon. /J.Hijazi, ed.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2008.-255 p. (Asterisque, N 322) [15728]
Geometrie symplectique...
Geometrie symplectique et mecanique: Colloq. Int., La Grande Motte, 23-28 Mai, 1988. /C.Albert, ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1990.-289 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1416) [6411]
Geometry and analysis of manifolds.
Geometry and analysis of manifolds: Proc. 21st Intern. Taniguchi Symp., Katata, Aug. 23-29 and Conf., Kyoto, Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 1987. /T.Sunada, ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1988.-277 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1339) [6363, 13426]
Geometry and nonlinear partial differential equations
Geometry and nonlinear partial differential equations: Proc. AMS special session, March 23-24, 1990 /V.Oliker, A.Treibergs, ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1992.-154 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 127) [2786]
Geometry and quantum field theory
Geometry and quantum field theory /D.S. Freed, K.K.Uhlenbeck, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1995.-460 p.(IAS/Park City Math. Ser., v. 1) [8398]) 8398
Geometry and topology of manifolds.
Geometry and topology af manifolds. /H.U.Boden, I.Hambleton et all., ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2005.-348 p. [18369]
Geometry and topology.
Geometry and topology: manifolds, varieties, and knots /C.McCrory, T.Shifrin, ed.-N.-Y.: Marcel Dekker, 1987.-350. (Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math., v. 105) [45]
Geometry II.
Geometry II. Spaces of constant curvature. /E.B.Vinbeerg, ed.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1993.254 p. [16717]
Geometry of algebraic cycles.
The geometry of algebraic cycles. /R.Akhtar, P.Bronsan, R.Joshua, ed. Proc. Conf., Columbus, Ohio, March 25-29, 2008.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2010.-188 p. [18931]
Geometry of differential equations.
Geometry of differential equations. /A.Khovanskii et al., ed.-Providence R.I.: Amer.Math. Soc., 1998.-194 p. (Adv. in Math. Sci., v. 39) [6445]
Geometry of group representations
Geometry of group representations: Proc. AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Res. Conf., July 5-11, 1987 /W.M.Goldman, A.R.Magid, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1988.-312 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 74) [3285]
Geometry of Laplace operator
Geometry of Laplace operator.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1980.-323 p. (Proc. Symp. Pure Math., v. 36) [2994]
Geometry of random motion
Geometry of random motion: Proc. AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Smmer Res. Conf., July 19-25, 1987 /R.Durrett, M.A.Pinsky, ed.- Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1988.-327 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 730) [3286]
Geometry of solutions...
Geometry of solutions to partial differential equations: Proc. Conf., Cortona, 16-21 June, 1988.-London: Acad. Press, 1989.-174 p. (Symp. Math., v. 30) [11119]
Geometry of the master equation...
The geometry of the master equation and topological quantum field theory. Отт.
Geometry of the spectrum
Geometry of the spectrum: 1993 joint summer research conference on spectral geometry, July 17-23,1993, University of Washington, Seattle /R.Brooks, C.Gordon, P.Perry, ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1994.-300 p.(Contemp. Math., v. 173) [7641]
Geometry Symposium.
Geometry Symposium. Utrecht, 1980: Proc. Symp.. Utrecht, Aug. 27-29, 1980.-Berlin: Springer, 1981.153 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., N 894) [16356]
Geometry today.
Geometry today: Intern. Conf., Rome, June 4-11, 1984. /E.Arbarello et al... ed.-Boston: Birkhauser, 1985.-329 p. [8716]
Geometry, topology and physics for Raoul Bott
Geometry, topology and physics for Raoul Bott./S.-T.Yau, ed.-Intern. Press, 1995.-538 p. (Conf. Proc. & Lect. Notes in Geom. Topol., v. 4) [9681]
Geometry, topology...
Geometry, topology, and mathematical physics. S.P.Novikov's seminar: 2002-2003. /V.M.Buchstaber, I.M.Krichever, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2004.-324 p. (Transl. Amer. Math. Soc., Ser. 2., N 212) [14654, 16501]
Geometry, topology...
Geometry, topology, and mathematical physics. S.P.Novikov's seminar: 2006-2007. /V.M.Buchstaber, I.M.Krichever, ed.-Povidence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2008.-284 p. (Transl. Amer. Math. Soc., Ser. 2, v. 224) [18996]
George C.
Exercises in integration.-N.-Y.: Springer, 1984.-550 p. [2891]
Georgiev G., Mathieu O.
Categorie de fusion pour les groupes de Chevaley. Отт.: 4 p.
Geradin P.
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Grobner W.
Algebraische Geometrie. Teil 2: Arithmetische Theorie der Polynomringe.-Mannheim: Hochschultaschebucher Verlag, 1970.-268 S. [16526]
Grogoriev D.
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Gromov M.
CAT(k)-spaces: construction and concentratio.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2001.-35 p. (IHES/M/01/24) [12058]
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Endomorphisms of symbolic algebraic varieties.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1998.-77 p. (IHES/M/98/56) [9954]
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Isoperimetry of waists and concentration of maps.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2002.-42 p. (IHES/M/02/04/) [8841]
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Local and global in geometry.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-12 p. (IHES/M/99/96) [10512]
Gromov M.
Mesoscopic curvature and hyperbolicity.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2001.-12 p. (IHES/M/01/26) [12060]
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Topological invariants of dynamical systems and spaces of holomorphic maps.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-109 p. (IHES/M/99/80) [10726]
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Gromov-Witten theory...
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Gross B.H.
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Grothendieck Festschrift
The Grothendieck Festschrift. A collection of articles written in honor of 60th birthday of Alexander Grothendieck. v. 2 /P.Cartier, L.Illusie e. a..., ed.-Boston: Birkhauser, 1990.-563 p. (Progress in Math., v. 87) [3096]
Grothendieck Festschrift
The Grothendieck Festschrift. A collection of articles written in honor of 60th birthday of Alexander Grothendieck. v. 3 /P.Cartier, L.Illusie e. a..., ed.-Boston: Birkhauser, 1990.-495 p. (Progress in Math., v. 88) [3097]
Group theoretial methods...
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Group theoretical methods in physics
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Group theoretical methods in physics
Group theoretical methods in physics: Proceedings of the IX International colloquium held at Cocoyoc, Mexico, June 23-27, 1980 / K.B.Wolf, ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1980.-630 p. (Lecture Notes in Phys., v. 135) [5846, 13360]
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Groupes de Galois ...
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Groupes de type...
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Groupes reductifs et formes automorphes
Groupes reductifs et formes automorphes.Paris: Univ. Paris VII, 1977.-156 p. (Publ. Math. Univ. Paris VII, N 1) [5635]
Groups and diffeomorphisms.
Groups and diffeomorphisms in honor of Shigeyuki Morita on the occasion of his 60th birthday. /R.Penner et al., ed.-Tokyo: Math. Soc. Japan., 2008.524 p. [18970]
Groups and symmetries.
Groups and symmetries. From neolithic scots to John McKay. /J.Harnad, P.Winternitz, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2009.-366 p. (CRM Proc. & Lect. Notes, v. 47) [18901]
Groups of self-equivalences ...
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Groups, rings...
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Guha P.
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Guha P.
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Guichardet A.
Introduction to quantum groups (formal point of view). Отт.: Intern. Centr. Theoret. Phys., SMR.686/1, p.1-14.
Guichardet A.
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Gurvic V.A.
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Rambler's Top100